Can Any Body Armor Stop M855A1?? (Highcom 3S9)

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hey everybody welcome back to the wound Channel so today we're going to try a another body armor test the m855a1 this is a high comm security 3 s9 so this is ceramic level 3 standalone plate that's uh it's rated for everything level 3 is rated for but they also on their website it says that it's good for green tip and m193 you know at the elevated velocity you can see how thick this plate is it's it's really thick it's well over an inch thick but uh it's not real heavy you know and it does stop m80 308 and below you know all the handgun rounds and everything and it does stop the high-velocity five five six rounds what we don't know is whether or not it will stop one of these extremely hard to find m855a1 rounds you can see the steel penetrator there on the tip and these rounds are really really good at penetrating steel this will be the first time that I've tried them against a ceramic plate I did try m61 which is an armor-piercing black tip 308 versus this hike on hike on plate and it did go through so to be quite honest with you guys I got no idea I don't know if it's going to go through or not but I am curious to find out so I'm going to go ahead and clamp the plate to the table I'll take a step back with a 16 inch barrel ar-15 and send one down here and see what we get okay there you can see the entrance right there and those are all the little holes from whether ceramic bits spray back out of the front will come around here to the back you can see that there's a little bit of a bubble a little bit of a back face deformation there but nothing really bad but no hole so no no penetration from the m855a1 like I said that was a 16 inch barrel and I do have a 22 inch barrel bolt-action gun that produces velocities very similar to a 20 inch AR so I think because I still got room I'm going to flip the plate over and we'll try one from the longer barrel and see if maybe we can tweak one of these through there okay there you can see the second impact from the m855a1 come around to the back and show you no penetration and you see just a little bit of a bubble on the back feel this down so you guys can see just a little bit of a bump here on the back and definitely no penetration so no from the 16 inch and no from the 22 inch for m855a1 versus a 3s 9 plate from hike on security give you guys one more view of the label don't forget to check out my com security comm thanks for watching the wind channel guys we'll see you next time
Channel: The Machine Gun Channel
Views: 64,158
Rating: 4.9409761 out of 5
Keywords: gun, guns, shooting, shooter, shoot, ammo, ammunition, range, operator, ar-15, ar15, glock, shotgun, 9mm, 45acp, 40cal, 40s&w, 10mm, 12, gauge, m855a1, epr, ceramic, body, armor, body armor, highcom, security
Id: fQth9vdjINw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2015
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