I FIGHT the ENDER DRAGON in Minecraft Hardcore!

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I don't know why but today I've decided that this will be the greatest day in my minecraft hardcore let's play series today we're gonna be taking on the ender dragon that's right I'm not messing around we're going in there and we're gonna take his life I was just about to say I'm gonna take his head and take you home but I don't think we could do that yet but I am gonna steal his egg that's right today is the day I sit atop my floating castle and oh oh yeah I took the Billboard down you know what if I beat the ender dragon today if I don't that means I've died if I beat the ender dragon today I will put a selfie of myself next to the ender dragons egg on this billboard right here for the world to see you know what I'm not messing around we are doing this and we are doing this today it's going to be a glorious glorious events just because I feel like I'm just delaying it right now and I really want to get to the N city I want to fly that's that's literally why I'm doing this I want to get the elite row I need it so we need a kit to beat the ender dragons so we're obviously going to need our eyes of and away did we fill the portal yet did we do that I can't remember I've actually could have to go and check my video and see if we'd put the C if we put the things in exile if we did okay we definitely didn't we need three four five six seven eight nine ten of them we should be able to do that right 10 of those bad boys so let's grab some of these let's grab us some blaze powder as well and make 10 of those but that would've been awkward we actually need some ender pearls as well so let's take all of them because we need ender pearls just in case we fall off the end which would be it would be terrible I also need these awkward potions and some phantom membranes because I'm gonna be crafting me some slow falling potions we also need some of those and we're gonna make them longer as well this is make all of these into eyes of ender actually that's not do that we only need 10 we were 5 6 7 8 9 10 sweetie the rest need to stay as ender pearls these are our gal jail free card if the ender dragon flings us in the air we need to remember to grab our ender pearls otherwise it's it's game over right I need red stone now to make those even bigger I don't know how long that lasts for though that's the problem right we need more potions I think we're gonna absolutely boss this I genuinely do we've got totems of undying we've got golden apples I think we should make some more golden apples or at least one more because that's all I've got so let's get stacked on those real quick wrap but but and I don't know why I'm feeling so pumped to do this today how long's this last 4 minutes that should be enough right would that be enough I also want to make some other potions what do I have already fire resistance weakness regeneration I already have in strength that's actually really good ok maybe I don't need as many as I thought about 3 more awkward potions that's pop those in here let's make one more set of the slow falling just in case we also need a I think it's a piston and a lever I don't know if I'm gonna have to carry all this stuff though the reason I want that is so I can collect the dragon egg I desperately need to do that because if I don't bring the evidence song did I really do it huh that's what you've got to ask yourself right another piece of redstone in here and that will make the potions that we need slow falling should be all that we need I don't think we need strength and stuff because we've got loads of thorns and everything on our armor it's mainly gang up to the obsidian towers that's gonna be an issue so we do need a bucket of water that's probably gonna need one of those with these we're gonna have six six of these to regeneration one strength so that should be enough I just need to grab a bucket of water I think we've got enough durability on everything else we need a stack of blocks so we're gonna take some cobblestone with us I'm gonna take two sets of cobble just because if we get start in the unlike a platform we're gonna need stuff to get across I think that's what we're gonna need for membranes and stuff we've got our eyes of ender 'la dig and ender Buster I don't think we need those guys I'm gonna cause a whole kind of paradox right now I put an ender chest inside an ender chest with ender Buster because I don't need those got torches got arrows don't think I need smite I think everything else is just ready to go you know I think this is all we need is this we need do we definitely have everything on here we have mending everywhere we've got thorns everywhere cuz if the dragon hurts us and that means he'll get hurt that's good got a pickaxe I think I'm gonna be fine I think this is all I need I might grab myself another totem because you know what I have loads of them so let's take a couple so he could die over and over again I'm nervous but I think I'm ready to go I need to remember where I put the stronghold I got a lever so something else that suggested is empty bottles so you can collect Dragon's Breath but I feel like I'll do that on the second attempt of killing the ender dragon because you can re-summon him so I want to collect that at a different point I think do I kitty do I want to do that or do I want to grab it now yeah you're right I need to focus on the task at hand piston to collect the egg arrows eyes of ender cobblestone I think I'm ready to go I can't think of anything else that I would need I've got my shield just in case pumpkin would be good but I don't think we're gonna need one of those I'm doing it I'm going I'm going by foot as well humble subjects everyone listen listen up police I've got an important announcement so let me go and locate the end dragon the end portal and I might never see you guys again I say this all the time but today this could actually be true I'm out of here let's go which way was the the portal again I'm pretty sure is this way hold on a second I'm pretty sure I have another portal for this somewhere isn't it it's over here where is it okay I've just looked over my old video I definitely had another portal because I remember putting one in the stronghold I just don't think I put the returning portal in a logical place so let's go through and see if we can find this thing then now lead us straight to the stronghold and we just get on with business unnamed dog oh I vow to bring back a nametag in your honor that you don't think the Enderdragon drops a nametag but if he does I'll be sure to give you it okay I'm out here friends I salute you I'll be back soon okay so I think I actually have no idea which way it was so this is where I arrived last time through here somewhere to come through here I must have done I'm just gonna see if I can find it I left a giant pillar of cobblestone nearby so as long as I can find that I can find the ravine where I left the nether portal I don't know why I didn't actually dig to it I'm an idiot oh geez I'm about to see tons of you guys I don't wanna fight you just now I think I recognize this I think it's dead this way ah found it this is what I was talking about I need to be careful I don't want to die running towards the end of Dragon do I let's have a look down here there it is right there let's go let's do this yep that was done okay never mind never mind here we go into the strongholds did I bring everything I need to triple check that I've got everything with me we're here okay let's complete the portal first oh great end portal I hope I have bought enough 3:6 I think I boy enough oh great end portal I fill you with the eyes of 10 end men and the souls of a few blazes that's I killed please take me so your leader cool of this creepy is creepy but I like I just got the chills if there's any other time that I am so close to dying in this let's play it's now this is so risky you're stuck in the end until you either die or you kill the Ender Dragon we can't do the first one I would go crazy I need to calm myself let's check we go everything and oppose for days that's fantastic hopefully we don't fall off 20 times we have got building materials what else do we need golden apples in our hot bar ready to go everything else I think we're good we've got slow falling that's the main one because if we get knocked off or not up we won't take any fool damage oh man I'm jumping in in three two one let's get it let's get it gamers we are here in a box this is not great hello mrs. Enderdragon I've come to slay you okay I'm here and I have no idea where you are or wait a second we're here guys let's put this here so we know where the escape is not that there's really any escape here let's keep our heads down and just chill the cobblestone is also good for blocking Enderman if you get yourself in like a too high block of nonsense oh geez I'm actually scared yeah if you got yourself in a two-block hi little box they can't actually get you well I need to be super careful let's drink one of these right now oh geez ways that what does that well as that oh my goodness I'm drinking it I'm drinking the slow falling right let's get to let's get to work shall we ah that was almost the first shot come on shoot it no leave me alone I haven't played the ender dragon fight with his new dragon breath ability yeah there we go that's one that's two we can actually collect dragon's breath in this there we go got it well I've got the dragon's breath this is good news as long as I make it out alive to be able to use it right let's get the rest of these shall we so the ones that are gonna be tricky are obviously the ones in the iron bar and there's how many of them I think there's a few don't look at any end amounts don't do it come on get this get this get this yeah that's what I'm talking about or eyes another one up here let's go get that chill oh man the jumping is so weird I think the ender dragon gets most mad when you've taken out oh my goodness no no no no no don't get me why are you firing so many of them oh I think I just shot that one I got it it makes like a weird animation I'm not sure why oh come on get that one get that one did it mean to get you I apologize if I get you he's freaking out why are you freaking out what have I done to you oh it's chasing me right I need to get up to one of these caged 100 how Oh what has happened they're just like teleported towards me I'm not cool with that that is not cool please don't do that again okay I'm gonna go to the other side of this now I need to go up all the way up I don't know I do mean to do that what am i doing oh geez I'm panicky and that's what I'm doing right how high up are we okay I think we can get this will it kill us from here I might just play it safe and do that and then just shoot it from here because I don't want anything bad to happen if I blow it up from here I can hear it close it's real close it's so close oh it's flapping in the middle okay let's try and get it from here Hey okay that works did you see it just smash some Enderman out the way you're making enemies son look they're so mad at you where is he oh man I'm scared right that's one down though that's a that's a good strat well let's get these ender pearls yeah I'm gonna take those just in case I need them right now we do the same again for every single cage as long as we can get the cages done I'm pretty confident that we are gonna survive this where are we okay we're here let's get those and get down I don't like when it makes a flapping noise that's pretty intimidating or tore see what I mean see what I mean you need to slow falling so desperately well it came for me I'm sorry I'm sorry about your stupid cage oh you can go through the cage I just got that through the bottom of the cage oh man where are the other cages there's definitely other cages somewhere we've done them all I think I might done them all how did that happen I wonder there's one up there okay let's take that one out come on that one's like really tall as well all those so close take it out come on I don't want anything to dive-bomb me and by anything I mean this stupid dragon yes right your mind now let's do this the final countdown let's go this is going terribly right now I'm missing every single shot look at it doing crazy like twists and turns in the air I'm not hitting it once although we got eye hits it it's gonna be mad now oh I'm genuinely scared what's it doing what's it doing I don't want to go near it oh my goodness once it's doing that thing in the middle I am not touching it out who's touching me is it and a man or is it oh I'm losing my mind guys I think we've got this I don't know how we're doing so well right now I might actually eat a Golden Apple just for good luck whoa whoa whoa well it wasn't me it wasn't me get the end events it wasn't me okay I want to eat a Golden Apple let's eat one of those just in case things get crazy whoa I just saw a wing go past my screen look if you keep hitting the Enderman I'm actually fine with that whoa that wasn't me bro back off back off right now back off this isn't your fight to fight buddy man I've never had such an epic game of moments if I complete this it'll be the most epic of gamer moments that I've had hardcore survival and a dragon fight look look at these guys look at them can you imagine him screaming as they're following him it's amazing I'll be honest with you I'm taking my sweet time right now oh sure no I don't have active right now the slow falling that could have been pretty tragic come to me come to me come to me let's go okay we go dad's almost half well that's so loud dude it's so angry so angry does it regen like this I don't want to be flung into the air I'm staying away why is it so loud what's happening why are you okay are you upset I'd be upset too if I was losing to be fair dude I'm going there you're going there we hit it we can't even hits it what is happening is it glitched is the shouting things are dying I'm slightly confused I'm not gonna lie to you oh there we go it's gone that was weird it was just like super angry yes here in these shots here in these shots ah yes I'm surprised only one Enderman has tried to kill me the shoot is coming in clutch right now we're down to half health this is easy mode come on give me something more aggressive you're the Enderdragon of minecraft legend and you are treating me like this unacceptable how about you fine with it really I'm just trying to act tough whoa whoa whoa whoa back up back up back up no no no I didn't mean it I didn't mean it please oh my goodness he's flying everywhere I like can't get him there we go who's hitting me now oh it's the dragon breath that makes more sense ow hey buddy what you mad at me he's the guy who's been destroying all your friends you know what if anything the end event of the strongest things in here because the ender dragon without it's healing is pretty easy to avoid it's not too bad he shot some pudding off my goodness ah just call me Legolas patiently does it my friends patiently does it let's go oh he's coming down he's coming down that's the best time to get him when he's doing his stupid swirling dance okay okay we get it you're super loud and scary we get it oh we got this we've absolutely got this stop screaming nobody wants to hear it oh oh he came straight at me I didn't know expect that he's destroying all these Enderman he's done more damage to Enderman than he's done to me come on everybody okay I'm gonna oh what a shot this shoot is coming in clutch right now look at this absolutely savagery oh he's coming down he's coming down this is this is time it's his time come on get some shots in oh he's so low dude by another slow falling potion just in case a freak accident could happen come buddy get off your silly perch you're not healing at all all of your support is gone even the Enderman don't like you now because you keep attacking their friends and family oh I'm getting use it I don't even care if you touch me now here we go this is for slow horse and buddy okay and for buddy as well guys calm down I was just kidding do I have to kill him over the land like I don't have to drop all of you experience everywhere because whoa I did it we guys Mike here doesn't he look look at him die yes and the dragon completes its easy modes you call this hardcore mode buddy look at it Oh give me this experience what I want to repair I'm gonna repair everything if I can oh oh open him up oh it tastes good but let's try and repair all this stuff is the chop got mending he doesn't have mending nothing else needs repairing everything is just so good right now I don't believe it we just defeated the end dragon in hardcore minecraft it was easy right that's a focus because we now have this egg to deal with I think I need to like build up a little bit I don't want to fall in cuz I'll be annoying so if we right-click the egg then we need to find it oh it's here so now what we need to do is piece of cobblestone just let's put it this side then we need to do piston this sides and then if we put a lever down what it does it breaks the dragon egg oh wait this is our this is our way to the end city this is what I want to do desperately because that's where the elektra are but anyway the the piston knocks the dragon egg out if this goes to plan and we keep the dragon egg Oh buddy oh I've got it this is where I need to take my selfie hold on I said I put it on the Billboard and I'm gonna ready to selfie next to the portal with the dragon egg I said I would do it I'm gonna shove it his face right on that billboard I did it Oh I'm pleased what jeevan's did we get the end and the end portal collect dragon's breath free the end and the next generation what advancements does that give us we just want a Minecraft ones so that's just all the way to the end oh here they are look remote gateway escape the island which is what happens up here that's when you go to the N cities the end again respawn in the ender dragon that's definitely going to happen and then we need to find an end city so there is a way that you can get the head of the ender dragon I'm pretty sure but that is to do with respawning him and to respawn him you need to create the end crystals I'm pretty sure but guys we did it the ender dragon is dead I need to make something cool for this dragon egg right now we only needed three slow full potions and we didn't even need them oh wait good as we did it the credits roll for the beautiful game that is minecraft I'll be honest with you I have not completed minecraft for at least five years legit actually I've never completed it legit I think I didn't creative before with my brother when I first ever like discovered Minecraft I was like okay I'm going to see what the whole end of this game is about and um I don't they have ever done it in survival and now it is happens I see the player you mean dantdm yes me yes me are actually remember this says yes take care is reached a higher level now it can read our thoughts that doesn't matter hey things we are part of the game I like this player it played well it did not give up no I did not I took this to heart I've read hours at hours grinding for this my farms are not wasted I'm so pleased it is reading our thoughts as though they were words on a screen wait this feels very undertale II for some reason that is how it chooses to imagine many things when it is deep in the dream of the game words make a wonderful interface very flexible and less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen they used to hear voices before players could read back in the days when those who did not play called the players which is a warlocks what is going on it dreamed it created and it dreamed it destroyed it dreamed it hunted and was hunted if dreamed of shelter my brain this hurts to read where's this mysterious text huh what is this about who wrote this notch was this you because I'm confused it's so no music either this could have done with a nice piano ditty just saying oh these like all of notches tweets just fed into the game that would be great because he's a pretty cryptic individual so that would be amazing I like how this whole thing is just portrayed on dirt blocks it pretty much sums up what is actually being read out here dirt straight trash I'm so confused by this can anyone decipher this what's the deep message it's going straight over my head I'm just hyped thought I beat the ender dragon and stole his egg oh look there I am dantdm playoff games has a ring to it I guess that's what I do I am player of games good oh you made me yawn right oh hello friends I just press the Escape key I went out long that would have lasted I was not enjoying that outright selfie will be sorted for next time look what I've got guys dragon egg don't touch it don't touch it don't touch it I don't want you to steal it please where shall I put this thing oh my goodness we have it I could put it with the villages to keep safe but that's not a good idea where shall I put the dragon egg unnamed dog you know what the unnamed dog Hey look what I've got impressive huh what do you think you can see it through your body that's fantastic come with me I need ideas unfortunately he didn't bring me a nametag otherwise I would have renamed you but for now we're just gonna have to go fish and I think friend are you okay just cuz you're a skeleton doesn't mean you could do freaky things okay sit there I feel like we should put this somewhere there's really gonna mean something I feel like maybe like in the middle here or behind here I don't know where to put it where do I put the egg because remember when I put it down I can't really pick it back up again maybe I can have it at the top I have got a map room plan for up there but I don't think I'm really gonna not really gonna use that no I need to think about this I need to think about a place where I'm gonna put the end of dragon egg I think I'm gonna make a shrine for it but I don't quite know where I'm gonna put it I might it might get rid of these guys I might slay them all but but - I'll keep two and then put the end of dragon egg over there because it needs a place it needs a solid place to be and with that my friends I defeated the Ender Dragon easy it was actually surprisingly easy but we did leave it a long time until we beat the ender dragon but don't worry the game is not over yet we need to go to the N city we need to resurrect the ender dragon and slay him again for his head we also need to get the alight Rasika fly make fireworks so we can fly infinitely and we have a lot of achievements and advancements to do still so stay tuned guys I'm gonna leave it here cuz I feel like that's a pretty epic episode we did it we did it together me and you well you didn't really do much but you know your support was there thank you guys thank you so much for watching how many likes could we get for defeat in the end of Dragon I think we should be able to get a decent amount thank you so much again for watching this series is far from over so make sure you're hitting that subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen just below this video so that you can stay tuned to the next episode I hope you enjoyed and I'll see all of you in the next one good bye [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle campus full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,357,608
Rating: 4.9447136 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft ender dragon, minecraft end, minecraft ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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