I BOUGHT the CHEAPEST ELECTRIC dirt bike on Amazon

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so i just bought the cheapest electric dirt bike on amazon for 3 500 bucks or at least i think it's a dirt bike you see they call it a dirty bike because it comes covered in dirt i think you mean dirt e-bike like electric bike yeah okay that makes sense i mean that explains the lack of mud hey man we talked about this like the cameraman can't keep on talking in the video like it confuses the the viewers you know oh yeah yeah my back that's right and unlike everybody else who has reviewed this thing i'm not on their payroll i actually bought the bike myself so i can say whatever i want whatever horrible things about it i can actually tell you guys the truth safety first for some reason this all reminds me of my favorite bob versus psalm 119 114. you are my refuge and my shield your word is my source of hope i think i see why they call it dirty bike it's got this mouse stuff all over them hamster bad all over the place i didn't think the box would be holding the whole bike up but i guess well that sucks segway stupid box design i better pick this thing up before all the uh gas and oil drops out all right so very very very first impressions it's stupid they did a bad job boxing it up now i am actually really excited to see how this thing is i got to put a lot of this thing together i need a knife i don't have a ton of experience with electric motorcycles but we did prove that the harley-davidson has much more much longer range than what they claim to have that was us we also proved that the most expensive electric motorcycle on amazon for ten thousand dollars is a total piece of junk and that you can buy it for like 700 bucks on alibaba what's this i'm guessing that's nothing what is this it's a fender keys all right so let's uh let's fly hold on a second [Music] [Music] like that you like that didn't think i could do that did you all right so let's uh let's collect all the stuff we got get all the parts clean this mess up put this thing together looks like some type of charger [Music] anyone can have a pocket knife it takes a real man to have a pocket chainsaw also real men only have nine fingers it's not the instructions but it's kind of tells you what everything is nine is the disc brakes why do you need this why does this have to be metal so uh here's all the parts that come inside the box we got tire front tire a little tool kit maybe everything i need to put the bike together 14 12 couple allen key sizes uh right side foot peg front fender battery charger i'm not sure where this pad actually goes uh some kind of silly looking keys and then i think these are wheel spacers it does look like most of it is is put together will it run right now if i plug the keys in i think this needs to be plugged in i'm not sure what this does does that open it all right that opens it all right so this is the battery they talk about the battery saying it's it's replaceable it's exchangeable so you could have another battery with you the funny thing is you can't buy this battery on segway's website i'd look i tried i tried pretty hard because i wanted to buy a battery a backup battery but then i also wanted to buy i also wanted to see if they have the two because this is the 160. this is the uh the lower the less powerful one i think it's got a range of maybe 40 miles and has a top speed of like 31 miles per hour the next one up has a range of like 70 76 miles and has a higher top speed of like 46 miles per hour but all the specs on the bike looked look very similar so i wanted to see if i could just stick a just jam a 260 battery in there apparently no one's tried it because i can't find anything on the internet about it so i was going to buy one and do it i couldn't find any batteries to buy you can't find them anywhere on the on the website even though they they they specifically say you can replace the battery there it is it is very easily replaceable it's not very heavy i don't know weighs less than 20 pounds so i could see that being replaceable it looks just like the the 260 but that one's got more uh more power so let's plug this thing in see if it runs right now oh little battery meter so we have battery all right deep in here is the throttle and then we'll see if this thing's doing anything there's something else okay no that's just sport and ep what about that little button down here it's a horn hey man i thought we talked about this i thought you know like like it really confuses people because i've never seen you in the videos and you can't really talk because you're not you know you're not in front of the camera you know what i mean yeah yeah i forgot okay it's all right maybe there's like a control in here like a push button that turns it on or off or something like that it's the brake master cylinder it's not working now i mean what's what's the difference i'm twisting the throttle but where's the actual on button this this is it this is ignition that's the actual on button i don't know we'll actually take it apart put it together for real and see if it works i don't know so with the exception of the aluminum frame and the vin number this thing looks very mountain bikish mountain bike bars mountain bike forks mountain bike you know tires but it is some type of weird goofy you know crossover of where does it actually fall in line is it a mountain bike or is it a dirt bike or is it just a dirty disgusting bike and when you consider the price point it's actually cheaper than some of the high-end electric mountain bikes you know that are like the bosch system though those are some around five thousand dollars but when you when you actually go to compare this to like an electric dirt bike like a ktm you know you're closer to like eight or nine thousand dollars which is you know a lot more than this now at first glance of this bike everything about stupid and trash and i hate everything about it but compared to a lot of the like the the normal like chinese amazon bikes that we've been putting together i mean this is this does look like a quality a quality piece although it is junk and i hate everything about it but also we've been putting together motorcycles so in the realm of bicycles you buy a bicycle from from walmart on the surface you know when you put it together it does look pretty good and that's that's a 100 bicycle you know i mean this is a 3 500 bicycle so it should look pretty amazing and a lot of things that the the bicycle technology is getting into is they're just using motorcycle stuff hydraulic disc brakes you know i mean the the different suspensions a lot of the stuff you're seeing on the top of line bicycles mountain bikes they were on motorcycles for the past 50 years all right so by now you're wondering you're like sean why are you so rough with this bike why are you giving it such a you're barely even into it you're giving it a bad review well i'm excited about this bike i really am i really am pumped about it but about maybe a year and a half ago maybe two years ago when segway first started talking about a little bit of buzz about this bike it was never released yet and they may have shown some pictures of it they contacted us and they said we want to sponsor your channel and you guys can do a review on our bike and i was like cool send five of them over here send the baddest five of your baddest bikes over here and we will uh do a review about them and they were like no we're not gonna do that i'm like okay just let's just send one send us one i'll do i'll happily do a review about it you can sponsor the channel and they were like nope and that's when i realized that they just wanted me to just tell people how great their product was they wanted to pay me to tell people how great their product was without me ever actually trying or seeing if their product was great in the first place that kind of rubs me the wrong way segway you cannot buy me i am not for sale all right where do you guys think the breaking point of this crummy strap is going to be i'm going to keep on cutting little by little still holding let's go right through the middle still holding cow this thing's amazing i guess i don't know what how much it's actually holding let's just cut the whole thing oh i'm barely holding anything that's kind of a cool looking shock i've never heard of that brand but it's kind of cool looking the electric motors down here it's got little fins on it see the tails bent i mean it's not a big deal but i spent 3 500 bucks on a e-bike you expect the tail to be straighter let's see how much sprung weight we have on the forks have a knife hey listen harrison man we talked about this if i if i asked for anything during the video you're not supposed to give it to me oh yeah yeah sorry just kind of mess it it really confuses people because they don't know where it's coming from because i'm just talking to like them you know what i mean it's very confusing so do you want me to take it back no i'm gonna keep it okay but this is mine though this is this is super satisfying to cut through a little confused of what's what's actually actually happening with this there's no bolts in here i'm not sure how to get that hub out or the axle out but there is just like a a mace block to stab you with yeah so here's another question there's supposed to be four screws that go into here these bottom pieces and i've got one i don't i don't recall seeing a box of screws unless we throw it away segway significantly heavier than a mountain bike significantly lighter than a dirt bike probably exactly what you would expect all right so you get this little thing in there that you got to pull out and this just make sure that you don't grab the brakes and squeeze the other calipers together which i would have done just stick that little guy in there where there's these bolts at it's in this bag that's empty that's empty if there was anything that was important any bolt that was important on this bike it would be that bolt right this bolt right here because what this does is this clamps this actually clamps in the axle segway all right we gotta go find something found the right hardware that we needed from lowe's and one of these should fit it's kind of the exact opposite problem that we had with the uh with their normal chinese motorcycles they came with too much too much extra hardware this came with no this didn't come with enough that we needed let's see if that works yeah that's gonna work that's uh that's perfect so there's a lot of question in my mind about these motorcycles one how long is the range how awesome is it how much cool stuff can you do does it go as fast as it says it will how fast will it get there everyone was like 12 thumbs up uh that's got to be something goofy about that why can't you find any extra batteries and can you just stick the 260 battery in here but also how do you turn the thing on does it even work look at this i think everyone knows this but like this this segway is a rebranded uh saron i didn't know that it said saron right here on some of the components like giantly huge even right over here says designed by saron so for those guys who don't know cerron also makes a very very very very very similar uh vehicle and they also make this one so what we're going to do is put the front fender on and this peg oh maybe i guess i guess that maybe that could be why are there holes at different spots i don't know because you can flip them you can have that on the other side so they don't have to make two pegs it's just the same peg hey harrison we really you know we really appreciate your comments and stuff like in your input and stuff like that but as the cameraman you know you gotta it really freaks people out when the cameraman is staying you know giving input you know like a character you know what i mean so yeah yeah sorry yeah i mean i just i'm sorry all right so that was that's it uh i don't know what this is for i'm gonna read no i'm not gonna write a manual for it it's a sticker though i'm gonna look at the manual real quick because i kind of want to stick that on something i wonder if it goes on the bottom of the battery so when you put it down in there it's a little softer but check it out you should have a toe a segway with another segway i don't think this part of the tail is going to tow anything when you transport it you put it on a tiny tiny tiny little truck so perfect and then you slam the battery down let's try to figure this thing out i think i looked it up it weighs just over 100 pounds it's a little smaller than i thought it was going to be all right so let's get this thing fired up key on i got to be missing something oh hold on a second here's something there's a main switch that we gotta find near the battery oh look see they hide it right down in there a big main switch now it's got to be the dumbest key design ever whether they're supposed to stay together you're supposed to bring them apart like how do you put it on a key chain this thing's lit up i wonder if this actually tracks your total miles being put on the bike bicycle would never do that and then we'll check this out a little usb let's go take it for a spin real quick all the brakes are up here like a regular uh mountain bike [Music] you know there's a governor on it i put sport mode on it if you connect it to your phone right now you'll only be able to go up to 10. when you connect it to your phone and log in then it says it'll unlock the rest of it hey listen harrison um a lot of people commenting the cameraman and talking and getting in the video and stuff like that you know what i mean and i kind of liked it at 10 miles an hour so i just wanted to you know you know we got to keep that to a you know a nun can't do that anymore okay just let you know right yeah all right sorry so apparently i have to download the stupid app and then it can unlock my motorcycle to go faster than 10 miles like 9.3 miles an hour after i watch a riding tutorial before at that point they're really like crossing a line where they're clearly not it's not a mo it's not a motorcycle if you have to watch a video to get to 30 miles an hour a tutorial you know it's a uh it's a child's play toy at that point uh they maybe download an app so i can unlock the rest of the power which is so stupid so i buy the bike for 3 500 bucks and if i don't have a cell phone or a smartphone i only get 30 like 30 of the bike yeah it only you can only do 10 miles an hour unless you download the app and unlock the rest of the power and why do they want that because like your email or something stupid yeah i feel like that definitely is not like can you do that why does my motorcycle or bicycle need a password oh i forgot my password to my bike yo come watch me type in my my login i don't i don't even get to name my bike the name i want because someone already take that name all right let's go try it again i gotta hit that jump as fast as i can i mean as soon as i hit that little hill it's kind of bogged down all right there's speed modes high twisting force strong all right let's see if that makes any better feels a lot better oh my gosh somewhat better now i've got a lot of unanswered questions about this bike i'm sure you guys do too let's go solve them right now so the segway claims have a hundred a whopping 162 foot-pounds of torque which is pretty impressive it was more torque than the other than all the other electric bikes that segue compared it to um maybe it's a coincidence probably not is that enough torque to pull this uh seven thousand pound van let's find out i won't even bust i think we're close 162 foot pounds nothing i mean we pulled this thing with a trail 90 to head nope foot pounds let me get in the wonder what this bike is good for because this looks like a bicycle it is so quiet can i get away with riding this thing places a dirt bike would never be allowed to ride and the answer is yes i was able to ride this anywhere and no one cared if i was on a dirt bike i would have had the cops call it on me but since i wasn't making any noise or tearing up the grass i was able to live in harmony with the moms at the park at 10 30 a.m i was even able to take this thing to college without anyone even noticing me but the big question on my mind and i'm sure on your mind is would a three-year-old like it i i like his fixed bike you like this bike segway claims that this thing can get 42 miles on a charge which is pretty impressive so i decided to put that to the test running the bike at maximum performance maxing out at 31 miles per hour it could only do 10 miles before the bike went into slow mode at 10 battery life a quarter of what segway claimed it could do so i did it again but i turned down the power a little bit so it only maxed out at 19 miles per hour in this time it got 18 miles before it hit 10 and went in the slow mode so you might be able to get 42 miles per charge if you're going eight miles an hour which is super lame and obviously not what i expected and all this makes the segway a horrible bike until now all right so here's the big problem with this electric bike and pretty much with all electric vehicles it's what they call range anxiety it's where you're scared that you're not going to get to a gas station or a charging port or get to your destination and then back home but i think i solved that problem right here this is the first ever electric hybrid motorcycle it's awesome it's perfection from 100 perfection so unlike a lot of electric motorcycles i've tried this this one will actually charge while you're riding the bike it'll let you ride the bike while it's charging if you look at my phone it connects to the app we've got 84 battery life remaining we got a range of 33.7 miles let's go see how many miles we can do on this on this battery charge you gotta love that peaceful quietness of an electric motorcycle you see this is great because i get the best of both worlds i get the longevity of a gasoline-powered motorcycle i also get the quiet and efficientness and you know the prius ish of an electric bike i can also drive on the sidewalks where it's safe so my new gas hybrid modification was awesome and was a 1 000 success because it was constantly charging it only takes one minute and 45 seconds to raise the battery one percentage point so if you stopped enough and drove slow enough you could ride this thing for forever and it would even charge while you sleep patent pending in your face segway so if i gotta give my review on the segway bike i'm gonna give it horrible review 12 thumbs down but i was able to salvage what they did and make it awesome creating the greatest electric motorcycle ever made it's got a big range so you have no range anxiety it's electric so it's quiet it's eco-friendly and it's super fun what's her not to love we'll see you guys next time and don't forget subscribe the next time you see that bike we're probably gonna be challenging it against something leaving the comments to see what we should challenge it against maybe that no behind that see you guys later
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 4,733,784
Rating: 4.5522175 out of 5
Keywords: i bought, amazon, cheapest, dirt bike, motorcycle, bike, amazon marketplace, expensive, cheap, most expensive dirt bike, chinese, chinese motorcycle, chinese dirt bike, cheapest dirt bike, electric, segway, segway x160, test ride, test drive, electric dirt bike, electric dirt bike at the park, skatepark, bikes and beards
Id: qqsdSJXuwp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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