i tried to save a Minecraft Village... and FAILED!

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i know i know it's been a while how's it going welcome to another live stream or video depending on when you're watching this i thought we played some minecraft because uh minecraft 114 came out not that long ago and a lot of playing in minecraft 114 and there's a lot of stuff in vanilla that has completely changed one of them being illager raid so today what i want to try and do i don't know if i'm going to be able to achieve it but what i want to try and do is go ahead and do an illager raid which then gives you a bad omen then visit a village and then save the village that's where the hero stuff comes in you know you know what i'm saying i thought so well if you're if you're looking forward to this whether you're watching the stream we're watching it afterwards leave a like that would be great appreciated subscribe if you are brand new and let's get into the game shall we here we go so i'm going to create a brand new world create new world then we're going to call it uh uh the hero let's put it on oh i don't know what to put it on we're gonna want survival to start off with and then we're gonna go on to cheats are gonna be on just in case something tragic happens but we're not gonna use them bonus chest is gonna be on as well the seed is going to be dantdm the hero just in case you guys want to play along as well create new world and let's see what's going to happen what are we going to create over here huh of course of course we are on a flipping island are you kidding me right now an island that's where you put us oh my goodness right what do we get in the bonus chest i believe we're supposed to have torches why is it floating i don't really oh actually hold up this is some good stuff this is some real good stuff okay we've got an axe a pickaxe foots um that's not bad i'm gonna take this as well actually let's take this i haven't played minecraft survival like the normal mode for so long that i didn't even know how to use like the new crafting menu the book i don't know i don't know how to use this i don't know what's going on but apparently i can craft a oh that's how it works hey that's pretty cool i'm gonna take this tree's life real quick and then we're gonna build a boat because my plan in my head is to just go ahead and try and find a shipwreck because that's where i'm gonna get the goods from and that's where i'm gonna get all my goods from i ain't got time to for islands and stuff we're just gonna go straight in for the um for the shipwreck so let's try that i know i need to find an illegal outpost i'm pretty sure and then i also need to find and then we just need to find a village right is is that all i need to do i'm not too sure let's just go because otherwise we're going to run out of time and i just need to find a shipwreck what is this let's go down let's see what's that i should have crafted a sword okay should have definitely crafted a sword what's down here all i want is a chest put a chest over here no oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die ah no don't die straight away please don't die straight away go go up go up go up no dolphins save me say save me i'm dying already there we go okay nothing down there failed mission let's go and get some stuff from the village i just need to find an illegal outpost what happened here what is this kelp i wasn't even looking there's a lot of kelp over here i'm going to the village oh there's a shipwreck right there we've literally got the greatest can we eat this we can't eat this uh oh that's not even a village there's definitely something down there though oh man okay right is that a shipwreck i can hear things that looks like a shipwreck to me but it looks glitched maybe let's see what's up here okay we've got cows i'm just going to start this all out normally aren't i i thought i'd be able to do a little bit of uh cheating you know with the old shipwrecks but i can't find oh wait a second we did it luck of the sea that's all we got okay so there are things here okay let's uh let's put down our crafting table real quick uh let me just grab some basic materials because obviously i'm gonna die if i don't wanna grab some cobble you know the dealio grab all the cobble we can i don't really wanna i guess i'm gonna have to go up to iron at some point i also don't know what the the new stuff does in terms of what was gonna say there's like a stone cutter right and then there's like a cartographer there's other weird stuff as well i don't know i don't know if i like this this craftable nonsense let's grab a stick let's grab one of these see i remember what i'm doing let's grab one of these too what else did i need i wanted to grab i've got a sword i think i just need some give me this sorry sorry buddy hello hello hello world what what just happened why is my my world completely froze dude that's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me in minecraft in single player i'm not even i haven't even got this like i don't even got this hooked up to anything i kind of feel bad doing this but i need the foods okay man i guess i'm gonna have to go into that cave real quick so let's go and do that just because i'm gonna need some coal and need some iron and then oh geez for goodness sake go away go away right now right now i might just let you blow up oh that's fine it's absolutely fine perfect okay let's grab some of this stuff why is there another one no see i still know how to beat these things snot bubbles okay i almost i almost fell down let's grab this iron so we're gonna need i'm gonna only have time to grab if we don't find any shipwrecks i'm only gonna have time to grab iron and that's pretty much it i might be able to get a diamond sword but hopefully um hopefully that'll be enough iron armor i guess as well there's some more iron up here awkward to grab perfect right any coal there's really no coal in here that's sad that's real sad so we need to make sure that we've got some coals get some food otherwise we are going to be in big trouble what are all these things i don't remember these things being added like all these weird little buildings i guess since when was this here does this have anything in it let's have a look i can hear something i'm not quite sure what it is i just need access to as many chests as possible that's all i need it's all i want it's what i'm going for chests galore oh we actually found one okay oh there's coal in here oh that's fantastic curse of vanishing so we got a cursed fishing rod great what did i just get again i got some wheat which is handy coal that's actually really good where do we need to go i just want to try and find more shipwrecks because they're gonna have the best stuff in and they're gonna be the things that allow us to do this a lot quicker then we can go and find a village because we thought we found one but we didn't oh no it's getting to night time really and i haven't even found a i haven't even found wool yet well this is gonna be annoying oh why i'm gonna i'm allergic to minecraft shipwreck i can see one i can see one i can see one okay first shipwreck you can actually get diamonds in these bad boys i don't know why i had to get this terrible seed by the way there's nothing here oh yes here we go i'm not used to all this new stuff like even how you swim let's grab what can we grab from here oh my goodness yes let's put away this grab this put away this grab this grab this get out get out i'm drowning no no no oh wow okay almost as drowned we did we pogged that oh my goodness 19 iron i told you a shipwreck was amazing absolutely amazing i'm gonna die here alone and scared let me get my health back up and i want to get out get out um is there a why do you drown so quickly oh my goodness uh i kind of want to leave that there must be something else down there surely let's go down i completely forgot that you can sprint oh no oh there's a pocket yes books buried treasure let's go let's go we've got buried treasure okay we can go find that then i don't think there's anything else in here oh this door is perfect no i think that's it let's go bury treasure guys already okay we're doing well um we are in the top left so we need to go like oh wait this way i think we're making it bigger yeah here we go okay to the belly treasure it better not be in the water actually potentially could be but let's go find it yes here we go straight this way i just need it to be daytime and then we're good we can actually make iron tools now that we found that uh i don't actually i have no idea what's in the buried treasure either so this is gonna be good we were near buried treasure all along we had no idea the shipwrecks are so good i love that they've added stuff so it can make your start to minecraft just a little bit quicker i'm a little bit worried there's gonna be monsters around yep there's a creeper right there um oh we're so close to it too do you reckon i could uh hold in a second i'm gonna finesse oh there's a baby zombie of course there is hey buddy yeah yeah you're struggling you're thinking i forgot they sink i'm gonna finesse this right let's put the crafting table here and just craft here oh he's coming for me he's coming for me oh there's stuff coming for me go go i've got an iron sword buster and i'm gonna bust you right open oh there's an enderman as well okay i could die here um what do i do i've got an iron sword and i can't block with it anymore um oh no i've got no food either can i not eat this someone said i could eat this i'm just gonna have to eat this i need to get my health back up come on all the way to the top please all the way to the top that zombie is terrifying well let's go for it let's just go for it come here skelebone oh there's two of them okay let's not go for this this is a bad idea buried treasure is close though do not look at the enderman the enderman is just chilling is it almost daytime yet ow oh no no no no no no no no no oh no okay yeah this is bad bad it's real bad go get out get out go ah oh i just need to find sheep i don't want to lose oh my goodness i'm gonna die first night i'm gonna die look at all these things spawning what difficulty am i on normal okay that's fine that's why it's a little bit harder i just need somewhere to sleep but i haven't got any sheep are these fish trying to attack me too okay it's almost day time i need to find some sheep but i also need to make a quick getaway if things go bad i'm out here eating raw beef guys raw beef sheep fan of sheep come here wait i can make shears right yes let's go let's go come here come here my pretties i don't want to be i just wanted to steal your stuff thank you let's get rid of the mostly cobblestones we don't need that we're speed running this bad boy let's go okay i'm going to sleep and then we're good oh my goodness okay fine you know i can deal with you i just can't deal with scala bones there we go right i'm gonna sleep on this island over here cause i think they can't get me over here disaster averted bang uh i don't have any planks then wool bed boom sleep yeah let's go look at all these achievements we're getting as well look at that beautiful give me this give me this back we can go get that buried treasure now i'm excited i'm ready what can we get rid of and get rid of feathers because we're not gonna need those rotten flesh how many of those are those the kelp is i don't know what's going on with this kelp can we eat it literally can't eat it no i picked up all that stuff the buried treasure is here i'm pretty sure it's over here so do we just dig and find it is that how this works like dig here dig down i was told not to do this digging down is treacherous let's just build a shovel to craft a shovel what are you doing bro that's my boat oh my goodness what's happening okay this is weird things got weird we just got we just got a little bystander a little uh little friend going on you know what i'm gonna put you guys out your misery and actually build a furnace hello why is my minecraft doing this let's just cook some chops and then let's make a make a shovel i'm just gonna make a stone one for now hello hello oh that's gravel okay i'm an idiot never mind never mind this is live i can't even cut that out fantastic so the buried treasure should be down here right somewhere [Music] no no no what's going on i saved it are they duplicating what is what is happening are you guys okay oh there's another one as well don't come over here don't do it don't get in the boat don't get in the boat don't get in the boat okay fine you're not as dumb i'm okay i can't afford to be looking after these turtles as well where is the buried treasure is it like far down i guess it could be like down here it could be around here somewhere why why is this so difficult does it have to be in the sand like so i can take all of the sand is that right where is it i want this yeah this better have some good stuff in it my little adventure over here you sure it's in the oh there it is i found it okay this better be good oh oh my goodness we just hit the jackpot friends we just hit the jackpot let's go okay that was worth it that was definitely worth it fine fine get out of here nemo we don't need you anymore um get out of here give me these emeralds boys 16 emeralds 14 gold oh dude part of the sea a singular diamond we've got some cooked salmon friends i can't i don't have enough space at all how good is that though that's sick to a 22 iron now diamond let me get rid of the gravel i want to eat this salmon but i've got like no space for it and we've got this cooked cod as well and we've got the sea the heart of the sea what aren't we gonna need this someone just made a weird noise right let's eat let's eat our fish because we need to eat oh my goodness why are all these turtles coming here that was such a good find oh my goodness right let's eat this nom nom let's go so now we can actually craft some stuff i left a pretty big mess here but that's fine i'm gonna make sure my food is cooked right let's make some armor and stuff let's make i don't know what to make um this crafting thing's actually pretty cool we can search too oh dude that's actually nice okay let's craft that craft that craft that it's just the boots that we need afterwards so put that on put down that and put that on we've got enough for boots we need two more okay that's that's pretty good that's good going we've got 21 iron ore as well we're smashing it absolutely smashing it i didn't even need to use you your dolphins let's go so we're going to go over to here i'm going to try and find a village hopefully this isn't just a tiny island ideally we could find a uh shipwreck get ourselves the other diamond for that diamond sword oh wait is he showing me somewhere he's gone this biome it's crazy and it's right next to it there's a desert temple we're finding all the generations right now temples usually located near villages oh you think that'll be handy okay how do we do these things again down the side right i did not like that noise i did not appreciate that noise okay let's go here it is down the side see i remember these things please don't die if i die the whole thing is up the whole thing is over wait are some of these trapped chests are they all normal they look fine let's make some torches i think they're fine i haven't literally this is one of the first things i did in minecraft they look different right okay we're safe i think we're safe let's grab this give me that sweet diamond give me that diamond baby come on that's gold we don't want gold gold sucks emeralds okay i can deal with that oh we got a golden apple though that could actually be handy let's get rid of the nuggets let's grab the apple man we got duped absolutely duped that could have been amazing since there's no ice village hey come on now since there's no ice villages we're gonna have to go around the edge of this and see if we can find one wait wait what is that on the horizon that's a village let's go guys let's go everyone high five you ready one two three all that needs to be on the checklist now is a bow maybe a bow could be pretty handy um what else could we need we've got the golden apples we can chunk some hits oh you beautiful beautiful beast what's good village we found one that took too long way too long and we found a mushroom right next to it okay look at this oh he's so cute what's good buddy i'm gonna ransack all your chests give me oh that's so weird no he tried to ow he tried to kill me he's trying to kill me dude that was so odd i can't get used to this look at them they doing bro this is so weird man these are barrels right yeah those are cool i have nothing in them though can you only hold water in those oh i can sleep here too amazing bread i will yoink that oh i need to use your crop i can sleep right here actually close the door and have a beautiful night's sleep let's go i am potato epic village royale that's what just happened that's what just happened it's only epic though if we can find oh no a chicken died here it's only even more oh there's a golem here too but it's only oh dude things are dying that's a loom okay fine terracotta fine there's a bell here too can we steal that i'm gonna do it i did it i'm taking this as a victory thing i don't even think i should take it but i'm gonna i don't need a fishing rod i'm taking it there's cats here too we could trade if we need to i was saying a sentence but i forgot what i was going to say okay hey buddy oh i need a diamond anyone any one of you punk's got a diamond that i can borrow no i love that noise hey sir how's it going you don't want to trade with me why dude just finessed me make all the bread all the bread he's not gonna trade with me this guy is really mean he literally shook his head in my face come on give me a diamond give me a diamond give me a diamond diamond bread and cacti is that what you value here of all of that cat just killed a chicken didn't it i saw that and i am pleased about it and i'm pretty i'm pretty shocked at your behavior okay so now we need to find an illegal outpost which i might have to do the find command for because if it was this hard to find a village it's going to be even harder to find a um look i've got emeralds i've got emeralds trading me very much why why would they trade me they won't trade if you oh no they won't trade if they break the bell i'm sorry how do i make up to them how do i make up to them can i say sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i've got i've got emeralds to give you i didn't photography okay i didn't mean to i swear oh i've ruined it i've ruined my chances okay we need to find an illegal outpost so i'm going to quickly note down these coordinates so we can come back here so now we're going to use the locate command because otherwise it's going to take forever to find one of these that's close that's really close it's a thousand blocks this way we're gonna find this and we're probably gonna die put the belt i'll put the bell back is it will they trust me then i'm sorry i didn't mean to steal it i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry let's see what happens if i put the bell back that's a good idea at least we know where there's pillager outpost close then what i'm gonna do look watch me i'm gonna put it back where do i ow ow ow where did it go here [Music] i put it back listen it's back can you trade with me now boys girls friends family hey okay guys you know what you're doing you know what you're saying that's a shepherd i need someone that's gonna give me like a diamond okay that's pretty good arrows is good i'm gonna i'm gonna need you i'll come back later these guys are playing with the cat that's cute look how cute that is they're playing with the cat that's awesome uh empty map no no thank you that could be helpful actually what are you shepherd again again i need is there anyone like a blacksmith that would be handy are any of them asleep at least we've got an iron golem to help us hello friends friends someone close this door okay it doesn't look like there's a blacksmith here which is a little bit annoying because i kind of need some stuff so let's go to minus two nine four four which we're kind of at already right we need to head this way and this way only let's do it we just need to head a thousand blocks this way and then we should be able to find it well pit of lava i should not definitely not get in there right let's go maybe an empty map would have been handy but you know what let's just go just need to go straight and then we'll find the outpost here we go i don't know if this is a good idea i only have one diamond so i can't make a diamond uh sword but i can try this so two eight six four we need to get to wait where am i two eight six four yeah this way definitely this way i don't know how hard these are so the point of this whole expedition was to get the bad omen trait i think it's like an achievement but it also gives you like an aura and then when you go to a village a raid starts and um we did sleep there actually so we are going to keep our stuff but here we go here we go make a sh yes make a shield i completely forgot about that i will make a shield i can't remember how to make one though she's gonna have to remind me they have a badge okay let's do this this is gonna be great i'm gonna get some i should probably get a oh this village looks small some villagers won't trade because they're on him oh cause they're unemployed fair enough keep trading yeah i don't have enough uh i don't have enough i don't have enough hemorrhoids for that am i really gonna have to look this up i have to make a shield i think i i'm just missing something simple minecraft why isn't it oh i don't have enough ring the bell when the raid starts oh yeah golden apple as well yeah you're right don't worry i got this kinda let's use this guy's table that's the wrong way around really fast i don't want to die here oh there's loads of them bro how do i get rid of these oh no okay i might die here i might die i'm going back i'm going back guys is there a spawner i need to know oh no i brought them back i brought them back to the village what was i thinking oh dude oh no no spawner oh my goodness okay can i just run then why is there so many of them i did not expect this i'm just gonna run i'm just gonna run i'm gonna do it ow they've got a crafting table going on oh dude oh yeah i'm gonna die here i'm definitely gonna die here aren't i they're so fast as well you can't really get away from them run rabbit run i might have to have my golden apple you know how many of these things there are look how many guys there are and this is one of me my shield is going to run out soon as well i really don't want to eat my golden apple but i might have to yeah i just fortnighted it i just thought i had it no no no whoa there's too many of them they are shooting each other though so this is good this is good i can't let my shield break it's so stupid you're so done i'm kind of dumb too though for even attempting this once my shield breaks i'm gonna do this oh man why did i do this why did i do this i'm gonna keep running until i get my health back i don't wanna use my golden apple i feel like the raid is gonna be ridiculous now they're gone okay let me just heal up real quick oh my goodness no no no don't come back don't come back don't come back pig help me pig help me oh geez oh geez what's the best thing to do in this there is a spawner they spawn in the dark ow wow okay that one this one wow sweet okay we got some of them down some of you guys are saying there is a spawner some of them you're saying you're not so is there a spawner they drop really good things yeah it's gonna break my shield so making a backup making a backup just in case there we go i want the seeds it's also look at all the arrows in me oh oh guys all the members i didn't even notice shadow ivory zeon youtube thomas wolfie gamers crystal adams random so grateful liverpool dude official fortnight gamer puppet boy mark steve wolf danny ninja and jill thank you guys for becoming sponsors greatly appreciate it glad you're enjoying the stream so everyone's saying spawners and some are saying they're not i don't know who to believe you guys are taking me for a ride over here because they just seem to keep on coming or are these old ones well i'm not at full health yet okay this is bad i didn't mean to go that close i don't mean to go that close right let's try this come on buddies whoa okay there goes my shield yeah i got another one puppy well these crossbows are strong [Applause] i can use them as like i can use them as like a um yes yes your punks i'm gonna try and go in the back way i think i'm not sure if that's gonna work though i don't want to grab their attention just yet they auto spawn in big groups oh no they sometimes camp but not in the building i don't know how i'm going to do this then because i need bad omen i think i need to kill this banner guy and then they all disappear but i'm not 100 sure i just want to get up to full health my armor is going strong if i had the diamond armor though that would be so good wow oh my goodness that was amazing absolute part right i need to try and get this guy i think this gives me bad omen oh voluntary exile wait i've got it i've got it i think i have it that's it on the top right isn't it is that it i got a crossbow too amazing okay i want to go back and sleep but i can't can i oh i'm stupid it's going to start right away i'm going to sleep right here i'm just going to do it hopefully that works hopefully that works okay cool so if we go into here voluntary exile killer ray captain maybe you can say yes we got it okay that's good but also kind of bad because i haven't got enough arrows for this let's see what happens apparently they come in waves i've saved my golden apple for this so let's see what happens i am back raid it's happening it's happening guys where's the bell i need to ring the bell to warn these punks of what is going to happen to them i don't know where the bell is i've lost the bell where does the raid come from hello hello guys are they coming for us there's the bell this is about let's ring it you're in trouble you're in big trouble i can see the raid at the top but i don't see no one what do you do beware of the ranger i don't see anyone everyone's gone inside oh there they are they are there they are i see them here they come oh jeez at least they're gonna go for the villagers though right this is gonna be hard isn't it one two three and you're dead let's go let's go kill the banner guy he's got no ow oh dude okay yeah he's got he's got an axe he's got an axe all right i need my i need to wait though i need to wait until the um oh jeez where did he go there's only a couple more you said they're done in waves right this guy's got an axe though which is pretty intense got you cut you down you guys are stupid you guys are real stupid you hit each other all the time don't you oh my goodness oh whoa okay i'm gonna have to eat this i'm gonna have to eat this i'm gonna die i need to run as fast as i can we're so close if i don't have to eat this i don't want to he's after me no don't do it buddy don't you dare don't you dare you come after me by yourself oh that's a bad idea it's a bad idea real bad idea he got me in the eye what did he drop drop the banner okay i'm gonna take this um let's get rid of the sand hey what's good now buddy i got your banner that's what i'm talking about let's go okay so that ray just ends did i just mess up raider's remaining two oh there's only two left sweep there's another one oh he's killing a villager come here i'm saving you i got you bro yes i got emerald too let's go we're doing it this is gonna get harder though right oh this is gonna get way harder man i can't believe we started from like scratch here we go i don't want that that big boss guy to come in though how many waves are there i need water i need water oh no [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness here he is oh no okay i need to take i need to take a chill i need to chill i need to chill they aren't gonna let me chill should i eat my golden apple now because that guy looks absolutely phenomenal i'm gonna do it golden apple let's go buddy let's go me and you me and you one two you're dead you're dead there's a witch is this guy gonna absolutely destroy me by the way is he that good oh he's getting hurt by something oh he's getting hurt by the the cactus i wish i got some of those um i wish i got some of those arrows from earlier oh dude oh i'm worried no don't touch me oh my goodness i'm gonna have to run as fast as i can i got him okay i got that guy it's just the ravager guy i think he's gonna have a lot and i mean a lot of health problem is i can't outrun him i cannot run him sweet i just need the health back and then i'll deal with you betsy then i'll deal with you i've got another something going on here but i'm not quite sure what it is it also doesn't help that the the game keeps like freaking out i should have got myself a ranged weapon but i didn't can i pick up this arrow absolutely not go away bunnies this doesn't concern you i'm just trying to get my health back [Music] i think they're distracted slightly here they are one two three yes i think i can use the cacti you know i think i can use the cacti against it dude this is gonna take a while but i am gonna do it i'm gonna be the hero can i get them to shoot their own guy maybe if i could trap him in cacti that'd be amazing let's see if we can do it come here buddy oh no no no no no no one guy fell down here sweetie hit and run hit and run that's what we're doing over here just cause that guy is so enormous i think i'm gonna die because of him whoa okay attack isn't that good it's not that good i just need to get rid of the uh the bow guy and then we should be fine whoa just attack me from from the side i'm so glad i pillaged all this bread right i need to get rid of that guy i need to be alone alone almost died don't hit me again don't hit me again oh there's another guy over there and there's a witch i need to be super careful of those the raid's only half done i think i'm gonna run out of bread before i'm able to complete this but i also don't want the raid to end prematurely come on then wow yes what did you just drop you just dropped something i think i can use whoa dude this guy is a beast i just got caught no no no no no no no no no no i don't know how many people are left there can't be that many there can't be i'm so under prepared for this a diamond sword is so good it's only half done i think that i think this pig dude is really powerful yes got him yes yes yes yes two raiders remaining i hope there isn't another wave but there's only two raiders i can't find the other guy okay that's that's ridiculous that's ridiculous that's ridiculous he's so powerful why didn't i pick up a ranged weapon oh i need a fletcher i needed a fletcher all along i've got a crossbow but i've got no um no arrows how much damage did i do for fight stop running i have to run because i've got no like long range weapon that's the problem there's only two raiders remaining is the witch counting as a raider because i struggle with witches like a lot all right come here you come here what's he doing what's he doing no i thought i had more health than that my bed was missing no no i failed bro oh yeah get to the house the shield stuns the ravanger i'm such an idiot okay yes this is it this is it i'm right near them oh no i'm gonna die run run i just need to get my stuff back even though my stuff wasn't even that good i can't believe i died though does the raid continue i need to get in and sleep i should have used the you're right i should have used the house that was way smarter oh yeah he's still here okay i need to get in and use it's getting user bed i'm back i'm back i'm back i think the witch counts all right let's sleep try and get our stuff back we don't get our stuff back i don't know what we're gonna do it's last for five minutes where did he kill me here we go here we go yeah buddy whoa whoa what are you doing here are you all the way from over there no you can't be all the way from over there that's cheating that's just straight cheating my shield is down there no i want my shield give me my shield oh this is not fun this is not fun the creeper's even chasing me right now uh i don't know how i'm gonna do this guys i need this and then i need to put this in my offhand sweet okay i'm going to get rid of you because you're annoying me ow you're doing it to yourself friend you're doing it to yourself well i don't think the raid is going to continue um but let's try and kill him anyway if i can go in a house you're right i should be able to get in there and he shouldn't be able to get me i don't think so anyway hello hello oh i haven't got my pants on that's embarrassing oh here he is here he is here he is come here punk come at me bro come at me i want to see you i want to see you right now come on buddy come on buddy oh i think he's glitched what's he doing oh i am hitting him though whoa i'm inside oh it works it doesn't work this is trouble this guy is you really really gotta try yeah i ain't getting my stuff back am i don't get me don't get me don't get me don't get me don't do it don't get me i don't need this i need this so you said you can block with the shield though right because i didn't try that yet come on bro i'm getting told how to defeat you right now let's see what happens oh you're right you're so right i could have done this so easily look how easy that is so much health yep yep it was it was that easy all you needed was a shield and that's all you needed to do and we did it we just did it i cannot believe that the raid was over though because i died man i can't believe we did it but then hold on let me try and get the witch i don't know if the witch is part of it gotcha that was easy um i don't know if the witch was part of it i guess not the raid engines because the villagers died oh is that why all of the villagers died i failed i failed you that's hard okay that's way harder than i thought it was gonna be major oofs literally just died because of me the villagers died because of me craft or shield with the banners i don't actually know how to do that can you just do i take it this you need like the cartographer right oh no wait bro okay at least we've got a sick shield out of it hold up dude look at that we got a cool little shield out of it but guys i'm sorry i tried one hour 46 and we tried to make it there's no villagers left they all died i failed i'm an absolute failure but i hope you enjoyed watching anyway if you did leave a like that would greatly appreciate it subscribe if you're brand new to for more minecraft and more other stupidity and i'm gonna see you guys soon okay and we will get this raid done but i just need to i need to be more prepared it's not gonna take an hour to defeat even though we could have done we could have done we got close but i didn't know you could stun the ball thing but thank you so much for watching guys i hope you did enjoy it was a lot of fun hanging out with you thank you for the new subs thank you for all the new sponsors thank you so much i'll see you guys soon goodbye [Music] rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,510,331
Rating: 4.9283481 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, minecraft village
Id: XN8vPEr_tiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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