The Most Underrated Horror Franchise Ever

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I remember thinking that these games were the pinnacle of horror games and cinematic gaming. I showed my parents the intro where 'baby raping sack of shit' and 'they should slapped you coming out of your mama's c*' were uttered.

They were not as impressed as I was at the time.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/ImplementFuture703 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2022 🗫︎ replies
the suffering is one of the most underrated Horrors out there a cult hit that seems to have faded Into Obscurity just as fast as it blew up the prison environment is used as a passing location in a lot of games but few use them as the sole location and that's where the suffering comes in and does so to great effect even the box art for this [ __ ] was fantastic it's Unique and disturbing just like the game you see the suffering holds a special place in my heart because it wasn't me who discovered it it was I sat beside her as a whipper snapper and watched her play all the way through so I want to make sure that this video does the game Justice it was developed by surreal software and it offered a fresh action-packed take on the genre emphasizing combat as a means to make it stand out from its competitors like Silent Hill and that weird amalgamation led to one hell of a game with that said let's see exactly why this game is so special I swear Abbott's falling off already at least when you escort anime to death row you know he's scheduled to get what he deserves the game begins with our protagonist torque being escorted to death row for the alleged murder of his wife and two children feed his ex-wife to a bloody pulp killed her with his fists look I said I didn't then he ground one son in the tub and threw the other out a window once in his cell the other inmates bicker back and forth over who the biggest [ __ ] is whatever I've done the Reverend says Jesus Is Forgiven me will you shut the [ __ ] up you baby ripping sodomizing sack of [ __ ] before an earthquake hits and all hell breaks loose collapsing are we taking it out what the hell is going on we're in control of talk now and stuck in our cell when a beast dashes past and cuts the door open taking off first steps of Freedom we're still stuck in the cell room until a guard comes along back in your cell everything's under control damn you got the old shish kebab treatment but now the Cell at the back is open here we grab our first weapon and knife stuck in the body of a fellow inmate I don't know what the hell is that face armed with our new blade we Traverse the halls of the prison exploring the local area with all sorts of unpleasant going on foreign ations which I have to say are awful they must have been bad even for the time look at this [ __ ] gonna be all right for long if he's in the row with the rest of us that's some Shamu [ __ ] what the world is unusually interactive with showers toggleable lights Etc nothing revolutionary but apparently the developers wanted to create an interactive World similar to Half-Life and it shows there's a lot of unnecessary interactivity something you love to see really makes you feel involved in the world back down the hallway we encounter another prisoner here follow me we can get out this way looks like you didn't have a way out after all with our new best friend dead we meet yet another guard at the gate you've got to get me out of here and what did we learn here speaking to talk through a gate will get you killed further down by the toilets we encounter our first enemy foreign [Applause] went to great efforts making each monster design stand out even managing to get a Stan Winston on board Stan was best known for his work on the Terminator series the Jurassic Park movies aliens the thing the Predator Edward Scissorhands basically this man was a master in the field of monster design every enemy was crafted to resemble a form of execution which brings us back to this guy the Slayer they represent beheading and are the most common enemy you'll encounter their heads have been chopped off and are held in place just above their body with their arms and legs replaced with large blades but back to this [ __ ] we've got our knife so we have to duck and weave until he's getting dead then we hear gunshots from the toilet and outcome one of the CEOs who is not at all happy to see you you will do exactly what I say or I will punch a hole in your sorry ass got it now we have a choice give him a chance but this run we'll be playing the game with Good Karma because it offers the most content the evil path basically means you just kill everyone and Skip through the game in like like an hour I'm gonna head downstairs to get out of this [ __ ] and you better stay out of my way if I need to shoot more of those [ __ ] I will not hold my fire on your account you read me we team up and head deeper into the prison fighting a few monsters along the way up until Chief Kee steps into the execution room and gets his brains liquefied [Music] we take his gun and look around this area appears to be haunted by an inmate that got the electric chair and we can even give him a Zap for good measure only one's app though if you zap him multiple times that's evil karma we eventually arrive in the main lobby where the exits are locked and the way out blocked by a security gate not a way to open the door we get ambushed by more slayers hey where are the white women at here we really get to see them spread their blades and crawl [Music] once they're dealt with we try to open the gate except oh Deary me the door is blocked by a statue this is a puzzle remember when horror games used to have puzzles the puzzle's nothing special we just have to drag the statue far enough to block the first door from closing but let the other one open ER is up next with a gar trapped inside we can choose to kill him from the control room for some bad karma but it makes no difference even if we let him live the mysterious gas man turns on the chamber killing him problem is now we're locked in the gas chamber and that fart cloud [ __ ] has opened the door meaning the room is slowly filling with deadly gas we're screwed boys thankfully our friendly neighborhood slasher comes along breaking the glass and creating an exit foreign with him dead we head downstairs and into the next level now we're in the basement where we get a proper introduction to the game's Main antagonists [Music] Dr kiljoy Who materializes through projectors such a fascinating specialist my understanding is you've had periodic flakouts since when was it oh yes early adolescence and a man formed of toxic gas the prison's late executioner this is our stock and trade here but the final solution I am one of the few will admit that they go talk on forcing him to kill waves and slashes and after a while they asked to see your real form your true self I can't I can't help I can give you control if you really want it but first you've got to show once your insanity is filled you're able to transform into the Beast once this happens talk can go Travis got sicko mode becoming an actual monster foreign and you can tear through enemies with a range of slashes ground slams and grab attacks then when the meter Runs Out talk goes Travis got apology mode and becomes human again I didn't use it all that often to be honest the monster form isn't that much better than spraying an enemy with a Tommy Gun you can't even use healing items and you have to get in close range to attack which means you're likely [ __ ] if there's a lot of enemies regardless after satisfying the dynamic duo we get to leave the basement heading through a storage room with a dead end and the only way forward is to jump onto this shelving unit to reach the next floor telling the corner we see this monstrosity where the [ __ ] are you let's take it so long do it [ __ ] do it just [ __ ] kill me this is the Marksman a large Beast with multiple rifles grafted to his back this is The Game's main ranged enemy it represents execution by firing squad and if you are unsure about that the game even introduces him by carrying out the same execution a little on the nose sure but it gets the point across they're easy to kill and their attacks are well telegraphed so you can just hop out of the way then blast them while they're reloading now we're in the workshop and the area is swarming with slashes and marksmen we have to clear them out to give us enough time to winch open the exit and on the way out we encounter Horus again the spirit from the electric chair but watch yourself this place can eat your soul it's clear Horace wants to help he wants talk to retain his soul and follow the good path and with his advice we leave the basement picking up a [ __ ] Tommy Gun along the way damn this game really didn't waste any time giving us the heavy Firepower entering the next level we witness a demonstration of the lethal injection in which Dr killjoy carries out the deed it is essential the needles be placed with absolute precision and unlike standard medical procedures with a lethal induction you have a patient who probably does not want the procedure to occur other than showing off how much of an [ __ ] he is I think this scene is meant to show that he can manipulate the real world he can still harm people and block our path making our way out of the viewing room we encounter another prisoner called Dallas it's me Dallas from Eastern man if anybody could survive this [ __ ] figures you could again we have another Choice kill him or help him Escape moral choice plays a large part in the games it's not nuanced or complex it's old-fashioned good and evil kill or save everyone the karma system only really affects the endings but there are a few in-game differences the more evil you become the more sick your skin will appear eventually becoming dirty infected and blistering the evil version of Talk really does look corrupt and I know it's a gimmick but I like little touches like that it's similar to the Fable or Infamous games it's nice to see your behavior represented in your physical form open Dallas we have to escort him through the courtyard he doesn't have a weapon and can easily die if you're not careful so push forward with care after crossing the yard we arrive at a different wing of the prison where Dallas manages to find a pistol I won't be able to smoke him like you can but I got your back exploring the security rooms things look bad the guards have been impaled with the lethal syringes this is called foreshadowing and with all the needles mounting up it was only a matter of time before this little prick showed up this is the main liner this creature represents the Lethal Injections and it's one of the more memorable creature designs having needles for eyes it really stuck with me for some reason they're attacked by throwing needles but if you get close enough they'll try grabbing talking and paling him they even leave puddles of acid on the ground when they die meaning you have to be careful in close quarters these guys are like the smack head version of alien they attack the two of us but with the assistance of Dallas we make quick work of them oh mainliners are only a threat in numbers which becomes painfully obvious when we reach the showers and get attacked by a [ __ ] Army of them now we can leave Dallas for dead but he's one of our boys now so he stick with him and Kill Them All the courtyard oh there's even a gang of inmates that start on you for no reason you think you can play Chico play me like a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my Muchachos yeah I don't think territory beef seem like a good idea right now but who am I to judge there's a walkway above that leads out of the courtyard you can either climb on top of the shed and jump up or you could shoot the ladder down and climb up it's easy to miss the way out if you're not paying attention but it's nice that the game trusts the players intelligent enough to figure that [ __ ] out in the next area we come across two men hanging in a Cell Block we make our way round to investigate before getting ambushed by the warden oh man you're here you gotta say this before Hargrave gets back you gotta cut us down the time has come to wash the scum from the Earth is my Armageddon lock it down [Music] this is the first real boss Hargrave he's locked in the control room with a Turret and a bunch of guards roaming the cells you can take them out one by one or just you know let Hargrave melt through them once they're dealt with you can either Peak shot him or you can go upstairs and shoot him through a hole in the roof and it's just a case of going beast mode and sorting them out oh but now Dallas is locked out that's the end of his escort he's not meant to be stuck behind that gate normally you help him reach the exit but what can I do this is the hand the game dealt me so without anyone to accompany us we make our way out the next chapter is a short one outside once more we have to head through a series of basketball courts while being attacked by a [ __ ] ton of enemies instead surreal wanna combat to be a big part of the game they wanted the suffering to be a mix between Silent Hill and Max Payne a decision they really double down on the combat is decent surprisingly fluid even now tour gets covered in blood as you fight and even the shooting animations you need you'll flick to a one-handed firing animation as you run to the side not many games go that extra mile the problem is and this is a big problem the combat encounters while they're enjoyable they just take way too long there were so many fights that should have ended in about half the time but the game just wouldn't stop spawning enemies in you can just run past every enemy in the game but that both defeats the purpose and if you ignore the combat then the game is about an hour long and I'm not even joking I personally think it would have been better to have had less enemies but balance it out by giving us a few less bullets like the Resident Evil 2 remake [ __ ] there's not that many zombies but every one of them are a nightmare it could still have an action focused just make the action more intense and meaningful when you're mowing down hundreds of monsters with ease it's hard to take them seriously anyway after hopping on a turret and mowing down the entire Army of the dead we're able to leave the courtyard and head to the next block I mean talk is just having a stroll through the entire prison at this point walking through the next cell block a guard will get swiped up by this bugger surprise [ __ ] this is the newsman they represent hanging specifically a group of CEOs that were hung and skinned during a prison riot a few years ago it's too good for those [ __ ] let's get them alive head into the canteen for a cold one we get trapped hesitate to call you a gentle soul talk kildre locks the door and sets fire to the room claiming he wants to see if torque has brains to go with the brawn like Bane we have to turn the sprinklers on but the water doesn't reach the doors so we cover the grate with a vending machine causing the water to intelligently seek out the nearest fire source as you can expect from water we fight through a larger chunk of the prison even heading underground for a spell before we decide to head to the roof thankfully there's a bunker bed next to a hole in the roof allowing us to mantle up on top of the building we find this quiver and little [ __ ] bag Luther crying about how wet he is if we help him we have to escort him over a security wall and to the radio tower where you can call for backup along the way he tells us that the Slayers are killed by intense light so he can use the spotlights on the wall to kill them instantly I guess it looks safe now something you'd have a hard time figuring out without him in the odd below we see a huge sinkhole this appears to be where the monsters are coming from they'll spawn endlessly until we flick a spotlight on the hole oh my God once they're dead talk and Luther head to the radio tower definitely the radio isn't working there's too much interference which appears to be coming from the old Asylum go figure that's where we have to head next we got no time to waste heading through in our Workshop we find a collapse wall at the back delivering us to the prison graveyard but we get another vision of our family this was your life tea how did you let it get away now we're tracking through the woods when we come across a group of guards hiding out they have the ghoul to call me a monster so I was more than happy to oblige exploring the forest you'll see the ground shift beneath you clearly something is borrowing under there but what is it well heading into the stone quarry we get our answer damn foreign ER not to be mistaken for the family-friendly borrowers this guy will bite our face off these creatures are based on live burials specifically an instance on the island where prisoners were left to die on a quarry cave-in their slippery bug is to kill they attack and dip back underground you can however stun lock them with a shotty making them basically useless in an almost comical way after a walk through samara's Forest we head through another Quarry the same one the prisoners were left to die in unfortunately the way forward is blocked I was looking around everywhere and throwing TNT like a madman but it turns out Wiley Coyote's Detonator was hidden behind some boxes playing hard to get how he has super jump at times a small drop will kill him yet he has an 11 foot vertical when it suits we fly our way out of the Quarry and into another section of forest and I have to say the suffering does a good job of hiding the poor load range the geometry and curves of the level are well thought out heading upstairs there's a crane section Man games were obsessed with cranes back in the day this time we have a moral choice because there's a guy stranded off to the right and he needs you to move the rock to let him Escape oh hey I hope you make it up too over the Gap and tick up my arm there's another crane back-to-back cranes what a time to be alive has the devil trapped you you're not a bad man you have to believe there's a fire blocking the way through and a tower with water beside it conveniently placed thank God that wasn't a tower of lava or something because then we'd have been stuffed on the other side we found a lake where wifey talks and wash smack I felt so young but sometimes I think you only brought me suffering before we head to a clearing and find the entrance to the Asylum I almost forgot that's what we initially came into the forest for but we're here now [Music] my performance on you as it were will be something I should only enjoy and I just so shall you I am not certain we have been formally introduced talk isn't it my name is killjoy doctor kill joy in order to get through we have to break the three projectors sealing the door each one located in a different wing of the Asylum this is the best level of the game in my opinion it has a real horror vibe to it an old Asylum now abandoned it serves as the playground for killjoy's Twisted experiments killjoy appears to have mastered immortality by transferring his conscience into some fictional media Network I don't think the doctor is meant to be inherently bad at evil he does appear to genuinely want to heal talks broken psyche he just cares about experimentation above all else I guess you would call him a chaotic neutral he has an obsession with the monsters and is dedicated to understanding them speaking of the monsters they're a bit of an enigma the creatures as a whole are referred to as the malefactors malefactor being defined as a person who commits a crime or some other wrongdoing their arrays of monsters that embody the suffering or crimes of whichever area they inhabit what caused their appearance and what their end goal is it's never explained they're just here to make people suffer in the same way they did I don't mind find the mystery as always it's better to let us invent some bizarre backstory in our heads then give us some corny the doctor brought them forth to control the world story there is a reference to talk being a catalyst that might have caused these creatures to arrive though that when a person of extreme moral and mental conflict arrives at a location of unnaturally High cruelty the mix can cause the matter factors to break through but again there's not much detail here it's only mentioned in passing heading upstairs we go to the back room to find Sergey this kin Legend just wants to listen to some tunes and smoke a bifter zero [ __ ] given about the monsters and we can all learn a lesson from Sergey hey stay right here we're safe life to keep me company can help you find what you need yell his head off he inquires as to whether or not we could restore the power to his speaker on our travels which of course come heaven or hell I will do for him it is in this room that all the secrets will be revealed I will employ an experimental device that helps me chart the Undiscovered Country but you can't come to the show yet first you must prove to me that you truly want to be cured and that you truly are worthy of my time see you soon the first projector is in the basement and along the way we encounter a beast version of ourselves it's a strange encounter using a device kildre refers to as the rebirth machine the monster reverts to cash before disappearing I think it plays into the psychology of what's real or not how much of this is in Talk's head or the real world jumping down to the basement we're able to destroy the first projector and get an ax for our troubles hell yeah I was stuck here for a while I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to stop this projector from blocking our exit I shot at it I threw explosives at it I wrote it a strongly worded letter and in the end it turns out you have to pull this box out causing the shells to topple and even though the hole isn't blocked like at all it stops the projection huge brain while in the basement we're also able to get the power up and running we have to clear out the water first or we'll get a shock but with the power on our boy Sergey can rock out with his little [ __ ] out you're making me a happy happy man [Music] down the hall from the basement we found the second projector this time in a room where some poor ladders had his eye taken out Dead Space style there's one more projector left this one is in the Attic So we take the stairs up the Upper Floor is home to the padded holding cells you can even find the tortured remnants of a guard sometimes it is the body that threatens the safety of the mind sometimes it must be removed killing him gives you good karma it's considered a mercy killing in any case we head up to the attic destroy the final projector and make our way to the theater at last you have made it to the climax of this fine performance let me introduce our newest player this fascinating specimen is a creature of pure strength and rage whose presence we Face against the dock himself we know he can manipulate objects but he doesn't do anything to hurt us instead waves of Slayers drop in the objective here is to break his projectors so he can't take a physical form and in doing so we clear the radio signal for Luther I am one of the Great biggest stars in the sky I guess having his Consciousness in the network was what was causing the interference of the radio station but with killjoy's machines destroyed all that's left to do is throw a purple orb at the beast making him revert to torque and run away with the signal cleared we have to make our way back to the radio and call for help we have to follow the hill downward fighting a bunch of enemies and crossing over rivers this is more of a transitional level it brings us back around to the prison but along the way we meet prison Einstein this is Clem AKA Einstein looking ass Clem is the guy that's been documenting the monsters up to this point he has a plan to escape the island but he needs our help to pull it off so we head to the docks oh yeah [Music] [Music] these monsters are called Festus they're immune to bullets deal big damage and can summon a swarm of rats to attack the player these were historic prisoners traveling aboard a ship that crashed on the shore left to die chained down with rats feasting on them having to use melee or explosives to kill them I think it's clever it forces you to change up the playstyle you can't just run and Gun through them speaking of molotovs Clem he's a little prick he throws molotovs indiscriminately there's a raft on the beach that Clement tends to use to escape sadly it's only big enough for Clem but he can't launch because the Festus won't stop spawning in I do believe those creatures are coming from inside the wreck if you can get in there you might be able to destroy them then I'll be able to launch everyone to help him we have to head to the ship and blow up an explosive Barrel causing the boat to catch fire which in turn allows Clem to escape God's speechy beautiful old pyromaniac now we have to head back to the prison through the open sewer pipe in the pipe we have another interaction with Horus this place wants you talk it needs people like you once it gets a hold of you it won't let you go like it hasn't let me go don't say I never did anything for you come join me in the dance hall after which a near endless horde of rats will burst through the pipes and start attacking you I kept dying trying to kill them and it took a few attempts to realize I should just run away now we're back where we started the same Workshop we went through in the first couple of chapters I'm not a huge fan of backtracking especially when nothing but a few new enemies are added along the way a gate is blocking our progress when Horus makes another appearance I think you're my last chance talk don't let me down he clears the way for us but in exchange he wants us to end his suffering so we head all the way back to the electric room we saw the start of the game it's a gimmick fight and a simple one at that we have to hop over his slow-moving electric ways and shoot power boxes when The Shield is down once they're all shot you can flip the switch putting an end to his misery foreign the Simplicity of the fight and the fact that it's located right at the start it makes me think that this was originally meant to happen at the beginning of the game but they moved it to later to add some backtracking and padding I could be wrong but that's the impression I got eventually backtrack all the way to our starting cell depending on your morality the family will have different takes on what kind of a person you are either saying hey you ain't that bad well man you're the worst you used to wear socks with sandals that kind of [ __ ] you're not so bad I guess I just wish you'd always been there you know after this the wall gets bust down and we're able to escape fighting through the same area until we reach the radio tower again unsurprisingly Luther's down he must have cried himself to death we receive a message that a boat is coming to the dock for evacuation problem is the lighthouse ain't working and they need someone to fix it so what if we set to fix the light which in hindsight What on earth makes talk think he's qualified to fix a lighthouse he's a bloody career criminal but in any case we head off to get that [ __ ] fixed climbing over a bus and out the prison We Begin our journey to the lighthouse when some prisoners try and run us down watch out up there oh Christ escaping isn't as simple as just getting outside but I don't need to tell you that I mean you guys are dumb as [ __ ] he's made of gas just drive through him why would you choose to drive off a cliff we blast our way across the river through more Forest areas and eventually end up on a hill where the turret just sitting there no rewards for guessing what happens next [Music] it's a boring turret scene where over 40 plus marksmen pop out of the ground one after the other maybe it's controversial to say but I think almost all turret scenes and games are just boring you're stuck to the sport mowing down enemies with ease after that's dealt with we head to a nearby cave where an inmate keeps chucking TNT he seems to think you're a monster but is too dumb to stop and take a look eventually though we jump through a hatch into an old military bunker one that was used during the second world war there's plenty of equipment to find here along with another turret section and better being better Boom the game crashed the PC version is glitchy environments would often just glitch in and out but that happens when playing older games on newer systems I had the same issue trying to run Manhunt devs can't predict future Tech that's just how it is sometimes if your game is Crash free though and you manage to kill the enemies we head back into more cave sections where we actually confront TNT man you gotta get me out of here [ __ ] tried to kill you he was confused I'm sorry for trying to blow your ass up he'll die now get me out of here he asks us to break him out now obviously I wanted to break him out I'm a good guy but for the love of jove I could not break the rocks blocking his way I looked it up and you are meant to throw TNT at the Rocks but I tried that multiple times and it didn't work so I'm taking that as divine intervention and leaving the song [ __ ] to die we head through the rest of the cave and eventually end up in the lighthouse basement where we encounter the next boss because you understand how it feels they needed someone professional to pull the switch a lot of eager sadists applied but I was the only one who took the work seriously for the record if we had saved the explosive guy earlier he would have been killed by Hermes here so there's no point in saving him anyway better to slowly starve in a cave this fight is another gimmick one first we have to turn the gas off simple enough next we have to use the environment to block all the vents pulling boxes shooting robes again it's all straightforward but once that's done there's two vents you can't cover and Hermes will still attack you what you have to do is wait for him to spawn in front of the Furnace then use the steam to blow him inside then shut the door to burn him I love mystery uncut every form of you ah yes now we're able to leave the basement and head upstairs we're in the lighthouse now and we have to get this puppy operational exploring the building it turns out there's no power so with no better options we head outside you're the one aren't you these are the last enemies the game introduces The Inferno they represent victims of being burnt at the stake an ancient method of public execution often used for people accused of Witchcraft the creature's first appear as children but when you get close they burst into burning demons the children you see when you first encounter them they represent the three young girls that made the witch accusations in the 16th century false accusations that led to 11 innocent victims being burnt at the stake during the fight officer Ernesto the guard that escorted us to death row at the beginning of the game he comes along and helps us dispatch the baddies you God damn it what are the chances he then badmouths us for about five minutes straight wiping Dale huh why you do it you kill me too come on he may kill me I dare you all the while the which at this point so it turns out you don't have the cojones to kill me when you have the chance you [ __ ] him mate go to hell I am done with you it's honestly pretty tempting once he's done BS and he informs us that he knows how to get the power back on so we follow him over to the power station where we have to kill a few Slayers and Infernus before flicking the power back on and once that is done we head back to the lighthouse but at the Lighthouse the power is on but the light isn't rotating oh Bedlam so we have to head upstairs luckily the only problem is that a few shitty Slayers got their damn legs caught in the gears now the power is back on and the light is rotating that means that the boat is on Route and we have to get our ass to the port outside the officer claims he knows the quickest way so we blindly follow him while he takes us through some bushes to a small graveyard in the end he just brought us there for shits and giggles why bring us here if it wasn't on the way it's hell on Earth but this guard is like I could take her straight down the road but no let me take the scenic route there's a really good witch burn the spot around here somewhere eventually we get back on track and head into a traffic tunnel please we clear out the area and there's a water pipe over that fence so we try and head over and whoa that's his biggest jump yet we're able to turn the water on and it leaks away through the drains so again we have to drag a box over the grate at which point the water will zoom off like a heat-seeking missile to put the fire out there's a few more enemies along the way but we finally deliver Ernesto to his destination he gets trapped behind a wall of fire we say our final goodbyes and set off alone one last time towards the port arriving we're created by Dr killjoy who informs us that the final stage of treatment requires us to face off against our own evil s of it unorthodox but my results will speak for themselves it's a game centered around a man's struggle with his evil nature so it makes sense to finish the game facing your demons you encounter your wife and children on the dock similar to your return to the cells based on your karma they'll either berate you or sympathize with you Daddy what did I do up until the Beast turns up he's pretty hard-hitting but he doesn't pose much of a thread a form has dealt with he reverts to an evil version of Talk this form is an initial pain because if you shoot him you'll die almost immediately you can only damage him in Beast form but it is very satisfying to do that but leave me you [ __ ] up with evil talk dealt with the final boss pops out a creature known as talks hatred a giant version of the Beast wrapped in Chains with torque dangling from his stomach attached to some form of umbilical cord this is the dumbest sentence I've said in a while now you have to kill it by throwing purple mind balls at it I take back my previous statement it gets Dumber this final stage it's super lackluster you can just sit in front of his right leg and no attacks will hit you you just sit there spamming purple balls I still have no idea what this rebirth machine or the purple Power are meant to be but regardless after wailing on him for a while the Beast is destroyed and we get one of three endings in the good ending it's revealed that talk didn't actually kill his family and that he was set up the colonel sends his regards back in eastern he warned you but you didn't listen he said to leave you alive only only enjoy your new life turns out talk was set up by a crime Lord from Baltimore one that talked pissed off somehow so to get revenge he had his family murdered and paid the judge to convict him his guilty after the flashback a guard picks to a cup and they sail off hold on you're that guy talk ain't you I heard about you in the news I got a friend at the DA's office says the prosecutor on your case is being indicted because it's your lucky day huh Jesus you look like you've really been through hell somebody's missing from this picture t I don't want us to ever be a part again love always Carmen in the evil ending torque is consumed by rage in this version of events he did kill his family [Music] when the boat turns up the guard discovers torque transforming into the Beast he destroys the boat before running back towards the prison this is St us without you the only way we can truly be happy there's also a neutral ending which is kind of bizarre you get this Ending by not helping or killing anyone in this timeline you accidentally kill your wife when you push her don't be that way you weren't a good father not in jail I won't let them grow up violent they will not be like you then when your son finds out he drowns his brother and throws himself out the window to spite you you took her away I'm taking us away [Music] I mean Pig one for having your mum accidentally die but drowning your younger brother and eating yourself out a window it seems a tad dramatic and when the boat arrives talk knocks the guard out and steals it driving off into the sunset there's good times and bad tea we all want more of the good but we take what we can get it's worth it love Carmen the endings are fine nothing especially mind-blowing I think it was pretty obvious if you're playing the good path he would end up being innocent I guess the neutral ending is the most surprising although I do not understand the kids thought process behind a murder-suicide he must have had a copy of Manhunt in his bedroom or something but that's the first game finished weirdly there is a new game plus alternative intro when you start a new game after finishing you get an extra scene where torque arrives on the island before being ambushed by prisoners he then transform into the Beast and mess him up master [Applause] what kind of a monster are you what the [ __ ] just happened after which the story just continues as normal at least when you escort an inmate to death row you know he's scheduled to get what he deserves it's an interesting touch considering the game is meant to be played twice for the good and bad side it's nice to have a little bit of difference on the second run so with the plot spoilers dealt with the biggest question left is does the Beast talk transforms into actually exist or is it just in his head by reading the documentation you find scattered around the island you discover that no one else can see him transform into a beast when talk believes he's transforming he instead becomes enraged and with the adrenaline he becomes unnaturally strong and fast able to tear through monsters with his bare hands foreign there's two ways you can look at this either the monster is in Talk's head it's a mental breakdown or perhaps this is part of the beast's punishment the monster does exist and breaks through and talk loses control but others only see talk himself behaving like a beast that would actually parallel the plot itself torque is blamed for a horrific and brutal act he didn't commit people view him as a monster even though he's not perhaps in some sick irony the Beast torments talk with a similar situation who knows believe what you want for context the monsters are 100 meant to be real and present on the island so it's not all in his head at last you have made it to the climax of this fine performance to conclude this video The Suffering was a great game with a lot to offer both mechanically and creatively the monster anesthetic are incredibly memorable they've stuck with me ever since I first played the game sure it's a touchdated now but if I want anything to happen off the back of this video I hope it generates some Buzz around getting a reboot for this franchise I know there's a hardcore fan fanbase out there one that's begging for it to happen and horror game reboots are making a big Resurgence of late so now is the time surreal software was bought by Warner Bros and merged into monolith back in 2010. monolith of course the developers of fear condemned and Shadow of Mordor basically a cracking development team have the rights to the franchise and the means to create a spectacular reboot monolith Lobby that [ __ ] I think the lackluster sales of the sequel might have played a role in the studio shelving the IP there is even a movie in production that was canceled after the sequel massively undersold a lot of critics complained that the second game was just too similar to the first that it felt more like a glorified expansion than a full-fledged sequel I would have to agree to a certain degree I was originally going to cover both games in this one video but other than some UI changes and a few new powers I'm playing as the Beast it's basically the same game it's still great I think there just wasn't anything new I could add to this video by talking about it it didn't help that the sequel released the same year as Resident Evil 4 and I imagine this suffering too would have lack of a better term suffered from such intense competition in any case I hope you enjoyed this nostalgic trip through the suffering if you did be sure to like this video and hit subscribe to see many more quality game analysis thank you very much for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 2,871,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Most Underrated Horror Game Franchise Ever, the suffering, the suffering 2, the suffering reboot, the suffering full game, the suffering review, the suffering in 2022, stan winston, surreal software, monolith studio, condemned, fear, the best horror game, the suffering explained, the suffering ties that bind, the suffering movie, the suffering in morandum, the suffering moral choices, the suffering lore, the beast, the suffering beast, reboot the suffering
Id: R7J-63F61YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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