Bullying Kids The Video Game

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i've talked a lot about rockstar and their controversial history on this channel creators are the most violent games out there and the forever controversial grand theft auto games but today i want to look at one more rock star title the bully a personal favorite of mine a game so controversial rockstar had to change its name just to sell it in pal regions from the bully to canis kanem edit latin for dog eat dog a perfect analogy for the harsh and often shitty process of attending school apparently naming it the bully was just too extreme which i of course wholeheartedly agree with every time i look at the box art for spider-man i start swinging from webs in new york city the government's concerns were well warranted but back to the game at hand why did the bully get people in such a tizzy well because it was about bullying helpless little children and as darman will have you all know bullying is bad therefore this game is bad but is that the case was this game a heartless beast encouraging the bullying of poor children across the nation well let's take a closer look [Music] jimmy please say something the bully opens with our protagonist jimmy reluctantly on his way to bulworth academy a boarding school the game centers around okay rich guy i love it that you're twice as old as my grandfather and you're fat and bold that's enough i've had it with you you little brat he's being dropped off by his mum who after getting married for the fifth time is heading on a year-long cruise and frankly could care less what happens to her son we'll deal with you when we get back from our honeymoon next year it's an understandable and probably very common family dynamic the disinterested mother more interested in a relationship than her child's development it sets jimmy up as an angry confrontational teen in a way that most players can understand and in some cases empathize with i think i related to this game a lot because i had to move countries in school when i was a similar age i know the anxieties and difficulties involved with integrating yourself into pre-established groups that have had years to form it really sucks have fun jimmy at the gate we're greeted by a woman called miss danvers who has a bit of a hard-on for the principal welcome to bull worth academy don't keep dr crabblesnitch waiting he's a brilliant man brilliant it's kind of got ferris bueller vibes to it a personal secretary with an unhealthy obsession for the principal and a disregard for student well-being after this we're left on our own and we have to figure things out the first few steps are not smooth sailing because we get introduced to the school bullies who will immediately start trouble you can choose how you handle this situation batter them two ways to sunday run from them pay them to leave you alone hey you can even run to a prefect and get them in trouble for bullying you coming for you it establishes that there's a hierarchy at the school a hierarchy you will see play out while walking around the grounds however you decide to handle the bullies the principal's office is where we have to go next so we run over arriving we're greeted by the principal a belittling snide gentleman that gives us a bit of a shaking down hopkins you're quite the nastiest little boy i have ever encountered tell me why should i waste my time on you he explains that we're essentially a little [ __ ] and he isn't here for it you excel at causing trouble and i excel at fixing little boys like you he's not a nice person none of the teachers at the school appear to give half a [ __ ] about the students something established early on once the principal is satisfied miss denver's comes over and scolds us for not wearing our school uniform where's your uniform young hopkins run along now child student uniform is another intelligent mechanic the game has you can customize jimmy in a bunch of different ways from various unlocks or shops scattered around but if you're not wearing your uniform on the school grounds you'll get into trouble with the different prefects and teachers we need to go to our dorm and change outfits and on the way there we get initiated by bullies [Music] combat starts simple with a basic three-hit combo and a few grapple attacks but as the game progresses you'll learn new abilities which adds to the depth in general the combat is fun it's simple but effective you can even humiliate people as a sort of finishing move which it's a nice touch it's like the pg version of a finisher [Music] after battering the bullies a big slabhead called russell comes out you're dead new kid dead [Music] he isn't happy with us and he has that dumb strength kind of like lenny thankfully the prefect has come along just in time to save our ass heading into the dorm we get introduced to one of the most important characters in the game gary you just arrived at the toughest school in the country and i'm offering to be your friend trust me in a place like this you're gonna need friends so it's up to you you're gonna play nice or what yeah sure good so how about i show you around he shows us around the boys dorm and we get changed into our uniform oh i see you've met the dorms mascot ladies and gentlemen i give you femboy the girliest boy in school gary's a very manipulative individual from the first moment we encounter him he's scheming and calculating he's not a good person as we will discover throughout the course of the game so this is our room our little slice of heaven here jimmy can sleep save and refill his equipment you can only save in certain locations like safe houses or jimmy's bedroom something i think actually works in the game's favor it gives you a good reason to return to your room making it feel valuable and necessary jimmy will even decorate the room with mementos from the different missions we complete transforming it from a barren sad little room to a cluttered sad little room i mean i say that it's ten times bigger than any student accommodation i've ever stayed in now that we're all settled in gary decides it's time to give us a lay of the land in the main building by the lockers we encounter the largest bully again russell your money here we get a lesson on the game social mechanics you can interact with everyone you meet in a positive and negative way which i find funny because everyone shot their colons out when red dead 2 added that feature but it was already implemented years before in the bully the game was just ahead of its time we head to the toilets where we find eunice having a mental breakdown because some lad stole her highly coveted chocolates the audio is a bit iffy at times in this game with the music being way too loud to hear people talking i had to adjust the settings which wasn't an issue although i'm surprised rockstar missed that one they normally have a very high level of quality we track down the missing chocolate some little knob head and the boys toilet has them and here we can either pay for him or take him by force you see sometimes bullying can be used for good we learn and grow from it we return the chocolates and get a little smacker on the lips for the effort that was not consensual afterwards gary brings us to the canteen and outlines the different factions dominating the school all the standard stereotypes are there the nurse the jocks the greasers the preps dated archetypes sure but hey they're all there you're here to learn not to goof off get to class after this tour it turns out we're late for class the first lesson we attend is chemistry which boils down to a qte although every subject has their own mechanic being a game about school it makes sense to have classes to attend that's a fair observation i'm breaking no boundaries with that analysis i know in between missions it's our responsibility to attend them they're not mandatory each class has five lessons to complete over the duration of the game and each one offers a tangible reward for doing so chemistry teaches us how to make different projectiles like stink bombs or firecrackers ah gives you extra bonuses for kissing someone ah each reward is topical and useful for gameplay making it worth while attending them other than the random lessons that reward us with a shitty hat or something those classes can [ __ ] off you can't actually finish all the classes if you're constantly doing missions there isn't enough time again it's not mandatory to finish those classes but having to try and prioritize them makes it feel more lifelike you have to find the time around your personal life outside we run into the principal again and we express our concerns about the level of chaos on the school grounds this place is full of bullies and maniacs nonsense that's just school spirit hijinks why in my day we felt nothing of castrating the new boys after our talk one of the kids accused us of sucking up to the principal and shoot us with a slingshot screw you new kid this is what we do to teachers pets around here you better not fly that's a big no-no first impressions and all he runs away so we chase after him running to the workshop where we have to fight through a bunch of bullies the music is great in this level it's got a sense of pace and action that's present in a lot of rockstars early work it's a brilliant ost in every aspect after making our way through the shops we face off against the dick that shot us we have to dodge his attacks and use projectiles we find lying around to damage him until the structure he's on collapses now we have our very own slingshot and we get introduced to the game's respect mechanics which affects how the different groups around the school think about us low respect from a faction will cause them to randomly start fights and shout you with verbal abuse as you're exploring the ground some missions will increase your respect with one faction and lower it with another reaching maximum respect with each group is essentially the core objective of the game there's never any choice here it would have been cool to be able to choose who and how we form our alliances instead all respect gained and lost is predetermined from the non-optional missions it feels like a slightly missed opportunity regardless we've got a slingshot now the cornerstone of any little [ __ ] arsenal and we can use it to wreak havoc [Music] this is one of the many tools you'll acquire throughout the game each one serves a specific purpose either to stun attack or counter chasers aside from eggs eggs are just eggs back in the boys dorm we encounter gary and pete where we get a more thorough demonstration of his manipulative narcissistic side you know what petey you were right jimmy is pretty dumb relax james all he said was that you must be dumb or maybe you're all messed up because you came from a broken home what'd you say about me dwarf come on dude chill no no no no no gary's taking everything out of context man whoa whoa whoa don't lie petey don't you lie he enjoys pitting people against each other he gets a kick out of it noticing our new slingshot gary wants to take it for a ride so we head to the football field climb up a tree and shoot the jocks while they practice the world of the bully is insanely interactive you can side on banisters give kids swirlies drop firecrackers and toilets start food fights snowball fights kick footballs hell you can even play frisbee with people oh all right then [ __ ] you might as even entire arcade games you can play if that's your poison this was part of the lovely age of game development where devs put a bunch of random and quirky interactivity mechanics in their world for no reason and i love and missed this design philosophy with all the jocks suffering from life-changing brain injuries we balance out our time with a trip to the library where we meet algae so you're the new kid huh everyone is talking about you oh are they dudes just chilling zip her undone fupa hanging low zero [ __ ] given he needs to get his books from a locker that he's afraid of getting bullied on root so he pays us to look out for him his name is algernon or algae for short and there isn't a single reference to flowers for algernon within his storylines which is unacceptable before grabbing all his stuff algae decides he needs a [ __ ] so we have to defend him while he's in the stall and trust me i know the fear of [ __ ] in a public toilet so i was more than happy to help after that he's able to grab his books and we have our first bit of respect from the nerds it's not much but it's a star man does anything ever happen around here the next morning gary is being a prick as always tell them i was nasty too shut up gary you're such a jerk man oh am i petey oh you're so cutting he reckons there's a mad homeless guy hiding out near the school and suggests we head over to torment him i've got a good idea for some fun let's go out and torment someone really helpless and unfortunate that homeless guy that is called psychopathic behavior behind the old school bus we encounter the hobo mr grant where is this dirty old perv you know you're not very nice gary and you're a loser petey one of life's unfortunate he's a man on the edge and he scares off the other lads with threats of violence everyone except jimmy who stays to confront him then why shouldn't i kill you all right then tough guy kill me you know what kid i like your style we make an agreement this friendly hobo will teach us how to fight in exchange we have to bring him transistors to start off he tells us the location of one nearby why is a transistor on the roof i don't know we bring it back to him and in turn we learn the highly coveted move of an uppercut imagine risking your neck for someone to explain an uppercut to you i'd uppercut his ass back to nam don't forget to bring me a transistor when you come back this dude and the gym lessons are where we learn to fight adding to the complexity of combat there's even a funny ufo easter egg here a running gag in a lot of rock stars games [Music] back in our dorm we speak to pete who asked us to take a package to someone jimmy we gotta do this a package jimmy takes and shoves right up his jacksie these are dynamic side objectives where students will give you money or equipment for completing small tasks like delivering goods or escorting them places they don't add a huge amount and i found myself ignoring them after a while because you can earn more money from the main missions than you'll ever spend anyway once pete's happy we speak to gary again who outlines his grand plan we've gotta take care of russell and his boys then after that take care of all the other clicks soon this school will be hours i don't want the school yeah well i do pal and i intend to get it now go help that door and what are you gonna do i've got planning to do controlling the entire school with an iron fist a few of the nerds are getting bullied near the workshop so to get our foot in the door we head over to defend them fighting the bullies we even get our hands on a baseball bat which i mean it seems a little over the top for general schoolyard shenanigans but [ __ ] it coma time for the bullies we help bucky into the workshop so he can get his components then escort him out of timmy the right here completing this mission we get a skateboard it's unbreakable and allows us to quickly get around the school pulling off sick tricks like ollie's and [ __ ] dying the constant stream of rewards keeps the pace fast and exciting at the start of the game be that new abilities or equipment to use move nerd how original coming nerd dicks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt all right damn rocky balboa just bullied a nerd is no one safe that's you i'm the most suitable candidate i know yeah so is your mom yeah right the next part of the game is incredibly dull we have to help some kid with a campaign for class president problem is the jocks want to ruin his speech so we have to play bodyguard and shoot any jocks that try and attack him enemies come from a few preset locations and you have to slowly aim from left to right over and over with no variety even when the level is over the sound effects for the crowd cheering is some sort of sick joke it's a compressed mess [Music] was that added ironically we do get a sick super slingshot for our troubles though it deals the same amount of damage but it charges up like twice as fast making you a bully beating machine of course time flies when you're having fun and with all the chaos of getting settled in halloween rolls around quick it's great that the game actually switches through the seasons it adds to the feeling of spending time at boarding school you'll see pumpkins scout around during halloween and snow will be falling during the christmas periods gary sat on our bed before the halloween mission even begins ordering us to get changed into an outfit he's provided your costume jimmy put it on his choice of outfit was a deliberate on the nose representation is a nazi costume authoritative and militaristic do you know what torture it is to be thinking all the time no of course you don't during halloween how you choose to go about the task is pretty open-ended there's a bunch of smaller pranks to pull off from putting kick me signs on people to setting fire to volcanic devices you have to do five small pranks to unlock the big one which has to be done on the halloween night specifically sleeping through it means you'll lose the mission we're gonna feed chad's dog some of this rancid meat wait for him to take a dump and then what the hell i'm out of here whatever pete we bag up some dog poo and pull the most classic of pranks setting fire to it outside the staff room ah dookie on the shoe what a [ __ ] after that you can enjoy halloween night for as long as you like seeing the different students in their outfits and when you're good and ready you can sleep the night away there you are i'm uh we are gonna take over this school we are not taking over anything right now time and tide wait for no man my friend but it seems they do wait for a wannabe tough guy who's nothing but a little girl gary has a plan for school domination and this plan involves us heading to the school basement which contains a few very simple environmental puzzles we have to solve each one to pass through a series of doors click would you hurry there jimmy even though the puzzles are super simple gary doesn't trust us to figure out solutions and shouts out the answers after only a few moments jimmy you don't use your slingshot to hit the broom while it does spoil the small amount of fun you'll get from figuring out what to do it also plays into gary's character he thinks we're too stupid to figure it out and belittles us with the answers we make our way into a [ __ ] dark souls looking arena where i am certain you won't have to fight some boss type enemy here we are the hole the place where this school separates the men from the boys the wheat from the chaff and all that nonsense okay so what's that got to do with standing up to people keeping them in line this is where i stand up to you my friend what are you talking about i know you hate me jimmy boy i know you said all that stuff about me behind my back what are you talking about don't play innocent with me you want to run this school i want to run this school only one of us is going to make it you won't be surprised to discover that gary double crosses us but gary the coward he is doesn't want to do it man or man instead he sends a rustle in to do his dirty work boys and morons i give you russell oh man me russell gary now i hate you i know russell go beat that little jerk who said that nasty stuff to me about your mom and those barnyard animals what come here it's an interesting fight it's mostly spent on the move dodging his charge attacks it's like fighting bane you can even do a tekken style reversal get away from me after whittling him down we managed to win russell round with our words like a true gentleman you all right russell oh yeah look i never said anything about your mom we're farmyard animals you did it no but i want you to stop bullying weak kids why ah because there are a bunch of kids around this place who need a beating and you're picking on the few who don't so i want you to leave me and him alone oh okay sorry and now he's a good lenny i love to watch two morons beat the crap out of each other why'd you do it gary i thought we were friends friends you and me i've taken dumps that had more brains than you friend so we're not friends with gary anymore thank god that man was finna turn our skin into a lampshade but it's certainly not the last we've heard from him he betrayed us and that's not something we can forget great what a waste of time with russell pacified i could be forgiven for thinking my troubles at bullworth were over but this place is a rotten onion peel off one stinking layer and there's another even smellier one beneath we're in chapter two of jimmy's tale now and the front gate is open we're able to leave the grounds and explore the surrounding town i bought a cheap pedal bike and had a tour round barbers clothing shops and a [ __ ] ton of collectibles with the main offerings all the new space to explore is almost overwhelming it might sound stupid but riding around town on your new bike it gives off stranger things vibes or the goonies or it that feeling of childlike exploration there's even a whole ass carnival to explore with contests to win auctions to be told and rides to ride how about a full-fledged go-kart mini game haha there's a lot to do and see but before all that we've been instructed to speak to the school cook who needs our help just like how a mama user to make it i need you to go to town and pick up some meat and other things for me she needs some stuff from town so being a good student we head off to grab him some meat eraser and her laundry this mission is basically created to get the player into town and using the different facilities it offers like an interactive tour and after grabbing all her [ __ ] we return the items and make a one happy cook you better use that meat soon the clerk said it expires at midnight nonsense what a lovely gal back in town our next destination is the boxing club here we can even partake in a boxing tournament is there anything this game didn't try it's not the deepest boxing system mechanically but there are worse fighting games out there like wwe 2020. the women's revolution has turned into the women's evolution there are four boxes to beat and doing that rewards you with a permanent damage boost to your punches definitely worth the investment of time given most of the game is spent punching people's teeth in while here there's also a prep challenge to complete maybe i can use this to my advantage which involves yet another boxing competition but with our newfound damage boost we make quick work of them rocky raging bull will smith oscar slap it's a shame they couldn't mix this challenge up more than having essentially a copy and paste of the boxing tournament most people will have literally just finished but once complete we unlock the beach clubhouse tell you what old chap we'll give you that old abandoned beach house should be nice once you clean it up here we can sleep and save without having to run all the way back to the dorms it's a massive time saver every faction has their own challenge to complete and each one will offer a different reward some challenges offer us new save locations others will give us access to powerful new weapons like a firecracker launcher they're all well worth doing except the nerd challenge that one was the worst thing ever it wasn't hard at all it was just unbearably long we have to be in arcade games high score of like 1 100 points by eating food as it moves across the screen and it took bloody ages to complete i sit around eating rice and fish and getting fat too you don't see me calling it a game you do get the firecracker launcher for that challenge though and it is opie i would highly recommend grabbing one early game to make short work of the longer fights we do various objectives around town clearing out cinema cues and stealing girls panties for a nancy gym teacher really living our best life yes thanks for this laundry eventually we end up getting invited to help the prep kids with one of their schemes unfortunately they won't let us into the hideout looking like a ruffin would you please dress appropriately what the [ __ ] is even that so we have to head to a high-end store nearby and buy a preppy jumper then at the prep hideout they devise a plan to egg hattrick's house me and the champs were planning a little revenge hit on old hat-trick we don't like what he did to that old silk galloway a chap could have a drink if he bloody hell wants to so so my friend argue as they say in to pull it off they need eggs so we cycle over to the local shop and buy a box of them bringing them all the way back to spencer's big massive rich person house once there though the plan backfires because gary comes along and spreads more lies about us don't lie jimmy you said tad was probably a hermaphrodite with that much inbreed hermaphro what you said his mom was also legally his aunt gary has the ability to appear and disappear on command like a silent hill character in any case he's a problem cause an [ __ ] at every turn we have to deal with the preps now and you can just run away but i'll be damned if i let old money tell me what to do and decide to stand my ground with all the preps defeated we leave the area overall it's not a successful mission another day ruined by gary and his shitty scheming taking a closer look at gary for a second and his relentless rumor spreading there's a lot of references to him being on medication at the start of the game oh i'm so excited i should have stopped taking those pills ages ago he also accuses us of talking about him behind his back i know you said all that stuff about me behind my back what are you talking about don't play innocent with me which doesn't make sense why would he make up rumors about himself he will know it's not true while he's undoubtedly a manipulative piece of [ __ ] it's possible that his character actually believes his own lies and deceptions that he suffers from some sort of illness or paranoia and makes it hard for him to separate fact from fiction he's the polar opposite of jonathan frakes who can always tell the difference between fact and fiction it's fiction bringing it back to the campus and in the labs our biology teacher is having a right mare unfortunately there is a boy at this school darby harrington who was given such a plant from his father darby is not a nice boy they keep that plant to belittle my collection the preps have bought a one-of-a-kind highly coveted plant just to spite dr slaughter and in a classic act of saltiness if he can't have it no one can so we set off to kill the plant very clear sir you want me to kill darby harrington not the boy boy the plant boy once again we have to imitate a prep kid but just wearing a fancy jumper won't cut it this time instead we have to head to the posh barbers and get a yes haircut with our disguise set we head over to the as of yet unexplored prep accommodation arriving we're greeted by insane grandeur far better than anything else in the school it's over the top as a clear demonstration of their wealth but also to contrast the equivalent slums that the other students have to live in hiding in plain sight we make our way through the estate up to the roof terrace and into the rooftop greenhouse where we find the prized plant looking like some little shop of horrors [ __ ] on the table to the left we find a weed killer gun and we use it to take down the big kush plant unfortunately no matter how hard i tried murder via poison wasn't possible instead i had to bop him on the head with it we beat the privilege out of the preps until we escaped the scene of the crime the professor will be pleased the preps will be annoyed and a rare species of plant destroyed all in a good day's work in town outside the local shop we spot russell bullying a grown-ass man easy russell calm down calm down sit good boy thank you thank you geez that dunk is really strong hey be good no be good not you einstein not you so how did everything work out with those eggs after saving him the shopkeeper suggests we get revenge on the preps by egging spencer's house while his parents are away smashing ideas inside the shop we grab more eggs and through some on holy voodoo the shopkeeper has magically regained his asian accent did you go to the wrong store how did everything work out with those eggs did you go to the wrong store eggs in hand we head over to spencer's with rustle and tail after eating a few eggs through the open windows the preps come out and try to fight but with russell defending us they do not stand a chance i just wanted to pull a harmless egg prank on the lads russell however is trying to cause permanent spinal damage once all the windows are egged and the prep kids are dying from eternal bleeding we dash away now between the flying eggs and the false allegations the beef with the preps is getting out of hand and with no sight in end we cycle over to the boxing club to finish this once and for all on route snow likely starts to fall i really like that the final mission of this chapter sets up the theme of the next one it's only a small subtle touch but it shouldn't go unnoticed you and me the noble art of boxing may the best man win of course the best man always wins me afterwards you can clean my shoes after spending hours boxing in the side objectives here's a piece of cake lemon drizzle cake at that soft despite our unanimous victory the preps being little [ __ ] don't accept their new leadership are we going to let some gutter snipe come in and beat up our friend biff no then what are we going to do beat him back to the ghetto yeah now we have to fight our way through the gym and up to the office where we can deal with derby the prep's leader this level reminded me a lot of the warriors game it was good fun in the office we have to fight waves of prep kids and i honestly thought the game was glitched here it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that you're meant to lower the barricades to stop them from coming through so many heads needlessly smashed in go with nowhere to hide derby jumps over the counter and we have one last battle after our victory we've bullied our way to prep respect who's the boss now my waspy little friend answer the question you are louder you are ah that's right me now you girls learn to play nice you understand now darby is really stupid malevolent and rich so it will surprise none of you to discover in a future life he'll end up in congress we're in the third quarter now and it's christmas time snow is falling students are wearing fluffy hats and we have a new objective get the greases under control jimmy hopkins right my friend johnny needs your help then tell your friend johnny to come and ask for it nobody tells johnny anything johnny vincent does the telling well he doesn't tell me what to do now beat it [ __ ] you're causing an oil slick i said he needs your help man do i look like a charity service you're gonna pay for this this chapter opens with an announcement from the head secretary jimmy hopkins please come to the office to collect your christmas present jimmy's mom sent over a gift from her cruise so we need to head over and grab it i'll make this quick your mom has sent you a christmas present just great pure [ __ ] drip match a pair of yeezys with that bad boy [ __ ] there's even a new part of town open for exploration in honor of the christmas period can we appreciate how funny it is that rockstar used to do that with all that open world games give us multiple islands and lock them off for some bizarre reason until later in the game why don't you show me around the city [ __ ] terrorists what the new part of town it's rough abandoned buildings police tape and ruins are the main sights to see exploring these bandos we eventually stumble across drunk santa who's being harassed by some kids the other kids was just abusing me calling me a pervert throw at snowballs we feel sorry for him and decide to help out giving the kids a taste of their own medicine this mission is similar to the candidate from earlier in the game and it isn't all that interesting but it does introduce rudy a drunk santa that plays a big role in this chapter it is after all the most wonderful time of year and who better to hammer that home than drunk santa [Music] he offers us our next christmas themed mission hey kid there's an imposter going around claiming he's me he's ripping people off by posing for santa pictures and searching for it that's my money santa's pissed off because there's an imposter on the block so at rudy's behest we head over and break other santa's legs we have to put the fear of gnoll into him and do so by smashing up his decorations you can even fight as little helpers while you're there in a disgusting political move by rockstar the game doesn't even consider fighting them as violence against adults with this [ __ ] destroyed we've saved christmas and scared away the non-crackhead santa where the hero the community needs not the one it deserves ain't no stopping jimmy hopkins rudy has one last objective for us to conclude his drunk santa ballad in a dirty back alley we find him sat in his throat this uh doesn't look like much of a workshop i know we gotta fix this dump up he asks for help to make the area look like a real santa's grotto we have to gather shiny rubbish from the bins around the area once collected we return and we're tasked with taking photos of him with kids and it's pretty cursed i can't lie they're stuck in this weird struggling animation loop and only a few seconds of this animation where they're smiling are we able to take pictures of them [Music] why would a kid struggle for dear life then randomly flash the camera smile it's weird it reminded me of that tick tocker that's crying but pulls faces at the camera every time it pans with the kids snapped santa's happy we've done all we can do for him we see our final farewells and really it's about the santas we made along the way gotta go kid here's your cut on our way out of town under a dodgy bridge we meet johnny the head of the greasers he thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him and he wants us to catch her in the act she's cheating on me man i know she is the little [ __ ] it's killing me me dying over abroad oh man i knew this was coming what are you talking about she's with that rich kid gord i know she is how do you know will you find out for me i can't take the suspense look meet me at the underpass in your new coventry tonight we'll get evidence bring a camera and then we'll settle this this mission has a sort of detective vibe to it we have to hide out of sight snapping pictures of her kissing hugging and exchanging gifts with gourd the camera can also be used to snap pictures of all the students for the yearbook which if completed gives you access to the ninja outfit preventing notoriety build up for curfew truancy and trespassing it's actually op for any out of our naughty activities a cool thing about the yearbook is it makes you realize that every student is actually unique and has their own names hopes and dreams fatty for example this kid wanted to live a life free of swirlies we don't always get what we want pictures in hand we bring johnny the evidence he isn't happy and he wants to seek revenge you and me we're going to teach you i'm going to keep his dirty paws off my woman so we head off to teach called a lesson he's riding around town and it's our job to lure him to an abandoned building so the greasers can grease him i don't even know if that's a real phrase but we're using it we have to get gore's attention somehow turns out a firecracker was too much that [ __ ] killed the kid so it's best to stick with eggs we cycle off the preps hot on our tail all the way back to the skate park well hello gord seems like you've been messing where you are not no cousins are legal oh you mean lola it's a great end to the mission the bike mechanics don't really lend themselves to pulling off sick tricks but it's great fun to speed around the ramps throwing firecrackers at breakneck speed once gord has learnt a lesson about his manners with other people's women we're done here thanks jimmy you're a good kid you know here's your money see you around pulling our attention back to the nerds for a second algae's got himself into trouble he thinks algae is trying to put the moves on his girl algae and lola i know it's crazy he's involved with the same girl from earlier lola and the greasers aren't happy about that where's algae algae's about to get greased to trademark pending and speaking to cornelius we find out where algie is and head over to save him now obviously algae could crush any puss he wants but in this case he's innocent he's being used by lola to get her coursework done but i thought she liked me i don't believe this you both better get over it turns out johnny's gal is for lack of a better term a bloody slapper we have to escape the area so we get a backyard on one of the bikes and we have to shoot down waves of chasing greases it's a fine mission completely okay average to the extreme it's like the pg version of a drive-by mission from a grand theft auto game cycling all the way back to campus once within the safety of the school grounds the nerds retreat to their observatory all is well with the world unless you're johnny because johnny is a cuckold the following day we run into lola who's been kicked out of the greasers for being a schlag but i left all my things in the abandoned tenements where they hang out maybe you could get them back for me as a character lola is awful to everyone from the word go so i'm not sure why the game expects us to care about her belongings let alone risk our neck to get it for her but we don't have a choice arriving at the grease for accommodation their house is full boundary mode an actual crack then i feel kind of sorry for them why are they living here its design is very reminiscent of manhunt it's decrepid and dirty the walls are falling down and there's no furniture in sight just old mattresses and rotten cabinets lola's belongings are downstairs but they're hidden behind some planks of wood so we fire way through looking for something that can break the planks until we're pulled into a boss fight with norton whoa what are you doing here um uh taking out the trash looks like that's what i have to do i just love wrecking things with my hammer a heavy hitting greaser with a fat hammer as a weapon he is super [ __ ] easy just keep your distance and slingshot him and he won't stand a chance although his ability to swing the hammer and smash through the environment was both enjoyable and impressive mechanically for the time with the hammer we're able to break through the planks below and grab the rest of lola's stuff bringing it back to her she rewards us with a snog damn jimmy that's herpes right there you just done kissed every boy on the block bro negative 100 respect for yourself if the herpes wasn't bad enough the town's obsession with lola doesn't stop there because the final mission of this chapter is an all-out royal rumble to see who gets lola's affection in fact they're all about to fight for me right now everyone apart from you who's fighting tad and all the rich kids are coming here to fight johnny and his boys all because of me i'm like helen of troy fights are breaking out all over old town it's bedlam but our goal is johnny we want to cut the head off the snake we fight some greases in an alleyway before johnny shows up and we're able to fight him or oh or not we get put on our asses immediately with all the chaos going on the fuzz show up and chase us down and we're on the run now with a hoot and nanny of a song playing in the background to punctuate the chase [Applause] i actually died during this sequence when i tried to make a sick jump and when the game reloaded the music never restarted the emotional difference a good soundtrack makes to a scene is crazy it really made me appreciate how vital good music selection is we chased johnny into the scrap yard getting caught off guard by the greasers and flying into the pit we're surrounded on all sides and johnny's whizzing around on his bike making him hard to hit things aren't looking great up until pete materializes out of the blue we have to clear out the greases along the top shooting them with our slingshot so pete can reach the crane once there he activates the magnet pulling johnny's bike from under him this levels out the playing field he's not able to outrun us anymore now we can win over the greasers the same way we've done with everyone else by battering the [ __ ] out of someone [Music] i'm in charge you do what i say you win she's yours this has nothing to do with her man i don't care you can keep that [ __ ] for yourself what you don't want her then why did you do this why'd you fight just to prove you're tougher than me that's right and don't you or your boys forget it i'm tougher than you so maybe now you'll stop bullying everyone you work for me now oh man we're in the penultimate chapter now which opens with jimmy and pete arguing you know i stand up for you and you still think i'm a dork you're a jerk and you're a dork so we're equal whatever despite pete saving our ass multiple times jimmy still acts like a dick to him if anything he's taking advantage of pete's meek nature along come the jocks act in the beginning picking on poor pete oh i'm sorry psycho did i hit your boyfriend yeah psycho you're gonna try to kick our asses now no i think i'll do that more publicly looks like we have our next target it's time we sorted out the jocks the biggest and toughest group physically petey get up i think we found some new people to have some fun with jimmy has a plan to overthrow them but we'll need a little help from the nerds i've got a plan to take over those jock scum hey jimmy hey so what do you say algie us help you yeah think of everything i've done for you since i got here you you're like a bouncer we're a bit above helping people like you turns out that in our efforts to control the bigger groups the nerds have rebelled against us we have to get them back in line leaving pete in the dust once again we quickly discover the group's leader ernest is hiding out at the school's observatory don't tell him i told you we have to fight our way through an army of nurse to reach him all armed with firecracker launchers it is characteristic of the group they know they're not fighters instead they have to rely on advanced weaponry and tactics positioning themselves with almost military precision to top it off they have a [ __ ] spud minigun waiting for us taken out as operator we hop in the gunner seat where we have to slowly shoot the observatory doors open this is almost too exciting to handle in the observatory we finally encounter earnest you're pathetic you've defeated my weakest compadres you've just met your man i want us to be friends i need your help he can't be hurt directly instead we have to break the support brackets holding the platform up once the platform collapses jimmy and ernest can work out their differences maybe now you listen to me here just take it picking on the little man i'm not like everyone else honestly now listen we both want the same thing to teach those jocks a lesson from now on we're buddies we even get a portable spot gun for our troubles it deals huge damage this is like a weapon out of saints row it is a [ __ ] ace in the hole with the nerds back in line ernest tries his luck and throws out a little request what i need are some inappropriate pictures of someone they care about you want pictures yes it's a complicated plan all right i need some naughty pictures of that mandy girl this ernest this is why people pick on you the lee cheerleader mandy can be found at the gym where we have to take a quick snap of her she then heads back to the girls dorm to get changed so we have to sneak in and try and get more pictures all the while avoiding the patrolling teacher that will whoop your ass for being a creep in the of area young man chapter 4 pulls a plot back to the school ground a lot i think they might have done it deliberately to stop the game just feeling like a grand theft auto game it's a good idea especially after spending nearly an entire chapter in town it was important that the game didn't lose its identity as a game about school life with the photos in hand we bring them back to earnest and that little creep better have actually needed them i will not be part of a recreational perv squad while checking a book out at the library we run into algae who offers us an opportunity to one-up the jocks by ambushing them at the carnival you simple-minded noble foot soldier the football team is going to be there this afternoon you could really cause them some problems okay i was really glad to see the carnival getting more used it's a very enjoyable area so it deserved a proper showcase entering the fun house it reminded me of psychonauts it's got that same crazy psychedelic aesthetic we find the nerds in an oversized upside down study helping them defeat the jocks we make our way through the madhouse we cross a few environmental traps and there's even a mini game where we have to stop the jocks by activating the traps as they run through it was pretty clunky some might even say boring but that's the price of having so many different things not everything will work heading through a maze and another series of traps we end up in a mirror room where we see the nerds dropping a nae-nae in the mirror and then it's just a case of escaping through the front stage is complete brave knight [Applause] back at the observatory everyone's in a panic there he is mr big oh can't you just get lost or help we're trying to get out of here come on muscles we've not got long what are you talking about the jocks are coming to kill us seeking righteous retribution for pictures of mandy the jocks are coming and they mean business we have to hold down the fort while the nerds repair their base defenses holding them off in the valley and then manning the turret to mow down waves of jogs [Music] it is a much more enjoyable use of the turret than just firing out a pair of doors no doubt about that once they're defeated and the repairs are made the base is safe once more so we can leave the nerds their own devices that means it's finally our turn to go after the jocks in order to enact our plan first we need a disguise one that'll let us slip past the jocks unnoticed the mascot outfit is perfect we have to bully said mascot until he's annoyed enough to chase after us you have to be careful in front of the coach though he'll bust jimmy if he notices us causing problems something i haven't mentioned yet but you can actually receive the tension in the bully a little physical labor might set you straight get into too much trouble and you'll be forced to mow lawns or shovel snow as punishment it's nothing too deep but it really hammers home the fact that you're a student in a school on the field it takes ages to wind the mascot up but once achieved the entire football team will chase after jimmy once in it's another boss fight he's probably the worst boss in the game not to say it's completely awful he just has a bunch of instant stun locking moves like kicking you in the nuts so it's only fair that we finished the fight with the stun lock ourselves [Music] beating the mascot we steal his outfit all part of the big plan a big plan that starts now does this work yes rendezvous with my agents in the field basically we have to ruin the jocks football game not very out there i know but highly effective [Music] the task boils down to pulling off a bunch of smaller pranks to ruin the big day raging from killing a man with tnt to super gluing a bunch of people to benches along the way if we see any jocks we have to activate the mascot dance to stop them from attacking us [Music] it's fine the first time but when you have to keep on doing it over and over back to back you quickly start to hate it or i did at least that's what i'm talking about we take a piss in the water supply this is too much for me yuck and finish the day's mischief by switching the text on the scoreboard not uh not the biggest burn in the world all this commotion has left the football team in a huff forcing them to call us out for a fight you're dead hopkins yeah dead hopkins why don't you stop repeating everything he says and get on with it the leader of the jocks ted he throws explosive footballs at us that we have to dodge and throw back who [ __ ] knows where he got this endless supplier c4 footballs from but we have to suspend belief for this part we move up the field knocking jocks out one after the other and look at that crowd bro that's called hardware limitation screw yourself noodle not enough already jimmy take out the captain to take out the team dude stop roping the passes with the captain tackled that's it we're the king of the school with every group under our control oh jimmy you did it you did it i'm king of the school oh you beat them all in front of everybody thanks for your help petey oh this is gonna be great of course we don't let this newfound power go to our head it's jimmy [Laughter] oh hey girl you're looking great great thank you for that in the dorm the different groups are sucking up and jimmy is loving it lapping up the praise with zero grace jimmy i need to talk to you about something not now pete i'm basking in adulation i mean running the school fairly dude so fairly no jimmy please pete enough yeah shut up people must know their king eventually he gets goaded into tagging the town hall to state his dominance you should leave your mark on city hall yeah dude a bad idea for sure but jimmy appears to be blinded by his hubrist so we grab our bmx and head over climbing up the town hall and laying down a banksy [Music] we snap a quick picture and head back to the dorms where pete has some bad news you remember that promise you made about restoring law and order and improving the school let's just say it ain't exactly coming true well if anyone wants a fight i'm right here i think gary must be behind it but trust me everyone wants a fight ah man turns out gary the snake has been up to his regular antics and has some chaos among the groups everyone wants our head now even the nerves will attack you on site the ungrateful i was away for like 20 minutes i think the fall is kind of a retrospective on jimmy's rise to power he won everyone over with fear and brute force of course they don't really respect him power one like that is fickle and destined to failure in any case each faction has a problem and it's up to us to fix it oh man for the nerds rats had invaded the library what no it isn't what are you guys talking about the library is full of rats i don't see why that's our problem but they hate us for it so we have to kill them all the slingshot is the best tool for the job it makes quick work of the task but with the rats dead the nerds are happy again these crates yes those crates the rats appeared once those books were delivered everything seems to be fine miss i think i got them all what a fickle sort did you piss yourself again algae over at the gym the building is literally [ __ ] burning down with students trapped inside you're a degenerate to think i trusted you it wasn't me yeah i'm no saint but i tried to bring order to the school to stop the bullying there's people trapped inside i'm really scared mommy man you guys are pathetic i'll get him so we have to extinguish the fire and help people escape i mean that is a step too far i told you that gary was cracked in the head once the fires are put out and the students safe downstairs we found the pyromaniac that started the fire he shoves past us and dashes away and we never hear from that guy again it's the perfect crime absolutely no consequence for the greasers johnny is missing and people think he's been taken to the local asylum which is located in a brand new part of town the industrial district it's nothing but industry and trailer parks down here filled with dropouts and other rough sorts we cycled all the way down to the asylum with the aim of breaking in and freeing johnny the design of the asylum is grim in a great way i was half expecting an easter egg foreshadowing manhunt 2 or something we steal an orderly costume and use it to trick our way into the control room once there we open all the cells causing all hell to break loose the orderlies and the inmates are at war and using this commotion jimmy and johnny make a bid to escape heading through an abandoned wing in morgue area before fleeing the grounds how'd you get in there to begin with some of the local kids said they'd gotten together with lola i went a little crazy i can believe that yeah anyway so i gotta find lola see if it's true or not see ya all right johnny have fun i really liked the creepy atmosphere they created for this level when rockstar want to they can really make some unsettling environments especially when it contrasts with the otherwise pretty jovial themes of the game oh here is mr big yeah it was you creep the preps have been [ __ ] over too someone stole our boxing trophies buddy they were heirlooms they also accuse us so we offered to get them back or at the very least prove it wasn't us wait here i'll go get your trophy back from those grease balls oh man this mission [ __ ] sucked you have to cycle to the other side of town and sneak into a warehouse filled with dropouts the kicker here if you're spotted it's an instant mission failure meaning you have to cycle all the way back to the mission start and rinse and repeat every time you fail missions were never especially hard in fairness so it wasn't a massive problem other than for this one objective eventually we grab a successful photo of the rats being shipped from the warehouse and even catch them in the act of destroying the stolen prep trophies [Music] armed with this highly incriminating evidence we make our way back to the preps listen you over fortunate numbskull they did everything put johnny vincent in the home let the rats out of the library everything including your trophies why it was gary's fault you my friend have got delusions of grandeur nobody cares about you or gary you're ridiculous with all the groups temporarily sorted jimmy treats himself to a stroll through the trailer park where we cross paths with zoe my name is jimmy zoe a former student that was expelled after complaining about mr burton being a creep which as we know from the panty raid mission i hope these are worth all the trouble i just went through yes thanks for this laundry he really is we decide revenge is a dish best served [ __ ] and so set out to ruin his morning run we grab some bolt cutters and bring them to zoe at the park this sounds like it's gonna be good then it's a case of making sure only one porta-potty is usable when mr burton decides he needs to drop the kids off he has no choice but to use our pre-determined toilet once in we cut the railing and with the power of a mower we give him a little push [Music] oh my god corn i didn't have corn for dinner now the man's covered in [ __ ] a more than fair outcome given his creepy behavior ah this is worse than when i got hazed we head back to our dorm and after waking up from a good night's sleep we get summoned to the head office [Music] we head over and the principal drops a bomb on us you are without a doubt the least popular boy in the school right now even that fat child who wets himself is more popular than you coincidentally it has also come to my attention that you were a filthy dirty foul-mouthed awful little vandal bulworth is not for you he's decided we've gone too far he's expelling jimmy naturally jimbo isn't impressed and lays down some hard facts for the man this place is a dump and you're a big nose freak this school rewards losers and bullies i just stand up to them you painted obscene graffiti on the town hall boy i have it in good authority it was you oh yeah then who squealed tell me that a commendable pupil did feel the need to tell me you were responsible for this outrage gary smith despite our protest that's it we're expelled i tried to contact your mother but she's still off on a cruise until i hear from her i will have to let you stay here in your room but you may not wear the school uniform or attend class you are leaving the academy to attend your education elsewhere now get out no more classes no more wearing school uniform no more chances we've gone from the top to rock bottom in a matter of hours wallowing in self-pity we run into pete who encourages us to expose gary and reclaim our former glory well it ain't over yet god one minor setback and you're acting like a baby we gotta prove gary was behind everything we don't even know if it was gary all we know is towny kids beat up a bunch of bullworth kids i mean i don't even care anymore well we've got to find out what's going on come on and you know what he's right [ __ ] gary that kid needs to pay the dropouts were clearly motivated to ruin our reputation and we need to prove it or at least find out why they hang out in an old chemical plant but they're too tough to take on alone so we head over to our only remaining ally russell i need your help to bust into the dropouts hideout only russell the giant legend we scoot over together like the hounds of hell arriving at the chemical compound damn they're locked it sealed shut and with no way round russell heroically sacrifices himself to burst through the barricade oh that's gotta hurt boom this doesn't look so good the first task here is getting the power back on so we can operate the gate and progress deeper into the complex with the help of zoe we fight our way through beating up a bunch of dropouts until we find a key card and enter the plant the ramp into the chemical compound looks like it's from a different game the lighting and scenery look way better here than anywhere else for some reason it must have had the best level designers working on i don't know climbing down the plant we come face to face with edgar at the bottom the final fight looks way more epic than it has any right to be a top-notch music track does help this out a little bit again it sounds so similar to manhunt's music i was surprised to discover a different artist composed it defending against his pipe onslaught with an improvised metal shield we damaged him enough to move the fight into phase two taking place just above a green chemical pit the last part of the fight could have been way more epic but all you need to do is spam to win honestly he can't do anything just keep tapping x and he will never get a hit [Music] and once defeated he reveals that gary was in fact behind their plans all along he was being manipulated just like jimmy now what made you think it was a good idea in the first place ah man i hate that school my parents couldn't afford to send me there and now i'm stuck in this dump of a town gary said we make them all pay wait a second gary that backstabbing two-faced sociopath put you up to this ah i bet he said the two of you would take over the school or some crap hey how'd you know cause he told me the same garbage so they agreed to work together with one goal in mind bring down gary you're gonna help me make him pay for his lies we're in the end game now this is the last mission and when we're good and ready we head over to zoe's and get it underway haven't you heard heard what my love the school has broken out into a massive fight every gang and faction is fighting each other what yeah there's a riot at school and we need to get it under control i'm gonna need some serious backup where's russell where's your buddy edgar russell has been holed up in the wonder meets slaughterhouse hiding from the cops he's worried about going to prison after stealing that bite russell can comprehend prison his muscle will be needed so he grabbing from the meat plant and return to the school finding it in ruin how we gonna stop a load of kids from beating the crap out of each other it's america we go in there with threats and bribes until we get what we want if all else fails we beat the crap out of everyone that's why i brought along back up russell likes to hurt people for peace in order to make each faction fall in line jimmy decides the best idea is to beat up their leader i don't think jimmy learnt much from his last rise and fall but there isn't a better alternative right now we start with the nerds who are burning a mascot effigy at the gym the preps are hiding in their luxury accommodation and the jocks are burning the library [Music] it's clever that the game swapped where the groups would be people looking to fight the nerds first would be greeted with the jocks a much harder group to fight the greasers are the only ones left and they're currently vandalizing the girls dorms [Music] with all the leaders defeated and the main factions falling in line we head to bulworth's main lobby where we finally come face to face with gary james i've been waiting let the games begin chasing him to the roof we argue back and forth i won i tricked everyone starting with you the head the loser kids in town and the prefects me i won you are sad man i might be sad but i run your world [ __ ] and don't you forget it following him across beams over scaffolding and up ladders all the while avoiding his projectiles he spews an endless stream of hatred towards jimmy the whole time you were so easy to manipulate jimmy you can tell he's getting desperate gary he's a manipulator not a fighter after a long dramatic chase we arrive on the roof where our drama comes to a climax i never did anything to you you would have if i'd given you the chance face it i'm smarter than you oh congratulations you're smarter than me you hate everyone and everyone hates you genius the head likes me i tied him up turned his dog to school into a battleground guide kids expelled unfairly put several others into therapy and he still likes me you're such a loser at least my mom doesn't make her living on her back you're dead we're fighting each other now in a tekken style battle and the camera even flips to an almost 2d angle for every chunk of health gary loses we drop through a level of scaffolding slowly progressing down the tower after one last slugfest we beat gary sending both of us crashing through the skylight and into the principal's office smith i heard the whole thing you're expelled he apparently heard it all from his office while we were on the roof but whatever we cut him free and having learnt from his previous mistakes jimmy shows some actual character development and remembers the help he had along the way what a hero a lone wolf uh-huh well no to be honest sir i did have a lot of help from some friends like this girl zoe she got expelled because she complained about mr burton hitting on her burton well he's fired i hope he rots in hell and a guy named peter kowalski good friend of mine never heard of him yeah well he keeps quiet he's kind of shy shy the boy must be a genius why he should be head of the school pete great idea now about that letter to my mother what letter finally everything is sorted out more or less i mean i don't want to say we're going to live happily ever after or anything like that but life is certainly going to get easier the ending does feel rushed i can't lie the fight with gary felt unpolished and clunky then falling through the skylight right into happy ever after i mean it's not awful i'm happy for jimmy it just felt massively disjointed well he's fired i hope he rots in hell the ending kind of feels like he's dreaming at all and he'll wake up from a coma in any second but life is certainly going to get easier post credits the game transitions into chapter six endless summer where you can finish up any classes or side objectives in the open world it's an easy way for the game to let you continue playing after the main story ends despite the media outrage at its core this game encourages the polar opposite of bullying our main objective is to unite the different groups and stop the infighting yeah sure we do it to our own benefit but it's not the worst message out there the bully's an extremely well thought out detailed and unique gaming experience it's honestly one of a kind i can't think of a single other game that tackles this topic in such an engaging and compelling manner jimmy is an interesting leading man he has his flaws but he actually kind of grows from his mistakes throughout the course of the game and isn't that what growing up is all about to be honest sir i did have a lot of help from some friends a sequel was allegedly underway at rockstar but if the reports are to be believed the game has been cancelled apparently rockstar didn't think it would be accepted in today's climate i really do hope that isn't true although i wouldn't be surprised rockstar doesn't care to deal with controversy nowadays they're happy milking their fan base with their shark cards apparently grand theft auto is still making over 900 million a year just on micro transactions easy money baby with a modern engine and the scale we know rockstar are able to create a sequel could really be special but we'll have to wait and see i've loved making this video it was a really nostalgic trip and i hope you enjoyed it too make sure you subscribe if you want to see more game analysis i make at least one long-form video a month and the support is much appreciated especially as these videos are crazy difficult to make it is so hard to condense an open world game with side objectives into a linear video it took a long time so i hope you enjoyed thank you very much for watching and i'll see you next time finally everything is sorted out more or less i mean i don't want to say we're going to live happily ever after or anything like that but life is certainly going to get easier [Music] [Applause]
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 1,384,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bully, The bully video game, Video essay, The bully review, the bully analysis, the bully video essay, how bad was the bully, the most controversial game ever, Rockstar, Rockstar's most controversial game, the most offensive game ever, bully kids in video game, bullying kids the game, game based in school, bullworth, the bully 2, bully 2, cancelled bully sequel, Rockstar controversy, Manhunt, The most violent game ever, the suffering, silent hill
Id: keqYUO-umN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 43sec (4003 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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