I Made a SECRET BASE in Minecraft Hardcore!

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ah look at that oh look at them working beautifully he's looking in the back of my head he's like please please don't pick me do this anymore you're doing it because you gave me sweet XP little punks so because of the title of the previous video you guys were upset that I had got these dogs finally turn them into a skeleton dog which is a major throwback and then just left them here to do my dirty work I did say that was gonna happen in the beginning of the video but I'm some of you guys were upset we're gonna try and find another dog today and name him what you've wanted me to name him okay I think actually have a name tag yet though which is a problem so um you guys keep doing what you do okay awkward right today I've got a little bit of another build project I've got a little idea for something that is very simple to make but also very cool indeed and very very secure as well I'm gonna be doing my own little redstone thing it's gonna be the simplest redstone thing you have ever seen literally involves one sticky piston and I I think that might be it please bear with me for me that's pretty advanced when I'm not following a tutorial this is straight from our brain box okay where I let's sleep because this this weather is gross oh my goodness so today what we're gonna do is we're gonna make a secret little base - it's either gonna be to hide this and kind of move this so I feel like we don't really use this up here anymore so I'm gonna move it into a more secret location or - oh I thought I was gonna fall all the way down nevermind ignore the little shriek or we're gonna use it to be able to store our riches because I feel like that could be a quite a cool thing to do so we're gonna need some slime we're gonna need a sticky piston and we're gonna need what else you need to make a piston I always forget I know its words yeah redstone dust that's the one thing I always forget we're gonna need some stone one two three there's a three or is it more than that it's bold we need four okay I knew it look at the wood situation I need to get on to that tree farm as soon as possible right piston let's grab one of those then let's make a sticky piston so we're gonna make a one by one hole that we can crawl through because I think we've kind of discovered and looked into this before but what you can do is you can flatten yourself with a trapdoor with the introduction of the new swimming mechanics inside Minecraft and you can kind of cheat that with a trapdoor and start crawling along the floor so we are gonna try and do that but I need myself an iron trapdoor no iron trap doors in here right that's let's grab one of those shall we we might actually need to yeah I'm gonna grab two of those hello hello done okay that was weird so trap door let's grab one of those and then one of those we're also gonna need well so you're gonna need a lever a button we'll be good I just want to see what buttons we can make we can only make stone we can make one of each of the woods I need to decide where on earth I'm gonna put this by the way I feel like down here it could be quite nice because as well there's not many mobs the only one I can think of is like a baby zombie the current get into a 1x1 block why is this not working anymore is it because I've left the area I think that's why the chunk loading is not working so if you're too far away your redstone machines don't work including this oh yeah it's flipping cactus oh wait okay sorry sorry about this oh no oh what's happening here oh jeez umm help help things are happening oh no oh no I need to do this right now this is bad I need another hopper what else do I need for that how do i how do I get how do I put stuff into a chest that just destroys things how do I do that you know what I'm gonna try and figure this one out myself because I am NOT gonna need all of that die it's messing up my machine I'm going to need a dispense or a dropper I think a dropper so I just need redstone dust and cobblestone it's a little bit of a distraction but it needs to be done one two thirds couldn't use all of it dispenser no we need a dropper because this wall I just need a constant redstone signal and then drop this stuff into lava right let me try it now so if I put some wood in there grab myself a lever and do this yeah they were just every time it gets a tick of redstone it should just drop things and I think you can turn these upside down as well so if I do it like this and then here pop the oak planks in the dropper yeah we can just make you drop it into the lava this is perfect right I'm gonna grab some lava I'm gonna grab some redstone as well I need just a way for it to do I need some more repeaters I think I do I think I need forces grab some smooth stone I've used a lot of smooth stone for our last contraption so let me grab these stakes and ions and let's just quickly make some more tests and then we'll get to the secret base I promise you so we're gonna need I think the way I want to do this is just with a posting redstone signal yeah that should work so I need one of these I actually need four of these oh you've already got enough okay sweet I also need a chest as well so that's gonna be like this and then a hopper or I feels good having all of this making these farms were just so perfect so perfect um have a go everything I think we've got everything right let's try this let's try we're making another bit of redstone today off the top of our brain it's gonna be either a fail or grapes um let's turn this down shall we always too loud just so we can work in the appropriate environment so we're gonna need a flat surface down here which it looks like we might be able to do get rid of this and this because the hoppers gonna have to come out and here and I should start filling up and then we're gonna go into our dropper which is gonna be upside down not there it's gonna be under here dropping things into a square of lava which is going to be here so we need to make sure that that lava is contained oh my goodness the jump boost is not helping me right now that's and that so the lava is now contained so the next thing we need to do is get this redstone circuit set up is just gonna be a simple I think they call it a redstone clock I just need enough space to do it so we need redstone on the floor how'd you know how to make one of these for some reason oh no no no that was lucky no no let's not do this let's not do this stop leave everything alone water is gonna be the death of me I'm sure of it remember that just in case I predict her okay so repeaters and then I need another redstone torch because that's gonna activate the whole thing but we break that afterwards let me just try to work this out so we're gonna have repeater yeah does that work repeater going into there and then we need now we need to sneak the signal to go round so maybe just repeaters in the middle of it so there there there yeah that's it and then you put a redstone torch here okay I think you need to make it delay of it so we do this let's try this yes oh that's perfect sue can you hear that it's like clicking every now and again so that's gonna make sure the things going to the lava let me go and grab a piece of glass so you can see this in action if I think I've just completed my first redstone circuits are you proud of me kitty cat it's your job to keep an eye on this okay protective with your life as we do of everything in this in this arm let's play I've just made an auto trash compactor I'm sure there's much easier ways to make it but for me this is pretty groundbreaking stuff okay right piece of glass just so we can see that this is working real fast here we go so this is gonna break I don't need any of this section so it needs this this or this or this but I'm gonna need to break this and go really far across quickly so you should be able to see look at it it's going in there and burning instantly I've just made my first device it comes out of the chest and it's gonna fill up pretty quickly because of how actually you put this in here just straight away it's kind of filling up already yeah as you can see every tick I want to see if I make the tick shorter oh that's too short okay let's try this oh that's much faster what if I just put it on - oh yeah that's so much fun that's the fastest I can do it actually because that means two of them are on one one of them is on two and that's so much quicker so it's pretty much going out as soon as it comes in cuz this isn't really yeah that's gonna be self-sufficient and it gives us a whole chest of green dye permanently just in case we ever need green dye again so that is working I'm gonna go and sleep and that means to cover that up so that no one destroys it because if someone destroys that I'm gonna be upset because my first red started thing I've ever made by myself I'm starting to understand it if there's any good coming from this series it's that I'm gonna need to just bump you off the edge here buddy there we go I need to make this flat it's not you it's me there we go sweet so this should now be completely self-contained which means that nothing can break it you're still gonna have to keep an eye on it just in case things feel like well people feel like damaging it but this it should work and eventually I'll fill this up with you know the old grass which we have been making a start on I need some dark why is that broke good who stole this didn't end around steal this you need to need to keep an eye on this okay please how'd you know I said I was gonna do are only bones on me there are they're all in my bone factory I don't think I have a nametag either you know I really wish I did I'm all out of name tags I wasted them all on dolphins and that's a that's a straight fact you know that's true I need a redstone chest don't I I need a chest to put redstone bits and pieces in so let's pop that it's not gonna be massive let's pop it above here so this this this I'm gonna put all the redstone stuff in there that includes like levers dust blocks all that stuff is gonna go in here now so I need to choose a location for this treasure place now is that what I was doing oh no a dog wasn't I am only confused I think there's bones in here yeah there we go right let's go and get a dog I don't have a name tag I don't think so I can't name him today I could have to do some more fishing to go and get one what do we got no name tag in here we've got saddles so we can ride the dog if we really need to yeah we haven't got any so that's going to get another dog because you guys want a companion to come with me and then eventually I'll get a name tag so I can name him I'm pretty sure there's still some wolves over here so let's go shall we this won't be a slave dog okay it's gonna be it's gonna be fine dog panic right sheep right piggies tell me where the dogs are at where the Wolves I'll save you from them because I know that the wolves can get is that one yes it is right come here Punk there we go easy mode one single bone let's get out of here dude you're my new friend my new friend I'm not going to tell you what the name is because you don't have a nametag yet but for now your unnamed skeleton dog just like the other four that I've got and you got trying to stay alive okay you're not doing a great job right now you need to keep up with me come on right where we're gonna put this secret base then because I think we have all that we need to be able to do it I think I've just put my lever back actually why I might need another one too so let's grab another wait there's a lever right there give me another lever and I guess some redstone and this let's go little punk I'm not gonna call you anything because I don't wanna get attached too soon where am I gonna put this Ike I don't want to put it underneath there I think with sands starting it might be quite nice I just need to be careful of the actual sand how much sandstone we got we got a little bit maybe I could put it near the villages maybe I could have put the villages in the secret tunnel then they'll be safe I really need this either right now um you know I think I'm gonna put it in here to be honest where does the sandstone start there but if I manipulate this I could down I need like a roof as well so need to be wary of that but I also need it to look really natural are you gonna behave yourself you need to chill yeah I think this could work so if I dig that out and then dig let me see if I can actually mine while I've got this little glitch going on so let's put trap door here lever here and then it squashes us down so all you need is a trapdoor to activate on your head obviously it'll be way easier to use a wooden trap door bar on this look see and this squishes yeah it looks really uncomfortable actually like really uncomfortable I can all do this is working this is working perfectly how far across can we go I've still got haste down here as well but look I'm inside a one by one secret little room and we could put whatever we want in here this is great I just need to be careful not to dig down because if I dig down actually if I dig up we're gonna we're gonna suffocate pretty quickly um this is cool and we kind of crawl a bit faster as well because of our of our speed enchantment dude we can feel a lot of stuff in here what could we all the dogs fit here as well cuz they're only one block hi dude look at you just chillin that's great so my original plan was to put my enchanting table in here because you can put all of the bookshelves flat so I think I might do that I just want to change the floor to something what should I change it to what do I have a lot of I'm gonna leave my dog in there just to keep you know keep everything safe and sound and then we'll get to the secret bit which is gonna be to do with I'm gonna try and get the lever to activate a piston to make sure that we get a secret entrance and then activate the trapdoor at the same time that's what I'm gonna try and do anyway right there's going grab our stuff from up here we need our bookshelves cuz look we can make this completely flat in there and then we can use this for something else we don't currently use it really the only thing you can't use that well is his chests because they need a gap above them to be able to open and I kinda want to keep this as flat as possible let's do this perfect what's good bro so we're gonna need to pace the bookshelves down first so we need how many is it across I can't remember I think that goes there and then this goes around the outside right I think this is how it works okay maybe not how many is this getting us it won't tell me I want inch on a stick yeah well let me in shot a stick maybe it needs air above it this doesn't seem like it's working I don't have anything that's unenchanted Cheers yeah that's not working maybe maybe you can't do this then you know what I'm gonna get rid of this for now and just make the entrance because I feel like this is too far over anyway so just grab all these bits cuz I think I need to edit this yeah so I'm gonna have to put the piston while it's extended it needs to go here so this is where the sandstone is gonna be so I need to bring all of this along actually do I 1 block oh no I just broke it I just broke it so originally I was just gonna make it go across like this so if I get rid of these actually it might work here yeah I was gonna make it go across like that and then somehow make it so the the lever activates the trapdoor as well but I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that I need to be able to make it go flat my thing I might need another sticky piston so I can make this properly flat so can a sticky piston push another sticky piston so if we have one that goes here and then one that goes this way does this work yeah okay so that's good I just need to make sure that the the redstone works out for this so I press a lever here that flattens this but then I also one this block to disappear so let's try and work this out with a flat working surface we have to make this too high just for now just to work out the redstone and then it should be fine afterwards okay I think I found a way to do this let me see I think I need to take off some of the sand at the top but this should work the only other thing I need to try and do is get the trapdoor working which might have to be a simple mechanism I need another piston trike a make apparently nice make that sticky as well but I think I've just been over complicating this I can go upwards so this shouldn't be too much of an issue I'm just gonna have to camouflage the rest of this so let's get rid of all of this sand really quickly so you can work on the top because otherwise the sand is gonna get real annoying I can place all of this back eventually I think that should be enough that should be fine so we're gonna need our sticky pistons I think this and then this should work and then we need to put something above it so again we can replace this sandstone back after we've done so now I need to put my sandstone on here sandstone above and then this is where the redstone goes on to then we need to do dust dust dust and then our repeater which I just so happened to have a spare wood of up here and click it once now I think that would work so if I if I activate this oh yeah that's the good stuff right there so that pushes them backwards and cuz of the delay that works pretty nicely so that's gonna stay active the whole time so now I need to make this the opposites I need it to be always on don't I so I think you do that with an opposite block hey I need to sleep actually I've got bed on me haven't I this is sleep out here and this should work okay this is gonna be awesome so the block ends up here sweetie build this up like this I just need to remember that this is where you enter no no no do not come near my contraptions you swear this wooden block is oh no oh no they're gonna escape they're gonna escape they're gonna escape oh jeez no no no no stop stop stop escaping stop escaping right now ah they're all out okay any boats I need boats desperately there's boats somewhere she's so calm believe that just happens that hasn't happened in so long as well and I just want to make sure there's no zombies around cuz they're all my important villagers I need boats one two I'm just panicking I'm putting everything in here I need as many boats as I can carry quick quick quick quick quick quick villager rescue mission Oh how many are left I need to keep these guys these are all of my um very important villages right now getting the boat getting the boat sit down sit down in the boat get in come on buddy don't mess me around don't make me put you in a minecart instead mine cards are way less comfortable get in the boat yes okay captured one there's got to be more around here somewhere Who am I missing ah this is bad and why did this have to happen this is such an inconvenience I heard exactly the wrong time right that's that patched up where of my village is gone I've got one two three four which one are you you're the mending one okay that's a good one to keep because otherwise we're gonna be a big trouble mending protection silk touch sharpness thorns okay I feel like those are pretty important guys that we've kept someone else definitely escaped and I don't know where they've run to where's he gone where have they all gone yeah I'm cutting sand with a with a sword I don't care where is he gone ah there's one here oh he's the normal guy okay that's fine you know what you can stay here get about again the boat I don't know why you've changed into that he's changing to like a stable master get it the boat sir eyes evaded me again don't do this why are you trying to fight me getting this oh my goodness was I say about working with villagers they're a nightmare yes got him okay haha stay there oh I feel like that's all of them that's all of the important ones anyway right let's place a little minecart over here and let's try and get you in it shall we I think I could get them in it inside the boat couldn't I it just went like a supersonic rate I just don't want this villager to die cuz the mending book is so valuable let's see what happens I'm gonna put this in the way and then hopefully we can make them go fast yes Oh No okay I blocked it up now can you go go go maybe this is blocking him go go okay that's not blocking him get him help I need him out of the boat no he just escaped me again oh it's cuz there wasn't a rail there oh my goodness and now I've lost my boat oh you are the most annoying guy let's see if he'll go through now go go go go go go it works I need picked up someone else or no oh no oh no no no saving I save him save him save him save him save him it's frozen I'm not sure what's happening I think I've saved him how I saved him is he okay you okay somehow he didn't die I don't know how that just happens but he didn't die I'm keeping them in there now they are not moving um that was a nice distraction right let's figure this out shall we so the lever opens this floor just get rid of this so I can reach that so this is where the trapdoor is going to be let's pop that down here so the trapdoor is gonna squish us I need to pop another sandstone here and we're gonna go in through there the only thing I need to figure out is where I put the lever I guess if I have a sandstone like this with a redstone torch there that doesn't work that doesn't work either okay if I have that there and then lever this that turns it off and it needs to be off for it to work this is perfect I just need to make sure I'd be so much better if this was like one lower but I think it has to be on top right okay let's see what happens okay so if you add it that way for some reason it breaks next solution that I'm gonna try is redstone block where did that go I've lost things I might have to make another sticky piston and bring I don't know if I do this okay that works yeah I think I can do this I think I need one more sticky piston if I make a sticky piston push this redstone block in there instead I think something to do with the on/off switch is is making it weird actually I can test that so if I just extend this like that yeah that still works it's something to do if you add a redstone torch here they like messes up the timings kinda so we have made it already it's all completely so we can just press this lever but it's not so secret if you do it that way actually know what it kind of is and then you just need something to put the the trapdoor down your annoying thing is I don't think yeah that's not gonna activate it so if I put a redstone block on a sticky piston here the redstone block will push onto this which means I can have the redstone work however I want from here yeah this is the key and then we'll just have to always make sure that we have a key on us we will be the only ones to know where to place it cuz the levers way too obvious I want you to be able to try and figure out if you're playing Minecraft with friends how you can make a secret door and only you know where to put the redstone torch so sticky piston goes here I say that this is the sticky piston and then it will extend with redstone current all you need is the redstone to come out of here this will always have it active and then if you place the lever and activate it that will work I just need one sticky piston and we're good to go then we have to make this up and decide what to put in it but that's our secret door done right let's grab that piston shall we Bob and I think this is going to make it work it better do anyway because I spent a long time on this pistone Bob this looks like such a mess now it's insane now I've been out for a little bit and so I can't remember where I got to but I'm pretty sure this now works okay never mind it doesn't work that's because I need to do this turn that off and this needs to be a piston here doesn't it I don't know if I need to go around a little bit but this should work right take this out and then put a sticky piston right here redstone block right here okay that does not work maybe pushing him around did you just see that these guys are pushing each other around in the minecart that's hilarious hopefully oh no oh no no hoping and I on a turn oh no no freaking kidding me now I'm stuck on this what are you guys what are you guys doing you guys are insane I can't believe you've done this right get out get out right now get out of this yeah you idiots you're gonna have to start breeding again now have I got bread I don't have Bread on me but when I do you guys are in trouble get out go this is my space get out before I chop you I'm so mad at you guys right now you have no idea right what do I need to do for this can I do redstone on top no that's not gonna work I just need to go around I guess then what's this magical yeah it works this way okay but this should work now yes yes oh it's magical absolutely magical so when we take this off this is always active so if I turn this into a sandstone block this is the block that it needs to be placed on every time so I just need to camouflage this a little bit put the redstone torch back on that's gonna keep it active and then we need to rename one of these levers as key and then the key it will make it work so the only thing I need now is a normal trap door I think so let's what's that noise did you hear that do you guys hear that there's definitely a water noise is that you are you good you okay I swear these villagers are gonna cause me all kinds of headaches what is that noise what are you are you playing in the water are you good you okay what is happening oh my goodness I've just run out of wood again so I better not need any more um so this is gonna have to go here and that's what flops you down I'm pretty sure so we wander up all mysterious and stuff press this and then we press this and we activate our secret base that's right it's finally done I just need to fix this up real nice there we go oh okay I need to fix all of this so I need to put this over cover up all the Redstone and then add pretty sure I just need to add sand on top of that so this should be fine this should be fine like this I'm have to go up a little bit for this bit just to make it look all natural you know and there better not be any creepers around mess this up because I will be obscenely upset and I'm talking I'm talking on my cry is there more in here I feel sad what sandstone let's go let's make all the sandstone that we can we're gonna need a lot of sand though so I probably yeah that we shouldn't have done that we've only got 56 sand left to cover this whole thing that goes this will all go as well I feel like this should just be sand if I make this sand that makes way more sense I think sand sand and sand so this has to go here I don't know what oh it's because I've got the redstone torch on the other side this definitely works right yes I'm so pleased I just did a redstone now I did need some help I'm gonna be honest with you I didn't need some help so I put the person who helped me even though they didn't realize it in the description below and now all I've got to do is cover this up and make it look all natural so that it's completely hidden and then I need to decide what to put in it which I think I'm gonna get you guys to help me with because I am I'm perfectly unsure right now I don't know what on earth to put in it so that is gonna come down to you I've shown you how to make one they're pretty easy to make for house and I've run out of sand I'm in a desert and I've run out of sand what am i doing luckily there's plenty of this stuff around whoa did you see that sick it'll it'll act for a little bit and then we're all crazy afterwards let's try to hide this so this can come out now this can just be popped yeah let's just move over here cuz you know me I am messy as right now do a quick sleep before the zombies come and kill the rest of my over looters we've out she only had one villager death and hopefully only one has run away as well which which is fine but this guy we captured and the other one was killed from the hands of his own villagers which is a little bit upsetting actually I really want to change this I should have changed all this to sand right so I turn this off this is what its gonna look like this shouldn't break everything if I turn it to sand right it will just stay the same I just want it to look as natural as possible so I'm pretty sure I am going go ahead and change this front plate oh that makes me nervous I'm pretty sure it's gonna be fine oh this one has to stay as stats and stone though and the reason for that is because when the Pistons pull away we don't want the sand to then fall in because that would be bad of course for this build in particular it's always gonna look a little bit out of place just because you've got the trap door but there must be a way to make it look a little bit more on obvious if I take this out and then put that down it looks free it looks pretty natural I just need to sort out this villager thing I think I might try and fit the villagers down there but if you just grab you know scribe one of these levers real quick I shouldn't be able to do this right now I think it has to be a lever but if we grab the secret key grab this we have to have this on us of all times or a noble lever but let's make it more fun shall we and actually call it this and then we don't know where to put it or do we okay we we have vilage actually forgot what do I need to put this thing so that just a oh wait it doesn't stay renamed all that sucks but we have to have this on us at all times and then we open this flap it down and we have access to our secret area let's block this up real quick because we don't want to stay crawling so it's kind of cooler that way let's add some torches in so it looks a little bit nicer let's make sure that this is all sandstone as well cause it's gonna look even better great I've just messed this up oh dear that's better okay grab this this and this and secret taco secret mysterious dog oh is gonna be the one guard in this place for now look at this looks sick I'm so pleased of this it's kind of cool how you can make this to write scale a bone dog you can stay in here oh we actually need to try and cover this up how can we do that if we put sandstone here and then here and like that it's gonna have to be like that all sneaky and suspicious so we kind of come around the corner we automatically put open like this and there we go our secret house is complete open the seconds could we make this sand I think we can let's try it let's see what happens that's gonna be sand oh that's better but the problem is I can't not make this sand stone I don't think because as soon as this bits taken away it's gonna want to fall down and I can't do that unfortunately ah that's always gonna be a little bit open but you know what that actually doesn't matter that much because we know it's secret so we know that it's gonna be open like this so I think I'm just gonna keep it open because there's no way to cover it up very well unless you put like paintings or something on it we need something to put in this area I can make it as big as I want by want it to be a 1x1 because I want it to be this cool it doesn't actually look that cool when you're in third person mode though I'm trying okay yeah let me know why I should put in here I've got the dog in here for now but I could put literally anything in here that I won but that's how you make a secret door the redstone we went over earlier you can take this away and if you've got a server with your friends all you need to do is take away the all the obvious bits and they're gonna walk past this every single time they might think that suspicious but that's because I'm working with sand if you're not working with sand this is gonna be easy to pull off so easy all you need with you at all times is a trapdoor for the one by one anyway and then a lever remember where you put your redstone and then you're good to go look how good that is ah I'm so pleased with this actually made something worthwhile and using minimal redstone Allah made the clock at the beginning oh this is perfect because I'm in the world by myself I'm just gonna grab this and this is going to stay there because it doesn't really matter to me the only people that could sneak in there a slow horse and they're not really uh they're not really that tall to be honest I could I could even put my cads in there I don't know that feel it's a little bit cruel but guys let me know what you want me to do with the secret underground 1x1 base I think there's some cool things that can be done there we can keep some pets in there we keep some farms in there some cool little redstone birds or just the storage for stuff like my um in charming table which I need to figure out where they're all work but um that's gonna be pretty much it for today we learnt how to make a secret base we learnt how to make a counter for our redstone which I'm just gonna quickly check out because I'm actually pretty pleased with that and let's see if it's still working so if you have like an auto trash Chester you wanna make yeah it's still going boys still going this is off so it's actually emptied the entire thing all of our green dye is gone because this broke I'm not even sure why this stops every now but it's going now it's all good storing up that XP make that beautiful guy and then getting rid of it we should have a way maybe to stop the clock just in case we want to get green dye at some point but I can't think of any situation where we're gonna want any more green dye so I'm probably not gonna probably not gonna have that at all I could probably change it to a single chest and get that out of here so guys thank you so much watching I hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like that would greatly appreciated don't forget to leave your suggestions for I should keep in the secret base in the comment section down below and I'll see you guys all of you in the next one and wait what you you haven't subscribed yet if you have you're a legend if you have it you would still be a legend if you hit that little red button down the bottom around corner underneath the video here subscribe to be know to be notified by videos from me every single day and keep up with the series and now I'll see you all in the next so I get by [Music] this past week wagon candle canvas of the fulcrum herb and
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,339,175
Rating: 4.929903 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: cZ3ucqaWZWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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