Spartan Armor Systems Overview & Testing

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welcome back everybody this is Eric here mall spawn and gun we have another video concept for you today we're going to be rolling out Spartan armor systems has asked us to do a little bit of a test on their ballistic armor panels this is not something we normally do but I thought you guys might enjoy an armor test we've done a little bit of body armor testing in the past here and there but this is going to you know be our attempt at pretty much as official of an armor test as we can possibly do Spartan armor systems makes a variety of different plates which they've sent us a sampling of their line in order to demonstrate for you guys the type of capabilities they have for stopping threats you have threats that start all the way from you know pretty much medium to high velocity pistol threats all the way up to multiple hits from high-velocity rifle threats like 308 I'm going to show you basically what each of these plates is about I wish I could really show you the weight easier but this is a lightweight plate right here it's curved it's got the rifle cuts on it in order to put the buttstock of the rifle into your shoulder its curved to fit the human body when you're wearing it in like a plate carrier or something similar this particular plate is a level 3 a plate it's very very lightweight and it's rated for handgun use ok it's designed to stop most of your 357 magnum 44 magnum handgun threats this level 3 a plate the lightweight one that I'm holding here is made out of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene which basically is a really fancy way of saying plastic all right it's a really really really strong plastic same thing with this plate now this particular plate is made out of a Kevlar and thermoplastic laminate I know that's kind of a big words for me but I'm trying my best here guys but this is a level 3 a semi flexible now the person that the makes these plates Spartan armor systems the one the thing that he says that people like the most about this particular plate is that it's lightweight and like kids can put it down in their backpack like if parents want to buy a set of these plates for their kids to put in their backpack when they're going back and forth to school or something or like say you're one of those Wall Street types and you walk around with a fancy briefcase all the time you slide this down in your briefcase and you've got something that will stop 9-millimeter 40-caliber pretty much all of your you know medium to high velocity handgun threats all right so that's pretty neat and then of course very lightweight we're not talking some big heavy plate so that's your lightweight plate there and moving up the ladder here we're going to look at this plate alright and this is the same technology that I stated before this plate employs pretty much the same type of system except it's much heavier much larger it's also very buoyant he actually states that this plate can be put into water and it'll actually kind of semi float that way if you're wearing heavy armor and you're near water and you end up in the water it's not going to sink you down to the bottom so this is a relatively lightweight plate it is a level three plate and it'll stop seven six to NATO you know up to a rifle threat we're going to be testing this plate they also make a level four plate now this is a reinforced ceramic and fiberglass plate and it is a level four so this is a this is a very very tough plate up to thirty out 6m - armor-piercing projectiles which we're going to put that to the test as well this is probably his most expensive plate these retail for close to 400 bucks for the pair but this is level four protection so this is some pretty stout stuff if you're if you're expecting some kind of really really dangerous situation this is a plate you want to go to battle with last but not least he makes a r500 plate this particular plate has a coating that's supposed to prevent spalling so that jackets are supposed to be absorbed by a bit of this coating here of course we're going to put all of this to the test we're going to start out here and shoot some of these we're going to start from the weakest plate and go up to the strongest plate and this should be a fun video let's get to it okay guys we're going to be shooting the plates in the same order that you saw them in the intro this one is actually ultra high molecular weight polyethylene plate the very thin lightweight plate although it is a level 3a it's only rated for pistol because of its weight class we've got to set up in a usgi carrier down here on a clear ballistic jail torso provided by clear ballistics so we're gonna be running this plate carrier pretty much for all the plates in the test here just to make it easier to hold them and first test is going to be 357 Magnum Lee equally spaced apart in order just to just to show the capabilities of the plate it's rated for one shot we're going to try to hit it between four and six times equally spaced so let's get going alright let's see what our lightweight plate did there this was the first one and bear in mind these plates are only designed to take one shot so let's see what it did alright looks like we have one shot hit right here and it looks like Chad actually missed the plate he missed the plate and he grazed our torso and it went straight through so obviously if you don't hit the plate it's going to go through you alright so that's a given all right let's have a look okay it looks like our it looks like ballistic Steve here survived okay now this shot was from earlier okay we were playing around with the torso earlier that was not from this plate you see the backside of the carrier the plate carrier does not have any holes in it so let's go ahead and pull our plate out and have a look at it holy crap look at the amount of damage that thing took so you see one two three four five and Chad's sixth shot landed you know like I said on the other side it went through the torso which of course it did because it missed the plate it did bugger this plate up pretty bad but that's 357 Magnum against the lightweight plate that's definitely a result that's a for certain what we want to see we're going to step up to the curve's plate try the same exact threat and see how well it fares it's rated for pretty much the same thing so we'll see how it does cool ok guys this is the next plate in the lineup this is the Kevlar and thermoplastic construction plate and basically this is a flat very flexible plate that's meant to go in like a kids backpack or like a briefcase or something along those lines like a messenger bag just something that you can carry with you a very light weight you don't really even know it's there it's mainly meant for pistol threats only it's rated up to 44 Magnum no rifle threats rifle basically punch right through it so we're going to keep the test consistent shooter with six more rounds of 357 Magnum and see the results afterwards [Applause] alright guys let's see how the Kevlar and thermoplastic constructed plate survived against the 357 magnum a certainly a nasty round 357 magnum is a pretty stout cartridge alright let's have a look here it looks like our guy looks to be ok let's have a look at the plate wow I'm actually quite pleasantly surprised with that result you know all I can say is that I guess when Chad shot this thing he must have put a couple of them in very close proximity to each other to the effect that we can't really even see the entrance holes that much that's probably why ended up happening I know he shot it because I saw the recoil impulse you know when it hit the armor each time so that certainly would stop the threat and honestly I mean for as light and flexible as this little plate is I'm very surprised that it stopped one much less you know several I would feel confident you know having that inside of my you know backpack or briefcase or even a lightweight carrier the whole point of a plate like this is so that it's lightweight it flexes a bit it's easy to run around with it gives you a little bit more mobility at the sake of strength I mean you lose a little bit of the rating but you gain that in flexibility and and mobility that's not a bad result let's go ahead and step up to our next plate see how it does I think we're gonna start getting into some of the rifle threats alright we're moving up the line this is our first rifle plate this is the hard plastic ultra high molecular weight polyethylene wow that's a mouthful and yes I did cheat I read that but this is the plate that's moderately buoyant it'll kind of float a little bit you know so you're not weighed down if you're in a you know water environment you don't have to worry about sinking to the bottom or anything this is rated for rifle rounds I'm going to shoot with my scar heavy right here 308 six rounds let's see how well it holds up I'm curious to see how this again all right we'll see what happened alright guys I have to admit I'm a little skeptical about this I mean that's a 308 that's kind of close I mean 50 feet it's not very far I can't imagine anything surviving that well my plate carrier didn't survive look at that shot through a little snap apparently oh well it's all in the name of science I'll tell you what I'm gonna be very surprised if this thing survives all right here we go we'll see what bang bang Bob looks like untouched I'll be dang those are from earlier very cool all right well let's pull the plate out and have a look at it and make sure that our spacing was right look at that that's exactly where my scar rounds we're supposed to hit that's exactly where I was aiming just to space them out a little bit look at that now I can imagine that this thing pushing out in the back like that if it did it with enough speed and velocity I could see where it could probably knock the breath out of you or you know make you feel relatively unpleasant however you would be alive I mean that's six shots with a scar heavy at 50 feet and you'd be alive I'm kind of impressed I mean that's a 308 we are going to be shooting other stuff with 308 today but but man you know that that 308 is just such a powerful round I think for a couple of these plates we're going to step it up to a 30 out 6 see if we can make them fail with a couple of multiple shots they're very cool let's get to it all right guys we're going to step up the threat we got a level 4 ceramic and fiberglass reinforced plate this is the one that to me this is the one I want to see fail I don't know why but I'm gonna shoot it with the 3006 with some black tip armor-piercing ammunition and guys if this thing doesn't defeat this plate I'm going to be really dang surprised I mean it's only rated for one shot at that rate I'm gonna try for I don't know man I just really want to see this plate fail so here we go the mighty m1 garand 50 feet black tip ammunition I don't think this is going to end well for this plate did it survive let's go have a look all right guys I'm pretty skeptical about this but let's have a look black tip ammunition in one garand level for plate you know which something that can be touted as level 4 that's kind of no joke I mean that's a pretty tall statement you know level 4 is a considerable amount of armor rating for a rifle so let's have a look I'll be damned holy crap and those are our same holes from earlier so that wasn't the garand it looks like it survived let's have a look at the plate Wow look at holy smokes look at that dang plate so you can see we're all of a ceramic just really busted out of there that is just amazing how well that thing survived and I put those m1 grand rounds exactly where I wanted to one two three four a little four shot quadrant they didn't punch out the back you can see where it started to de laminate a little bit that's Kevlar and ceramic reinforced plate that thing is amazing and I tell you what I surely wouldn't want to be standing in front of her garand while somebody shot me wearing this thing but I'll tell you what you'd survive and that really surprises me because that that black tip thirty-aught-six coming out of this thing like it is I could have swore that would stop it and that's really surprising and you know I love ballistics and I love shooting things like this type of stuff so it's really interesting to see just what kind of abuse this thing can really take so um we might go ahead and strap it back in and maybe shoot out with some 556 but honestly I don't really see the point because if that 30 I'll 6 isn't going to punch through it I seriously doubt a little 5 5 6 gonna do too much against this plate we've got one more plate to shoot we're going to check out the AR 500 a couple of them the strongest plates of the day we're probably going to set them up without our ballistic torso in the way and we'll probably shoot them to failure see how well they do but uh wow that's a result let's move on alright guys this is the final plate test of the day this is going to be our AR 500 plate with the anti spalling coating on it we're going to shoot it with six rounds of 7.62 out of our scar heavy and afterwards were going to take the strongest plates of the day and we're going to Pelt the crap out of them with a bunch of random rounds just to see if one get anything to push through I'm gonna move my ballistics gel dummy after we're done though because I'm not ready for him to get shot yet any worse than he already has but without further ado let's give it a try by the way this car heavy is amazing I love it this little vortex this one too for man it's just a great rig did it go through let's go check alright guys out of all the armor we shot today I kind of foresee this stuff as holding up just fine AR 500 is a grade of armor plating and it's commonly used to produce steel targets like to shoot steel targets that we use in our videos all the time AR AR 500 is a very strong material so I don't really foresee any problem here I mean we shoot AR 500 on a regular basis and we shoot it all the time I don't think we're gonna have a problem here my plate carrier has seen better days all right well as expected our torsos just fine he didn't take any damage and let's have a look at our steel plate alright so you can see the anti spalling coating did its job it kept all the Jacket fragments within the carrier that's exactly what it's supposed to do my poor carrier I don't think I can really call it a carrier anymore it's more of a showpiece at this point see oh wow look at that okay so again we can see where each round impacted exactly where I wanted it to one two three four five six six rounds and a little road just exactly where I wanted to put them with this rifle they don't appear to have pushed through at all we are going to probably shoot this plate a little bit more just because I'm curious to see if anything else will go through it but for this thing to stop that 760 like that and it just shook them right off I'm not going to say I was surprised because AR 500 is a pretty tough Armour even if it's only like 1/4 inch thick it's still going to be strong with the anti spalling coating they put on there to help absorb this jacket fragments keep them from hitting you in the face and that sort of thing I'm very very impressed with the performance of this plate and tell you what I'm going to move my ballistics torso out of the way and my carrier and we're gonna set a couple of these plates that were the toughest ones from the day and let's shoot the crap out of them see if we can make them fail alright the first plate that we're gonna shoot the crap out of is going to be our level three light weight plate this is the one that has a little bit of buoyancy to it that'll float a little bit we're gonna shoot it with a 444 Marlin which is essentially a 44 Magnum on steroids alright here we go shoot the crap out of this thing with a 444 Marlin and then Chad's gonna have a go and then we'll swap a few the plates out take some shots to sue the other ones I just want to see if it's going to defeat it or not I'm gonna try drilling all of these rounds in the same exact hole see if we can get it to push through that went through you don't mess around with the 444 mighty big bore well eric is pretty much putting all the shots into the same hole with that 444 Marlin actually one of the shots just punched right through went right through the 2x4 supporting the plate right there just calm down range I've kind of secured the plate back to the back to the 2x4 on the tabletop there we're gonna hit it with a about five shots of 500 Magnum see what that does to it ooh I think I pulled that one just a little bit unless it went right through Wow that is one powerful handgun I couldn't imagine anything getting hit with that thing let's go take a look well guys the mighty 500 Magnum never lies entrance right through there exit out the back of the plate you know this thing was softened up pretty considerably already and it pushed on right through I think this plates pretty much had it we're gonna move on to something else but that still it was very impressive considering the amount of 444 Marlin that this plate just ate I'm very surprised it didn't fail kept on going so we're gonna step up to the other level for plate which that thing stopped those armor-piercing m1 garand projectiles I can't imagine it stopping much more but then again I don't know I mean it really favored well with those garand projectiles let's give it a try we're gonna shoot it with a little bit of stuff out of the AR like we talked about let's do that okay what we're going to do now is going in a pelt the hell out of this level for plate that Eric hit with a 30 out of 6 earlier for the AP rounds he put four shots on the target and it didn't penetrate I mean the thing held up just fine so we're gonna do is we're gonna put thirty shots of X M 193 from federal right on top of the plate and then I've got another magazine loaded with m855 ball from federal as well we're gonna do basically just 230 shot groups one at the top one at the bottom and let it rip let's see what the play can actually handle [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] alright I think that's well pelted but we've got some m855 ball we're gonna put that near the bottom of the plate see how she runs all right let's take a look at what this XM 193 and m855 did the play here you've got it's like a pretty consistent little grouping of XM 193 right here at the top and that stuff's often that played up really nice I mean it just really doesn't change santé chance punched right through the back see fibers of like Kevlar and whatnot here out of the backside same thing with m855 ball at the bottom here a nice tight group basically just softened it up enough and just started punching right through I mean it blew holes right through this thing so I mean that was 60 rounds you know on this level for plate but let's move on to the AR 500 I think Aris gonna put some 30 out six rounds right in the same hole on that thing and see what it'll take to actually defeat that AR 500 steel alright guys we're gonna shoot the crap out of our last plate of the day which was our IR 500 plate with the anti spalling coating on it now as many of you guys know I mean we could shoot this thing til the cows come home and we could probably get it to fail but what I want to do since the other plate seemed to hold up so well the level floor plate held up so well to that black tip in one garand ammo I'm gonna shoot eight rounds out of it in one Koran black tip ammunition armor-piercing right into the center of that plate and see if we can get them pushed through I'm gonna put all eight shots in the same exact spot here we go Oh Oh our plight fell over let's fix that and we'll continue ok we've reset our plate let's try again I think we've got a failure let's have a look alright let's see how the mighty garand fared against the AR 500 plate well just like I told you a shot in the same exact location you can see where 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 actually we had a seven and a eight but the only way that this cartridge actually punched through with armor-piercing capabilities was when it went in the same exact place where it was weakened from before so that's saying a lot the fact that this plate can take that kind of abuse I mean you're not going to stand there and let somebody with an m1 garand shoot you numerous times in the same exact location so I think that speaking very highly for the strength of this armor you know I have to admit I was a little bit skeptical going into an armor review because I thought ok well we're gonna shoot this armor we're not gonna learn anything you know I went into it kind of feeling like I was going to know exactly what was going to happen just because of my experience with armor and my experience wearing armor and I guess there's kind of this misconception that armor has to be heavy you know and big and bulky in order to be effective but it's just not the case some of this newer technology that's out here now is considerably strong I want to thank the people at Spartan armor systems for taking the time to send me these plates out to try out they are a veteran owned and operated company and I always want to show my support for our veterans and guys I appreciate you watching our video today I hope you guys learn something in the process you know I learned something so that's kind of the whole point of this youtube channel is for you guys to learn along with me and I get to experience new things and kind of take you guys along for the ride so we really appreciate the support that we've been getting from you guys if there's some specific type of armor test you want me to do or if there's a specific firearm and ammunition combination that you would like to see pit it up against some armor let me know and we'll certainly do our best to make it happen we've really had a lot of fun making this video today thanks for your time we'll catch you next time you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 191,829
Rating: 4.9384141 out of 5
Keywords: reelmen8888, walking dead, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, mall ninja, fps russia, eric and barry, eric and berry, prepper hillbillies, game of thrones, zombies, moss pawn, moss shop, Moss Group Securities, 88 industries, Spartan Armor, Spartan Armor Systems, AR500, Ar500 Armor, UHMWPE, Armor, Armor Test, The Target Man, Target Man Armor
Id: Bu4GH7FhrMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 14 2014
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