Buying and Building a dirt bike on a budget

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what's up YouTube fam how you guys doing today it's Clint lund with lenda Mex back with another video today guys I'm going to be addressing a very very common question that the YouTube fam has like constantly asked me by the Instagram at lend MX and we're gonna address that today what a lot of you guys been asked me you say okay plant we get it you could build a nice dirtbike with new parts sweet cool deal bro but what about us other guys who don't have a big pocketbook or good sponsors but we want to get a decent dirtbike going today I'm gonna answer that question we're gonna get you guys dialed in with a bike and we're gonna go buy one because I really don't need another bike but we're gonna go get one anyway to prove a point and it's always fun to buy a bike first and foremost if you're new to the sport welcome get some pads and some good gear because you're gonna need it if you're not new to the sport you've been in it for a while or maybe you stepped away for a while and you want to get back into it and you're looking for the right bike to get back into it and you don't have a whole lot of money to get it done with that in mind what we need to do is we need to assess a few things first off what are you going to be doing with the bike are you gonna be racing it are you gonna be riding it kind of like in the enduro and the trees are you gonna be taking it to the sand are you gonna be like what do you we're gonna be doing with you gonna be hooking off jumps like what's your game plan with getting this bike part number two is what exactly do you want to spend now some guys whether you're a kid and you're trying to convince mom and dad to get you a new bike if you're a guy that works nine-to-five maybe you're a college kid that goes to school full time you have to first come up with a budget how much you're going to be able to spend on this machine do you figure out exactly how much you're going to spend on this machine is time to go on Facebook marketplace Craigslist is kind of died out a little bit they started charging for their ads so you kind of don't find too much on Craigslist but you need to hit the ads on the internet or even local bike shops or maybe even got a buddy that has one Oh while we're doing that we're gonna go check on these guys out here run some practice laps and kind of get their opinion you'll see what I mean so ignore the wind guys it's a windy day so we have this construction zone and adam and tyler antique nap and some buddies are out here drilling some laps we're on break because of the corona virus and so they're running out places to practice so what better place and wide-open construction Lots that we have we do have permission from so let's go let's go hike up here here's just a sick little sand track this is where my son eivin lost control his bike pinned and this is actually the first time I've been up here since it happened but he lost control the bike going right here into this turn hit that barbed wire fence and went flying all the way down the street down there was pretty gnarly I think I might have to leave that video just because I had some bad memories to it but so guys we're gonna watch these guys drill some laps and then we're going to go buy a dirt bike [Applause] there's Tyler antique nap and see him back on the bike and my guy that seven-deuce news drilling flaps [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tylar antic nap back on the seat of the bike burning in labs it's back on the floor back on the vlog thanks to coronavirus dude I'm back at home yeah clap I know man hey but at least you getting some work in on the bike burning some laughs any good thing to come out of it alright boys what's your opinion on someone who's trying to buy a new bike whether they're getting into the sport for the first time whether they're coming back or if they're even just like wanting to test the waters and try dirtbike riding what do you feel like is a first step they need to assess and buying a new bike Wow yeah like so whether they're coming back whether mom and dad's gonna buy on the first one or whatever or they're going to test the waters and try riding what where do they go what's the first step that they need to do like are we talking do they need to think about what style riding they're gonna be doing to kind of qualify what kind of bike or what are we doing alright ty what do you think believe add him out of this so for a guy that wants to come do this just burn laps on an open track he's ridden before but he's not listen find find yourself a cheap two-stroke fine if you're not gonna race this is if you're not gonna race if you're not gonna race and you want to be a recreational dirt bike rider and you want to just get into riding for the very first time like ties that you either want to get one of those tt-rs you know TTR 125 XR 100 something like that that's going to be pretty slow but if you want the motocross bike feeling and you want to cheap low maintenance go on Craigslist find it cheap too fix it up a little bit and burn some gas so you get addicted and then go buy a fortune then you go all in on the bubu key yep we go we got some if you call it wise words from the antique nap boys now guys I feel like this whole video is a little bit subjective so you have to kind of take what I give you and apply it to your certain situation having said that I did go ahead and I made a purchase I'm actually on my way to meet the guy right now he's bringing the bike with them and when I get there we'll break it down I'll tell you what's up with it and we'll we'll figure out what we got to do hey guys so just picked up the bike it's been in the storage container for the better part about nine years he says nine years well whether it's hard to believe or not let me show you what we picked up and we'll go from there hi boys and girls so here it is this is our low buck start to everything today this is a 2005 yz125 had it listed on Facebook marketplace has been stored for nine years being a 2005 that put us a little bit know looks like it's it I mean it obviously has been written a lot 125 don't go through a lot of tires you said that these are the original tires which I will do a little research to back that up but says that it's original tires chain sprocket which I believe the chain sprocket because the chain is like flatten the links are just totally flattened rear shock is clearly blown let's see if I can give you it clearly it's clearly blown okay and that something happened to this exhaust end cap I don't know if I've ever seen that before it looked like it looks like it caught fire but I don't see any signs around it of ever getting hot or catching fire but either way that's really strange he did have an exhaust plug in it though so that's a start I guess a big turn-off to me is this right here this is a dune flag mount and so it's obviously been in the sand dunes he said that it was just ridden on like the hardpack side I don't ever ever believe that ever but that's what he says so like I said obviously we're blowing we were shocked that fork seals leaking just since it's been in the truck and the other side looks like it's been leaking a lot longer than since I put it in the truck so but anyways guys other than being a little Sun tattered a little you know works for the where it's a really good find it's a great specimen and it's a great start to what we have planned for a low buck get back on the dirt either a first bike or you want to get into racing you want to do trails you could do it all on the yz125 alright boys and girls - now that we've secured our purchase we're going to head back to the shop garage whatever and take this beautiful specimen down so one of the first things that you guys ever want to do whenever you buy a bike I don't care if it's used I don't care if it's brand new I don't care first thing you do is you take the thing down so even a brand new bike a lot of people don't understand this and I've had to explain this before when you buy a brand new bike a lot of things don't come properly greased and lubricated and Loctite it and it's really a good idea to just go through the thing and figure it out get everything locked I to get everything greased up sufficiently before you put on the dirt just it will help prolong the machine because we we put a lot of money in these things and we don't want to just go to waste so what I'm gonna go do right now I'm gonna run over napa auto parts because they have this alumalite aluminum cleaner we're gonna get that we're gonna get a stack of green scotch-brite pads you could use brown use maroon you use kind of whatever color that you want I like the green ones personally for doing this I need to run to the dirt bike shop and get a tube actually I might have something up the shop graduate ever I do I do so I have a new tire at home it's a very cheap tire I'm gonna throw on it we have fork seals because it's leaking I have a shock seal I have all the stuff but I'll break it down for you guys in price as we go along get this turd cleaned up throw a pressure washer on and see exactly what we're going to be facing because I have a good idea for as long as it's been sitting this thing's gonna need some work but I'm up for the challenge let's go enjoy detailing and going through bikes in the wind but we have the yz125 home and we're gonna get this thing sussed out guys we're gonna start just with giving her I'm sorry about the wait guys seriously give her a good wash so we could get a really good lay of the land about what is all going on obviously these were poem groups you can see the Yamaha logo still on them those are coming off our pets seen better days but barging straight so we don't need to replace bars and she's just really really dirty the aluminum is corroded and has some calcification was an oxidation so yeah pipes not that bad you can use a new barbecue black but guys this is gonna be a really good candidate for what I'm talking about here so let's get going [Applause] and now we could say goodbye to the original graphics [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right so now that we got the bike clean as far as this got all the topical dirt off of it now it's time to really get into it so what you got to do if you got an aluminum frame I don't care if you bought an old Honda or whatever if it's an aluminum frame go and get you this this right here is max or nappa brand aluminum brightener all that calcification and all that corrosion that you saw on the aluminum frame this will make it look brand new again and I'm not kidding when I say brand new it's gonna make this thing look like I'll just say a lot better you guys will see in the end but this is depending on where you buy it this one's from Napa like I said 13 to 15 dollars for up all of this aluminum brightener one thing this stuff is very very corrosive so you want to work quickly with it wear rubber or latex gloves and then absolutely my cover you don't want this stuff getting inside your eyes you don't want to be breathing this stuff so respirate or something and when you've got spray it on you'll start to see it foam up get yourself a brush and start to work all the foamy areas with either scotch brite or a brush but start working the material as soon as you start seeing it foam to really really get the best benefit of this product and then after you're done scrubbing you got the finish that you want you got a pressure wash this stuff off immediately or else the muriatic acid and this stuff is just gonna continue to eat away at the frame and well that's not good so let's get hammering on this the best way to do this though get all those plastics off get all those plastics off then you can do a complete clean so let's get all those off and then we'll get to it another thing that's a really good practice is keeping your hardware and everything sorted I had an empty bowl box thanks to bolt hardware for the project 3:25 where's my gun Craigslist I used all the bolts so I'm gonna use this to put all my old hardware from this again and this gives you a really good time to really sort all your hardware because you're going to want to go through Loctite some things grease some things and so you want to have it all in its proper space so I'll set apart you know seat Bowl radiator shroud left radiator shroud right side panel website right front number plate and so on so forth you guys get it I'll have it all sorted all the way through makes a lot easier putting it back together - and everything's in the right spot so get yourself a muffin tin or something like this either way something to help get it sorted alright YouTube fam know I could show you why we take off the plastics all the way so a lot of grease lot of grime a lot of years of neglect and you know I don't know what you call that but just use I guess storage yeah so that's what we're here to attack always look at your filter filter tells a thousand tales of how this thing was maintained or lack of maintained so this one's not bad bad but it still was bad enough where it made me cringe and order one from Rocky Mountain atv/mc calm so here is a tusk line air filter I dig these they're really really good especially for the price I think 17 dollars so guys we're keeping the price down meanwhile addressing the important things about this bike that are gonna keep it a good running well-maintained bike so now I'm gonna hit it again with the water gonna rinse it down and then I'm gonna come back I'm gonna hit it with the Illuma Brite let it set on for a little bit let's start to foam up get gloved up respirator eye protection like I said when you're spraying it on because it will come back on you and it burns and it's really really bad for you so if you're using that then please guys heed my warning and then after that we're gonna take scotch-brite and a brush to it and i'll show you guys how it turns out i think you guys are going to totally dig it I've done this lots of times we do it to our race bikes on a cheapy Suzuki and it makes those bikes look brand new so I expect nothing different on this so let's freaking go I'll have a cost breakdown - at the end of this if you guys are curious because there is gonna be some things I need to do some repairs I need to do that maybe you're not going to do but I'll give you my honest opinion about what it's gonna cost like I got to do fork seals we were shocked for sure muffler how it's like melted at the end I don't even know what happened sure you do not have to replace that but luckily I have from a project years ago off of like a steel frame yz125 Pro Circuit one I'm just gonna throw on there I'm gonna throw some alumina Brite on it fix up the muffler put it on it's gonna just look better aesthetically I don't know why that thing melted if you guys have seen that before drop it now in the comments and let me know what the heck happened there but other than that guys we're gonna keep clean on the sing we're gonna make it look good we're gonna make it look like a presentable dirt bike where we show it to track you show up to the trail you show up to wherever you're going with the dirtbike people aren't gonna plain stare they're gonna point and go that's a nice bike so let's ready go yeah so a lot of time later this is what we got see how good she cleaned up guys she cleaned up nice so what we have to do still I'm gonna pull off the expansion chamber the pipe whatever you want to call it pull off that muffler when we pull off the pipe we're going to take a look up through the exhaust port and we're gonna see if there's any damage on the skirt on the exhaust side skirt of the piston because if there is I don't want to start it up instead if it is good I know for sure 100% this carburetor needs to come off because when I bought this bike and this is something you should do to every bike when you buy it whether it's new old maybe not new but old for sure are used is just give a sniff to the gas or petrol if it does not smell like gas or petrol depending where you're at then there's a good chance that it's already started to convert and it's going to destroy your motor it's absolutely going to run horrible and in my case I know because soon as I turn on the gas immediately it started alright guys so obviously I have it a little bit more torn down yeah so still need to do quite a bit of things and pull up Forks replace our fork seals pull out through a shock replace the rear shock seal put new oil and it charged it with nitrogen I have all that here in house you got to take the pluses what the minuses or the good with the bad however you want to like can that the good is this is truly a very low our bike so I'm starting to kind of believe this guy's story a little bit you guys just got to really keep your eyes open when you're fully investigating a bike like you're gonna drop some money on it right so pull off the exhaust pipe the exhaust bridge and everything on the piston looks really really good the bad obviously is that yes I do have to spend some money and time and do the fork seals and shocks seal and let me show you that carb this carb whoever is going to be a different story this is what the bowl looks like and there's like some gray like mashed potato stuff in there it's it's really pretty pretty gnarly guys so this I have to completely clean out and get like brand new in here and then I have a carb rebuild kit that I got from All Balls which is good because the needle and seat right there is a seat has a little Phillips screwdriver going into her here that's a seat for the float that's just completely corroded in there so bad is that I just I have to spend a lot of time getting this thing fixed but I mean this is a good thing to take from this buying the best deal doesn't always mean the best deal I know that kind of you know did something to a lot of people right there but understand this if you don't have the mechanical prowess that some of us do to buy a bike in this state and then immediately go and you know Illuma bright the frame and then go through and just check out the motor and rebuild the suspension all in-house and like I'm gonna do a rear tire here in a second with a new tube and if you don't have that kind of mechanical prowess then you know something like this might not be the best deal for you but if you do have the knowledge to at least get you to this point maybe you want to send off the suspension you know maybe that is something you want to plan on which I really recommend a lot you guys do I mean there's nothing better than a bike that is properly sprung and valid for you it is magic you can make any slow bike a lot faster with just suspension alone so having said that one I one of I think personally one of the best telltale signs of a low our bike is one clutch cover where or frame where if you could see all the original paint on the clutch cover like this one means that either one dude wasn't riding with riding boots he was probably using shoes or hiking boots to is really get a gander at all your hardware take a good look at all of it guys I'll show you what I mean if you find a bike with truly low hours there should still be zinc plating on a lot of bolts now there was zinc plating on a lot of these bolts but after doing the luma Brite I should have forewarned you hopefully this catches you before if you had a nice zinc plated bolts one thing is the Illuma Brite will make short work of that zinc coating case the point you kind of see it on the bolt there were that luma Brite got into some of it and then there's still some zinc plating left on the other side of it luckily I didn't get any on they neither shock spring collars or anything like that but that is something that the luma Brite is just so strong and it will take off your zinc plating so I'm gonna keep plug and get that carb clean put it back in I pulled off the air box so I can completely flush out the air snorkel air boot that goes to the carb and it actually looks really good in there to be very honest with you I was impressed to see that there's still a nice rim of filter grease around where the air filter goes that means that he did change and properly service air filters frequently enough that they're still grease there but other than that guys gonna keep plugging like I say get the carburetor on get the suspension rebuilt get the rear tire on we'll start put this thing back together and I'll give you a price breakdown when it's all done alright guys so that is going to conclude the video for tonight new video coming out tomorrow we're gonna finish this thing up full cost breakdown hopefully get it started up and get some get some riding in on it and fully boiled down the mission behind this whole build and how I hope it's gonna really help you guys quickly though on to the worst bike on Craigslist they debuted the other day I could not believe the amount of positive support we got on it I'm so happy that you guys dig it I did say that one of the things I was on the fence about was the oversized tank and I wasn't loving it but quite a few of you reminded me the whole point of the worst bike on Craigslist was to give it to the youtube fam as you guys helped build it you tell me what we should do with it and it was a knockout vote a woods and enduro bike and what woods an enduro bike would not be complete without a large capacity tank so I did lose vision a little bit there I'm sorry guys made some of you upset I know some of you agreed with me that she didn't like the tank but maybe because you didn't get the whole part about where I let the public vote on what we're doing to the bike but that was something that we did do and to be fair yes so the desert tank is staying on I was able to talk with a hmm factory services next week I'm going to take this at the triple-s front forks and the rear shock down to them gonna have them valve it in spring it for me I'm really excited about that and then I can build that front wheel up and really put a pounding on this thing and see how awesome it is but for tonight the yz125 is gonna stay as is I'm gonna put a full day on it tomorrow get the video uploaded tomorrow night so you guys will have that two videos in two days dude that's pretty rad I love being back at work so anyways guys from the job garage whatever this is Clinton lined with Lenin X levers doing one of you guys as always I will talk to you guys very very soon that's promise he's up for now
Channel: LUND MX
Views: 733,983
Rating: 4.7436514 out of 5
Keywords: Yz125, yz, 125, rebuild, cheap, low cost
Id: O63qDLQhX6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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