I built an off the grid treehouse in The Sims 4

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today is earth day so i'm thinking we take this chance and we build a tree house in the sims i know it's a reach haha tree's earth day but i it would be fun okay it'll be fun i've made quite a few tree houses before in the past like this is not a new endeavor for me i actually did a whole mini series on my channel trying to build a treehouse once but this is before they had like the stair update and ladders and so i was trying to make this very complicated staircase to get up to the top it was ridiculous but now life is much easier because we can twist and turn stairs we have ladders but now we have quite a few more options so i'm thinking we could come out here to this middle of nowhere a lot and build ourselves a little tree house i actually i don't know what kind of tree we should pick i didn't think that went through wait i mean this one i've done a treehouse in before but i don't know about this tree in brindleton bay i don't know if that um if it fits if i made it that big that's ridiculous isn't it does that work if i size it up again how ridiculous is that it's so much bigger than any other tree and it's like all by itself too how okay let me think this through oh stop no no no no no no the very least we'd want some sort of tree space like this probably not that big though this is gonna be small are we sure about this tree i guess our other option is this one i've done a tree house in this tree before that's even worse what is only from manage worlds oh no this is just a very very large tree when you compare like the size of the tree to how big like this house looks in the map that's so bad i like it i'm gonna do it okay let's build it should it be smaller i don't know we'll figure it out no i want it to be very large here's what i'm thinking i think we want to have some sort of room no no no no perhaps if i stick the tree in the corner like that oh that's tough what happens if i stick the tree like oh is that weird it's so hard to do this because the tree's in the way so i can't see what i'm doing i want to raise it up cause i want to put another room no please don't move the tree that's so rude i can't see anything okay okay okay we want to put this room like on top of this branch over here although is that it's not quite on top of the branch is it i can't see oh my gosh oh yeah that's not good we need to raise this higher up then it's like in the tree though i don't know if i can live like that are those two boxes the same size still not high enough what if i made it like can't see oh my gosh this is gonna like oh my gosh this is gonna i'm gonna cry okay if it's like that i feel like that's fine and then this part back here can just be like storage like shelves or something maybe we have a whole porch well maybe porch is a strong word no i moved the tree by accident i feel like that makes sense to me i can't oh i'm just trying to get the balcony and i can't do it okay i'm realizing i might want it to be three wide there because that's how tall the second floor is okay so if we get a ladder are we just gonna have like a giant ladder out to the top is that what this is gonna be i mean yeah it just looks so funny i like it i feel like the ladder looks like support too you know because it's very i feel like the tree is not in the middle of the building so it might look a bit like it's going to fall over but now we have a flimsy ladder to hold it up i think i want to have a balcony up here i feel like we need to make use of outdoor spaces that we have access to oh i probably don't want to use that fence okay we'll yeah we're going to adjust that one but i feel like we should make use of two floors of outdoor space because we don't have a lot of indoor space maybe the snowy escape fence uh it doesn't match i don't i i um i want it to look like the ladder honestly i feel like even this fence might be a good choice it's just something simple oh i love how the fence goes into the tree that excites me okay yeah i like that angle i know it's hard to tell because of like the shadows and stuff it's hard to see the building actually i do think that snowy escape like this column could be really good just for a couple supports i don't know otherwise it looks like the tree's gonna fall over although i mean we know deep down that there's a giant branch through this so maybe it won't follow i don't know okay somehow we gotta figure oh my god i can't see we gotta figure out how to get a roof on this i i don't know what sort of roof you would put on this i'm thinking like an almost flat oh my god what this is so annoying the tree is like genuinely infuriating i'm just thinking something like that it's really simple you'll hardly be able to see it from most angles that you're gonna be looking at the treehouse from so it won't really matter so much it's more supposed to be you know symbolic so that there's actually a roof we're probably gonna look at the treehouse from like down here most of the time so you can hardly tell it's there speaking of which what do we put on the outside of it should the whole thing be made out of wood and if so what kind of wood what should we make it look like perhaps if it was horizontal wood planks instead does like the full-on log cabin look does that huh i feel like that kind of works i kind of like the long cabin vibes we got to change the roof though what if we made it green metal roof that's a thing people do oh think about it you know what i haven't considered is the floor plans of these buildings also like how you get up to the second floor of this one ooh should the latter be on the outside if i could see the outside we can figure it out but i can't no i'm thinking something like the latter being the ew maybe the ladder being perhaps right there from the ladder cause then it's kind of out of the way and we can have the bed up here this could be the bedroom see that'd be nice bedroom upstairs down here we could put the kitchen along this back wall and have a living space in here oh where does the bathroom go oh what if we had a really small bathroom that was like that size because your sim can get out of the ladder right there really small bathroom here we could always do the opposite like if i put this here is that better because then the bathroom could be like oh it's really small maybe that's not better what if i made this part just ever so slightly bigger though doesn't have to be like two perfect squares and it's still a really small house but that way like the bathroom is a little bit bigger it doesn't feel as out of place kitchen makes sense we could have a small living space okay that worked should i try and make this house off the grid it is earth day okay maybe i shouldn't be using these like you know what can i leave these lights in for now we can make the house off the grid but can i at least use the lights to see i already can't see underneath the tree the least i deserve is to be able to see the inside of the rooms we can fill them with candles later but for now i deserve to be able to see why does the lighting look so weird in this that's why i look so weird in the bathroom because there was no roof okay i fixed it sorry false alarm all right i like that big window that's nice i want to get some nice windows on the second floor too because we want to make sure that the house feels bright because right now it's not going to largely because it's not going to have any regular lights only going to have candles we want some big windows i think we could totally get like really big windows on this side right oh it looks really nice in there it's very cozy okay can't see can't see oh almost can see there we go you just gotta angle it in the tree just right and then you're set oh okay well this is going straight through the window but that's fine i think having windows on all sides is a good touch let's put the log cabin stuff on the inside of this too what sort of flooring do we use the spooky day stuff one okay we're gonna need to get some rugs in here because it is all the same shade of brown maybe if we do a tile in the bathroom i don't know what kind i like it but i feel like it's also what are we gonna put in front of that we could always do cabinets there you could totally stick cabinets there and and pretend that it's intentional bathroom furniture now the shower being on a wood wall it's probably not the best idea maybe i should make this bigger i wanted it to be diagonal because i liked how it looked better but i think it might have to be a full one because then we have enough space to properly have a shower oh the window we could always move the window okay oh we could get a wooden shower oh wait it's supposed to be off the grid isn't it so we have to use stuff that works off the grid this one works off the grid oh no i know i'm pretty sure the cheapest toilet does too all right let's search off the grid there's a filter sorry i didn't need to search could have just clicked the filter okay well that goes in front of the tree too so that works as far as toilets go ah this is unappealing to me i guess i'll use this one this ridiculously expensive old-timey antique toilet or we could always wait baby dot show hidden objects there is in fact this one that is an option okay this'll be good i kind of like the tile it's kind of growing on me as far as off the grid cooking goes hmm oh can we put a windmill wait i mean wind turbine i keep calling them windmills i feel like it's not a good idea to put the wind turbine like in the tree but you know i can do what i want you can have power if you do it like this and we want power also you know what are you gonna do put solar panels on the roof in the tree like in the sims it doesn't matter you can put solar panels in the tree all you want it won't make a difference but in real life you can't have solar panels in a tree like good luck with that you know it is kind of funny that you could do it in the sims and it would be like no issue okay i'm gonna make sure we have oh if i put the laundry like on the edge like that does it work i want it to maybe pick a tile as a backsplash something awful like this i kind of want to do it i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry does the cheapest fridge really not function off the grid i guess you could totally use this ice box though what if we had the ice box and like a couple of counters but no stove thoughts on that so we can have a grill outside but this way you could at least like store the food i think we're trying to prioritize using the outside space anyway right so who needs a kitchen indoors it's a shame that your sims need computers to do so many things cause like i think the idea of your sim being a writer and like living off the grid is a fun concept but like too bad you can't be a writer unless you have a computer you can write postcards well you can't actually have a pen pal unless you have a computer that's okay we can put some postcards on the thingy for the sim they can pretend that they have a pen pal i want to use some of the outdoor retreat furniture because i just i like it i think it's a fun fun chance for us to take advantage of this stuff you know like when else can you use this rug you can't until today and that's it's cute oh i guess we could always hang up a fish on the wall i'm trying to think of decorations uh how about this perfect lovely yes very nice i want to use this bed i know that it's like not the prettiest bed in the game but i like it and i want to use it oh gosh you know what else we can do we have like these great picnic tables we can take advantage of also all this space up top we could totally have like a little garden up here can pretend that your sim made the planters oh that's another thing we should definitely do i think your sim can still use the one in the corner we want to give them the like handiness skill item yeah the woodworking table that's a necessity maybe we should stick that in the corner instead of a desk then it's like the equivalent but it's a functional woodworking table that makes sense what are you gonna do at a desk nothing without technology nothing not in this game i'm gonna give the lot the great soil lot trait and of course off the grid maybe we could do like natural light makes painting easier they could be a painter you can't like move away to the wilderness to be an author in this game but you can move away to the wilderness to be a painter so we can give them an easel oh a candle making table wait maybe we could do both we can just pick like a bunch of really fun crafts and they can be a crafter we can hang up their postcards too that's so cute okay i'm having a lot of fun with this all right that makes sense to me obviously an easel too this house is gonna be expensive like we're trying to do this like on the cheap but you can't even see it look at the gallery photo where's the house not there that's for sure oh that's terrible see i want to have like a little fireplace cause in my head you know your sims would need this to stay warm except this fireplace has a like five industrial rating it is not a very eco fireplace but it makes the most sense to have in a space like this like what are you gonna do have this in this tiny tree house no you'd have a little box like this i don't think your sims can actually use this mirror but we can pretend we can just dream about it you know yeah we totally should collect rain water too all right now we gotta figure out lighting because we have to only use candles but we can make that work okay if i make it nighttime we can put candles down everywhere maybe i should move a sim in so we can light the fire and see what it looks like okay let's do it all right perry fave you my friend can live in our house i'm out of money okay free real estate on let's go all right buddy i need you where's my second i thought it was gone for a second there i'm not gonna lie i thought i had lost it all right up you go it's gonna take a while to climb the ladders don't worry just give them a second i guess the fun part is that when you're in game you can't see the trees all right here can you light this there we go that helps this is just so we can see what it looks like at night time again you know all right so your sim has to get off the ladder this way i'm gonna put a little fence here so that you don't fall down because that would not be good would it be super weird to stick a dresser like in front of the tree like this i don't know and maybe put some more candles on it i guess we could stick the dresser next to the well it doesn't have to be laid out in a way that like looks pretty it just needs to be effective this works off the grid that's ridiculous you could stick that in the fence post it's so bright i mean that's what we want but i don't like how it looks okay blue candle i feel like it's becoming doable and then during the day it's it's totally bright enough right i guess this corner is kind of dark we could always get a window i don't know thoughts that's probably fine this is so weird i've never really built anything like this okay now we gotta figure out how we're gonna light up the bathroom because i have been avoiding that there are options though some of them are a bit odd we could always stick like a giant lantern in the corner and then the bathroom be lit up maybe if we made this a more yellowy toned light set color intensity this candle i want it to be more yellow because right now it's so white it doesn't match the rest of the house and it looks weird in in live mode because when you're in game you can't see the tree so it's like very odd but in build mode you can i guess that means that will this function if it's like in the tree we'll have him test it in a second where's the bathroom i can't find it i was just trying to get the candle and i grabbed the tree by accident okay are those the same height oh perfect okay candles on the shelf that works i just realized that i don't have anything in this house to get my sims fun up i didn't even think about that as a problem okay we need to do that they need to have a hobby honestly i think that chess is a really solid option for that i don't want to like too much stuff up here because i don't want it to look too crowded it's already going to be super crowded up here we can definitely stick the easel down okay well we'll have to see if he can use that easel he's in build mode it looks like he won't be able to but he might here let's have him test the sink too he can't he has to quickly wash his hands because it doesn't function okay he can use the sink just fine can you do a small classic painting oh yeah he doesn't care the trees there maybe i'll let him paint it and we'll see what he comes up with and then we can hang it on the wall oh it's a watermelon see good job perry okay well he can use the easel then that's good now i just don't know where to put the woodworking table we also don't have any lights in the in this main room so we gotta think this one through cause realistically we don't actually need a couch like it would be nice to have a couch for like decoration purposes but really we don't need one so we gotta think about our priorities like what do we what do we actually care about in this build i'm putting the lobster above the door i like it do we put cabinets in here that's the thing i want him to be able to prepare food like i would i would like it if we could actually oh my gosh if we could actually have a stove i think that would be a nice touch i guess this one does work off the grid but then none of the cabinets make sense with these like none of the counter spaces actually make sense oh we could do something like this and then we could just you know make this cabinet useless but use it to stick lights on and stuff for storage and then your sims could cook all right do we prefer having a couch or a dining table because well this is covered like your sim can eat here so we don't need to have a dining table so we have a covered porch are there any wall sconces that are off the grid i don't think so so you have to put candles on shelves is that really the only way there's just not enough light here i guess we could always stick one like stick some sort of lantern thing on top of this that makes sense i can't see first it was because of the tree now it's just too dark we just can't win okay shelf over here and we stick a candle on it or we could do the same lantern that we've got over there oh i should have put a bookshelf in here your sims can read books for fun i don't know if they'll read these books because i don't know if they can technically access that like a bookshelf but we can pretend okay so you can make candles which you could use to light up the house you can use the woodworking table to craft more furniture and also to make money and sell it you can paint i mean there are a lot of options here okay i'm gonna put the cereal box in cans next to the thing but you there's there's stuff for our sims to do i think oh can you put candle are you serious that doesn't sound safe putting a can of like putting an open flame in there probably is not a good idea i'll put one on top of the fridge though i'm just trying to get some more light because it is really dark in here i feel like that's coming along though it's a fully functional off-the-grid treehouse oh you know what we could do we put a bookshelf there your sims should be able to use those books they have a fireplace if they get cold i mean yeah what more can we add for them landscaping the answer is landscaping i have no idea how to make the ground of this place not look ridiculous i'm trying to put stuff down but like it doesn't it's not gonna make any sense no matter what i just tried to start typing a cheat in the search bar hello no no bb dodge show live edit objects oh that's embarrassing okay let's put some sort of little rocky pathway yeah something like that to have like an actual entrance we can stick the mailbox near it it just looks so random it's just like this weird little space i just i have no idea how to make it look not ridiculous you know what's so weird is i always thought that this tree was so big like pre-sized up i think this tree is massive and then you come here and you place it like the normal-sized one down next to our giant tree house and it's like oh man we thought the first tree was big wait until you see what we've got now okay i want to have um i probably shouldn't put rain collectors underneath the trees but maybe i'll stick them back here we can try and get some rain water this is weird i know i'm just thinking about like trying to have a little alcove of some sort oh what if we put a little fire pit down here the last time i played in a tree house was like honestly a few months ago i built a treehouse kind of recently in the sims but the last time i played in a treehouse my sims neighborhood had that neighborhood action plan where your neighbors come and steal your stuff and so i had like a little fire pit down at the bottom and my neighbors kept coming and stealing my benches it was infuriating i'd like get a new one and then they'd come and take it and i'd place a new one and they'd come and take it and i just never had benches by my fire pit because of my stupid sims neighbors deep breaths it's okay yeah but you could get like a couple planter boxes down here okay this looks really weird doesn't it i don't know how to landscape i i'm just like throwing down plants i kind of like it though i think this house is kind of cool well i can't i can't get back inside very easily okay there we go i think it's very functional and i kind of want to play in it now well happy earth day everyone if you want to download this treehouse just know that it it's on the gallery even if you can't really see it i realized that this this image is not good but it's not my fault blame the lot and blame the gallery i promise there's a tree house in there somewhere and on that note i will see you all tomorrow okay bye everybody god i hate when that happens when the gallery picture gets ruined by the lots like there's just trees around the place that cover the gallery photo why why can't we choose our own gallery photos okay deep breaths it's okay
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 340,731
Rating: 4.9811926 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: G2moSeKynSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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