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myth number one girls can't punch oh oh busted she can punch today my kids will  attempt to bust 50 insane myths in 24 hours   and you suggested them all it's working it's  working putting egg in your hair makes it grow   but you no doubt what the heck your hair looks  even thinner myth busted and you can help us   bust the next myth which says that you won't  watch this video all the way to the end and   we are going to facetime one subscriber who  does look for a clue hidden somewhere in this   video if you want that subscriber to be you  boys are stronger than girls one two three go   oh jesus i got this i'm not letting  girl down i'm not letting you down kids are afraid of heights you can make a phone  with two cups and a string if you can hear me   what no i am not shaving my head it works next  myth you are taller in the morning than you are   at night and move that is whoa i'm tall 10  a.m we'll come back tonight to check on our   hike we'll come back tonight to check on  our hype meg smith boys can't dance yeah   that one's confirmed if you love  sharks wait until you see the next myth   next myth girls are bad at math what's 165 times  7 82. um oh god one two nine two three zero wow if you want to see more watch my  10 versus one human calculator video   you can break a glass with your voice that was horrible chocolate gives you  acne say you want to get some pimples no   wait okay hold on mr b sent us this  chocolate it was full last time i haven't had a pimple in like 40 years  because i'm old if i get a pimple it's   definitely because the chocolate i  blame you jimmy let's see what happens   we'll check back later today actually  really good chocolate yes pretty good   mr beast if i sing this song right now will  you share this video you will great mr feast mcdonald's fries are vegetarian busted their  beef flavoring in them five second rule if you   drop food on the floor and pick it up and eat it  within five seconds there's no germs on the food   let's find out one two three four five  this was just on the floor for five seconds   should i have eaten it let's find out i'm going  to swab the other french fry that was on the   ground for only five seconds and then i'm going to  put it in this petri dish microbiology 101 fresh   swab new french fry this french fry was on the  ground this french fry was not we're gonna wait   one day and get back to you you cry when you're  cutting onion let's see by the way i'm making a   big big dinner tonight so don't worry this is all  going to use i'm not crying busted no coming from   oh my god you can pull out a tablecloth  without moving any of the dishes three two one you can't dissolve cotton candy  and water just grab it step back pay it forward i'm gonna drive through if i  pay for the meal of the car behind me they   will pay for the car behind them let's find out  i'm paying for my meal and the person behind me   what did they buy let's see oh not much could you  tell them we paid it forward see if they pay for   it behind them see what happens did they pay it  forward they drove off oh so they just took it   i heard a story about a hundred people paying it  forward at a drive-thru and we couldn't even get   one person to pay it forward and they didn't  even thank us myth busted one grande starbucks   without ice can fill up two ventis with  ice okay wait i thought this would work   busted a shark can smell a drop of blood from a  mile away i have a cut on my finger when i get   in the ocean we'll check back in a few minutes  see what happens the salt bring out the bugs and   shrubbers this is gonna be really sad if it dries  out the bugs wait have i been eating bugs my whole   life maybe i guess we're about to find out now  i'm gonna wait two minutes and we'll see if the   bugs come out if you put dish soap and water together  it will separate the glitter all right here we go   wait can i try okay oh my god now let's put  this down this show whoa now let's check the   strawberries if there are bugs in this i am going  to freak out i think there's a bug right here   i'm kidding i'm kidding no bugs busted i picked  this spot because recently a great white shark   was spotted here why would i do that you  can't drink a whole soda without burping oh boy oh i don't know what to do i can't not  excuse me ew misconfirmed i got my bloody band-aid   but no sharks have smelled it yet let's put it  back in the water and keep waiting you can't   drink water upside down they say you got this  you got this oh geez look at this you got this oh i don't jeez any sharks anywhere   if the sharks don't get any the  waves will fans always land upright i haven't seen a shark yet i'll wait a few more  minutes but have my kids wrecked the house yet   let's find out if you cover a balloon and  vegetable oil it won't pop put it inside mist busted stick around because these myths are getting  crazier and crazier my favorite child is your   toilet at home is as dirty as a public restroom  and we have this uv light to figure it out don't   shine it in your eyes to the top first this toilet  wasn't very dirty and now for the public one if you hit the top of a coke  bottle it explodes three   two one okay yes actually works confirmed  next myth you can't guzzle a coke in one go   go daddy go daddy go daddy go  daddy go daddy come on come on yay i'm more of a pepsi guy can't walk  through a drive-through let's do it   how's it going how are you doing good thank you now i was told that the drive-through is faster  it is faster so no no chance i can walk through   here but even though it's quicker yeah all right  no worries thank you for being so nice thank   you have a nice rest today myth confirmed you  can't touch your nose with your tongue oh i can   yes that's busted ew now my wrinkle lines are  gonna be like my dad when i'm all done what's that   you can't fit your fist in your  mouth nowhere uh-uh impossible myth busted that didn't work  let's try college junior   can i do an impossible burger try for it i don't  have a car i was just told this was faster okay perfect and you know the design is open oh  okay i was always told this would be faster   thank you so much it's busted you will not  comment on a subscriber's video this is edgar   he's a subscriber you're totally awesome  there it is right there boom myth busted   adding baking soda to ketchup makes the bottle  explode this one i'm a little nervous about   saline that's probably enough  you might want to get out of here oh god oh god oh man myth confirmed boys are faster  than girls we are three two one you coming up no actually no boom miss busted girl  you totally cut me off but you have longer legs   that's true but she cut me off myth busting the  clue for your personal face time is coming soon   so keep watching you can cook an egg on the  hot pavement and it is hot and we'll be back   in a couple minutes to check on it plant-based  burgers and yucky meat burgers taste the same   so this is the first burger  i'm supposed to taste it   it clearly warms it upside that's good  it is right that one tasted a lot like me   this one oh no this is totally  busted oh my god oh my god what man what the heck i totally got him that myth is  totally busted because i could   tell it was plant-based meat before  the tabasco got me oh she's oh milk   can take away spicy that was all for  to bust another minute i hate milk yeah that myth is confirmed if you put this  cord over the glass and flip it upside down   the glass of water won't spill  oh also i'm testing on my dad   yay this is one myth i want to work oh oh god  okay dad let's try this out don't move go lower   please work i'm filling drops please work why  am i getting there's does it work what happened   oh great okay it worked it's confirmed confirm  get me out of here it works i am just now deciding   right now that we are fully making this channel  vegetarian so now stop put it down put it down   good busted you can't break an egg with your  bicep this is gonna be easy wait a minute are you   kidding me nope wow myth confirmed time to regain  my dignity you can't break an egg with your hand i don't understand how this isn't working come  on baby smith confirmed jordan's so weak okay   what oh that burns me up but myth busted  girls are emotional i know they're crap frogs i think boys need to be protected from salish  myth busted if you hold the garlic under your   nose while you're sleeping it will wake you up busted neck smith if you slap someone  while they're asleep they'll wake up   the next myth dads are over protective good night  dad i'm going on a date what you're going on a   date now let's check back in with those french  fries here's the petri dish from the french fry   that did not fall on the floor french fry  that did land on the floor myth busted you   can climb a wall with plungers time for the big  i think we both knew that that wouldn't work but   while we're at it let's use these it's like a  vacuum dad make sure i don't fall i got her no i'm this requires a lot of strength oh my god   it's working it's working i'm gonna go all the  way to the top no no okay stop stop stop okay   this is high enough for me no no no next myth  cut eating carrots helps you see in the dark busted ow and today let's check to see if we  got acne from the chocolate no pimples and i   look good i mean just good busted and now it's  time to give you the clue to prove that you've   watched the video this far comment below your  favorite myth that we busted and we will pick   one of you to facetime with parents love  their kids equally you definitely don't you   like shoes you like watching way more okay  let's prove it who is your favorite child   me or hudson you are kidding me right now okay  my favorite child is hudson that's a lie salish   is my favorite child bachelor you see i've told  you i love you both equally boom myth confirmed   it's now 7 p.m let's see if stylish shrank and it  looks like she grew a 16th of an inch myth-busting   we are on the pier for our final big myth but if  you're wondering where hudson is he's busting his   own myths right now so check that video out when  this one's over if you hold enough helium balloons   you can fly we have 60 balloons and a 70 pound  girl are you ready say yeah rowan can you come   here i need help i need help one two three let  her go oh my god i'm flying yeah it's working
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 31,294,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, myths, 50 myths, busting myths, stokes twins, ben azelart, brent rivera, busting fears, airrack, hudson matter, munchie michelle, zhc
Id: TPeDwrQzfJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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