Handcuffed to My Kids for 24 HOURS *bad idea*

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I have sold my dad's look right now it's the middle of the day he has no idea with you and we're about to put our handcuffs on him for 24 hours what is that sir no no dude okay let's go Salish we're doing his head shots right this moment do you know about this did they talk to you let's not write this up in your review about this photo like this probably not my most professional moment okay oh I like it when you look towards the light yeah that's what I'm saying get a little closer hugs like that right there and then straight and I get a little closer to him yeah this is I should shoot like this more often good luck yeah okay we have 23 hours 45 minutes left to do this yeah it's like a kick back to the turn of our photochallenge we shouldn't be linked in disgust yeah you're only washing one hand I have a shoot in Coney Island now so that's where we're going dad I have a gymnastics lesson huh you sit in the backseat come on say yeah let's you're not driving oh man okay oh I don't think that's legal I got this okay oh gosh I don't have any skin left in my wrists already we're losing her oh [Laughter] it's gonna be a long day okay I'm not gonna hold this for long oh boy okay thank you I get I can't okay that was like the hardest thing I've ever done [Music] thank you bye you guys are commenting about how much you hurt I figured these would help oh well yes wristbands oh that makes all the difference I was supposed to be in Kona an hour ago meeting 12 dancers and Ariana where I'm running a little bit late we had to make a quick gymnastic stop I can explain hi how are you I know I know let's see the girls let's see the go hi we're here to do a quick photo shoot with you but I have a surprise hey cops I was planning to come here and surprise you guys with a five minute photo challenge on the beach I still plan to do that but there's one convocation and that's them so you guys want to do it I gotta get my shoes no way if we won't be the team we can do one at a time how many not few time one two three go Taylor okay excuse me everybody playing dry books we're doing this YouTube video can I please take one photo go over there to surf come on Dan you want to get this way everybody be ready go good and go yes okay thank you very much that was awesome Wow Heather come on okay come on I got a back up a little out got a back up back gotta back out oh my gosh it's really good actually good job dad what there's a lot of opinions Ariana the other camera hunting use yeah okay who's next that was beautiful come oh my gosh ouch well I gotta get my phone okay okay let go yes well you guys have props what is that that's powder oh gee oh yeah [Music] can he go oh yeah sounds beautiful oh oh that's great [Music] one minute okay this is total chaos okay go okay oh cool okay wait this is our last shot Oh God go Wow go yes okay that's time that's time let's go do one big group bonus shot by the water okay come on [Music] [Applause] okay here we go this is not easy but I'll tell it right shall I go Oh oh yes that was awesome my foot so nice to finally have time alone yeah Oh gross okay we had to take a 10-second break sailors just cold and we're back let's do this burger please say yes please Salish this is yours this isn't mine here you go wait why are you getting my pickle here I think okay perfect why is your hand on my lettuce I wanted that lettuce where do you want to go say well okay stop stop stop stop stop let's go ahead let's get a photo ticket okay ready that's so cute they say that you pressed down those bunts at all times except I deserve it as so he's just on your marks [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] I love poker [Music] arianna used to be my intern but check her out now everyone you gotta follow all right guys we're just getting this to the admit okay mmm okay Hudson just woke us up for the bathroom so we're getting up now and has you almost done [Music] [Music] [Music] you okay so it's about the time to take these things off but honestly this has been a lot of fun spending 24 hours my keys if you want to know why our comments have been disabled there's a video about it link in description there is a place where you can leave a comment on this video right now and that's in the community tab so if you subscribe to our channel hit notifications right now there's a photo from this video posting and I will be checking and responding to comments sandy can we have the key please he's got a YouTube channel now you should watch it it's great oh okay thanks for watching listen give us a thumbs up if you want to see us do 48 hours next time no way Hudson you got to get a new shirt all right let's do this take that shot [Music] you
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 11,814,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan matter, handcuff Challenge, pranks, dares, Coney Island, dance photography, dancers, ballet, ballerina, contortion, beach, 24 hours, 10 minute photo challenge, 5 minute photo challenge, hudson matter, amusement park, luna park, new york city, photo challenge, dance, 24 hour handcuff challenge, family friendly, funny, comedy
Id: 0d_Qe_vGnpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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