Building a Home Depot Tote Float & Surviving 7 Days - WaterWorld Survival Challenge The Movie

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i'm zachary fowler and this is the seven day water world survival challenge [Music] i think they're baby yellow perch holy dude this is so cool she's out here cooking fish that we caught out here [Music] that's gotta be the personal best fish though be crappy well that's huge dude that's so much fish all right it is building day day one launching day here's our plans for the project right here we're gonna keep it simple three pieces of plywood this will be one platform and this will be the other platform and when we get there we can bolt the two together and we'll put as many totes as we can underneath each one of these this is a drawing i did on my phone almost a year ago now chappelle had sent me an ice shack to use in the on the ice series when i first designed this i was thinking i would use 55 gallon drums get some of those free off of craigslist and this would keep the cost of the build down but literally the day after i shared my drawings and plans in a video the outdoor boys had already done it and they shared their video he used 18 gallon totes and nailed it look at that she rides pretty well in that water i am super happy with this project so after spending several hours on craigslist and finding zero free 55-gallon barrels i decided to switch to the tote method and follow the lead of the outdoor boys a whole bunch of totes we might not have to use the little clear ones or maybe we'll hook up one of those we'll have ourselves a wet well so we can keep some alive if we start catching more than we need just in case the next day we're not doing well let's talking we're building and for those of you that have been watching for a while you might remember this guy that's chris he's back [Music] 141 and 8. [Music] what now comes with fiber [Music] do [Music] there [Music] what do you think how does that look nice eight inches [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're ready to flip it and finish it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] put it all there one-handed butter come here come here all right today's video is brought to you by and this special edition of waterworld 70 island survival challenge is uh kind of a prelude we're putting this out because we're working on water world 2.0 with our sponsor flex seal and it is gonna be awesome we're gonna cover it and start work on this let's see how she's doing the waterworld 2.0 with our partners flex seal is going to have an underwater bunker that i can drive it from with windows and everything it's gonna be awesome and it's springtime now and the bugs are out so don't forget to check out for our signature line of fowler bug dope and there's a bug wax that can go on your pants and if you want to smell good when you come out of the woods there's the fowler cologne and there's the fowler beard oil which oh smells so good everybody loves it so check out for the beginning of your next adventure butter and i are going to get to work on this nothing little paint and hard work won't fix right butter pound it and i hope you enjoy the rest of this special edition water world movie [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you guys think is it going to float no we got one one vote for no yes what about you guys yes yeah all right i got one no one naysayer one naysayer the rest of them were yeses so i'm feeling good feeling confident how are we gonna get it in once they're screwed together [Music] let's see really nailed it ella enchanted that was one of my favorites that's a good fishing bait this is the peanut gallery hello these are all the people that voted for me the young man that devoted that we would sink he he took off he had to leave in shame no he didn't leave in shame if you've been watching my videos the majority of my little adventures close to home always happen in 7th tree pond right here but this time we're going with crawford pond i'm not even a mile from home but i've never been on crawford before but it's a really special place with this hundred acre island in the middle and so many unique features in it and it's a private lake all the properties around the lake are private so we thought without public access and us only having access through mcmac campground and renting a campsite that we would be in a quiet secluded little place turns out it's quite the little water world in its own right it's about ten o'clock at night we're here with the final load cars got the kayak i think we're gonna need a bigger raft what is this when did you sneak all these into here six 20 30 45 ice fishing sets my rods are under there somewhere too wow we got a lot of stuff now we have to get it all on to the raft oh dude this is so cool we just cast off and we try to bring the boat around tie it off fire it up and motor out to where we're gonna spend the night [Music] heading towards the moon oh look at that beautiful [Music] beautiful night you can see the ripples in the water we're making good headway maybe the 2.0 version will have to have its own motor that'd be cool the lights of civilization as we leave them behind goodbye civilization i'd say we make uh call it good right here [Music] there we well it's definitely spacious but we forgot that it's an ice fishing shack so those are just windows not screens so if the bugs get bad but hopefully since we're far enough from land i'm not feeling any bugs right now hopefully they don't get bad [Music] together this is why a hammock is so much better [Music] [Music] all right home sweet home fire and food i'm good food super hungry [Music] oh that was worth it it's freaky oh that's nice peppers onions chunk it all up throw it in a pan put it on the fire [Music] you have yourself a delicious dinner onions [Music] jigging rod from frostbite little grub i'm just gonna drop it straight down leave it there see what happens no freaking dude fish on come on are you kidding me right now yeah we got here we go white perch that white perch maybe kill oh there he goes he's gone [Laughter] as soon as i dropped it in i felt like a little bump and i wasn't sure if it was this dropping down and because it dropped so smoothly and then they must be all up underneath of us what was that on there's just this little pink jig head with a uh grub on it well yeah wax worm nice job man first fish nice let's see if we catch a bigger one from down there it's like jigging spot right here that's cool pretty excited i imagine just living like this every day like everybody probably thinks that like isn't that's what you do every day that's all i see you doing videos [Music] oh yeah 2 am yes sir burn in the midnight oil i i divided them you can pick chef's choice we don't even have the woods to get sticks to make chopsticks i'll just uh take the fat wood split it and that stuff's from mexico right what's that have to do with anything excellent job zach thank you lord thank you for the food thank you for helping us complete this thing in a extremely fast manner and make it out here tonight help us get a good night's sleep not to get bit by bugs but bit by lots of fish while we're out here jesus name amen wow i don't know if it's all the fumes and the smoke or but the bugs aren't really that bad i we haven't had really i didn't see any bugs when we first arrived either before we had smoke but we didn't have two torches i was getting bit up oh yeah it's under the dock there we go that's a good breakfast right there nice there's a yummy perch for breakfast that's a good one there we go [Applause] perch and eggs but i didn't bring any eggs perch fried in bacon fat whoo i was tired slept for about six hours and just so hard to get out of bed this morning but fish aren't gonna catch themselves so it's time to get out there i think i'm gonna have to jump in to wake up let's do this [Music] oh that's so nice oh i feel like a million bucks they're like a million bucks diving competition yep all right you guys leave it in the comments below who does the most beautiful dive chris you're up first [Music] oh yours is better we should have made a diving board oh there you go [Music] you going down through i just don't want to scratch myself though okay i gotta commit you ready yeah hopefully you're gonna scratch yourself good yeah no it's not bad you doing the houdini [Music] that's our bathroom hole [Music] about the same as me yeah something touched my leg something touched my leg no way you can't say something touched you and then hog the ladder i guess we don't need the ladder [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we're just doing our inspection here checking on oh spider up under here already dog spiders all the screws look good though yeah [Music] dude [Music] what is it alligator that is the biggest uh what dude this is a trap that's the craziest lure [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was nice i was just supposed to be a quick dip after waking up but man that turned into what a couple hours a couple hours of swimming around with the fishes and oh that was fun swimming under the dock yeah the water is pretty clear here it's a beautiful place dock's holding up good i look what are we calling this thing keep calling it different things the barge the dock the it's not a dock because it's not attached to the shore right it's the float the tote float the tote float the home depot tote float it just have more of an official name we never did chris in it oh we just so launched it you need a some water that's what we'll do we'll christen it right now we're going to christen her what are we going to call it totoro toad arena ss tote it's got getting seasoned on crawford what's that that's the name of this pond i don't even know the name of the pond i keep forgetting i just think of it as mcmack campground that we pulled down into and had permissions i couldn't really think of something better if you think of something better leave it in the comments below we're gonna christen her the ss tote float [Music] now what we want to catch some fish eat something i'm hungry i'm hungry i use a cup of coffee let's do it this is the craziest fishing lure i've ever seen i saw like one or two others down there but it's got eyes it's ridge scale it's like it's got to be for like florida right yeah that's what i'm guessing is like it's meant to be a lizard in florida that ends up in the water and something would eat it but somebody bought them up here and used them to catch bass that's funny fans a little dirty boil wash it we got our perches from last night two perch butter some bacon salsa sour cream grab fish tacos for lunch cabbage onion [Music] onions [Music] so [Music] there now we can use these to catch more fish this is so cool just out here cooking fish that we caught out here i was about to say like how how long do you think you could survive on just fish and bacon but i know i could survive 87 days on 63 fish so if i had some bacon that would just make it longer i said this before but if you're watching for the first time and you never had a fish taco you're missing out on one of the finer things in life i know originally i thought to myself like that's nasty fish tacos what are you nuts you're disgusting the only reason they don't serve it at taco bell is because it's good and they only serve gross stuff there i feel like there's a very important fine art of certain foods being sliced in and people miss the mark like the gas station pizza people or those big pepperonis that are super thick and super big if you just slice those pepperonis paper thin ah they just melt in your mouth instead of like uh just a wad of heartburn you know it could be a pleasurable experience if your food is chopped the right way you know makes such a big difference even cooking out here is more pleasurable than at home at home my electric burners i got to replace those with gas you haven't been watching very long this is the very best thing on everything from possums raccoons to fish catfish deer whatever custom spice blend that wooden beardsman and i collaborated on to make the wadobo great on popcorn steaks uh really really good i think the most excellent home thing that you can make it on is cheeseburgers adobo cheeseburgers boom such a huge difference i wonder what the neighbors think they like paid to buy a house on this lake and then they're looking out this morning and they're like what in the sam hill is going on beverly hillbillies moved in on the lake what are they doing i smell bacon cooking and this lake has gone to the weirdos salsa a little bacon for some crunch piece of fish cabbage galleons some hot sauce now that's a fish taco what a feast oh thank you lord for this day for the swim for the beautiful conditions and the perch tacos just name amen i have never put bacon in it before you you said that yeah i don't i don't have any qualms i don't think what what is your idea of bacon marshmallows that's that draws the line i'm pretty sure the bacon marshmallow is a thing and it would taste good okay that's really good that's really good that little crunch from the the cabbage and the bacon in some way i feel like the fish is like the least interesting part of the whole thing is like the cabbage the sour cream the salsa bacon crunch right mine's gone already and the coffee turned out good we're gonna throw in our skins and some stuff maybe we can catch some minnows may just be a lost cause but i thought it'd be worth trying it's fairly sturdily made actually better than the ones i had in texas and the opening might be big enough a basket going if it does we'll have to let it go because that's not legal we're just trying to catch bait or crawfish to this point i have never actually caught any crawfish here in maine i used to see them a lot in vermont and then even returning to some of those lakes they disappeared so if you know why crawfish disappear let me know leave in the comments below i don't know i'm wondering if it's like a a thing maybe this is dying off of the crawfish because we don't see them around here much and drop it off the back end here ready to do some evening fishing and there's like some crazy loon party going out looney party over here i don't can you see it they're fishing too they're fishing they must look all heads down yeah there's a whole circling pile of loons i've only ever seen like one or two before man those birds are big all right let's untie and catch some fish [Music] first one to catch a fish doesn't have to cook dinner sounds good what'd you say i hope you like my cooking [Music] fish on you i saw that little hole in the bushes over there and the weeds and i was like there's a fish in there there's a fish in there baby baby come here what we got oh what do we got molly not me is it that big no but it's dinner oh it's a large uh it looks like it's solidly hooking up i'm gonna go for it there's a nice dinner fish i'd say that uh is very very small you never know what you're gonna get that's a good eater right there there's some good meat on that's how there do it take care of them real quick get it over with it we are trying to survive on a little bit for every meal what we catch and cook otherwise it's just a camping trip man these little uh soccers they're pretty rugged that's my secret yeah first fish of the trip oh mondo about the same size holy same size as the zoom worm [Music] no oh no it's tiny it is a better fish than anything we've got so far bass wise you know that moment when you're like yeah did i just reel in a bunch of weeds and pretend like i was fighting a fish considering how warm he is look out i mean is that how you no give them a lick they'll really tell us what depth we should be let's see 73 degrees three feet down all right well that's another one for the dinner what was it most fish uh it doesn't have to cook biggest fish no oh biggest yeah it was noah's biggest it was yes it was i remember that i think i got it on camera and first one to catch a fish doesn't have to cook dinner okay i'll meet you in the middle we'll do the ice fishing that i usually do best out of three biggest most uh first so i have biggest right now and most and you have first home sweet home i wish we had left the light on so when we came back it was prettier you know there we are tied off secure comfy cozy home sweet home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] supper oh oh my i think that goes with chicken sausage that's fishing oh damn [Music] first ever a little crappy third species unlocked in this lake on on the funniest thing on the mr big frostbite rod not so so it's it's a super tiny but hey awesome keep it breakfast heck yeah i oh dude that looks it's one of the smaller crappies but like a little chicken nugget should we let them go no no no no because crappie have a bigger fillet that comes off of them so even the smallest ones have a bigger fillet than those white perches okay they just they do they they're very meaty fish it's such a beautiful day out there we were kind of up a little bit late playing around with the fishes nothing spectacular happened just you know kicking it by the fire joking and laughing and next we know it's kind of late and so i slept in i feel i feel really good and what is chris doing out there i hear a drill i heard some coffee beans pouring we better get up and find out you clever sod time for that handle stuff yeah no hand cranks here so that's the coffee grinder you put it on there when there's a little hand crank and uh i guess he decided we're not doing that right now no time for the hand crank we need the go juice and i want to go for a swim i'm warm that's what happens when you sleep in the sun's up high and you're insulated [Music] [Music] a good lather [Music] oh [Music] i could live like this almost every day i think don't i feel like a million bucks right oh cup of coffee look at this guy look at he's like completely wheelied up on his he's sitting halfway up the boat and the thing is just ripping oh my goodness whoa that's hot maybe yeah it's malt all right today on cooking with fowler we're gonna make bacon wrapped bass jalapeno cheddar poppers i forgot about the little crappie three bass one crappie i think this fillet knife is a little big for these fish the game warden [Music] don't mind us just blow right through blow right past us i'm not trying to make my breakfast or anything this thing is full of bait what dude what we got bait holy cow okay that worked way way better than uh are they they're like baby yellow perch or something yeah they are i think they're baby yellow perch holy cripey dude i did not expect that i didn't expect in like that deep of a water if there's one crappie in here there's a ton more so maybe tonight we will have to uh get the fish finder out and uh because it is very hard to jig to those fish because they they hit it so fast and you just feel that like all of a sudden you're just like and then they've already stripped you of your little grub so it doesn't look like a huge amount but crappie they got a nice piece of meat here but they actually have a little bit more i probably could have done a little even better than this to take more time and the bigger they are the pieces of meat goes right from here to here and it's a big chunk of meat all the way through to the belly unlike some other fish which white perch and stuff like that you'll get like you get a strip like this when you're done you don't even know when they're bigger you don't get much for the belly the same for the bass but uh but the crappie will have a full piece of meat [Music] wait what that's not a popper zack the popper entails you pop it into your mouth a bacon burrito [Music] bacon bass cheddar poppers oh yeah i'd say that's working pretty darn good one of these bad boys a try if we cut the biggest one open the reveal [Music] that looks good that's cooked through i'm gonna try it we'll let you know how it is that has to be the most delicious thing i've ever made the fish and the cheddar and the forgot to pray lord thank you for this food thank you for the bacon wrapped jalapeno cheddar balls uh bass cheddar balls amen let's let's dig in nailed it that's pretty dang good right i got a little bit of everything that was awesome never would have thought i mean i did think that's why i did it part of me was wondering if this was a good idea yeah hit me with some aces cage in here oh yeah that's even better with our custom splice bun for ace days is cajun should we super tasty for some of the convoy that we have yeah they smelt it and you got to watch out for them wild lake people around here the smokers the smokers the smokers are coming no regard for the tote float yeah hold on hold on everything let's head that away through the through the breach is that man-made was this a bridge and i have to say that does look like it is cement it must be man-made yep it's kind of cool over there i wonder if you could sit on that picnic table and fish off of it like having a lunch and fishing on it what is it is it just a sand bar i don't understand what's going on oh it's probably i think it's rocks and stuff but yeah [Music] all right all right purple flaked fruity tooty whatever he is here chris is gonna run the purple mondo worm well it's a fish i don't know about a good fish he's a tiny little thing there oh there we go good enough hey we got a fish that's a nice oh boy you pierced yourself good buddy that's a hook set and a half yikes i think what do you think there we go imagine if we were swimming along we're exploring and and all of a sudden there's a skull as if i'm not already a little baby enough when we're going into the water no you don't need to plant a fake skull on me [Music] oh good oh a little guy no that was a little bass and there we go not big but it's a fish that's an odd fight are you okay bro whoa it's another fish chasing the other fish we got a frenzy going on here folks oh my lanta is that monster we might have to throw it on the scale that could be my pb but check the old fish brain see where other people are locking catches that are any good brook trout northern pike nobody's holding up monsters let's check out this river at the other end yeah moving water is great all right full steam there we go after finally a better fish that's a good size pickerel yeah nice there you go i say we keep that we haven't eaten a chain pickle yeah those are good they're good eating oh he's squirting everywhere what'd you catch that on oh that's nice that went on there nicely is it is that a thing where people put those two together or is that just something you did that's what i keep saying trailer oh good trailer wow that worked really good chain pickle in seconds two rods in my [Laughter] hand fish on i think he's tangled in the weeds there we go got him what do we got oh just another bass oh all right see there's bigger bass out here yeah you saw something right in front of me oh well don't waste our time with this guy you are catching them left and freaking right and dude is that a good fish like big i don't know that's a good fish dude i just saw it that sold like three oh yeah that's a three pounder that's a good fish oh well maybe not three two don't come off buddy come on come on bring him up my freaking line oh he jumped right into the net that was great that was great yeah that is a nice nice fish there we go ow that's a beautiful fish right there let's see what we got that's worth checking to see what it is hope you stop wiggling 2.12 how will we let that one go that's the first sizable fish we caught here okay stop and have a bacon ball break cheers we're pretty successful it turned on it's not over yet though i feel the life juices just flowing through me the energy just like [Music] it doesn't flow off the tongue though step into a bacon wrap [Music] bacon bass jalapeno cheddar popper step into a bacon bass hella step into a bacon step into a bacon bath jalapeno cheddar popper step into a bacon bass jalapeno cheddar popper oh yeah you're supposed to be snapping into them not you're saying step into it yeah like step into a slim jim i thought it would snap into a slim jim oh maybe it is snap into it that make much more sense than stepping on a slim jim you don't want to step on your slim jim you want to snap it i feel like my teeth are just like full of bacon ball how'd that look well we're gonna head back we did pretty good i feel like we figured the lake out a little bit better that's kind of the fun of coming to somewhere new it's like figuring out a location right [Music] you know i have to say i really like crawford pond it's kind of a secret location because there's no public access but there's a smaller number of camps than most lakes have i love seven tree it's like my home pond since it's right next to my house there and this is still almost next to the house and so if anybody knows of a piece of land for sale on crawford pond the water is just a bit clearer here there's no river flowing into it which i feel like makes seven tree a little bit more fishy than this one you know what i mean it's like a little bit more true a little bit better but i don't know we're nailing a lot of perch it's just yeah and we haven't even fully figured it out and on fish brain i've seen some pictures of northern pike in here so if we could figure that out that'd be pretty cool so we're gonna have to maybe try to troll for some of those tomorrow [Music] tides going out we're getting pulled out to see is that what's going on so when we left earlier those trees were like over there so we've moved and i don't exactly know why maybe 40 feet yeah but there's three cinder block two cinder blocks and one anchor like i would have thought the anchor would have been enough yeah do we still have the anchor yeah it's still i tugged on it you tugged on that except for now marshall see now that doesn't make sense what because the anchor is headed that way you think someone ran over our anchor line they got too close to it or something no how could the anchor unless it just completely released itself oh i got it it was held by the cinder blocks in place and and then when we were blowing it blew us the opposite direction away the anchor was taught hooked in so when it blew past the anchor dragging the cinder blocks it flipped the anchor free as if you know when you when you pull up on an anchor well let's look at it like this we're on a new fishing spot now maybe it's a little bit better right here i'll find out for deeper i get a good feeling for it right here with this guy let's see if it still drops as quick boom that's about the same well let's check our anchors and get our anchors a little bit more solid that's a little disturbing if it had been we could have been in a big trouble if this thing when we came in hadn't been all 15 feet if this had gone deeper this direction and we were in 15 feet and it got to 20 those anchor lines and all that stuff we would we could have found the float way over there like somewhere we would have been able to find it we would have been able to find it but that would have been a little bit like oops oh the cow just like dookied all over you missed the spot right there [Laughter] it doesn't look so pleasant [Music] but fish it's what's for dinner [Music] so we're just using ice fishing jigs i'm just using this little guy [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] oopsie yours cheers not crappy that's the first time my first time that brussels sprout had a piece of garlic burnt to the bottom that was so good yeah we can't exactly show you how just epic this is so juicy it's juicy yeah so flaky that was a good size that was the biggest chain pickle i've ever seen that's the midnight special brush my teeth go to bed well i don't know about this is just too much fun i'm just going to stay out here i'm just going to have to move move in permanently sometimes the editing studio would fit very well i need to double the size and quadruple maybe even just take up this whole little cove yeah just keep like building these and bringing them out like once a week you're filling out a new one i don't even know the song now you got those like two lines it's a midnight special stuck in my head well i remember bad it was a good evening i had messed around with some a little bit of night fishing didn't really get up to too much it's been a fun adventure so far and i look forward to tomorrow so i'm going to bed good morning it is day what day is it girls day four i believe so yeah [Music] does it work [Music] so [Music] what do you got tied on okay the only thing i'm not a fan of in this open cockpit kayak is the dribbles off the paddle i don't know what the trick is if you know the trick leave it in the comments below i am so sick of did you just catch yourself yeah i hooked the rod didn't take long thankfully it didn't break off won't you be my neighbor finally hooked up mondo mondo life well he's got first fish maybe i can still get biggest fish biggin now we took care of that first fish bologna let's go get a real fish i'm gonna go with the cracking craw now that's gotta do it this has got to do it something's gotta do it [Music] so [Music] do [Music] this on time look all morning [Music] there we go [Music] first fish in the morning to you goodbye [Music] there's another one [Music] that's a better one there's a nice looking one beautiful [Music] little guy oh that's a nice one not too bad that's definitely the biggest of the morning it's not huge but let's check 2 30. 2 30. oh my what was yours yesterday uh 3 50. no [Music] gosh darn it we got ya 2 30. finally yeah mine was two point uh yeah one six and then one one at what the second time i checked it the big fish are gonna have to be in a little bit more water i think that just got biggest boys that's what i've been catching them on little dragon drop just caught that pickerel 17 inches hopefully that holds me in for the largest fish i know last i knew zack had three so that was my third fish we're tied for most i have the first so see what happens oh as i'm talking fish on another chaney get in the boat nice get him at least he goes so we want to kind of do a species countdown of how who's got the most so far he is way in the lead with the crappie and the chain picker he's two up on me fish on little guy there we go little guy fishing coming off okay number five [Music] [Music] [Music] i just got one trolling let's see if i can get him in before the camera dies oh it's a good one oh it's a good one and she's in oh i don't think it's gonna be chris's best this morning but that's like oh that's a good size one all right ow that makes me happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we are home sweet home whoa i kept one i get a the 1.7 that i caught trolling just a second ago there we go we'll save that for tonight fry that guy up i am pretty hungry we're gonna do it uh i'm i'm thinking bacon wrapped apples my arteries my arteries are clogging bacon doesn't clog arteries does bacon clog arteries the idea that saturated fats clog up arteries and therefore causes heart disease is plain wrong experts have claimed bacon do not clog the arteries lucky you you should have the cleanest arteries because all you eat is bacon yeah so we're gonna do bacon wrap apple cheddar bombs for lunch and i think i need a dip [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] that feels so good huh it's like that just i don't know that that could ever get old [Music] oh that feels good [Music] no okay all right before i saw it i didn't test it if that table was stronger maybe but there's no way [Music] don't come here it's a horrible place you don't want to you feel that yeah swimmers you see all the leeches what swimmers see all the leeches swimmers itch yeah yeah scabies yeah we want to keep this place to ourselves and and only and whoever already knows about it time to make another bacon wrapped treat this time on outdoor cooking with fowler we're going to make bacon wrapped apple cheddar bombs wait how we can do that that's usually a fire thing oh i know i got my i'm gonna do it in the pressure cooker oh can i do it in the pressure cooker not a bad idea will that work then they'd just be soft and soggy though i have those little pot there oh that loon just popped up like right in front of us oh goodness i was just swimming there bro yeah he's probably coming after you i tell you when loons attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude the apple she is going into the apple table [Music] two [Music] the grand reveal [Music] looks like a little bit of the cheese leaking out oh look at that um oh would you look at that would you look at that isn't that gorgeous all right i'll give the nice ones to chris here you go thank you sir dinner is served oh lord thank you for the apples for the cheese for the bacon and this wonderful adventure and the beautiful weather jesus name amen cheers hmm it's messy it was so good it's all good that's the first thing we ate today isn't it the doing it in the pan is a pain in the neck if you can do it on the fire so you wrap it all good and then you drive that stick through and pin those last pieces of bacon that want to unwrap put it on the fire and then you can just rotate it you have a whole video about doing it on the fire don't you i do have no yeah and then you do i did uh tomatoes as well stuff a tomato with cheddar cheese and wrapping bacon yeah bacon we got bacon wrapped everything wasn't it bacon wrapped everything yeah or maybe it was a bacon wrapped what oh yes so if you want to know more about it and see it over the fire oh dear the uh i really want to eat it because it tastes so good but it's hitting me hitting me hard really i'm being like a little guy here feels like i just ate a thanksgiving meal chris said all that sun and that bacon ball was making him sleepy so i left him behind i thought i'd try and get uh one up on him with a little bit of trolling we have done that so far since we've been out here and trolling is a great way to get that line down deep and catch something that's uh you know settling out and uh fish that don't want to be up in the heat yes i know i've been fishing already all morning but what can i say i'm addicted i don't get to troll very often because most people get bored with it i find it kind of fun and quiet to do it by yourself unfortunately the boat goes too fast for that so this is my little hack to fix that if you throw out a bucket it will work like a c anchor slowing your boat down and allowing your bait your spinner whatever you're trolling with to sink to a deeper depth and move at the speed that is acceptable to fish and looks a bit more natural getting good at this can put you on to bigger fish sometimes i know what i got here but something small oh jeepers the the biggest white perch we've caught here i can't be a pound i almost want to weigh it to find out that must been what stripped me a couple times just for curiosity's sake i guess i'm not weighing that one i only ever caught that one perch after four hours of trolling i decided there was nothing down there unfortunately after all that trolling i don't know what happened but the motor wouldn't start so i headed up to the front of the boat to use the electric trolling motor and zip home i wanted to make some dinner before it got dark and we got busy with some nighttime fishing you done brushing your teeth three days late he's still brushing his teeth this guy brushes his teeth so much he's such an example to the young people tell him you know so let's see what do you what do you use we're this i actually usually use toms this is don't use this stuff guys but it will probably keep your teeth pretty white they look pretty white not you've got like the cleanest teeth of well almost anybody i've ever seen twice a day try to but okay leave it in the comments he is giving me black for brushing my teeth once whose teeth are whiter he's going to edit this surviving a horse i'm ready for war i'm coming for throws if you don't eat a lot of sugar you don't have to brush your teeth they actually get cleaner as time goes on i don't know about that that's right i just made that up don't listen to me oh that's hot so tonight on cooking with fowler we are going to make a delicious fried fish and a homemade fish tartar sauce it's a keto recipe we're using pork rinds man this is a big bass let's make some big fried bass nuggets there we go it's a good-sized filet just like almost a theme to all of our eating isn't it pork [Music] little scallion [Music] uh red pepper for using to put into kimchi aces cajun since i didn't season the fish and the frying it and then a pickle [Music] look at their rig they got like lights underneath their uh pontoons we need to do that all right we got our fish fire up the fishing light blast it blasting it captain whoa [Laughter] so that's the fishing light [Music] and that will bring in the fish so we can catch them wait till you see it's cool we'll get the aqua view out and you'll be able to see under the water the fish schooling around it eating the little what do they call the things in the lake that they'd be eating krills and krill i think that's salt water okay salt water that's why that's why i said brims i have no no i don't know there's little things in here swimmies that the lights attract and then the fish come in and school all around the lights and then we drop on on them and boom boom boom boom fish after fish but in case the fish are feeling a little saturday nightish we could give him a little dance party uh what are you going to eat with i'm going to eat with my hands because i'm going to put it into a taco if that's okay oh yeah let's start facing you no no it doesn't yes to get into a wrap i'm gonna eat it plain you stick it into a wrap do whatever you want with it there we go i might try to take my bites and throw it into a piece of lettuce each time i haven't even started lord thank you for the food bless his food to our body and fish catching at night in jesus name amen most importantly that this board is still fine yeah and thank you that we're still floating well i kind of take it for granted that we're still floating like i you expect you i expected it to work yeah all right is this safe to use that didn't have raw fish on it no that just had frying oil on it so it's you're yeah you can eat with it or you're just using spread stuff ogre gets out of my swamp i think that's the best thing we've cooked so far so we're gonna see who catches the most fish tonight [Laughter] it wouldn't be fun if we didn't wow that was good all right light has been working for about an hour and i've seen one or two oh there's a little fish cruising in now let's see if we can catch some fish nice look at all the stuff in the water holy cow look at the fish look at them fish so i've used a speed hook in a video before and caught stuff um just through the ice but the premise is it sets the hook for you these guys have such a light touch you have to be right on it so i could be watching on the aqua view and see them take it in and be like boom set the hook but this does it for you so you got this springy bit of metal line goes down here through the other eye so when it springs open it sets that hook right in the fish's mouth i'll put that like so and if you do we sell these on they're kind of a survival thing and some states don't actually allow it i should not have this set while i'm playing with the hook though because that can go bad because it will also set the hook into your hand very easily here we go oh there's a nice guy right in front of the camera look at it come here chris isn't that cool nice now i just gotta get a bite oh that was close that was it first fish did you get it yeah it's tiny oh is that a bass i can't even i got one you can't see i got one almost at the same time here i caught a baby bass you did i think i can't see no no no all right very tiny ones huh are we keeping the tinies are we going for bigs since we know we can keep going i think we should go for biggers all right let's go for bigger there's one white perch oh you got here you get a little bit of a snack there buddy congratulations one to one came on oh that was a big one that just swam in front of the camera [Music] fish on happening so fast i can't even get it back in front of the camera oh underneath the oh he's gonna get wrapped up oh thank you it's a nice one this is so cool there's just so much to feed on down there they don't really you gotta just be lucky fish on little one that is the tiniest of them so far oh i got stripped i got the lightest little touch ooh that feels like a better sized one there we go we should have that out here i'll take your rod now that's a meal oh good job dude that's a good one that was a monster huh that's the drop into the bottom and then reeling up fish that's a nice one come on ah darn right around everything hitting that might as well thought i had him out from oh he came out he came up perfect perfect bring him back this way or you just flip him that's good thank you that was right that was like right there how did he manage to come undone oh it's a good size wow that's a huge one that is insane that's bigger than the bass we've been catching okay smile no if i smile remember i look like a psychopath no you don't that looks kind of good though i look like a dweeb let me rip his head off just one more catch there we go a little guy a little guy i think that's enough for one night a little guy so we'll throw him back and call it a night bye he did it himself so we're gonna turn the light off and go to bed and watch what happens when i turn the light off here in the boat turn off the night light for the fishing full of fish they just rise up and just start going nuts they just the perch just came up and they're just swarming time to put out the fire and go to bed i'm tired stick a fork in me how about you he's already in bed he's already i'm gonna i'm going to bed [Music] [Applause] morning zach coffee's ready [Applause] what's the plan for today i don't know i need a water water [Music] that's how you need to wake up every morning i really get otter and put the coffee on my chest and float see it hasn't gotten any worse but it gets right down there sounds hollow it does sound hollow does it sound hollower than this one oh they all still sound hollow i mean i think there would be a different sound if i had some water i'll give her a little inspection [Music] beautiful morning in the neighborhood float inspection went well now what we can get up to what's our options lay them out for me chris i see you got your kids rods in there the barbie barbie elsa frozen fishing rod challenge whatever they are i call the frozen bowl okay i'll take the pink one then good thing it's sunday there's not gonna be too many hardcore fish well maybe there will be that'll be so funny yeah it's like throwing them with a little we got to make sure we get that for the reactions just like for the as part of the whole thing like get a couple people's reactions of like us like fishing professionally with with barbie bowls you know like what are they doing but first we got to divide up the mystery tackle box this is kind of an uh um all micro gear we know there's a lot of small bass looks like some good soft plastics in there good great little micro soft plastics hey get your hands out of there we're going to divide it up and then we will see who can catch the most fish in one hour they dump it out and we take turns picking so the only thing we'll be bringing on the kayaks are those barbie poles i called the frozen pole now we must hope they are enough and uh chris is taking this oh it's in let down your hair tangled tangled yeah tangled the finger grip for when you get on to the five you just really gotta lay into it just walk in boys we're going round rock paper scissors rock paper scissors row shampoo okay ready rock paper scissors wait we didn't shoot it's rock paper scissors shoot oh okay i don't even know how to play rock paper scissors apparently okay i think that's what it is though yeah rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot uh rock paper scissors shoot so scissors tie breakers okay rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock chinese chopper moose okay ready all right rock paper scissors shoot i have a little bit of anxiety how do i rock paper scissors shoot all right rock paper scissors shoot oh my gosh [Applause] i want this little make sure that i get this little crankbait here oh i want to go with yoga you're going to yoga all right so i'm going to go with these little guys these throw them in your box fill your box up i'm gonna go with these little squiddy things i think those look cool i'll go with this little spark and i'll grab this little weird guy here i suppose they look good try out these lip rippers and i got that so my box is good and then we'll split these up we got two of these really unique i want to catch something on these just because they're so little spinning jig head things yeah so you get one of those awesome all split up got our mystery tackle boxes mystery is all solved now so there's not much mystery now that we know what's in there put that in my boat may the best man win you're the best fisherman man fisher man best fisherman win mine looks like a meat locker yeah yours is a little bloody after last night's fishing hicks we kept the fish in there after we got him yeah okay we got the newest googan rod here all right come on elsa come on anna most fish we'll paddle through the notch and as soon as we pass through the notch we got one hour now i'm gonna set the alarm so you can't cheat there we go so if i run a jig head to start i'll be able to flip through all my soft plastics there and use my neck knife to trim off the excess there oh that's gonna look beautiful [Music] got the spinner bait rigged up get into the passage here up to the starting line go oh he pushes me back i see how it's gonna be watch me catch my pb i got a fish oh i got a fish fish on fish on first fish first fish [Music] a little bass that's one be free let's see about working this weed patch just up in front of me [Music] the spinnerbait might not be the answer spend all my time trying to get it unhooked well first break off great [Music] [Music] fish on he's got his second fish already ah i lost him okay he lost him good i mean oh too bad hmm i catch some weeds no i got a fish didn't even notice he was so small get him in get him in and come in that's two [Music] i might have screwed up i caught three i'm up to three but i think i hit i turned off the camera instead of recording okay this looks juicy fish [Music] here we go first fish on the tangled rod a little tiny micro bass back fish sweet [Music] big old bald eagle flying overhead [Music] going fish on oh that's a good one that's a good one oh that's a good one don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it come on barbie i mean come on elsa come on oh oh come on come on come on come on come on gotcha [Music] now that's what we're looking for that's what you're looking for that's what you want right there [Music] that was worth the paddle over here we're going for that's number four look at that that's nice and shiny beautiful fish get you back in the water 23 minutes left on the timer i've only gotten four there's a big guy cruising right through here [Music] fish on little guy maybe in between here oh that's a nice one that's a nice one oh there's no drag on these barbie poles there's no drag whatsoever come on boat flip and we got it whoo there we go all right another one little one get him in six [Music] uh so yeah six total all maybe totaling in a pound bag but you ended up with ten nine i was trying to get ten so i got you by three and the uh golden globe goes to frozen [Applause] winner winner well elsa anna you done a good job ah here comes the smokers again they come blasting through fortunately they leave us alone we get jostled a little bit though don't we hey chris yeah will you grab me some uh of the grass so i can make a broom gotta do some house cleaning this place is getting dirty what do you think will it make a nice broom they're green i'm a little bit concerned because they are a little bit loose but i think you can make it work a little skeptical you'll figure it out there's also somebody's fishing line mixed in there too oh really yeah [Music] [Music] spam i have never had spam before have you guys had spam this isn't even regular spam this is spam bacon if you're sensing a theme here as you've been watching the series through yeah we're not really roughing it surviving on what we can catch and cook we could but i mean it'd be so boring for you to watch if all i was doing yeah i'm gonna cook another fish over the fire that's just no fun so spam and eggs with bacon and peppers and mushrooms what do you think is it any good we'll find out looks like cat food that's that's for sure isn't that appetizing i can't can't smell anything let's give it a taste salty there's some like mystery pieces something in this piece of spam like a fingernail or something that's kind of creepy like the rest of it's consistently oh never mind that was a piece of mushroom from the knife i think okay even chris here is skeptical on my spam what do you think smells kind of like ham honestly i don't even think this pan is hot from the burner so much as just the sun the sun cooking it i don't think so i finally get to craft something and excuse to craft something how long will it last that i do not know well i really i should learn how to um weave stuff make a uh sun hat carly that was with me on the loan while we weren't together but like against me uh if you want to think about it that way like we're all trying to stay out there the longest but she made the most beautiful stuff she was like an uh expert weaver and i've seen her like weave and twist and make corridors from fibers very expert at all that i got a broom let's try it out first thing we need to do this junk off the deck i think it needs a haircut all right that works like a champ our deck is now clean oh no it fell off the end okay so there's there is some uh downsides our caulking isn't doing so good though that didn't hey you can almost use that for a lure that stuff's so flexy [Music] [Music] thank you lord for spam and the fact that we're still floating and i know they did horrible things to make the spam but you made the wonderful things that they were able to turn this spam into just name amen your chopsticks are all limp cheers a little bit hot sauce online but yeah it's about what i thought it would taste like not too bad it's not bad it's not ham it's not it's not i don't know [Music] it's not gross no now what i still get i just devoured mine it was so good i'm so full i gotta wait 30 minutes before i go swimming [Music] it wasn't that magnet a little bit bigger about five minutes ago this is a different magnet so where's the other it's uh at the bottom i didn't have enough i'm trying to use a magnet fishing to find the lure that chris lost yesterday so i put a piece of line on and i let it go out and just test to see if it was long enough and when it got to the end of the line it ripped it right out of my hands and now the other the fishing magnet is at the bottom the good big one so let's see if i can find it i might have to dive down in and look for it oh i can't go down i can't see anything shiny [Music] i'm gonna try one more time yeah oh good he came back up over here oh that hurts my ears so much something feels a little bit dangerous with you swimming around all these lines under all the everything [Music] i found it the string was floating the bank line floats no way so i was like fishing around and i looked over and i'm like wait a minute that's not my piece of bank line that's an end of a piece of bank line here and uh so so much for a magnet fish and it was look that's pulling straight up from straight down yeah i think i'm ready to go fishing again and not uh not going after that lure now all right heading out for one last go at the big bass we decided after thinking about this afternoon what are we gonna do with ourselves we haven't caught anything over three pounds much less five pounds what are we getting hope hopefully something maybe two five range three that would be great let's do this [Music] we buy a little home away from home a little bit it's working good still floating perfectly [Music] there we go fish on fish on that feels like a good one wow it's either a good one or a fighty like whoa oh he's going for the weave here i got you i'm gonna get the trolling come on don't worry just hey oh shoot don't worry that's all right no i'm just saying i'll shoot you saying him wrapped himself around these upper weeds here i don't know if like he's free of them or a piece that's a good one yeah he wrapped himself oh that's a good one okay is he free i don't see him i don't see him oh he's back towards the weeds he's trying to get into the bottom yeah oh oh man oh wow that's got to be the personal best of this so far that's gotta be the oh two seven five that's what i'm thinking two seven five point one [Laughter] i you just got prices rated two seven uh 287 i can't even say it 2.87 [Music] 2.87 whoo i prices rated you and one one for it [Music] look what's left of my commando worm and kind of a neat thing for me or if you care too the uh i had the football jig with the sakura on there he seemed to hit it and then i cast a couple more times i felt like it wasn't working and i kept working that same spot switched something smaller threw it in there and boom there he was had it that felt good that was i was just laughing at the echo of your boom yeah i know it's from off of the shore boom boom boom boom boom now i'm just being dorky but it's like good when you figure something out like that you you learn something new about fishing fishing is just so satisfying to me for some reason it's it's just the discovery and the smell the soft plastics and just getting blown up ah so good [Music] heck yeah it's not big there we go first oh come on buddy whoa those fins all tore up [Music] just in time for dinner ready for some chowder sounds good to me yeah you look beat have to make some i feel like i'm having a cup of coffee this evening we got our pile of fish oh gross there's some fish water on the plate well that's huge dude that's so much fish now we need some vegetables and get it in the pot we need a fire though i'm on it like blueball on it because that's the beauty of the pressure cooker is you don't have to cook your stuff on the burner if you just drop the pressure bomb into the probably shouldn't call it a bomb that'll like throw people off on wanting to get one which we do now have them available on don't go chasing waterfalls stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to i don't want no scrub scrub is a guy that lives at his mom's house i don't know somewhere in there there's a song i know let's see we had living on the ice so what what we needed one for this series living on the toe float you can help yourself from [Music] drowning drowning we're living on the tote float it has no influence whatsoever from living on the edge i made up that song wholly originally the first go-around totes and floats more of a rap song for this one totes and floats boats and moats bass and perch [Music] skipping church [Music] that's sad did you do 30 nights in canada yeah that's our bigger series 30-day survival challenge on youtube yeah you want to say hi to your friends are you like oh yeah put him in the video what's your name levi levi you got a shout out for your friends more visitors it's been fun this is such a friendly lake everybody's so friendly stopping by paying a visit it's like i want a lake house out here somewhere so if anybody knows of any property for sale let me know leave it in the comments below all right time to make the chowder i started chopping stuff up and visitors started showing up and started socializing and lost track of time here yeah and now it's dark i don't think i'm gonna chop the fish up i'm just gonna throw them right in everything that i chop up can just go into the pot four cloves of garlic perch i'm gonna crisp up some bacon and sprinkle that on the top when it's done i love that on chowder that makes it so delicious take a long time to get them soft all right that i got some cream and then some pickles put some let's just see if you're listening put on your lid and your handle these pressure cookers are so much fun it's so easy to cook stuff in them just get them going get them on the fire and boom all right peanut gallery hopefully not yes hopefully i mean boom like bazaam boom boom it's done you know oh wait wait i forgot the most important ingredient where's the adobo oh ta-da we found it that in there adobo perch chowder boil boil something something that's as simple as it is just throw some stuff in there put it on the fire if it turns out gross just don't do that again oh our fire's looking a little on the weak side to go to shore let's break some branches off i need more fire oh chris is going to go get more twigs he's on it look at that because of the night light for the fish the smoke looks green that's so cool all right our pressure cooker is steaming fire keeping it good and going whoa this thing stinks just reach your hand in there and look feel for the slimiest thing i don't like to seal around the heels he's in there just go get him you get him you get him i'll hold the camera you get him i got the camera already you're the star of the show i bet you that would catch a bass that makes some great live bait all right coffee is done we're gonna drink it now because we need to put our chowder in those eating little things in there yeah like why do they need to eat any of this stuff that ew i got a mayfly in mine all right let's try some soup it looks extremely creamy chunky juicy deliciousness well there we go i got some fish we got a tater oh there we go peppers and onions the crema creme is topping it up with a little bit of crunchy bacon lord thank you for the food bless this food to our body in jesus name amen chris has got to be at work first thing in the morning so gotta get him to the dock and get him out of here he's gotta go back to the real world i'm gonna get the girls and bring him out here oh my goodness oh my that fish it just like melts in your mouth what it's gross no nailed it nailed it as i said that was a weird look ooh i just found a big mayfly let's see if i can catch a fish with that yeah start our own podcast talking about fishing talking about talk fish talk fishing and talking today on fish talk we're going to be talking about white perch how to catch them simple techniques such as live bait plastic worms and jig heads as you can see i used a circle hook so the removal of the hook was quite easy it was hooked right in the mouth and didn't even choke it that's a smaller size dripping in my soup fish slap what is that from wasn't there i don't know let him go goodbye fish thanks for joining us on fish talk with kristen fowler oh my goodness two cups of that i'll sleep well you're ready oh i think i can get him untangled oh he's untangled nice and flipped him i still got around your line or something going on here nice another beautiful perch wow these guys are feisty another beautiful fish snagged a mayfly off the table threw it on the jig head here this may be what one of the things they're feeding on is the fish are going around all nuts down there either these dying on the surface and sinking down or you know if this was a trout place the surface of this water was just popping and blowing up the hatches have been unbelievable and probably their nymphs that are swimming around down there underneath the light and stuff let's see if we can catch something on this hello hello is this thing wrong is this damn [Music] fish on reeling big fish big fish big fish bro big crappy my peepee oh you landed it but no you landed it i just i just set the hook oh dude dude epic that was a huge crowd oh my lord holy slab bro whoa bro oh my slap oh wow that is geez i don't know if the camera does that justice that is a freaking giant yeah [Music] i know it's just a crappy guy since evasive species but 13 it's like 13 and a quarter i mean if northern maine crappy that's nice mayflies work as well good morning time to go get the girls take them out here play around see if we can't uh get them on some fish so they can get to enjoy it as well let's do it [Music] what do you guys think this is cool i kind of want to sleep on the higher bud yeah that's my bed so the picnic table's over there see that picnic table sparrow you want to go over there have lunch and go swimming [Music] yeah let's do it okay go have our lunch yeah and me and you guys and you are gonna need to change dad i'll change into my suit and then we'll go all right who's ready for an adventure [Music] you see the table now sparrow looks like thunderstorms that's okay we'll live [Music] oh look behind us there's a rainstorm coming across the lake i'm hopping out all right we're on the rocks we can hop out and have our picnic how cool is this that's cold that's pretty nice water sometimes i saw a crab there could be crayfish we've seen one or two uh dead ones but there aren't many [Music] i've never known a love so steady and [Music] i'd always be waiting here i will keep you in my heart and i wouldn't change i stick the peanut butter to the peanut butter no peanut butter stick the peanut butter okay peanut butter to the jelly i've never known a brighter sunset but every day i see [Music] what do you think [Music] we're gonna go up around the bend here and see if we can't catch a fish [Music] and we got it [Music] there you go good job abby you caught like the tiniest little bass what sparrow you're just busy catching fish when i'm all right bring it in the boat bring it in lift it lift it lift it okay what are you doing take it out of my hand take it take it take it whoa look at the giant turtle holy cow that's a big turtle [Music] you got it you got to pull it in pull it in pull it into the boat into the boat that's a nice size bed i am eating that you're eating that are you guys want to go back and cook them yeah don't catch one anymore before we go just one more and that's it got it daddy and it's gonna be small i got it i got it you got it you got it i got a fish you got another one and we're keeping it no we're not keeping it we got enough [Music] it's burning slowly but we can see it we're gonna have a big fire no we're not otherwise we'd have a big problem [Music] can't wait till you guys can learn how to fillet your own fish i tell ya okay oh [Music] lord thank you for this food bless this food to our bodies and jesus name amen how do you like your best beryl this is fun good job guys you fed us for tonight is this better than mcdonald's or what that's definitely better than mcdonald's all right and it's better than watching i don't even think this is better than watching tv yeah oh my goodness better than anything we should we should be in the outdoors more often and we're ready to lost you're burning it on fire hey thank you oh yeah [Music] just keep getting into it now it's a burning stock you're done eating marshmallows [Music] all right everybody tucked in all right i love you i love you tell us when are your adventures full story okay dear jesus thank you for today thank you for this time that we got to spend together out on the water watch over and protect us keep mon safe in jesus name amen amen one of your story adventures let me tell you a story once there was a time that dad went to the rockies with his friend greg ovens we already know that one you haven't even watched the show how do you know it did you catch anything i mean there's a bunch of zombies we're all up everybody how'd everybody sleep i was good what's up good may i please have a marshmallow for breakfast just one all right just one bacon and eggs and some carrots carrots bambi you know you have mermaids i'm good to go yeah you're good to go have fun stay within sight she took like a duck to water with that whole kayaking thing i don't care if i go over there sure feel like raft life is catching up with me glad we're taking it out today it's nice but maybe it's the filming all of it at the same time and [Music] a lot of work builds up [Music] buttery scrambled eggs yeah they do hun see where it is and then whip it straight up and over and out there that worked [Music] all right see grace jesus i pray for you that you would bless this food to our body in jesus name amen all right thank you it's like in between gross and good just keep it on here backing it up [Music] there we go no totes behind us so i think we're doing good [Music] [Music] precious precious soil precious precious soil [Music] you told me i'm your anger i told you you're my ball through the wind and fire we tried to hold on we built this ship together searching for our home despite the storm that he has we are still on board [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so this one was the back edge you see any water coming out of any of the totes nope it's all dry all dry all dry all the toasts are still solid all dry all right let's flip the other one and see if it's still all dry underneath that one [Music] [Applause] we definitely got a leaky throat on this side we got here two one there two over there one there that one was really full she's got a big old hole in here so it's just one yeah one here one there what about down below i can't tell there's a lot all that water coming from that upper yeah it is it looks just to be this tote and this tote x and i think x small amount of water there you know three out of however many you had it's not bad yeah that one obviously had a big old crack for no reason maybe we just missed it when we built it and the other one might just had a pinhole it's just been leaking the whole time let's let's split it on all right spiral we gotta move it hello little person hi you like an ice cream counter [Music] i can't believe it's not fish you guys have fun out there oh my goodness that was a mouthful there's no place like home thanks for watching see you guys in the next one fowler out there father family out
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 1,991,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, 7 day survival challenge, home depot build, waterworld survival challenge, Building a Home Depot Tote Float, Surviving 7 Days, waterworld the movie, home depot survival challenge, Building a Home Depot Tote Float & Surviving 7 Days, 7 Day WaterWorld Survival Challenge, Home depot building, tote float survival challenge, fowlers makery and mischief tote float
Id: t7rbQfivRG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 32sec (8312 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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