The Most Offensive Game Franchise Ever

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The Most Controversial Game In History, this video looks at the entire postal franchise, from is many games, to the postal movie itself, it critiques the games and looks at the violence they represent to see if the games really are the worst games ever made.

The postal games are often called the worst games ever made, or the most violent games ever made, and while postal 1, had it's quirks, I think the game received more hate than it deserved, that's why I made this video, hope you enjoy!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hapokas112 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
it is called postal the blood and the mayhem of postal could be a shock the makers of this game say they're going to be very careful and marketed for mature audiences only just how mature is anyone's guess [Music] despite the controversies this game is very close to my heart back when i was a young console scrub this was the very first pc game i ever played popping a head off with a shovel hell yeah pissing at people's mouths get out of here so i grabbed my mom's laptop found a demo on a dodgy looking website and downloaded it sorry about that you probably got a keylogger now for right or wrong the franchise has become an icon in gaming a constant talking point for anyone trying to analyze violence in video games but we're getting ahead of ourselves this is gonna be a long video i'm gonna be exploring the entire postal franchise yeah the entire franchise even this [ __ ] mess i could have broken this down into different videos it would have been easier for me and it would have saved my sanity but i wanted to make something very special so feel free to watch this video in stages over whatever period you're comfortable with doing this video isn't for the faint of heart this video will cover some incredibly dark topics as well as some hilarious and outrageous ones to grab yourself a coffee get comfy and let's have a look at the entire bloody postal franchise 1997 the postal was released while the rest of the franchise is kind of like that dumb cousin who thinks ha ha hedge room is funny postal one is more like the sages cousin that thinks the world deserves to burn because everyone bullied their waifu pillow collection this version of postal dude has just been evicted from his house has no money and is in the middle of a mental breakdown where he's convinced that the government is poisoning him so he decides to go on a homicidal rampage killing everyone in his way because of the rough isometric almost hand-drawn art style it disarms how violent the themes of this game actually are there's no real objective other than to kill with the counter of hostiles remaining along the top so we do just that clearing the town of its entire population you don't have to kill unarmed civilians to progress you just have to kill a certain amount of hostiles but i mean the game puts that down population counter in the top left with the number ticking down with every kill they know what they're doing don't talk me with that challenge [ __ ] cause i'll take it up every level transition shows a gritty contorted splash screen with disturbed music and a quote that represents the twisted mental state of postal dude [Music] this game is much less tongue-in-cheek with its representations of extreme violence almost bordering on glorifying it more so than mocking it similar to that pile of trash hatred oh why do people hate me i don't know maybe because you look like a pasty hornless hellboy at the truck stop and the name of the game is the same kill everyone to progress the combat is your regular isometric shooter style similar to a twin stick shooter of course it's set in america so everyone and their mums is packing from guns to grenades the shooting is hectic brutal and violent the art style is also something we have to talk about i mean obviously it looks like ass but i actually kind of like it it's got a bizarre uniqueness to it that's almost immediately recognizable in its own weird way it kind of reminds me of the good old browser based games games like the last stand where the art style is rough but made the best of a small team's ability the hudden ui is a sin against my eyeballs even for 1997 standards i mean it works but it's an insult to ui designers around the world they did clean it up in the redux re-release so i guess they must have agreed back to the game and there isn't really anything else to say about it this is the bulk of the first game we visit a shop a villa a water treatment plant an urban town center progressively clearing out all living people from the local area by the end of the game with the world in ruin we see the postal guy arrived at his final location the last place left for him to go postal the primary school oh god [Music] thankfully his weapons have no effect no matter what gun you use or how many rounds you fire you can't harm the children this was allegedly where the lead developer and co-founder of rollingwood scissors vince drew the line on violence there was actually a huge scandal when a popular newspaper printed that you were able to kill the children and that the game is disgusting for it vince saw this and reached out to them explaining that they were mistaken and asked them to reprint the truth the news article just said no man we don't want to do that i guess the truth is less interesting than scandals and clickbait but back to the ending after a short while of desperately trying to destroy the school postal guy keels over and collapses [Music] next we get a narrated cartoon slideshow that concludes the end of the game population pressure and the stress of modern life may cause an increase of violent tendencies the open environment is the incubator for all sorts of undesirable behaviors however much his atrocities disgust us he may actually consider himself a hero this is common among those who are in the popular sighting and the subject has displayed all the classic symptoms of variable delusions we may never know exactly what set him off but rest assured we'll have plenty of time to study them oh it was all because of the modern life very woke snapchat made me do it i swears i suppose the biggest problem with the ending is that it changes nothing there's no twist no great meaning no big reveal the events of the game were just supposed to be the actions of a mentally ill man slaughtering multiple innocent people and ending up in an asylum there's not even any representation of the damage his actions caused there's nothing to represent that the violent rampage was anything other than an enjoyable slaughter this mixed with a mental illness plot and sprinkled with constant quotations glorifying the murders it ends up leaving a slightly bitter taste in your mouth you almost feel dirty don't get me wrong i have absolutely no issues with violence and video games i bloody love the other postal games and i even plan on making a very similar video for the manhunt franchise at a later point but i feel like all the other games do a much better job of using extreme violence as a case study for human behavior more than haha mass killing left funny there has to be some form of reasoning behind it or as i say you end up with a mess like hatred neither game upset me in any way i know it's all video game violence is just meaningless glorified violence you're all gonna die this ending was completely swapped out in the recent redux re-release of the game perhaps attempting to represent a potential school shooting wasn't the right vibe for our modern sensibilities in place of this ending the final level sees dude arriving at a church making our way to the back of the church we see a funeral taking place with no one there once the coffin lowers the hostile is gone and the game ends there's even an extra secret version of this ending if you finish the game on hard mode this version sees postal dude standing with a woman watching a coffin lower into the grave with both parties looking distressed there is a lot to unpack here for the first ending i think that this was potentially done to represent the aftermath of the dude's death the original version of the game showed no consequence for his violent actions his final scene at the graveyard could potentially be a flash forward to the future showing his burial a burial with no one around paying respects or show him love being buried alone in the dark miserable part of the world others have argued that this could mean the game was actually set in hell or a purgatory state but i always feel like that's a cheap way out of explaining game endings the second ending shows two people watching the cough and lower the man of the pali clearly being postal dude one theory around this ending is that the postal dude from the first game is actually the dad of the protagonist from postal 2. and what we're seeing is postal dude junior burying his mentally deranged father this could even be used to explain the psychopathic tendencies of the second game i however disagree with that ending because it wouldn't explain why they have the exact same voice actor and mannerisms clearly postal dude from redux and postal 2 are the same person just different imaginings of him i however have a pretty damn good theory in the final scene no matter what we see the dude in an asylum with the doctors talking about what could have led to a breakdown of this scale was it the modern age or the busy city life with the conclusion that they have all the time to figure this out in the final scene we can faintly hear a child laughter as the coffins lowered looking to the corners we can even see a children's play area could the person being buried actually be the young child of the postal dude standing with his estranged wife a tragic death coupled with the eventual separation of his wife and loss of his house could be the extreme cocktail of despair that breaks him mentally this theory would actually give even more weight to the original ending of the game where he arrives at a primary school but is unable to carry out his last act of violence seeing the children is a reminder of his loss and suffering something he knows he can't inflict on other people of course this is all loose theory a game theory sorry there's no right or wrong answer but this is my theory and i think it's an idea that nicely ties together all the chaos of the story into something with a bit more of a deeper meaning there's even more gibberish in the co-op campaign about there being multiple postal dudes in one timeline breaking you out of the asylum but i think that's just a throwaway plot to allow for multiplayer i don't think the plot's meant to be taken seriously [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] flash forward to 2003 poster 2 is released to the world taking place over the course of a week this version of postal dude is a more relatable goofy run-of-the-mill kind of mass-murdering murdering psychopath gone is the grungy manifesto in is the machine gun cat silencer yeah the violence in this video game isn't meant to be taken seriously the developers specifically said that a great effort was made to make the game more obviously comical to prevent people taking it seriously like they had done for the first postal game it's still over the top and tasteless but in a ridiculous silly way more importantly the level of violence this time around is completely your choice you can play catch with a decapitated head or you can play the entire game without hurting so much as a fly this was a genius design choice because it completely undermines all the criticism that the game could and would receive and oh boy did this game receive criticism the game was banned in australia germany sweden it was also blamed as the cause of violence for multiple crime sprees among other complaints but their points were all moot because all of the violence in the game was optional unlike the majority of games where killing people is required to progress considering this was one of the most controversial games of all time it was one of the few action games out there that allowed a purely pacifist run which is kind of hilarious the context gives the violence and postal 2 a lot of extra depth it raises genuine questions about violence and its use in video games as the tagline for postal 2 goes remember this game is only as violent as you are i can tell this is going to be an interesting day monday begins with a list of chores which are as basic as they come pick up paycheck cash paycheck get milk it's those relatable mundane activities that really push the player into the chaotic actions that have the flavor with the milk you can either steal that [ __ ] and fight your way out or you can wait in line in real time for each customer to pay before paying yourself and leaving it's a pure tease the entire time you sure you want to wait huh when you rather i don't know pull out a shotgun and blast everyone no wait in line you're not a psychopath think wwj what would jesus do to get our paycheck we have to head to work which just so happens to be running with scissors the people that made the game gameception you love to see it roaming around the world you'll often see running with scissors employees you actually help the player get into trouble which is a nice little touch running with scissors are a weird development studio specifically back in the day they were so sexual looking at their website now it's just a normal indie developer website but if you whack that puppy into the way back machine you get a look at what the site used to be closer to softcore porn than anything else maybe they were just kind of playing into their bad boy public image you know postal babes were the big seller for a while and i guess times change and they just knew that that wouldn't hit the same way anymore tim can you add like a real cool gory effect or like blood squirting everywhere we're having the paycheck we're immediately told we're fired but i just started yesterday [Laughter] at the same time the anti-video game protesters outside decide to prevent more video games being made by coming in and killing all the developers come on everyone follow me the irony here of course being that the majority of time protesters usually end up doing more damage than good with their protests or being a bit on the nose now we have another decision to make do i cap the boss for being a dick or protect the staff or do i just walk out and let them stuff it out between themselves obviously i killed absolutely freaking everyone on the way to the bank it only takes a few encounters with npcs to realize they're oblivion tears so do you think video games are evil if it was up your ass you'd know you're not really being too helpful here do you know what time it is but it was bound to happen i mean if anything we should just pray that the game has interacting npcs cashing the paycheck is another waiting game or you know the game will just spaz out like it did for me the choice here is to wade and turn at which point bank robbers will break in and attack you this is a sticker or you rob the bank yourself and fight the police on the way out the game does have a wanted system but as you might expect it's very basic it's attack on sight or nothing at all the wanted level is a small bar that goes up the more crime you commit but this just increases the amount of time the police will hunt you it doesn't increase the amount or type of police that'll chase after you you can get arrested and go to jail though game's got mechanics so deep kojima's jelly either way once we get our money we head home and finish the day did you go by work yeah apparently i'm uh on sabbatical or something well good maybe you can get a few more things done for me tuesday tasks for the day confess our sins return the library book get a signature from gary coleman and get people to sign a petition the petition has become synonymous with the game for some reason it just seems to be the most famous task it also generates some great memes [Music] oh lord it's completely random if people will sign or not repeatedly asking the same person will increase the aggressiveness causing them to either scream and run away or sign out of fear much like a door-to-door sales person it's the perfect tactic would you please sign my petition telling the library book is straightforward you just have to uh oh no wonder people are upset about this game you just have to drop them off in a box on the way out there's more protesters that set fire to the library berna burke save a tree genius level iq we make our way out to the burning building fighting protesters and parkouring on bookshelves luckily if you catch fire the post of the man pisses like a camel so you can set yourself out classy getting the signature from gary coleman and yes this was voiced by the actual gary coleman may he rest in peace is one of the weirdest video game cameos i've ever seen the choice here is to either kill him and take a copy of his book or wait in line for a signature a lot of the choices in this game going to boil down to kill or wait in line the social commentary is next level if you choose to wait in line the police break in and start to attack gary for uh unclear reasons now we can either step aside and just leave them all but of course gary is our g so we step in to help the boy out ah or not never mind then [ __ ] the confession task is in the far corner of the map so it's likely to be the last one you'll tackle along the way you pass some crazy locations with plenty of secret areas to discover postal 2 went to great efforts making every corner of this game worth exploring with hidden easter eggs extra weapons the whole 10 miles this is like the dark souls of uh postal likes it's reminiscent of the good old doom games where you never know what secret weapon you'll find hiding on a roof or in a secret room you can even find this weird hell area hidden under the milk shop which has unique hellhounds and a [ __ ] rocket launcher it's weird it's random but it's great because it sets an important precedent if you explore you'll find cool [ __ ] a great ethos for any game to have whoa buckaroo are you selling drugs here not on my watch back at the church and we confess our sins getting a beautiful holy pardon oh you know we can go postal and skip the queue arcade then attack the church yeah not joking they pulled out all the stops here where we have to either kill them or run away i'm not a huge fan of the random attacks that the game often use to create intense scenarios i think it's much better when the game naturally creates issues through gameplay rather than throwing a bunch of enemies at you of course we ain't no pacifist so we go scorched earth on their ass hey did you get gary coleman's autograph i can get a small fortune for it on ebay right a small fortune wednesday vote get a christmas tree and uh piss on dad's grave that's rough champ first up grabbing the tree luckily our boy jeeva steps in with divine intervention and shows us the way [Music] this tree just so happens to be a redneck's favorite though and he's willing to kill us to keep it what do you think we should do billy joe bob we gonna do it here let's open his christmas package early billy joel bob by this point though we found the baseball bat and it's game over because this is a god tier weapon able to bop everyone's dome off as the week goes on more and more people will get pissed off at you and start attacking you on site making free roaming harder as the week progresses oh what did i say about running these streets these are my streets now heading to the grave and looking at the environment we found a small church and a grave all of which looks very similar to the ending of the first postal game i think it's just a wink and a nod this isn't dad's grave instead the name just says zombie dad and if we actually pee on the grave a zombie will come out that we can fight and kill upon arriving at the grave and beginning to water the flowers you actually get knocked out by some rednecks it turns out they put you into a [ __ ] suit because they want to have their way with you absolute nightmare fuel turns out we've been taken to the local brewery and we have to fight our way out the area even has some parkour segments after firing our way out of the brewery and seeking righteous retribution for the [ __ ] shaming we have a new task get our clothes from the laundromat grabbing the clothes is vital because they didn't oil up the [ __ ] suit and postal guy is starting to chafe you need to pay for the clothes or just kill the guy and steal it the vote task doesn't really add anything to the game you get a funny about how convoluted politics and voting can be but that's about it so we head the [ __ ] home a christmas tree i can't wait to decorate it yeah it was pretty cheap since it's july and all thursday they introduced soldiers and sword into the world these guys are much harder to kill okay never mind first up is paying our speeding ticket at the police station of course i'm a man of the law so i pay up that'll be 300 bucks [ __ ] what the hey hey next dude needs some steaks for an upcoming barbecue so we head to meat world upon arriving there's no one up front so we head into the employees only section where we accidentally stumble upon this interesting scene of course we still need the steaks so human meat or not we're grabbing that [ __ ] inside the steakhouse we get scenery that looks exactly how peter described it they were right all along it's rough dude fights all the way to the back where he picks up five stakes actual cow stakes i should say before leaving double kill along the way to grab the napalm you might accidentally stumble across the asylum and this is where [ __ ] gets weird [Music] at the napalm factory you can either purchase the napalm launcher or take it by force unfortunately we blew all our money on the speeding ticket so in we trot to get our napalm oh man that's [ __ ] awesome at the back of the factory we eventually find it but as this happens a worker unfortunately haven't got access to my google search history vomits on a control panel causing the destruction of the factory first person platforming makes an ugly return here [Music] it's hit or miss to say the least but i've definitely played worse first person platforming levels what the [ __ ] was that at one point we narrowly avoid a very hand animated rolling ball uncharted level set pieces eventually we escape via the sewer system and make our way to safety next up is grabbing a crutchy toy from the mall crotchy is a beast to fight with way too much hp man's like a bottle of hp source for real he has a small arsenal including an unlimited rocket launcher it's a tough fight but one we must do for democracy once we find our way to the back and steal the last toy that's thursday finished i hope you found a bad touch crotchet you won't believe what they're selling for online oh i got crunchy all right yep definitely friday may be the final day of the week and wanna run it's been tasks for the day get a package get an alternator for the car and go see your uncle it's simple enough so let's start with the package at the parcel center it's pay or steal again paying for it will actually result in it blowing up when one of the clerks try to get it mysteriously if you steal the package yourself it won't explode postal dude a package bomber confirmed either way they angry at us so we give them some mood adjustments unfortunately using our weapon of mass destruction postal dude realizes he's got gonorrhea so the clinic is added to our list of tasks the cool thing is if you never peed at all in this final level you wouldn't know and so you wouldn't get the extra objective it's a clever touch the junkyard is close to the post office so that's where we head next once here you either pay 500 quid for the alternator or you nick it stealing it will make mike the owner of the junkyard attack the player now normally i'd love to pay mike he's a stand-up guy he pays his taxes he loves his wife and children however i don't have any dosh left so i cave his domain huku no matata money it make her the world would go round stealing the car parts and escaping the junkyard you have to end life some doggo boys and man i can't be showing that it's too much all this violence perfectly acceptable but proper ending nah man here's a video of a doggo getting head rubs instead you're welcome up next is uncle dave and with the luck of gibbers the clinic is along the way so we're able to grab some pills and cure our gonorrhea thanks doc now we can weed to our hearts content [Music] oh god oh sorry man arriving at uncle dave's religious compound we can see that there's a raid taking place with those two [ __ ] abominations taking the lead now we can either dash through the lines or murk everyone oh well you got me arriving at uncle dave we either give him the present or you know kill him nothing to see here sir after this last task it's home time and what a joy it's been really it's all about the friends we made along the way oh you are [ __ ] pro strat for this section if you chop your uncle's legs off then run to the tank room and wait for him to bleed out when the police attack the compound you'll already be in the exit room so they won't spawn big brain plays not this time after leaving the area a newspaper pops up i'd expect a fancy cinematic to explain such a crucial story element from this point every npc will attack you on site the world is in pure chaos it also starts raining cats with what is possibly the most annoying loot sound in gaming history now we only have one objective left to make it back to our trailer in one piece finding our way through town we eventually make it back home before being treated to this final scene honey i'm home you won't believe the day i've had about freaking time did you remember my rocky road [Music] the cursed rocky road the straw that broke the camel's back two years passed gamers were hungry for more what is this super mario [ __ ] i see before my very ass i demand violence then from the darkness rose apocalypse weak head nightmare section zombies demons to fight this [ __ ] gets crazy i'll bow down and worship my ass car the gore engine even got an update allowing for new bladed weapons to more accurately cut people up how kind i understand why boomers are getting so upset when they hear this news continuing straight after the events of friday we heard a gunshot i thought that was postal dude shooting his nagging wife but it turns out we were just capping ourselves because we couldn't take the nagging anymore man waking up in the hospital and the devs decided to actually animate a cutscene this time as opposed to the in-game engine cut scenes we've seen up at this point it's absolutely blursed it looks like one of them creepy meme animations you find on deep youtube is deep fried escaping the hospital things get weird flicking between two realities the normal hospital and a nightmare hospital filled with feral cats and demonic garys do you know how weird it feels to kick a now dead man in the virtual head it doesn't feel right the demon garys throw grenades so the best way to beat them is to actually kick the grenade at them in midair in pro strat oh look it's a cat the hospital gets progressively more corrupt until we get a full-on silent hill moment now i don't know if that was just coincidental but i feel like that moment has to be a wink and not to the franchise fresh out of the hospital and with a new downtown area to explore the priority is of course food so we head to the closest chinese to our surprise the restaurant has been taken over by zombies because you know postal oh [ __ ] mad cow tourette's zombies so we have to clean up shop by smashing 20 domes in biotch yeah holy [ __ ] it's still coming mommy eat this you fuzz accumulating turd ball it's good that you actually have to crush the head or keep coming back you can cut them to pieces and they'll still keep attacking you you have to actually crush the head they're mechanically better zombies than the majority of modern zombie games although at times they 100 shoot you with nothing like they just [ __ ] the attack animations and shoot you with a gun sometimes i swear [Music] being thorough cleaners we make sure to buff everyone in the restaurant can't take any chances unfortunately rendering 20 zombies at one time was apparently too much for the game when it was released so instead you have to loop the restaurant until they randomly spawn in so they can be killed it does slow down the pace of this mission a lot thankfully the military turn up after this what would we do without their expertise impressed with our zombie killing prowess we get roped into being an infected cow cleaner for mad cow relocation engineer with the ever so slightly brutal goal of killing 21 cows with a sledgehammer not a nice person the angry pete alternative then begin to attack us but we have to kill these cows tis the only way after the cows are cold the following mission was actually meant to be some elaborate pigeon relocation task but the developers apparently ran out of budget so instead we just have this weird cutscene time to relocate some pigeons i told you no what the hell you think this is friggin [ __ ] what do you got steve hold on hold on reporting for the pigeon mission proposal for the pigeon mission we ain't got no budget for pigeon missions the [ __ ] are you kidding me this the kids got to think of the kids look at the quality of this video you want but not enough hold on i said before cutting back to postal dude surrounded with blood implying you've missed out on the most fun [ __ ] ever wow that was the most incredible thing i've ever done it is funny but also kind of sad most of the expansion is already padding for time killed 20 zombies kill 21 cows so it's obvious they weren't providing the most robust expansion it's hard to know if you should laugh at the cut scene or be outraged because jokes aside we paid actual human money for this vince the creator of hollywood scissors then calls us apparently they've fallen out with their publisher and want us to grab their award this entire level appears to be made despite running with scissors publishers for their shady tactics and stealing money from them i don't think this was a real beef i had my best men look into it and i couldn't find anything out about them falling out with their publisher at this time i think it's just meant to poke fun in general at the greediness of the majority of publishers rather than any specific one when we actually meet the ceo there's money literally dropping from the sky a huge save filled with cash off the left and every time you hit him he drops a stack of money you get the point really publish a badge it's a weird chaotic battle of rocket launchers and kicking rockets out of the air pure chaos after getting the award we wake up in vince's house with an army of zombies invading the property the arsenal's open for business now come on guys let's kick some zombie ass again it's mostly filler content killing 50 zombies in this small arena is just added to inflate the length of the game and it goes on for way too long well vince it's been educational but i gotta head back and rescue champ from the pound thanks for the help man after leaving vince's house we find a guy that asks us to kill elephants so he can make basketballs out of them if you hadn't noticed up to this point it should be very obvious now that they had no idea how to string this game together it's a series of loosely connected separate missions crammed together without any real care if it makes sense or not the elephants are awful the ai is whack and that compressed super loud trumpet they do made my ears bleed they have the worst hitbox registration in video game history look at this mess look how many bullets are missing but still registered as hit what the [ __ ] is this they did add falling tree mechanics wild this is clearly where all the budget went nice work you made the children very happy we got another call from vince apparently they decided to make dude they're lucky for plot progression with a big game announcement in the works they ask postal due to get some explosives for a pr stunt so the postal dude decides to head to al-qaeda to get some explosives oh dear camp is a basic military compound i would almost be bold enough to guess that these assets weren't made for the level but instead a reused asset but don't quote me on that after fighting our way to the core the american carpet on the camp look out run run [Music] and that's it we just have to walk back the exact same way we came in i don't know who needs to hear this at running the scissors but adding fire to a place we've already been doesn't make it new content it makes it padding retracing our steps can be a great mechanic in video games hotline miami implemented this perfectly forcing us to walk to the car at the end of every level this was done to show the extreme violent nature of the gameplay walking back through the building we just tore our way through each room filled with blood and gore you're able to reflect that you're actually a pretty shitty person [Music] the fast beat of the intense music is stopped there's very little sound now and it's all very obviously done to drive home the violence that just took place this is not the case in postal 2. they clear up all the previous bodies and just add new enemies padding hillary duvet padding we end up getting arrested and thrown into military jail bummer now we have to stage a breakout but we got nothing on us except a box of matches and a taliban cellmate are [ __ ] great breaking out of what i thought was a military base but now looks more like a warehouse from the ps1 aliens game there are a ton of military men to fight through it was actually an incredibly tense section trying to run through constantly under fire evading the enemy with none of our gear up until i found a machete then they became paper machemen i i honestly couldn't tell you that was scripted or not heading deeper into the bass we see some of the best lighting effects ever used in a video game [Music] the bass is okay but i think the postal games work best when there's some level of relatability it was much more enjoyable going postal in a bank or a shop because we've all been there this section felt more like a house playing half-life than postal we find a mini nuke launcher at the end of the base which you can actually shoot straight away getting this bizarre cut scene sweetened to the point love it once you pick up the thermonuclear detonator the world changes again another nightmare section except this time the world is in what looks like nuclear ruin okay either my head wound is kicking in or some game designer was smoking crack i really like this scene the low hum the fire all around despite being a complete [ __ ] show the game actually takes a second to reflect on the realities of nuclear war leaving the base we see that the apocalypse has started again my brothers we are being oppressed by the man and his zombies yeah why do you think he can hold us down convenient we have to place this bomb of the publishers hq as a final fu we fought our way through the publisher's office again place the bomb and leave conveniently the pound is just behind the office so we decide to nip in and save chad hello looks like no one's home arriving at the pound it's clear something went wrong you know aside from the apocalypse in the basement we get this cursed scene attack prince attack yes you will be a fine addition to my harem it seems the hillbillies have taken over shop for uh i i honestly don't know i couldn't even begin to guess what's going on here i don't want to either champ comes in clutch at the last second and saves the entire day he was apparently hiding on the roof for just such an occasion with our pooch in hand and the nuke armed it's finally time to leave paradise embarking on a quest to cross the bridge the awkward janky bridge after crossing our brain hands out one last time before this happens this looks like fun the boss is designed perfectly it's a beautiful arena the boss has complex ai with unique attack sets to memorize and learn as a complete [ __ ] lie it's dog [ __ ] the boss is a legendary bullet sponge with 5 000 health points it also periodically spawns heads that make it completely immune to damage the heads were a neat idea at first but paired with the complete bullet sponge is just dumb the last thing this [ __ ] needs is more health it also throws infinitely spawning zombies into the mix i imagine that was done because they know you'll run out of health enough no matter how much you bring into the fight so they just add zombies for their might and drops after a long and uninteresting boss fight we get a scene of dude driving away detonating a nuke before uttering the famous last words i regret nothing this expansion takes a lot of steps back from the base game in some ways it's far more linear there's no more choices you can't play as a pacifist and the plot doesn't even attempt to be coherent but it added the machete to the game so even stevens as a whole postal 2 is offensive it's ultra violent it's rude it's bash it's roughly made and it's outrageous but it's all of these things openly and proudly it's not meant to be taken seriously anyone who's offended by this game is falling for exactly what the developers wanted to mock people that take video games too seriously from the game start to its slightly rushed finish it's more of a joke than an actual video game but dear lord is it one hell of a ride in one week the postal dude has been through it all from two apocalypses a zombie outbreak to a nuclear bomb post will do survived it all he was untouchable unkillable unflinching or so we thought but no one was ready for what was to come the year 2007 postal 3's pre-alpha footage was shown to the world featuring a new third-person view massively improved graphics and a small city to roam as you please when i saw this as a kid i was hype and so were a lot of people it looked stylish it looked violent it looked like everything we wanted yeah it's a little janky and the frame rate was low but this was pre-alpha stage that's to be expected it would all be smoothed out before release right right four years past without much news but there were rumors rumbles in the pipe works of a troubled development then in 2011 postal 3 was released [Music] [Music] the first and last game that wasn't developed by running with scissors it was a huge stain on an already stainey franchise the movement was clunky the plot was all over the place the game is a bug infested hellhole yeah postal 3 was and still is a train wreck the games weren't exactly known for being perfect cinematic pieces i mean you can see the head stumps popping out the back of most npc's heads but they were made with passion they were made with charm this is not the case for postal 3. it was developed by a sub group of the game's publisher a russian studio called trash masters which is just [ __ ] hilariously ironic given the state of the game but when i first saw the pre-alpha gameplay my psychopathic young brain was stoned it looked sick the problem was in the years that followed they somehow managed to make the finished game look worse than the pre-alpha footage the 2008 economic crisis was to thank for this the crisis hit the publisher badly forcing them to lay off their best developers their 18 and then they fired their b team and then they fired their c team not a great strategy for the long run beginning a new game we see postal due directly after the events of apocalypse weekend back on the bridge for some reason the game retcons dude driving away or it's just a second bridge a little bit down the road i don't know the in-game music is always either out of place or mixed in at weird levels a lot of the time all you can either hear is the soundtrack or there's absolutely no sound at all [Music] surprise i died on this bridge then the entire control scheme stopped working i could only run backwards and i had to restart the game not a good start naturally learning the game's mechanics through gameplay is gone instead we have red arrows and a heavily tutorialized intro not really the postal style we've come to know and love at this point meant to play with fire why'd god make it so damn fun so that's what that smells like the first soldiers we encounter on the bridge set the tone for the kind of high octane action we can expect from the game [Music] i know this looks bad but i'm actually a very nice person bacon bacon bacon before hard cut into a complete cop out thinking commander appeared i was impressed with the way i totally did not kill his men he needed some help because apparently some lunatic was taking out all his guys make sure nobody touches these bridge controls nobody there's no actual choice here you have to press the button i was half expecting some kind of alternative ending far cry style but what do you think this is a decent game get out of here after causing the bridge to flip we move on to catharsis very clever name here we get a job as a jizz tissue cleaner the game keeps it classy all the way through if you haven't noticed yet this game is a cutscene simulator because development was a mess and they had a bunch of loose missions they just cut them all together with a bunch of awkward confusing cutscenes it's painful [Music] good to meet you kid you're hired all of a sudden soccer moms attack so you have to you guessed it reverse the hoover into a [ __ ] cannon there isn't nearly enough tissues for the amount of soccer mum so you constantly have to run upstairs to hoover up more sticky tissues how has my life even come to me uttering that sentence next we have to catch hiv infected cats i'm not even gonna try and rationalize how this little piece is together because it doesn't it's a mess so just enjoy the ride rather the cats drops us into a very small open world which just makes me sad because here we get to see what the game could have been but will never be because of botched development the game was initially conceived as an open world but that was later scrapped and instead we have a small selection of larger areas to explore loosely connected and you can't return to previous areas it's honestly irritating because you can clearly see what the devs were going for but now it's just a husk there's nothing to find and you could clearly see that there are more parts of town or accessible buildings that once existed but are just blocked off now after catching a few cats the local mexi sushi men attack they're angry because we're stealing their food supply too kindly to gaijin plunder in their natural resources but i really needed the cashier i mean this was a cause that meant so much to me these annoying spawning constant ways without end it's such a joy to play through but we eventually get all the cats and are transported to the mall where we have to defend a postal babe this is where we get our first look at the player choice and make sure you use this got it it's important that nobody gets killed during this little event player choice kind of returns in this game except this time it's replaced with a karma system and two different branching pathways a game about complete moral ambiguity decided to implement a big fat good bad compass not a great idea rather than being contextual changes with how you interact with the world this new karma system actually has two branching pathways depending on how good or evil you want to be be a criminal or be a police officer that's the basic of it at the mall we have to stop the soccer moms from killing the postal baby now we can either tase everyone which finishes the mission or we can kill them which causes the police to attack you but this doesn't actually decide the pathway yet that comes in the next mission which takes place at a bank postal dude goes there to get a loan when an eco-terrorist cult attacks remember when it just happened naturally as part of the gameplay well here it's implied in another the cutscene were an extremist save the earth cult sort of a zesty blend of peta and scientology anyway they were apparently executing an armed fundraising drive surprisingly the cops showed up within seconds and the whole thing instantly devolved into chaos now we're told to make our choice good or bad help the cops help the robbers or kill everyone which the game registers as helping the robbers and ignores your killing spree anyway depending on which side you choose to help will place you on the good or bad pathway i'll begin with the good then i'll cover the bad having made our decision we helped the police clear out the bank [Music] the shooting in this game is actually pretty decent health auto regens over time there are no health pickups or crack pipes autoregenerating health removes all tension from a game because there's no consequence for over aggressive play just sit in a corner and wait for it to recharge like a shitty solar powered murderer there's a reason games like cod have it because it's the filthy casuals after killing the weaponized badger man were welcomed into the police force lieutenant douchebag then begins our training beating up homes people awoke social commentary you can either arrest people which is a nice touch it doesn't do anything you don't gain any extra karma or unlock any awards but hey a working mechanic is an achievement for these guys it seemed the hobos union was upset with our treatment of the volunteers the lieutenant ordered me to fight my way to the chief's special place in the basement and protect him so now we have to save the police station and i'm still not exactly sure how the morality system works i think we can use lethal force if they have guns i don't think that's considered bad in the yard we get to see why the police force is such a force to be reckoned with before culling a small town's worth of human beings running our way through the police station players will quickly realize that this [ __ ] is order 66 attack of the damn clones when i finished this level the game actually told me i'd been kicked off for too much friendly fire but amusingly the lieutenant was furious about all the friendly fire and threw me off the force my police career ended before it even began but then immediately hard cut to me being a qualified police officer what you knew i was gonna say it i'm unsure which part glitched here but either way we are man of the law now our first mission patrolling the town without any context or briefing you love to see it there's also no map so when the objective tells you to head to the mall it's a guessing game as to which damn direction that is oh my god nice invisible wall man [ __ ] kill me with a few more crimes cleaned up we realized that the taliban are attacking where would this franchise be without them what no [ __ ] way that's going down on my watch come here ayatollah let's see your green card damn man the the covering system is just op with the first day of policing done we get called in to help uv bowl the director of the postal movie you either kill him or defend him the game basically says if you don't like his move your work you're a pizza staying nerd but we'll get into that later the game insults the [ __ ] out of him but doesn't have the balls to double down on it you're stupid [ __ ] you let my camera get broke i ought to sue your [ __ ] but first we have boxing match now some nerds have taken over the arcade we have to head in and clear them out here the game introduced sergey who apparently wears breathable metal chains oh would a modern world we live in my dreams dare i say the arcade level was fun there's a techno tune beat and plenty of bad guys to kill it's kind of like an early doom maintaining good karma is very difficult here mine when all the [ __ ] dumber civilians literally run into your fire and get their domes blown off but what can you do every agency accounts for collateral with the arcade secured trash master realized that they hadn't offended mexican immigrants yet not being happy with this thought they send us to border patrol where the game crashes so much it's a wave defense mission nothing special but it's trump's dream the next mission sees us killing some angry lab monkeys or something who knows [ __ ] game i'm just glad we're out of crash town this level actually has a boss a mad rhino i wasn't paid to think one scientist was using some sort of remote controlled monkey to trick the crazy rhino into bashing his brains out seemed like a decent plan that can only be harmed by running into four containers or at least it would if the boss actually [ __ ] worked there's no sound the laser pointer doesn't work the ai is broken this is what you can expect from the boss i'm literally inside him what is this ace ventura [ __ ] i see [Music] oh what a [ __ ] battle christ they couldn't even animate the monkey's face wha what is this something actual hell random ass are spliced into the cutscenes as well from this point chased the guy out of sight but i was confident that street thug would not escape justice it never explains why and i have no idea what they were going for i guess random loud noise equals funny nothing especially interesting happens in the plot up until we're tasked with joining the swat team accompanied with an aids joke and a literal haha sure as long as you don't mind that it's filled with aids-infected monkey semen very cool as what we have to clear out the eco-terrorist base it's fun for a while as usual it falls into the trap of having way too many enemies to kill you end up waiting around for them to spawn in just so you can kill 50 of them and progress it's done to pad up tight but it just makes the level boring by the end after killing all 50 eco freaks the main house opens up and we're able to arrest their leader this guy the gay rodeo is next involving a copy and paste of the crazy rhino boss fight may whoever design this boss burn in hell for all eternity is just so stupid look at it i'm not even doing anything it's just killing itself it has no idea when to register a wall head or not it's beyond broken and no other type of damage hurts it at least let us shoot the bastard now we're in the secret service because [ __ ] it this introduces the biggest new development of the game the segway and what a unit it is this was the worst few moments of my entire life never mind it gets worse hell i'm just amazed they even managed to get the thing working in game clearly they were left over from when the game was meant to be a larger open world to allow for quicker traversal but now we get an escort mission instead is there no justice in this world and what the [ __ ] are you doing up there i hope i didn't catch you at a bad time but either you can pay for all that plutonium i sent you or i will reclaim this amusement park in the name of allah capisce security is there a problem here ooh a conspiracy plot twist of the century if i gave a single [ __ ] about that game that might be interesting don't forget people i'm not cutting out plot points from you this is the game's story [Music] don't leave me the theme park is the final level of the game killing everyone on our way out while trying to hunt down dave bin laden and ron give me strength i love how the game is so incoherent it has to give a fat text dump before every level starts just so the player can have any kind of inkling as to what's going on optional don't kill teges i assume that's felt wrong on purpose but honestly who knows with this game we eventually corner the three boys and we get this scene [Music] dave the mayor and osama realized they would never get out of the park alive they decided to detonate their homemade nuke rather than be ripped to shreds by an army of furious hockey moms what are you doing here [ __ ] asshat install the damn plutonium and blow us the [ __ ] up i'm no expert but that plutonium looks like a bottle of urine to me wait what [ __ ] you yeah [ __ ] you traitor hey wait we totally forgot we have guns holy [ __ ] you're right [ __ ] martyrdom let's just kill that [ __ ] instead and the most epic battle in gaming history ensues osama ron your uncle who is there for some reason the game never really explains all four one by one until your enemies are crushed and then the venezuelan army invades seeing this chaos unfold the postal dude decides he wants nothing to do with it and so we have to make a mad dash to escape the city this escape is the worst moment in the game or at least one of them look at this [ __ ] mess nice church earlier when i said they removed healing items and replaced it with auto regen i honestly wouldn't be surprised if this one single mission caused that there's even references to using healing items when dude is low on health so it was clearly in the game at one point but i don't think they could balance the mess and just said kit free health for everyone the final boss of the game is a tank not a final boss fight i hate final boss fights oh boy this is going to be fun though it is of course broken because the tank driver apparently had too many loots and falls asleep at the wheel [Music] what what is this [ __ ] game honestly 10 out of 10 too much water after saving america we become president because you know how it is it don't be like that it's the story of how i saved america from the socialist menace that's amazing and of course by now everyone knows the reception you got yeah that whole dude mania thing was frankly a bit embarrassing but i couldn't disappoint the fans and those fans swept you into my final crappy temp job president of the united states the game ends with a few stills of postal dude in the white house before hitting the big red nuclear button and this is the good ending what a mess i will regret nothing now for the evil play throughout but don't worry don't click off the video i'm not going to go into great detail about every level on the evil side you know exactly what kind of game this is you know what its flaws are and you know why people dislike it so much so instead i'll summarize all of the key points of the evil play through ready after siding with the ecologist and assisting in their armed fundraising drive dude kills the police after which they invite him to meet their leader who asks him to pick apples al-qaeda attacked the orchard so arnold b hires on a badger so we messed that [ __ ] up we run into champ who gets arrested for killing too many homeless people so we end up killing some mexi sushi people with the laser pointy because [ __ ] you don't interrupt me again i'll stop you silly now we're a segway repo man and we have to reclaim some unpaid for sex now we have to help the mayor man escape the paparazzi while he's trying to sneak in his little sex slave or dear oh man that's a pickle isn't it better clean up the evidence we've infiltrated an animal testing lab and let our little eco buddies in to free some animals yeah stick it to the men now we're in mexico because uncle said some stuff and we're throwing footballs over the american border because sports but the police don't like it because freedom so we move their heads because mexican freedoms unfortunately we get arrested no more freedoms in jail our eco friends are like hey this isn't very lit maybe we should leave so we leave real quickly i can end up finding crotchy hey it's crotchy room coach from the second game oh he's not a friendly crotchy [ __ ] time to kill him i guess now we're at the rodeo cleaning up some [ __ ] with a hoover now there's another shootout gotta help our buddies and kill the police but oh there's meth right now not again no no no no no now we'll walk into the town and we find a trailer champ dog [ __ ] ending up in the grotto on the ground we see that al our eco leader has actually been scamming us and instead of selling the animals we saved to meet the mexi sushi which he owns you bursted now we get tasked with bringing plutonium today for some cash so dude pisses in a pot and sells it today then we accidentally play on sex tape when he's on stage causing all hell to break loose so we have to run away then all the bad people are killed in the cutscene by soccer mums the game then literally says if you don't like how [ __ ] descending is you should play the good ending what the [ __ ] after escaping we're arrested both police who execute us and we end up in hell what a [ __ ] game despite being a game about going postal the game clearly puts far less effort into the insane playthrough it has less content and the ending is basically just we don't care that it's [ __ ] play the good ending if you want something interesting it's bizarre you can also get a neutral ending this ending sees post will do leaving without any conclusion to the story before running into jennifer who he marries then he wins the lottery and then he writes a best-selling book it's not a joke that's actually what happens each pathway takes about four hours to complete with a good play through taking slightly longer and having more content at the time of recording this only 15 percent of players have actually finished the game considering it's three to four hours it's kind of rough but it's to be expected if this video accidentally made postal 3 look fun i apologize i have misled you it is not is it the worst game ever made that deserves to rot in the deepest layers of hell now it's probably not that bad either it has some enjoyable moments and some chuckles the problem is that those few few moments are plastered together with this buggy incoherent mess of a game that was clearly slapped together as a last ditch effort of a dying company you can see at times what the developers were going for in an alternative universe without money issues and more time in the oven this could have been a really good postal game maybe not a really good game but a good postal game the developers do get a lot of hate online with people genuinely being angry at them but what the hell were they supposed to have done development is extremely hard let alone doing it for a failing company that have no idea what direction to take the game in and keep firing and getting new cheaper development teams in it was bound to fail so bear that in mind before you begin to hating on the developers instead we should be heading the banks for the 2008 economic crisis those blighters they made postal 3 fail to distract us guys but we're not sheeple we know oh we know [Music] but deep inside you know there must be more let's wash our hands now and get that dirt off moving on to the next part of our video back to postal to baby what that's crazy or damn right now i've talked enough about postal 2 to last a lifetime but there's an important point i need to talk about after the disastrous launch of postal 3 running with scissors decided to release a huge expansion for postal 2 adding an entire new week of content and best of all completely retconning the events of postal 3. i regret nothing he awakens with a shock it was all just a horrible nightmare the developers said they were making this expansion to make amends because they were so gutted with how bad postal 3 was you know by making a paid dlc they even removed postal 3 from their website leaving this hilarious [ __ ] post [Music] paradise lost is set 11 years after the events of apocalypse weekend after detonating the nuke champ jumps out to chase a cat and dude's head injury acts up causing him to crash the car now paradise is a wasteland and we have to learn how to survive it much like that other open world post nuclear apocalypse game wasteland throughout the week you'll search for champ help the citizens with various tasks and garner support from bin laden why is he here again finally you'll finish your week with a trip to hell fighting deeper into hell until we find champ and fix his uh hellhoundedness champ you're okay tragically it turns out that your wife the one that nagged you into shooting yourself well unfortunately she didn't die in the nuclear explosion after mutating into a giant nagging monster this is the final boss of the game really i think it's a great full circle way to end the postal 2 story by blowing that nagging wife into smithereens you couldn't perform in bed you couldn't even complete a simple list of after this there are two endings one where post will do rules over paradise and so with the defeat of the last faction leader the last obstacle standing before the postal dude fell with none left to oppose him he would become the ruler supreme of this lost paradise he was no longer a mere man or dude for he was forever to be revered in the eyes of the people as the postal god and that kitties concludes our tale tune in next week same time same place for the continuing adventures in the life of the postal dude and one where he leaves it and it gets nuked again can it please be one bloody game when nukes aren't involved in the ending so the postal dude in his loyal companion champ as they took one last look back at the town that challenged in this long week they knew there was something to be learned from their experience they came face to face with a true demonstration of the tenacity of the human spirit the people of this town rose from the ashes of a nuclear apocalypse dusted themselves off and sold it on there were true testament to the resolve and determination of humanity and deep in their hearts our two heroes knew that the denizens of this town were going to be just fine in their little slice of paradise or maybe not [ __ ] them come on champ we got adventures waiting elsewhere [Music] at the time no one knew which ending was canon but with our modern brains we now know that the nuke ending is canon he leaves paradise once and for all no i said once and for all the first time shut up there are some great jokes and third wall breaks in this add-on like a room containing the average postal 3 fans zach ward the actor from the postal movie even makes an appearance you better watch your tongue for you're standing in the presence of greatness i am zach ward as with the base game you can tell it's just a video game made with passion for people to just be stupid and have a laugh with as a dlc for a super old game it added a lot new weapons the ability to do wheels and a decent story that finally manages to wrap up the postal 2 story and remember whatever you do have no regrets with the past out of the way it's time to look to the future and i'm happy to say the future looks bright or red however you want to put it on october 2019 the super junky alpha build of postal 4 was released following directly from the events of paradise lost postal 4 sees dude arriving at edison his car is nicked and he has no dosh so the player finds themselves taken on any old jobs they can find for cashola the game is still in early access and while it's already got a lot of content it's all subject to change making any kind of analysis at this stage a waste of time if this video does well i'll happily revisit postal 4 when it's a finished game with a full breakdown if you want to see that let me know in the comments down below i got this game when it was first released and in such a short amount of time it's come a really long way from only three tasks in one day the game nearly has a full week and the potential is looking great you're clearing out sewers managing prison riots inspecting dams cleaning up [ __ ] and they even brought back a version of the famous petition task [ __ ] you can swap between first person and third person views it's definitely the best choice let the player select their preference the combat is satisfying it feels weighty and the gore effects are good overall it's a fun shooter probably the best in the postal franchise so far you can free roam the town as you please and tackle the tasks in whichever order takes your fancy it's a return to everything that made postal 2 work in fact the game originally began development as a complete remake of postal 2. they had planned calling it postal 2x2 but instead they decided to double down and make an entirely new game which i think is definitely the better choice until it's out of the alpha build all i can say about the game is that it's making the right decisions it's updating regularly it's keeping fans in the loop with regular and clear update posts you can't ask for more from an early access game it's one i'll keep a close eye on and i sincerely hope they don't get up but as i said i'll revisit this once it's finished so make sure you hit the like button if you want to see that [ __ ] [ __ ] how's it going one side so that's the video game collection out of the way what else is there to talk about oh yeah the movie i watched the entire movie just so i could write this review hi i'm a bonus it's a mess i wanted to like it so bad all the reviews are like oh ignore the hate it's a true postal film which is true it is very similar to the postal games but a video game like postal does not translate well into a movie in my opinion at least it has some moments that are funny in a crazy way but it mostly just falls flat case and point the cat silencer [Music] watching it in a movie is just embarrassment they also didn't want to double down on the cat being killed so the postal dude just takes the cat off and it walks away completely fine like nothing happened it's a down fever dream apparently the animatronic of that cat cost 45 grand to make and was only shown for two seconds that is poor decision making the main plot is about bin laden and bush working together making money by insuring items and then blowing them up while the postal guy working for a religious cult inadvertently gets involved with their plot to destroy the world it's your typical haha terrorist bad with nazi jokes thrown in there for i genuinely can't even remember what that reason was it really does seem to take inspiration from the worst parts of the franchise the movie picks up in the second half and becomes somewhat engaging but the first half was tough work it's directed by uv bowl he's known for making somewhat iffy video game movie adaptations like bloodrayne far cry and the house of the dead apparently he even physically boxed any critics that called him out in his work the absolute chad director i could and probably will make a full video in the future about his entire collection of work he's a wild one but i don't think he wants to be taken too seriously he actually cameos in the movie and just rips himself apart it's one of the best moments of the film all that rumors out that my movies are financed with nazi gold and what should i say it's true but somebody must do something with some money do you know that my father died in auschwitz my grandpa died also in auschwitz came from a watchtower it also managed to get roles for vern troyer may he rest in peace and jk simmons somehow [Music] there's a short scene in the movie where the postal guy actually runs over and kills a baby for no reason there's no joke no follow-up anything it's just cut into the middle of the movie out of nowhere like what the [ __ ] is that what the hell is that zach ward the actor portraying postal guy i think he does an amazing job of it considering what he had to work with he really pulls off the character he has that defeated but optimistic crazy mindset down to a t and i couldn't imagine anyone else playing the role they tried to kickstart postal 2 releasing one of the weirdest and most uncomfortable gofundme videos i've ever seen we just love uva bowl his ability to beat up scrawny journalists in the ring his german accent which is impossible to understand we don't care that his last name is hitler it tries to be self-deprecating as a funny but it feels as if everyone in the video was forced to make it at gunpoint with their family in danger it gives me the heebie-jeebies didn't the original postal movie cost like 20 million what the [ __ ] did he spend 20 million dollars on he must have embezzled most of that he even smart enough to steal he can't possibly be a worse thief than a director there's also a doom star speed running game being developed that's made by a different studio again called hyper strange they're franchising the ip again hopefully it goes better than last time it looks okay it's massively out of place for the postal brand it's not really a postal game it's just using their ip i think but i mean good luck to them it looks like a lot of fun hopefully people think it's sick the gameplay looks smooth and exciting and i honestly wish all the best success for the team involved [Music] hi there would you like to sign my petition go away so here we are at the end of the video and what a ride it's been the postal franchise is a roller coaster of highs and lows of pure genius and pure disgusting trash for right or wrong it's left behind a huge legacy of bizarre violence and controversy it raises some great questions about violence and its application within video games sometimes they pull it off very well other times their hinge be a bit rusty but they down well try the franchise has spanned over 24 years five games and entertained millions with its stupid over-the-top violence and i'm honestly not sure if i'm proud or ashamed to have played every single game multiple times in the making of this video or what it says about my mental health state but here we are if you want to reward my valiant efforts and the unimaginable hours that went into creating this video i'm gonna have to insist you hit subscribe plenty more videos that is planned if this one's a success so please hit like leave a comment anything at all i know only two percent of people will last this long but jokes aside i really do appreciate you taking the time to listen to one loser rant about video games for well over an hour you're a real one and i hope to see you on another video take care bye [Music]
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 3,200,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Most Controversial Game In Human History, the worst game ever made, playing the most hated game, postal, the postal franchise, the entire postal franchise, is postal really that bad, why is postal so bad, postal 2, postal 3, postal 4, the postal movie, postal movie review, the worst postal moment, in defence of postal, why was postal 3 so bad, postal 3 in 2022, postal 2 in 2022, postal 4 review, The Most Controversial Game, The Most Offensive Game Ever
Id: ja0R8HL38FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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