Doers vs Complainers | Mike Rashid & 19 Keys

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it makes a lot of sense for people to be obese the majority they'll be said it sounds crazy against nothing no no no no no no i'm against certain things yeah but i get it yeah i honest so is that empathy that you implore to get it it's not it's not empathy i just understand and i get it 19 keys yes sir my brother get this yes sir yes sir uh what does 19 keys mean that's always the question i get um 19 keys started from a quote by massachusett muhammad and that's why muhammad at the time the reported quote was that there's 17 million original people and there's two million indians and he said that represents the 19 million rusty locks and that rusty locks sort of represents like that pineal gland or it also represents ignorance you understand me and those 19 million well-oiled keys is that knowledge of self being able to enlighten the people so they can never be oppressed again and you know those keys can function as a multitude of different things however you get to that point in position but then also that number 19 represents not just a five night number of 19 million people but that one through nine representing all truth right because the number 19 is a number that represents completion right and those keys that represent the truth that unlocks that mind so the way i see the number 19 is our truth universal knowledge okay that's what's up um i knew that i wanted my people to really understand that um you know because we have you on the math you know what i mean have been for a long time so it's it's funny because you go through all these different chambers of life different groups of friends whatever move in different places and it seems like places that i've been the culture's been devoid of supreme mathematics that's true you know what i mean 120 is the whole nine so it was refreshing to run back runner you know went into cat stash yeah on that that's plug tag plugged into that that wisdom but but yeah so all right you are very active online you have a big following you really captivate people by your words you speak with a lot of wisdom and intellect what is what is your mission what do you what are you about what are you out here doing you know uh recently i was talking with my brother um chris cole and he said man you know you the greatest thought leader in the world right anytime somebody give you something in the world they give you a a huge charge and you got to take a humble bout right then i had to go look up what really is a thought leader and who are considered to be the greatest thought leaders in the world and you know it's a list of it's nobody black on that list whatsoever and the way that they actually do the metrics and the way that they measure the impact right and then i could qualify it to say based on impact right of our generation i can say either i am top five or i am the one right and the reason i say that is because of my mission statement is and it literally is to change the minds of our culture in the diaspora around the world and i've been doing that effectively since i started and the mission that we have right now is very concise if i want to look at something direct as a target and this is 2053 wealth plan right targeting what they said and they say 2073 that the brown community have zero percent wealth and by 2053 the black community have zero percent so what is our 2053 wealth plan is what we came together to make sure that the black community has the education on how to build wealth and the skill sets on how to immediately go by those assets right now right and so over the years i've been partnering up and i've been creating these mastermind groups and organizations such as the shifters co-founded the power circle and now the black world order which is fast-pacedly growing to be one of the biggest wealth education platforms in the world and so right now the mission is to be able to produce the mindset that builds wealth and the skill sets that allow us to be able to outlast these technological disruptions that happen in the world what is that what do you mean technological disruptions so i mean we can look at what happened over the last 365 days with the whole pandemic you understand me and covet 19 and things of that nature technology fast pace the world had to compensate for everything needing to go digital because you couldn't be in a physical space you have what they call spatial reality come in which is a mix of virtual reality and augmented reality uh which is going to be heavily uh uh in the space that everybody needs to know about i thought about mobilization automation digitization right in what i call the new america and then on top of that that comes with stress anxiety and depression right and even increased suicide because the utility of these technologies take away our human abilities take away our emotional intelligence so it's like artificial intelligence versus emotional intelligence you have social media that's such a disruptive platform just want to interject on something do you think that artificial intelligence is supposed to replace human intelligence no i think that it complements human intelligence the only thing is it's a tool right and it's an extension of our mind which is another tool that we utilize the thing that happens is this you have what they call a tech bias tech buys is that the tech will be biased based on who actually created the programming of the tech the firmware so if we don't correct any of the artificial intelligence all it does is replace our oppressor it takes their mind and it systemizes it so they control our world so what we need to look at more so is how do we make sure that we are the creators of these industries and they are within our areas of expertise right we have to be present we have to show up and play right yeah and a lot of spaces i'm i'm i've become cool over the last year or so where the few scientists and physicists and things of that nature and these are white gentlemen and they even them you know everybody's different but my guys are they say they yearn for black brilliance in stem right and we've been talking about working on some programs to try to get kids involved in stem even in competition making it make its thing steam is what marcus garvey actually started the the stem or what it is today which it stems from steam which is science technology engineering arts mathematics the arts is even more important than any other time because the tools in order to be able to use them you got to have a great creativity and imagination right and without the development of that particular area they just gonna be workers for the creators i think we got that though we are we are prolific with art i mean in this country we have been since we've been free right so but the technical side the math the science engineering we're absent for the most part so when i think about art it's twofold like nft is right now right what happens in the world that we're doing right now is everybody getting into this technical thinking where you're told what to do right and you become good at technical analysis and you know i mean technical thinking but you're not good at creative thinking how are you going to do it how are you going to utilize it the best way and under that art is creative thinking so what you would take a artist that's good at producing art but he's not good at his creative marketing on how he get people to perceive the art and buy into it so we have all of the tools the same way we got a phone and if you don't know the art of marketing the art of branding and the art of these things and the creative utility of it then you're still going to be working for the creatives because and i say this is my formula is that at one point in time it was about the hard worker right because men had to utilize their physical bodies to get work done and horses and things of that nature then steaming just came along and then a multitude of industrial revolutions and then you got the smarts right technology so now the smart people created technology and you trying to figure out okay what's my smart use of time rather than my physical use of time to be more effective and now we had a new age and that's the creative worker because the creatives is running the world right now you understand me like if you look even on the stock why is it that elon musk and tesla have these huge evaluations in these trillion dollar companies it's because they literally are influencers for their brand they rock stars for their brand yeah not that they just have the most valuable companies yeah for sure for sure so it's the creatives that run the world right now people were creative 70 million dollars for the nft yeah that just took creativity i'm with you on that we'd be hard-pressed to to say that we don't have a spark of creative genius and brilliance right but we are absent with tech anything technical you know what i'm saying and we got to be present there just like i feel like i want to challenge you on that because think about how many of us go to college we go to college and we get the technical it's a lot of mathematicians and engineers and things of that nature within our culture but they work for somebody else right they don't work for themselves because they don't know how to apply their knowledge for themselves to do for self so they don't have the creative thinking to go out there and be like all right this is how i'm going to build and produce the solutions all of our mathematicians work for very creative thinkers so what we need to do is be able to marry both agencies like how are you going to utilize the things that you actually learn well most people you got you got to see most people are gonna be workers that's just the law averages right yeah and uh however if we have more people you know uh in academia in science and math in engineering we have a higher chance of more of us being bosses in those spaces uh tech tech matter of fact um i'm friends with a few uh black tech giants you know what i mean good friends of mine you know and uh like the group that i went to haiti with a couple of them tech giants you know what i mean so and they talk about it too they say they say it's not it's only us but it's not many you know what i'm saying so and and i and i'm going to that point though how many of them have created programs in the hood to where they found ways to utilize their resources to be able to produce electricity so so one of my guys shout out to jerry he create he uh started a a company called lynn street and it's just for that it's called bullion street then street and they're giving uh resources and funds to young black entrepreneurs to get started you know what i'm saying so they're these people is this we need more of it that's what it is no we definitely need more and i think we got to get more innovative as well like and i say that because the with the resources that we have our excuses have went down to zero right and it's just the way we utilize our resources i'm saying yeah and here's the thing like we need to uh black people all poor people need to divorce themselves from voting politics so much energy is spent on i'm like this whole last election cycle i felt like the dam was breaking and i'm plugging up holes with my fingers yeah you know what i mean and i'm i'm talking to people like look stop stop calm down calm down that does that doesn't affect you you know what i'm saying every we put so much energy and so much time into these politicians they don't them not caring is an understatement i mean and nonetheless the federal government have very little power no impact on our lives in a big scheme of things there are certain things that are problematic depending on what side is in but it it's not it doesn't dominate our lives by any means when biden took over nothing did anything change in your life nothing changed in most people's lives you know what i'm saying unless they worked in the white house you know right and that's the same plan exactly we need to like you said we do have resources and this country there's a lot of resources it may not be out in the open but it's there and i try to tell people all the time look go go do a little bit of research go google a grant for xyz use it because they're using it everybody else is using it we got to use it and one thing about us being here there's nothing that we can't do in fact there's nothing we can't do are there problems absolutely and we they're being worked and we're working on it right things are getting better but right now for the now you know life is what you make it and it can be amazing or we can sit back and complain right but but you're right though we both right in that space like number one and it's two ways i guess you got to look at it from where things are now and where things really will be in the next 50 years right and the mindset and the tools in it that are necessary right now in east central right now going to be completely different than the ones that the generation of 50 years would need right just like you said pre-industrial revolution it was brute right then it went to smarts yeah that was creativity and then what's in 50 what she is it's just pure magic listen i mean we're going to be linked up to goddamn neural links living in a complete digital world so whoever got the most powerful imagination yeah i mean exactly see all right i'm glad you brought that up because i was battling with people when i i did a podcast and i talked about neurolink right yeah i like i'm excited about it oh that's the mark of the beast yeah that's everything the government got control of you i'm like look calm down i don't believe in witchcraft so i don't remark of the beast whatever uh it's not a government thing this is a private company right and it's been around this guy just bought the company he's making it better people are so resistant to technology and it's odd because that phone that they're angry and texting me on or or messaging me on is the same it's just a it's like antiquated technology to to to neuralink it's a predecessor you know what i mean so we and i love technology yeah we have to use it as a tool right it's not a human it's not a it doesn't have feelings it doesn't have intentions yeah it's just a tool look plenty of people make millions of dollars with these phones some sit on porn all day or troll people all day you know right we all have that just like neuralink we'll all have access to the same tools but it's how you use it right i think the only thing that i would validate some of the argument is the owners of the platform and the tools themselves right like a lot of times we slave in spaces and we learn how to be the best slaves in those spaces rather than become the masters of them because the master always going to benefit more in that space the one who actually rules it of course because what happens is it it says that okay if this was insidious then we're all vulnerable right and i think that's more what people get to is that we don't know the nature of the people that actually own it and what their agendas are for the next 20 30 40 50 years and only thing with technology you ought to couple that with great health right because technology does have an effect on our physiological bodies you understand me like our magnetic charge our little swimmers right our reproduction rates so it's like when you get talking about that from a 50-year window or 100-year window you're talking about control of generations to come so i think that they just require consistent education not fear mongering you understand like there's no point to fear the fear comes from the ignorance right so the more we educate ourselves the more we empower ourselves and then you realize this if they did it we can do it that's that's where i'm at with it yeah you know um it's so much like i'm working on on something right now in georgia excuse me buying some some property and i'm trying to be off the grid when i want to be off the grid you know what i mean because the means to do it is there facts internet you name it yeah it's all there so that's something i'm working on once i'm dialed in with that i'll be sharing that information with select people yeah you know because it's not for everybody no no everybody don't want it they think they want it they just want access to it right or want to be in the know yeah you know but most people will never change whatever program that they're currently in and i get it you know that's just how it is it's interesting we talk about supreme math right yeah our breakdown our 85 10 and 5 is very similar to the buddhist breakdown they have the almost identical breakdown right i learned that in college and i was like wow you know what i'm saying and the numbers the big number is they just don't get it yet that's how they explain it and they'll have to come back and do it again the the super small one numbers the ones that get get it move on and then they call the the bigger percentage that small magician they call magician and they say they describe it as like politicians or right right you know what's up but using it nefariously trying to control people so it's it's that's a universal uh formula yeah you know because that's how the planet has always been you got the rule and you got the rulers you understand me and what i've learned is like you can't make somebody a boss you can give them the opportunity to become a boss right right only those who naturally gravitate towards based on their dna they make up yeah they develop them the opportunity they got to go and create and be a boss but that's what i mean like the opportunity is is it's like with family right you can have a business you can try to provide an opportunity saying what these are the things that's available right right like even the education the thing you can pick it all up if you want to but i'm not going to make you into me right right like you can only develop into yourself of what you consider to be an equal level and equal equivalent right but you can't say hey i want you to be at your highest potential this is what i need you to do one two three four five right because they're not going to sustain that they're only going to be mimicking what you told them to do and digress back to the level that they truly yet right so i learned to just provide the opportunity which means like it's there i'm not gonna block you from it and you have access to it right if you decide to pick it up take that mindset learn come under mentorship if that's what you need but you got to be aggressive about it i'm not going to be aggressive about your potential and you ain't aggressive about it right even if i see it correct because i got an issue with it's a gift and a curse seeing people's potential seeing like and this person to be this yeah and but then at that same time it's like yo your vision for somebody else is biased based on what you see for them if it ain't what they see for themselves right but that's so spot on i got i got a young cat that i help out all the time right i over the years i develop some vision to know when people are gonna utilize the information or not and when i feel like they're not i'm just like yeah don't worry about it bro you figure it out you know but the ones that i choose to invest time in they do yeah and it brings joy to me because it's just like you and my city hey where should i what's a good restaurant and i recommend it you go you love it you're like bro that was bomb yeah it's a it's a gratifying feeling so that on a bigger level when it comes to like yo this person trusted me with some life information business information whatever and it worked out you know what i mean it feels good so i have uh you know i have an affinity for you know helping people sharing information because i didn't have any of that right and i know how like look bro you can shortcut this by doing this right you know what i'm saying yeah i want to be the one to provide that and maybe it's ego right but it's still helping as well a man a man wants to like i don't know ego is one of those topics that everybody is not bad i don't look at his back no like he ego helps us when we need that like especially for black men in america the world ain't going to never tell you how great you are i know what's happening then go list out your accomplishments give you the awards and tell you what those metrics truly mean for an individual to accomplish what you have that's true so at a certain point of time you're like wait a minute if everybody else has these systems to measure their greatness and accomplishment and i don't have it your ego becomes that system for you it becomes your award right it becomes a lot of different things to be like i'm gonna inspire myself based on my own accomplishments correct and i don't need y'all because i've created this entity to do it for me right is it the most healthy no but we do it based on effectiveness how you manage it though yeah like because i don't think it has to be unhealthy but it can yeah it can yeah when it becomes your personality and like your character yeah like you see how i see it bro is like uh you know there's a lot of talk about ego dissolution and some people the ego death yeah some people reach that through means like psychedelics some meditation whatever whatever however their ego might have been detriment a detriment to their relationships job whatever so it's about it worked in another area right see me i recognize i see mine for what it is you know and it's very valuable to me yeah i don't employ tactics of the ego or characteristics of ego with in my personal life you know what i'm saying it's only would work it's only what and me challenging myself because i'm at work with myself a lot you know what i'm saying i'm always trying to do better than what i've done and also i challenged myself to to be a better human yeah than what i was and what i have been so my jihad is here you know what i'm saying yeah my my ability to check my ego not even check it but constantly yeah recognize and observe it comes through reflection correct right i'm all i'm like i self reflect a lot like any time i get a moment i'm self reflecting to know whether from from my own scale of right or wrong do i consider this right right right not like everybody's universal skill but for my own principle base right yeah i mean like what you expect out of others is that what you producing at the same time and in those situations how come they didn't go the way you wanted them to was the ego that stopped you from the very goal that you wanted so that's when it doesn't even serve you right so that's where i think people really need to learn how to check themselves is when it's not actually serving them correct they gotta double down on their ego just to keep doing the same [ __ ] people need lessons in practicality yeah and being rational yeah because that's what i see it's such a i think life is easy i think life is easy when you could be grounded and and base yourself in rational thought you know what i'm saying never never uh reject truth empirical truth you know and don't be married to your feelings and your beliefs and your emotions you know i myself am a very emotional person that's why i got i made this intellect over emotion yeah but my emotions are used for certain things is never for decisions right well you know if you marry your emotions then they rule you yeah oh yeah for sure and it's always bad yeah even in good situations is always bad you're never presenting yourself in a a rational way and it's never honest right it's never completely because emotions go up and down yeah you might feel like this one day and then this time that i'll book a trip on an emotion like yeah yeah by the time it's time for that trip i don't want to go like right yeah i felt like that thing right you know because it was the feeling that you exactly that's how marketers get this how the world gets human beings driven by feeling not biological so that's why we always talk to rise above emotions into the thinking of a god so you you rise above the emotions into the intellect right it's not that you are a sociopath or you don't have emotions they're saying rise above right so that you can rule the emotions and that's a different place where people live in some people all in here right whatever they feel it drives them that's it some people learn to be here they rule the emotions they feel it but they don't control them see they gotta you know when you have a certain level of vision and insight self-reflection like you said earlier you your your emotions are guiding you in a sense of you feel everything right so your instincts are on point you know some of your decisions just don't feel right yeah you know what i'm saying this looks too perfect yeah you know what i mean so i've been there bro uh one of the you know i've been through a lot of things but one of the things that i've been through was a about three years ago man i was in business with a person i shouldn't have been in business with and i knew that you know what i'm saying when i'm going going over everything in my head i'm like i mean you know it was so perfect for me right and nothing in my life has ever come easy you know i had to work hard for everything right but this this situation was mega easy i should have you know what i'm saying i wasn't my vision wasn't super clear right with my emotions you know what i mean and um i thought i was making a rational decision because i thought it out i didn't just move on in fast i got counsel from people and here's another thing bro getting counsel from people asking advice that's not a thing you are the best knower that's the thing for a reason bro because nobody can ever articulate 100 honesty their position you know i'm saying that bias exactly like you we we we sometimes go hope these people tell us what we want to hear right you understand me to confirm what we want to do already right and it's very very rare that somebody gives us such great advice that they change us in a completely different direction right from the way we wanted to attract right the outcome we wanted right so like you got to be you got to have somebody and that's the thing you got to be able to gauge whether you really got one of the wise persons in your life completely devoid from your situation don't personalize it but they just come from a pure place where they care about you yeah and they care yeah it's a thing man i got i got people around me that i know that i'll get some solid inside you know what i mean and that's a good place at that time the people i was asking wasn't those people yeah i was asking people like other business people yeah what i'm saying and here's the thing i'm not a business guy you know i mean i own businesses i own successful businesses we scale we sell we do all of that but i'm a i'm a person i'm just a human right right i do business right certain business people have no ethics you know and i learned that the hard way because who's somebody that's very successful that i really respect that was like you should do it like i'd do it you know right and that gave me the confidence to do this right make you know talk about this person characters exactly exactly yeah that's that's that's dangerous you understand me especially being when you when you spiritual you understand me and like you move off values and principles and integrity and you do anything against those especially for a dollar man you gotta defeat yourself and here's the thing kids the punishment is worse way worse you know better right you know whenever you moved against self it's like taking a chest movement and you knock down one of your own pieces right right when you when you're asking someone you think i should you know you shouldn't you're right right right you shouldn't but if you if you gotta ask you already know you shouldn't you know what i mean right because the god in you is the one like that's that's challenging not to do it in the first place exactly and you need somebody to look help me silence that voice so i can do this thing that's against yeah i mean my moral system my code my god within so right that is dangerous yeah and then another one is this with men right and specifically it's like dylan when we talk about egos and men having experience in life and most men they think that their business experience qualifies them as man experience and they think that that qualifies them in like relationships and other things of that nature and that ain't the reality so like many people be jealous have enviousness and don't know how to check it a lot of it is like the little brother syndrome you understand me it's like you get to where you know when you're a little brother you don't have an older brother you ain't got nobody to learn from to go off they [ __ ] right somebody to check you on i think it's all good bro i think it's all good you know saying i think everything balances out you know yeah i just think of like like an iphone right that you i'm sure they probably got the next five models already done and technology daylight why would we put this out now when we can use this to make a trillion dollars later i would do the same thing yeah but that's what i mean and like when we think about how far we've advanced our vastness it's we got to filter that based on capitalism how much money can we make of these advancements before we roll them out i guess i guess let me rephrase it since that's the system that we live in i choose to live here yeah i will play that game too yeah it's not i don't think that's crazy that's not you know i mean that's how business is right if it ain't hurting people i'm with it you know what i mean but i'm not going to do nothing money is not that listen i'll walk away from anything money is not gonna put me in position to hurt somebody i would never do that we probably got probably got too much to not too much [ __ ] anyway right like i think we do the that's the simpler things will be the best you know i'm saying right we created in what way or in what sense well i mean just in just about every sense from a health standpoint it's like think about how many sophisticated drugs that they have but that's because we're creating more sophisticated diseases because we have more sophisticated polluted environments based on like technology and foods chemicals and all kind of [ __ ] going on i see what you're saying but i have a different relationship with the pollution with the waste from technology i'm glad i i applaud it because it's a it's a it's a product a byproduct of human engineering what about like soy and like gmos yeah i'm very see we do a lot of research bro bro so i dive especially common notions that's out there i'm like because like gmo like why let me do do my research and there's nothing wrong with gmo matter of fact no i'm gonna challenge you on that one no hold on but here's the thing though you're gonna have that you're gonna take that you're gonna have to you're gonna have to not eat most of the foods you eat because anything you think is natural most of it is is gmo right but that doesn't make gm mozart okay i mean i just said that that's the paradigm but you know why though a lot of these foods wouldn't be very palatable if it wasn't genetically modified for us i'm saying we'd have to spend 10 20 years in the amazon to eat a normal banana you know what i'm saying we couldn't even stomach these foods so eating a normal banana and cultivating it for alcohol i don't know what you've ever done to go around the world it's different right like and we stand this from the standpoint of the human biology is only changing because of the food intake and we're trying to survive you understand me our body trying to keep up with all this [ __ ] we're doing right like our bodies had when the light bulb was created our biological rhythms and our circadian rhythm went through a hole like whoa what the hell is going on i mean even when we learn how to harness fire yeah the same thing but see fire was natural in the sense that you know i mean when you get to like ultraviolet radiation and what fires do when you're around it it doesn't have the same effect as blue light on the brain fire will burn in and you can die you know what i mean right but it don't change your biological rhythm like it's far no it's deep it didn't know the same way this is what changed when like to date fire was the biggest human technological uh revolution right because what it did it gave us longer day longer days right it gave us the means to cook food so it could be more power that's the first genetically modified and that was more for the rich tudor at the time because the average poor person living in the household ain't got an oil lamp that's burning on it but this i'm talking about when human beings learn how to click these rocks together right oh [ __ ] i'm saying we change right we start so we we spent less time eating because the food was is quicker to eat more palatable and it unlocked a lot of nutrients right made our bodies change our brains grow bigger especially our frontal uh cerebral cortex and also we had longer days we did more [ __ ] right our circadian rhythm changed back then you know what i mean but not as drastic nowhere near as drastic as everything in that light yeah everything our bodies were able to adapt to that particular change like immediately now here's the thing but how do we consider that if every disease has went up and and and i'm sure that's that's human that gluttonous spirit right and all of that comes from like all things are connected right so all of the advances advances all things essentially right okay so there's an advancement of disease there's advancement of our eating habits there's advancement of irregularities within our body function right so it's like every technology we get makes one shift and another shift and then we stop getting technologies for survival and we start doing it for capitalism so now you got a hundred shifts at once let's not talk about the bible we've been past survival forever well yeah i mean well not everybody survives homeless people survive you know what i mean but yeah so like but when we got fired that was like survival that was like pure human essence but that was but keep in mind there was plenty of people that seeing others using fire would like [ __ ] them and stand away or whatever because you know why because fire was also used as a weapon as uh and they didn't need it too they was using it now we needed it bro because we use it for some people use it on each other but we also use it to fight off predators you know what i'm saying which was a huge plus help keep us alive right want all of that right here's the thing bro technology it's in humans nature to to you know look for more comfort in life you know what i'm saying think about when we had no fire no you know gotta find shelter right because we could say oh that's not natural we just we're born out in the earth just be out in the woods with everything else well we didn't die off because of it we i mean but a lot of species of humans did because they weren't they weren't as cunning as we were what it is they wasn't made for that the species of human beings that survived without fire for the amount of time that they survived for they were they dna their body was structured for that after survival it's true but we're speaking in hypotheticals the weaker of the biological species to be the ones who go get the technologies and things of that nature because of their lesser chance of survival they understand me like if if i'm in the cold and i ain't tripping off nothing and my body don't feel like it's needed because i'm from that elk of of genes that you know is good in our weather i'm not thinking about creating fire and putting all of that mental energy into finding a whole new element to yours correct the person who's colder who needs that no they're going to more so mindset look for that innovation in that invention and start experimenting with ways to survive right yeah but i i don't look at one is better than the other right but it just more so goes to are we becoming stronger or are we becoming weaker and we finding ways to comfort our weaknesses true however this is why i'm out with the keys yeah i'm not disagreeing with that at all right however we have the means like things that i do the tactics that i employ in my life is to keep me strong to keep me powerful to keep me a very capable human a human animal you know what i'm saying so training and it ain't like i don't train to look good i train to be strong to be fast to have endurance absolutely i eat once a day that's what the ancestors did you know what i'm saying so i'm not sure i'm not tripping huh or possibly even less right i'm not tripping oh one hundred percent yeah yeah you're going a lot louder they had to eat when they were they went and hunted they was very physical when they were hungry yeah it wasn't they fall like let's go get food and we're much heavier now than we ever was yeah because we got access to way more food and we eat a lot more right so here's the thing like we have with information we have the tactics to keep ourselves sharp but when i started back fighting in 2018 that was a tactic for me to not get soft i'm saying because i'm like yo i got a big old house i got money out yeah i ain't got no i i don't have a formidable adversary right so it's me right let me let me fight my lazy ain't got an enemy you got to buy you one you got to create it bro yeah because look without enemies without an adversary you saw you you have no people who don't deal with stress like like listen like a lot of people are against medicine i'm with it right give people the relief they need but here's the thing is people that use what is it anti anxiety or whatever they use things to not to to fight off stress right those people those are the weak people you know what i'm saying yeah i guess it's the dependency in the right of it and the loss of your human ability to be able to relieve yourself for those things right and once they're available that part of your human side that has the ability to calm your nerves to fix your body ailments it goes away because now you have a outside dependency instead of an interior right right yeah i'm saying so so it's like if you don't deal with stress you can you can't deal with stress yeah and stress is always going to be there right that's where i mean look at obesity 50 of america obese 51. 51. i mean i'm sure that number probably went up the majority last year probably wouldn't be better but see here's the thing too see that's so bro i look at everything like this bro i get it right so i'm really i'm very fascinated in uh evolutionary biology and the history of us evolving right and it just makes it makes a lot of sense for people to be obese the majority they'll be safe it sounds crazy it's nothing no no no no no no i'm against certain things yeah but i get it yeah i understand is that empathy that you implore to get it it's not it's not empathy i just understand and i i get it right so here's the thing the majority of the human experience we it was a scarcity of food right so this industry when you say the majority of the human experience scarcity of food what do you mean the majority that are physically anatomical human beings have been on this planet the majority of that there was no stores there was no there was hunting and gathering you know what i'm saying the majority of the human experience are what we're used to is very a brief it's the end we're it's the beginning we're still in the beginning of this modern era you know it's just moving so fast but but okay i want you to finish your point um but for the sake of the build when we talk about food and the way we think about it now is like we need this very nutrient dense source of like physical foods to eat but you know back in the day sun being as rich as it was was enough nutrients for your body because number one you're not expending as much energy you understand me you might pick up some some algae or some planter and that'd be enough for a whole month but that might been so rich in nutrients and minerals that you didn't need anything else and of course as human beings become heavier and we want to travel longer distances you have all these different effects on why that is and even in today's time it's like we spend so much of our energy trying to survive on a day-to-day basis that we have to eat more food which kills us even quicker so it's like a conundrum that we we dying to live so let me get to where you at because i'm there right yeah but i understand so here's the thing the majority of the human existence it wasn't stores it wasn't uber eats it wasn't no this is this change this huge access and look how fast this happens yeah now ubereats is less than ten years uber ain't even ten years you know what i'm saying absolutely so all of this stuff happened fast so it seemed like it's always been like this it wasn't right so like even like now men from they say men from the 70s 60s have way higher level testosterone levels than men now oh yeah that's a fact our testosterone levels are plummeted right so we'll be lazy we got we got we got the smart phones and watch tv and play video games however knowing that there's adjustments now let me get to that so the majority of our time on this planet it was hard to eat yeah right you wasn't you wasn't getting fat you know what i'm saying nah you had to go catch something bring it back you know what i'm saying ration it until it's time to go hunting again right so this short period of time that we have all of this access to food our bodies is not we have you know we get these dopamine dumps and we get these pleasure sensors when we eat because our body's like yo you need that again so that feel you feel good right so that hasn't evolved out it's too fresh it's too new so people are getting those people you know they eating it but it hasn't evolved more nah i don't think so artificial sugars like yeah yeah that stuff yeah yeah that stuff is addicting like a snickers bacon amazing coke coca-cola with coke in it and sugar okay what i'm talking about talking about that hasn't been people on a hot day even that bro like i don't like the narrative on coke cocaine i've never known cocaine in my life probably never will but that was usually for chocolate probably yeah probably yeah like everything else but anyway uh here's the thing people overeat because it's there you're saying they're not even thinking about it people eating they're not hungry you ain't like i fast all the time bro and i'd be telling people i'm hungry like you ain't hungry right like yeah i gotta remind myself when you eat exactly so if you're not tapped into like yo i'm overdoing it like this is not necessary people think three day three meals a day is like the way yeah that's not the way it's silly right people if when people have information and understanding on how we got to that point they'll pull back a little bit you know what i'm saying now there's a lot of people i'm not me you this we're not unique you know we we we've both read how to eat to live you know what i'm saying um my father eats once a day he always has you know what i mean so there's a lot of people that do what we do but most people don't most people overeat because it tastes good and it's there then it's a coping mechanism correct and that's how people see what is that that's the most dangerous drug yeah it really is so so people getting obese it makes sense because naturally it makes sense for you to angle for the fatty filling stuff right because that's what we had to do back then and it's different right in america we have over portions right yeah and then throughout time you got like in different lands being pale represented you only had the work so that was a social thing right and being bigger represents you have money so people would try to eat to get bigger so that they look wealthy yeah you understand me and like all of these things translated over time and especially in america we are welcoming part of influences right and we don't even know where those influences come from sometimes and even now in this the political climate it's like it's pc to not say the word fact right it's pc to not talk about obesity fat shaming so when you start speaking upon these things as even helping somebody with their own condition you got somebody to say no love your weight and this person is depressed because they want to stop overeating they don't want to be so that they can be light and have a longer chance of living i think about a week or two ago we did a video talking about i said look i'm not applauding you for being obese and losing weight you're just being normal yeah you should be normal yeah you should lose weight if you're obese but you don't get uh an applause for that just like you don't get an applause for me for being sober x amount of years you know what i'm saying i'm glad that you are now right i'm glad you got control yeah but that's not special yeah yeah i've never been obese like i don't get nothing for that and i shouldn't yeah i shouldn't this is normal you know what i'm saying so i'm with you on that bro i'm not with you you don't get a word for me i'm not i'm not into the political correct stuff yeah even with racial terror i don't care that i don't think about that i don't have that people need to really divorce these words don't let it hurt your feelings it's just a word they gonna tell you to make space man you're going clubhouse [ __ ] say mike you need to make space for this listen clubhouse is so interesting bro because i am a skeptic by nature yeah and when people are saying things they just seem like there's no no basis i ask questions right and i'm only questioning things as like bro can you substantiate that well and then everybody else started trying to like explain for them i'm like let him yeah that's what you said let him remember you said the thing about masculinity decreasing over time so masculinity is now this thing to where people villainize yeah i mean because it's not the standard anymore right to be masculine testosterone production being low it changes the characteristics of man's behavior so to see a man act within a standard of being a naturalized man right now it's like who is this person that just came in a room wait a minute he got the audacity to ask a question like a man to talk like a man it's it's yeah it's it's funny man it's like we recorded we recorded one one day we was recording some other stuff and bro was just speaking very articulate yeah very very uh confident yeah and bro i'm not even going to get into what he was saying but people were like oh yeah oh all right i said hey bro just you know i caught the telling that can you tell me about this and he couldn't like how did you get yeah and he talks around it yeah and i'm like coming right back to it yeah and everybody's trying to defend them i'm like and they got to where the people that was trying to defend them they were like well maybe you should just ask your question more direct okay don't do that right so bam still nothing to where they were like well he did ask you this and you said that right right and it was like like i'm in a lot of a lot of more times than often that i'm in these rooms and i i love in intellectual discourse right i'm here for that or just to listen and learn something cause i learn i learn a lot from clubhouse but oftentimes i'm asking questions and it gets awkward because people are so used to running [ __ ] over on people right right and nobody questions anything right i'm sorry i can't cause people present themselves and it's it's it's guarded by all these emotions and like oh feel for this person and the logic tells me no let's get to the logic of this yeah like a mango like you first came in there with diplomacy right like i'm gonna speak and you know i'm gonna utilize my intellect to still navigate this room without being offensive right so we can actually have a progressive bill and then the people didn't take the intellect and the diplomacy of it because the other person didn't match it with the same level to where they was being masculine as well right so now they ask you to know i need you to double down on it you understand me which is not going to get to a better soft because he's still not going to match it with a direct logic because they can't yeah don't even even if they wanted to they feelings wouldn't allow them so so here's the thing they have this is when ego is bad their ego won't allow them to be like yeah bro i don't really let me let me get back to you bro i don't really i don't got it 100 yeah they can't do that which is a they can't do that because they've they've been positioning themselves to try to get these followers get these right build up this culture you know what i mean to potentially sell and it's a way to be wrong it's okay it's okay it's so much [ __ ] i don't know listen i don't even know if i wanna know everything like i'm cool on that like yeah man you got to be happy with your academic level yo like you gotta if a person wants to really gauge themselves as a thought leader they got to look at what are their areas of expertise right then what are their areas of industry that they're actually been in and make a list of those things and then grade yourself about make creative metric on what you actually know about these things and you can do that from what you've learned about them what you applied from it and what you've been good at in those areas right but we don't think about like really mapping ourselves out we just throw a whole ego at it to be like no i'm here i'm in this space and see unfortunately we live in a world to where ego bravado and i hate to put i hate to say this i just i watched i was watching a documentary last night called dirty money you seen it on netflix i did all right so there's this one that's the one about capitalism right it's about a lot it's like they got it's each episode is something different they got wells fargo bank they got trump in it but the trump part was interesting right because they was calling him a con man right but they said comment came from confidence right right confidence like damn i like the word confidence right but i get it i see a lot of people they project think about it bro when somebody stand up confidently and like say xyz and it's in this [ __ ] we were just talking earlier how people some people just want to be led right they're not going to question anything even when i'm giving information from on one of my products or whatever you know people are not really always asking me deeper questions right right but i'm still going to provide them with all the information right that's me right that i don't get caught out there like that because i'm not going to stand on something i don't know right right so i'm never worried about that so people are so used to doing that that when i come into these rooms and i'm not like the the the the [ __ ] police you know i'm saying but listen i'm here let's talk like i was in one room one time and they were they were talking about influencers being [ __ ] and i'm like i said look i said you know i'm just here to observe you know what i'm saying i come with love like my message of love is not to judge anybody but this sounds like that you guys are hating on people that's figured it out and they're gaining followers i said what's i said you i said you identified these fugazi influences and now what right now what what are you going to do with that information you know what i'm saying y'all just hate like you know i said in a very nice way this is like it sounded like you're hating on people who's figuring it out because you're all trying to do the same thing right right we're all trying to get but and and then it goes to a mindset thing right there are people who are skeptical of success stories and skeptical success because they feel like everything is a scam yeah right and those are the people the same people that are afraid of commitment you understand me when they hear something that's going to take a long time then they know that they're not going to commit right to something that's long-term so they don't believe in it right or they always jump into one thing to another so they can't believe in your success right because they can't believe somebody committed themselves to a process right right right so me i don't spend time being skeptical of other people like number one i run off results anyway like you got to be able to trust your own experience to know when somebody [ __ ] if you have experience in that field or experience in life then you know how you have the ability to ask the right questions correct right to be able to filter people right so yeah they may be [ __ ] or you may be bullshitting yourself right because you don't want to have do your due diligence or get to that it's like if somebody said a boxer you know the right questions to ask someone watching do they train and you look on box yeah go on one site yeah they can say hey man i'm a hundred and oh right like all right let me just go check and see improve i'm not gonna spend no emotions and energy and i'm definitely not going to make a clubhouse on how this girl was lying bro thank you that's another thing it's like it's like first of all i don't care what these people that's what i said i said just do you just do your thing you ain't worried about them people right and then you know another thing is that those same people that make those rooms and it's just generally for anybody they talk about people who scam or what they're skeptical of they never do an opposite room of the people that they believe in and who are real and that actually have real success and it's the same type of people that will follow you for years and only time they comment is when they disagree correct so those people i write off instantly because you're only doing things when you're triggered and when you're negative about something right you never do it to uplift something right you understand me so it's like in the bwo for example when we first started there was a whole room talking about i think our prices or something of that nature that we were scamming and then now on the on that clubhouse you got whole rooms of our students talking about how they love the bwo right and those same people jumped into the bwo made thousands but they'd never go come back and make a room and correct their errors of course i went in the room and had to smash on [ __ ] because it's like number one it's good publicity right you're just bringing more eyes and audience so they can hear the real results that's right and you know we got the real message and to hear you intellectually right disassemble their little ideologies because i'm not worth you jumping into my program and what i've built if i can't explain it against the daughters correct because all y'all represent is that mindset that most people around america have which is the skepticism towards the things that's good for them right you understand me and i told people the other day you should be more skeptical about your drinking habits your smoking habits your escapism habits the things that are bad for you then you are skeptical by the things that's possibly good for you because we got a reverse mentality and it keeps us poor because number one when something is a liability we don't think about it because we know it's not gonna give us nothing in return right the moment you tell me about education i gotta think about that a little more you need to investigate i need to see credentials right so you stop yourself to take more opportunities but then you will pay for things that have nothing to do with your advancement people won't want investing themselves in a meaningful way yeah and that's that's unfortunate and i tell people all the time i'm like yo this is do you have a one thing you want to leave with us all right all right yeah it's very profound but very simple and you heard it before life is what you make it that's the fact when you really that when that resonates life is easy this is what you make yeah it literally is and the secret to life for me is work that's the equation of life you understand me like any problem that you presented with if you put energy into that solution towards that problem it will get better correct you understand me if you go look at your life and look at the areas you're not putting work into and energy into that's why i stand that way and then you can double down and say well you could be working the opposite of the results you want you can work yourself into poverty right you took it took work was working the exertion the energy to go spend your money on things for that weren't building you well right so it's like you got to look at where the direction of your work is right and then just revert that into something that's actually productive right that's real bro bro we could do this all day yeah but it's time for us to build not just this but this let's get some work here it's a total thing you know what i'm saying let's go get it in real quick yes sir bless us
Channel: Mike Rashid
Views: 195,215
Rating: 4.9523163 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Rashid, mike Rashid king, mike Rashid boxing, workouts, Motivation, Mental jewels, 19 keys, #bwo, How to, Stock market, Nfts, Crypto currency
Id: sv3zdh4UrWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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