I REBUILT My Minecraft Hardcore Castle!

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hey guys how are you on this fine weekend today but the price of a Minecraft hardcore in the original world so in the original world I want to remodel my entire castle I'm gonna keep it the same obviously the same design but I want to change it to you basalt that's why I want to do so I'm a little bit lost I'm not quite sure where everything is but we're gonna figure things out I'm used to playing the modded version which I played yesterday today I need to collect basalt so much basalt I want to redo the whole of this eventually but for now we just can do the castle so I want to do this in all basalt I just need as much of this basalt as I can carry so let's go for it let's do this so I'm gonna go into this nether portal because this is the best way to do it I think it's this way right this is where the the new biome is I didn't put a nether portal down but to be honest it's pretty useless there we go see is my portal down here somewhere it is channel where I'm going I don't think basalts found here I think it's a little bit further through I need to be so careful I need to not get lost as well so if I get lost then it's game over I know this is gonna take a while to redesign so I want to make sure that won't have time to do it well it's all good for absolutely nothing like legitimately nothing but I need it for my castle I want to change the whole thing where I here we go bound yeah alright this is what we needs this is rip right here boom basalt pretty sure this is it this is the stuff so if we get all the way up there we should be able to mine our no stop oh my goodness yo where did that guy come from okay so now we need to grab as much of this as we can and then I'm just gonna keep grabbing it while I'm here in the soul sound valley oh it's actually really quick to mine as well that's perfect well I need be careful I don't need to die here right that's one bus out column there's another one here so that was two stacks which is pretty nice this blue fire is so cool as well we need to put some of that on the castle now that they've added new sound into minecraft minecraft' air Samaras reached another level to same you go to source and season four as much as I wanted I won't anymore I don't know how much we're gonna need that's the problem okay that one's not too bad it doesn't have much bass hole in it alright let's do this one why not here we go I found one look do they attack you're gonna get me oh okay yep yep they definitely attack okay let's go let's go I need to change I'm not in the right outfit for this wait for me wait for me to be changed so I can't remember how to trade with them I don't think they're active yet you have to wear all gold don't you I feel like I might just kill it do they have the same behavior as the Pigman oh he's kind of cool I like him hello how are you I don't think you can trade with them though I don't need gold on me it's like in spice I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna do it goodbye goodbye haha get out of here all right we have four stacks of basalt I feel like this isn't too bad this is a good start so pig Lin's are the standing up once man these other where he's coming for me ooh hello before you didn't attack how are you doing oh wait he's not doing any damage to me Oh white a secret achievement what has happened kill one of every hostile monster since when is that an achievement where is this oh there's one monsters hunted kill what is that redone one it's purple which means that it's a secret achievement that's sick though I like that I'm about that it was not expecting it though I need me a little bit more basalt or we're actually full we full-on basalt let's get out of here shall we let's go home so I need to go east let's go we made it we did it sweep let's get building friends we need to actually see if this is gonna look good I genuinely think it might look good okay that's all that's all that's all watch them make it so that battle is like explosive material in the future and then we're in trouble and I thing as well you can do it sideways yeah you can look this is up ways this is sideways I just need to be careful how we build this means to make sure it's all up ways I think it's gonna look good yep we're gonna do it we've committed look at baboo baboo so yeah this could be a little bit tedious but it shouldn't actually take too long I thought it's gonna take ages but I don't think it's gonna take as long as I thought and we're gonna have loads of stone bricks left like absolutely tonnes this one is is annoying that we have to make sure that they're upright but to be honest I think is gonna be okay right there we go but but what but we actually a decent amount of a so I'm I just have to do it quite crudely like this and things definitely gonna fall off things are gonna break we're gonna have to take this down this is gonna be awkward and there is a lot of water up here why did I do this I'm gonna have to put the bass up my fourth slot and then kind of do this I don't know if that's the best way to do it but we're gonna do it so don't want it to ruin things that water's flowing down and hopefully isn't going in my house that's too that's too I think this is gonna look good when it's done it's gonna take a little bit of time but it definitely will look good and with the the blue cloud if we do the blue cloud as well that looks so good because concentration epic minecraft gameplay what are you doing up here hold on a second excuse me you're going Oh No can cats drown okay you can you can come down right put the torches back - oh it looks weird like this hold on this looks super strange oh this looks good I actually before it I definitely prefer it maybe we need to fix all this bit now there we go how we can do the edge I should have just done this well I should have done this when I did the other bits I'm gonna check how much basalt we've got as well cuz I feel like we are definitely gonna need some more even though I feel like we overdid it you always use more blocks than you think you're gonna use I need to take out this end stone nonsense it looks awful hello are you okay what's going on here that is not visible oh so now we just need to do the bits that are inside right we've got so many stacks of these bricks now which is great - yeah I'm gonna have to fix all the torches and stuff it should actually take me too long as long as I don't need any more of the blocks I should be okay so we don't want mobs spawning on here either that would be tragic the whole point of having a floating castle there we go if we finish off this round bit here man I forgot how like satisfying building in Minecraft is even though I'm just copying a build I did before this is done how much basso do we have 1 2 still got 2 stacks that is not bad and I feel like we're pretty close to being done right how do I get across there without dying I need to get round to you so you can get my parkour skills in Oh buddy look at that let's go cool done okay is this how is this looking oh that looks nice the only thing I don't I've missed a couple bits up there this is looking good so far if we change the cloud though is gonna look super nice look at that I want to change the glass slow well show you with the windows though I don't like the windows oh yeah we can change the wood as well oh nice black glass would look Goods blue glass would look nice as well oh man I was some decisions to make okay this is looking good I'm vibing look even he's gone dark mode look at him happened his bones it is bones bones is decaying Oh actually I need to head up top I think I'm gonna get rid of the elite trip ad mmm controversial and now doesn't really match it wasn't that good in the first place just gonna make it so that no mobs spawn up here cuz I'm not having that eventually I'll put those those new lamps up here I think that'll look good alright but that that just to make sure that we don't get jumped that should be good I need to redesign the stairs as well right so next thing I need to do is replace all the wood which is gonna be a challenge let's have a quick look and see what blocks I need to fix there's two over there is that it oh this whole row around here oh no that's embarrassing oh the whole row yeah that is embarrassing right so let's fix this bit okay now I think we've hit every bit now every bit is now renovated how does it look from over here nice we actually almost the perfect amount of bass all blue torches all use blue torches we can put fire on the top as well um let me take this black box with me let's go back to the nether friends you know what I wish was easier in Minecraft is making like epic rail systems right we just need loads of this shop how's it going bro he's got efficiency silk touch none breaking let's chop oh he's chopping beautiful beautiful man I don't know how much of this we're gonna need either but I'm just gonna grab as much as I can we're gonna grab some of this too I want these lanterns I need them oh yeah there's there's so much here we're good let's continue taking the nether apart one tree at a time right there Bob yes look at all of this beautiful oh we got ten you got 20 of those that should be enough let's be good let's just fly back there we go sweep let us begin taking this apart one by one all this is gonna look spicy what am I gonna do with a cat's though I'm gonna have to nudge them I don't want them to go under if they go under I'm gonna lose them forever why does this take so long with the chop that seems like it takes ages oh no I just remembered that happens give me this much is about sanity to be careful of blocks that fall what do you guys think this looks good right I think this looks good this is gonna be dope I'm about it so we need to move skinny Junior rest in peace to your father I said I wouldn't talk about it but how you can sit there okay that wasn't too bad actually now I can move you as well sweet awesome so I definitely need to figure out this stair situation though because this is tragic we can all agree this is tragic and I'm not scared to admit it it does look bad y'all careful what mr. chicken you're feeling slow today lurch op just saying I've been a little bit slow now maybe I should do it with all slabs but then I taught it to mess anything else up it would save me a lot of materials though excuse me please move please don't do history don't do it BAM I can clean the chicken we've made friends with it now don't be so barbaric please let's get rid of all of this it's gonna look great then I do need to make it into planks oh I'm liking this I think it looks cool the only other thing we could have done is used birch let me see what it looks like don't tell me it looks better don't to me looks better don't even looks better oh I don't know I think they look good I'm already I've already committed I've committed okay stop all right we got whooped slab warped slab I love that it's just cool warp slab as well the so amazing so we should be able to just chop these out and replace I definitely need to fix the staircase and I just don't know how to do it I'm gonna put it out there I have no idea how to fix the staircase I think these armor stands are gonna fool as well just kind of annoying oh well this one might be okay - armor stands for they are affected by gravity aren't they there we go lucky boy so if I do this this is the only reliable way there we go this is a nice noise as well oh yeah that's nice see how smart that was you thought my brain was shrinking I don't think so now they're holding on they're holding hands now cute right I need to get under we have to go under oh sorry cats you showered in kind of strange planks I'm liking this the dark mode castle is here bro it's super nice in the nighttime it looks so good and then we can change the lights we can change the the torches as well to blue and it's gonna give off such a nice light so guys I need a guide on how to make a good spiral stack I need to change this sucks could do this legit could just do this I'm gonna do this I'm gonna just cover up for now and act like it doesn't exist this does feel like a little bit below ceiling but you know what we don't spend too much time here I think it stops the dripping okay this is kind of nice I like this as well this is Dawne give me a shroom lights oh yes some are you ready I'm about that that is nice - okay let me let me fix these Bam Bam bar the noise it's so nice BAM done oh that's so much better I should put it up here as well I think this takes so long to mine out that's so odd yep yep yep yeah big yep big yep big yep oh wait I'm missing a thing here Riley shoe is gonna stay in a nice safe place here oh I like oh does that I did it there it is misses it goes this is looking for normal right let's try this so I need slabs these many slabs that I got you guys say the slab to be the slab slab I don't know if it's gonna be enough though I feel like I tried this before slab and this is in the way here oh wait you might be right actually I might be able to make it will along I don't need to go up anymore oh this could have worked to get rid of this one then we're good slavi slab are you kidding me that's how easy it was it's looking good bro that looks kind of cool a little floating staircase beam over here so if we put that here why did I not figure that out before bro you say the glass I do we decide what glass we were gonna do let's have a look from the outside shall we oh I look so good so we've got green glass below but I don't like it so I might have to change that what color glass do we do I'm gonna try the light gray and see what happens let's try it on the front so if we do this and this okay let's test this out shall we in for this is gonna go here oh wait a second this could be a win this could be a big win then I just need to mass-produce the gray right let's go look at that from the front and see what it looks like I think that is good right yeah I'm definitely gonna try white I need to try white just in case so opinions it's gonna be white or light gray so white isn't the top and then light gray is at the left we're going white this should be easier than the rest oh it looks all naked and weird now look at all that looks odd that looks so weird without any of the glass in I don't need a bit there oh that looks great speaker I've missed any then we need to make the top and then we're good we're doing well all right this should be the finishing touches oh boy sweet and it doesn't actually it just takes that weird like glisten off of the vanilla glass white was definitely the right choice got it done no way we're done we're done yeah I need changed all of this to white as well I'm just have to do it one at a time out on my dogs my dogs my dogs chill calm down you okay right let's see how it looks for now we're gonna do a little bit of posture check yeah it looks so good we just need to change the cloud and then we're good to go oh man that looks so good I'm gonna get the last bit of glass would you guys think huh you like it so that is that bit fixed the green of the bottom doesn't even look too bad the only thing I need to do next is making sure that I've got the clouds done I think it's looking pretty cool with the green inside I think that's looking awesome we just need to change the cloud and then we're done the white glass looks epic it looks so sick the tops looking pretty cool the elite repair actually doesn't look too bad then we've got blue wood inside ah this looks so good inside you have to admit all that looks so much more open beautiful beautiful I do need to fix some of this the slime wait why do I have a slime block there that's better why was that there what do you think he's me this is cool I like it it's made out of basalt we've got the white glass which we need to do as well we need to finish off and replace this I might actually set the turtles free I'm not sure what to do I'm scared for their life but also just want to set them free need all of this and move it back all right then these are all gonna come down I need my haste I want to make the beacons background my house alright let's pop the beacon in there alright let's get home let's rebuild these beacons and then we can work on the rest I don't think it's gonna take us too long actually give me the first beacon let's light this bad boy up shall we zap is that maxed that is certainly maxed we need to grab some valuables I'm going to do haste first just so it makes everything quicker look how much this looks it looks awesome alright then let's pop a piece in here to go for haste and then we want to do another piece for haste to give me haste haste to please there we go sweet now we can mess stuff up oh yeah that's what I'm used to it's gonna be the first time we've got four beacons in our castle and it's gonna look awesome why do blue ones as well we have made for max beacons which is actually kind of crazy and now we have permanent job boosts to permanent speed to strength to and haste to we chillin big chillin we completed minecraft and now we're an absolute beast I kinda want to change this from sand and I want to let out the wanna let these guys go do I want to let these guys go I'm just gonna see what happens let's do it free the toy tools you can go wherever you please now I have no need for your eggs and stuff just don't go too far alright they've been stuck here for 600 days get out they don't even want to get out this actually feels good open it feels more it feels liberating to get rid of this cuz I never fixed it properly but it also feels way more like a floating castle now way more are they were all swimming all this is perfect so perfect okay they're using it properly yes okay great yeah this is better I'm we did this so now that these are all in place we should be able to recreate this right so now we need to gather which is what we were supposed to start this over here and then we go into the nether my friends going to the nether let's go get a gamer's right where we are here we go so we just need to obtain an absolute buttload of this I wish there was a faster way to mine this this is gonna take so long I don't need so much of this let's go back and get TNT it's gonna take too long otherwise TNT 28 TMT this might be enough actually kind of ironic that I put the mint in steal away this is the only TNT I have though so we're gonna try that right we need to find the biggest clump of this stuff then bugging the TNT in there let us see what's the best way to go I feel like this tree is gonna be a good one not even sure if we can call it a tree to be honest oh I didn't even mean to do that you can strip this wood and that looks really nice as well alright let's try this then shall we see how much we get from it oh so we've got three warped warts let's see how much more we get from this remember we only have 28 TNT so it's not gonna be a lot I don't feel like that was a lot how much is that oh never mind yeah we've got 64 from that oh this is great okay never mind I was like this isn't a lot turns out it's tons we just need to find the big clumps Oh this is working this is great I think I'm gonna go back I feel like I've got enough I really do oh oh oh oh he's crazy oh he's crazy there's a hog lid on his way oh no no get through get through get through quick he's got it I always copy is he gonna come through I think he's coming through thank goodness for that oh my goodness right let's get to building this then shall we ripping apart the cloud and rebuilding it actually the shirshu be able to rip this apart yeah we don't actually have to build it we just have to recreate it the hard bits been done for us right so this bits just gonna be me recreating this and hopefully it looks good at the end because if not wasted wasting all your time let's do the outer edge first we're gonna get a lot of wool back from this as well right chances are I'm gonna mess some of this up like the pattern isn't gonna match up didn't mean to do that look at this wool I'm reining the dog O's in wool how much have we done around here oh yeah this looks so good what's the best way to do the mill the middle must be just to get inside the cloud I'm gonna do that and I think what I'm gonna do now that's blown up I think what I'm gonna do is make another turret on the other side and I'm only gonna use the green for the the main castle I think all right let's make this all the way across and then we're gonna try and get inside the cloud we might actually have enough you know to finish this off okay let's get inside this skin inside this castle there we go we have entered yeah this is way easier so this needs to go here apparently yeah I think we've got enough of this stuff you know right hopefully when we're done with this it should look symmetrical as we left it but I'm not sure we're gonna find out though this definitely is faster by the way isn't it with the shears I'm sure is I don't know if that's right right that is done so this layout I don't think has ever seen so I don't think we need to replace this that bit is seen though I think that's even right how do we get out of here and then see if that uh that looks good or not it does there's just that bit in the middle yeah this looks good all right let's get inside the other cloud and then we're done I'm gonna grab some more shears to happening yeah I do okay sweet oh this is a little bit messy hold on who built this I know I'm using the shears and stuff but it doesn't it doesn't even work does it let's get some torches in here because if something spawns in here like a creeper I'm gonna be pretty upset this shouldn't take too long actually I thought it can take longer than this alright then this should be done we've got way more than we needed as well which is perfect all right this is my escape route let me leave sweet okay alright let's go sleep and then we're gonna see if the cloud has been completed I think it's done pretty sure it's done let's see right here we go you ready Pam yeah I'm so pleased with that wait there's a trip there's a traveling trader on the roof of my house why are you ruin moving day for me I think that looks amazing let's just check that we've got everything call the wolf everywhere but it's have a look around the board I want to make sure I haven't missed anything I'm pretty sure we're gonna be fine though bats chilling underneath we're good everything is fixed and looking awesome so no Liam oh that's gonna look spicy the castle looks way better right right so it looks like the turtles actually really like just chilling in here so we should have a turtle area which has sand but I need to get rid of all of this and replace it with this yeah oh it's gonna be so easy to grab it all as well so if I do one two three four five six that's gonna look even better right what do you think red or blue it's actually test it let's go for it it's gonna be a tough call of what to use so that's the red one we're gonna do red underneath I think red is actually gonna be pretty nice and then we can add some little plants oh my selling as well actually let's have a look a lots of mycelium somewhere it's not in there for now we're just gonna use this okay we're just gonna use the wall tylium let's just try a little like right up of it it's so easy to get this as well Zook and fab you actually think the red is good the red is really nice I want to go over the red the red is happening I'm probably not gonna do the bone meal way I just need to go and sweep up the nether because this pick is gonna destroy it alright look how quickly we can grab this whoa we're gonna have loads of this in no time how much we got that's probably this stuff in here let's go back I feel like we've got enough it's getting pretty dangerous out here so if I'm gonna go back and put some of this in let's go sleep and then let's try and dig this place up oh yeah what else I want to do is I want to change the color of these beacons definitely want to do that as well they're gonna make them light blue this has kind of a weird noise when you put it down as well alright so let me just do this so you get a little preview of what is to come and then we're gonna put another wall blocks in here as well I'll just make it look a little bit more interesting - so yeah this is all gonna be this all down here all down here the whole way then we can make it look a little bit different over there just cuz it goes into like a little village a bit and then it's desert over there so the finished castle obviously we still got some landscaping to do but overall I think that looks pretty sick I don't know about you what do you think the transformation is half complete I need to change the colour of the beacons even though the color of the beacons they do match I think a light blue or a red if you do red down here stained glass that will match and then it'll change to green through there I think that's what we're gonna do I think that would look awesome guys let me know what do you think I think that looks great if I finish the terraforming down here we can add more of the we can add some more of these we can add lamps we can add the vines we can add the grass but that is the castle transformation and you know what I'm pretty pleased with it let's see how this looks the finishing touch a finito that there so that when it comes out is red and then if I add it in there it's gonna be our light blue doesn't even work oh it mixes let's see what happens to speak in science it does kind of mix one earth is that color what is that color it should change halfway up yes okay did work that's the finishing touch right there we need to change it to Scion though definitely do that kill the guy on top that is now the castle done oh so you're inside looking cool we finished this as well I think we widened a section of this to match there too which looks much better we got Lance the lamps in here then upstairs we moved these I need to move them a little bit more because my OCD we changed this as well so it's not dripping but everything is fixed everything's looking beautiful and that is a complete castle transformation guys thank you so much for watching I am gonna change definitely glass here thank you and I'll see you all next time good bye [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle campus full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,392,829
Rating: 4.9450212 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly
Id: kQX2cr7hpx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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