Why Is This Channel Taking Over The Trending Page???

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Danny should probably change his second channel name to "Danny Gonzalez GOLD" now.

Or start a third channel.

And a fourth.

And then upload videos every day so his videos become quantity driven instead of quality driven.

And then burn out.

And then become homeless.

And that would be G O L D.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/Meljusenr 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love how easy it is to tell that these channels are Russian/Ukrainian based, and I love how they attempt to be VERY Western. I live in Russia and my husband (native Russian) and I love pointing out the very Russian aspects of these channels — from the power outlets to the money they “dropped on the floor.” As an American, you haven’t seen half-dollars in use because they’re impractical, but someone who has never used currency in the US would think a half-dollar is in a common consumer’s circulation. I love watching Troom Troom’s vidéos and thé like because Russian idioms are often translated into English and they make NO SENSE and I LOVE IT

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/tiny__vessel 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Im a doctorrrrrrrrr

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/cococatuwu 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I need the ratatoing shirt he’s wearing

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/karisjohnson 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

The moment I saw this video in trending I knew he would make a video on it.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/pepper-with-no-salt- 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I JUST DISCOVERED SOMETHING! If you go to 123 GO’s Russian channel and then go to the channels option on there Russian Chanel, there affiliated with Bright Side and Actually Happened. Thus, there is obviously a greater Universe at work witch i will choose to call the: Stupid and Ridiculous Crafts and Experiments Universe or S.R.C.E.U. universe. In the S.R.C.E.U Universe there are enemies around every corner like: DR.Logic and his evil army of common sense and knowledge, or Madam Reasonability and her awful henchman that will conflict Common knowledge upon you. However the most diabolical, evil, and most reasonable villain of all is... DR.DANNY AND HIS HORRIBLE INTROVERTED WORKERS THAT ATACK THESE VIDEOS INSTEAD OF AHVING FRIENDS!!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Raven1098746537 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

One of those 123 Go girls is in Troom Troom videos. Or 5 minute craft videos? Idk but they're definitely all owned by the same people.

Theory: Troom Troom has become too associated with ridiculousness so it's been rebranded as 123 Go.

Also I'm almost positive it's the same narrator as Troom Troom just talking in a calmer voice.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/albinoblackbird 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up Greg I hope you're all having a great day welcome back to my channel this of course is another episode of one two three no real quick before we get started I keep forgetting to say this but thank you guys for 3 million subscribers I think the reason I keep forgetting to say it is because it doesn't feel real sometimes when I think about how many subscribers I have I get too weirded out and it feels weird to me that I even have more than a hundred thousand subscribers if a couple years ago you told me that I had a hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube I'd be like oh man I'm living the good life that was like my goal a couple years ago to hit a hundred thousand subscribers so the fact that I now have 30 times that amount is insane and it doesn't feel real but thank you guys for supporting me it really means the world to me it's very cool that you guys watch my videos and then the other thing is thank you to those of you who came to the tour the tours over now it ended in October I also keep forgetting to mention this the tour was so fun one of the coolest things I've ever done getting to hang out with drew and Curtis all day every day was so fun and probably my favorite part I got to meet a lot of people that watch my videos and like comment and tweet at me all the time so even though I'm really glad to be home I miss Laura I missed my whole life it's definitely something I want to do again someday so if you didn't get a chance to come I'm sure there will be another chance to see me in the future if you did get to come thank you so much anyway enough being sappy it's time to complain guys shroom shroom has a new competitor a new foe has entered the match a new challenger has appeared one two three go I found this channel a couple of days ago they're pretty much just like trim trim they do pranks they do DIY stuff life hacks crafts anything that room trim does one two three go does and they're coming for the crown baby they're coming for that sweet sweet crafting crown check out your new dresser Mia well done they want to be the crafting King when I say one two three go is a channel what I really mean is that they're like a conglomerate of like a thousand channels I think the reason I found them is because the other day I was scrolling on the trending page and they had three videos on the trending page they had one at number 15 one at number four and then one at number one on the trending page they were dominating the trending page on YouTube for like an entire day which doesn't seem legit at all it seems very suspicious I don't know how they manage that it's very strange and the other weird thing is that they're all in different channels of at number one on trending was on the main channel one two three go but then there's this other video that was on one two three go challenge and then the third one is on one two three go gold I don't know why they have so many channels it seems like they pretty much do the same thing on every channel I don't know if it's some way to like trick the trending or manipulate the algorithm or something I don't know I'm not smart but I watched all of these videos and damn they're not good it seems that one two three go is not only coming for the craft crown but they're coming for the cringe crown so let's go ahead and take a look at these videos and see if they're really worthy of the cringe crown or the craft crown okay this first one is called cool girly and beauty hacks smart DIY hacks for girls now I'm not a girl I'm a Greg so I don't know how well I'll be able to judge these but I've seen girls before so I feel like I'm qualified to judge this video there are all kinds of life hacks but for us ladies there are a whole mess of girly hacks out there that serve us way better well when it comes to girly hacks there's a thin line between subtle trickery and full-on ridiculousness Oh see what I mean I feel like at the beginning of the video they're already firing shots at other DIY channels they're like some DIY hacks out there are just plain ridiculous so stick with us cuz ours are good at normal spoiler alert they're not I don't know if you can tell but I don't wear a lot of makeup and I don't watch makeup tutorials so I don't know how accurate this is but like has there ever been a beauty tutorial ever that has been like go ahead and cover your whole face with lipstick do you wish your lips were bigger and more lush well how about turning your whole face into lips make your whole face lips how about turning into a giant lip monster does that sound nice wanna because look like a big Red Lobster all right let's get curling shall we starting with the front good thinking Amy looks like that electric current just did Amy's hair for her your Harry's what happened huh where did that green electricity come from just gotta be a way we can fix this take this old socket hell first take a good chunk of hair and separate it from the rest wrap the rest of the strand around the remaining caning material I'm sorry what is the problem that this hack is trying to solve what happened a perfectly good curling iron uh-oh you might want to throw that [ __ ] in the trash because you see if lightning strikes your house while you're doing your hair lightening could flow through your house and into your curling iron and then it could kind of mess up your hair Oh No so because of that one-in-a-million risk you're gonna want to throw your curling iron in a [ __ ] furnace and use a sock from now on for the record I know that it's possible to burn your hair with a curling iron but that's not what happened electricity green electricity came through the cord and electrocuted her that I don't think happens okay let's see the magic unfold shall we um is it just me or are those sock curls just as fabulous as curling iron Co okay that's kind of a nice hack if it works I just feel like this story was a little bit off like she should have forgot her curling iron and then used a sock to curl her hair don't say that a curling iron is not gonna work obviously they work that's why people use them and they don't just randomly electrocute people let's see I don't want we solved ooh spicy dressing that'll work we know there's one last drop and it ends up on my white t-shirt really maybe it'll come out with water oh that didn't work what do I do shaving cream it's worth a try right I like the little stories that they add in between the hacks that gives them like a reason to use the hacks it's not just DIY hack after DIY hack there's a little story it's a nice look it's almost like a little beauty movie but her logic in this scene as a character just doesn't really make sense to me it's just kind of weird that she has no idea if the shaving cream would work or not like she has no reason to think shaving cream would fix her stain but she's just like I don't [ __ ] know a shaving cream it's worth a try and she just randomly stumbles upon this amazing life hack does she do this every time it gets a stain just reaches for the nearest liquid and pours it all over her shirt in hopes that it has stain removing properties I just feel like it would be more realistic if sometimes she tried like a random beauty hack that she had a hunch would work and it just doesn't at all like oh no I ripped my pants on the way to class I'm gonna look like the dumbest stupid [ __ ] idiot in the whole class weight a lighter could I melt my jeans and meld them back together it's worth a shot and then it just cuts to him standing in front of the smoldering remains of his house like what have I done I feel like that would be more realistic personally oh hey Lana Lana your hair looks amazing pink is so your color Wow why am I suddenly hating my boring brown hair yo I got you girl check out this super easy hair hat just spray some color on a brush and ooh you're in for an exciting color explosion what kind of color was that she just said spray some color on a brush was that spray paint what was it was it spray hair dye they didn't say they just said spray some color on a brush just spray some color on my brush just pure color just spray some pure blue the essence of blue just gather up the color blue and then put it in your hair I don't know where to get that brace yourself Lilly's here it comes whoa your hair's turning blue before our very eyes maybe I'm missing something but couldn't you just spray the hair with the color why did you need to spray it all over a brush now you use that brush anymore now the brush is blue forever or until you get it out somehow this [ __ ] makes no sense thumbs down wait wait wait life hacks not making sense what kind of world do we live in if you put a deeper shade of foundation lightly onto a brush you can kiss your skin with some adorable freckles with this sharp bobby pin on a couch like this Oh something just had to be right in the foot I see you you little sucker oh let's see if my mascaras in here yes another evil bobby pin strikes again are these things can spurring against me or something if you're a girl there's no doubt you understand the plight of stray bobby pins what is going on this seems like such an overreaction to touching a bobby pin they're having it on your finger also does this even happen that much when you reach into things you come out with bobby pins all over your fingers seems like it's really hurting her every time - just having a bobby pin just lightly clamped on your finger hurt that bad the girl in the video is like oh so what hell I'm a doctor huh you ask for help I'm a doctor where the [ __ ] am I Hospital you ask for help I'm a doctor oh yeah I have a bobby pin on my finger [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we have to take an x-ray right now put your finger in there okay oh [ __ ] Oh what your finger is [ __ ] up that is a [ __ ] up finger is it broken broken no you your bone is just dust there's nothing to be broken there's no bone anymore your fingers basically just a bag of sand oh well can you fix it I'm afraid the only thing we can do at this point is just cut off your whole ass arm that makes sense all right let me just grab my knife oh [ __ ] no anyway the solution is to put it in a tic-tac case simply put those bad boys in there and you're all set all right that's the end of that video the next one is very strange it's a little bit different this one is on the channel one two three go challenge and it's called wearing long acrylic nails for 24 hours longest nails ever funny pranks by one two three go challenge this one is more of like a long skit than any sort of practical information any kind of useful DIY tips it's just a it's just a long skit about this guy's life being ruined so basically this guy and this girl are hanging out and the guy makes the girl drop all her change you only change my change all my nickels and dimes and quarters and half dollars why do they have half dollars do people even still use half dollars they like I haven't seen a half dollar in like 15 years so she tries picking up the change but she can't because her nails are too long and the guy gets all impatient fine I'll help Oh what was that was that little noise he grunted like a little gremlin this [ __ ] has taken forever so finally he picks up all the change and he puts it in his pocket and he keeps it and he's like you're if you drop it again you're just you won't be able to pick it up so I might as well hold on to it what if you drop it all again it's definitely safer with me so she gets all pissed so later that night she sneaks into his room where he's sleeping but it's the same room he's just sleeping on the couch they probably didn't have another set they just had the couch room says oh that's just where this character sleeps and while he's sleeping she glues really really long acrylics on him as you do and then the rest of the video is just him bumbling around being useless he can't do [ __ ] because he's got really long acrylics he can't seem to figure out how to pick anything up can't really manipulate things well he's making everything look a lot harder than it should he's really playing it up there's one part where he's on the toilet and he tries to wipe his butthole but I guess he's got really long nails so he ends up scratching his butthole you know as to where it's Kevin and then like a couple scenes later he's using his fingernails to skewer food and eat it so that's gross Amy open your eyes there's someone or something in your room it's the light switch I got it no who's there show yourself hey there it was just me I was just standing in your room like this posing like a witch for no reason can you take my nails off please and she does my regular nails I thought I'd never see you again all in all this video was a disaster which brings us through the final video that was on the training page it's called best challenges and pranks on your friends and this one of course is on one two three go goal I'm not sure what makes this one goal maybe it's like their premium content their most golden material dude this [ __ ] is gold is this the best [ __ ] that one-two-three-go has to offer that wouldn't be saying that much honestly let's find out hey girl I think it's time for a style upgrade take this scarf now put it around your neck like this now take each side with opposite arms and flip them around your neck yep like that take the ends and tie them in a simple knot tighten it and poof whoa how did he do that without choking yourself seems kind of dangerous trick your friend into [ __ ] strangling themselves you're gonna have so much fun watching your friend choke to death all because of you geez you didn't tell me this was a life-threatening trick they even say it's a life-threatening prank but no please go ahead try it try the [ __ ] out with a friend it works better on people with asthma or other lung conditions and the best part is you'll get off scot-free your friends gonna strangle themselves to death and the cops will be none the wiser now that's what I call gold Wow that's gold ah the bathroom a private place where one feels most vulnerable also known as the perfect place to pull a prank snag an old toilet paper roll and run it under some water in the sink make sure to really soak it now crinkle it up so it looks like a well do I really have to say it hmm yep looks like a poopy looks just like poop whose poop is that supposed to be that just looks like crumpled up cardboard I don't want to get into the nitty-gritty of what my poop looks like but it doesn't look like that wait for an unsuspecting friend and whoa what the heck is that oh no don't throw up oh no there's poo pee in the toilet where poopy goes oh man I think I'm gonna puke goal finally I'm done packing I can't reach here we go oh [ __ ] a box monster bet you never mind it's just a wedge okay this is actually kind of a good prank it would scare someone but I do feel like it requires a lot of planning and also who who has like a box room in their house is this supposed to be a prank you can do in a friend or is this like for co-workers cuz I could see you having like a storage room at work that's full of boxes but then you're like ruining a bunch of [ __ ] at your job you're like cutting open boxes and they can't use now or is this supposed to be at someone's house like what room could you do this in I've ever been to a friend's house that just had a room full of boxes okay so let's assume that this is supposed to be like at your job you have a storage room full of boxes you bring your own boxes from home you cut them up you're standing there and then you just have to wait for like hours until someone comes back into the storage room and also you're not doing your job you're not at your job because you're hiding in the storage room your boss is all pissed cuz he can't find you and then finally he comes back into the storage room and you scare him and he pees his pants and then you take off the thing and he's like that was you why aren't you doing your [ __ ] job and then he fires you and you can't pay rent and you become homeless and that's gold alright guys well that's it for this week's episode of one two three now I hope you enjoyed it I've been your host Danny like I mentioned in the previous video I've got some new merch on the merch store Randy Gonzalez dot store if you want to get some of that [ __ ] just click the link in the description also I have a new song out I just released today it's called daddy it's on Spotify if you want to stream it it's also on Apple music and iTunes and everywhere else that you would stream thing if you're new here and you're not subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and turn in my notifications to join greg greg is what i call my fans but we're also a family we're in army and we're all one person named gray and all you have to do to become part of greg is subscribe and turn on my notifications i thank you to rebecca rodriguez for turning out my notifications you are truly greg see you guys next time with a really interesting video where i do some random [ __ ] and get kind of quirky but she call me daddy yeah I ain't got no kids but the way she talkin to me you would probably think I didn't call me daddy ya ain't got no kids but the way she talked to me you think I'm her guardian she called me daddy [ __ ] I got those long socks underneath my Brown crotch drinking
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,557,541
Rating: 4.9714541 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor, 123 go, 123, go, diy, crafts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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