30 Day Survival Challenge Canadian Rockies THE MOVIE - Catch and Cook or You Don't Survive

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they did their first 30 day trip a couple years ago. worth going back and watching. nearly all of fowler and greg's content is lengthy and well produced.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RustylllShackleford πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow, even just the thumbnail is breaking park laws. Unbelievable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now that movie has them paying thousands in fines & possibly being banned from the National Parks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AdministrativeOwl28 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's a 30 day catch and cook challenge in the Canadian rockies. I was elated to see greg, he was one of my fave contestants. Nice to see him looking so good and healthy. If anyone remembers he tapped out due to hypothermia and starvation. Zach (Fowler) is the season 3 winner.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eskimokiss88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah they both have different versions on their channels. Greg is a part of Zach’s network. Although Greg has been a bit quite lately.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedFox9906 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a beautiful part of the world to spend 30 days in.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/abetheschizoid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I need to watch this entire show. I just started season 3 and Greg is my favorite character. I hope be wins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm zachary fowler and i'm greg evans and this is the 30-day survival challenge canadian rockies there's only one rule if you want to eat you gotta catch and cook it [Applause] [Music] it's like criminal to have this much fun out in the woods tell you [Music] all right we are here at our destination we're gonna work our way further and further into the outback but right now we're stopping right here day one's camp spot here we got our lake down here look at that all blue and clear oh that is gorgeous there's a nice little cliff over there some people actually we're gonna do some cliff diving well you know some people do jump off that cliff i don't recommend it and i'm too old for that eagles this is so beautiful we're going to spend like three days here harvesting up some fish smoking them so we can take them further back and further in because as we get further back a couple hours into the deeper end we're gonna leave the truck behind and then head up into where the grizzlies are and uh where there's some secret hike in lakes and that's where we're gonna have to build our shelters up into the trees little fish [Music] got my first one here in canada see if we get some more oh that's it four four little fish all right time to set up the hammocks greg's cleaning the fish i'm gonna set up our hammocks so we can get some rest after we eat it's been a long day [Music] [Music] they're pretty tiny not a lot to them [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey guys i just want to take a minute to introduce to our sponsor for the 30 day survival challenge movie special edition eco flow one of my biggest ask questions whenever i'm having one of these adventures is like how do you charge your cameras and how do you upload when you're out in the woods well we don't upload when we're out in the woods but we do have to charge our cameras or we couldn't bring you these fun videos and eco flow is what makes that possible we have drones we have satellite phones so we can call in for help should we need it even at home like building the glamper camper we've actually used eco flows delta max unit to power our skill saws table saws chop saws and build the entire glamper camper out of this unit and if you only need a little bit of power well there's the delta mini and you can mix and match them with their different solar panel setups perfect for what i need up here in the rockies a little bit overcast i'll be able to put both panels on make sure that this thing is charged and make sure the cameras are charged so i can bring you the best videos possible so whether you're having some adventure off grid or your just want something to power your house and some stuff if the power goes out delta max got you covered so check out eco flow linked in the description below and get your eco flow delta max delta mini or delta that suits your adventure today and it's black friday so you know what that means super deals on eco flows delta units check them out links in the description below let's get on with the adventure because we have no idea whether the sprinkles are gonna continue or if they're gonna stop [Music] there we are yeah well i got two little guys oh yeah nice i haven't been here that long fishing no no that tarp set up real quick okay well that's good two beautiful little trout a little cut for rookies i mean little cookies yeah so how you've been fishing it you got the uh spinner just the spinner yeah i just let it sit on the bottom yeah just pull it once in a while pull it a foot let it sit pull it a foot let it sit that's what i was doing last night when i got those those last three right off the bat yeah they seem to be feeding on the bottom right yeah except for all i had is a hook and a worm and then i got my hook caught on a little tree branch and when i untangled it the hook wasn't there anymore and i was like another one just reeling them in over there got one are we keeping bait one little guy not much to him beautiful little fish just put him back swim go free tell your friends though it's an all-you-can-eat worm buffet oh i think i got a big one this time big for this lake [Music] it's on one more for the smoking not a bad looking fish they are beautiful [Music] [Applause] little guy all little i made it back over here just in time or maybe not just in time i look like a wet cat right now all right you do too we both look like a couple of wet cats out here in the woods look at the size of that thing it's so tiny six inches what's up my i'd probably have more calories if i ate my thumb right now all right fish time lord thank you for this food and this rain make it go away just name amen [Applause] oh nailed it bones and all there we go the only thing that's left i ate the whole head because i cooked it just right so it crunched up [Applause] we knew that when it came to this lake we're hoping to catch a bunch of little ones and be able to smoke them and then as the weather gets better we'll work our way further and further into the wild get up there into bear bear territory and build our fortress in the trees where we're going to be hiking into some special lakes and things like that i'm gonna put a little mark in here for every fish i caught so i got the fish symbol i'm gonna start adding the marks i'm up to nine so far [Music] got my number five for the day all right little guy and number five you're number five all right back i brought my catch back i got my limit he added that to his little smoker that he's built the red spots are almost gone because the the brown and the gold and this of the smoking it looks just like these most delicious smoked yummy treats so what do you want to do today i don't know what do you want to do well i think we better collect some plants and it looks like the weather's going to break so [Music] oh lord won't you give me a fish for dinner my friends all have steak i want a winner now and we're off oh yeah they're jumping everywhere we're gonna we'll get our limit a lot of fishing is this nice to come all the way up here and chauffeurs me all around [Music] that's a nice pan fry and see how silver they are [Music] for every fish we caught we lost about seven it was unbelievable how good these rainbow trout were at stripping hooks and slipping hooks stole my worm fortunately though greg has the touch when it comes to fishing i couldn't have picked a better teammate for this all right there we go oh yeah all right that's a nice one right there they're so different everywhere you go so the ones in patagonia were like silvery like this all the way up the top of the back the ones at home are have more of this green down their whole body oh that's a really nice one [Music] there we go they make a squeal yeah hold up one of your fish see what he does come and take my arm off you just don't want me catching more fish a little foraging stop we got ourselves some beautiful little wood lilies like some of those for the for the salad maybe one for now they're not super common and got hungry now that one's just almost finished i don't think it's going to make it back to the camp oh look at the color on that beautiful and they taste good too i like candy oh yeah toast up one of my fishes while we wait for the fresh stuff greg's been prepping it up over there i had my hash marks my stick got two more to add to it greg he's gonna make a stick we've gotta add five nice double for seasoning our stew all right there's our soup mix right there our fish heads and we got some cow parsnip in the husk and out of the husk here on the right and then we got some more of the cow parsnip stock doc root and cattail head right there well it's gonna if nothing else it's going to give us a nice broth and a very nutritious broth at least right so that's the thing broth is very yellowy and looks really good oh man that was good those cow person pops oh excellent that's like the best thing i like that better than the trout i think well i mean it's as good as broccoli i love broccoli it's one of my favorite things in the world yeah chopsticks are the best [Music] dear diary why is it that the game whack-a-mole uses gophers as its moles it's not really fair for the gophers they're taking all the hits and getting none of the credits it's like being a stunt man in a movie they're doing all the work that those pampered moles don't have to do and yet none of the recognition for all the abuse that they have to take on a day-to-day basis then again maybe the name whack-a-mole is a clever ploy by the gophers to draw some attention away from themselves [Music] if so well-played gophers well played oh [Music] 400 and 25 pumps all right we're gonna skip down the road see if we can't get a gopher before the thunderstorm comes hopefully they're not hiding out because they heard that thunder and lightning too you may not see it because of the mullen bush but is it still up is it still up yep she's sitting there he's on that log see to your right oh there he is oh no he took off yeah that got that one did you oh yeah think you got him too yeah we got two got this one there we go two of them nice clean head shots beautiful little size those would be a delicious meal huh [Music] and number three asked a little guy all right let's head back before we get wet and gopher gophers on the menu make sure my knife is sharp and clean up them gophers i'm gonna necklace war here i got three of them on i got my sharpening stone my fire starter and now i got a neck knife and start walking around like this it's all your guys fault for giving me all these wonderful toys now i got a back problem in my old age [Applause] [Music] looks like i'm ahead i have to add two three gophers to my fish stick my fish roasting stick so greg found a few of the wild onions here only problem is these are so tiny and everything else is so tall around here finding them is going to be a chore i snagged the stick since we forgot the shovel but those pulled out just fine so maybe it's not a big deal and make a digging stick [Music] all right where there's one onion there must be more i don't think it'll work charles it will work no it will work what one man can do or another can do what one man could do another can do that again what one man can do another can do it again what one man can do another can do it's like where's waldo can you spot the onions in this pitcher oh yeah see right there but that's how hard they are to see one one onion that'll make that gopher stew oh so delicious here's the wild onions and they have a couple grass blades as part of their thing and then a straight thing with a little pod and the flower but uh def cam is that right def canvas deaf canvas deaf or deaf death canvas that makes more sense than deaf you lose your hearing you lose more than your hearing but too yeah it has has no cell no onion smell and it's just all grass blades but it has a bulb like a flower too but it's a yellow flower it's a yellow flower so it's a different flower don't be eating this no i got a nice little pile that should flavor our uh stew just good yeah look at this oh yeah he just heats the tops he just so he's been through here nibbling the tops off of all these cow parsnip he's got a taste for him just like we do i think those gophers look smaller since we left they shrunk yeah not a lot there [Music] oh just a little bit of adobo [Music] so did you uh did you see any sasquatch sign a sasquatch in the patagonian when you were there well no i didn't have a mirror so [Laughter] no i i don't think i believe this thing of the sasquatch you don't believe in sasquatch no i don't think i do either necessarily but i mean there was all kinds oh yeah i'll throw a little gopher in my cup there it is do you want a winger light meat or dark meat nope oh it's delicious onions are great be a nice rich broth by morning [Music] all right here's our home for the night look at the scenery would you look at that would you look at that if you look at that it is gorgeous right up in that valley behind that waterfall is our fishing destination can we make it will we make it tune in next time to find out if greg and fowler make it or die in the trying all right now i'm hungry for a gopher [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] so [Music] man what's up [Music] yeah all right pack it in all right pack it up we're going down here through this cut across the stream and then up to the waterfall right there and then to the top of the waterfall where the uh lake is i don't know two kilometers a kilometer good thing we didn't know at the time how badly we were estimating distance when we looked at it from up there that stuff right there yep fall tele board greg says next to water hemlock it's about the most toxic in north america second water hemlock pretty much it'll kill you dead get in your rest while you can well i know what's ahead it's not going to be easy [Music] now we just got to get up somewhere in here or here and then up there into the lake [Music] [Music] uh oh i think it's just on the other side of that tree tree line we're almost there there it is wow and there's even another lake beyond this one up there just curled right up on a pile of moss right here i'm thinking like right right i'm good see in the morning so [Music] wow wow look at that fish look at the color to it that's unreal it's just so pink that's the wow i'm gonna let this guy go maybe it's an oddity of nature [Music] no the rainbows and the cuddies are my favorite [Music] [Music] uh it is day seven shelter seemed to do okay still got the fire going well i didn't even sleep it's kind of i'm just trying to keep warm yeah sucks this turned out to be quite the harrowing adventure we did not plan no wow what do you do yeah it's too dangerous to try to hike out and then my legs were too sore anyway oh man right up here there's a whole string of goats just chilling on the cliff [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] my first fish on a fly rod in oh probably 20 maybe 25 years beautiful little cut throat cuddies all right i picked that new fly this one's got pink on top [Music] another one little one [Music] all right yeah look at this one would you look at that would you look at that oh gorgeous all right all five of them no not too big but hey that'll they'll eat they'll eat found greg and the sun holy moly it's hot out here what a difference that valley in there is like just holds the cold in doesn't it yeah it's pretty chilly in there yikes [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it's so awesome [Music] oh gross almost attacked greg oh we got black bear so it's not gonna look too good on the phone yeah he's coming this way oh he just noticed us finally seeing the black bear back at camp everything appears to be just how we left it here's our dinner got doc cow parsnip and our morel mushrooms they look like brains huh yummy it's a good amount of food oh those mushrooms so good i was prepared for the dock to be worse yeah that's not bad yeah i'm not bitter just kind of holy cow that one was bitter the mushrooms are delicious that's good those are so meaty they taste like like these taste like eating little bites of meat [Music] uh [Music] use a little bit of uh some of this there we go that's easier oh we're in luck zach what there we go lamb quarters nice oh gotta have some of this that stuff that's good yeah that's just like there's another one delicious salad oh just what i need just what the doctor ordered there we go i scored quite a few greg got some maybe i'll cook those up later they make actually delicious good old ever stew just fix it forget it wait till it boils count to ten and it's safe again that's not that's a good rhyme it's actually more than 10. probably at least 60 seconds i used to count to 100 all the time i don't know why 60 just seems like a weird number dear diary why is gold so precious i mean it's yellow sure it's a fancy yellow but it's still yellow and it's so soft of a metal you can't make anything good out of it like fishing lures for that matter why do fish like it so much and i wonder if they could tell the difference between fake gold and real gold like if i made a 14 karat gold 3 thousand dollar spinner would they like that more than a fake gold spinner hmm i might have to try that sometime for a video 14 karat gold trout lure man you'd have to swim for that if you ever got it snagged on the bottom [Music] the road ahead twisting turns [Music] [Music] every step quicker than the last my feet tread down this beaten path and i keep keep on pushing through cause i get up okay so i've rigged up something new i got my spinner up here and a line hanging down to my rock and some of this kevlar line from my possibles pouch so that it'll sit at the bottom and then my lure will sit there and just buzz away and i'll be able to feel a hit let's see if this works all right all right all right would you look at that boom first cast with the new rig here look at that that's a good good-sized cuddy right there oh i lost my sinker rock it got stuck yes got it another nice one yes all right praise god oh thank you for the outdoors lord number three for today hey this one's not a trout how many fish are in here [Music] there's our haul for the day not too bad greg's cleaning the big one out that's not too shabby i'm done [Music] yeah so good [Music] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] so so all right gophers are on woohoo go for stew again again oh well [Applause] there we go sun's poking through is this the average size of a white fish are they um yeah that's kind of tastes like it cooked up a little bit on the dry side smoke anything it tastes better [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right time to head out we're gonna head on down towards the lake and along the way we're gonna do some scouting see if we can't find our permanent home and be well home that'd be awesome this should be nice here today huh [Music] that's a nice tree there a couple nice pole type trees for building so drawbridge boom lands here we can bring it up at night we'll be down there over the embankment a little bit but higher up we'll see the uh mountain side out of our hammocks in the morning yeah that would be awesome i'm so excited [Music] boom boom pole one okay well that's enough work for today [Music] there we build a ladder [Music] so [Music] dear diary i love my coffee but i don't love to wait for it to cool off there's all kinds of stuff you can do to cool your coffee off like put ice in it but then you're watering it down and that's just no good some people put so much cream or milk in it you can drink it right away that's disgusting if god wanted us to drink it with milk in it he would have made a coffee flavored cow i don't think i'm asking for too much i just want to boil my coffee and when it's done being made pour it into my cup and be able to drink it without burning my lips i wonder if there's a distance that i could pour it from that it would be cool enough to drink by the time it hit my cup if you pour it from too far the amount of wind resistance would cause the stream of coffee to break up cooling it but also causing it to spread out over a larger area instead of just into your cup a larger stream might solve this problem but you'd waste a lot of coffee that misses the cup just to get one drinkable cup instantly [Music] a smaller stream might fix this because you could pour it a shorter distance and it would cool quicker but it would also be more susceptible to wind and or extenuating factors like shaking because you haven't had your morning cup of coffee yet so [Music] [Music] so hmm uh oh you got one don't pull too hard [Applause] all right nice one yeah oh man oh that picks our spirits that's a great look oh my goodness all right okay well that fixed my spirits up fish eggs let's see what this guy is eating mostly a belly full of shrimp i don't see anything bigger well no wonder they don't want to bite our lures they're full on this fresh water shrimp's in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oops [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no way rainbow look at that [Music] look at that maybe it's over maybe the rain's over wouldn't that be something i always whenever i see one like that i always think maybe maybe it's huh i just saw cougar and they disappeared quick it was a big one too yeah yeah i saw a deer oh that was a white tail eh maybe that's what the cougars after hail get big ah all right come up here and hide out from the elements for a minute let this hail blow over and as soon as i stepped inside it stopped but it looks like there's like two more streaks of it coming maybe i'll build the net cargo net for our new location while i'm waiting something i can hang up under my tarp and be able to slip stuff into so it doesn't get rained on oh looks like the rain might be stopping for a bit better pack it up and move finished quite a bit in that while i was sitting here though and i can work on that later by the fire for now i think it's move-in time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so and done beautiful [Music] well if you don't like the weather wait five minutes and it'll get worse because it never gets better yeah so far it's not even it's not even raining it's sleet again and hail oh vey that one there is gonna break like look at look at it watch the one tree this is nice this is what i've been wanting the whole the whole time 15 days i've just been wanting to like get to this this just this right here set up some tarp some sheltery stuff starting billion builds and and uh a log to sit on a fire it's protected from the wind and rain this is where it's at this next last 14 days are going to be awesome [Music] [Applause] oh ringing them out [Music] [Music] so [Music] that's one way to warm up [Music] [Music] [Music] appreciate it oh that's solid yeah i'll be here for years to come yeah [Music] see very nice i feel like it ends up a little a little close but you like to become well i do because i'm cold a lot thanks man i appreciate it [Music] dear diary so cold out here that every time greg gets up to leave the fire all i can think about is that quote from star wars when han's going out to rescue luke on the ice planet and that guy tells him your ton ton will freeze before you reach the first marker and so han says well then i'll see you in hell and of course inevitably he kills the poor thing by driving it out there in the cold and proceeds to cut the thing open and stuff luke in it to keep him alive and so if it gets even five degrees colder i would totally go for a tauntaun sleeping bag let's go fishing i don't see any fish [Music] okay i just had a follower [Music] he just bit but he was fighting again now he took off [Music] oh [Music] yeah net for the win that's another one that's one for the oh we're gonna eat tonight oh look at that definitely the net for the win he's already unhooked somehow just in the netting to getting him up the hill that is oh hey where do you think you're going all right how'd you do oh nothing nothing nothing yeah i got one yeah nice nice let's uh let's go back and eat i'll hold it down here yeah i should do it that one's definitely the winner that one's that's nice on the sidewalk yeah i mean compared to the bow saw which is hella dull hella dull but uh because a boss off they're really dull they just pinch i did it but it did slide free at the last second it's wanting to slide i'll hold it i'll hold it we hit our fish up there so at least if we had a bearing camp he might might not climb up the tree and get it of course if it was a sasquatch he'd be up that tree in a second and we'd be out of fish but fortunately there's two fish right now we each get to have one that's good so hmm that is so good look at that giant chunk oh a little bit of adobo sprinkle on one side all toasty and golden from the smoking and cooking on the fire hmm there we go [Laughter] i'm glad we got that on camera we just missed that whole mess oh well oh boy there's a bit more there there's right [Music] we got some [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] one hold down 63 more holes to go i am done just in time to play one game and go to bed you up for it greg's like i want to go to bed i'm tired of bed it's just we got to play a game after this can take so long yeah we'll play a speed game like you got a speed game yeah well you don't always see the moves right or the danger that's why it's a complicated game it is there's no dope oh dry boots yes made it out to the main trail and found myself a track looks like bear track there we haven't seen any but uh they've been walking through here right on top of our own tracks i'm protecting your chicks by trying to draw my attention a little one there and a couple more going down the trail it's all right mom you're okay it's okay i'm just passing by oh cute how's it going any luck three you get one yep all right okay just i want this net working all right now it's not huge but still [Music] landing in that nice yeah look at that net for the win that's a good one wee not a bad fish no it's decent that's a good size that's one i'd like to eat for one fish for a meal well yeah you know got some nice nice sized eggs i squeezed out of it accidentally i didn't know but that makes those are delicious that's the right size lots of protein and fats in there that'll make for a good good hearty meal can't ask for more than that one one cast one fish another one oh nice hey since you're here grab the net oh yeah that's a big one we don't want to lose that guy and he's in another that's a beauty that's one of the biggest ones we've caught yeah now i'm feeling good got one so yes all right three you got three i got three nice i got three so we both got three yeah so not catching up to you but uh i'm not getting behind any further thank you lord for the abundance of fish um both our parts greg and i buff catching three fish that was awesome and bless his food to my body and just name amen all right you want to see it you want to see the liver and fish egg rule that i made here it is there we go doesn't that just look delicious it's all the fish eggs and all the liver just kind of stirred around and toasted up with some adobo that's questionable i like eggs just on their own so i might have just screwed it up by putting the liver in it because i like liver enough on its own but i don't know about mixing them together that might have been a mistake i feel the heat on all those branches and she's still sizzling away on the rock what's so hot now that juicy flaky melts in your mouth that was a good one yo i feel like sail or something other there hopefully he doesn't figure out uh where we tied it off to yeah so we really do want to get into these tree stands tomorrow yeah that's the plan that's the idea use all the fish calories that we got left yeah so we're not gonna go fishing tomorrow we're gonna get these shelters ready to go i'm gonna head up to the front of where the gophers are and see if i can't get us some more food before we start our building for the day we need to keep up our calories we can't afford to completely take off a day at all from collecting and harvesting more food we should be doing it every day so i'm gonna see if i can accomplish that a little bit uh [Music] there we go two that'll have to do i'll do pig i'll do i am back i got a couple gophers oh good just two though good good and put them on the simmer put your gopher on to slow cook for 24 hours and you'll have yourself a delicious meat falls off the bone treat for the next day [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right [Music] trout is done oh yeah look at that fun in the woods fun in the trees finding the trees and they weren't this bad earlier it's like we just hit witching hour so we can live through a couple hours of the bitey mcbiterson's here that's good well i'm not a tire like you i just try whatever nice nice start to the platform i like it it's working [Music] well i don't mind slow down anymore i don't mind sounding my shoes on your floor [Music] i don't mind selling out or playing cover song just as long as friends and family sing along and i don't need more money or a faster car now [Music] don't need a magazine to call me a superstar i'm gonna take this little house and make a home [Music] and then i'll never have to face my nights alone and on my face i feel you breathing next to me to buy land by air by sea and that is how it's supposed to be now and how much i can say now [Music] i'm pulling loaves of bread down from the shell and how rare it is that i stay up past 12. in the backyard we are going to start a garden if that don't sound mighty good i beg your pardon cause in my heart i use pain and on my face i feel you breathing next to me to buy land by air by sea and that is how it's supposed to be now and that much i can say now [Music] if they don't love us we don't need them this is fun this is what i've been waiting for the whole time to get into this i can't wait to help a boogie hang for my nose uh finishing this up got a later start than i wanted to today but i think it's coming along good i took longer too because these initial ones i wanted to do some special support down the middle so it disperses the load onto all of them when you're walking around on it so tomorrow i should be able to finish these up and my hammock is going to go from this tree over here to that tree right there so [Music] that way there will be about i don't know because of the angle between the trees there won't be there'll be like two feet on that side of underneath my butt before i could go over the edge and i'll have to put some other sticks that go across like railings and they'll go out beyond so that way i can hook the ends of my tarp to it out there beyond the edge of that tree and out there beyond the tree out here that way it'll come down my tarp will still be for my hammock will still be covering me my hammock will be up in here and and then the rest of the hammock cover can come out this way straight out just like it is down below but above my head so i'll be able to stand under here and i can build a little shelving unit and some storage and put my pack basket and all my stuff up here safely and uh and then we can build the drawbridge greg's got his right on the go he's like halfway across with his planking already just whipping it out he started a little bit before me though it's gonna be so awesome i just wish we could have done this on day like five but i wouldn't miss the uh earlier adventures so maybe it just needs to be 50-day survival challenge canadian rockies no i gotta get home after this let's find our own brand of freedom if they don't love us we don't need let's find our own brand of freedom [Music] i don't mind slow down anymore i don't mind the sound of my shoes on your floor anymore anymore most away tomorrow for sure yeah more than half so tomorrow it shouldn't take too much to get it finished up yeah and look at look at my hands oh yeah how about yours oh yeah yeah same thing pitch from the spruce you don't have to worry about your hands slipping on your axe when you get your uh when you're working with spruce huh oh [Music] you get hypothermia wow i feel like a million bucks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and done done enough i'm gonna get my hammock and put it up yeah i want to move in i'm moving in moving on up [Music] [Music] i am in my tree fort up in the trees in my hammock did it and uh i survived let's get out there and enjoy the day [Music] thanks [Music] looking good [Music] whoa there goes our nice day so much for the blue skies it's driving rain and yeehaw i just looked over and there's a grizzly just sitting there up on the hillside on the ravine on the other side i'll zoom in with greg oh yeah there we go see him up there look at how big he is right in the middle of the screen just kind of meandering around having himself a snack that's a big one i wish we could get further in need a bigger lens i don't know far he is finally get to see my grizzly bear you lose him oh no okay now i got him now i go oh yeah that's a big beer man yeah that's a big grizzly you wouldn't want to run into him on the trail oh wow oh wow oh wow he's looking right at me oh my goodness that guy is huge we didn't build those hammock things high enough that we didn't build our platforms high enough for this guy well i better get moved up in there maybe this is the night he's gonna show up here he he could reach right up to the platforms easily dude you gotta check him out again now he's looking this way and stuff still recording oh yeah oops i don't know how you spotted that bear i'm way up on a slide like a mile away like that got it dude eagle oh he might show up here you know yeah he's like who the heck can they write mine and whistle at me oh you're so good looking yeah oh cat calling me so greg's over on the other side we split up he's at his secret spot gonna have to find me some worms though because worms catch fish before it finds the worms i have some other things to attend to that's what you want right there there's the a lot of stuff in it that's the sherman of the woods right there remove some of those sticks that's uh that could be uncomfortable oh and that pine cone definitely would be uncomfortable all right let's find some worms well this is pretty i hadn't come over to this side yet what a beautiful place come on there we go oh look at them all look at them all fat little ones too lucky lure's getting kind of ragged let's see if she's got a couple more left in her oh lord won't you give me a fish for dinner my friends all have pizza that's my favorite oh i got one i still got him oh yeah if i do he's a little wondering oh there he is oh no no ah the net stuck on the sticks there we go got him whoo all right yes yes i got something to eat now see what's in his mouth right there shrimps a couple of them i when i cut up their bellies are that's all i saw on their bellies just full of shrimp oh i am just all sorts of wipes can't wait to eat this fish get behind on our calories there we go oh this one is going to go on the pole right above my hammock so i can put my stuff in there at night i don't know what to call them junk hammocks junk hammocks work we go home and cover my house instead of the shelves junk hammocks they're like but like why is you have a like net on your wall it's my junk hammock [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right as far as rustic goes that's pretty much all you need well that's as rustic as it gets isn't it yeah now i can build you a windsor chair after so yeah perfect perfect that's just the moose we need to catch some fish so smash that like button give us some give us some love hit subscribe so we got some luck behind us and fish catching to be like one of those annoying youtubers make sure you hit that like button and smash it give us some luck even though the outcome is already predicted by the time you're watching this we will have fish it will have fish or we won't have fish then we may even be getting buried and this is being aired by our relatives hopefully not so yeah here we go let's get some fish you're going that way yeah i'm going to head this way go to my regular spot all right check my uh set line cool and i'll i'll come over in half an hour or so all right i'll see you over there when you come over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that one [Music] [Music] oh my goodness look at the size of that one i just caught on the fly rod look wow [Music] look at that that's a good oh my goodness oh thank you lord we're eating well somewhere i'd say greg's looks a little fatter look at how fat he is look at how big these guys are compared to my hand look at that wow look at the eggs we're getting oh i have a little have some eggs nice see [Music] dear diary how hungry would i have to be to eat greg i don't think there's enough adobo in the world to make greg palatable but assuming greg was the main ingredient on iron chef i think i would slow cook him for a full 24 hours and serve him with a hollandaise sauce and a side of asparagus greg would appreciate that he likes asparagus all right didn't have much of an appetite until i took that first bite and now it's like crisped up on one side toasted on the rock all perfect and juicy and with double one on the other side um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] timber [Applause] like criminal to have this much fun right there out in the woods i tell you so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] it's so cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's a rock give it a go oh yeah it almost wants to go on its own now oh really yeah it's almost that neutral buoyancy yeah it is that's perfect now the line so we could pull it up but we're gonna pull it down to pull it up and i can just step on my foot and the whole mess goes down ladder comes up behind us and once it's locked into place and i have it far enough down i could just cleat that off right there we're good to go i did give myself a little boo-boo i got lazy while chopping a tree for the rungs for the drawbridge and uh i went and chopped right into my boot i i i just i i swung in the wrong way and i should have been moved around the tree and swinging out instead of just trying to reach around the tree to get a little bit more just to cut down this tiny tree and it slipped came back zinc into my boot right through my sock my poor darn tough socks they are not ax proof it happens you get hungry you get tired you get a little bit uh you know trying to shortcuts and that's what shortcuts lead to cuts [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] time to build our raft gopher engine didn't work i was getting chewed alive i had mosquitoes [Music] we kind of want to build one long enough that we can both ride on at the same time one could paddle the other person into a spot where we're fishing we'll see if that's possible oh yeah we can [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go there we go we did it it twists all the way back around it'll work for our paddles though it'll work well let's make the blade as long as the axe is kind of like a lucian kayak paddle since they're narrower allusion kayak bottle is a like two inches by three inches and it's about two feet long or something a blade at each end worked out pretty good it's shaped down nice blade at this end a little bit of a handily bit at that end all right ready one two three let's go yeah ready go there we go just sit right back in your hero tail all right here we go it'll work for two people or work for one but definitely the world's heaviest paddle board ever made all right push me out you know how to swim do you yep not exploding that well no it's uh definitely one man how sturdy is it she steers like a pig i feel kind of precarious like the way the whole thing is under water except for where i'm standing i could stand here pretty easily and fly fish from it my feet are dry yeah everything is dry oh wind's blowing me out to see oh man casting is so nice for right here well it just that in the wind stopped dry dry no fish though man i tell you home sweet home for the next 40 24 hours 48 hours something like that i something out there meanwhile at the very same time as i'm recording this in my hammock the trail cam that we put just down the hill from our camp is recording this i don't think it's the same grizzly from earlier on that we saw across the valley he just doesn't look quite as built up muscly wise but he's a scrapper you can see from his ear right here he's got a little bit of a cut and he seems pretty interested in this tree for some reason let's see if i can give you some reference of just how close this is if you remember from a couple days earlier when we were playing chess we saw the moose just down over the hill because we heard some noise and this tree right here is that tree right there and the deer cameras attached to this tree right here and when i'm standing right here this tree right here is this tree right there about 50 feet right down over the hill from where i'm hammocking is that bear doing his thing maybe it's that big grizz we saw a couple days back let's go see if we could uh get you on camera let's climb down and see if we can get a better angle on there's only one little gap that we can really see the valley floor down there it's like 30 35 feet away i don't hear anything anymore well if it was the big bear maybe we got on the deer camera oh well i think i'm gonna head over and check on the gopher situation fish from the raft at least even if i don't take it for a voyage approaching the gopher area they're just on the other side of those trees there but the century gopher that was there yesterday and let everybody know what's coming is gone this is gonna be the hardest thing in the world to film and do at the same time i see a couple of them out there though two of them down there right there and right there and they ran away got one that was about 35 feet i'm waiting for that shot that was the perfect shot perfect distance boom thank you lord last thing on my adventure bucket list right there that was a good shot too he had poked his head up there was just the teeniest bit of space and uh got him right in the right in the ear right in the head boom he was down he was done he was done there we go two gophers with the slingshot wow and those are the biggest gophers i've harvested the entire time i've been here what a blessing well we got colleen gophers we can cook well that's good that's all we got that's all we have no fish this time no our last supper i can't believe we got skunked on the last day oh hell you know oh well that's a sign we've had enough fish yeah yeah we don't need it we'll get out of here just fine a little on the messy side that'll work it was a valiant effort i'm gonna need more firewood than i can grab ah now i just gotta go for down for one more thing my gopher stick get it go gopher go for down the whatever greg's up here cooking his gopher yeah how's it going it's going good get mine on oh there we go i finally got them cooking just right it's all coals and really hot but no flames i'm so hungry greg's finished his gopher already he's down there going for another cup of coffee so he can go he could go for seconds oh all that fat dripping got it to flame back up again just give them the bite test if i can bite him and he doesn't bite back it's good forgot to say grace lord hmm that's some yummy gopher thank you thank you for the gophers the fish and all that you bless us with and keeping us safe out here in jesus name amen with that wado ball on it was there last night oh he's all set up for jess well yeah i have to redeem myself okay so i moved another pawn all right oh jesus ah a guy check on the bishop good morning it is day 30. we did it 30 days in the rockies we can now return to civilization showers food from the grocery store toilet paper all the wonderful things that make life so grand but first gotta get out of bed [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning day 30. that's what it's day 30. oh well i always sleep in yeah but it's day 30. yeah i did find us some breakfast what oh a puff ball yeah one one puff one puffball i can only find one oh but those aren't as big as the ones i got no that's not really the size of the ones that you found maybe well there you go yeah we gotta go we got one puffball we can spell so there we go we'll split the one puff ball is we don't have fish for the morning so since we don't have fish we'll split the pumpkin yeah you can't you can't say we never got we never went one day without getting something there you go we never got skunked day 30 breakfast [Laughter] i never got skunked no that's right i cut your pick i guess huh all right try to make sure it's nice and even a little bit there for you breakfast how was it it's um small thank you lord for this mushroom and this wonderful adventure all right um pretty good yeah dear diary 30 days is a long time i've learned so much if i have to narrow it down to like one great truth i've learned through this whole adventure i think it's this that after 30 days man am i hungry [Music] [Music] well that's it that's the view out my battery window all my stuff is taken down i'm gonna leave my little junk nets here say goodbye to my platform my little fire spot and all the fun up here oops i almost forgot my crocs they look like they deserve to be left behind but yeah that'd just be littering all right that does it let's go we're out of here [Music] all right there we go [Music] here we are our last meal together [Music] we want a real meal there you go what do we got you gonna get the fish and chips um no no i think i gotta go with steak hey we're paying for food and there's free food right there look at him he's just hopping around right outside off the baby get in my belly all right thank you thank you yeah there you go my creamy sauce look at that that's a steak ah and what's in there is that giant like canadian bacon canadian bacon man oh man it's huge canadian bacon ah that looks good are you getting full yeah all i will be able to do in the end greg and i both lost a good bit of weight during this adventure we both lost over 20 pounds me a little bit more than greg but uh i had a little bit more to lose than he did so it turned out pretty good for me i was happy with it we both felt really good at the end bit hungry but good i weighed in at the beginning and out at the end on a different scale so the results might be slightly skewed but according to that i lost 27 pounds during the 30 days of our adventure i started at 213 pounds ending at 186 pounds for those of you the rest of the world that's 96 kilograms starting and 84 weighing out okay well all right buddy all right all right great adventure i guess uh it's back to the bush for me that's where i like it okay buddy yep [Music] well they're out there out there out there thanks for watching see you next time that was a real one not a fake see you next time see you next one the next one you can't buy this kind of fun when you just sit at home but we can bring it to you if you subscribe right now on fowler to make me a mischief thanks for watching i hope this isn't my last video i'm going to bed i'll see you in the next one owler out until then i'm going to go to bed that's pretty exciting and thanks for watching thanks for watching see you guys next time fowler out yeehaw thanks for watching i'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 4,135,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, 30 day survival, 30 day survival canada, 30 day survival challenge, canadian rockies, 30 Day Survival Challenge Canadian Rockies, canada survival, fowler 30 day survival, fowler survival challenge, 30 days in the rockies, fowler, survivor, survive 30 days, survival video, survival challengesοΏΌ, survival series, surviving 30 days in the wild, surviving 30 days, catch and cook, survival, how to survive in the wilderness
Id: luB5gIAiWEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 4sec (8404 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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