I Found 3 Motorcycles in an Abandoned Storage Unit!!!

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Oh [Music] Oh [Music] that's good stuff I just wanna longer hey this is a really special moment actually because I have not purchased a locker in over two years hello YouTube this is Nick from Tina dreams so I'm on my way to the $510 locker that was really just a wall of storage that we saw up front with some nice iron work and metal inside of it some good artwork I'll point those out wait around the video we are about three miles away from the storage facility I got the truck got a hand truck unfortunately I am solo my daughter chose to go clanking today so well I'm a big boy I can handle it and appliances always gonna really come in handy I'm sure I will check in with you won't get to the locker and I open the door meet you I was opening the door on Locker about today Maple Valley storage see it's nothing touched all right it's a quick update I'm here empty truck ready to go and you might notice I did rent a truck it's been a couple years since I've done this so I don't have anything to haul stuff with now a little trouble opening the door there's a bunch of stuff I couldn't see and I'm really happy with what I am the seen so far let's give you a look at this so did not see a table here do you have mattresses that's unfortunate that means that I've got dump these tables some antique chairs I hope that's no that's all there's a TV is a TV look at that oh we're gonna do just fine I was gonna try to restrain myself from actually opening anything before we got home I'll be able to do that yes coolers some sorceries definitely an intake of something there might be something really big back here there's only ten by ten so I can't see the back yet pretty excellent fishing pole Shakespeare nothing too terribly expensive yeah yeah we can get this loaded up and down here so I'm gonna get to work okay so I just about to crawl in the locker and the first thing I pull out gives me a real big red flag that I definitely need to be wearing gloves and that is the easy touch u-100 insulin syringes now hopefully this is just diabetes and I mean I don't wish diabetes on anybody but you never know there is a sharps container here looks like they're being responsible hopefully I won't find any anywhere else in the locker but I will definitely be careful in it we'll be wearing gloves through the whole sorting all right back to it all right already I am finding lots of good stuff but for those of you that didn't we're looking at the Walker profiling site I'm gonna show you something the metal pieces that I mentioned in there that I had no idea what they were there's this metal piece I have no idea what this is if you know put it in the comments and tell me well I found out what they were they are ground effects for a car so we've got a carbon fiber and two plastic ones no idea what it looks like a stock piece and then because I pulled them out I noticed something very cool and I'm going to stop I'm gonna actually switch over the other camera just see gets light on it so way back there was a vase there's totes boxes right down here we have a save alright well that was easy I got the safe out and guess what I haven't opened it yet but I did notice it's unlocked so big review and three - all right so I'm already make money on this unit I was just sitting here welding the truck and um and walked up and asked me helping in a motorcycle on the back of his pickup gave me 40 bucks to do it I'm not one to say no but it was a really nice bike super nice oh my god is priced about tens of thousands on this thing anyway since I've got you up here I'm gonna show you a couple of things pretty exciting when we cut over to the other camera so you can see there's a super nice upholstered chair here wood and upholstery and start pulling out things like that intake which I pointed out and then there's a motor with some cooler down here radiators intakes like some of those rebuilding something jet ski or whatever and then look right back here there's a bike in this unit not a road bike got a 10 speed 12 speed or 18 speed whatever that's a full-on flippin motorcycle back here so can't wait to get it see what it is I know it's a Honda I don't know what kind so you remember that super cool piece of iron was in the corner look at that sorry got planters on it there's heavy so there's definitely crazy this thing alright so here we are again and you might have seen this box in the back and I think I told you that no get your hopes up because you can already see in the eye hole it's not the mower or if we had that mower though that'd be any eight hundred bucks or sell for $1.99 at Lowe's right now court at 13 amp electric mower and in Olympia Washington everyone wants electric upon it goes green as possible and then I start pulling stuff out what do you know on top of that look at that card that's another 30 40 bucks right there especially since we're at near the marina folks that have boats will love these things and on top of that anyone guess who that is how's it now put it in the air comments if you think you know it is a tool box next to some tools which makes me think that's full unless they were smart and pulled out all the tools which I'm hoping they did because let's get really heavy when they're loaded up yeah my here yeah my hair's a mess so what so I was hoping for a win on this unit ten by ten you saw on the action was ten by ten I'm gonna show you kind of something I found that a little dismayed by I got a truck big enough to haul a ten by ten but as it turns out this unit is bigger than a ten by ten let me switch over the camera alright search you out I met them right behind the mower which is underneath some stuff that I threw down there kind of cool though Dewalt planer looks like it's in really good shape that that will pay for half the unit right by itself I'll throw that up as soon as I can and then devold sander and I need to move some stuff out to get to this but you saw that bad boy it's a two thousand hundred two fifty are and it is motocross out now now for the big win and I had to take a minute to catch my breath before I made this video because of this if you look down here there's another wheel and another wheel so three possible possibly three but definitely two motorcycles but this was advertised as a ten by ten this is making a ten by ten and they buy the truck rented a truck was big enough to haul a ten by ten but what I ran into is this is the ten by twenty and it is jam-packed let's be able video here let's open up a notch and see if there's anything run inside food and a drill some lights soaps all right well jeremyhill if I find any food oh you know what I did five your chair me see if I can get to it here Jeremy Hales big shout out to what the Hales there you go there's your gold Charmin - oh we're sorry yeah sure I'm a super soft to fly but it looks like the rats already got to it alright we get back to it still working on it I'm getting there but here take a look at this I just opened up this box stand the gloves office and it was safe look at Rockford sub and the clips amplifier not terribly awesome looking but it's there and let's see Alpine on Alpine CDA's doesn't matter how old these are some folks want era pieces for their restoration project so alright you guys have been patient let's do one unboxing here so I'm Mary Kay bags that's probably just cosmetics that's an empty box yet hey it's just cosmetic mouth pastels a little art bag daughter might like some stuff out of there I checked for needles first you're always fun compensable adventures glasses they sell pretty soon no okay we got here it's a pouch and I can't really tell what's inside I'm not know all right let's see what we've got here does it look like a justice or else from my daughter she loves her art just replace that handle no okay now we're talking missing a couple pieces but she loved everything that's there there you go that's the toolbox it was in here it is a craftsman professional so I haven't opened it yet let's see what's inside good it's lightweight nice will lift up handles good oh yeah these tools in my collection you sell the box for French yes I should check to see if it's in there all the wheels are on I just count it first because it was off the edge so yeah that's actually not bad I'm down though all right so if you saw that the Walter oh you're here it is I probably got this one open up will be working my way back and I just realized there's a massive freakin bookshelf right there oh okay so there's a book shelf there there's a sofa there there's another chair there a chair or the sofa and all this wooden stuff all over the ceiling so if you're looking at this when I first looked at the locker and I was making my bids and I couldn't see anything and you thought I was crazy for bidding $500 on this you think I'm doing okay all right bike number one is freed up the rest are pretty close as well get these on the truck so it has been almost a week since I started unloading that 10 by 20 that was advertised as a 10 by 10 I wanted to give you a quick heads-up so when you're going through a locker you're going to be facing it a lot of garbage you have to deal with garbage no matter what so in this one now I should start out by telling you then I wouldn't normally do this but because it was a 10 by 20 and not a 10 by 10 because I rented a 16 foot truck expecting a 10 by 10 I had to make two trips and after filling the truck up a second time I still had a ton of stuff in the locker we had sorted already my daughter and I and we had a lot of garbage leftover we had a lot of donations stuff left over and we had a full truck of good stuff to bring home so I had $100 deposit on it truck cost me $150 for the second day it was going to cost me another $150 to rent it for a third day in gas and miles and truck rental fees and I really didn't want to go through that so when you add in that hundred fifty dollars to the dump fees of everything that was left in the locker which is at least $60 that's $210 you're looking at a savings of $110 just a four for the deposit I don't recommend that and I would normally do it but in this case we did it if they'd advertised as a 10 by 20 and I had one I'd gotten a 26-foot truck and not worried about it but as it was we had to make two trips already and the third trip was just gonna be too expensive so there we are we've got a total of about $1,100 into this locker 510 from the locker then there's taxes there's a 10% commission to storage treasure stock we're sorry 15% Commission to storage treasures dot-com there was the $100 deposit that we forfeited and the truck rental gas and miles all added up $1100 total bought and sold we're into it that doesn't include my time or my daughter's time who's been working on this as much as I have so I wanted to point this out though garbage so they left a ton stuff I walked oh I left my deposit and they took well attended by twenty were full garbage but I still brought a lot of garbage home that I had to sort through and this is a reality of going through storage units you're gonna have to make dump runs if you don't have a dumpster at your site you're gonna have to take stuff to the dump for me that means another truck rental in this case again I don't have a truck or trailer so I'm gonna have to rent a truck go to the dump after filling it up with all this stuff as you can see this is all the garbage after sorting and a lot of recycling on this side chop back up so you can hopefully see all that there you go but let me show you something good stuff look there's my finger that was professional alright so I'm going to show you show you some of the good stuff so right off the bat you knew I got three motorcycles so I'm sure you're dying to know what kind of motorcycles they were the first one is the most complete and I did find a title for this that doesn't make it easy it makes it easier but it doesn't make it totally easy so the first one is complete dual tune-up on it see if I can get it running and then that's a 2000 by the way then I found a 2001 gsx 750 R that had been laid down and almost all the plastics were destroyed and tank is dented but this is a five thousand dollar bike so it may totally be worth going through and redoing this bike it's complete it looks pretty clean and I can well complete - the plastics and everything that broke off of it but it's the frames really solid and straight which is one that might become a project I can get a whole new plastic set and tank cover for about seven hundred dollars and then your muffler and a few odds and ends obviously keys I did do a title VIN search on it and it is pretty quick so then the third one which is just something that I think I'm going to actually make the project and give to my brother who just moved out to the coast a 1991 Honda cr125 R and that's the engine on the ground there but I'll be able to do that Oh big review and three two one I have no idea methadone okay so now we know for sure that this is methamphetamine unit [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da
Channel: Patina Dreams
Views: 80,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Storage, storage locker, storage unit, storage auction, auction, storage locker auction, storage unit auction, Storage Wars, What the hale$, what the hales, storage pirate, baby jeebus, jeebus, locker nuts, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage wars, abandoned storage locker, storage unit finds, treasure hunting, storage hunters, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit, motorcycle, motorbike
Id: 4ncALKVsFyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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