The Silent Hill Everyone REALLY Hated

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i recently made a video talking about silent hill downpour which is critically the worst rate in silent hill what i did not expect when i made that video was the wars that would ensue in the comments section people were mad and no one could agree on what was the worst entry specifically between downpour and homecoming some absolute mental cases were even arguing that the room was the worst i mean what the room has its issues sure but it's a hot jump and a skip away from being the worst in the franchise what the hell but back to homecoming a 2008 release and the first mainline entry to be created by a western company needless to say it had a lot riding on it and public opinion was not kind to them but you know what game no one hates that's right today's video is sponsored by rage shadow legends raider just celebrated their third anniversary is one of the most talked about rpgs out there and they're showing no signs of stopping adding new content and game modes every couple of months how about trying your luck in the doom tower offering a whole world of new and terrifying bosses sprawling over 120 levels the doom tower brings an exciting new challenge for seasoned players last year raid even added a whole new faction the shadowkin a tribe of warriors from the far east recently liberated from their reign of evil boss is more your thang okay how about the hydra clown boss multiple heads each with their own ability and different strategies required to defeat them what a treat raid isn't going anywhere so why not join the party and download rage shadow legends in the link below i do like that the game has a massive roster of constantly expanding champions to choose from it keeps the selection nice and fresh it's a busy month parade including daily special events like the new summer solstice event called the path of the light they're also running a special deliana chase event where you can actually get your hands on deliana a new legendary high elf champion all you gotta do is log in and play raid for seven days between now and july 20th and you'll unlock her for free if you click my link in the description or scan the qr code on screen now you'll get a free bonus worth thirty dollars a free epic champion hyena 200k silver one free energy refill one xp boost and one ancient shard so you can summon a powerful champion asap or waiting for you right here enter promo code my delano to get a bunch of silver and 50 xp brews to instantly take her to max level to check it out and thank you very much raid for sponsoring this video but back to homecoming where did it go wrong was it the victim of being an average game in a franchise of such high esteem or was there more to it let's take a closer look where's my squad are they here homecoming has a dramatic start with our hero alex shepherd being wheeled through a hospital [Music] along the way we see countless patients being tortured and it's pretty clear we're in danger hey wait where are you going don't leave me here once in the operating theater we see our doctor getting impaled by a suspiciously large sword and we need to escape before we meet the same fate right off the bat you know you're in for a good time because it opens with a [ __ ] qte to break the binds then the sweat beads start dripping even faster when you press x to roll and discover that alex belongs to a circus and can combat roll around the world like a skater on ice it's a sight to behold but a worrying one because silent hill is meant to be about a sticky survival horror it ain't a new entry in the ninja gaiden franchise scanning the room we find our medical form we're in room 206 and scheduled for a lobotomy leaving the theater we begin our journey through the abandoned hospital down the hall behind the looked gay we see a child drawing nothing out of the ordinary for a horror saying i know but alex appears to recognize the kid josh is that you it's a little brother josh who sat drawing behind a locked gate completely ignoring us we need a key code to get through and in the x-ray room to the right we find the first half of the code 624. the picture's ripped in half so we set off to find the missing piece no alex that man is not going home nothing gets past you in the newborn nursery we find the other half of the x-ray and head back to grab the code on the way we get the game's first jump scare ooh spooky nothing like a unity asset looking corpse to set the tone with our breaches browned we head through to josh who for some reason thinks dashing deeper into hell is a good idea josh stop we chase him through the toilets where he mysteriously disappears in his place we find a combat knife [Music] taking our first weapon we hear sirens echoing and the paint peels from the walls around us we've entered the other world a rusty twisted nightmare version of reality seconds later from out of the toilet we encounter our first enemy this creature is a staple of the silent hill franchise and by jove their design gets plumper with each iteration we have to kill her getting our first taste of combat and tickle my little pickle the combat is bad in this game ninety percent of the time it just boils down to stun locking the enemy and if that's not happening you're being stun locked yourself even the animations are ridiculous you're meant to be surviving against beasts but alex is concerned with pulling off sick flourishes finishing moves are the nail in the coffin finishing moves have no place in a silent hill game that would be like having some right head punch a boulder and a volcano in a resident evil game oh i understand he's meant to be ex-military and that fits the theme he's combat capable but there are plenty of roles he could have played within the military without having him act like captain america he could have been a medic for example in any case we're in the nightmare version of the hospital now and it's great that there's an actual nightmare world to explore we head upstairs through a rusty metallic staircase visually i'm conflicted with homecoming overall the design is well thought out it's similar in theme to the previous iterations but there's just something clunky about its execution i can't put my finger on it maybe it's because everything looks a bit blurry perhaps it's because of the washed out color palette i don't know through a window we see a nurse stood in the dark staring at the tv static much like the movies and previous games the nurses react to light and sound which actually makes this scene very clever it's visual storytelling the nurse is attracted to the light and sound of the tv so if you turn off your light and move slowly you can pass through without attracting attention trying to sneak past it was actually pretty tense and once we're through we cut open a wall skin two thing i don't know in the adjacent hallway we encounter these bug-like creatures with human faces taken straight from the silent hill movie they're fixing to give us some unwanted glug and twist so we stomp their asses to mush a more pointless and annoying enemy than never was adding through we find ourselves in another operating theatre this time with a viewing platform there are more doctor notes nearby referencing electroshock therapy and other unpleasant treatments there's a lot of references to extreme cognitive corrections spread throughout potentially some kind of foreshadowing dropping off the ledge we land right in the middle of the viper's nest with three nurses dead ahead killing our light the nurses blindly head in the direction we landed but we're able to sneak round and head upstairs to grab the exit key it's attached to half a doctor's body the same one we saw getting slashed earlier and i want you to take a mental note of the body because it's important we'll be coming back to it later with the key we're able to leave the area finding josh yet again hiding behind a locked door what are you doing here i want my toy aren't you afraid of being here alone i'm a brave surgeon i'd be looking just as dead inside of my sibling was this [ __ ] annoying he won't let us through unless we grab his robbie doll a doll we find in the nursery room from earlier being sucked up by this walmart we get the option to reach inside something frequently done in the franchise reaching blindly into an unknown space to grab something is anxiety-inducing homecoming though manages to ruin it with a qte that will instantly kill you if you don't press a button in like three seconds they're relaxing during these cutscenes the doll itself is a robbie rabbit doll a returning character that's been featured multiple times across the games it's just meant to be a nice reference i don't think it holds any deeper meaning we bring josh's doll and his plastic vampire looking ass refuses to take it instead running away from us one more time now look i have two little sisters i love him more than anything but if either of those two [ __ ] decided to run deeper into a hell hospital for shits and giggles they're dead that's on them i will not be following the door mysteriously opens and we make our way to a large lift where we head down in search of josh [Music] well how about that it was just a dream we're in a truck getting a lift to our hometown and arriving we hop out onto the foggy streets and you played in your dream you blade in real life freddy krueger where you at it's a dumb oversight unless alex was traveling home with a combat knife which he then wields as a weapon while walking through his hometown then it makes sense in which case why the [ __ ] was travis grady protagonist of silent hill origins happy to drive him that psycho [ __ ] military or not pedro we're in our hometown of shepard's glen which does indeed share the same name as our titular hero the town is a close neighbor of silent hill but is an entirely separate new area moving the focus away from silent hill was an interesting choice although i don't think the concept is a bad idea having the order infest other parts of the world spreading corruption would have been an interesting way to keep the franchise going there's only so much you can do within the confines of one town the first encounter with shepherd's glen is surprisingly open you have to head to your old home but along the way you can explore the streets and even stop into the town hall and have a look around outside of said hallway we encounter judge holloway who wants to catch up alex judge holloway hey she looks wonky as [ __ ] honestly they were off their rockers when they put this frogla canas into the game her model is from a different [ __ ] console generation honestly you can literally see her floating inside her own jumper i'm not planning on sticking around for long oh well i hope you get a chance to catch up with elle i'm sure she'd love to see you she's still here of course you know how it is no one ever leaves this place when we're getting ready we take the road up towards shepard's house it's obvious by now that something strange is occurring we just don't know what alex's home is the all-american white picket fence dream it's also completely empty no one's home walking around we get a feel for the shepard family the walls are covered with family photos and one thing you'll quickly notice is that alex never appears in any of them it's only josh his younger brother and the parents he brushes this off as being the person that takes the pictures but it's still strange there doesn't appear to be a single display of affection towards alex in our old bedroom we grab the flashlight reliving a memory of our past in doing so look take it if you get scared again just turn it on okay thanks alex sure afterwards we hear movement downstairs and go to investigate discovering our mother soaking wet sat in a catatonic state mom what's going on here what happened [Music] mom [Music] i miss your brother alex she's barely responsive has no useful information and informs us that the basement is flooded we take the broken revolver and head to the basement to check out the situation this is the first real creature we've encountered the lurker it's a semi-aquatic creature that attacks with large claws their legs are bound and dragged behind them as they pull themselves forward they're usually hiding just outside ready to ambush alex in water or under cars we easily kill the creature and in another strange oversight alex doesn't react in any way to this monster he says nothing it ruins the impact of our first encounter i mean personally i'd have a thing or two to say if i visited my mom's house and she'd flooded the basement then populated it with demon fish people that every family is different at the back we find a locked door and have another flashback to our childhood yeah what the hell are you doing you know this place is off limits i don't ever want to see you in here again are we clear i'm sorry yes yes sir the memory suggests an aggressive and potentially even abusive father-son relationship are we clear we need to drain the water so we can access the backdoor's latch it's literally just below the surface of the water and alex a military lad is too [ __ ] incompetent to just find it it's basically a dumb stretch for time the pump is out of fuel but thankfully there's a note telling us we can grab some from the garage so we run upstairs dash past our mom who we don't even think to warn about the killer monsters lurking around we open the garage door causing another lurker to crawl out again alex doesn't care this is business as usual home is just how he remembers it inside we find a steel pipe which actually has a nice reach advantage and we can use it to pry open locked doors we grab the gas canister but it's empty and we have no idea where to get fuel from leaving the garage we get attacked by another lurker from a hole in the wall and with no better options we follow that path down crossing a playground killing another lurker and eventually finding a truck to suffer fuel from all of this because alex couldn't move a slide lock without looking at it and the cherry on top that door just leads to the garden man climb out a [ __ ] window or over a fence or something you dumbass heading through the fence the back we walk up an alleyway and find ourselves in a graveyard this area is interesting because it's one of the bleakest and most grayed out locations i've ever seen in a game not the silent hill 2 foggy and grainy kind of look but rather a bland and lifeless look it's honestly hard to look at we pass a strange man digging out a grave and make our way to the center where alex gets ambushed by lassie on roids a fast-moving spam attacking [ __ ] what does this creature represent well it's a [ __ ] dog it represents your mum what do you want from me a dog's a dog and yes fighting this is as unenjoyable as it looks we find two halves of a medallion and use them to open a locked gate at the back leaving we arrive just outside a police station where we encounter ellie an old flame of alex's who's hanging up missing people posters i'm looking for my brother you seen him no i have an alex i'm sorry jesus what the hell is going on here i don't know every day there are more flyers to put up ellie's a bit of a weird character in this game because they decided to not make her detached and weird she's supposed to be a normal person living a normal life but it just serves as a bizarre juxtaposition against the horror of the town hell here there's even a crash police car literally a few feet from her covered in blood and yet she's all like hmm i wonder so strange is going on yes there is you invalid gripes aside people are disappearing from the town our brother included so we continued the search with a new walkie-talkie to boot continuing our exploration we eventually stumble across an old junkyard making our way inside we encounter curtis leading to a painfully awkward conversation pretty neglected it's a damn shame the way people mistreat such nice things look what i really need is some information have you seen my brother joshua you want to talk to the mayor he knows everybody's business soldiers got to have a gun in exchange for the revolver he gives us a working handgun our first in the game he also tells us that the strange man digging in the cemetery earlier was the town mayor you could ask a few extra questions and curse is more than happy to oblige how about i take that shotgun off your hands yeah how about if i slap you and kill you huh wow that was a touch over the top there buddy the only interesting information he gives us is that all the clocks in the town have stopped working at exactly six past two the same number as our hospital room in the nightmare i can fix just about anything you put in front of me but i've never seen anything like this there's no reason they're not working it's like there's something causing it around curtis the work area is cluttered and dirty you can even find a large pair of gloves and boots in the back that seem out of place something alex actually remarks about but with no other leads we decide to head to the cemetery to see if the mayor knows what's going on back on the road we encounter a new monster the smog it's basically the lying figure except now it spits out toxic clouds it's the lying figure crossed with gleb in the cemetery it's overflowing with dogs and smog creatures too many to fight realistically so a mad dash to the mayor is the best bet weaving through the maze of graves and tombs the area where we first saw the mayor is open now but he's nowhere to be seen so we head into a nearby mausoleum to look around there's a charles coffin inside with the game's first puzzle we have to arrange the different rectangles to allow the top one to pass through and it's amazingly simple and once opened inside we find a watch forgive me inspecting this item alex suffers some sort of seizure and passes out [Music] we wake up haven't been mysteriously teleported for the first time to the one the only the creme de la hills silent hill we're just outside a large crumbling hotel where josh decides to check in for a little pampering session problem is it's not the best looking hotel in the area so we decide it's best to head in and grab him the blasted door is sealed shut mind so we have to look around the area for something that can break it open like say perhaps is here [ __ ] fire axe at least you can actually keep the weapons you find in this game you don't have to look around every time there's a ball to chop down inside we find josh just stood there waiting for his ai to kick in getting closer he cucks us again dashing upstairs by passing through some rubble the lift is our only way up but the power is out so we need to fix it in the empty elevator shaft we find the maintenance key which we can use to access the electric station beside the building here we have to solve a wire puzzle you're meant to rearrange them until all the lights turn green but i managed to just swap a few around randomly and get it right the second try that's a top 10 epic gamer moment right there we call the lift and on the way up we get ganked by some gangly little bastards humanoid spider-like creatures with long blades for front legs we have to fight ways of them as they try and stab us through the metal grate and once they're all dead the lift drops multiple floors so we have to climb out with just enough time to stop ourselves getting cut in two we're on an unknown floor now and rather unsettlingly the first thing we can hear is somehow get singing nearby [Music] we hunt down the source and discover what we can assume is an old lady shrouded in darkness what are you doing in this hotel this place should be condemned i can't leave not yet this is no place to be alone you need to leave she's lost mementos of her past and wants us to track them down the game lets us choose whether to help her or not but you literally can't progress if you say no so i have no [ __ ] idea why they even give us the option tell me what you need i'll see what i can do we head upstairs and grab the first memento when from down the hallway we hear some strange beast coming [Music] oh of course it's [ __ ] pyramid head as lord nuts will well know pyramid head was created to represent james's self-guilt in silent hill 2. hence why the monster kills itself when james comes to terms with his actions so why the [ __ ] is it here for alex i don't know neither did fans at the time and don't give me all that oh it's it's a boogie man not a pyramid head it's not a different monster no that's a cope something worth noting is that homecoming takes a lot more inspiration from the silent hill movie than from any of the games which would explain pyramid heads sudden appearance and a few other taboo creative decisions upstairs we come face to face with another needler [Music] their design is human enough to be recognizable but still twisted i mean of course their fear factor is [ __ ] ruined once you've pulled off a couple of god of war style executions on them but what can you do that the combat ruins all the monster design after killing it we can get a better look at the beast and for lack of a better term it looks like he's ate his own head and shut it out we gather the remaining mementos and bring them back to the singing lady dodging a small community of creatures along the way in exchange for the mementos we get a key for the way out as our reward stepping through the door we see josh and make the feeblest jump attempt ever this man is fat rolling and as usual josh is a [ __ ] and lets us fall to our death please help me josh don't let me fall we land in front of a large greenhouse but the door is locked and on our way back the world shifts to the nightmare once more inside we find the mayor a man named bartlett who unironically looks like one of the prison monsters from downpour it's uncanny we try and get some answers out of him but as we've seen so far he and everyone else are not very helpful what the hell's happened to shepherd's glenn you're the mayor these people are your responsibility now you listen to me you little [ __ ] i did everything i could to protect those people but you can't stop what's already been started he seems to know more than he's willing to tell us and it has something to do with his son what the hell is this belongs to your son doesn't it where is he joey yes joey he and my brother were friends i need to find him i can't protect them protect them from what what did you do something has come but asking the questions is futile because this conversation is rudely interrupted by a giant beast [Applause] it's the game's first boss and it's an interesting one in fact all the bosses in homecoming are interesting but in their design and that is it there's some lovely symbolism as well i'll get into later but visually for the most part they're horrific to look at they just suck to fight some of them are just non-stop spam attacks with the worst hitboxes you'll ever see in a game there's humanoid beast digs its way from the ground and hangs from the ceiling you can damage it by using your firearm or you can destroy the multiple fleshy sacks hanging around the arena using these bookshelves as cover you know bookshelves that randomly spawn in after the cut scene i should add [Applause] in its second stage the beast slumps to the floor and becomes more aggressive to make matters worse the bookshelves have derendered and returned to their spectral warehouse so we have no cover and if the hitboxes were bowed before they are pain inducing now after giving seppi the axe the ground collapses beneath it dragging it to unknown depths we step forward look into the hole and pass out sending us tumbling further down the rabbit hole waking up it doesn't take long to figure out where we are we're at the police station and we're trapped anybody here all our equipment is gone and we spend a few minutes walking around the cell until a cutting scene plays and we come face to face with deputy wheeler how did i get here i put you here i haven't quite made my mind about you yet wheeler come on you know me let me out you won't be going anywhere until i get some answers we actually tell him that the mayor was killed by a monster which much to my surprise goes down a [ __ ] treat it was some kind of creature but worse than the others it came to life out of the goddamn tree that's what killed him and that's the truth i swear so you've seen the creatures too we should get moving i'm not sure it's safe here anymore follow me it's nice to see someone that actually notices all the crazy [ __ ] happening around him wheeler opens the cell and together we make our escape the deputy serves as a bit of comedic relief which isn't really the type of character you expect to see in silent hill but hell it's been so bleak up to this point i'll take it we're not going that way we explored the station and before long we're ambushed by a large group of new enemies the schisms run that way wheeler shouts at us to run away to his office and grab our gear in what should be a tense sequence but i mean what a [ __ ] mess in the office we receive a call from elle who's trapped in the car park and needs our help something's after me elle head to the parking lot behind the station we'll meet you there so the deputy gives us a shorty and we grab all our gear and head off to save her okay all right the deputy says he'll cover us and then literally stands there staring at the door that is until the roof collapses and we get a glimpse at an as of yet unknown creature it's a large and it chases after wheeler wheeler in the following room we have our first solo encounter with a group of schisms creatures that attack by swinging their pendulum shaped heads they're an interesting monster with a design obviously inspired by the ancient pendulum torture device something hypothesized to have potentially been used to interrogate guilty prisoners inducing fear as the blade swings lower with every pass i thought they were easy to kill until i realized they can insta-kill you for not button mashing with superhuman speed they can even hurt each other with their wild blade swings something i found interesting they're one of the only creatures in the game that can damage other monsters people online really seem to hate the prison level i think it was based on the constant flow of combat and it's true there are enemies that will attack you relentlessly although it is only a small area so i didn't find it too painful we head through the infested station with the goal of reaching the back exit once there you have to open a gate to escape but it's a nightmare because it's in a little box room with three schisms chasing you completely blocking your way out of you not careful there was a broken window but it wouldn't let me jump through i was trapped when i finally slipped through we find elle hiding in a police cruiser only to get ambushed by the large creature from earlier a monster known as siam which we can only assume is some kind of abbreviation of siamese twins they're very reminiscent of the closer from silent hill 3 except they appear to have a woman grafted to their back that will stab you with weaponized stilettos if you get too close he's big and he's bad but nothing a few well-placed shots from the shot he can't deal with with the monster dead we're surrounded on all sides with little more than a chain link fence to protect us with nowhere to run elle has the genius plan of heading through a manhole into the sewers safely underground we get to know ella a bit better who reveals that her sister is missing too your sister i didn't know josh joey nora the list of missing children keeps growing when we find josh we're gonna find her too so now we're in the sewers which somehow managed to be even more bleak and washed out than anything we've seen up to this point i mean oh the sewers the whole level sucks ass it could and should have been removed from the entire game it would make no difference in fact it would make it much better it's just a bunch of identical tunnels with enemies that [ __ ] you over constantly because there's no space and i think only one healing item in the entire level we have to score l and fight waves of monsters as she slowly opens gates it's about as much fun as it sounds there's even one part where she's meant to be opening a gate for us and the game spawns three three [ __ ] needlers at once that you have to kill before she opens the gate if you have no health and little ammo it's damn near impossible then immediately after killing them a giant [ __ ] siam attacks us what the [ __ ] is this game three needlers and a giant monster in a small space without a single health pick up it's so poorly thought out after clearing the arena's best champions ellie is missing but the [ __ ] gate just magically opens anyway you know just to add insult to injury at least the level is over but ellie is gone and we need to find her and her sister and our brother and wheeler what a great time to be alive we climb out of the sewers arriving just in front of our house but this time it's different it's corrupted we can't just walk in barbed wire is blocking the door we need to find another way walking down the road wheeler radios through oh yeah but we got separated i'm looking for her now where are you i'm just now leaving the station to find fitch look we need to stick together meet me at his office maybe he knows where l is okay i'll meet you there he managed to survive the police station and wants us to meet him at finch's office heading over on the floor we find a trail of blood and follow it discovering dr finch covered in blood holding a scalpel what have you done stay away from me he does the mad dash into his practice so we follow him in it's empty and all the doors are locked by one at the back it looks like a child's medical room where we find a picture of the doctor's daughter scarlet and a strange locked case also what happened to wheeler he was meant to meet us here i think the game literally forgot about him leaving the room we discovered that nurses have swarmed the hallway it was a clever switcher room it caught me off guard and genuinely gave me a fright the first time i played through unfortunately this encounter is once again ruined by poor quality of life they completely block your way and you can't get past without aggro in them so i was completely stuck the first couple of times which is made even worse by their ability to one hit kill us for some stupid reason we have to crawl through into the newly opened room and grab a key sneak back and unlock the mysterious case picking up the doll we witness alex's nutting face and pass out waking up once more in the other world we descend down a metallic nightmarish landscape with signs representing some kind of medical field i really enjoyed the environments of this level it's called hell descent and the title really captures the vibe it gives off heading downwards for what feels like an eternity into this dark metallic void with the industrial noises getting louder the deeper we go eventually we reach the bottom where all the sound stops there's a single door to open and the tension is running high inside we find the doctor with cuts all over his body do you need some help you're bleeding bad don't you touch me we speak to him a little not getting much out of him doctor stop talking like an idiot and start giving me straight answers my brother is missing the mayor's son is missing and so is scarlet i want to know where they are i don't care about them or you my princess is the only thing that matters now her little hands pure's porcelain or smile like sunshine it's clear something awful has happened to his daughter and he's likely to blame with no other options we offer him his daughter's doll which was a big mistake this is another shitty boss with a decent visual design it's called the scarlet named after the doctor's daughter and in phase one it will stand upright and we have to break off its protective shell once each piece is broken scarlet moves into phase two shifting to behave like an aggressive spider now it has a much faster move set often too fast to get a hit in edgeways and i swear dodging does not exist in this game it is a sick practical joke placed by the devs to make people want to die in fairness the second phase was piss easy when i discovered you can spam lock it with the blade pulling off an infinite combo to kill it with ease man this game is a joke at times [Music] waking up back in the room from earlier with the addition of a founder's key discovered hidden inside the doll this key can be used the town hall where alex remember seeing a similar shaped podium we stumbled down there with no health and the fear of dying looming over us just hoping to find some answers we find the altar and use the key unlocking a hidden chamber at the center of the room we follow a concrete tunnel down to a large vault at an altar at the center we find a special ceremonial dagger one that can apparently be used to open our dad's workshop which is some genius level mental association from alex i'd never have assumed that that handle was a bloody ceremonial dagger hidden beneath the town hall it also replaces our combat knife dealing slightly more damage which is ideal for our newfound spam attacking tactic i had no idea where to go after this point and stupidly left the vault and ran all the way home assuming we could get through the front door now but nope turns out there's a little teeny weeny little lock on the wall to the left of that chamber so i had to run all the way back and use the knife to unlock it i don't know if that's just me but that really was not signposted this wall opens revealing a long secret passage which leads us back to the cemetery inside one of the locked crypts we passed at the start of the game we shoot our way out and back into shepard's home using the keyblades to finally gain access to the forbidden room dude had a [ __ ] smash 12 absolute legend best dad ever we find an attic key and head upstairs on the way i tried to see if mom cared about all our near-death experiences but her dialogue hadn't changed that's way better that muff had a spaz 12. are we clear the attic is pretty empty there's nothing out of the ordinary up here aside from an out of place looking bookshelf pushing it out of the way we reveal a hidden room which upon entering we get another flashback i know it doesn't look like much but this is the most important thing i could ever give to you is it worth a million dollars much more than that this is a symbol of our family's past in our future can i wear it yes i say it's a flashback alex wasn't there so i don't really know what that's meant to be there's another square puzzle here and theory me if you let yourself get confused this one can be a nightmare to solve it took me bloody ages just brainlessly moving the squares around once complete the draw opens and we find a letter from dad it contains some kind of confession where he claims to have failed the town and that he somehow knows about the cult in silent hill alex is confused and wanting some answers he heads downstairs to speak to his mom lillian you don't know anything about silent hill while arguing the pair are ambushed and lillian is kidnapped before alex can get answers [Music] [Applause] this chaotic event causes the house to shift to the other world trapping us inside an evil shittier version of shepard's home mom the front door is locked shut and the only way we can get out is by solving four distinct puzzles in our old bedroom we find a clock puzzle we just had to set the time to 206 same as all the other clocks this opens a window where we have to place his robbie rabbit doll unlocking the first seal in the basement we have to bring knives we find scattered throughout the house to a butcher's skis and body including and i am not joking a little teeny weeny baby pyramid head life ah in the kitchen we see a mannequin with two faces that represent our mother and we have to choose from a handful of emotions that represent her behavior she acts indifferent but in reality she's sad in the attic we found our military jackie and have to reattach our medals in a specific order with these tasks complete the door can be opened there's also something very interesting in this level something very subtle that you could easily have missed exploring the house you find four different schisms and each one appears to represent the different members of the household one schism comes at alex aggressively attacking us straight away likely representing adam shepard his abusive dad in the attic you can find a schism lying hopelessly on the ground and it won't attack us seemingly having given up on life this schism is likely a representation of lillian his mother then there are two schisms left one can be found crouched in a corner almost sobbing and the fourth and final schism is in the father's hunting room this schism has been beheaded and hangs lifelessly who and what those two represent we don't know yet that it can't be good we head to the front door and with all four seals activated it can be opened returning us to the real world outside we find elle who's somehow managed to survive what happened to her i don't know they never address a disappearance it just brushes it under the carpet i thought you were gone who my mom i can't find her anywhere the entire town's gone i mean that's just awful writing isn't it he was literally in the middle of trying to ask the most important question i thought you were dead and the game literally cuts it off and never brings it up again it's like the worst way to just overlook a plot hole much like wheeler's disappearance speaking of we get on the blower to the deputy and ask him to secure us a boat so we can reach silent hill [Music] i thought we lost you you're not getting rid of me that easy glad to hear it we have a lot to fill you in on in the meantime can you get us a boat we're going to silent hill so the three of them hop on a boat and head towards silent hill it's all a bit of a rushed awkward segment you know even when he says we're going to silent hill it's almost like a sitcom i'm sorry while shooting the [ __ ] the boat is suddenly ambushed by the coal and in all this commotion alex falls and hits his head on the boat falling unconscious i mean why on earth would the cult be patrolling the lake with a damn speedboat they're meant to be fanatic miserable survivors of a demon god not the villains of a damn fast and furious movie we wake up sometime later on an unknown beach we clamber up a rotten staircase and arrive at the edge of silent hill receiving a quick call from wheeler who just will not [ __ ] die thank god you're okay they've taken us to the prison it's horrible wheeler come in wheeler what did they do wheeler they've been taken to the prison so that's where we head the front gate is locked and the back entrance is electrified the only way we can get through is by going to the electric plant and shutting off the power padding panning padding entering the electric plant through the basement we arrive in a massive generator room which blows my eardrums out my ass in this room we encounter the first human enemies of the game another design taken straight from the movie these are cultists wielding various weapons head to toe in mining gear with our dagger they don't stand a chance we [ __ ] them up it's genuinely impossible for them to even hit you provided you keep spamming the attack the objective in this room is to turn off the power and to do that we have to twist three valves in a specific order outlined in the plant safety notice board after which we flip the switch and plunge the area into darkness what's going on out there the lights went out and they're running for cover did you disable the power hang in there wheeler i'm heading back more cultists arrive and attack in the dark one of the buggers even has a rifle not that it matters because the [ __ ] can't use it it must really be dark moronically there's this almost glitch-like behavior where a gunman will infinitely melee you if you get too close which is fine if you have ammo but i don't know what you could do if you didn't have a gun there outside the streets are dark and there's more enemies to boot we run back to the prison and can pass through the gate now or the gate can pass through us i should say damn it's another big boy with the beast killed we run round the back and enter through the only open door ah prison an ideal location for any horror game we head through a security checkpoint and it slams shut behind us letting us immediately know we're trapped heading through a visitor's area and into a cell block we encounter more cultists and you know what i love about them they only attack in turns and when they die it sounds like a cute old bloke getting off the sofa further along we discover two guards protecting wheeler we save his ass and then team up against another beastie boy messing his [ __ ] up we backtrack to a security room and the two of us devise a plan with wheeler sitting at the helm ready to guide us through the prison we head deeper until we reach the showers which are overrun with needlers you do not want to drop the soap with these bad boys around believe me you eventually our path is completely blocked by a sealed door that wheeler can't open also he's watching us through a camera here but they literally didn't bother to add one to the actual hallway come on guys it's the little things eventually we arrive in solitary confinement being confronted with the horrific sight of lillian our mother in some barbaric device like something right out of saw your father we loved you so much but they said we could only choose one mom please stop save your breath i can't the device has stretched out to the point where it's killing her and it's about to stretch even more so she gives us a difficult choice she wants a mercy killing your choice is made through a qte which as you know i'm not a big fan of dynamic choices are much better just let us actually shoot her or walk away leaving her to her face personally i think a mercy killing in this situation is the right thing to do i love you we shoot her and just in time because moments later the device activates pulling her apart alex doesn't display much emotion to this situation unless you interact with the body where he claims he should have tried harder that is all his fault the trauma of this event has shifted us once again to the other world with the walls covered in slime and gore upstairs a bizarre contraption rises from the ground with three puzzles to solve each wall has a riddle relating to a specific item on a wheel opposite them we have to identify and select the correct symbol and when we're sure we reach inside the hole select the wrong answer you lose your arm similar to the trap at the start of the game pick the right answers and this disgusting metallic mass will rise up allowing us to jump through the hole at the bottom we meet wheeler again or i think you do my game glitched out and the camera literally stayed at the top even though i could hear him talking even the camera couldn't be asked to keep playing together we traversed the rusty walkways and this entire area is really well made it's reminiscent of being on a submarine with everything crafted from sheet metal pipes and valves protruding from every surface at a back room we find judge holloway ellie's mother and rescue her you get them loose before they start pumping the gas i'll shut off the valves oh thank god how did you find me while distracted wheeler's growled by some bizarre creature [Applause] this is another boss known as xia consisting of multiple bodies grafted together human centipede style it's a decent fight balanced enough with no crazy moves or blatantly unfair behavior when the beast is low on health alex literally saddles that [ __ ] up and rides it like a prized donkey choking it to death through the smashed window we see josh for the hundredth time and for some reason alex isn't getting the picture and decides to chase after him again arriving in a courtyard with a large church in the distance a church that looks identical to the one from the movie in fact i'd be shocked if it wasn't directly inspired inside the soundtrack is really great it's like a holy orchestra mixed with the regular horrific industry sounds like they're battling each other for dominance at the altar we find another slot for our dagger and insert it causing multiple slots to spring out each one requiring a plaque that relates to an emotive term like penance or vengeance clearly we need to find these missing plaques and so we head off to find them upstairs we encounter a man in confession i'm lost i'm so deep beyond the reach of my faith and i'm seeking further away this conversation is meant to parallel the relationship between alex and his father in fact the person speaking is almost certainly some kind of manifestation of adam i treated the dog with more respect and when i was given a second son the first might as well have been a stranger sleeping in our house here we get given a choice to forgive him or not which actually affects the ending of the game not that the importance of the choice is stressed here in any way whether we forgive him or not he disappears and in his place he leaves the kneeling man plaque we gather the other three with ease and find the final one on the balcony window [Music] [Applause] only to fall victim to a bloody ganking thankfully i saved my shotgun ammo so i wasn't in any real danger here at the altar we have to assign the plaques to their corresponding emotions using our massive gamer brains and understanding of emotive words we speed through the puzzle solving it causes the stage to open revealing our father bound by both arms where he drops a massive revelation on us i never meant to hurt you son i had to make a choice and now i'm paying for it we all are after all i've done [Music] you still wear my old dog tags that was mean something what are you talking about these are mine i'm a soldier just like you wanted [Music] alex you've been in the hospital i know i was wounded in battle no a mental hospital you've been there ever since the accident we were never in the army we were in a mental hospital after an unspecified traumatic event and suffering from memory loss we made up our military service as a twist it's not too surprising there were constant references to mental correction procedures scattered throughout but it's also kind of dumb like where did he get the military outfit and combat knife from did the hospital give it to him when he was discharged or did he run off and buy it from a costume shop before hitching a ride at the start of the game sure his dad was in the military but he arrived from out of town in the outfit it would have made more sense if alex changed into the fatigues after arriving home but regardless his time is up because along comes triangle man to make some sashimi [Music] i just bloody love that pyramid head randomly comes along to cut him in half and you know what i'm almost certain that that wasn't the original plan you can literally see the device he's tied to looks as if it was designed to pull him in half but no i gotta cash in in that triangle head man in fairness to the devs they did add some level of depth to this scene because if we remember back to earlier to the doctor i mentioned at the start of the video this doctor is adam it's the same model he was killed by pyramid head getting cut in half in the exact same way taking this a step further the schisms themselves could be a reference in appearance to his parents death both of them were split in two just like the pendulum blade passing through our father's remains we head to an underground mine with living barbed wire blocking the path behind us at the bottom hot steam is blocking our way so we have to equip the cultist outfit to pass through unharmed opening the cargo lift who do we see other than the snarky [ __ ] from the junkyard curtis which is a good time to remind everyone of the weird outfit we remarked on earlier in this video see the game does try to build layers of depth you have to give them that fixing it's my things but now i have direction he boasts ominously about his love for his work before smashing you in the back knocking you unconscious so much for the inconspicuous disguise we're dragged through the mines and later wake up to find judge holloway staring at us family is the most important thing alex i would do anything to protect them that's why i sacrificed my daughter what she's one of the bad ones and admits to sacrificing her own daughter to the cult something every founding family has to do each boss we've encountered so far represents a way the child was murdered joey was buried alive scarlett was dismembered and nora was suffocated each creature was trying to kill their murderous parent two succeeded and one failed judge holloway orders curtis to punish her daughter and then grabs a nearby drill and starts looking to rather savagely recreate her favorite scene from hostile we managed to break free and holloway pulls a postal three-level facial animation why is she so poorly made she's a major bloody character in fact she looks like the camper that screams in the friday the 13th game this entire scene was so gruesome it almost got the game banned in a few countries and gave them a bunch of censorship troubles in australia and germany we grab our knife from the table behind us and head off to save ellie before it's too late in a different torture chamber we find the remains of an officer with a pipe lodged through him clearly this area is where all the missing towns people have ended up we grab it and continue through the halls with the echoing sounds of screams ringing out after fighting a bunch of cultists we discover l with curtis getting ready to dice her up now it's a race against time we have to jump over a fence push a fridge out of the way and break through a door arriving just in time we face off against the mighty curtis who literally cannot touch me to save his life because i spam attack knife combos more than your average londoner we free ellie and make our way out even running into wheeler again which makes no sense the man cannot die hell he's not even dead now and he's been turned into a pin cushion we can let him bleed out or give him a med pack i obviously gave him the med pack in anticipation of more slapstick but he just sits there gasping he never says anything i feel like the devs were confused at what to do with this lad unless having him just randomly turn up was a running gag within the dev team or something we tell el to leave the mind with wheeler and set off alone in a large room there's one last puzzle to solve we have to spin wheels to make the two symbols represent the family's purpose and method of execution thankfully the doc left his medical pad and pill pot where he was standing so we know who belongs where thank god like when i'm about to pull off a ritual i always pull out my play button and mic and leave them on the floor yeah it's just what you do you gotta flex your profession after solving the puzzle we head through a large pair of doors into some kind of ritual chamber it has four altars each one relating to the founding families of shepherds glenn and naming their four generations of sacrifices including our family and upon closer inspection we discover our name is the most recent sacrifice dad never lets us out on the lake not you anyway dad thinks you're a little baby you can't do anything on his own yeah why'd he give me this what is that that's dad's ring what a piece of crap it's worth more than a million dollars that's why dad gave it to me give yet another revelation it was us that killed josh by mistake while fighting on a boat adam openly admits that alex was the selected choice for sacrifice but after the death of josh rather than lose both children alex is sent to a mental asylum breaking the cults pact the fact that josh was dead all along was obvious anyone could see that coming but the fact that alex accidentally killed him and that alex was the intended sacrifice was kind of a clever twist this explains the coldness of his home life there were no photos of him at all he was never considered part of the family they had to be cruel and keep their distance to stop themselves becoming too close both his parents being split in half could even be seen as symbolism for the duality of his parents deciding between which of the two children to sacrifice so much they say we could only choose one at the time of josh's death adam's watch is shown and it's six minutes past two this was the moment the wrong child was sacrificed and the pack with the gods broken seemingly freezing time on the spot for shepherd's glenn and explaining the countless references to the number 206 returning to present day in the chamber our trauma has caused the world to shift and from the roof down drops the final boss [Music] a giant spider-like creature with very clear symbolism that of a pregnant woman representing the maternal cruelty displayed by his parents its spider-like appearance could also be a reference to josh's love for spiders this fight is a piece of piss compared to the other bosses there's not much to say about it we shoot and starve our way through its two phases and eventually we best it here alex finally comes to terms with what he's done he leaves the ring and torch on josh's body and walks away here buddy now there are five different endings to homecoming depending on the choices we make each ending unlocks a different outfit and they're all awful spoilers the good ending is remarkably [ __ ] we leave the mines find ellie give her a hug and walk away [Music] that's literally it that's the entire ending there's no real closure or hint at what's next for alex absolutely no mention of what happened to wheeler even though we saved him just a hug and a little slap on the tush we have to forgive our father and mercy kill our mother to get this ending it's like two minutes long it's a joke the drowning ending is a bit different in this one we wake up in a bathtub and adam comes in thanks us for the sacrifice and drowns us your sacrifice will save us all joshua will be safe to carry on the family name it's a super short scene so we can't infer much from it it could just be alex imagining what his fate could have been or it's implied that the entire events of the game take place in alex's head and that he never killed his brother and that he was the sacrifice all along i don't know there's also no context to this ending we go from saying goodbye to josh in an altar underground to being drowned in your family home with josh alive you get this ending by mercy killing your mum but choosing not to forgive your dad [Music] in the third ending we wake up in the same hospital room from the start of the game room 206 only to discover that the events were in alex's head and that he's still in the hospital receiving electroshock therapy until he accepts his reality it's not working i didn't go anywhere no alex and you won't be going anywhere until you can start to accept reality and responsibility it's so on the nose it's comical he literally shouts out so i didn't go anywhere which i mean okay fine he's stuck in a hospital if that's what they were going for you'd think they'd at least go the extra mile and make him look like a patient you don't get electroshock therapy in your daddy's [ __ ] military fatigue there's your standard ufo ending you can unlock this by not forgiving your dad not mercy killing your mom but choosing to save wheeler [Music] his entire existence is just to facilitate a meme ending which really hammers home the dumbest part about the different endings the unlock criterias don't have anything to do with what happens afterwards the endings are just randomly distributed across the different choice combinations without any thought i swear oh but i saved the best till last the boogeyman ending alex wakes up strapped to a chair and two boogeymen approach him and place a pyramid helmet on his head [Music] [Applause] then alex becomes a boogeyman letting out a darth vader no for effect [Applause] i mean what the [ __ ] were the developers thinking it's an absolute bastardization of an icon and are there roids in that helmet why has it made him swole and tore off his jacket is that literally all the triangle was a massive roid intravenous it goes without saying that this is an awful ending humanizing pyramid head is stupid it's like the developers thought that all the fans wanted to see was more pyramid head no matter the context or what it does for the character's legacy the entire appeal of pyramid head as a design was that he's entirely human and entirely non-human at the same time no one wanted any context what's underneath the helmet because it ruins the beautiful mystery it's shocking that this crap was greenlit the endings are all over the place they're poorly made there's no consistent themes and they leave us with more questions than answers i think what i hate about these later games is that they can't decide on a theme and just stick with it major spoilers here but what was great about silent hill 2's ending was no matter what james always kills maria the only effect our actions had throughout the course of the game was changing how he reacted to this after the fact it's almost like there's a fear of people not liking the decisions and so they throw in a bunch of random crap hoping to please all camps but a friend of all is true friend to none and that is true with video games as well to summarize my experience between the extreme technical issues the painful combat and the awful concluding segments silent hill homecoming is in my opinion the worst mainline entry you are of course welcome to love it that's the beauty of having an opinion you contrary little [ __ ] it has its moments where you think huh you know what this is well thought out this design is creepy if you were to take the best parts of downpour and the best parts of homecoming merge them together and cut out all the [ __ ] i think you'd be on to a real winner i always go into these videos with the aim of enjoying the game i never go in looking to bash something people have worked on because making an entire video game is always an extremely hard task there's just something about homecoming though every time i found myself enjoying it something would happen some dumb poorly thought out boss or decision that would pull me back to finding the game annoying i thought you were fun stop interrupting me in my previous video on downpour i concluded with my wishes that konami would stop sitting on the ip and in the following week much to my surprise it was leaked that there are apparently three silent hill games in development this is alleged and unconfirmed but konami did issue a copyright takedown on the leaks which likely wouldn't happen if it were a fabrication but still take this with a pinch of salt there's apparently meant to be one main line entry that people speculate could be set in the uk which if true i'm more than happy to lend my voice as an actor bloody geezer over there got a pyramid on his head king nonce ugh someone please sample that as my audition tape there's also meant to be a silent hill 2 remake underway by blooper team creators of layers of fear and the medium which you know meh i don't really see why this needs a remake it still holds up really well they just need to make it bloody playable finally there's meant to be an interactive story based game in the works along the same vein is until dawn which you know it could be a decent hit if they have a compelling story but at this point it's all hearsay so we'll have to wait and see maybe in a few years time i'll be making another long form video talking about the main line released and either gushing over it or crying tears of salty rage life really is full of mysteries but uh you wouldn't want to miss this hypothetical review would you well in that case how about hitting the subscribe button it's free and it really helps fuel my ego also my schedule will be super messed up for a while i'm on holiday for a week pretty much from the time this video goes live so you might not hear from me for a while feel free to follow me on instagram or twitter though and i'll keep you updated from there hell maybe i'll even upload a holiday feat pick what treat the links will be in the description until then thank you very much for watching dear friend big thanks to raid for sponsoring this video and i'll see you next time you
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 495,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Silent Hill Game Everyone Hated, silent hill, Homecoming, silent hill Homecoming, the worst silent hill, silent hill analysis, silent hill video essay, Homecoming review, downpour analysis, who do people hate silent hill Homecoming, the most underrated game, the most underrated silent hill, postal, the suffering, manhunt, the most violent game ver, silent hills, kojima, konami, Silent hill homecoming, homecoming, The Silent Hill Everyone REALLY Hated
Id: 09ixY9diAcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 42sec (4062 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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