KIDS vs ADULTS Cute Gymnastics & “Couples" Challenge ❤️

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today my daughter salish  and her best friend nidal   challenged seven extreme athletes to  the ultimate acrobatics competition it's getting physical one of them will get an  embarrassing consequence so wait around to the end round one for this right here that's the spot nidal this  was his heel mark your heels have to get past   to win round one go get him was that  good well you better hope a 10 year old   doesn't beat you do it for the team  even though the team is one person   you got it all right good stuff  time come on nidal let's do it i would say nidal should get the  point because i'm taller but really   i'm short so that was kind of  equal round one goes to the adults nidal still kind of why not because he punched  straight here still lost though next round is   cheer we got brent andrew versus salish and  nidal the kids go first you're going down it's getting physical last time these guys  were with sandwich they were transforming   her into a cheerleader on the same team this time  they're competing but i have a challenge for you   i'm gonna give you five minutes to teach them  a cheer stud okay if you think the kids always   win these challenges watch this and this  and this so you have no idea who's going   to win this thing so stick around to the  end you have to put your legs really wide   and you're going to lean into a shoulder  you're going to jump up into a handstand on me right great move your knees forward let's check i don't see anything ah   this is a photo competition round i'm  gonna take a photo of each whoever wins   with a stranger judging wins this round this  is not a shipping thing but you want to smile   in each other's eyes it's just a partner thing go  you got it you got it yeah i thought you well nice back like that yes oh my gosh got it wow that  was actually really really cute don't do it   don't do it that was so cute no  you don't know if they're too young we are definitely gonna win definitely now what  they don't know is that we're gonna do the same   trick but just in the air so that we win wait  what what watching here guys watch and learn   they set us up to lose because they taught us  something that they were gonna do but better   yeah they are disqualified  no that's actually just smart   you have one minute to do this here we  go ready set let's see your pose let's go that was really scary on here we're doing  a youtube video you mind judging tell me   which photo you like better sure the kids here  are the adults pick the old people hold people   i think they're gonna win what  do you guys think everybody   adults are gonna win adults or kids give them  a round all right i'm gonna save the kids here we go next round rope climb brother versus  brother nidal versus juju first one gets the top   wins one two three go there's going to be a brutal  consequence for the losing team and i want you to   know i know everybody and i know how bad this is  so stick around to see it because it's going to be   go go go go oh go awesome go stop that don't die whoa what is she doing   oh my gosh come on dude you  got it nidal is coming close that was straight cheating i think that was just good strategy and i'm  gonna give it to the kids and we're moving on   guys moving on this is what you get when you're  on bars and rope this is eight hundred dollars   whoever does more backhand springs gets the  800 are you ready let's go what you guys don't   know is i have a world record for the most back  handsprings at my age for eight hundred dollars   here we go three two one one two three four five  six seven eight oh jack's gonna run out of space   if jack runs out of room this thing's over  jack stay in place you gotta stand by nidal are you kidding me how many did it all do no i'm  not cool anymore wow nidal that was insane here is   eight hundred dollars yeah i'm not gonna keep it  though i'm gonna give it to one of the subscribers   oh okay we just hit 8 million and as a thank  you we are going to give 800 to one of you all   you have to do is subscribe like this video and  comment below what you're gonna do with the 800.   yeah next round muscle up versus  pull ups jack versus salish  steel three one two one go one  three jack come on four wow let's see what it is this is one of the most  viral tick tocks we've ever done before so   basically a fast plays on the ground then i do a  backflip over her but i can't land on her because   if i do we're breaking up yeah and i don't want  that to happen so we got it babe do you trust me   uh yeah the winner is the person that  doesn't flinch straighten your legs out   now look cross your arms and do not open your  eyes i don't even know what they're about to do   but i don't trust you at all so uh i'm scared  we've only messed this up one time and by we   i mean me and i landed on her so hopefully  this doesn't happen all right here we go i'm gonna not look and just close my eyes  so i don't flinch how are you feeling today the dog do me a favor do not land on  her it's freaking me out a little bit   it's freaking me out nidal do you know  what you're doing yes okay here we go okay that was so good i think we still won  that no nobody won that round because nobody   flinched it is a time moving on i can't believe  you made me do that so now you have to do it   what no i'll take the picture but i've never  done this before we just do it whoa at my age   if i if i destroy my knee i can't repair it okay  where do i put my hands all right here we go next round couples sing you guys go first guys piercing hey everybody today  i am launching my first ever   online photo workshop the ultimate photography  adventure where i'm going to teach you   literally everything i know about photography and  in seven days make you an awesome photographer   sign up this week with this code you'll get a  huge discount and i'm going to pick one of you   to fly to la and do a private photo shoot on  the beach with me and a special guest you guys   are gonna do a cartwheel holding hands we're doing  cartwheels holding hands into a um back handspring that was really good hashtag nailish oh okay  you're ready you're ready it's time kids are   gonna do their synchronized trick a faff is here  to judge and then brit and drew are gonna have   to do something even better to win this round  and you're gonna need it because you're down all right kids did super good and the adults well  they better one up that because they've had a lot   more experience so we called in some backup we  have corn and natalia they are insane gymnasts   and athletes so i really think we're going to win  this round me and her do like a backhand spring   you guys think like a webster if the kids win this  round this thing is over early are you guys ready   you get one opportunity let's do it  all of us slow and easy there we go if the kids win this is over and you guys get a  brutal consequence that you're going to hate and   the next point goes to the uh the adults need even  more adults to take on these two little kids 10   and 11 and like 100. this is going to be a photo  challenge girl versus girl brit versus salish they   get one minute each to come up with an awesome  photo then we get a stranger to judge salish you   go first got to stretch out you got to be ready  for this because the consequence is brutal and you   don't want it wait why i can't tell you what it  is but you don't want to just don't lose oh my god   whoa whoa oh he hasn't got it yet i thought  he was flexible don't you want to win come on   oh yes point yeah whoa whoa yeah that's  my little girl the kids have definitely   got this one yeah right i got something on  my sleeve i have a creative trick eight big   people against two little sweet innocent  kids and two people so she is way more   flexible than me so i have to get really  creative in order to win this round wow somebody moved her ponytail hurry before  she loses it excuse me excuse me excuse me   oh whoa look at the sky look at the sun   whoa wow we got that three to two once again the  kids win this round it is all over can i get you   to judge sure you can awesome okay this one is  brit okay her right there okay bending like a   little noodle are you gonna vote for the adults or  for the kids tell us we're gonna vote for the kids and now for the consequence adults put your  phones in the hat i don't want to do this   you pick one of these phones and then you get to  do anything you want on their instagram account you get to do anything you want on your  brother's account this is gonna be amazing   we did it there you go thank you you guys can go to juju's account  it's still there and we're out
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 21,273,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, saysay matter, nidal wonder, nalish, jack payne, drew dirkson, flips, grav gang, britt hertz, acro, contortion, flexibility, competition, challenge, saylish matter, kids vs adults
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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