Fixing Up a DESTROYED Vintage Dirt Bike...Will It Run??

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would you look at that that's 1987 hon CRA T and we're gonna go pick it up there as you guys know I took a survey a lot of you guys participated in this survey well quick go to the survey I said Leah maja breeze will be finished up next video what project do you guys want me to do next a lot of you guys said quad 38% some quad dirtbike 45% it could be vintage or newer and the motorcycle 11 and other six so today we're fulfilling your wishes we're getting a vintage dirt bike project um and honestly I'm pumped for this one I was looking up 1987 Honda CR 80s these things go for quite a bit of money and they're pretty sweet let's take a quick look at this yeah but I mean it's it's pretty cool obviously it needs to tell me more if the plastics are completely junk in this thing my plan is to use a heat gun get off all the old crappy paint bring the plastics back to brand new like we did with the breeze restore this thing as best as we can we might have to tear into the motor which is probably a good thing because I haven't done that in a while and we're probably going to have to take this thing down to the frame the frame is painted black so it'd be nice if we could sandblast the frame and powder coat that but that's only if we can get the plastics good because I don't think they sell plastics for this thing so plane is probably getting you set handlebars to match it probably some black ones clean up the plastics get the motor running perfect get the rims unpainted cuz they're painted black again for some reason the whole thing's blacked out I don't know why but it's gonna be a good projects to stay tuned let's go pick it up all right guys sitting in the car waiting to go to Ellington I don't know why I keep my car outside instead of a trailer I guess priorities I keep the trailer in the warm garage and my car outside it's kind of funny barely started today - it's really cold but we'll be on our way pretty soon here just get a text um we're both 43 minutes away from each other so we'll meet up perfectly right in the middle and we should be good to go so let's head out pick up the C RIT alright guys just pulled up we're at the BP in Ellington it's waiting for the guy to get here hopefully he'll be here pretty soon and doesn't just not come because that would really suck which is possible I've had that done before where you drive somewhere and then the people don't even meet you it's horrible hopefully it's not that bad of a person and he actually shows up he didn't read my message yet so that's not good but yeah just waiting we'll see if he shows up or not if not and that it's going to suck and I'll have to look for a different project alright guys we got the beats the guy showed up here's actually a subscriber of the channel and you recognize me so that was pretty cool and yeah the the bike is pretty cool we'll do a quick walk or I'm going to get home but it's it's pretty unique I can see the tag from up here this is 1987 I think it says so it's pretty cool I call Honda has tag right on the side of the bike - I tell you the year inside like the VIN number we have to look it up so that's pretty cool oh yeah definitely a pretty unique bike we'll dig into it and get home alright guys just made it home let's take a quick look at the CRA T this thing is a tiny little motor in here but you can see random so yep and then it's a 1987 right there on the tag it's pretty cool tires actually don't look too bad it's got the pipe on it the pipe doesn't have any dents in it except for that little one right there it's really you can't even call it dent looks like the brakes are all their motors pretty tight doesn't look like that nice we can compressions decent Besame the old hand test it's got the carburetor all there it's missing the tube from from right there which is supposed to be below the carburetor but not a big deal plastics are pretty rough we're gonna have to be working on those quite a bed it's a front brake work yeah the front brake even works that's awesome doesn't really look too bad so the plan is to get it off the truck and then do a car clean all right got the truck let's stick it in the garage take a look at it alright guys got the bike in the garage we can take a look closer look at it now without the wind as I said before the engine doesn't look like he has any leaks it looks like the carburetor might be leaking a little bit you can see some fuel unlesss from taking out the truck but it's really not horrible except for all the black paint on it which I'm guessing will come off with a heat gun it's just a lot of black paint like thick black paint all over I mean it's it's pretty bad you can see the frame is painted black which I believe is original unless it was rad I can see it was yellow at one point too so it looks like it was stripped down painted yellow then painted red and then painted black and then the swingarms painted black for sure what else Forks are picked painted black it used to be yellow you can see right there here's the VIN let's get the VIN on the motor VIN is J H 2h e 0 4 0 7 h k 4 0 3 4 9 4 so that's the bin it's got these these boots on these dust seals looks like they're an okay shape probably not original for the bike see if the clutch works here clutch works I wonder if it actually works though just engages that's good does kick over that's pretty good this this line right here looks a little big for it it almost looks like it's almost kind of kinked right there you can kind of see how it's almost kinked so that is not good you might have to replace that no rips in the manifold so that's good see if the back brake works here yep back brake works got a little FMF silencer on it pretty cool the shocks seem to be good when I took it out of trucks those are good the shocks app is kind of weird on this you can see it's really not right in the middle it's kind of like okay it's really not in the middle it's like right next to go to the right sidebar which I'm guessing it's not supposed to be like that you can kind of see all that curves off like that which it could be I mean that it is possible but I'm guessing it's not supposed to be curved I don't know leave a comment if you you know it's supposed to be curved or not oh yeah I think the first step with this thing is going to be to do the card plane and see if it starts it from there and then go through the air filter system yeah I can see already in there that mice has gotten to the air filter I don't know if you guys can see that in there but the air filter is completely wrapped in there so we have to take that out order some new parts for this bad boy and then go from there should be a pretty fun project I'm looking forward to it you don't see too many 1987 CRA biddies around anymore and it definitely deserves a new life I don't know if these are original either these this this whole setup I don't know if the Forks are and whatnot but we'll have to look into it after we'll get some pictures up on that Google and just see if everything is original on this thing or if it was just kind of Frankenstein together cuz I'm not really sure I haven't seen too many of these and not super familiar with the older versions of the CR 80s so if anyone in the comment section knows about these things let me know if anyone has extra plastics or parts they want to send my way I'll show you shout you guys out in the videos so right now we're looking at plastics we're going to try to restore these but we can't restore broken plastics so this is definitely broken the fender we can proudly restore this piece and the tank for sure and the front fender but if you look over here it's missing this plastic completely so if anybody has that plastic let me know I'll buy it from you and or if you guys just want to send it for free I'd really really appreciate it and I'll show you out in the videos but yeah other than that I don't think it's missing anything I can't see what else it would be missing meet some new handlebars for sure all those byblos this guy well Killswitch as well you can see up here I'm glad to see which way is on an off for that thing shouldn't be too hard let's see when it sparks it's hard enough but yeah pretty cool project let's get into it and do the car trigger all right guys first stuff in this build we're gonna be taking apart the carburetor looks very easy to take out there's one clamp right here one clamp right here and then you can just pull the whole car burger out this bike is gonna be super easy to work on tons of space to work on stuff so that shouldn't be too bad so let's take the carburetor out see what it's got in there for jazz to see if it lines up with the stock ones and then we'll go from there I looked at the picture and these look original these are actually blue so the bike was supposed to be red and blue and yes these are original which they're in great shape for being original they sna a little bit cleaning yeah let's take up the carburetor and I'll get to work on that all right let's get these clamps off here can I grab the heat gun and one of these these rubbers right here because those are rock solid [Music] [Applause] all right carburetor is off it looks pretty clean it looks like it was cleaned already but we'll see take it apart see what jets are in there and then we'll slap it back on there see if this thing starts up you also have to check the spark and see if there's there's a spark get into it and just see what the spark plug looks like but let's dig into the carburetor here see what's up with that all right guys looks like we're running a fifty two for the pilot I don't know if you guys can see that or not but that's a fifty to fifty two for the pilot super maintenance all right the main isn't 125 so we'll remember those and then we'll check what they are stock so 125 and a 52 so the pilots plugged up a little bit and the main a little bit crusty stuff in it silver he's gonna blow us out and then it should be good to go it looks like somebody already cleaned the car before so let's put this back together let's blow this out put it back together then check for spark here quick right guys carburetors all clean though ready to be put back onto the bike I just blew it out quick and um just sprayed it with some carb cleaner so should be good to go I did notice that the air mixture screw was out one in 1.25 turns so one in the fourth so I screwed that out one and a half and I think it's supposed to be a two so we'll put that back in the bike but we can't tune that unless is back in the bike so let's put this back in the bike and I will check for spark then back in the bike here [Applause] [Music] all right carbs back on let's check the first spark here all right the spark plugs right in there let's try get that out of there that's what the spark plug looks like BR ad s for running on this I'm not followed or anything doesn't look to you black so that's good let's see if it's good smart there we go I don't know if you guys saw that but it was sparking pretty good let's zoom in up in there wow that can be zoomed up far enough yeah it's got good spark so let's put the spark plug back in and try start this thing up all right guys spark plug is back in let's take off the seat and take off that air filter I don't want the carburetor to be sucking in that foam because the air felt there's completely chopped up in there so it looks like the seats held on by two little aid Mills right up there you guys can see them so let's put take those off take a look at the air filter you can see it's not the greatest so yeah it wasn't even on so we're gonna keep the cage but take the foam off of here cuz it's already up in the party you can see it's just gonna crumbling so I'll put this cage back on it's not great to run it with uh with other than an air filter there's also other crap in there I don't know why that's all in there alright let's put this guy back on need two hands for this alright you can see the cage is now back on it's kind of dark in there but the cage is back on we're good to go there's no air filter on it now so there's no foam going to be sucked into the carburetor into the engine quick put that cover back on like that alright anything else needs to be fixed here see if gas is going on here oh yeah gas is going in got the switch all figured out let's check the cooling here quick coolant stopped off it's hard to see this is so dark in here oh it stopped off so we're good there looking pretty good so far I've got check the oil right here it does not have a dipstick or anything ooh Oh does it look milky milky he almost looks milky all right I'm gonna get a dipstick and see if this is milky let's grab a little piece of flexible wire here shut that down here hmm looks like we have some milky oil here looks great milk ish I don't know if you guys can see that it's pretty milky in there so that is not good that means the water pump seal is leaking I'm guessing into this cover case so the water pump seal is right here so this is the water pump cover and behind that there's a bar that has a water pump on it and that bar actually goes into the engine into one of the gears and the bar is actually surrounded by a a seal and if that still goes bad when the coolant gets into this case so I'm guessing that's what's happening so we've got water mixing with the oil turning it white I've had a couple bikes like that before where that happened and that's no good so we're gonna take apart this cover and see what's happening underneath there and that will be next video but let's just try to get this and started up it won't hurt it if it's running for a little bit with oil in it it's not the end of the world we can start it up for a bit and just see so let's try to start this thing all right so first thing we did was go through the carburetor that looks that looks good has spark so that's good air filters cleaned out that's good and the oil is a little bit milky but that's fine for right now and we have coolant in the system so let's start this thing up alright so choke it first [Applause] right it starts up I noticed right away it doesn't idle and it's puffed now some pretty white smoke so I'm guessing that's the oil mixing with the coolant and the oil screw is all the way in so I'm guessing the air fuel mixture screw needs to come out a bit and that we need to adjust that so let's just try adjusting that and see what happens oh and the front suspension the shocks are just completely done here so yeah it's not good all right so the only other option is to adjust the oil from up here so let's try doing that now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oils a tad high I think it's because it's missing the the line from the carburetor that goes right here so let's quick quick put a line on right here then tuck it down and eat the carburetor all right we got some of this line here except to pick up the right diameter line and we'll be good to go all right so that looks about right right here let's just cut a little piece of that and we'll put that right onto the carburetor right here [Music] all right so that sounds pretty good I didn't really help much but it's good to have that there all right so let's take this thing for a ride and see if it goes throughout the gears and probably should lube up the chain a little bit yeah definitely I'll show you guys front shocks here quick I hope you guys can see this but it's really bad take a look at the shocks that's me putting like zero pressure so the shocks are completely [Music] all right let's try to take this thing for a ride all right first around this thing let's see how it goes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well that went through first gear pretty good let's take it on the road and see though through all the gears [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right first ride went pretty well I can definitely tell that there's coolant leaking you can see there on the head right here - it's looking pretty good so we definitely need a new gasket for this thing it's leaking pretty good out of the head and maybe that's where the issue of the coolant going into the oil is so um yeah first where I wasn't too bad has all the gears has the power definitely crazy fast or a CRA yeah I know if you guys saw me fly by but that was like third gear I a super super crazy bike so it just needs a little bit a little bit of hair for the motor and we'll be good so it's probably gonna happen is a complete teardown of this bike and just go over everything definitely needs new shocks in the front end their oil added or something to that and we'll go from there so hopefully guys enjoyed the video of me picking up this vintage 1987 honda CR ad pretty cool you don't see bees very often and came out for a pretty decent price considering he practically delivered at o2 to underscore vintage underscore on Instagram I do a live behind the scenes you guys can keep up to date with this and yeah Instagram is the best place to find me you guys want to get in contact myth with me her ask questions so definitely hip Instagram anyway thanks for watching guys thanks for subscribing hopefully guys have a Merry Christmas until my son we [Music]
Channel: 2vintage
Views: 140,435
Rating: 4.8714857 out of 5
Keywords: dirt bike, honda cr80, honda cr, honda, cr80, vintage dirt bike, vintage honda cr80, destroyed vintage dirtbike, fixing up, building dirtbike, bike, 2vintage, 2 vintage, buying vintage dirt bike, fix, build, brother, love, fun, adventure, honda cr 80, honda cr80 build, honda cr 80 project, 1987 honda cr80, 1987, 80cc
Id: Bgs2Gff69Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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