The Dead Space That Killed a Franchise

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i hold fewer games in higher esteem than the first two dead space individually they're fantastic but as a pair a work of art dead space was like catching lightning in a bottle taking place aboard the ss ishimura this 2008 release introduced the world to isaac clarke an engineer on his way to repair a damaged planet cracker and find his missing girlfriend a senior medical officer that was on board when communications went dead space crash landing on the yoshimura things quickly go pear shaped that is to say a pear some claws and tore our inner doubt this leads to a rabbit hole of bad consequences for our hero as he runs guns and repairs his way through the station desperately trying to survive the nightmare what the hell are those things is that the crew throughout the course of the game we learn about a little artifact called the marker an object of unknown origin that produces an alien signal one that drives the average human insane then the marker begins phase two transforming the bodies into twisted beasts into necromorphs these creatures are good old-fashioned body horror with limbs and bones stretching breaking and tearing to turn the average human body into an effective killing machine but they do have one weakness gummy limbs these are the types of losers to give limp handshakes or roll their ankles in a light jog limb removal was a mechanic that helped define the game's identity isaac is able to blast away their chicken legs reducing them to a crawling mess and ideally curb stomping them to elysium immersion was another core principle of the game gone are the displays health bars ammo counts hudson uis you were always in the game whether that's an inventory projected from the suit or a health gauge displayed along the rigged spine from the moment you load in you're trapped inside the ship without so much as a menu for respite also despite being instantly recognizable isaac doesn't even talk in this game hell you don't even see his face until the very end you can't even empathize with the protagonist he's not interested he's not there no one's home mechanical clanking scurrying behind vents and even ghostly whispers are among the ambient sounds the ship offers near the end of the game and spoilers here the player gets a mad twist turns out isaac's girlfriend had committed end life long before isaac arrived the woman he thought he was rescuing on the ship in the later quarters of the game are the mental projections from the marker isaac was losing his mind see you're insane just like kind just like the captain nicole has been dead this whole time heartbroken and with his mental state quickly declining isaac has won last battle against a giant hive-mind creature and once defeated isaac flees the area in a nearby space shuttle [Applause] [Music] alone in the cockpit he finally takes off his helmet revealing his face of the player what a handsome bastard and this is where the developers decided to really [ __ ] with us and end the game on a jump scare if you don't mind i'm sorry fast forward three years dead space 2 is ready to release the world it was a tense time for fans would the game live up to the hype a hard challenge for any developer but task visceral smashed out the park the second game takes place three years after the events of the first where we find isaac in a mental ward on a space station known as the sprawl you were part of the repair mission a mission for which you volunteered at my right what did you find aboard that ship isaac we're off to a great start when our rescuer coincidentally the protagonist of the spin-off game turns into one nightmare you're in terrible terrible arms bound and countless necromorphs and chase isaac has to make a tight escape [Applause] in dead space 2 we get a more human isaac he actually talks we can both get out of here just just cut me out of the straight jacket gunner wright does an amazing job bringing isaac to life and it's nice to have that additional feedback on what's happening inside of isaac's head [Music] we get to experience the mental decline of isaac as he suffers the results of encountering the marker which wouldn't have half the impact of isaac would mute again [Music] even gets a fancy new suit to boot with a sleeker more high-tech design and in an interesting and often overlooked artistic choice the entire game takes place in one shot that is to say there's no loading screens no car ways once you've loaded your game the camera never leaves the action it's one epic sequence cleverly cut together with great skill to hide the assets loading and dumping bigger badder beasts now roam the sprawl the natural progression of monster design you always have to go bigger right the second game primarily centers around isaac wanting to destroy the marker his mind created along the way he meets a survivor called el who proves a great ally hey i can help you besides we got a better chance if we stick together don't you not a chance isaac we also learned about a religious cult known as the unitologists a twisted group that believed the marker is the logical step for humanity they also want isaac because they know they can use his brain to create as many markers as they want helping speed up the end of times why can't everyone just leave me alone huh you're a dangerous secret isaac earth government leave you alone because they're afraid you'll destroy their marker after all you did build it we're talking about [Music] well that's why we brought you here to build markers for us to spread glorious convergence to the entire galaxy but we say [ __ ] you might and mess up everyone in our way fighting closer to the marker with each step oh and have i mentioned the infamous eye scene yet well i can't or youtube will age restrict this video along this journey nicole takes on a far more sinister role tormenting isaac and haunting him at every turn her appearances added a good amount of horror to the game's survival eventually isaac manages to reach the marker coming to terms with nicole before destroying it and escaping with ellie now i know i'm over simplifying both these games to the high heavens but i have to lay the foundation before we move on to the third game i could talk about both these games for hours and they deserve as much we simply don't have the time one final addition to the sequel was multiplayer created as an entirely separate mode where you can play as both the necromorphs and the human security to getting to try out the unique necromorphs and their abilities was brilliant especially after struggling against them for so long it was nice to be able to get behind the wheel for a change you know become the hunter it was an interesting dabble into multiplayer i'm sure seeing later games expand on this mode would be a good thing you know as long as they kept the core single player experience untouched let's talk about dead space 3 then a game that much to fan despair appear to have killed the franchise so what exactly went wrong well there's a pretty obvious answer but i don't want to get ahead of myself let's just look at the game the game opens on a planet covered in a thick blizzard we take control of an unknown soldier the first time in the trilogy's campaign we've played as anyone other than isaac an interesting start to the third act alpha niner this is whiskey 250. this prologue is set years before the events of the first game 200 years to be exact and it's impressive how cold this [ __ ] actually looks they nailed the red runny nose i feel cold just looking at his frosty ass i can't tell you anymore our commanding officer sent us out to retrieve an unknown device from a crashed ship so we head off slowly we make our way through the storm which is brilliantly crafted snow crunches beneath our feet and the player animations react to the strong wind in a way that really makes you feel like you're fighting against the cold okay tim you can do this oh he's dependent on you you're a soldier right breaking through the storm we find the ship crashed just above a rusty looking research facility hey doc i found it good can you get inside it's all sealed up look around there must be a way we grab some ammo off the ground reload our gun and head in coming face to face with the game's first enemy now these buggers might look and behave like regular old necromorphs but they're slightly different more mummy or zombie-like than previous iterations the famous slim destruction returns and it just it feels as good as ever climbing up a ladder to the cockpit and turning to the left a bloody vent rears its ugly head it's a bit of a wink in a nod to when vents were the necromore's main mode of transport it's like a warning we could [ __ ] with you at any point by the flight deck we discovered the device we were sent after something known as the codex and grabbing it we upset the ship's balance falling from the ship we descend a cliff all the while avoiding fallen chunks of debris it's a clunky segment you can't move to the left while moving down so when there's an obstacle you have to slowly move to the left and then down it kills the pace of what's meant to be an epic scene now it's not a big problem i was just surprised at how rough it feels considering how smooth these games normally are it's a khalid moment these guys are suffering from success flipping onto our back we slide the rest of the way down with the ship tumbling towards us forcing the player to shoot their way through the propellers now this is more like an epic scene more reminiscent of the train segment from the previous game now clunky boot that [Music] tumbling to the bottom we come face to face with our general who has some questions for us you love the earth son your mom and dad yeah yes sir of course good glad to hear that i mean come on how evil do they want to make this guy do you love your family son yes we'll say hard woman hell [ __ ] surprisingly he follows this act of villainy up by blowing his own dome off whatever discovery they made hundreds of years ago it was bad enough for the general to kill anyone himself included to keep it buried prelude concluded time fast forwards to the present day arriving back in the shoes of isaac who suffering from all kinds of ptsd is struggling with civilian life all of a sudden isaac is ambushed by two unknown men you asked clark get the [ __ ] off them up oh i don't have a lot of time so i want to make this brief i understand you're something of an expert on markers you created one i didn't make [ __ ] they need isaac's help another marker has been found and they need expert knowledge to shut it down and to make matters worse ellie is missing i'm done with that you find somebody else for your suicide mission we did before we lost contact with her she told us to find you it's implied that between the last game ellie and isaac had a romantic relationship but for one reason or another they separated regardless isaac still loves her so he's not just gonna leave her as necromorph fodder so we agreed to the mission okay okay an explosion rings out across the city it's under attack by those pesky unitologists so we have to make an exit it's all very dramatic right off the bat the vibe of this game feels more like a military shooter than an intense survival horror a theme that would persist throughout the game healing up we make our way through this overpopulated slum of a planet known as new horizon a lunar colony with no space and little resources outside we're ambushed by the cultist it was all right our escape vehicle is just ahead so we make a dash for it when some [ __ ] commits sewer side blowing the car and our arses into the sewer ditch at 100 miles an hour we're instantly under fire enough to run for cover in doing so we bump into more cultists and have our first human shootout the first human shootout in the entire franchise i should add this is a concerning start because no one wanted dead space to be the next call of duty human shooting galleries don't really have a place in a dead space game especially when it's so meaningless why are these fanatics you've destroyed markers in the past i think that makes you a direct threat to their plan moving through the dirty back alleys we get plenty of visual cues that the unitologists are not good people have you seen this man they want isaac dead because by this point he's a certified marker murker and they don't want him messing with their plans of necromorph domination our escape is blocked when we encounter a busy highway unmanned cars are flying past at lethal speed as is beautifully displayed by this poor sod this is a tutorial for the stasis tool a device able to slow down almost anything be that fast-moving object or hard-to-hit enemies the games are great at explaining things visually and using the environments to tell a story or teach a lesson back on the highway we have to stop the traffic now i just wanted to slow the buggers down for a second and slip through but the game had other ideas oops yeah oops might be an understatement boss man thankfully they're unmanned vehicles all their transport and are newborn babies and puppies help me anyway we cross into the drag dreadger dread dread german we cross into the headquarters and get a brutal visual inside the lobby the aftermath of the cultist invasion they're not just trying to kill isaac they're culling the entire planet the leader of the group makes an announcement for extra context for all of you it will lift us up from our miserable existence and we will become one united in body and united in spirit our unity will be our salvation what a dumbass apparently a helicopter is waiting for us on the roof so we take the lift up to come face to face with the leader of the unitologist only to get lectured and watch him blast open a marker research facility unleashing all hell on the city and its inhabitants and now it's time for you to join the cycle of rebirth he puts a gun to us and without so much as a qte we managed to break free when we wake up the marker is active a sinister red glow is flooding the office and two dead guards rise up another outbreak's begun and thanks the unitologist the signal already has plenty of bodies to work with we take them out and walking over to the window we get a better view of the marker again the design is phenomenal the red light cascades over the office space with the marker pulsing in the distance it's a master class in design really just great to look at getting off the planet is the main goal right now and panic is beginning to set in because every corpse has just turned into a potential enemy the creatures throughout the next area are again more like zombies than standard necromorphs although when dismembered they can break out into long sharp limbs so in a way they're not too dissimilar to the last plagues from resident evil 4. the train is our best chance to escape on route it's clear that this densely packed city is in serious trouble the hose bastards this is the classic fierce aversion that visceral were great at get you looking in one direction and scare you from another killing a bunch of necromorphs we quickly make it to the train station but they're not running we have to fit a new power cart which requires us to utilize the other kinesis ability the ability to move objects using this power we drag the different train carts around until it's ready to go kinesis can also be used in combat if you're feeling devious you can grab the sharp limbs of dead enemies and turn them into projectiles same goes for various objects you find scattered around as the old saying goes anything is a weapon in the mind of an engineer with the train powered up it starts its journey we have to run along the back and board it before we're left behind of course it wouldn't be a train journey without an epic shootout would it that's what i thought blasting our way across the train's roof we make it to the end and take a leap of faith to our escape just in time carver one of the military lads drops down to save our ass pulling us on board just before the ship jets off [Music] sometime later we wake up with carver looking over us to put it lightly he's not our biggest fan and the game wastes no time establishing his backstory who's that a boy cute kid leaving behind he's dead dana killed him and his mother i'm sorry don't be we're not friends we're on board the eudora and we've been summoned by the ship's captain so we stumble off to find them at the bridge the ship leaves hyper speed arriving just outside the frozen planet known as tao volantis i'm getting something it's an sos coming from that ship dead ahead the cms roanoke it could be ellie it doesn't take long for [ __ ] to hit the fan though because we're immediately struck by automated mines are floating in space the ship is tearing to pieces so we have to make a plan starting by getting everyone on board safely sealed inside an airtight room grab some of that paddling and seal up that doorway says when are you giving the orders since nobody else has a [ __ ] plan look i'll explain as i go carver where can i find an eva suit down that way understandably isaac is stressed that he doesn't have an ev suit if he gets sucked into space he's a goner and given the likelihood of that happening getting a suit is priority number one so we moved down the hall to find one along the way the gravity generator is flicking off and on throwing isaac all around this scene hammers home the importance of that suit it's key to his survival he'd be flowing through this area like a butterfly right now if he had that suit after a struggle we arrive at the locker room and begin suiting up that is until our asses get blown out into space now i'm not sure about the science behind this but we managed to survive a few seconds in the vacuum of space without dying it is worth noting that this scene was around 15 seconds long which is meant to be roughly how long you might survive in space without a suit it's a clever touch of that timing was on purpose in any case isaac has his first suit oh hell look at that chunky boy but we can't celebrate just yet we're floating in space and the eudora is moments away from going bang so with the crew sealed inside their metal coffin we decide the best course of action is to launch said pod into deep space booting that [ __ ] into another galaxy jetting through an epic set piece we dodge debris and try and reach the container to stabilize it at times it feels like the game was trying to almost compete with the likes of uncharted same vibe very scripted and high octane and they do a great job of making every scene feel way more dangerous than it actually was just fitting through the debris with needlepoint accuracy but you are heavily guided you'd have to be legally brain dead to miss these marks most the time eventually we catch the container sending us spinning until it's stabilized after smashing through a giant chunk of metal the container loses momentum floating in space and beautiful timing too because we lost speed just outside the ship where l's emergency signal was coming from ellie's sos is coming from somewhere inside so let's hope so so stuck in space with no better options we head inside to investigate bringing the container safely inside we leave the crown and air lock before heading deeper to investigate stumbling across a large hub room the game introduces one of the most polarizing mechanic in the entire game weapon crafting with all the parts lying around here i bet i can make a better weapon than this one you see guns in dead space are wild both incredibly interesting and at the same time so broken it shits on the entire horror experience that's because they're all modular they all have to be crafted at a workbench every gun be that a shotgun or a grenade launcher is designed to fit with at least one other gun at the same time so yes you can have shotgun snipers or lightning hacksaws this will instantly put people in one of two camps camp a will be saying that sounds like the coolest [ __ ] imma turn an army of necromorse into swiss cheese while cam b will be thinking what the [ __ ] is this this is meant to be survival horror not a new saints road game personally i think it detracts from the overall game i love the excitement of finding a new weapon it's a reward for your struggles and an epic moment where you feel more capable of taking on the overwhelming forces it makes exploring the horrific world rewarding and engaging that magic is completely gone in this game along with any unique or memorable weapon design which might sound ironic considering how bizarre the combinations can be but hear me out because every gun had to fit together they had to make them all physically look as if they could attach to one another the end result is that all weapons look like a modified version of the same gun there wasn't a single standout weapon it was just like one evolving gun i know that's personal taste but there are larger issues at play with this system a tangible problem that really hurt the player experience once you've found the crafting schematics you can't just build a weapon you need crafting components you can find these components scattered around the world but they're far and few between so for the very cool weapons you could i don't know maybe buy some crafting material micro transactions there are ways around this monetization that i'll get into later so you never had to buy resources but understandably it got people's backup the skeptical among you might even raise questions about the whole system did they replace traditional thoughtfully distributed weapons with crafting because they thought it was a better system or because they knew it could be monetized scummy monetization aside there's yet another issue i know when will it end because of all these dumb combinations and their unpredictable access the devs decided trying to balance where and what ammo will spawn instead it's one size fits all yes you heard me correctly you simply collect ammo in dead space 3 which is shared across every weapon no matter the type you you're shooting razor blades ammo flamethrower hey how about some ammo yo is that a grenade launcher bro [ __ ] ammo out the yazoo this kills any resource management and frankly it's just lazy and dumb if you make a weapon system that's so broken you just say screw it universal ammo [ __ ] you and [ __ ] your mum then i hate to say it but it's designed poorly with our new hybrid assault sniper rifle akatron 9000 we head out to explore the rest of the ship the isolated bloody halls of this abandoned vessel offer a more traditional dead space experience and it doesn't take long before trouble starts brewing [Music] in a hallway we encounter these hibernating creatures hanging from the ceiling it's not behavior we've seen before but they're disgusting and therefore they have to die we mooch through a lecture hall then leaving the room there's more in the hallway outside and here i had a thought do you actually have to kill these creatures so instead of shooting them i slowly crawled through you could just sneak past them without waking them up subtle features you can figure out by yourself are the best game mechanics the only way forward is through a large ventilation shaft where we're attacked by another new enemy the lurker three projectile firing limbs erupt from their back they're weak but fast moving which can make them difficult in zero g when you're swinging around like a bulls bollocks in the generator room we have to use our kinesis to reactivate three power towers turning on all three we restore the power here we have power the crossover just opened up you're welcome with ellie's signal directly above us and the power to the lift restored we head up arriving to find ellie safe and sound oh god you found us i knew you were too stubborn to die turns out that [ __ ] snake is banging her well i never i'd left her floating in space if i'd known isaac thank you for coming like i had a choice i know i'm sorry but i have so much to tell you all right come on we have to get out of here now no not yet isaac we need to stop the marker the trail ends at the admiral's quarters she'd written marcus crawl all over the walls the answers are in there i know it we cannot leave until we know what it says yeah well then let isaac handle the translating we're leaving now i got buckle you get santos let's go so before abandoning ship we need the top secret marker information squirreled away in the captain's quarters one thing i noticed around this point was the insane amount of health packs in this game it's a comical amount compared to the previous maybe they thought the others were too hard i don't know but they were dropping them like candy playing the game on hard is definitely recommended if you don't want to just steamroll the enemy back in the gen room we find it overrun with grotesque tentacle creatures a hentai creator's dream i mean i joke but for real the dead space franchise must have spawned some mad animated [ __ ] right draw me a link to get through this mess we have to power up each pole shocking the gross masses then we destroy each tentacle by shooting the big glowing pus sacks lovely heading through the vent from earlier and what you know those big fans are spinning fast deary me that was close climbing back up to the monster-infested hallway from earlier we learn a very important lesson kill everything while you can because it will come back to bite you in the ass screw these hanging [ __ ] i tried to let them live now they're all dead no mercy there's a little puzzle here where you have to use the analog sticks to plot a point on a grid it's very simple kind of fun i guess i don't really have much to say about it for now upstairs we find the captain's quarter along with her decaying body and scrawled on the walls mad scribbles describing some new marker she wanted to turn it off she wrote that over and over again like a mantra or instructions this is exactly what we've been looking for so we've got a plan and more importantly we have hope this planet is the markers home world and maybe we can destroy all markers in one foul swoop by attacking the source turning around carver has done a batman on us and if his disappearance feels weird here that's because the game is meant to be played in co-op which is another problem that turned fans off on the release and an issue that we have to talk about without friends i've said it once before and i'll say it again multiplayer can easily ruin a horror experience for clarity the co-op isn't awful by any means if you're looking for a fun co-op shooter you'd be blessed with this game but as a gamer with no friends to play with it is frustrating to constantly see where the game was clearly made for two people the single player experience genuinely feels like you're missing out like you're playing the game wrong and there's no better way to explain this than the few moments where entire areas and missions are completely locked off and on the door there's a big fat red co-op sign nothing breaks immersion like being reminded you're a [ __ ] loner anyway back in the captain's quarters we give her a stomping for good measure before heading off to look for a way to reach the planet's surface and what do we run into along the way but the game's first suit kiosk an iconic piece of kit that usually lets isaac upgrade his suit and buy new weapons the shop's gone in the third game replaced with the workbench but you can still use it to upgrade the suit and buy new versions in space outside the ship we find a shuttle that lets us jump between different stations this is a nifty way for the game to load in new areas rather than straining the system or having a loading screen it uses this shuttle to load up the next area something a lot of games use if you're not familiar with game development you might wonder why so many games have drawn out sections where the player is cranking open a gate before dipping under these long animations are usually done to dump the previous area while loading the next there's a signal coming from a nearby ship so that's where we head first leaving the shuttle and i swear when you're floating through space every frame is like something straight out of an art book between the suits the ship the space and the debris this will do a knockout job in fact it's one of the only game art books i've ever bought and it was a treat the signal we've picked up is actually a side objective now the addition of more content is always welcome although in this case they're more like dungeon crawlers than side missions i think that's a more accurate description hey santos i made it inside the greely their structure is always the same fight through a handful of arenas reach an end area fight one final wave unlock a crafting material loot box then head back to the start of the area i completed all of them to see if anything standout happens and it never really did i'm not diminishing the hard work done on these side quests but because they're so similar i only want to go into detail about one specific side objective so i'm saving my rant for later with the message decoded we head back to the ss terra nova and continue our hunt for a space-capable shuttle i'm inside the terra nova which way to the shuttle inside isaac comes across a large container area with its walkways swarming with enemies shooting our way through and taking a ladder down to the next level we stumble across an old scavenging robot wow an old scavenger butt this will come in handy i bought we can deploy to an area to automatically gather crafting material this is the micro transaction workaround i talked about earlier and much like the game's ammo it's kind of a band-aid tactic crafting was janky and instead of balancing out the materials they just add a bloody robot companion to infinitely gather up crafting stuff at least give the bugger some personality like bd1 in fact [ __ ] it just make the entire game a companion comedy give the lines to dinklage that wizard came from the moon leaving the cargo area we discover a new creature bugs that are able to reanimate the dead similar to the infector or even some might say the flood down the hall we find the tram line that should take us further up the ship as is always the way there's an obstruction with the line we have to head over and fix it and i'm just i'm sure nothing will go wrong oh boy do i love to be proven wrong blocking our way is a grotesque creature grafted to the wall screaming in agony and if you get too close it lobs your head off no hesitation you have to take it out from a distance before you could pass in track maintenance we find a way to clear the obstruction this bizarre tetris type game thank god all these shapes are jigsaw pieces if they weren't everyone on the station would be dead [Music] it's just another co-op afterthought this little game would typically make you work with your mate each person would control one side but it's still dumb in that scenario and especially dumb in single player with the track cleared we head back to the tram and on the way we're ambushed by a unique necromorph one that will regenerate its limbs oh and it can't die frying it is a waste of ammo literally a waste of generic damn ammo instead we have to buy ourselves some time shooting his legs off and then freezing it with stasis with the creature in hot pursuit we have to call the shuttle and wait for it to arrive all the while necromorphs are attacking us from every angle and it doesn't take long for the unkillable beast to catch up with us this is how a game should handle a pursuing monster it's unrelenting but it's not an instant killer you can fight back but only barely the entire scene feels really tense and every second waiting for the train feels like a second too long with little to no time left the train pulls up and we get the hell out of dodge okay uh i made it to the [ __ ] looks like it stops at the mid and aft station the ass station is where the shuttle is parked and what about mid station well that would be the carning tower at the station we can continue forward or we can take on a little side mission which is the side mission i've reserved my rant for we take a lift upstairs with the goal of end lifting a scumbag that killed a bunch of people and locked himself away in a tower with a bunch of loot all the infected soldiers they brought them up here for safe keeping you may think you can put a bullet in my dome but i've got a ready-made army that says you can't we work our way through the regular combat arenas with the survivor activating vent explosives to lure necromorphs in i'm reading lockdown are you all right no not really it's clever he's a coward and he fights like one using traps to try and take us out there's a ton of interesting dialogue with this man he starts off as a dick but in the end he was just a scared sad man that was willing to do anything to try and live i never wanted to hurt anybody you know i just wanted to live that's all i wanted to live even isaac reflects on it in a pretty solemn way what do you think is worse buckle dying along with everyone else from being the only one who survives it's not the dying that scares me it's not making a difference before i do after all this struggle we eventually reach the top of the tower tension is high are we doing the right thing will there be a moral choice there was a bunch of ways this scene could have played out but i was not ready for how awful the twist would be [Music] congratulations you found me kind of stupid ain't it i just wanted to live and now that i'm the only one left i couldn't give a [ __ ] he had already killed himself ages ago and we were dealing with his recordings let that sink in for a moment like what the [ __ ] i think the devs didn't actually want us to have to kill a man or maybe they ran out of time i don't know the dude was interacting with us and activating traps at the exact moment we arrived if he had just shot himself say before we arrived out of fear it would make sense and even be sad but it's a rotting corpse it had to have happened ages ago then to top it off after we've taken the reward from the storeroom the recording blows the last charge just as we're leaving if you found this and you're still alive i guess i can finally do my part computer blow all remaining charges what is the implication here that the r soul spent his last miserable moments quickly making the world's first ai and mapped his brain to it just to prank anyone that swings by just to do a little trolling like i get it's a side quest but i mean you're a whole of your sums why have such a weak plot line especially when visceral are capable of so much more well was it worth a look yeah tucker had a nice pile of salvage good i'm headed to the aft section now to check out that shuttle hopefully it's not a piece of [ __ ] side objective wrapped up it's time to continue the main story in the aft section of the ship we arrive at the elusive shuttle we've been hunting and it's well it's a piece of [ __ ] no way i can pressurize the cabin it needs some repairs but it'll work we need to build a relay so we can remote pilot it back to the repair dock and this is where isaac gets to utilize his skills as an engineer we have to gather three components scattered across the hangar build our bench and then place the remote on the ship's hull it's out of fuel oh wait there should be a refueling station on the upper floor of course as with every padding thing this rust bucky is out of fuel and it has to be replaced manually or va what can you do in the fuel depot we dry the nozzle down and fill her up being a forward-thinking saw we decided to run an engine test oh oh god uh isaac i think i just started the launch sequence and i don't know how to stop it you what making our quick escape we get informed that the bay doors well they're not opening which means when the ship launches it's not going far isaac honestly has the worst luck of any protagonist the man cannot catch a break there's something wedged in the gears canisters are getting stuck in the gears so and bear with me here we hop into a pair of heavy duty cannons that are literally in the gear room staring at the gears what using these cannons we blow away the rubble while shooting waves of monsters and no no i'm sorry i can't get over it why were these cannons here there's even a second cannon just sat there waiting for our non-existent friend it's a sight to behold i feel like every decision in previous games made sense it felt like you were exploring a real world in this game very dumb video gamey [ __ ] happens which completely breaks the immersion after mowing down the fodder and blasting multiple barrels all this damage causes the gears to blow apart us into space and opening the bay doors just in time you did it he did yes thank god okay everybody let's get the docking bay ready to receive the shuttle isaac we'll see you when you get back the ship is guarded to a repair dock and we have to make a few hot fixes scavenging components from the wrecks flowing in space we're able to get it operational ellie get the shuttle prepped i'm on my way which means there's only one decision left to make will we flee or fight this is going to work right our window's coming up we go now or not at all obviously we decide to take the fight to the planet's surface isaac ain't no [ __ ] we'd secure the oxygen and begin our descent try to keep it on course and shoot anything that gets in the way matching the trajectory and gaining speed until eventually we collide with debris the ship is falling to pieces around us we stagger to the back to make some emergency repairs before hitting the planet's atmosphere we struggled to guide the ship through a shardfield tundra before colliding with a mountaintop [Music] sometime later we wake up isolated injured and freezing climbing out of the wreckage we make our way through a blizzard and to prevent ourselves freezing to death we have to regularly stop near burning chunks of the ship most of the time all you can see through the storm is the low glow of another life-saving fire they keep you alive and guide the path you follow breaking through the white out on the horizon we see smoke rising from the other half of the ship and it doesn't look good this entire scene is meant to portray isaac's vulnerability he's suffering here and it's very visible on his appearance he genuinely looks cold beat up and miserable he's a seasoned hand in dealing with necromorphs in space but freezing alone on an ice planet that's alien to him and that weakness is portrayed perfectly trekking to the back section of the ship isaac discovers a frozen body and fears the worst damn that's someone's son too have some empathy isaac you tossed him like spoiled meat if you find this god we're freezing to death out here i'm coming we're on our way to find some shelter on a nearby screen we find a recording from ellie she and a few others are still alive and they've left to look for shelter so we pick up their trail which is generously highlighted with very powerful flares we follow this path until some big bugger pun intended ambushes isaac in this chaos whatever creature attacked us disappears but get used to this bug you'll be seeing a lot more of him despite our tumble we quickly find more flares and continue our hunt pushing through snow storms and old abandoned outposts until we eventually arrive in a large open space sprinkled with necromorphs the animated remains of old explorers donning pickaxes and large furry snow coats little canadian goose numbers very fly i know the necromorphs are often compared to john carpenter's work but here on the icy surface the game seriously reminded me of the thing which featured very similar body horror and was also set against an icy backdrop the fear factor is dialed down when you're fighting on these big open spaces it's nowhere near as scary as the tight dark hallways of an abandoned space station just ahead the flares finish outside and outpost and inside we find buckle alone freezing to death they headed for a research facility up the ridge we found snowsuits but they weren't enough to go around so i decided to stay behind there might be more down in the might be how the elevator shot and we heard something scratching around down there so we didn't we didn't check so there's a snow suit in the basement along with what sounds like something bad but with the fear of freezing to death looming over us we decide to hedge our bets and head down repairing the lift and descending with tensions running high arriving outside a kitchen we come face to face with this bugger a wendigo looking ass that's sensitive to light and incredibly fast moving turning a corner we find a whole hive of them and the buggers quickly swarm us [Music] they've opted for the glass cannon approach they're quick but a strong breeze would end the cuts sneaking is even an option at one part using our kinesis tool we can throw an object to distract them a neat mechanic but it's only available in this one instance and never used again perhaps is an artifact from early development when the game was intended to be a more genuine horror the basement cleared we head through a series of environmental traps before finally at last we get our hands on the arctic explorer suit oh boy here we go i really like this suit's design in fact every suit in the franchise is just fantastic the developers would specifically tailor the look to match the environment the ridges of the engineering suit match the ridges of the ss ishimura and in the second game the advanced suit is sleek and modern to match the urban city and now on the cold surface of tao volantis our suit is covered in warm furs and thick cloth it's able to keep us warm and reflects the environment perfectly no longer affected by the freezing cold we're able to head off and look for the rest of the crew walking up a nearby hill we encounter more zombies and make our escape over a wrecked piece of machinery isaac clambers through and jumps to safety just in the nick of time rickety piece of [ __ ] passing through a cave we arrive in an open space and head to what looks like an entrance carver down here clark how the hell did never mind finally we found the rest of the group they're just a short elevator ride up and oh we eat a bag of dicks it's starship trooper time we gotta kill ourselves a bug this is the first boss we've encountered we have to aim for the glowing yellow sacks destroying them to tear its limbs apart [Music] of course the bug is a little purse and dips the second he's getting his sacks whooped at least it knocked a path down for us so we can climb up and enter the facility [Music] isaac you made it thank god i knew you'd catch up isaac and nell embrace for a long awkward moment causing loverboy to pipe up good to see you made it isaac you know maybe we should give you two some time alone huh what the hell does that mean it means for someone who's in the past you're awfully glad to see him you got something to say to me captain stop just stop we need to shut down that damn machine and we don't even know where it is yet i do the written logs discuss a signal tracking experiment that pinpointed the machine's exact location well i think if we repeat it we can do the same but it's at the other end of the complex all right let's have a look i could use the change of scenery there are still feelings between the two and it's causing tension with the captain as can be expected but given how harsh this environment is it's bound to lead to trouble so we have a plan there's a device santos thinks might track the marker controller we just have to find it first the group gets a head start on us and unsurprisingly just before we catch up we're separated after the cultists who somehow managed to track us down blow up the bridge oh and everything was going so well now we have another shootout with military goons between these guys the bugs and the snow this part honestly feels more like lost planet in fact it feels an awful lot like lost planet god damn it's cold we fight through a mine a small town area and another [ __ ] locked co-op door before entering a building and encountering the creeper a sentient head that possesses corpses these guys are actually able to use weapons to make matters worse if you destroy their body they'll just rush to another you'll have to blast the little shit's face legs off passing through the building and out the back we find the remains of a huge alien creature the bug we fought earlier clearly isn't the only thing on this planet and it's also not the biggest continuing our search we head into a drilling room and stepping onto the platform we find a fat drill blocking our way no prizes for guessing what happens next it springs to life and we have to dodge it shooting its internal fuses all the while evading swarms of enemies that want nothing more than to see our ass hit the blender there's something inherently scary about heavy machinery particularly when it's spinning towards you at breakneck speeds with each fuse you damage the device loses more control eventually spinning around wildly making it harder to track and ten times more terrifying with a handy kinesis module we're able to slow it down enough that we can destroy the device for good and shortly after this we arrive at the research facility and find what we're looking for except it's no signal tracking device it's a [ __ ] tracking the signal alien through nerve clusters inside the creature this alien has a connection to the marker a connection we want to exploit but first we need to defrost that problem is the facility doesn't have an alien-sized microwave so instead we have to head to the roof to get the furnace working we even unlock a new suit along the way the archaeologists suit and in the spirit of indiana and the game's apparent love for the colour piss yellow i get it equipped the furnace controls are on the roof and the front door is locked so we have to climb to the top of the shed and drop in from above the power cell is missing so we have to grab one from near the lift which in a moment of sheer panic i accidentally shot right over the ledge i [ __ ] myself here thinking we were doomed we were without power but the pack just responds truly future tech okay the furnace is on with the power restored we head back to the alien sickle defrost it then head to the main office and get another fetch quest i think i can build it with the right parts where's the other warehouse we need to gather components from a nearby warehouse to build a probe gun a device able to hack into the alien signal passing back to the drilling area we see a bizarre ritual suicide take place [Music] there's no elaborate cut scene it just happens in passing it's a disturbing insight into the unitologist twisted minds and how far they're willing to go to further the markers cause in the warehouse we spot a trail of what looks like bloody prince then in a nearby yard we have to face off against a group of stalkers i love their design they're easy to kill but fast and sneaky hiding behind boxes waiting to ambush you engaging in a hit-and-run tactic which in environments like this with crates all over the place is a lethal combination you can even see them peeping out from around corners waiting for the moment to strike it's equal parts stressful and hilarious look at this dumbass do you think i don't see you mom said it's mango on your yanks using kinesis to slow these guys down is the best play with their speed gone is like pulling wings off of flies not that i do that obviously it's just an understandable analogy i'll shut up crossing the yard we arrive at the old warehouse only to discover that whatever was being worked on well it's no longer there along with half of the warehouse but hey science must prevail so we gather the required components i just need to find a bench and call the blueprint it shouldn't be too difficult famous last words isaac [ __ ] clarke on the way back bug boy makes a triumphant return angrier than ever looking for round two it's the same fight as before shoot the tentacles before blasting off its three nuts then same again it runs away before you can kill it guys that beast keeps running away before i can kill it regardless we get back to the alien corpse where we build the probe and now we just need to do some probing first we use two giant harpoons to open the rib cage up after which isaac gets lowered inside with the aim of shooting probes at its nerve clusters which sounds like a great plan pings from our probe gun will direct us to the correct nerve cluster and once located we fire our probes at it which causes it to react with a self-defense mechanism spitting out modified versions of the wendigo creatures from earlier it doesn't help that this place is tight dark and claustrophobic all you can see half the time are the red glowing eyes it's a nightmare after probing two more nerves isaac starts to bug out whatever signal we're playing with it's affecting him as well more creatures attack this time a massive swarm that almost screwed me over because i backed myself into the cage like a dumbass but once we've cleared up the riff raff and escape with a mere centimeter of health we have the signal and we know where it's coming from there are thousands of signals all concentrated far below the planet's surface that has to be it there's an entrance further up the mountain beneath the second dig further up the mountains there's sheer cliffs well i saw some climbing gear stored below thankfully there's an entrance in a facility up the mountain but getting there won't be simple because norton screws us over trapping isaac in the cage i'm taking control of this mission again hey where are you going saving ellie [Music] knoy while all hope might seem lost we're able to rectify the situation using our kinesis tool to break free and begin chasing after norton it's time to see what funny buggers this man is up to [Music] well here he is the marker killer isaac clark and here we are the marker home world you know i must admit i almost didn't believe such a place existed but thanks to your friend norton i finally found it well it turns out this douche was a rat that wanted to hand us over to danick in exchange for freedom and given danic's history of relentless genocide i'm sure that'll go down a treat i just have one problem left to purge all of you no no no no you promised me a ship danic we need a deal yes i'm sorry about that i can't afford to leave even one of you left alive apologies for misleading you captain we break free sending danic flying with a grenade before getting into another shootout a shootout that's rudely interrupted by this giant ass alien it ain't clear if this is the beast we've just probed or you know his angry older brother but they look to be the same type using its large claws to attack we have to dodge like no one's watching all the while shooting sacks as they periodically appear there's no wrong with the fight apart from the moments where isaac literally talks to a non-existent carver [Applause] off every now and then the beast will inhale in an attempt to eat you whole on the way to his intestines we have to shoot multiple weak points or face a most horrible death there's a problem though once they're destroyed the next time he tries to eat you there's nothing to shoot nothing to help us escape and we're screwed but the game ain't over yet this is why you chew your food because it might destroy your internal yellow flesh sacks [Applause] we're flowing in its stomach with our oxygen running out and three missile-spewing masses are trying to kill us after popping them the beast spits us out causing isaac norton and carver who's magically reappeared to take a tumble culminating in a final standoff between the love us come rivals here you encouraged her now look who we are between daddy shooting at us and whatever the [ __ ] that was what tents have we got you betrayed yes i tried to save us you are the real problem here clark but not anymore captains he deserved that one for sure but l will not be happy yeah just for good measure with carver once again disappearing into the void we make our way alone to the rest of the group heading through an old ravine we find the others where we try to explain the situation to elle where's robert is he i shot him ellie what i'm sorry i had no choice norton betrayed us ellie he was ready to kill us isaac did what he had to do to save the mission come on we got to keep moving thanks technically random soldier we've had almost no interaction with because i'm playing single player i really appreciate your input now come on let's get to the top of this mountain together together overall that could have gone much worse l's pretty chill and with everything cleared up we begin the mountain climb naturally it's not stable enough for everyone to climb so we volunteer to head up ourselves and locate a safer path looking back i honestly think the developers just didn't want to animate anyone walking outside of a cutscene what's up with that did the pathfinding guys quit after making the enemies down the way we find a working elevator and begin winching the group up [Music] things are looking golden when all the sudden and i cannot wait until i can stop saying this the bug attacks god damn it i had her it was gonna take us all down with it i think the cliff's falling apart come on damn it give me your hand i promised her actually to breathe sir i just had another in all the chaos the ground collapses beneath us throwing us to the valley below and if you watch this video a second time around for any bizarre reason firstly thank you baby but secondly i beg you make this a drinking game every time isaac is separated from the others you drink what's recovered we have to battle the giant spider one last time this instantly got my back up it felt lazy give us a new boss please rehashing this one guy several times it ain't the one but this time there was a bit of a twist because there was these two harpoon guns dodging its attacks we have to lure the beast over so the harpoons can get a lock on use the torque control quick he's gonna break free and once hooked we use the crank to finally pull that bugger in two [Applause] [Music] no more running away it is pure catharsis and we can only hope it's the last we've seen of him climbing one more shitty hill we arrive at the research facility to find l waiting to embrace us hey it's all right you're a good man isaac you did everything you could no i didn't i gave up ellie i'm so sorry this must be the place but how the hell do we find this rosetta [Music] she must have a lab up there someplace we should look for an office or a set of files anything with her name on it the sun's setting now and between the evening dusk the cold snow and the reflective emergency lighting the visuals are dialed up to 100 here it's great to look at climbing up a ladder we get drink separated from the others are you all right i see a ground roof i'll shoot directions to your rig we'll meet at the facility enter in the biology lab with its chemical yellow glow we're instantly swarmed by necromorphs and an even stronger version of the mummy rears its ugly head with thicker armor and toxic green sludge coating it they hit harder and take more damage to put down at rosetta's lab we find the others and discover what we've been sent to build it's not a device but rather rosetta herself hilariously no one remarks that this is an alien not a soul despite it being painfully obvious they're just stevie wondering that [ __ ] the body is missing a few pieces which elle discovers are spread throughout the facility so we have to gather them but the aim of reassembling the body and probing its memories for a solution well there are three buildings in the facility so if there are more pieces they're either in one or all of them thanks for your help in the previously locked parts of the facility we see an infection has taken hold grotesque slime is covering nearly every surface even the air looks musky and corrosive our growth is blocking our way forward so we head to the pumps fix them and get some organic busting gas pumped in to deal with the problem which is mighty effective not only did it kill the organic matter it completely deleted their assets from the game no trace downstairs we grab the first alien slab and return it quickly followed by three other chunks spread throughout by this point i should add that the necromorphs had become paper machame and because i had built a gun that was and i am not joking a combination of a minigun and a buzzer and it also had a kinesis mod so it slowed any enemy it shot down nothing stood a chance against this beast and of course it required no special ammo yep boy back in the old lab we have to reassemble bessie swapping around the parts until they look anatomically correct which could mean anything it's a damn alien after resembling this hannibal style artifact we hit the activation switch well here she is meet rosetta where's her face she doesn't have a face it's not even a she it's an it rosetta's an alien what wow you dumb [ __ ] are only just now realizing it's an alien you're clapped in the head all right let's see what happens when we activate it this could get a little weird fingers crossed in a series of flashbacks we see the creation of an ancient marker one that aims to destroy all sentient life by sucking aliens into space and creating a large moonlike creature in an attempt to stop this beast the aliens froze their own planet leaving the moon with nothing to consume [Music] the messages we've been receiving turn it off that isn't a solution it's a cry for help the moon wants the planet freezing device turned off so it can resume its cosmic growth this also gives more context to the murder we saw at the beginning of the game the commander knew he had to purge the planet and all knowledge of this device 200 years ago to prevent the moon from ever being active again isaac explains the necromorse grand plan if the machine shuts down everything thaws and convergence has resumed not just here but everywhere the markers have spread turning around to see danick the dick waiting for us who managed to sneak in and incapacitate everyone without making so much as a whisper thank you for doing all the heavy lifting no it will hone in on earth markers and hunt us down you don't understand oh i misunderstood initially that's true but it's all quite clear to me now it's not only mankind's tampering which has hindered our glorious rebirth but this alien machine as well stay away from that machine danic no and now that i have this i'll be able to turn it off oh come on kill them of course we get the drop again [Music] then with toxic gas getting ready to purge the room we have to make an escape i can open it from here you'll never make it out it's open we reached the door but now ellie's stuck ellie come on ellie it's no good it's moving too far either do it just do it either i love you [Music] isaac was quick shutting that door not even and i love you he just shuts that [ __ ] she's all i got this was her mission she knew better than anyone how important it was now we've got to finish this for her got it do you got it then let's go isaac now with revenge on his mind he and carver split up all right we're gonna split up you take floor one i'll take floor two okay all right all right just date keep your head man it's the first time the separation has actually been explained in the game and i'm happy they made that effort regardless it's time to get that snake danic and put an end to his scheming we fight through thugs and necromorphs alike until we reach a large elevator one designed to reach the planet's core elevator we're gonna meet me down there i'm not an engineer try pressing the down button danny's on board heading down with the aim of shutting off the alien device something we cannot allow drawing the descent there's a lot of bad guys to kill thankfully the game gives you a massive damage boost when you're repelling so you can one shot almost every enemy in a shocking scene on one of the hallways we discover a monster that's practicing his 80s freeze frame just before reaching the bottom we encounter a new alien life form [Music] [Applause] seemingly the same species we just reassembled in the lab and it would have been tense but he was minigun sword to pieces within seconds i genuinely feel sorry for him he stood no chance he was a baby against the man here heading through a massive vent and nearly getting diced for our efforts we finally arrive in the cavern below and the fun's only just beginning radio for reinforcements but how will they reach us we can open the ventilation systems from in here in the room next to us we discover a presentation from the previous researchers which outlines the moon and its purpose it wasn't meant to merely freeze the moon it was meant to destroy it you'll need the codex it is the key to unlocking this machine and reconfiguring it carver did you hear that the machine can crush the moon it just needs to be properly configured we need to get that codex back it's the key to reconfiguring the machine leaving the research center we head out to a bizarre site the remnants of an ancient alien civilization built of giant stone littered with alien corpses and covered in a green hue it's all very prometheus in design i helped get us this far and that's close enough for all this to count right account for what i don't know all the bad i've done oh shut up carver you're a good man i alienated my son wrecked my family isaac i killed santos is that what a good man does good men mean well we just don't always end up doing well there's supposed to be another touching scene between isaac and carver but again it means nothing to us because he hasn't been there if anyone played the game in co-op what is carver like as a character is he well made i'm honestly curious anyway we're still on the hunt for this so we work our way deeper into the alien complex isaac he's getting away i'm good i got a plan now at some point danic is apparently just beneath us and the game does the dumbest thing i have ever seen to progress the plot he blows himself up instantly teleporting to the bad guy what the [ __ ] happened you can't write it well they did but you shouldn't [Music] falling off the edge we land in a ravine below covered in the markers red glow aliens corpses lit to the ground curled up clinging to the markers it's almost pathetic even up to the last moment the marker's signal still had complete control over the majority of creatures taking the lift up we find ourselves closer to the device it's surrounded on all sides by giant alien statues at least you have to hope they're statues there's a monolith in the center of this area and we have to use our kinesis powers to make their shape match the artwork on the wall behind doing so and inserting the codex the entire city shifts [Music] and when we're good and ready we take the express route up we're in the last act now inside the central chamber we use our kinesis ability to realign four towers restoring the power stop you're tampering with things you know nothing about right back action jackass isaac really is good at his job from spaceships to ancient alien tech it's no problem we get the device fully operational and on the way back get a moronic revelation my reinforcement have arrived with a big surprise nice dad you're alive i escaped the delivery i'm sorry i had to pause it here how did she survive we burn to a crisp in seconds if we don't shut that door it was a completely sealed room but ellie well she's cool as a cucumber it never explains how she survived certain death she's just here for the epic finale which makes her entire existence in the last half feel cheap we open the core and start climbing up to the device also there's nothing to study it's all dead space he he said the thing reaching the top and our boy carver is back he just stood there looking like a child of the core and silent as [ __ ] the spooky knob isaac don't do it don't listen to him at the device danic confronts us using l as a human shield give me the codex or i will kill her no isaac what are you doing you got a second chance if he turns off the machine we're all dead her us everyone he wants a trade-off l for the codex which i personally would never have agreed to but carver trying to save our humanity gives him the codex it seems like a silly idea surely ending the entire universe isn't more important than your boy's love life but i get the message carver lost his wife and child before the events of the game so he has an understandable bias as the world's falling to pieces danic is crushed without ceremony when i finish this it's all going down everything you have to go no you two get out of here go back to earth space tell them what we found i'm staying all i got left you can't stop it carver not without me i'm the marker killer remember isaac i turned my back on the world because i was afraid of what needed to be done ellie i'm not afraid anymore isaac says his goodbyes to elle before we set off on our last mission with tau velantis tearing apart we have to run and gun our way to the codex every creature we fought up to this point rears its ugly head in an attempt to stop us it's an intense ordeal with a definite sense of buildup that is until about midway through this chase when they drop a little workshop room where you can take all the time you want to gear up you know get a manicure if you fancy leaving our safe space we arrive at the blood moon a giant celestial being and the game's final boss which was even foreshadowed within the names of the chapters much like the first game where the chapters read nicole is dead the chapters in this game read brother moons are awake while it's not the best sentence grammatically it's a nice touch flying through more rubble we eventually land in front of the creature's main body consisting of multiple large eyes right for the plugin [Music] we can't just shoot them though instead we have to use our amplified kinesis tool to launch floating markers at it there's some delicious irony here these markers these sinister devices that have caused isaac and humanity so much pain and suffering are now ultimately the downfall of this apex creature we battle waves of enemies while waiting for the beast to rotate and expose another eye systematically destroying each one until the beast being a sly little git tries to eat the codex whole what he failed to remember was that we have superkinesis a fatal flaw in his grand plan with the beast weakened and the codex within reach we stumble over cut and bruised to reactivate the device we use the codex yeah no more [ __ ] die here no but earth gets to tomorrow [Music] sometime later we see l in space where she remarks on isaac's success i think you're gone aren't you [Music] the marx sigma that's gone too isaac you did it [Music] you really did before finally flying away and that's it a universe saved a moon destroyed and a hero sacrificed or is it because that wasn't the end of isaac or carver but if you want to find out what happened to them well it's hidden behind a dlc paywall thank you ea you greedy cants released a month later the awakened dlc expands on the ending waking up sometime later both isaac and carver somehow survived the fall aren't we dead that doesn't make any sense isaac you activated the codex the moon fell we fell what about the alien machine it froze the planet it pulled the moon out of the sky we don't know what that technology can do they fight their way back to the ss terra nova only to find overrun with a new unitologist cult one called the circle they need to get the hell out of there but the ship isn't working so first they have to fix the shock drive we've got to activate the drive before it flows well get your ass up here before you pry so having suffered through an unimaginable amount of misery isaac and clark finally head back to earth only to find a surprise waiting for them cms terra nova does anyone read us out here [Music] dramatic cut to black and ambiguity is earth doomed is isaac dead well i guess you'll have to wait for dead space 4 to find out oh whether you loved or hated the third entry it's matalas because visceral would never be given an opportunity to write their wrongs or expand their successes because four years later ea shut them down years of hard work love and dedication were binned by ea but let's refocus dead space 3 what went wrong well firstly it's not a bad game it's just not the survival horror players were expecting you could argue it's a bad dead space game which i would completely understand but the core experience was enjoyable from start to finish it's just a fun action shooter the real trouble with this installment is ea ea are silly buggers they pushed surreal into making changes they thought all modern games needed multiplayer micro transactions dlc paywalls none of these things are synonymous with visceral's previous work the closing of visceral is a tragedy they were a very talented studio and were undoubtedly shafted by a greedy publisher there is however light at the end of the tunnel because there is the callisto protocol [Music] a new true survival horror soon to release after leaving visceral some of the best minds went on to form a new studio and began work on callisto after making this video and reminding myself how much i love dead space i'm hyped for this game obviously you have to be cautious but i wish the team the best of luck it looks scary gory and most importantly like a real survival horror also developers if you want to give me an early review copy so i can up the game off just reach out to me i'll be here please please i beg there's also a dead space remake in the works remakes what an age for gaming i mean i'll still buy it but you know lazy sorry this video took so long to come out i've been on holiday and since then my channel's been getting [ __ ] by the youtube algorithm some of my biggest videos reviews that took weeks to put together are being age restricted and demonetized for no reason i found it really hard to motivate myself to make content when i have no idea if it will just be taken down in a month's time for no reason this is exactly why you should follow me on twitter unless you have enough clout on social media to kick up a storm you just get ignored my twitter link is in the description give it a follow and you'll always be up to date on what's happening behind the scenes if you made it this far thank you for watching i make one to two long form reviews on this channel every month so if you want to see more high quality content please remember to subscribe and like this video it really helps push it out there in any case there should be a video appearing on screen right now the glorious algorithm overlords think you'll like it so go ahead and click on it i double dog dare you
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 1,534,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dead space, The Dead Space That Killed a Franchise, dead space 3, dead space remake, the Calisto protocol, Totallypointlesstv, silent hill, dead space retrospective, dead space analysis, the worst dead space, the dead space everyone hated, dead space 3 now, why did dead space 3 flop, what happened to dead space, what went wrong with dead space, dead space 3 analysis, dead space 3 retrospective, the silent hill everyone hated, The Calisto protocol gameplay
Id: LkeLmAnE4cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 51sec (5271 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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