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we only have one hour to bust as many myths as we can let's do it let's hurry oh by the way guys on the very next video we're giving away a huge gaming setup to one of our subscribers so make sure you guys hit that subscribe button let's go myth number one supposedly you cannot drink a bottle of sprite without burping wait what let's find out who's going to drink it me me me okay rock paper scissors shoot yeah are you ready yeah is he gonna burp or not let's find out i think he's gonna burp ah sound oh oh my gosh what just happened is this a prank yo is this a prank no why'd you open it you wasted all the sprite all right i'll get a new bottle [Music] all right new bottle attempt number two right don't shake it open it slowly all right careful come why is this happening why is this happening [Music] okay are you ready yes you cannot burp after you finish understood three two one go he's not gonna drink kettle yeah i don't think he's gonna i don't think he's gonna finish it oh my god go go for ryan go go go for i go go for ryan go he's halfway done i'm about to burp don't barf don't pour is he gonna burp is he gonna burp oh he's going for some more he's going for some more oh i'm so close to burping don't burp don't burp don't burp you got this come on he's almost there guys he's almost there baby you can do it you can do it he's almost done oh my god is [Music] supposedly you can hang someone on the wall by using duct tape by itself we're about to find out um who wants to come and try this babe oh she's coming come on now come on down are you sure um this is gonna uh mommy's hair uh you're a little too tall yeah you're too tall feron can you please come alright let's go baby all right first of all why are you wearing those uh because anyways can i hang you on the wall using duct tape look at this dude yeah let's do it all right beautiful get on the stool get on the stool we're gonna put tape on your waist all right okay several times and when we say now we're gonna remove the stool and we're gonna see if it works all right okay let's do it let's do it wait what if i fall you're gonna fall like three inches first one all the way all the way around all the way around all right let's go baby oh it vibrates every time that you move it it vibrates in the tick of the stomach [Music] all right after five minutes of putting tape let's see what happens are you ready yes are you ready yes all right let's see if he holds still three two one [Applause] that didn't work supposedly a subway footlong is supposed to be a foot long let's find out all right before we measure this how long do you think this sandwich is eight inches eight inches in chest i think i feel long i got 10 inches okay let's find out let's find out all right this is delicious oh we're not gonna eat it okay we're gonna measure it i know we're not trying and we're gonna eat it after from one end to the other okay one end right here it starts off right here there you go all the way supposedly dogs are very gentle with eggs like what yeah they won't break it they won't break it they won't eat it they won't touch it or anything before we check it out i'm going to show you a trick all right so we have two dogs we have our friend so we have two dogs to experiment on a french bulldog and a chihuahua all right gucci i'm gonna give you an egg all right do not bust the myth or actually bust it if you want ready ready ready see what he does let's see what he does is he gonna crack it grab it do something play soccer can i try something different what sit down sit down sit down sit down baba let's see what he does with it oh he's licking it he's licking it what's he gonna do he's just sniffing it right now oh he's playing a little bit of soccer he's playing catch oh wait that's gonna break on my rock all right princess it's your turn let's see what happens she's wiggling her towel look mama an egg mama for you she's like what is this easter she's not gonna do anything she's not interested at all [Music] right here we have a table on top of the table we have cloth utensils and plates rumor has it you can remove the tablecloth without dropping any of the stuff on it only if you pull it out fast let's do this bro okay okay all right here's the game plan on the count of five we pull really really hard at the same time okay okay all right three no wait wait wait three what i said five did you skip the third grade i skipped preschool on the count of five you ready yes four no no on the count of five ready rumor has it you can remove the tablecloth without dropping any of the stuff on it [Music] oh my goodness we broke something else this was not on the table but somehow this broke next myth supposedly you can't follow this paper more than seven times oh just sorry why seven no less than seven wait so you can count down seven what wait you could do it only seven times you can't fold it more than seven times so seven is the final number yes let's fold it let's pull this all right first you have to fold it in half all right that's fold number one why right next you gotta go this way half again all right that's fold number two fold number three right here all right fold number four okay so far so good it's becoming really small five okay so that one's actually a bit hard oh my god after five folds this is what it looks like oh it's becoming smaller we have two more to go okay okay right here we're just gonna have to six six oh it's like really really oh my look at that can you even do one more no i don't think that's what i was saying let me try let me try it let me try bending it guys i'm trying to fold it to the seventh time oh this thing is hard come on come on you got this you got this come on strong hands yeah i don't hold it i want it we got this bro yeah that's a folding yeah that's a phone we got 10 minutes left we got to keep going all right what's the next myth all right so supposedly you can hear conversations throughout the wall with you through the wall through the wall all right show them how show them i go inside for run go inside so if he goes inside there's a wall and supposedly you're supposed to be able to hear exactly what he says yes all right put the cup in your ear okay bye all right go inside all right tell your secrets all right tell me what he says when you told me to stop playing fortnite at 11 i stopped playing at 5am [Music] mom can you hear me you owe me 1 000 can you hear him yes i think he's saying i'm the best mom in the world he said that yes hey mom tonight i'm gonna steal your credit card and buy one million bow bucks [Music] he loves me so much all right supposedly you cannot sneeze without closing your eyes all right one yeah wait watch this that's not what i meant we actually gonna create this knees using these cotton swabs we're gonna put inside oh no that brings back memories no one likes that don't close your eyes because that's how i'm gonna create this knees all right don't close your eyes you're already closing your eyes you're already lost i'm waiting for the sneeze to come and then i'm gonna open my eyes it's coming that was like a cough sneeze combined together what was that did you fart what are you doing what oh my gosh it's called a backflip [Music] on the very next video we're gonna be giving away a full gaming setup to one of our lucky subscribers and stay tuned guys because this is gonna be so beautiful and very meaningful and one last thing that my amazing son would like to say royalty we are peace [Music]
Channel: The Royalty Family
Views: 7,688,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Royalty Family, Royalty Family, Andrea Espada, Family Friendly, Royalty, Royal Family, The Royal Family, Royalty Fam, The Royalty Fam, Realty Family, Roti Family, Family Vlog, eating, royalty family challenges, royalty, royal, Ali ferran, ferran ali, royalty gaming, Dhar maan, Jordan matter, Rebecca zamolo, ferran one shot, one shot, busting 24 myths in 24 hours, busting, busting 50 myths in 1 hour, busting myths, myths challenge
Id: pvqc_1_7Zig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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