2 stroke dirt bike build time lapse - Yamaha YZ250

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everything started with this ad the rest was fun let me show you how i built my dream yz250 so this is it huh this is her she needs a she needs some love that's for sure hey what's up guys radon here with dirt and iron and today i have this long video for you i'm gonna show you how i build my dream yz250 starting from buying it off craigslist i ended up paying one thousand dollars and after that took it back home and this actually took me several months uh close to like seven months because i have other things that i was working on uh i'm gonna compile all the videos here in this one time lapse and you can see everything i went through with this yz250 build right now we are working on a teardown which is a fun part of the build because it doesn't take a lot and you have entire bike taken apart and looks like you did a lot of work and i really like this part especially on this yz250 i was really surprised this was actually first time for me working on yz250 and i was really surprised how easy it is how straightforward it is to take this bike apart and uh you know a couple of parts were missing as you could see in the beginning the bike was not running the bike had bad crank and some balls are missing some little things here and there so when you are working on a similar project take pen and paper and write down all the parts that are missing uh that are broken so then you can buy them and you can have them ready when you are putting your bike back together same goes for the wire harness and cable cable routing take bunch of pictures so you know how to put it back together once you add it in the world where i begin [Music] it's doggy dog it's many men find for yourself take what you can [Music] cause every pack has their own plan [Music] who will i be when the wolves come [Music] [Music] we really is is love all we really need is love and i felt strange fire i've been burnt into that altar and i've learned [Music] i saw my soul i was a [Music] so i could see the land outside of it i've seen [Applause] is all we really need is that all we really need is i see the choice out in front of me it ain't cheap but it sets me free set me free is [Music] is looks like we are done with a tear down bike is completely apart so the next step would be to take the engine apart we went to parapro's garage my buddy brad is a great mechanic he helped us to take engine apart and we are going to assess the damage and see what needs to be replaced so let's see how that goes all right guys so uh we are only at the top and we already found uh three things that we need to fix the power valve uh actuator was this thing right here on the side was broken then we need to replay the cylinder and our bottom end is shut completely so let's keep going open this puppy and see what else uh he's waiting for us over there they say it was true that i was sold but the trouble with truth is it just don't get old there's a gravity to grace i can't escape in the trouble with grace it gives more than it takes yeah i need grace that gives me calling me to live to leap [Music] all right so final count we are going to need to replate our cylinder get the brand new top and we have to buy some parts for a power vault because that was broken we need new crank all new bearings and seals and we need new clutch so we're gonna get the full hinson setup for this build check out those dirty nasty aluminum parts and this is one of my favorite parts of the build because we are going to take this and ship it over to my friends at florida moto blasters morgan brett father and son duo they are doing amazing job hydro blasting and also sera coating so for this build for the first time we are going to cerakote bunch of things for the engine so i ship it over to florida and mark brad they did amazing job they went through everything the hydro blasted bunch of aluminum to make it look better than new and also as i said for this build we did a lot of sera coating we decided to go with the burnt bronze color hopefully everything will look amazing i'm blown away how beautiful it looks like it's spotless it looks better than brand new and when you pair uh this uh hydroplastic aluminum and the cerakote to it is a burnt bronze it's it's so beautiful i really love it it looks great like especially this uh uh clutch cover you know clutch cover when you look at the details this looks amazing really spotless like when i put a hints on cover here and voicing cover right here you know how great this bag would look once it's done ah man it will be so amazing really good it's time to put our engine back together we got range rabbit kit that comes with everything all the seals bearings and everything you need for rebuilding your engine as well as your crank and bottom end actually vertex piston came with the kit but we sent this over to tom morgan to pair it with the cylinder right yep so we don't this one is matched perfectly to the cylinder and it's matched to what we have done with the head mod and everything else we are going to use boys and water cooler to help us cool the engine v-force ridge cage and also full hints on clutch setup as you can see guys we are rebuilding the transmission we are actually going to change this uh stack yz transmission into yz250x which comes with three different gears third fourth and fifth are wide ratio and we actually got this transmission donated from scott meredith who is watching our channel so thanks a lot scott for doing this donation that transmission will do a great job in our yz250 build if you guys are interested to see a detailed video with a lot of explanation and a lot of tips for you if you are working on your two-stroke engine i'm gonna put a link below in the description with all the videos we did for this build there is a lot of videos there is hours of footage that you can go through and you can see everything in the detail i've been in the darkness for 40 days i'll be searching for holy flames a sign to light up the way so can you help me out can you help me out [Music] i've been [Music] more certain of truth before [Music] i've been [Music] called a righteous man before yeah i'll be closer to jesus before say can you help me out [Music] oh can you help me out [Applause] [Music] can you help me [Music] afraid i would [Music] can you help me out [Music] [Applause] can you help me [Applause] are you speaking now i think i can feel you say dreams [Music] and biggest wild in the mystery [Music] dreams [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a yz250 engine is all done and it's looking pretty good what do you think guys as you can see we are also using smart carp sc2 so this build will be powered by the new technology from smart carp well next we need to rebuild the bearing so the bike feels all brand new again so for that i visited my friend john and he helped me to press out old bearing from the steering stem and press in the new bearing i'm using factory links bearings and as you can see it's very simple to do it if you have good press it took him all like three minutes to do a entire steering stem bearing replacement [Music] so [Music] [Music] right after that we came back home to the garage and started doing our old school bearing packing uh you know hand packing and that's the that's the way i like to do it i want to make sure that i have grease everywhere and then everything is you know working correctly and then the bike will really feel brand new [Music] [Music] you know after that uh we continue working on our bearings so we're gonna replace all the bearings in our swing arm again using uh factor links bearings for the swing arm my friend dallas came over he helped me to press these bearings in it's a little bit easier if you have four hands because you need to hold the swing arm the bearing and then you need to drive it in simultaneously so it's it's better to have somebody to help you but before on my other builds i did it always alone so this one was a little bit easier so he was helping me with all the bearings pressed everything in also for the linkage and definitely need to grease it again after everything is greased you put all the all the seals all the spacers and you are ready to go some people got a good hand never wondering if they came but i've been fighting what i'm feeling needing something to believe in oh lift me up lift me up from the valley oh lift me up lift me up from the stone oh [Music] let it shine [Music] let it shine are you ashamed of how you're looking or afraid of their opinions well i've been locked up in this prison my head down low as long as i'm living yeah [Music] let it shine [Music] [Music] let it shine [Music] oh lift me up lift me up lift me [Music] let it shine get on up you are more than me [Music] is baby let it shine [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right my friend so yeah it would be better to first install the coil and then do the radiators you know this is my first yz and i didn't really realize that uh i will run into this issue only ktm or call is about the engine so it's very simple to install it now i was still able to do it here i didn't have to remove the radiators i could just place it in between and then you know put my hand in there and i was able to tighten it it just took a little more time also i had to loosen up my right radiator just a little bit to be able to fit in the wire harness and you know continue connecting all my wires there [Music] do [Music] [Music] we don't have it on a video but the breaks are already done you know this video took a few days of filming i would come home after work turn on the camera and do a couple hours in the garage and in between those days i took the bike over to jay clark's garage to dirt bike tv garage he has this vacuum machine for brakes and also took my braided line tusk braided line we put everything together front and rear brake use brand new fluid and bled the brakes front and rear and make sure that everything is working good so now on the video everything is done i don't have a footage from bleeding the brakes but yep we did that in jay's garage so thank you jay [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we are begging jay clark's garage you know this became some kind of custom here on our channel that every time we finish the build we go to jay's garage because jay's been great help throughout the build he helped me bunch with parts with advice with a lot of different things so i think it's a proper to go and finish everything up in his place in dirt bike tv garage and you know we went through everything through the fork heights then uh we also torque everything to the specs uh you may be never seen at a torque wrench on the video before but hey we have it and we use it all right so when we finish everything i enjoy this place as i said we install the plastics and we make sure that the bike is tipped up and ready for really good testing because right after this we are going to give the bike to dirtbank magazine and they will do their testing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right my friends here we go durden iron build number four is done 2007 yamaha yz250 off-road build or woods build whatever you choose to call it it's done it's finished and i want to hear your opinion so after this video is over please go below and comment let me know what you think about this build uh how you like it the feedback i'm getting from you guys that it's really a great thing you know to read so after all is done and said i really like to go back and read all the comments and then respond to all of you guys so don't forget to comment hey what's up guys rado here with mark tilley from dirtbag magazine and both of us we had quite some time on this yz250 we want to give you perspective from two different angles mark over here from the pro rider and i'm here the weekend warrior [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] mark what do you think about this why is it 250 build well i mean you guys did a great job on the build it it comes it looks amazing uh i got to shoot it in the studio and uh got to be on the bike for photos and video and i mean the bike looks amazing there's cerakote in a bunch of places um all kinds of cool uh bolt-on parts on it you guys did a bunch of stuff internally in the motor that is it's kind of a little different than what most people would do um the transmission modifications and all that kind of stuff are a lot different than what the average guy would do you guys went above and beyond to do that kind of stuff so um i mean the bike was a fun bike to ride we did have it for a lot longer than what you wanted us to have it for doing testing and doing stuff like that so um i know that uh that was a little stressful for you but we wanted to get stuff dialed in when you do this much stuff to a motorcycle it's kind of hard and a lot of people think that oh you just bolt stuff on and you go and and as we know it at the magazine that it's not really that way like you do there's there is a lot of bolt-on items on this motorcycle plus all the stuff done internally and sometimes that stuff doesn't always work together right so you know there's there's a lot of stuff that you you have to do and you have to get together and and and make it make it kind of mesh together so um this bike guys kind of built it a little bit more for what we would call east coast off-road it's more tight technical stuff and that's where the bike really excels um once we got suspension race tech dialed in the suspension and once we got the all the motor mods kind of kind of working right with the you know right right fuel mixtures and all that kind of stuff everything worked great the bike was a blast to ride it has yeah it has a bunch more bottom in than what uh what a stock yz250 does um that's what you guys were going for with the with the motor mods um yeah well we asked tom morgan to give us exactly that you know we wanted to have a bike that is uh off-road ready we don't really take this bike much on the track so we asked tom morgan to give us this bottom power and that crazy hit when you come on a pipe i think we kind of accomplished that would you say so yeah you did and and if that's what you're going for this bike is perfect for tight technical stuff these are some nice trails nice bottom part where i didn't clutch it at all that was pretty good [Applause] so morgan reporting for the bottom power is good the little hops this is cool check it out i think that's 2 15. for a local guys you might know 215 highway [Applause] mark thanks again for doing this with with us here on the channel and thank you for featuring the bike on the cover on dirt by magazine i was really really stoked grateful to see it there and the story uh mark wrote about it is really great so i really appreciate that hopefully worked together more in the future i have more bikes to come so guys stay tuned we're gonna have uh some fun with mark together in the future all right mark yeah sounds good to me thank you for uh letting dirt bike magazine be a part of it you can go to our website and see the two stroke tuesday on this and then the the full video um from travis fant will come out on our youtube channel on dirtbikemagazine.com as well um and then uh so like i said if you want to see more on this motorcycle the full story will be available on the website once the magazine goes off of the newsstands so it's dirtbike magazine.com and it's usually in in a two-stroke or in the features but you can search dirt and iron on the dirt and iron and yz-250 on the website and it'll it'll pop right up and yeah i'm i'm looking forward to doing a lot more stuff it sounds like we might have a ktm in the works and and kind of go from there so you know we'll do do something a little bit different and uh try to keep everybody guessing on what we're going to do next cool sounds good all right guys that's about it for today and don't forget whatever you do stay motivated see you guys later
Channel: Dirt N Iron
Views: 1,495,549
Rating: 4.8334098 out of 5
Keywords: dirt bike build time lapse, 2 stroke, dirt bike, two stroke, yz250 build series, yz250 build time lapse, dirt bike build
Id: 0jCiKTIn4nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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