This NIJ Level IV Body Armor Will Save Your Life! For $100🤑 RMA Model 1155

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everyone welcome back to the range got an armor test for you today this is a level 4 model 11:45 plate from our ma armament this is one of their newer lines they just released this is a 10 by 12 model wait on this guy has 7 pounds 14 ounces so we're very close to 8 pounds today we're going to see what kind of torture this will take as far as testing goes we're gonna start with our M 2 AP out of our m1 grand it should stop one of those no problem we also have some mata 1 some p80 black tip 308 some m855a1 as well and some of our superfast independence m193 depending how much room on the plate there is we might get all these we might not we'll use our clay briefcase as always the clay is right around 75 degrees I'd like it around 85 for a better representation of back face again my demonstrations are more of a real-world test and I use the clay just as a compressible media for the backing you should never completely rely on my tests to make your decision on purchasing body armor you should always you know refer to official ballistics tests and NIJ certifications this plate is pending certification I'll put a link in the description below but there's actually a list that the NIJ keeps of all the manufacturers and model numbers that actually have paid to have their plate be certified and or compliant with whatever specification NIJ is current at the time currently it's NIJ oh six will be at 45 feet por cuanto pao colonel as always it's may be 12 degrees outside I've had the ammo sitting in an insulated cooler along with the body armor and the clay so they're pretty much at ambient they're obviously gonna start to cool off as they've been out here longer so at first we'll use our m2 ap this is some SL 53 this has a steel core we should be rocking a little over 2,600 feet per second on these I know NIJ calls for 2880 what they typically hand load their cartridges to achieve those velocity so again this is more real-world also I'll put in some footage real quick here I'll splice it in since this is NIJ o6 certification pending we figured we'd do a drop test so I built a drop test rig we dropped our plate there twice on its face before we did this testing essentially you have a 48 inch minimum height the center of the plate you have a wood or steel box that contains ten pounds of that place back face clay and then you drop the plate face-first down to the ground three inches or thicker cements and a sturdy platform here so we have this heavy duty steel plate here we have this wood thing here so it's pretty sturdy and we're just gonna drop it out in space two times and then we're gonna go shoot it so here's the first drop it should fall forward by itself go to the upper right of the plate velocity was 2644 giggles we'll hit the other side of the plate as well 27:32 let's go see what this did [Music] okay here was shot number one and here was shot number two we're a little close to the edge there it's hard to dial in some of these shots sometimes but let's see what happened there is no penetration here's the back of the plate on shot number two that's got the biggest dimple on it I think we were closer to the edge and that's why there's got more back face shot number one over here it's further down the plate and there's barely any dimple there back face again like I said this is a representation not an actual 100% measurement shot number one was eight point two two millimeters shot number two was twenty one point six seven millimeters so level four is ready to stop one of those and that's it we stop too and we've got more room on the plate so let's try a couple other threats while we're here our next two rounds will use the fastest m193 i've ever chronograph which is our independence m1 83 and then we actually have some lake city m855a1 these are not reloads these are original lake city we should get good velocity out of the 20-inch barrel on both of these when you go for thee we're gonna go for the middle of the plate 32:36 that was the m193 3016 for the m855a1 our m193 was right here our m855a1 was right here we're really tearing this plate up but there is no penetration there is I don't even feel any dents in the back that's plate there's maybe five millimeters there on the m193 there's literally nothing over here on the m855a1 so you know everybody online always talks about how ceramic plates are single hit only I think we're kind of proving that otherwise and we've taken four hits two of these are the standard for level four two of these are more your special threat that usually level three plus can handle we just want to test against level four because I don't think a lot of people test it and it's held up fine let's step up to that specialty 308 and see what's going to happen the final two rounds for testing on the left is Mata one this has a steel penetrator in copper core we're right around thirty fifty feet four seconds 130 green projectile on the right is a hundred and fifty two grain steel core P 80 this is commonly mistaken for m61 online and is sold as m61 online but after you know some research because hey you heard it on the internet must be true this is P eighty I think FM designed this as an alternative to M 61 and this is actually Israeli manufacturer okay we'll shoot the m88 one first and have the plate rotated on either side because we're running out of room to take the shot but we'll see what's going to happen velocity was 2976 not my plate over let me go fix it we fix the plate that'll take our p80 shot velocity was 2743 let's go see what we did the rows are Mata one shot knocked our carrier over and then right down here was the p80 black tip what do you guys think no penetration there is a dimple here from the p80 m-80a one little dimple but not much as far as back face goes there really isn't any from the mata one the p80 12 millimeters now like I said this clay is a lot firmer than it typically is so you're probably going to see more back face deformation and an actual NIJ test but these are nothing to write home about especially since the dimples in the back are pretty pretty insignificant so now that we've shot this it stopped all the special threats that I have for it let's take it home and we'll do a wrap-up there we'll peel the cover off and try to look at this ceramic plate and everything so we came in on another cold Sweeting tear this plate apart I just kind of want to see what different materials are used to make this plate up the cover has seen better days [Music] tons of ceramic everywhere there's some Jacket fragments from Mata one here's the foam cover for the ceramic needless to say there's not many solid pieces of ceramic left looks like for the most part there's a very thin foam edge there so the ceramic straight face pretty much goes to the edge of the plate so that's a good thing true 10 by 12 that's just all the ceramic I did tear the rest of the cover off the plate and about halfway through the PE backer this was the second shot of the m2 ATP round and see that steel core sticking out there and is broken off I can guess that probably since we hit the first one and it started to crack the monolithic strike face that the ceramic wasn't quite strong enough over there for the second one but the PE backer still caught it amazing well everyone think this plate you definitely lived up to its value versus performance aspect and IJ level four states it only has to stop one round of m2 AP we stopped two we stopped the really fast m193 m855a1 mata one and the black tip p80 308 armor-piercing as well I would like to try to get my hands on some m9 93 tungsten core to see if that would defeat level four body armor but like I said I kind of liken the performance to this plate we even dropped this plate twice on its face we rig designed after the NIJ drop test before we shot it I'm sure the foam cover over the strike face helps this plate pass that test as I mentioned last I checked this plate is still pending certification to be on the NIJ compliance list as always I like to thank the companies that provide us with these products to test so definitely thank you RMA armament for sending out one of these plates for as a test and for everyone else for watching so we can keep doing these tests and provide little real-world demonstrations of what body armor is capable of until next time everybody take it easy
Channel: Buffman - R.A.N.G.E.
Views: 20,875
Rating: 4.9614458 out of 5
Keywords: High Definition Video, 1080P, Guns, Weapons, Firearms, Shooting, Second Amendment Rights, Zoom H5 Handy Recorder, GoPro HD Hero 3+, Canon Rebel T6S, Reviewing Ammo And Guns Everyday, R.A.N.G.E, #pewpew, #pewpewlife, RMA Armament, RMA Defense, Model #1145, Ceramic Body Armor, NIJ Certified, Level IV, Drop Test, M2AP Armor Piercing, M193, M855A1, M80A1, P80 Black Tip Armor Piercing, M61 Armor Piercing, M1 Garand, M1A, AR-15, NIJ level IV, backpack armor
Id: k0N5eKakkA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2017
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