Home Depot 1v1v1 Build Your Own Houseboat Challenge! ($500)

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you guys thought normal seven foot tall lies all lies filthy liar everybody has 500 same as last go-round we're gonna be building house boats this time needs to be able to hold you for 24 hours i don't want to waste much time okay we're going to get kicked down probably seven and a half minutes what constitutes a house yeah what makes a house we built boats what makes it need to have a roof you need to have shelter floatation enclosed shelter enclosure whatever that is in closed shelter and floatation i think that's a good thing you have 500 again got it i know i already know what i'm doing so we might as well get started have fun i'm winning this one too all right we're gonna start sorry please don't run by the manager this is a new home depot we have not been kicked out of this one yet so we might be okay we're going to jail three two one me and you again time to win the challenge i mean we're the champs i saw like 20 comments like getting really mad at me because i was talking about my two engineering degrees masters everybody's like norm you don't have two engineering degrees i just want to tell you guys it was a complete joke i was lying i have three all right let's get started starting out a little bit slower a little bit quieter hoping that we can actually stay in here and film for 10 minutes okay we need pipes brian we need pipes did i tell you my plan no dude i was thinking you know how home depot always out front has the sheds i was thinking about doing that but making like a really solid boat part two and then just sticking a shed on top of the boat but i'm like i'm actually gonna make stuff this time last time i just got in a wheelbarrow and it worked but this time like i'm gonna build some stuff use some tools scared to breathe 64 okay i like to start this whole thing with the floatation i want to start with a good foundation here um like these things float right that's got holes in it definitely don't need that i just don't know like if this is you think if i put this all like underneath the boat it would actually float out front we go let's hope we don't get kicked out really don't feel like talking to a manager again today last time i befriended her but i don't know how far my luck will go you know when norm walks outside of home depot he's got a good plan all right so here's the problem the only one that i see i'm hoping they got them down there but this one is 5565 but like imagine this on the water and obviously you have to build it like they don't come like this they come in like a kit but if i could find one of these in the 500 dollar range i know we said 500 but i'm looking for anything like below 2 grand hey man y'all have any damaged plywood i don't believe that okay i kind of have a plan but i was really hoping we could use a lot of damaged plywood to make this thing come together mike could still get some damaged two by fours or something for framework every time we do this challenge i get more and more nervous because i feel like they're gonna know who we are probably just have wanted posters of us in the back all right so i think i figured out here this is a four inch pvc right here but it's ten feet long if i had this one right here i had like one right here one right there and then i bought another one and i cut it in half that would be those two pieces right there make it five foot wide that's a pretty good sized boat i feel like now we're gonna have to get caps and glue and a bunch of other stuff but at least we're off to a good start with the flotation this could be a house not even on a boat this could just be a house that's two stories it is hot in here man i'm getting out now it's like 200 degrees but see what i'm saying outspoken it's pre-made houses basically damaged wood we're back there's nothing here we're going to be very close to 500 found something better than an end cap have a connector oh wait that's not right is that right yeah some connector end caps here that way we can put them all together i'm actually genuinely worried because that was my plan the whole drive here was to get like a shed and if they don't have one that's small enough i don't know what i'm gonna do i know you guys think oh i know you guys think that i'm not trying in these videos dude there's like 20 comments saying like normally you're trying i hate norms i this is not my i know how to fish i don't know how to build that's like ao's thing and he just brings me along to just prove that i don't know anything that i'm doing i've moved on from the flotation to the actual boat itself i'm just a super simple guy a lot of these guys like to complicate this stuff i'm just looking for like a plywood deck obviously maybe some two by fours around the edge to hold the piping in place but we're gonna keep this as simple as humanly possible find a place to talk to you guys got a 4x4 yeah oh dude i see something good please be like under 500 you see what i'm seeing right up there by the white car dude i'm telling you i'm telling you man my game plan is to build a two-story four-row pontoon boat very similar to the boat i built last challenge we're gonna build it eight foot wide eight foot long then we're gonna build a two by four frame i think ao over complicates and really tries to build something but i just look at like the general rules and make sure i match them in the easiest way possible which ends up working with us the bottom of the boat is gonna be a six foot by eight foot room top half we're gonna put frame and it's gonna be an upper deck so we can really see around lojo's pond i also think i'll be the only one to last how many four by six five hundred and thirty nine dollars ten by eight i think this is the smallest one unless this one's small let's check that oh dude this one's even cheaper look at that 469 bucks oh dude that's perfect eight by four five eleven it doesn't say how heavy it is two by four ninety six five forty 548 each i feel like that's not bad i guess i've just been buying plywood lately but well this is the one 469 bucks eight by six has a 12 year warranty so if it falls in the lake we can return it if we can make this float we take the dove on the houseboat challenge like this would be the coolest thing on the water i'm going to have to construct like actually build something to make this float but this is 100 part of it we have 30 left in the budget but he said 500 kind of loosely and said i could go over if i wanted to so solid metal though it's heavy you put a real man on there it's gonna be hard to keep afloat so if we have four rows we need to have one on each end and one between every row how do you think about weight distribution here because if we're building stuff like on top of the houseboat like to live in we've got to really maintain awareness that we cannot overload this boat also don't want to get super thick 19 30 seconds i love these measurements 40 bucks no problem that's completely wrong we have four rows we're gonna need two by four five six seven how much are those two by fours i'm assuming they're cheap they're right here on the aisle so they're kind of really cheap these are 548. oh yeah these are 465. got him we're gonna do the same thing with the pipes that we do with the two by fours just four lengths all around maybe some underneath for support oh shoot and we also have to build the frame i didn't think about that this is just the base these are only five dollars a piece dude we could get a ton of these if we wanted a youtuber down here lumper's kind of hot right now you don't have anything on your budget yeah i don't have anything here but i have stuff here oh okay well that's good at least we got that going for us dude where is the big flat oh there's a big flat wood that's what we need it was six by eight so we need wood that'll cover six by eight four by eight four by eight four by eight edge one more maybe for some extra support yeah i mean the least expensive thank man there's no six by eight wood here and i'd like to have a little bit extra walking room on the outside like i'm envisioning a house with like a front porch or a back porch you know we'll decide that once we start building but there's two four by eight so if you combine two together we'll have enough surface area we're just gonna have to buy a ton of like stuff to make this float like containers basically like the boats that ao built last time i'm not gonna lie i've hardly used any of the budget right now so we've got the boat itself kind of constructed if you can kind of see it with me in our minds but i have a feeling a staple gun is going to come in handy does this come with staples it's better [Music] dude can you can you get out of my shot man i hate that guy so much terrible human i'm just here for the money somebody's gonna take that serious in the comments norms is there for the money oh this is for wire what though dude i want one that comes with nails i'm not trying to get a staple gun that doesn't have staples i'm just saying that's really cool because he's getting the 82 dollar piece of plywood and this one's only 30. oh gosh golly i put my heart into these videos i don't want to see a single comment saying i didn't try oh this is a nailer oh my gosh who knew there were so many staple gun options this is kind of crazy hey uh a serious question yeah so i know 500 was what you said but how would you feel if i spent like 900 not a joke either like that's what i'm looking at right now but i'll like i'll plug your code that's fine i highly doubt you will but use codenorm guys on googansquad.com nine hundred dollars where is that going like is there one item that costs a lot or is it like you're just buying the finest wood you can find dude you said it was a houseboat a house is a place where i'd like to live and i would like to live with nice wood i don't want bad wood in my house but one one of the items is 500 like that i need like it's not even a want like it i need it all right well get away from me while i buy my wood sounds like a yes to me five in one oh my god this is so complicated i hate this they're they're right there oh sure little black mold involved that's cool i need another one they're staring so hard dude it's like they know i didn't put them [Music] bad words man really bad ones you're all right yeah just it's just my leg they're coming now yeah we're good we're gonna put his plywood on mine yeah that's what we do best now i know never to do that again don't don't be killing your sins man you might need those later in life yeah he picks up mad chicks with me all stubborn man it's all right yeah makes me feel not free well gentlemen good luck if y'all have questions to be honest all right man we'll do what the heck just happened do you need to pull those shins out more often what an eventful wood section hey there we go jt 21 staples great bro this is so stupid it's making me mad oh jt2 world right there 1 000 of them dude he's about to make a massive houseboat he's making a double decker i can tell what the amount of wood he's driving you're making a double decker you always ruin everything man dude i know what you're doing have wood for the bottom frame we still need flotation and we also need framing for the room and the upper deck i'm bleeding from that i shoved you see this like little i just went into my finger it hurts so bad it's literally bleeding oh we're gonna need a roof to this thing i know that much i'm not sure what else we're gonna add to this thing but i'm thinking a nice tarp you know that doesn't sound like much but we've got a ton of wood on that cart we're gonna get some more pipes as well we're gonna just like completely put 500 straight up into the boat and into the living quarters we're just not going to spend money anywhere else so i'm going to do some calculations for the size but i'm thinking like two by fours on the corners of the boats you know kind of like like post like a tent pose and then having one side taller than the other that way we've got like a little grade you know some rain and stuff can slide off you know i need like nine i think one more and we'll be good i don't know how it's gonna turn out but you know i'm excited hey if i had four two by fours and then a platform on top would four two by fours hold somebody my weight or now you frame it out and put a cross beam in the middle yeah and you're good to go i think so i got a 400 time my wife calls me a 400 pound peg all the time i hope it floats man we're gonna be pushing it i think that's good it's grateful i think we'll get a couple of these i don't know if we'll use them or not because we're gonna have like regular buckets and i actually like read some of you guys comments and you were saying that spray foam actually does nothing else that air wouldn't do like trapped in it actually makes it more dense so it makes it less buoyant we're at 2 30. we have 270 left to do side paneling and floatation which i think is more than enough and this time we're not going to blow money on foam or anything because we know phone doesn't give floating poor lojo those comments were warm since ao is paying i mean might as well just get the econo size screws because after this challenge is over i mean i'm so i'm assuming a lot of the stuff's gonna get left at my house and i always need wood screws so it's part of the budget right you really don't know where the tupperwares are no i was actually going there right now if you want to go together that's kind of cool um dude you have a grocery list of what you're getting no i'm on the home depot and also this home depot has been the nicest home depot i've ever been to like employees i got like two more subscribers yeah it feels like i'm at lowe's right now just how nice it does kind of ace hardware vibe yeah the helpful place all 21. it says it on the app yeah right there oh that's cool i was just in that aisle and didn't see anything swear yeah but i didn't walk okay oh man storm is so gold while i love it dude he completely completely lied to me and said aisle 21. that's dang it i was reading the sign it didn't say anything about containers i looked back to teleo and he's halfway across home depot oh man feels like christmas morning sweet so we just need one stack and then an extra man i got you that was on me that was the cutest laugh i've ever heard in my life and i pour my heart into these things for nothing just to be disrespected what about little uh oh sail blue come on like you're going sailing i think i have to get that just because of the name it's glossy so it's going to be extra shiny my back's sweating i'm self-conscious girlfriend's going to leave me for a guy that doesn't leave town every week to build house boats get a few cans of that just in case and now i lost him again he has a home depot app he thinks all these videos months in advance he gives us an hour say hey build a house boat and now he's gone if i know the guys i know one thing they are not thinking about propulsion okay they're probably thinking about just making this really sweet like houseboat portion like where you stay we've got that figured out we're good we can stay out of the elements we're fine but being as they haven't thought about propulsion what if we spent like the last hundred dollars of our budget on some propulsion okay just just imagine me on the back of my brand new houseboat and they're over there trying to get from point a to point b right they're paddling they're doing whatever me i'm just gonna i feel like a hundred dollars for basically a motor like a boat motor i think that's a good deal oh dude i was so my bad i saw 21 but it was actually 36. oh it's just the opposite side of the store common mistake oh my fingers all right the thing with houses nowadays is you're buying a house but you don't get a yard like all these houses are being built so close together so what i want is for people to feel welcome when they come to my houseboat so we're gonna have a welcome mat right here where you can you know wash your feet make sure we keep the inside nice and clean and what we think we might do is there's this over here for 245 a square foot we have like artificial grass and i feel like if we had like a yard making me feel more at home that just looks like a lot of work and we're going to talk with somebody and i'm not going to know what i want and i get social anxiety and that is all we need i actually think we're going to be pretty close to 500 believe it or not let's be very close [Music] if we want to buy us or i was going to put a shed on top of all of this out front do we just go up front and say we want to buy a shed and they'll get it for us oh that's perfect but it's eight hundred dollars that's not perfect but it's not my money it's other dude's money but yeah this is all i have like in the actual store the rest are going to be online okay i'm going to call and see our budget was 500 and i've already spent like 800 so hey so how does 900 dollars sound for and then all the other stuff that's already in the cart you know oh so you're not dedicated to your own channel is what you're telling me i've dedicated my family first you know what i mean i'll do the 429 one they're gonna spend so much money why is it not going straight geez should i put the weight forward i'm so sorry yeah what you got a couple of them are crazy cars yeah it's it's like a little drifter car man that was the manager almost drifted right in his ankles dude i cannot control it basically i'm just more dedicated in my youtube videos than ao is it's not willing to spend that money because he has a family and a wife and i have nothing so norm you've not failed to exceed the limit yet again we need to build in like a penalty like everybody is over there's a point no it's a night that you have hey dude i like to say the sky is the limit i'm here for your channel and i want you to exceed and excel in progress i appreciate he's going to go over the budget because he wants these videos to over perform yeah the less money you have the more you need to make more videos you've been posting once every three weeks so i'm trying to help them out that might not be the worst strategy i've ever heard to motivate you we're going to first more often we're headed to build these beautiful boats i'll let you know the final cost at the pond so when you're going to have it all done tonight before we go any further today's video is brought to you by raycon as most of you know i was recently cyber bullied by somebody who i will not name a picture of me is circulating the internet that i didn't plan to go out honestly it's just been really tough um so we've teamed up with raycon they've sent me the fitness ear buds these earbuds helped me get to a place mentally i've never been before with premium sound and smart tech these puppies were developed to stay in your ear in the toughest of workouts they made with extreme comfort maximum stability and the most secure fit on the market the unique earbud feel interchangeable gel tips and raycon's new ear stabilizers creates three layers of earbud personalization raycon also has 45 hours of battery capsule in nine hours of play time which is nearly double competitors raycon has over 37 000 five-star reviews pretty much everybody loves them raycon is actually offering a crazy deal on these fitness earbuds get 20 off these bad boys and with my code ao fishing you get an additional 15 off deal doesn't last long so make sure to save your money while you can link in description now back to the video once we've made it we did not allow ourselves enough time because norm likes to film more videos and he doesn't care about my channel we have two hours not because i wanted to have two hours but because it's going to be completely dark you're like the best boat builder i know though honestly dude if anybody can do it this fast i think you could if yep i can do that you're a houseboat expert bro give yourself some credit it's pretty cool that you're complimenting me so much after you just screwed me today but it's fine dude i like that save your image and let's uh let's build some boats we have two hours ready set go mason trunk here back saw boom boom look at that splinter that is gnarly we don't have that long but i'm not even nervous all right guys here's the plan we got wood two big pieces three small pieces into thirds nine small pieces of wood probably just gonna chill with mason norm's best friend try to turn them against them connected to the two big pieces of wood under those big tupperware's drilled in that's what's gonna float and then we build our pool house it's on top simple as that then i can manipulate him to make him waste time on the days that he shoots videos well we're gonna lay some grass down we have a welcome mat so i'm thinking we're gonna have the best houseboat is that squeegee gonna be your uh well yeah just in case i needed one but see i'm gonna i've already figured something else out for that so i'm not even worried about it hey uh are we judging if it floats or not or is it just like who has the most fun like what's the rules here like how do we win this just build the best one you can i'll explain before we dip in but it might change the way i build it just build the best you want to film another one of my videos honestly i thought that was what we were doing right now because i don't even know how to film my videos with you anymore because all we do is film yours dude you make me sound like a terrible person but it's not my fault it rained he filmed an intro and half of a video today to be honest i'm sorry it would have been better to do it it's getting really uncomfortable man i actually feel like it hates me right now i didn't mean to be i don't know i need to start building well i'm thinking daryl it's like if i put these kind of like so you know and then cut a couple cross sections as well like this it would have been better to do it the way you talked about but you know ran out of time so it's okay all right where are the screws i didn't explain my plan very well but my thinking same thing we did previously you said in the store that i could borrow the screws you can have those get out of here go back nobody wants you here anymore dude okay i'm making him want to be in my videos even more but playing hard to get my mom taught me that oh the generator's so far away it's so heavy move patricia oh come on you can't stop right in front of me oh here's the plan we're gonna do it eight by eight eight by eight platform now i know most dubber i'm struggling man i could be on the verge of a stroke just because i'm easily overstimulated we're building an upper deck 8x8 with an 8x8 platform above i'm hoping that i can not only live in the bottom room but i can thrive in the upper platform mason how are we going to saw these things safely good idea dude this is why you're on my team sorry i got you guys make sure you go check out my channel because i've been filming a lot more content than ao has this trip so if you guys are interested in checking out my channel it's fishing with norm we do like cool like boat builds and stuff on my channel i'm buying a houseboat next week um and baby gravy is actually moving like five minutes away from me so if you guys like that type of stuff make sure you go check out my channel i'm about to take the whole fishing industry over norm's given me the fuel i need to push beyond where i am bam we're gonna set the frame out make sure this thing is exactly what i'm planning if the bottom is not very sturdy then the top is not gonna happen and it's going to flip over i'm going to go ahead and start putting the base together there's the magic bit here what'd you say run over the whole thing you better not you haven't seen me angry yet daryl you haven't seen me angry yet it's always easy to talk really loud to people when they're driving away i knew this drill was going to be dead hey mason do you have a measuring tape if you guys don't know this is mason it's my good friend i've been lifelong friends with this guy forever i've been trying to bring him around i'm thinking about hiring them so we go way back way back when yeah yeah they go way back it's just been my next neighbor since i was three years old but don't take me away from my dude come back all right enough laughs and giggles you know what i might do to save time don't judge me tommy what if i pulled him apart and left one strip in the middle you know what i mean i'm just gonna secure the frame together and then we'll kind of we'll go from there tricia not right now we just need what we need like dude going no it doesn't look like a house there's like a board we need nine pieces of wood they go boom boom boom start putting caps on those boxes i'm so glad i don't have the gray shorts on from the yacht video i don't know if you guys remember that or not told everybody i sat in a puddle but i didn't oh i drilled myself dude he's already got his whole frame together i am feeling hella insecure but while daryl's going to get some stuff i'm going to start making some eyeball cuts here i'm glad it's 150 degrees when we do these things oh we check if these have any holes in the bottom no okay should we even better strategy drill holes in theirs yeah but the thing is it was on edge right now because i filmed one of my videos for like 25 minutes dude they're like scooting though yeah dude all right i'm gonna set up tubs just so we know what we're working on my best friend from high school norm's best friends with him but i'm thinking if i can turn him into my best friend maybe just keep calling him my best friend until until he moves up to my neck of the woods then i have davey gravy and mason [Applause] i'm fine dude oh yeah drill that's what i was waiting for oh yeah thank you sir oh yeah it came with one too so we're good to go god the power drills so smooth dude i am pouring sweat right now oh my gosh i cannot believe how hot it is right now wow boom we're living so you're saying put this all three lined up on this yeah screw this top one over don't worry i got it all right do you want me to drill or do you want to drill all right and like we did last video if you guys get this video to 30 000 likes we're going to do the same thing but we're going to give everybody 50 to build the best boat they can gotta get really creative when you're on a budget that tiny or if you guys are over this trend we'll just figure something else out it's fine it's my job i forgot about teensy weensy little step along the way um we just gotta remove these two little beams for a second no big deal at all we're fine the funny part is norm spent 600 more than he was supposed to and he brought his childhood friend my childhood friend to help him build his house but completely broke the rules the only way that you can make content is just to dump on my name because you know what dude i've been saying great things about you i've been talking about how beautiful you are i'm pretty sure i remember in the store today i complimented you while you were talking mad crap if you would tell my childhood best friend to please quit making so much drill noise back there yeah ruining the audio for video hey dude stop dude this serious stuff listen you remember in third grade when we were hanging out this is actually making me mad dude like i'm i'm sitting here busting my rear end man filming the video for two hours and everybody thinks on youtube thinks i'm a terrible person this video is gonna get a million views and everything's gonna be bad it's the first time they've ever seen me and i'm pouring my heart out over here you're doing a fantastic job i complimented you earlier i'm just trying to build the rivalry man it's like college football they're all the same but it sells more tickets so by what he's saying guys is he's selling gigabits on goonsquad.com use code ayo can we be friends no only if they use code norm dude kiss me there we go that's how we're supposed to be looking actually oh dude that's 20 right there dude how does this go from step number six dude if you would read the instructions like i told you did you leave this gap right here for you could trip and fall i like to trip and fall that way i can like drop a phone in maybe a camera yeah right that right there you gonna trip and fall oh i will you're gonna be out here at dark right trying to be if you get your leg hung up in there you gotta chew your leg off to get out of there i'm hoping just to end everything you know what i mean i'm okay all right there there's a screws that got to go everywhere like in all of these you see these how they're not lining up to anything yep those are lining up they just need screws are we missing like the hardware oh yeah this is so easy where's your shed i couldn't hear you over my eight foot wide by eight foot wide floor i couldn't hear you over the same boat you made last video and you're titling it a houseboat video instead of a build your own boat video but it's the same boat so i think what we're gonna do is secure all the tunes down and then flip it and then pull the frame up flush against the plywood and secure it oh gosh i have indigestion [Music] dude on that right there in the slide in better do it all on this yeah just grab that one and do around that and then slide that in a lot of tunes man yeah there's some things going on here yeah it looks pretty good yeah uh-oh you got schedule 40 and you got you didn't get scheduled 40 pipes are you kidding me i'm not surprised at all but well i am not a plumber so yeah i'm not too familiar with the different grades yeah there's different hey we might be cooked over here man i don't know well guys our house boat is going to have uh butterfly doors she's going to be convertible we're going to work on the main boat now and stop messing around because this is serious dude let's jump to the sauce you ready three two one oh and we're here just like that all right now we're gonna go back to our houseboat and we'll see you guys fish bump oh and we're back at our house we're back at our house boat now we have our saw and an extension cord so we plug this in here while i'm holding the trigger we have just realized we are absolutely screwed our houseboat build got the wrong size pipes for the wrong sized caps it's not going to go together so flotation for this vessel is now to put like there's nothing else i can do but we're gonna do a little audible right here we're gonna call it audible got an idea gonna have to get the buggy get a little bit of our materials gonna have to go around the other side of the pond but this just might work here's what i think about your houseboat norm 30 minutes to build i'm sorry i'm gonna flip frame over i might get your chicago and muscles to help me flip the plywood over it lift with the back yes we know they're screws don't care is there anybody over there no you always take health compromising moves man it's becoming an issue you're calling your parents tonight i'm not calling your parents after you lifted that with one hand well since everybody else is getting help from the camera guy do you mind helping me secure the frame yeah sure i was almost thinking putting out extra pieces of wood that way to add structure somebody would have said that at the beginning like hey we should put on the opposite way it probably would have been good yeah sure he's not gonna use it you didn't even see it yes yes see now that's that is what i'm talking about all right i will meet you back at the build site oh my gosh we've got propulsion oh my god the drain oh i forgot you have to keep your body weight on the back over do not mind the speed boat in the yacht folks nothing to be alarmed about normal pond activities oh yes like a glove okay folks look i know we're like resorting i'm not gonna call it cheating because at this point i just don't know what else we could do with such a short amount of time so i wouldn't call this cheating i would just call it slightly changing the rules to help make this better i don't know you guys let me know what you think but if we can just take our original plan of like uh basically pitching a tent almost what we were gonna do with that thing we're just gonna do the same thing with the dock boats the same principle i think it'll work that was going to go in big time wins right here let's flip her around see if we can get one more in here that is massive i'm honestly feeling very confident about how stable it is but this is when i push too far and work too hard overextend myself stress out but i can so i'm going to it's a miracle so we did some science it is not going to be able to hold me in the weight of an upper deck good news it will hold me in half the size of the original plan so a 4x8 upper deck we'd also use a tarp for like a little covered shed area so to say perfect amount of space to sleep also get up there we'll see the lake we'll know where the fish are busting it's going to be a straight up party porch just a little bit you know yeah i'll just sit right here yeah just kind of hold me right here but at least now i'm flat you know what i mean this is kind of the perfect size for this if i could just get to the end of it it goes on forever we in here baby you tell me this isn't kind of awesome i'm gonna work in here like the tarp couldn't i mean it's it's a tiny bit small but honestly it's about as good as it could possibly be oh you got a trolling motor going oh yeah i'm not messing around now all you need right here is to lay down under this one right got to give your cash platform i'd go about that high right there we might go higher but the higher you go the more leverage it's going to have leverage is in good no isn't bad you know the longer your pry bar is the less effort you got to put oh i see what you mean yeah flip it easier all right well i've lost a lot of weight okay we're good you'll lose a lot of weight trying to swipe under this boat dude haven't you learned your lessons it took them five hours to get that done us 20 minutes and we have a houseboat dude we're not done yet you ready now we're done there's no way if we made this thing eight by eight that this would have floated for five seconds dude i think we're done yeah wow that looks exactly like what i thought you were going to make dude i'm glad i could meet your expectations yeah i did my expectations have been mad a diving board yeah we have we added extra flexibility to the sides for diving yup yup diving three foot ponds so hard you have everything so yeah looks complete to me i can't wait to see you sleep in there yeah oh you put more in there tonight how does she feel oh dude not gonna lie bed fishing off of that would be pretty nice dude i cannot believe myself right now give me the shake you are trusting your oh my god you know i gotta give it to you that's sturdy yeah oh yeah i gotta add a tarp and then we are done we have successfully built boats we're gonna be staying on these boats for as long as possible i'm proud of you thank you mm-hmm show me what you got come on over here look you can laugh okay but here's the thing i had something much better than this bill originally but we had a little bit of a weather situation last night if you could imagine this back half actually being set up correctly so what was your initial plan the initial plan to build that boat with the piping system as flotation pontoons yeah politics basically i was just gonna like run a roof like you know just grate it down and just you know just chill but uh got the wrong size pipe there's like scheduled csds i didn't know the pipe situation there was like all these different sizes and stuff so uh i had to resort to plan b man i had to steal the dock boat that we built yeah a long time ago and i had to just kind of adjust it and i'm squigged again dude i think you made it way better than it was before and one of the things i mean not to disqualify you as if you're still in this am i disqualified or what the thing is first of all you didn't build your boat so that i couldn't no no not that i didn't i couldn't it's not the best i still think in a survival situation this would be an adequate houseboat and mine had it worked it would have worked so that was true that was good i like the way you worded that yeah norm what do you got oh you just touched me way more than my any girl ever has in my life all right guys so i have an actual houseboat we kind of constructed this thing together drilled it down we have a welcome mat here which i want everybody to be welcome to my home we have a nice front yard some little wow uh yard oh my god dude are you good i'm fine all i did was try to open it and it just fell so should i just let this one it's an automatic door it's you can make it in anything you want this is open concept it's a new thing that people are doing with their houses i am so proud that this came together the way it did first off this is the most stable thing that i've built for any youtube channel it's pretty much the most stable thing in my life did you hit this one with the upward facing screws again i've noticed last night we went through and knocked all the screw tips down with the hammer what's that right there that my foot's getting stuck on that's a that's a crazy drone that's a splinter we have stapled tarps eight by ten tarps we have some extra down here if you try to roll off you can't we have an extra tarp that we can attach to here roll it down so you have an eight by eight platform to sleep on my favorite part about this is there's actual protection above the head and i sat in a puddle if you're wondering why my shorts look like that oh i thought you're just happy to see me dang it i built an upper deck a double decker party barge this thing's gonna float with you up there i don't know the challenge is simple whoever has the most fun whoever can catch the most fish float and stay the driest and not sink the most fun let's dip these boats in see what we did hopefully i don't flip hopefully y'all do see you grandpa three two oh that didn't sound right let's go that is impeccable buddy i hope this stands so bad three two one please stand girl please stand that's going to work oh she's a little backyard we're getting on board i like how y'all didn't put mine anywhere near the water you said i got it from there so come on move your boat man i'm trying to launch here yeah it's hard to move a houseboat with two stories that's not gonna work i want to make it clear on the record my house fit would have worked but the way lojo was kind of not carrying his weight and drug it on the ground so completely broke sturdy build still gonna get out there and win i am still terrified to try the upper deck don't really know how that's gonna go all right i'm gonna walk to the back and see if we start to go under oh dude we're not under i can walk all the way around the boat and still float okay i'm about to be in the game kids there's so many spiders on my boat oh there's a spider on my boot good job all right mine floats i'm so pumped that this thing actually floats i was 50 50 that i was going straight backwards oh yeah oh she's a little little flap in the middle look at that i think we're gonna go out to the middle try to make this happen maybe like if you uh had some type of propulsion oh dude you think i don't i mean i'm just watching you sit still i'm over here cruising to the best fishing spot on the lake and the only houseboat that moves dude open floor concept i also got nine splinters in my thumb i'm not kidding it hurts real bad but i'm trying to be cool for youtube and pretend like it doesn't hurt me oh dude hey look at me i'm not looking at anything oh you watch you're rolling dude that's crazy that you built that boat dude i know it was so quick oh man what a guy all right guys it's a good spot of the ponds all the way over there loja's there first because he bought a trolling motor at home depot so i'ma jump in and swim my boat over there yep come on girl some reason i had the paddle for a 12 rack from walmart feels like norm's behind me just dragging his feet kind of like how our filming schedule goes all right baby i built you i feel a special connection and we're going to catch my pb bass together norm i see you coming to my fishing spot now i'm watching you boy horse flies are a problem get off me what the frick are you doing i know where they are they're right here by mr stump dude there's so many horse flies used to never have horse flies and now they're everywhere there's literally four or five in my boat get away from me all right guys it's getting deep i'ma hop or attempt to hop back onto my boat but there's so many screws just everywhere so no matter which way i hop on this i'm getting a screw somewhere in my body oh i can get on my front porch please stay up board if i'm gonna lose the houseboat bill which i clearly have because i had to cheat i might as well catch a fish before anybody else or catch the biggest fish or something i'm just killing horse slides ruthlessly it's not a big deal time to see what this bad girl's made of ah oh here he goes if we combine forces we can make it a three-story oh nope you stay over there i am so proud of this dude you do look pretty boss up there i feel really cool you should this is where they all are i don't even know why i'm casting anywhere else they stay back there because that's where the fresh water spring comes in this could be the top five proudest moments of my life i can't imagine the feeling when we actually finish the houseboat that we've been pouring all of the money my channel makes into itty bitty is gonna be worth it one thousand percent you know this is the first house i ever had it's a pretty nice one i got one and dude it feels big oh i'm on i'm on it might be big for real stay down baby dude i don't know if it's a catfish or what but it feels huge look at that wake i'm on it's cool what is it is it a fish what is oh it's in a ton of grass how good is it i can't tell he's just covered in grass home pond advantage whoa well i'm taking it to him oh we're going to go show them dude it's not a bad bass do we just double up on our new houseboats wait you got one too yeah let's go i'm so glad you guys are catching fish i want us to show ar a fish on our silly little boats while he's trying to flex on us over there look he's literally like above us can't hear you from way down there yeah it's fine hey yo look show em norm i am happy that your boat came together and you caught a fish and i'm glad that you're floating not docked up on the bank like last time yeah when i won yeah oh you actually got a good one too decent fish out of the old pond check it out it's really cool guys i think by the tone of your voice we're also having the most fun and we have the most fish so i'm actually really enjoying all the horse flies that you've put into your pond dude nicely done what was yours on oh ned rigg nice i'm sitting in back chatter bait man really yeah big chatter bait guy dude watch this see that you know from my angle six of your barrels are out of the water yeah i i know that 100 i can feel it and i love it since this is a boat challenge how about a cast between my two new boats should i get in there just oh i got in there that's freaking oh no i'm over the bow oh yeah we're squigging dude that's kind of crazy that the uh boat normbatu's already sinking yeah it's definitely made me rethink a few things he kind of went up a level in the friend uh friend realm and then he dropped right back down [Laughter] dude i got one i got one yes number two damn your baby dude that was a squeaker dude i'm so happy for you right now it is unreal dude anyway maybe i caught the most fish but you sound like you're having the most fun dude i am loving it up here stop flopping on my front yard all right guys this is fish number two i've caught two fish um on my houseboat this is number two the second one that i have caught on my houseboat we're gonna let her go hope you guys are enjoying watching norman lojo catch fish on the boats that they kind of half built yeah let's get off these boats [Music] you gents want to step on a real boat wow i want it come on grab it but just itching your forearms all the time dude dude they got a great angle of my hamstring i'm using that for personal reasons the one thing i was really hoping this boat could do is hold two of my best friends dude my paddle on the top deck you just dropped my paddle it's gone forever did it sink yeah i thought it was on the deck you just threw this back [Laughter] well as i said my best friends you better stop that oh let's watch it yeah so that's what it did yeah it was kind of like that i just watched it slowly descend you need it called jiggle and jordan skin scuba jake scuba jake yep the epic one yep and the rivers too all right the thing i really wanted to do is see if this thing could hold three people on the upper deck oh my god we are not far enough out at all if we flip right now we're gonna hit patrice and the canoe and we dropped all the son of a biscuit eater today you guys threw our oars into the lake yeah norm what the frick man go down do it don't go back do not go back balance it's just gone it's kind of scary if we go back we're gonna land on another boat i'm so serious oh i'm actually scared we're fine i'm back here okay we stay right where a.o trying to jump off the boat because she knows we're going to land on land if we go that way and there's a huge snag right here with this uh i can't believe we're both up here right now norm it's pretty stable huh stop stop it's not even funny i don't even try to fight it it's gonna happen okay yeah but i just wanted to happen in the water how you doing buddy dude when i was like 13 i fell through the roof of my buddy's shed playing airsoft and really injured myself and i'm just having flashbacks there right now because i feel like we have three people on the roof it's going to collapse and we're all going to get like permanently injured and not upload for four months permanently for four months yep so you probably upload more videos i know this is funny but i care about my life all right just stay everybody stay still because the upper deck is starting to fall off yeah i'm stabilizing i'm coming up oh coming we're good we're good it kind of holds oh my god oh god it kind of holds [Music] i hope you guys enjoyed today's video make sure to subscribe to lojo and norm i'll see you on the next home depot whatever we do [Music] i like to split the frame really good compromised wood is the best wood oh my gosh dude it says we need safety goggles we don't have any i have to scrap this video and done trish give me that ish that's a dog you heard it if you grow faint at the side of blood probably look away mom stop watching i like women grandpa i promise you dude i don't know why it kind of scared me dude this is nice man life dude this is nice man have you tried two people up here i haven't been up you know what okay please in the name of content dude i don't know actually in the name of content get the frick off
Channel: AYO Fishing
Views: 2,507,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Depot challenge, build your own boat challenge, build, challenge, home depot, fishing challenge, fishing, bass, bass fishing, Ayo Fishing, Fishing With Norm, Lojo Fishing, Lojo
Id: GCU2xvbTVv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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