KIDS vs ADULTS Extreme CHALLENGES! | Brent Rivera

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these are some of the most talented young kids in the world and I threw them down from all over the globe to show us all the crazy cool things they can do they're gonna go head-to-head against my extremely average and mediocre friends wow okay do you guys know why you're here right now uh no no idea Kirsten can you grab me some popcorn from the cabinet right there sure yeah okay [Music] oh my god oh I got you the popcorn this is Emerald she is one of the youngest most skilled 15 year old contortionist in the world she's been doing this since she was only four years old and today she's gonna show us all of her skills oh my God her butt is on her head oh do you want some breakfast I mean sure you can uh make me some toast sure oh here she goes okay no I love it I'll take some cereal sure what is going on that's one way to do it yep yeah okay okay oh yeah what'd you think it was surprising oh do you hear my back oh my God is your back oh you don't have a back there if anyone can do it Lexi can yeah oh oh oh oh oh she's clapping no it's live seriously I'm excited to see Pearson no I'm not gonna do this you're just trying to make a fool out of me maybe oh just like that oh oh my God what is this what are you gonna do with that because that looks very scary oh okay good luck yeah as long as this happens watch from over here what is going on I'm guessing you for your sin I do I first you're so sweet thanks for coming over all right so now we are here with Evan hey guys this is Evan he's a three-time national champion for break dancing and flipping and he's only 15 years old so today we're gonna be doing a dance contest it's gonna be you guys versus Evan here Lexi's gonna be our judge I don't know why you pick me for this I can't dance I know oh my God yo what the oh that was for you oh my God all right who do you want to see next I think I'll see Ben all right what did you think Lexi all right and I'm being generous I'll take it I'll take some kicks wait what the what the heck Lexi what's the score now it's my turn there's something to watch was it good to watch no Lexi what was my score and Evan you can do flips right yeah oh my God I thought he was but after the first one oh I think I want to jump over all you guys now oh no can we just be done have you ever failed at something like this before kind of what do you mean kind of what do you mean three two one go oh that was cool but wait I could do that no no wait wow they don't want me to do it next we have Karina she's only 14 and has been diving for the past four years she's won two championships and is competing in the Junior Olympics it makes it look so easy wait wait Andrew aren't you afraid of heights yes Rob why would you make me do this how do you feel Andrew not good way scarier up here three two one go oh he almost failed a jump I mean what would you give out of ten zero zero I'm gonna do a back one and a half twist one and a half flip does anyone know what that means [Music] oh my God who wants to go first I feel like Ben can do that right yeah any last minute tips for Ben here don't die I did not feel good he missed the flip all right so Drew you're next all right I'm ready three two one go oh that was pretty close I'm feeling extra professional with this swim cap on I mean you're looking pretty snazzy that's really all it is okay so Mason's gonna go now I'm scared to see what Mason has in store for us honestly me too I'm scared wait get it Macy's gonna give it another Go amazing all right this is the one why do you keep on going because I have to get it what's wrong with it my head hurts a lot all right so Karina and Drew are gonna go at the same time three two one go [Music] how did he do that Drew just do that wait that was Drew yeah I did it wait that was actually really good who was the worst one out of all of us Andrew so right now we are here at the gym what are we doing here right all right so guys this is Blaze he's 10 years old and he is the fastest kid in the entire world wait what and at only 10 years old you can live more than most grown adults we're gonna put blaze up against you guys it's gonna be like a little competition how is that a competition we're obviously gonna beat him he's literally 10 years old oh y'all guys going down all right so dog are you ready ready I'm feeling good you are all right and Blaze how you feeling get set go oh I literally just lost about like a mile oh my God you owe me a hundred dollars if I beat him okay okay all right sounds good you have to beat up on your mark we beat you nice job that was good 100 bucks for me hey I never said I was gonna pay you 100 bucks what all right Jeremy let's see your six-pack right now hey I don't got a six-pack right now let's see your six-pack oh my God I need to get a zap routine all right so Blaze not only are you a fast runner but you can jump pretty high right yeah bro well there's no way jump on top of this box yes I'll believe it when I see it yeah bro oh my God I have no words all right well I think Dom's got jumps too that's embarrassing oh I got it hey I need my hand he did it but he's three times my height oh come on this tire is 200 pounds and I'm gonna lift it wait how much do you weigh this tire is almost three times as heavy as you are [Music] oh you go to the gym all the time but I know you can't do that oh crap whoa okay he's lying to us I think he's like 19. that was cool I'm up and up a notch I'm gonna push your car whoa what Superman today oh my God bro let's add some weight there's no way he keeps going oh yeah oh my God how are you doing this I don't know it's pretty easy wow look at that tape how about this let's do gifts now yeah snipers pick my first time [Music] [Applause] I'll go get him there you are you didn't like Granny's gift iPhones weren't even a thing when we were your age we had flip phones flip phones we didn't even have phones back in my day we had typewriters kids nowadays [Music] I found the most spoiled kids in America and today my friends are gonna have to say yes to them for 24 hours when my pumpkin spice latte ones with the cream I'm done I'm done I cannot do this anymore so today you guys have to say yes to the most spoiled kids in America for 24 hours wait what if you guys successfully say yes to these kids for 24 hours then I will say yes to you guys for 24 hours oh okay okay yeah but is it gonna be worth it how spoiled are these kids you will see Dom oh they're here oh they're here what oh yeah and they have a limo too hey guys what are you guys doing just standing there yeah where's my pumpkin spice latte warned with a cream while you're at it get me one too okay there's something else in mind for you oh this is gonna be so fun there's actually time for my teddy here you're you're what I don't know why but she is terrifying I have to massage her feet this is embarrassing Brad yes I'm trying I'm trying oh thank God okay I got you two drinks just in case you didn't like the first one what did you get wait you ordered why does it not taste right it tastes like crap enjoy my pedicure and you come in and order us the wrong drink really Lexi this is not funny okay well it's fun until I'm controlling your life well if you make it through the whole day oh I'll make it through the whole day will you I don't know we need to do the other foot so sorry since you have to say yes to us I want a pony um a pony where are we supposed to get a pony to figure it out wow what am I supposed to do go to the zoo what's taking so long I don't know but they have to hurry up guess who we got you what in the world how did you guys end up getting a pony don't ask we literally just spent hours trying to get this Pony for this um I'm bored you're bored that was like two minutes how did you get your legs waxed what if they're already waxed huh wax them again yeah you're definitely gonna need those wax yeah okay fine yeah yeah okay oh my God [Music] you guys suck Lexi good luck uh yeah you're gonna need that luck thanks so Dom is out how are you gonna do this alone I don't know I really don't we want to go on a vacation to Las Vegas and we need the biggest hotel room and it has to be five stars I don't know about that you guys can I have help who's gonna help you'll see is that Andrew for Vegas you're coming with us of course what did lucky not tell you no I didn't tell you I was gonna tell you something else no he thought we were just going to Vegas it's just me and him wait who are they well you guys have kids or what we're saying yes to them for 24 hours so what Andrew thought was going to be a romantic vacation will soon become his worst nightmare remote to pick us up right um [Music] we need a limo now how was the flight I mean we usually fly in first class there was no first class trust me I would have been in it okay and here we are at the suite I really hope that you guys like it because I spent a lot of money on this how much did you spend on this ten thousand dollars [Music] this is definitely made up for the wrong Starbucks order this place is a massive holy crap in this room I think you're really gonna be impressed okay a movie room in your hotel room oh my gosh it's one of the four bedrooms in the hotel and you have a full bathroom here too and the bathtub has jets that's just like at home too so whose room is this gonna be mine in life please wait what is that just don't come in on La at night let's keep let's keep going with the tour how about that I'm just saying that because we're sleeping I would probably call this room the suite of the hotel room because it's pretty big get off my bed you heard her this is your bed yeah go play on your bed oh my God I had your own personal gym inside the hotel room there's a staircase inside the hotel room never seen anything like this isn't that just like your house there's a staircase in your house up here are two more bedrooms it's pretty cool I'm bored we need some entertainment dance for us dance now hurry up okay um no no no no no no we need real entry entertainment this is painful to watch so I got you some of the best entertainment that there is this is deadly games and uh we're gonna throw some knives these knives are so sharp it's like almost as big as my head oh oh my God that was scary oh I moved a little bit at the end oh my god oh oh no oh oh oh my gosh are you guys entertained yeah and scared we're gonna use those star-shaped oh my God and if that was not enough she's going to blindfold me down okay oh my God how you guys doing over here not that well oh Andrew we can accommodate that for you can you stand in front of that board while he throws knifes around your body yes which is you guys really want to see Andrew here we go one oh my God oh my God oh that was like here what do you want Lexi no yes yeah I'm sorry I'm not doing it can you do it yes oh my God I can't I can't you got this Lexie don't yell do it oh I hate you guys so guys make sure you go check out deadly games performing in Las Vegas are the Americas Got Talent Las Vegas live is a new show here at the Luxor come see us so links will be in the description below and uh thank you guys so much make sure you follow us thanks man you know what would really be nice right now a massage that's what I was thinking too can we get a masseuse yes okay yeah I think Andrew's a little bored he should get us a five feet chocolate fountain I actually wasn't that bored all right and one of you take off my jacket Andrew oh wow okay let me get a massage too um no deep breath in and exhale she's not talking what is going on here them they make me stressed okay I think it's my turn you do me a favor and keep this one asleep for about four hours I certainly can how you feeling Grayson uh get that camera out of my face no okay all right so you guys wanted a chocolate fountain I got you a chocolate oh my God literally taller than both of us okay enjoy so what do you guys think Andrew did good okay what about me one thing he's done [Music] seeing Andrew should go on the little boat together because it'll be romantic because I'm just looking forward to this one and I'm not okay Lexi what was your answer to that yes that's what I thought all right bye have fun [Music] foreign likes then Brett has to say yes to us for 24 hours wait okay how about that 400 000 likes yeah okay you got yourself a deal so it's morning now are you guys feeling hungry yes yes yeah I think we should um ask uh Andrew and Lexi to get us breakfast what do you think I think you're right yeah okay breakfast is served oh wow this actually looks really good stand after this could we go to the m m store and get 100 m M's of each color oh wait let's see what time is it time's up we don't have to say yes to you guys anymore no no no no oh my God foreign what does this mean Lexi you have to say yes to me for 24 hours I don't know so last month my friends went up against some of the most talented kids in the entire world yeah we know how that went oh yeah that was just embarrassing it wasn't good so today we have a new batch of kids that are even more talented and some of the biggest child prodigies in the entire world why I just love to embarrass you guys you guys are probably wondering why you're all here yeah I'm scared what's going on Brad holy crap this is Kate he's only 14 years old and is a three-time world-renowned champion in karate Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing he is literally The Karate Kid all right Kane show us what you got oh oh how about my fingers to over God can we see how big this sword is compared to Drew's head I don't trust look how big that is what the hell is that no oh my gosh okay where does he keep getting all these weapons oh my gosh are you guys ready to start training up against me oh my God to warm up our strength we're gonna be breaking a slab of wood yo why am I holding this oh yo is that supposed to hurt my hand it seems pretty easy to me oh oh my God all right Lexi that means you're up boy come on okay who was the best Lexi I think he's just trying to flirt with Lexi exactly I don't know what you're doing all right so now you guys are gonna go one on one against Kane here whoa I never agreed to this well he didn't agree to a lot of people we're here okay all right true you're up first I'm not gonna fight a 14 year old I'm 15. what oh wait hey man I feel like we've been really good friends so far right nope oh my you can make it a fool out of me and Jeremy Jeremy so I want to give it oh oh my God oh my God oh I'm starting to not like you never liked you in the first place oh my God and if he wasn't intimidating our next Prodigy is one of the most talented kid gymnasts in the nation this is Salish and she's only 13 years old when did you start I didn't even walk it too Ben can't even walk now what am I doing right now okay you guys can wear these oh my god look how small it is compared to my body I realize it's not gonna make us any better at gymnastics right I know it's just gonna embarrass you even more right Salish yeah perfect oh my gosh oh my outfit's so tight I could barely breathe I like the back of drones oh first get you guys warmed up ready okay all right guys run you're gonna sit like this okay and then Kirsten you're gonna sit right here lean back really fast bring it up bring it up bring it up [Music] I will not be taking part in that stretch with Drew tumbling oh my God tumble into Brent's DMS one day Ben do you think you can do better than that nope oh she's good at gymnastics and she's good at lying I think you should give Pearson a hug and a kiss just in case just in case what I'll see you later it's nice knowing you I don't like this [Applause] oh that was the best one that was the best one she had the good form okay they're just teaming up on me yeah all right guys let's do can spring flip out of it oh wow oh my gosh what is happening you think it was a little better than Ben let's go let's try beam now there's more routine okay you see oh wow wow okay okay so before I go any advice yeah don't fall that was not a Dismount oh oh oh oh oh guys I don't do gymnastics okay yeah we know actually made Ben look like a prop yeah oh [Music] from the balance beam to the ice skating rink my friends were being shown up by kids half their age alright so guys this is Elena she's 11 years old and one of the best figure skaters in the entire world God are you gonna show my friends up today yeah oh yo I'm scared dude I'm scared too me and ice skating don't go well okay guys let's get dressed why'd she laugh when she said that dress into what what are we wearing bro how do they look I said they look awesome I don't feel very awesome what are you wearing uh first kids I think we're ready to give some tricks a try okay so what's this one called Swizzles okay no you guys look ridiculous oh that doesn't seem that hard it may not seem that hard but I know it's gonna be all right true try it out oh my God that was pretty good all right I think it's time for me to give this a try here we go okay [Laughter] are you guys ready for our performance I am so excited to see this oh wow oh there's no way oh okay okay that was kind of impressive what's our rating that's pretty good five out of ten you know you guys are not beating that so I'm not anymore yeah good luck true and Lance here's one I'm the only one with a costume yeah wait what are you wearing Elsa Frozen three two one go oh after all that I get a three out of 10. so that means that Dom and I win the skating competition damn I'm wearing a dress and I'm a loser this is the last trick oh my God we are not doing that this is not a smart idea oh our next Prodigy is Chase he's the youngest to win two championships in scootering and has been only doing it for five years my friends are not gonna be expecting this okay so chase you were telling me that there's an extreme trick you want to try right yeah this one's for you Lexi for me oh yeah oh what do you even call that Lexi are you impressed yet I am impressed but I mean that was so weird I say chase that they give it a try now what do you say yeah he's just trying to hurt us okay so we'll start off easy that doesn't look easy you got this shirt all right here we go oh dude I sweat my ankle so hard that's like my worst fear as a kid that was embarrassing thanks Jason I need this band Safety First this isn't even fish I can't even Buckle it oh that's how you do it good luck that doesn't really help me between me and you do you think Ben's gonna be able to do this he's gonna fall and it's gonna be really funny bro the helmet fell off before I even started what do you think Chase I think he's very bad oh my God I'm not doing that just don't hit your ankle I can't promise you that I don't know I think we know what this means right Chase it's Lexi's turn yeah wait what when you're 14 and have to pick her up on a scooter absolutely all right so right now we are here at the gym yeah I know you guys have been looking for a personal trainer so I found a personal trainer for you guys oh are you guys ready to meet her her yeah her oh let's go all right open your eyes in three two one of course I am this is a brody she is one of the strongest girls in the entire world and can lift triple her weight that doesn't even make sense she is second in the world for jiu jitsu and is on track to be an Olympic weight lifter show us what you got I'm totally ready oh my God first we're gonna do a snatch oh my God yeah [Applause] yeah all right Liv you're up next all right so we're gonna do the split First Step we're just gonna drop oh like how the first step was just do it [Applause] oh I can't do it oh my God all right I think that's enough uh no it's not you thought we were just getting started we're just getting started oh I feel like I could do that oh oh holy crap oh all right so Brody what do we have next we're gonna do a pistol jump oh my god oh no now it's close oh that was really good dude I did it oh let's go why are these all so hard this is 115 pounds this wait how much do you weigh 70. you're gonna be lifting almost double your weight yeah there's a lot of weight I don't know how she lifted this okay okay so we're gonna do some Jiu Jitsu but I need a volunteer she broke my arm how you feeling Drew not good why am I doing this all right oh actually actually it was just um I know I really just have to grab something from the box oh my gosh oh okay oh now we're gonna do some arm wrestling are y'all ready all right Dom you got this you think so no no oh [Music] Dom you hurt her [Applause] best girl scream of the day okay since you beat us at pretty much everything we want to see what it would look like if you went against the strongest guy in the world so we had a mirror for you to arm wrestle him the problem is you can't even get the shirt off look at these muscles she's demanding right two one go oh oh my god let's go let's go let's go leave everyone leave [Applause] foreign
Channel: Brent Rivera Top Videos
Views: 25,153,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brent rivera, competitions, vlog, myths, challenges
Id: UyvhqC5sIsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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