BUYING Everything in ONE COLOR for my Daughter *NO BUDGET 😱*

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today my daughter will do all her back-to-school  shopping in one color anything she picks i have   to buy if she can convince me it's a school supply  she has one hour to solve seven riddles that will   lead her to seven different stores and if she has  any time left she can get anything she wants in   that color everything she could possibly need for  her back-to-school shopping is inside that mall   first she is going to pick one of these pens out  of a hat to determine her color which pen do you   want pink it's my favorite color i'm hoping  for orange because i don't know that there's   anything expensive in orange anything that's  good there's a lot of expensive things in white   you've got an hour starting right now here's your  first riddle wait what her mom wrote these riddles   they're kind of hard a place for quick hip fashion  where you don't need to show your id to get in   what age do you have to be to go legally 18 16  21 forever 21 go go go go level one you gotta   get your back to school outfit for the first  day of school in all white right now forever 21  white i would never wear an old white outfit  for the first day of school salish you've already   wasted one minute at every location i have to  get an awesome photo before we go to the next store  by the way this video is sponsored by  drop look at who i just ran into the one and   only mackenzie from the zhc crew what do you have  to say subscribe guys and hit those notifications   let's go if she gets all her riddles in one hour  then you guys get to spend my money so wait around   to the end i don't want to wear white for the  first day of school dad that's so ugly then you   should have picked pink or yellow or something  yeah like i have a choice is this the only kid's   stuff i don't think i'm gonna find anything here  oh this is white does this count as white oh this   is cute that's definitely not my style oh this  is white this is white this is white that's white   this is kind of cute but i don't think it causes  white this is cute but i'm running out of time   did you get shoes you need shoes you're  already five minutes in that's not my style   you're gonna lose that ew no no no  should she pick these shoes coming   what do you think ew omg vans vans oh vans work  i'm gonna try this on okay salish you got it   are you kidding me right now actually i like  this i i'll wear it at school did you put your   mic on my chest mic check salish mic check  what's the next clue hurry hurry hurry hey   i got to get a photo first oh i have a  good idea i've got it's better than yours that's pretty impressive and go look at that when  you're doing that expression oh i like that shot   let's move on yeah that's good say remember if you finish  all these riddles you can buy whatever you want   and like anything in the mall numbers you go if  you aim for the re it's target that was too easy   honey let's go this is fun i understand why this  trend is a thing thumbs up if you want us to do it   again that was so easy i saw red and i was like oh  that's target fine drawing it i saw it it was over   that way go go go imagine all the things you can  get and wait airpods electronics yes sorry i see   it i got off easy those clothes weren't expensive  let's see what happens in target okay you're gonna   have five minutes to get all of your essential  school supplies here at target wait only five if   you don't get them you won't have them for school  are you ready no glue the glue is right sorry   do you think they're white if you haven't heard  about drop it's a free app that gives you free   money for shopping at all your favorite brands  like sephora apple and right here in target oh   good good good and then you can get white  paper okay i have no idea what else i need   all right binder i probably need a binder you  know that's white pencils okay we got all the   basic stuff i need a backpack lunchbox and water  bottle uh does that come no it's not white i   found a white water bottle it's a good find oh  white headphones wait wait those are expensive   nice well how is this a school supply that's a  school supply you have to watch videos for school okay comment below i don't think that's a school  supply you tell me this is a new school for her   she's never been before she's gonna show  up nothing but white people go like whoa   you like white okay this is for slime but i'm  not gonna tell my dad dad well that's a lot of   glue why do you need so much glue yes i do i  didn't know school supplies could be expensive   i would say this is way more white than  blue would you consider this blue or white   that's white white yes wait it's ugly though  it's a boy's lunch box well you picked it you   need a backpack go find a backpack wow this place  is empty i guess everybody already went these are   the only backpacks they have i've got an idea say list  that's not white that's grey where are you going you did not just do that what are you doing  that's right i need one more thing you have   one minute salish one minute a soundbar that  would be great say what does that have to do   with school that's not a school supply i need  to be able to hear my teachers if i ever go on   a zoom again oh you gotta be kidding all right  well you have ten seconds get it in the car ten   nine eight five four three two oh she did it  yes i got him i did not see that coming well if   i'm gonna buy this thing i want to get a great  photo i have a cool idea oh that's a cool shot   we have more shopping to do no i'm gonna try it  again no she caught me all right let's go on come   on dude you're killing me yeah that's what daughters  do when you use drop to shop you'll earn rewards   in the form of points and those points turn into  free gift cards look at the photos headphones are   really expensive oh ouch that one hurts the bank  i linked my cards to my account which is totally   safe to do and when i shop at certain stores  like target drop automatically adds points   into my account i didn't have to do anything no  receipt scanning or coupon clipping my assistant   is taking all this stuff to my car we're gonna  keep going hurry hurry hurry it's opposite day go   to the worst cell what's the opposite of worst  self best best one best buy go go go go hurry   in here is seriously expensive are you so excited  yes yes you have two minutes you get two things   one is something for a subscriber one something  for yourself ready set go wait what i have no   idea where anything is what should i get rid  of a subscriber say this wouldn't you like   like a lollipop they have white lollipops no she  doesn't know what to choose we're trying to get   the subscribers something awesome so stick around  to see what we give you oh i know the subscribers   always love airpods pro so where do they sell  that 90 seconds oh you're not gonna find anything nothing here is white wait i see white white  what is this it's like a i don't know like a   projector do you want projector ew i don't want  that oh i need this i wish i got pink or gray   so you only have 15 seconds you  have found anything only 50. okay that's not your five seconds  find something for your five seconds   it's tv you gotta touch it too no oh bigger than me what do you even need it  for to watch things oh dude this is good   spend dads money money spend dads money money this  is a disaster hey we're running out of time i   need a photo okay dad give me the price i have  an idea that's funny bring it down a little bit   yes that's actually kind of funny but ouch this  hurts that's really expensive you want this you   got to bring it to the cashier come on wait  what we're going to give these airpod pros to   a random subscriber so make sure you subscribe and  turn on the notifications and comment down below   why you want them she did great that was your  first like shout out notification subscribe   also remember to like and share though you  gotta like and share a bright spot where   you spend money and get caffeinated what  does that even mean caffeinated you're like go what do you want i don't know usually i  get like a dragon for refresher or something   i'll get a vanilla bean frappuccino we use  drop all the time for amazon and groceries   so we've actually earned a lot of points  right now i'm going to redeem my points   to get a gift card for starbucks to  buy our frappuccino good salish and why am i feeling rushed like take your time  i haven't spent that much money yet just wait   it's drop's fifth birthday where could you go to  get them a pretty sweet treat to celebrate sweet   sugar sugar sugar go go go two riddles left i  don't i think she's gonna run out of time here   it is this will be perfect for drops fifth  birthday okay say go go for it these look   yummy three four five six if you have any time  left you get to do whatever you want in white   anything okay happy birthday drop this is my  bad leg yes ready and go there we go yes wow   for drops fifth birthday they are going to be  boosting their best deals all week long which   means you get to earn more points than usual  think of it as drops version of amazon prime day   but it's going to be happening every day this week  on drop drop is giving away five million points to   five winners at random with their shop drop win  contest that's five thousand dollars guys if you   complete any offer during birthday week you'll  be entered to win the contest say you only have   15 minutes you got two challenges left any extra  time you get to get whatever you want in the world   is white here's your next clue this is a luxuriant  place to get all the supplies for an awesome spot   there's so many place there is but we're right  next to one rice there you go go go go hurry go   i'm gonna give you two minutes  starting now go i'm gonna need this   but no no no no you get one of each  thing you can't get the whole thing   he thinks nothing is expensive but he'll see i  love everything in the store that looks like ice   cream dragon's egg i have no idea what it is  but it's a bath bomb stuff that's pretty cool   this is awesome because it's a heart-shaped  bath bomb and there are little flowers in it   this smells amazing and i'm already  relaxed i'm glad you're enjoying it   but you have 30 seconds left in this wait  what i love body butters what does this have   to do with school it's my morning routine  wait that's 17.95 for for what three two   what what's this this is so expensive  it doesn't even have a price tag on it   and go awesome okay let's move on all right  i don't know about this trend it's really   expensive do these youtubers do this thing  for real this is crazy here's your next word   it'll go rearrange these letters uh oh mom makeup  that's so easy so sephora sephora wait honey why   are you doing makeup she's 11 years old makeup  is not okay for my little girl yeah lipstick   i love lipstick no this is not okay lipstick and  skincare this is not a back to school challenge   this is just to spend my money on things i don't  want her to wear challenge i like that challenge   daddy this one looks natural that's lipstick  you can't say it doesn't look natural i can't   say it's for an 11 year old oh wait i like this  color better okay you have seven minutes left and   then you get if you're done here you get to get  whatever you want anything in the world what else   is white oh face mask coconut lip balm i found  something else that's white glitter from my lips   this is white you don't need that for  school that has nothing to do with school   it smells good i definitely need this  for school because if i'm stinky   i won't make friends it's mom's favorite  perfume but you're only 11. you know   i don't care here do this and just be like bend  straight back yes right there and really arch back salish you have two minutes left you can get  anything you want anything at all wait what   i know exactly what i'm gonna get  this isn't gonna be good say say oh my god those bags are probably like ten  thousand dollars thank god she didn't get that   i know where she's going salish no teslas no  three two one time's up no you didn't make it no   no no no oh now you guys get to spend my money  check it out yay this is 500 and you guys are   about to spend it sales are going to give me some  financial advice then we're going to pull you to   tell me which one of those things i should spend  my mo seriously drop is a good thing to do with   your money so i'm going to give you some advice  you should invest in an animal shelter why two   words invest puppies buy gold coins and bury them  just like the pirates did give my teacher the 500   so i can learn more things that's actually  not a terrible idea i'm a good ideal person   next buy a bunch of apple seeds you have all  these apples sell them each for like ten bucks one   thousand bucks if you sell ten 100 bucks if you  invest in starbucks you'll stay really energized and then you can like post five times a week  make money money money and the winning vote is   invest in your teacher check this out jesse  was sales teacher this summer and he could   really really use the help jesse salish has  a surprise for you the number one poll was   to give it to a teacher oh my god this can go a long way this is like half my run  right here big thanks to drop for sponsoring   this video you can get a 10 bonus download the  drop app and enter code jordan matter or use   the link in the description and link a debit  or credit card to get started thanks so much
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 27,743,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, drop, back to school, shopping, all in one color, challenge, scavenger hunt, target, apple airpod pros, sony, sephora, lush, best buy, starbucks, sugarfina, ZHC
Id: c2v7mbq6hVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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