BOY vs GIRL Gymnastics & Strength Challenge ft/ Royalty Family

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today my daughter challenges ferran  from the royalty family to 10 rounds   of a strength oh fitness  and gymnastics competition plus an epic game of hide and  seek to see who is the champion   11 year old let's go baby the loser will  get a messy consequence hidden behind the   mystery door first round push-ups 30 seconds  whoever does more win one two three you got to get down there get your chest  down oh oh he took a break oh you could have   had it you could have had it five seconds  keep going come on that doesn't come out is now sabotaging her everybody this  is a fixed thing it's over 30 seconds   she came out he totally sabotaged her  round one the winner and there was a   little bit of home court advantage  there round one first let's go baby   i'm gonna win this thing because i'm an 11 year  old competitive gymnast i train four hours a   day this kid is going down i'm gonna win this  challenge because i have home court advantage   you each have one minute to find a prop and then  i take a photo and we can let instagram judge   whose wins one two three go follow me follow me  follow me where is everything so we're in here   talking about the consequence at the end and  look what the kids are doing you know they're   trying to listen to our conversation these two  are so competitive no one wants to lose because   the consequence is going to be so good what are  you looking for i don't know can't find anything   will my laptop work oh i've got an  idea ah ferran you got 10 seconds   watch this got it it would be cool if we got a  shot of you in the air as if you're all standing   on this it's gonna fall okay that's nice if you  say yes you can sit up straight and hold the back   ah nope oh that would have been  perfect though so close go oh   it looks like i'm wrong oh my god oh my god i  was kind of counting on salish she's winning   this round i am i'm still gonna win but you got  yourself a challenge girl are you ready for this   all right for the contest i'm not gonna photoshop  that but then i'm gonna send it to kellen's world   and you are going to love what he does yeah  don't go on thinking you're so cool or whatever   it's way better than ferran's because i mean it's  just more realistic you gotta help ferran right   cause she helped you fine i want you to put  the cheetos in her toe it will make pretend   this is a cheetos ad yes right there nice yes  i can do that all right let's see what you got   that's not quite the same thing but it's better  than i thought you would do we put it out the   instagram and the winning photo is salish  yeah that was kind of not fair because you know   it's his followers he's got it right there you  know okay anyway the people voted the people   voted i'm out of here i sent both of these photos  to kellen's world and he worked some magic check   it out if you guys really want to get two iphone  13s i mean it's super brand new we don't even   have our hands on it yet all you guys got to  do is subscribe to both channels jordan matter   and the royalty family and then like this video  and comment done next round is a race first kid   to get all four glasses full to the finish line  wins this challenge rock paper scissors shoot   that was only for the color of the glasses  if you spill the glass you have to refill it   in the pool and keep going you got to  do ten spins one two three go one two   three ten the race begins now go  ferran is already spilling oh boy   salish go fill it up say hurry fill it  fill it go that looks like it's really hard   oh no you got oh no i didn't even touch  it replay that that was not you touched   it salish take your time he doesn't even  have a glass this isn't gonna count oh no   salish get across yes you touched  it though you touched mine replay it did i touch it no i didn't i got in your face  but i didn't cheat that's cheating they're   saying my dad cheated but i totally won that on  my own let's go that round goes to salish matter   next round is a race in the pool first one  to get there and back wins this round i'm   gonna win this because i've been swimming since  i was six months old uh i never swim by the way   i didn't mention it but you're both doing doggy  paddles what that's so unfair one two three go yeah what what hold on is that doggy  paddle salish come on you're giving   up you cut you you got to get back  salish hurry hurry stop him stop him sandy replay the underwater footage  i don't think that was doggy paddle   yeah i guess it was he's getting  an early lead i'm concerned what yo i'm so proud of you according to famous birthdays these are the two  most popular 11 year olds on the planet so we are   going to do a famous birthdays challenge can you  guess the birthday of the famous person first kid   to get three right wins this round and if they get  an answer wrong they have to drink pickle juice   addison ray 26 20 and you each have to sip pickle juice   abby lee miller do you have any idea who abby lee  miller is Rebecca zamolo gets it right   it's piper Rochelle 13 they both lost it's  14. billy eilish 30 18. for this next round   since they have no idea about birthday whoever  gets closest wins the next round brent rivera no no that's david dobrik and there's  a guy who goes also david dobrik one   two three five seven he's twenty-three  you're closer a goal to them two nothing 12 you're right on it is now two  to one mr beast oh jimmy 21 27 he's see we didn't get stuck we're good arm wrestle one round if your elbow comes off the  table you automatically forfeit arms together you   have to hold hands here what no no yes why is that  weird the whole hand yeah you gotta lock finger no   cause you've got you've got this i wasn't even  trying no no no no no no you you just don't want   to hold okay i stopped no no no no no my arm is  why are you please stop stop i didn't say go okay   you guys are driving me crazy one two three  this this is even oh my gosh oh yeah whoa if your arm comes up you automatically lose this round goes to salish matter i was gonna win okay if you think this is competitive  you gotta go check out the royalty   family channel after this video because  they did a last to leave the pool here   and it was crazy we are not doing a challenge  this time you guys could earn ten dollars   if you can recreate this pose oh easy but the top  takes way more stomach strength so i'll be the top   don't point your toes flat three two one  try again i'll be the bottom okay ready okay big smile go oh again you got 10 seconds go oh wow   let's go do you want to go double or nothing  if you can't do this pose you lose the 10 bucks   if you do it you get 20 bucks each oh you've got  90 seconds to recreate you're not 90 not 90 no 99 okay you're on his ankles that's good  straighten your arms ready set go yes oh my god good work 20 bucks each real real  money wait where's jordan next round hide and seek   what they each get two minutes they have  a vlog camera and whoever i find first   loses one two three go let's go let's go baby  oh my god oh my god i don't even know where i'm   going i don't know where to hide this is really  unfair because this is ferran's like house so i   do not know where to go my gosh i have to win  this maybe i could hide in there somewhere can i   fit in any of these actually never mind i can't  do this no oh my gosh let's climb up the slide   there's not really anything to hide in scrap  that let's go 55 54. he said we could hide   in the front yard this is so scary i really don't  want to lose you guys i want to try to get up here okay right now we're hiding on top of this  big how many feet is that probably like   about seven feet guys does that look secure enough   if we just sit down right here i think this  is a perfect spot let's go i'm scared i gotta   be quiet now three two one ready or not here  i come i don't know where to begin with this   okay if i was an 11 year old kid a little girl  maybe who can do contortion i would hide myself i kind of thought she would be in this pillow  maybe over here okay guys i'm coming after you okay is she back here wow okay what about him if i was a 11 year old boy i would hide  in here that would have been a good spot   okay oh you know what there's the whole front he's  gone that was so scary he was right below me look   he was right under there all right  let's see i'm good i'm good whoa   nice jeep by the way you know piper  has a jeep royalties i want a jeep   with like my name on it that would  be kind of cool sandy let's do that   no that's i'm not gonna do it they're cool i'm  not cool like i couldn't pull that off they can   ah oh my god are you kidding me oh my gosh you  were right there i think you found ferran where's   salish salish you won where are you right here  whoa i would have like literally never found you   is this a good hiding spot or what  this is huge right now three two one you gotta hit you're three in a row  we don't have much time hit free to   roll you gotta hit you got one second stick anyway i won so easy let's go on to the next you got  the good side it is now time for the final round   subscribe to both channels and comment below  if you want to win those iphone 13 blindfolded   dodgeball i can dodge their blindfold first  kid to hit me wins oh he's gonna get this   ball straight to his face hit him right in the  jaw this is a test to make sure they can't see   can't see i want you guys to  spin in two circles when i say go   they go are you guys ready one two three  go did i hit anybody if you hit it you know   come get me i'm over here i'm over here come on  what do you got what do you got you got nothing   did i hit you no nobody's hit  me yet come on rip oh no come on oh no salish just hit me wait i did you won that  car the mystery consequence is a pie in the face   just get it over here just get it over  with like nailing okay go get him what   yes thank you so much i want you to  all subscribe to the royalty we out
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 24,373,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, royalty family, ferran, Ali, salish matter, saysay matter, say say matter, addison rae, abby lee miller, rebecca zamolo, txunami, famous birthdays, hide and seek, hide & seek, epic, challenge, boy vs girl, competition, dodge ball, basketball, iphone 13, apple iphone 13, brent rivera
Id: tr08evvgX-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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