Saying Goodbye To Her Best Friend

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today my daughter says goodbye to her best friend   salish met nidal six months ago and they bonded  like they've known each other forever they've   gone to disneyland and trampoline parks together  they've had sleepovers they celebrated halloween   they even recorded a music video together tomorrow  nidal moves to texas and today they asked to do   one more fun challenge on the beach a game of  truth do you guys have feelings for each other   or dare and there is an awesome surprise for them  at the end all of these questions and dare have   been chosen by you on instagram round one truth  or dare we're doing that i dare you to switch   clothes and act like each other and switch  skills shoot wait even our underwear no yes go into those public restrooms you have  five minutes to get changed separate bathrooms   when the doll first told us that he was moving  to texas i asked them if they wanted to do a   video about it and they said yes they did  so first i tried to get him to do the sit   down the couch thing and tell the story but that  didn't go so well hey guys it's santa this is gg   sit on the couch normally say  list no it's getting black   so we just decided look let's just make his last  day a big adventure and now for salish as nidal   boys wear their pants like this but salish has a  really good idea for nidal oh you look terrible do it twirl i'm so cool my name is nidal i'm gonna do salish's  beam routine that's that no no no cut i need to   piece your ear okay okay tell me when it hurts  that hurts i made a little hole actually success   that's a dent i've got money in my hand they each  get one minute to recreate a photo like the other   person whoever wins with the stranger judging gets  the money are you ready okay now i have to do it   off the mushrooms i can't flip fire i'm gonna get  you in a silhouette nadal it's gonna be beautiful that looked just like your flipped everything  was even a little better than you usually do oh with the tongue out that  is my best nidal photo ever   it's a good flip but you got this because you're  very flexible i'm salish and all i can do is like   contortionist need all so cool though so i'm  gonna do like a bendy pose or whatever it's called   excuse me okay but you can do cheerleading and you  can do flexibility you can do gymnastics and you   can beep up like design flexible come on lift your  head up look at the sky look at the sky oh my god   i'm going to do this watch i don't know what it's  called but it's cool i think let's point your toes   let's straighten your knees you're a lot worse  today straighten those knees sailish they are   straight they say i've seen you do better it's so  good let's get a judge this is amaya she is going   to judge this round i've got money in my hand do  you like salish's photo or nidal's photo nidals they're looking good for the mystery prize but  this could be a good one true they're there   there okay yeah so you guys are gonna have  to drink this milkshake with the two straws   and get a picture that's awkward you don't  have to get too close to each other um   you don't have to get close  you're each on one side oh that's actually really cute oh my gosh   suddenly all this is like sweet rather than  weird so you do think nails should be a thing   no that's what you're admitting to  hashtag nailish so if you want a kiss yeah tell three things you like about the other  person i dislike that he uses plastic straws   that he's not vegetarian and i also dislike  that he tickles me now what i like is   this is hard i don't know if there's anything i  like about him he's funny he doesn't care about   what anybody says yeah he just says it right out  loud he's like i don't like your shirt so i always   know if he doesn't like my shirt and if i should  change and i also really like his personality   and he's like a really daredevilish person  who's amazing because i also am okay three   things i don't like about her and i do she  is vegetarian she'll be like let me look it   up hey siri is this candy vegetarian and i'll  be like i don't know sorry that i like animals   she uses paper straws whenever i'm drinking  they just like they break on me hmm let's see wow this is good he doesn't know anything  he doesn't like about me okay you're funny   you're nice i think um you know he's just so  overwhelmed by me in a good way um she's pretty thank you and you play with me the most pretty  good things you can say i'm cute you know oh whatever she actually is kind of cute you know what should we get i'll share my 20s  takis oh we should get gummies thank you   yeah you guys have to recreate couples photos  with another photographer who what no i'm the   photographer if they're going to do couples  photos i'm the photographer that one right there   what money that wasn't set up at all there's a  photographer right there how weird can you um get   us a couple's photo couples how old are you that's  my man yeah like they're too young right okay guys   look at here she's a little more here and put your  arm together whoa okay and now i guess oh okay oh that's like the best photo ever wait i want to carry you three two one no no  no no all jokes aside salish adores nidal and   she's really gonna miss him a lot next truth or  dare picture who's your celebrity crush i know   who nidals is nidals is addison ray okay everyone  knows that he said he wanted to okay i don't have   a celebrity she's definitely lying right here  if you're watching this jake williams she has   a crush on you and she snapchatted you and you're  breaking her heart not answering so answer her and   say no i don't have a crush on you or yes i'm in  love with you and i want to move to texas with you   next question darn right my daughter doesn't have  a celebrity crush no crushing for my daughter   towards anybody anybody on this pier or anywhere  else next round here we go truth or dare what are   you gonna do there prank call a celebrity oh okay  i like that that's funny wait oh it's probably   somebody i know jojo siwa should i do Charlie  d'amelio should i do sophie dossi oh yeah no   get out of here rebecca zamala oh i have a perfect  one that's good tell me what you're gonna do   okay that's actually really good this is what  matt and rebecca said in the everybody shipping us   music video i think that you and nidal  are super cute together but you guys are   kind of young past there is no way that we are  going to make a video seeing that we ship them   hello rebecca hello guys what's up so  in the music video of our nailish song   i saw that you didn't ship what i mean  uh no i mean i was just like you guys   are young you know what honestly it wasn't me  it was matt hey matt so they're a little bit   upset about the whole not shipping you  should ship i say hard notes yeah he's separately maybe i'm going to tell you  something what this is actually a prank   what yeah it's a prank wait so  are you guys a couple or not now listen that was an instagram dare we have to  say goodbye to nidal because he's moving from   los angeles to texas no very excited for them  they're really happy but we're kind of saying   goodbye today and so that's what this video  is about so you got pranked it's emotional   no ships until you're like at least 16.  yeah 26. bye bye yes we got her that was   so awkward i feel bad because i don't want to  be rude to the person when i do a prank i also   didn't want her to think that we were actually  in a relationship next round truth or dare do you guys have feelings for each other  or have ever had feelings for each other um as a friend you agreed that you would tell the  truth to every question yeah and you're saying you   don't have feelings for each other other than his  friends right in this bag i have a lie detector   okay and i can set it up on each of you  and do a lie detector test on you so do   you want to change your answer before i do  the lie detector because if you were lying   you don't get the mystery prize and it's  incredible i have feelings for him as a friend   yeah as a friend i want to see this lie detector  test okay there's no live exercise oh i wanted   the light detector okay well hey thumbs up  we'll fly to dallas we'll do a lie detector test challenge okay just friends just fine truth  or dare dare finally you guys have to recreate   the spider-man kissing picture from sophie and  dom what okay here is your spider-man costume   go change into it figure out the kissing situation  in a minute but just go change okay ready go   spider boy you ready yep don't kiss her though  i want you to peel the thing back man just smile   at him do not kiss him here we go give you  a million bucks if you kiss him you don't   have a million bucks pull it off of his face  pull him towards you smile both arms down go now that's so cool let's go  look at this look if that's not   like young friend love hey that's no  friend that's friends no friends do that we have had so many awesome memories on this beach  today was another one i'm sure we'll do more soon   i'm sure of it but in the meantime you're going  to texas my boy okay and open your mystery box oh my gosh i've been wanting to go can't tag me in texas oh
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 24,549,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, dance photography, challenge, nalish, salish matter, nidal wonder, santa monica beach, truth or dare, lie detector test, flips, acro, contortion, spiderman, rebecca zamolo
Id: siQBS2wJoYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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