Burn It With Fire!

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give me a me me give me a me what does it spell me to meantime get your slurps going it's a thirsty episode today we got a lot of memes to get through so stay hydrated because we're going to be running at 90 miles an hour oh my god I hate this I made a little something my god wait how did you do that this is really trippy somewhere out there somebody's having a very very strong reaction to this you know like tripper phobia when you see a bunch of holes somebody out there is there's a phobia for this kind of thing this was this is apparently what it's like when you're on LSD every time you see some sort of simulations for LSD it's always this kind of stuff like the walls are breathing or the walls are moving I've never done LSD I'm just I'm gonna look it up and show you yeah like this where everything just starts like warping and changing and shifting and the colors are all weird that must be scary as all hell anybody out there done LSE trip acid trip balls can you confirm Terry George from Leeds said he originally thought her name was Billie Irish and that she was a stand-up comedian from Ireland no way what that's our joke that's our Mead you can't steal this George Terry George the man who slept beside Billie Eilish at the Grammys originally had no idea who she was there's no way nah maybe he's just a comedian and he's joking these could be fake I don't believe you see this is nothing about it he was just a seat filler and sat next to her and everyone thought that it was her granddad or something I don't I don't believe you nah nah not believing it Billie Irish is our meme and we're taking it to our grave so sad yeah Satan got suspended on Twitter press f to pay respects lads it's all over so sad they were coming along nicely they didn't even get to get verified I don't know if they're gotten for good I don't really know the reasons for why they got suspended apparently was something got to do with account manipulation or something because they were attached to a Satan spam account and they likened the same thing to each other and deleted the account because of spam I don't know I hope that Satan gets their account back they were posting some really funny stuff and not only that but we're actually posting some really wholesome stuff it was stuff like be nice to each other there's enough [ __ ] heads down here already or stuff like that that was just really wholesome ironically and I really liked it I hope they get their account back oh my god is that happy wheels in Lego Jesus of course it's happier than I going where the [ __ ] am I asking is this the wait no that's different here okay because this one propped up a while ago and we talked about it and everyone kept sending it to be to be like Jack Lego ripping you off and I don't know if they are or not I highly doubt it I think it's just a gamer with dyed hair which is a really popular trend after me and mark did it but you have to admit there's a lot of similarities and I'm gonna sue Lego also the own 20 goofs game Lego from the last episode got supported the meme community does it again we have 10,000 supporters so that means it should get made now I don't know I hope so I really want untitled whose came Lego thanks gamers speaking of untitled goofs game somebody made this it's an untitled goose Desktop thing it's something that overlays on your desktop and it's a goose it's the goose from untitled goose game and he goes around and he's an [ __ ] he chases your mouse he puts mud everywhere he grabs your cursor and takes it away it's really [ __ ] cool so I downloaded it he is what's up little buddy you can't do anything with him though you can't have to wait for him to do something to you by tracking dart everywhere dirty little goose get out of here he'll be back I want to record like a whole thing with the goose because I think it's hilarious he's seeing a piece of loot in a video game Jack blindly walking past it after everybody saw it okay let's address this then shall we cuz this is this is one of the things that everyone brings up all the [ __ ] time every time a let's player plays a video game in a video there's always some comments or there's always some moment when we miss something when we walk past something that's obvious or we're not listening and they tell you what to do and then we walk past it and it's kind of become a meme at this point that lets players don't read tutorials or don't listen and stuff like that I'm here to set the record straight okay when you're recording a let's play your attention is so completely divided that you're not just focusing on the game I know it seems like that really good let's players will make it seem like they're just playing the game or whatever but there's so much other stuff going on in your head you're you're trying to come up with commentary you're trying to figure out if stuff is recording you're trying to figure out if you're still in frame you're trying to figure out what jokes work for your audience how the game is working what's coming next all these different factors you're kind of pre editing the video in your head as it goes along so we're not just playing the game we're thinking about a thousand different things at once so your attention is all over the place and it does happen that when I'm watching somebody else play a video game I notice things that they miss all the time as well because when you're playing it it's not the same as when you're watching it when you're watching it you're a passive observer and everything is far more obvious to you you're watching it just in one little square also [ __ ] yes my attention span is not the best anyway I miss a lot of stuff all the time anyway I don't know a DD out my ass who knows maybe I'm just dumb but it gets so [ __ ] annoying whenever you see a million comments saying the exact same thing over and over again no one wants to feel stupid but my god will the internet make you feel dumb if you miss one tiny little thing god forbid any of you ever play a video game and other people watch it holy [ __ ] you probably lose your minds also you said in in a video now who's dumb I'm really not that upset about it but I just get a little frustrating whenever you see people say that I'm not taking into account that recording a let's play for YouTube is not the exact same as if you're just playing the game normally I just wanted to clear that up that that's why I missed some things sometimes what a strange predicament Jack seems to have got himself into that's a really good edit of this I like that jacksepticeye tries to eat his own hand jacksepticeye tries to swallow himself there that's a better caption I know the one the dust another one bites the dust that's a Clara one good job very good meme was that the bite of 87 nothing like a good over-the-top exaggerated markiplier reaction even though I love this meme it's so funny that [ __ ] reaction but right of you don't know it this was I went to a theme park in the Netherlands called the efteling and it was really cool theme park everyone wanted to take me there for a really long time we got tickets and they were about to expire because we missed our first chance to go so we finally went I got to see everything but they have these like trash bins around that are just characters with big giant open mouths and I have like a little vacuum in them and they always say pop you here which means paper here like give me your paper I want to like swallow it and I want to eat it there's a little bit of lore that they eat paper which is just a fun thing for kids to be able to put away their trash but they were so funny I had to get a picture with them me every time I see my crush hey what do ya you up a so yeah so relatable I cannot relate to this at all anymore it's been so long since I've been awkward around a crush of mine it hasn't been since I was in like high school days man such an old man although I am turning 30 in less than a week 7th of February that's my birthday what are you getting me as a gift I'll be waiting meantime should be very fun around then stand user Sean Mick Laughlin every [ __ ] time really can you not get it right Stan's name solanum tuberosum that's a pretty damn good picture yeah Jotaro ha ha yeah I want to be in anime I wanna make my own anime just so I can voice-acted it and then you'll see spine apples thank you for the awesome picture I really actually do love it a lot the style is really cool check take the last of my hamon use it to finish Joe Joe Joe Joe is too bizarre geez what is happening in these pictures I don't know also I didn't even realize during that episode that I said man I tried what Joe just bizarre adventure but it was just too bizarre I didn't even realize that I said it was too bizarre and then everyone was like ah Jack it's in the title you see when let's players are recording video games we tend to freak Jack puts Joe Joe in the title every Joe Joe fat in existence tada er er a the [ __ ] happen I I don't get it most animes or most cartoons or most anything you can take like a screenshot of it from a knee moment and you can kind of figure out what's going on you can get a sense for what it is Joe Joe is so [ __ ] weird it's so bizarre every time I see a picture from it I'm like I think I get it no one day I'll watch it one day I'll be a [ __ ] post Crusader like everybody else youtuber jacksepticeye raises two hundred thousand dollars in under four hours media I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that wait but you that's an article made by media and you're saying that media didn't see it am i dumb for not getting this mean plus a few news articles did it metro did one Jim he's TV did one 1080 did one I mean whether they're the most reputable of news sources or not is up to your own interpretation but you made it seem like no one covered it I don't get it not only that but obviously bad [ __ ] gets more publicity it gets more clicks that's how they make their money whatever it's no big secret but at the same time I don't do the charity things so media will write articles about it no one should do a charitable thing just so people will talk about it the kinda ruins the whole point of doing the charity event you're making it about yourself then and not about the organization or the cause that you're trying to raise money for I would be perfectly happy if no articles were ever written about the charitable efforts again it's very nice that they do and recognize good things going on in the communities but again that's not why we do them boo bad me get out here stinky I rewatched this video today and relays this jacksepticeye in 2014 oh my god you look like a douchebag jacksepticeye in 2019 I feel like I've addressed this already I've talked about this already didn't I it is weird how a lot like him I look that was a sentence I would argue that I look way [ __ ] sexier this is a good look I like this look maybe I'll grow the hair out again and tie it all back I kind of miss it now as soon as I got rid of it I was like ah freedom and I'm like man I missed my little top knot point being I said this before and I'll say it again yes that's funny I don't like it a lot but also 2014 to 2019 is five [ __ ] years that's a huge difference in time I'm not even the same person as I was back then my opinions change that is a fascinating thing about online culture these days though because I have like an actual chronological set of videos that show exactly who I am back in like what 2013 whatever I uploaded first videos 2012 you have videos basically every single day over the last seven years of me doing this so you get to see me change as a person but what gets really bizarre is when people and this happens to everybody it happens to any sort of media got to do with tweets or instagrams or anything like that where people will go back and watch something from back then take what you said then and then apply it to current times which makes no [ __ ] sense whatsoever I know that this one was done just for a joke I'm not I'm not trying to like attack you or anything like that so don't worry I just find it it happens all the time with youtubers or people making movies or people say something in the past and sure hold people accountable for what they're saying but don't make it seem like people now are the same as they were five six years ago it makes no [ __ ] sense you wouldn't go to like a 15 year old and be like well when you were 10 you said this you said you were never gonna get a girlfriend cuz they were achy and now here you are having a girlfriend what the [ __ ] dude but yeah I want this look back this is a [ __ ] good look 20 20 I started this drawing on the 10th of January I'm so glad I finally finished it holy [ __ ] if someone glanced at this they would legit think that this was just a photograph with nice lighting this is really damn good Chelsea J EJ thank you very very much this is incredibly incredibly sweet first of all that you would even draw me but your talent is incredible thank you so very very much I really appreciate it me solves math problem with my large brain my teacher cite your sources [ __ ] that's a good meme that's like that's a good life I completely forgot I said that in that episode what was they even reacting to gtfo is just a stream of consciousness and there's so much [ __ ] going on all the time you're focused on the task it had I can't remember half the stuff I say that's also a thing that happens at Let's Plays all the time because your attention is so divided every now and then someone will send me a tweet or something quoting what I said in an episode and I laugh about it because I'm like I cannot believe I legitimately said that in this context in this episode and sometimes they're really funny and I'm like man I'm I was kind of funny in that episode I'm like god no what are you doing teacher we will be working in groups me and my friend in elementary school Matt I do still relate to this doe because I remember it's not that long ago that I was in college and I remember getting group projects those one group project that I got that I was with people that I really did not want to be with you kind of want to be with people who were like do some of the work as well or a little bit smarter than you because you can like rely on them for knowledge and help you through the the project it's always nice to get into group projects and group scenarios and work and stuff with someone who is slightly smarter than you because that means you have something to learn from them but I remember getting into a group with a bunch of people not who weren't smarter than me or anything like that but who were just so lazy and did not want to do any work at all and I knew that I would have to do so much and I did 90% of the project on my own and I [ __ ] hated it and then you get there that day and you have to explain the project to them as you get up to present it and they're just presenting what's on the slides and then what the teacher asks like Oh what does that mean they're like I don't know but when you get a group with your friends oh that's the best Sean once this face once this is his new iconic face immediately uses this one as the new thumbnail fair that's very very fair I mean it just has a special place in my heart it's such a weird [ __ ] face but that I even do that face for I think that was just a thumbnail to a video yeah here it is if you just search my face it's just a vlog oh god okay get serious record oh my god that was so [ __ ] creepy there's some nice comments here why is this so adorable just started stretching my ears and this is the first video they came to mind yeah cuz I was talking about the gauges I used to have I think it's good that you're loud and you're that loud and annoying at least you're energetic and not boring oh he complained that the holes would never close little did he know they would come in great handy for playing of a certain eagle later on my old photographer just trying to smile normally me I had that recently I went to a dentist appointment I went in cuz I want to get Invisalign but I had to do a thing where they had to like take a picture of my profile and everything and I did a bunch of stuff to just get a rounded out picture of what my face shape and everything is but they were like okay now now show us your teeth like smile and I went and they're like just do a natural smile I was like what is my natural smile we think that smile the Chandler doesn't friends this is how I felt this right here so awkward if you flip it upside down it's still 69% jacksepticeye you start working okay when you come home and finally have some time to relax it's me time oh yeah this is big me time it is nice to have some me time every now and then at the end of the day when all the work is done and you just sit down you watch a movie play some games it's wonderful treat yourself be nice to yourself let's all agree Jack's the best no definitely not Thor's one is much better I really like the one in Thor because I mean the clerics one is really good as well but Chris Hemsworth just like really though did he like that that scene is just so funny because I'm imitating them so it doesn't work I'm derivative there oh gee is it really [ __ ] weird to think that I've met both of them in real life I've touched both of them that's so cool friend why do you watch jacksepticeye he's so annoying me sorry sorry I'm allergic to [ __ ] oh good I'm glad that that one went beyond that video it works in so many scenarios you can just apply this video to anybody saying anything stupid I made a thing [Music] Oh what are you doing Oh baby what is you doing holy [ __ ] I mean a credit to your photoshop skills that's [ __ ] weird oh I like it though there's something really enticing about it good job that's some decent photoshop skills you know what just for that just because it got such a reaction are me I'm gonna make this the thumbnail for this episode so that's the first thing you're gonna see jacksepticeye is baby Yoda question mark there I've already done it beautiful there's the thumbnail it's done ready for the video boys Shaun pronounced as Shaun instead of seen but Dean is pronounced Dean instead of dawn another thing I get all the time and I'm pretty sure I've addressed this before as well it's because you're writing Shawn wrong yeah someone points out in the comments it's because Shawn with a father is an Irish name for John and the accent called a father puts the Shawn sound on it you're welcome you need the father on it it's an Irish spelling of the name John which caught its light it goes from like English John and French Jean J ei n turns into Shawn which is Irish for John because right now this is CN seeing but the father on it drags out the vowel sound to make it Shawn alright so technically my name is John McLaughlin which is my dad's name now where Jack came in that's a whole [ __ ] barrel of fish that we will get into another time but sadly brought out a time for memes today this were like a long one this felt like it went on for a really long time hopefully you guys still enjoyed it hopefully you're still enjoying all the memes we're coming up close to a year of meme times at this point it's another couple of months and it'll be a year since I started doing these videos and my god are they fun I love seeing all the stuff that you guys make every week I love seeing all the memes the artwork the funny edits all of that kind of stuff you guys are so creative and I really enjoy recording these types of videos I love going to the subreddit and just seeing all the jokes that you guys make me and Evelyn every now and then will like sit down and scroll through some of them like all the ones that don't make it to the episode tonight just I legitimately crack up at some of them so thank you very much for participating in them but that does it for this episode Mimi dreamy babies don't forget to leave a like on the video if you got a little chocolate in your belly from this one and join the subreddit and hang out and make some memes if you want as well who knows they might end up in the meantime next time but until then I'm gonna have to bid you all farewell now please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ah that goes on smooth
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,446,001
Rating: 4.964869 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, baby yoda, baby yoda memes, baby yoda jacksepticeye, baby yoda meme
Id: 0ci5OlYvtJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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