Building a MINI ENDER DRAGON in Minecraft Hardcore!

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haha it still feels good to hold in my blocky little hands looking at the dragon egg which we got last time sorry I should have said spoilers but I guess that's kind of obvious welcome back to Minecraft hardcore survival I shouldn't need this in my off hand anymore all we also got his breath to which is looking pretty good how can we throw this I think these are used to make lingering potions not 100% sure why you would need a lingering potion but I'm gonna pop these back in here all my slow fallings oh geez I need like an actual potion box don't I it'd be caught if you could have like different colored chests you can get different colored boats different colored everything but for some reason you can't get different colored chests why is that minecraft why is that right potions are gonna go in here let's move all of this stuff out of here I'm gonna put the bottles back keep the awkward potions in here and put all of the finished potions or water bottles in here actually water bottles can come out they don't need to stay here those can go back in there right let's empty out all this stuff that we have in here because today we're gonna be doing a little bit of building I said last time that I wanted to be able to use the dragon egg for something or display it somewhere so and go into but this involves actually building an ender dragon that's right I've got design in mind it's going to be epic and I think it's gonna be made out of black concrete so I need to figure out what I need to be able to make black concrete let me pop some of these back as well so I don't need them all my little tiny babies of life let's go to have a quick sleep so you can refresh the brain and get ready to build an ender dragon that's like floating over our world so probably just up here I want it to be nice and high not as high as our gross platform over here ah I've got to do the selfie I've got to do the selfie with the the billboard what am i doing you know what let me see if I can do that right now this should have worked I've reloaded everything and this should work I just need to figure out where on earth they put the painting there it is right come here you let me just quickly check concrete powder so black dye sand well that's gonna be easy mode let's try it this out shall we let's see if the selfie works I've grabbed it from the previous episode and we should be able to just pop it on here this is exactly what the Billboard is for for betraying it's betraying the word for putting my agenda on the whole world that's not the one that is not the one I wanted oh I think that's it how'd you think that's it okay uh let's not ruin it until we get to the castle and see what this looks like okay unnamed dog oh how you doing buddy still don't have a name tag for you sorry right here we go there it is the selfie you can't even see the dragon egg the dragon egg is right there near my crosshair and then I put hat on it so this is me asserting my dominance over the whole world and I'm gonna even more do that by putting an end to dragon up the top and I wanted to make it kind of like a hot air balloon so the end dragon is carrying the eggs we can still see it so there you go that's uh that's what I've been up to killing the Edit dragon and taking selfies with its child right we need some sand which luckily we have a lot of the only thing I don't know we have a lot of is gravel where the gravel at ah wait a second I do have gravel so it's gravel like this sound like this and then we need the black dye luckily we're gonna have loads of it because all of the squids that have died I've been collecting their bodies all right here we go concrete powder what and I don't know how much of this I'm gonna need but how much is that all jeez okay I did not need that much okay never mind I've got it now let's quickly go ahead and turn all of this into concrete what else are we gonna need I think it's a slabs when he died err right the first time I'm ever gonna use die right I think that's gonna work pretty well let's go all the way to the top also one of you guys told me a different way to do the baby launcher which is ten times as easy but you know what I did some redstone by myself so I'm pretty pleased of that let's go straight into the water it's always a little bit terrifying and let's pick this bad boy to smithereens how quick that is yes give me all this black goodness there we go all done sixty-four give me that back turtle it was just chilling on his flipper right I need to make a let's see if I've got any ladders here haven't got any ladders I wanna make a a platform to build this on I have eleven that ain't gonna cut it where are my ladders go and that is expensive I feel like they are lots of sticks I'm definitely gonna want it higher than that okay let's just build the platform first I don't want to use scaffolding scaffolding who stresses me out I'm not even sure why and we're gonna put this dead center so we're gonna put the Enderdragon up here it's gonna be glorious how high do I want it to be probably like here this could be our first bit of black concrete and then we want the head over here so I already know how I want the head to go this is gonna be its bottom part of its mouth actually is it so we need he's got quite a fat face isn't he so I had it like a 3x3 down here and then I think two on top so this is like his face and then two buttons either side which I'm gonna have to grab the rest I should be able to do for memory I need some slabs as well no okay to damage that ain't too bad so could you already have those otherwise I would have died a long time ago won't be enough ladders be that guy be that guy enough ladders ah it's one short of course it is there you go that should be fine okay right let's go and grab some slabs we need some buttons as well and the slabs are gonna be like his his backbone I guess then we also need diorite for the wings so we can actually use diorite for once and we need smooth stone slabs how do I make those smooth slabs I need smooth stone how on earth do I make smooth stone do I need to use this we do I have to smelt it again I do I have to smelt this again doubles smelting okay let's double smelt those and then we need smooth stone slabs that I make six that we're gonna need more than six watch you have seven slabs already polished diorite probably I don't even know where I got those from but I don't think that's gonna work also looking for I need I've got some other smooth stone somewhere it's really difficult to find different types of stone when all you're looking at is stone there it is right I need two buttons there we go sweet right is this done yet I'm gonna have to wait till this is done seven this should make us a good little bit of smooth slabs at can just put it here it gives us 31 that's a good start we can start with that for now dad's gonna look glorious up here let's do the buttons first while we're up here so I and then I look in kawaii I like it I don't know where I'm gonna put item frames on the other side or not I haven't decided yet but I think this goes here and that my friends is an ender dragon head real fast The awkward bit is always gonna be like the body and the legs because those are just awkward to build and because I'm building it in the sky as well it's always gonna be more awkward so this is where the back is gonna be it's gonna look like this oh we've got a visitor fantastic that reminds me I need to get some more gold soon because I have run out of golden carrots and stuff is he going somewhere in particular but you know I'm just gonna take about oh I just remember they don't go on fire either look at him he's so angry you won't get me up here chill I hope his friends don't come that would be awkward let's put the legs I feel like I need to go a bit lower than this are those legs too low I'm not too sure let me just quickly sleep because I want anything bad to happen this is gonna take a while just because it's in the sky it's just really awkward but it's gonna be worth it when it's done I'm how we look in yeah that's not too bad yeah let's do the legs like that why don't we just build a bigger platform around here so we can actually build on it and see it that makes a little bit more sense the legs needs to be a little bit different though the legs need to like been drowned cuz that's how the ender dragon goes so maybe this yes we just like it's like chilly like this his front legs are small but his back legs are pretty beasty so let's uh let's do that we came to out and then we popped it down to here I think yeah there we go that and then when you need is toes give me the end of dragon toes so II think that's the same on each side with the black is actually kind of difficult to see oh that looks cool so now what we need to do is continue it but I also need to his fat back legs which are pointing the other way too so let's extend this tail out and figure out where his legs are gonna go his body looks a bit skinny actually he needs a belly he's just been killed for he doesn't matter for that he was a bit of a chubba we kind of need his legs just like go outwards right does that work or does that look weird I feel that it looks weird doesn't it let's take that bit out and do that instead that looks better yeah that looks much better so again we come to outs and then we went down okay let's do that as well oh why why you mock me kitty cat why do I always do this if I didn't have feather falling on these boots the amount of times well I would have died so many times it's crazy we come down like this and just replicate what we've done over there that should be the back of the Dragon those are his little legs and his tail is actually really long let's get an image of the actual ender dragon up his tail is long oh and we need to fit the wings in somewhere as well that's what I have my diorite for so wings I like above his shoulders so I guess it should come out here I don't know how big to make them they definitely need to come out here though for sure I'm just glad I've got used for diorite cuz diorite don't get used that much so we think three across each size is gonna work so three and then three like this maybe one just chillin on the end as well cuz we need to make he's got like white bits on the top of his wings and then he's also got like white spines that go through his wings as well like a bats you know a bat looks like just you know what a bat looks like what what are you talking about she has one that goes straight and then a couple that goes sideways we do a straight one here which is the longest one and then the sideways one here actually I think that looks okay does that look good so this adds his wing in just to see how's that how's that for an end dragon wing I think we should make it a bit longer come here I've already run out of concrete maybe I did need some more how's that looking I think that looks ok I'm gonna go and get myself some more black concrete and then I'll be with you guys maybe I should put some along here yes that connects the wing up right more concrete please I have it on me I just need to smelt it or whether this is called soak it in water there's such a long process I wish there was a way you could automate this and I think that is I've seen someone automates it but it is extra like you have to have loads of piss Obsidian as a room so you can explode it collect the drops it's crazy it's way quicker to do this hey look there it is that actually looks cool I'm so pleased I came up this entirely myself as well because I was thinking especially if like the redstone machines which I've kind of said to you guys before what's the point in just copying something cuz then you're just making a world of copied stuff even if something I make is worse or less efficient as a redstone machine or a build at least I built it from my brain so I'm gonna try and do as much as possible and it's like desperately need help without copying anything now hope that's okay for you guys one thing I haven't tried is the cage that is holding the dragon egg because first up I thought I was gonna put the dragon egg on top of the ender dragon but then I was like you can't see it so why would you do that so instead I'm gonna have like iron bars underneath kind of like a hot-air balloon so that he could be carrying the eggs that we can see it that's what I'm gonna try anyway it might look dumb but at least I can see me egg right one more piece there that lines it up quite nicely so now I need to just copy that on this side so it's one two three and the diorite comes down four four no five let me just need a sideways one like this oh and one here I think I need to put some dye right here so there and there and two down here is that symmetrical I feel like it's not symmetrical is that symmetrical now I think it is I'm pretty sure that is so we've got three three three three three three and then one would gaps in the middle - yeah that's fine that works ok that's symmetrical sweet so now we just need to make the tail and pawed him out a little bit so the tail is actually really long and this is put his little spines on as well how long do I want this I think I just wanted one more that'll do now I just need to make him a little bit fatter I can easily do that it's so hard to see with all like the the black concrete maybe god I made him a little bit fatter I don't know if that actually works but you know what it does I'm gonna fatten him up to the legs I think no that's too fat the end of Dragon is put on too much weight please let's get rid of it so you don't up to the legs here it does kind of look a little bit weird maybe I need to poach him out yeah yeah that's it that's what I need to do there you go paaji and the dragon is it dangerous to sleep up here I think it must be this is sleep I probably should get some lighting as well but I don't know what lighting would look good on the ender dragon maybe I can get one of my sea lanterns and put them up here just in the wings I think I look good this makes me nervous even though I know I'm gonna survive always makes me nervous let's go and grab some sea lanterns I think we've got enough trying to do my best to avoid any kind of building for a sea guardian farm that just does not look fun at all I should probably grab my iron bars actually I know there's a lot of running back with some forwards unnamed dog oh is uh you seeing me a lot today but I need some iron bars and then the dragon eggs iron bars I've got seven surely I have more than those I had some more at some point but you know what it doesn't matter I can make pretty much infinite I am bar 16 just make some more this is take it we've got enough iron for days so we're good score the dragon egg I've got the iron bars I don't want a platform for it so I want to see the dragon egg from the bottom and I've also got my sea lanterns as well let's grab those I just want it to glow a little bit because if you can't see it at night it's not gonna be as impressive and I don't think there's anything that's like purple because purple obviously goes really well of the ender dragon and also when we take away all of these dirt bits could still look pretty trashy so let's just make sure that doesn't happen I think I'm gonna put it in here so it's gonna look a little bit weird but shouldn't look too out of place because kind of the right color scheme and that should allow it to glow from above quite a spine going all the way around right now is where we need to do the cage from beneath maybe we can do it like like a harness like you do for a dog let's try it to see what happens worst-case scenario we could take it down we take him down let's get rid of all of this dirt up until this point so we can make a new barrier every time and this will give us a chance at you look here properly because we haven't seen it yet from below without any scaffolding I need to go a few layers lower hello hello how do I fix this I'm just hanging in midair underneath an ender dragons is slightly awkward you have to literally reload the world it's so awkward and it happens all the time okay let's get this going shall we I can't even reach you it's great so my idea is for it to hang like under here so we can see it can the dragon egg be placed in me I'll know it's affected by gravity isn't it like if I if I put this here we're one block should be able to fit I need to get some glass I'm gonna have to get some glass to do this so I want to be able to see it I want to see it because the other way you can grab the dragon egg is by breaking an end stone block underneath it and then have it drop onto a torch exactly like sand works we got a purple piece of glass how do I do that purple glass why is this so small I need purple dye which is blue and red mixed together I've got red hosni blue which is lapis pretty sure I feel like I always get tricked by this but no it's right mix these two purple dye mix this with glass not purple glass I need glass all the way around the outside don't I oh that's annoying I don't want to use that much looks like I'm gonna have two purple glass there it is I'll take my stained glass thank you what's that noise oh it's you oh my goodness I thought that was like in the turtle enclosure or something or it was in my cloud oh my goodness great I wish I you could see the egg a little bit better but unfortunately you can't just because it goes all Pixley when you create banners like that right here we go we might have some time to do some extra little jobs around the town as well because it doesn't it's not looking fantastic right now I mean this and the Enderdragon is looking fantastic which is showing everything else up so I just want to make sure that everything looks extra fabu I just put that there and then you put the end dragon egg on top that's what I'm talking about let's see what this bad boy looks like from the bottom come on a dig do your best I'm gonna go too fast so don't want minecraft to break again I create something fantastic I think this is gonna look good yes oh it does look good unnamed dog Oh what do you think you think it looks good huh ah there it is I think his eyes could look better though maybe I can have with sealant and eyes look weird that looks sick I'm so pleased with that I need something that kind of cos is like a purple glow I could move one of our beacons but that's gonna be incredibly expensive to do and do like purple through the dragon egg that would look so good actually should I do that move one of my beacons it's gonna cost a lot of material to be able to do that cuz I've got it these are like really cheap because they're on a triple I could do that what can I use for his eyes and he's probably better for his eyes I think something lighter or maybe something out of quartz so you don't really get much of quartz do you maybe a birch button would look better I know his eyes are black but I think to be able to see it from up here it's gonna look better with birch buttons do I have any birch wood I don't think I do let's go I'm gonna grab my stuff back so I think I put most of it in here didn't I don't eat the diorite glad I found a use for that right where's the chop whether I put it oh the top is already here nevermind birch planks where art thou um I'm not sure I think they're over here oh I've just thought of another thing that I wanted to do I don't think I'm gonna have time to do it today but I've had a cool little thought of a way that I can transport myself through the nether so there's oh my goodness you're a beam down here this this has been here the whole time and I haven't realized you know how many times I've ran past that insane what I was saying was a way to transport myself through the nether could be via horse I could have different horses down in the nether because you can use boats which is really quick but getting all the blue ice is gonna be a pain in my butt so you my friend could be one of my new employees very very soon but what its gonna do if we use horses it's gonna be quicker than running and it's also gonna be able to save our hunger as well which is really annoying when I'm running through the nether all the time and I want my nether to be a bit more organized it's currently a little bit crazy as you saw in the previous episode when we were trying to even find the other one to get to the end portal this is also the first time that I have mind up Burch that's slightly embarrassing don't think I'm gonna need much of it I just need to one button right but save the trees guys save the trees you need to take the saplings and replant them those the sticks come on but saplings look really weird alright let's go oh wait there's no this happening here I think I'm replanting this tree go save the trees save the trees team trees yeah and you can see the egg from here as well it definitely needs something about its face look at this horse - there's so many horses out here I could turn into skeleton horses how do I do that don't I need lightning for that to happen which means I need a trident for that to happen ok that's a project that's definitely a project I want to make horse gateways passageways in my nether I think that's gonna be sick but they have to be skeleton horses because you know it's the nether it's the undead realm I've already destroyed as well I didn't even talk about it in the previous video I've got a stack of levels right now 64 beastly levels and at some point I've got to assassinate this farmer I don't really want to do it but he's not doing his job properly to be honest so I'm gonna gonna have to take his life I'm sorry about that sir hope you didn't hear me but this is what it looks like oh yeah I remembered what I was gonna do on a look at the end dragons face he's got purple eyes but go on the front but I kind of like how cute it is on the sides umm what else is purple that we can use carpet Swink wicked or we could put purple carpet or wool inside item frames that could work I'm gonna try that too I've got some purple dye still and I've got some wool in here so let's go for purple wool where is it at I could use another hunt why why you do this to me I'm getting new recipes all the time also some of you guys commented that I have given a better bed to the villagers and I have given myself which is completely true so I need to upgrade my bed at some point as well alright here we go right I need a couple item frames real quick oh we're running out of these well this cows are looking like they might be in a little bit of trouble real soon double item frames I don't even know if this is gonna look good but I feel like we should at least try it because just don't look right right now and then we can add the stone buttons as the nostrils because the enter dragons got them big boy nostrils it sounds weird right let's grab this off of you sir it depends whether we can see this from that far away that looks kind of cool um on the front would look weird right let me try it I think on the front would look a little bit too weird how we looking how we're looking how we're looking in I've tested both to see what looks best I think the sides I definitely think the side is best for sure let's take this off don't fall off please that caused me so much grief okay we do that and that and then we can put the buttons its nostrils on the front that's so much better was there anything up and take it down could anyone count how many times I've fallen off of here that's insane one thing I wish you could do is have something that emits particle effects what else apart from a nether portal creates some kind of potion effects you know like the particles cuz I think it'll be cool to have some kind of particles just like dripping from his wings but I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that because such a thing does not exist and you can't put an end a pool tool another board too even you can't put it sideways so I couldn't like try and hide it and have the particles come out which would be cool there we go there is our ender dragon finished oh that looks so much better it still looks weird from down here but from my house this is gonna like a masterpiece absolute masterpiece how are we looking there we go egg hanging below on the harness around the end dragon I think that's beautiful guys what do you think I want to see it a night actually I haven't done that yet so we'll wait to see it a night and we also need to store the dragon head when we get it my first idea was to make a mini ender dragon so probably like like 10% of the size of this you could have the actual ender dragon head as the head but instead I think I'm just going to attach it to here when I've got it but that's a little bit of a way away before we ree summon the ender dragon next up we need to go to the end city but now i'm thinking about that skeleton horse idea i really want to try that so i just looked at and we are going to need a well we're gonna need a Trident which is gonna be tough to find because the one drowned farm that I tried to make do work it didn't work at all um slow us no I want buddy buddy how you doing buddy let's go and check out the farm because I didn't show you it at all I recorded a whole episode which was building the the drowned funk so I wanted the gold from them cuz that has a drop and then it just didn't work so I want to try and get that to work to try and get Trident now or I'm gonna have to edit it so that it then does spawn in more drowned I'm not sure how I'm gonna do that but I need a farm and I also ironically need gold as well so the plan is to get a trident that has the enchantment channeling which unfortunately can't go with Riptide which is the one that allows you to fly everywhere we're gonna have the leeches anyway soon you get channeling and then when it rains which does rain quite often in this term in this world we can use the trident to summon in lightning wherever it lands and we're gonna make it land next to a horse and then we just farm skeleton horses until we've got enough to use them to travel in the nether i think that's gonna be the best thing to do everybody I'm gonna need you to just kind of stay here for a second can you stay in this water please I'm gonna go and see my farm then when it gets to nighttime we need to go back and check out our ender dragon at nighttime see if it actually glows up if not I'm gonna fire a beacon through it and I even just get a new beacon which means killing the wither again but done that three times already so I don't think I ever showed you around this before but this is what I made it's a cool little design it just doesn't work that well so I caught a villager on geez I'm drowning I'm drowning help so I caught a villager and put them in this little pods down here which actually wasn't as hard as it sounds and then the idea is the drowns spawn in get attracted towards the villager before they get the villager they get sucked into the magma blocks and then the idea is that we sit underneath and just hit the hit the Drowned that are sucked down here because the vortex of bubbles is going down like our downwards water elevator you just hit the Drowned and then you get the drops that are picked up by this minecart down here which surprisingly is still going unfortunately all of Kortright our fish I think something I could do to fix it is add more flat land around or stay around here at night I'm not a hundred percent sure because not enough ground actually no drowned a spawning I think I got one caught in it when I initially built it which is when I thought it was working but some reason it isn't look it's just catching fish that fish is going down and got to die soon that's unfortunate we escaped its man's and legends yeah I think I might need to make some more flat land because when I was building it they did say to pick flat land but I don't want it to be too far away so I probably need to flatten this out a bit anyway I need to convert that at some point I just wanted you guys to know that it existed even though I didn't show the episodes that I built it in because it was a waste it didn't work it failed buddy buddy you better behaved yourself yay sweet right let's go let's go home I want to see my arm ender dragon in full night time dude you really can see that thing from miles away we need to change it into something cool if I can wrap another material around it to make it look like a DNA helix you don't know what it is look it up the scientists among us will know but I think that'll look cool you can see this more than you could see the beacon which is crazy this is perfect timing buddy thank you as always for your services my friend please don't run over the cats that wasn't very nice with a keeper doubt him little pussycat here we go nighttime is arriving I'm hoping that those sea lanterns are enough light otherwise I'm gonna have to go and throw some torches up there but they work pretty well on the billboards to be fair let's just wait for it to turn to nighttime and see how it looks there it is it's looking pretty lit up to be honest with you I didn't want any mobs to spawn on it that was my main concern and you know what I think it's gonna be fine look at that fine egg underneath I would love it if we could use a beacon on that and worried though that the beacon will hit the egg and won't work I'd have to change some of his innards to glass for it to work but um I think a beacon flowing through him would be awesome it would light up the egg it would look beautiful but I'm gonna have to test and see I don't mean to do that I mean I've to test and see if we can get ourselves a beacon through an egg I don't know if it's possible to be honest but there you go there's our celebration and shrine to holding our dragon egg will soon hold the dragon head from the second end dragon guys I hope you enjoyed this episode I thought we'd bring it down a little bit make it a little bit more calm for today after last episode which is pretty intense but now we need to get on the hunt for some trident because that's one of the only items we don't have right now which is bad and then we're gonna go to the N city find the elite rusalka boxes all that good stuff I think now that we've got the second end portal in the end we can make an even more efficient with a killing farm so we should probably do that soon if you want some more beacons guys thank you so much for watching this episode if you enjoyed it leave a like that we greatly appreciated all there's all there's mobs everywhere wait a second look at the more all my village is safe I hope they are I should probably sleep this is a slightly terrifying for him even though he's in a glass dome it's pretty terrifying is everyone gonna burn now I hope so burn burn you punks all of you burn I think we could bomb ya guys thank you so much for watching leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you are brand new to the channel to keep up with this series and also a brand new videos pretty much every single day I hope you enjoyed have an amazing day and I see you all in the next one yeah [Music] I swing wagon candles canvas of a full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,418,644
Rating: 4.9337926 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: x5maQ4vKslk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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