How to make $1000 A WEEK flipping dirt bikes / ATV!

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so there you go you guys two hundred and forty dollars to twelve hundred dollars in less than two days hey how's it going you guys welcome back to uv garage today i wanted to talk to you guys about how to make cash flipping dirt bikes dirt bikes atvs anything in that realm um it has been something i've been at for about four months uh just as a nice side hustle and it has brought in quite a bit of cash uh so i wanted to share some tips and tricks i've got throughout this this whole video is going to be teaching you guys the basics and so you can hop into this yourself and start making some good money um yeah i've been making at least upwards of 500 to 1500 and then my highest week of about 2500 a week just from flipping dirt bikes um and this is all a side hustle i'm not talking eight hour days of working on dirt bikes but it does take some time it does take some work and a little bit of knowledge on how to work on dirt bikes but you can get into it i've only been in the dirt bikes for about a year and within three four months i got all the basics on how to work on them bikes so yeah we're gonna hop straight into this um i've organized it with five tips before you buy the bike five tips while you're looking at the bike and then four tips after you buy the bike uh so we're gonna start off obviously with the b4s um first tip is going to be acting quick but not impulsively and how i mean by that is you're going to want to act quick on the deals that pop up because those are going to be going quick there are a lot of people especially in my area i'm here in arizona central arizona and out here it's very very popular to be buying selling flipping dirt bikes uh the main app i like to use is offroad facebook marketplace is also good um craigslist if it's good in your area in my area craigslist isn't very good but uh yeah so you're gonna want to add up the before needs and the cost that those needs are gonna be so if you find a bike that is up for sale for 400 and you're wow this is a 2002 kx 250 let's say that is in decent shape or at least it looks like it in the pictures and 400 bucks is a steal you could go buy that clean it repost it and sell that for easily two grand so the main thing you're going to want to look at is the description contact the seller ask him a few questions um if it needs something as simple as like a right side case cover that's 150 bucks used on ebay that is worth it but if it needs a whole new bottom end the top end just a whole new engine rebuild the frame is cracked there's missing pegs like all of those small items that might fly past you in the head you want to look through in the description and the pictures and make sure just do a quick summary of those items make sure that you can make profit on the bike and it's not just a piece of junk um so moving on we're going to have tip number three which is communicate with the the seller um make sure it's not sketchy make sure it's not somebody who has joined i know an offer up you can check to see how recently they joined so it is right now april um of 2021 and you can see when you click on their offer up account when they join and if it says april 2021 they have no reviews no profile picture it that's going to be the first telltale sign for me so when i see something like that i just kind of back away look at it i'm just uh doesn't seem very good um but there are ways to get in communication you can ask them for a phone number ask them if you can call um get to know the person over the phone which is mostly what i do with almost every one of these sales tip number four is going to be check throughout the day uh and by that i mean i frequently frequently check fake but facebook marketplace and offer up throughout the day any little time i have say i'm just eating lunch or on a break or anything like that i will check facebook marketplace and offer up uh just refresh the page organize it by motorcycles or powersport vehicles in the category section and just lower down the prices and see what people have listed because as i said before those deals just fly by real quick so you're gonna have to be one of the first to communicate with the person and then the last before you go and check out the bike is gonna be to leave the junk um and by leave the junk i mean anything that is just not worth your time say it's just a hollow frame with a completely destroyed engine is missing too much it's not gonna be worth it prices add up quick especially if you're buying oem and even after market those prices can add up quick that was one of my first mistakes when i started flipping bikes was i would go and pick up a bike because it was cheap but i didn't realize how much it needed i was just so excited and so impulsive on the purchase that i would bring it home and throughout the next few days i would realize the bike's only worth about a thousand dollars and in order to get it to the point where it's worth a thousand dollars i have to put 1200 in and then also on leave the junk i kind of just want to mention that you're going to want to stick with yamaha suzuki ktm honda just the main brands those are going to sell quick those are going to sell good the chinese online is all over the place you're going to want to stay away from those you can make money with one certain chinese bike and those are the ssr pit bikes often you can find those and parts of them are just dirt cheap and you can flip those pretty good but they're not going to be very big profit margins um i'm talking like you buy one for 200 bucks and you buy a 30 part and sell it for 500 600 which is still good cash but you aren't 100 sure you're gonna sell them because they're just all over the place um and they're often trashed so yeah those are gonna be the five tips beforehand the five that i'm gonna get to in between are going to be don't be impulsive i know i've been saying that a lot but that is something you really need to take in uh just some self-control on these purchases when you get there don't just immediately hand them the cash and load the bike up into your uh truck or trailer just not worth it some things you're going to want to check is i always bring a compression test with me um they're cheap at offer up i think i got mine for like 18.99 and it comes with a bunch of bits you can test them all so i always test for compression um some builds i don't because it already says in the description it needs a top end so i immediately know it has low compression but with a lot of deals you can you can get some solid bikes out there that just honestly need a carb clean and some tlc but i always bring the compression tester just to be safe because you can't always trust the seller um so i check for compression check other issues with the bike see the overall quality and like see if it's been taken care of at all and then one of the most important if not the most important is going to be checking the vin or the title that it comes with excuse me um if the bike does come with a title you're going to want to look through it make sure it's the seller and also just if it has a title that's always a good sign shows that it's 99 of the time not going to be stolen because they're not going to have the title as well um if it does not have a title which i have purchased plenty of bikes where they do not have the title um you're just going to want to do a quick vin check there are plenty of vin checkers online that are free that can check it make sure there's no stolen history records of it um so you're going to want to go through that make sure that's good if the compression the bike itself checks out the vin or the title checks out um you're going to want to get to know the seller that also plays into the title and vin situation of it being stolen you do not want to end up with a stolen atv or quad or dirt bike it's way more common than you think so you're going to want to make sure make sure um gets a no seller he's a cool guy he's being welcoming he's being nice he's being open he's not being all sketchy timid and quiet then 99 of the time it's going to be a good deal uh so yeah just make sure they're a friendly good person and then probably the most important part other than of course it not being stolen is going to be on the best starting price um so you're going to want to haggle now i know a lot of people are uncomfortable haggling over price uh it's just a common thing like you can get over it like uh i'm a very introverted person so yes it is hard to go to someone's house and haggle over items that you've already made an offer for but oftentimes you can get them to go a little bit lower i wouldn't push it to the point where they get annoyed but you can't often get them to go a little bit lower and the starting price is always the most important part of the flipping just because if you pay too much at the beginning then you could be screwed overall um but yeah if all those tips check out and you seem like you have a good deal on your hands uh yeah just go ahead and pick it up bring it on home and then immediately hop into getting to work so depending on the project um i'm gonna talk a little bit about these two projects i have that i'm going to show you guys so i had this kx 110 two-stroke dirt bike um i made the flip videos on my channel about that where i actually show you guys the work i did and i got this bike in pieces it was literally in tupperware bins with the frame and engine mounted in um so that took i can't remember i believe it was just two days of work yup about two days of work and by two days i don't mean nine ten hours i mean three four hours throughout the day um i'm just putting the bike back together because even if it didn't run a full complete bike will sell for more than a bike in pieces and that's often where i make my most money on these flips um so yeah let's get into that point which is going to be your advertisement i like using offroad just because it's the platform i'm most comfortable on so as you can see there is going to be sorry i'm trying to pull it up so i can talk specifically about it this is going to be the advertisement i made for the kawasaki kx 110 um this is the flip i did on my channel where i got it in pieces put it back together uh i listed it for twelve hundred dollars or no i listed it for fourteen hundred dollars and then cut the price down to twelve and i didn't do that over time i did that immediately so people would see that i'm already lowering on price so when you do that it seems like a small detail but people will notice that and start sending offers so i also give it a nice description um it isn't required that you have a nice validated account but it definitely helps i like having a profile picture simple name and then some good reviews um but again not required because i'm sure if you're just starting up you're not going to have much um but in the description i'd like to go into detail show people what they have so i put kawasaki kx80 with a 110cc big board kit and a big wheel kit the bike has tons of aftermarket parts on it fast and fun no title unfortunately needs a couple gaskets redone and seals runs amazing but has a couple leaks less than five hours on the whole engine rebuild a new carburetor new parts everywhere unfortunately have to sell 1600 obo i did that just as a beginning um i believe i did change it back down to 1200 so that was just a type error and then i like to give a parts list of the upgraded parts um hot rods crankshaft new oem carburetor a new chain brand new front and rear sprockets like it's just a good thing people like to look for especially with a dirt bike that cheap um and within no time i had plenty of offers coming straight in i had four come in right away for full price so i messaged the first person that messaged me he said he wouldn't be able to come for a couple days but you know i just wanted to get rid of the bike make this as quick as possible so i had messaged the next guy he said he could be there in an hour i was like well here we go comes over no questions asked he test rides the bike up and down he was like yeah man this is a solid bike i'll take it hands over the 1200 cash and there is my profit i did buy that bike for 240 dollars so that is a thousand dollar or near thousand dollar profit just from that little bit of work so yeah you can make some good money off this you guys um i hope some of these who some of these tips and tricks can help you guys out in the future i hope you guys enjoyed this little tutorial um some tips and tricks uh this video did run a little bit longer than i expected but we'll see how much i cut it down by right now i'm on 25 minutes worth of footage but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed please like comment and subscribe and i'll see you guys later
Channel: EV Garage
Views: 5,869
Rating: 4.9661016 out of 5
Keywords: banshee, blaster, yamaha, honda, quad, atv, funny, build, diy, detailing, wash, Yamaha, Banshee, yamahabanshee, yami, dirt, bike, dirtbike, ATV, Quad, 350cc, 2 stroke, two stroke, yamaha banshee, restore, custom, paint, work, washing, cheap, easy, $20, kawasaki, kx80, kx125, flip, side hustle, money', money
Id: hH4t8y7Isus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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