Going Medieval - Ep 1 - Rimworld-esque!

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hey folks quilly team here and welcome to let's try going medieval going medieval is a brand new colony building simulation it's going to be very reminiscent of something like rimworld except instead of being sci-fi it is well medieval it is based in uh i think the 1300s england is what i remember seeing in the intro it's also 3d and that includes multiple z levels i.e you can go upstairs and you can dig down and do those sorts of things let's jump into a new game and take a quick look at this we've got different types of scenarios to choose from so no attacks lots of attacks or standard and even then we've got a difficulty selector as well a couple of different starting scenarios new life guess it's the standard one we're going to start with three people x number resources lone wolf i guess we're going to start with a single person and less stuff and then we can also create our new scenarios over here again very reminiscent of room world and that's a good thing i no complaints about that over here it's an excellent game we have a randomly generated world over here you can choose a different random seed and share for example if i go something like 18 18 18 there we go this is the world here and you guys should have theoretically the same world we've got a few different map types as well the name of our settlement as well as the heraldry and so we can choose one of these sites we can't just choose any arbitrary site we'll choose this one over here in the valley plentiful vegetation fertile soil and clay moderate amount of limestone lesser amounts of gold silver iron and salt well if i'm playing this game we're gonna need plenty of salt that's for sure actually so maybe i should go somewhere else but we'll go with this it's gonna be fine we got three randomly generated people over here we can of course change them up as well if we uh uh i can randomize there we go okay that's randomizing everything i wasn't sure if that was just the button to change the look or not so right now if we went we'd have lena brad warden or brad warden maybe over here who has passion for intellectual tasks in medicine she's actually very skilled in research also a good speech craft sort of maybe a uh colonial leader over here what do we got perks is she's brawny and penalty is that she's disfigured after the fire lena did not really have a face but she had a purpose few will look lena in the eye damn okay maybe that will kind of conflict with some of this high speechcraft stuff over here and we can see overall as a group um what skills are being covered so for example we don't have anyone who's particularly skilled at animal handling um or carpentry which might be a bad thing let's randomize lean again let's see if we can roll someone there we go we've got some carpentry skills that seems like the sort of thing that might be important uh who's who they have in here hammond woods instead i should call him ham and eggs i i make no apologies uh it's interesting he's got double passion over here very passionate for medicine but zero skill uh what are his perks laggardly so he moves slowly and works slowly and he's always chilly all the time too isabella newberry uh has got botany construction really good at construction actually in culinary and gala shepard we'll go ahead with this group heat resistance and gluttonous all right we got a fun little crew over here we got a bit of an overview of what we got tutorial tips are enabled sure that seems fine i've only dabbled with this for let's say a few minutes basically enough to get a gist of it but uh we'll do what we can the plague had ravaged the british isles leaving a trail of destruct destruction in its wake untold millions went to an early grave yeah so it's an alt history is what they actually say on the steam page right it's it's uh it's from our history and then it goes a little sideways untold millions went to an early grave and those left standing were plunged into poverty brutally scarred by the horrors that they had witnessed nothing would ever be the same again in the springtime of the year 1352 hammond isabella and gauss set off into the wilderness to claim a piece of the land as their own as was their right in the eyes of god and under the law here they may lay down the foundations for some kind of future perhaps hope will follow isabella is confident defiant even we will make this work we will take our share of land we will build there and we will defend it many have tried some have fallen beset by bandits defeated by drought yet many have also prevailed have faith the place we found will stand for centuries from now our descendants will be there still after many travails they arrived in a valley with golden plains cut through by a snaking river for guests gauss i should have named him something else i feel like it's like lewis but guess maybe we'll just call him guis that sounds weird but sure let's go for it it conjured vision's bountiful harvest song and wine a place to put down roots a homeland they decided to title it nether so what hammond doesn't get a get a bit in here all right so here's our oops our little starting situation i'm going to click through and pass a lot of the little tooltips over here uh we've got our starting starting resources and our people are just wandering about we can pause with the space bar we've got some speed controls over here if i open up job screen a lot of these on the first click i'll get a tutorial pop up so i'll mostly just be dismissing those i left the tutorials on in case i was gonna hit something i hadn't experienced before so again a very very um very rim world ish reminiscent uh again that is fine we love rimworld that's you know groovy so we've got 10 for uh medicine stuff convulse if you're sick hunting constructing growing so growing plants harvesting so harvesting can include picking up berries and mushrooms in the fields mining of resources we've got for example over here we've got some well this is just some iron nuggets on the surface but then we've also got some iron that we can actually mine here yeah iron 100 that can be dug up uh cutting plants cooking crafting smithing carpentry tailoring research steward over here which actually i'm not 100 sure what steward means yet uh and hall over here so i'm curious to see what that will mean going forward i guess might just mean interacting doing social stuff that's perhaps the case over here and we can see the various passions that people might have i'll leave the priorities untouched for now uh schedule also will look very familiar to everyone manage over here this is something that i would appreciate in rimworld without any mods uh you can quickly go and set a filter and say uh hammond just try to keep a one-handed melee and a shield of some kind on you and then we can even uh edit these uh these options over here i'll let everything be uh reset to the default over here oh it should be no weapon let everything be set to the default over here but it was really nice to get this little management screen the research screen we don't have a research bench yet so we can't access that and then the region map mode over here we can see other settlements that are nearby and we'll see what that looks like and we've got a region influence meter over here as our sediment grows so does our influence to gain influence you must enrich your wealth by amassing resources and constructing buildings victory in battle and repelling enemy raids increase your influence even faster reaching 100 influence means your settlement is the most influential in the region that sounds really cool we got a few notices over here settlers are current idle and we've got nowhere to store resources if we click on that it will actually very conveniently open the zone screen over me for me to set a stockpile tell you what let's build a stockpile where our current resources are god that seems like a pretty brilliant idea um and that's groovy now these a lot of things are currently forbidden i'm gonna use the um allow tool over here to do a big area in fact all these very resources in fact let me go and we'll talk about some of the uh the way the map looks and the z levels in just a sec there we go we'll do that i don't know if there's a way to do that in bulk but i've allowed everything on the map maybe it's a good idea maybe it's not i have no idea um if we hold ctrl and we mouse wheel sorry shift and mouse wheel no i thought it was control and mouse wheel oh yeah there it is um you can see this is the z level so i'm currently on the topmost level if i scroll it'll go down down down down into there you can see the treetops start disappear into the ground over here so we've got some z level stuff um we can just stay zoomed all the way out for now that's going to be okay we'll probably make some tweaks later on what is this over here we got some salt oh perfect and then we've got some trees i mean probably we'll need some wood for some construction tell you what let's go ahead if actually this is quite interesting if i click on say this cabbage pile you can see this cabbage decaying because of the ground type and temperature one of the things in a room world things decay if they're not roofed here as far as i can tell it's not the roof so much but the flooring so one of our first construction projects for example might just be to get a wooden floor or we have wicker or we have limestone let's say a wooden floor underneath our stockpile that'll help there's also temperature which the veggies will rot from the temperature but that's you know we're not gonna be able to deal with that quite yet so we'll do that we'll probably build an early barracks as well i'm gonna go ahead and pause i feel like we'll probably want some more wood fairly early on so i'm gonna go ahead and chop some trees just around our settlement here construction is happening and that's going to be a-okay the jobs seem to be handled from left to right and of course you can change the priority for example uh isabella here is oh she's actually really good at mining wow that's kind of amazing tell you what hammond over here who's middling at mining but doesn't have passion for it i'm gonna go and drop his priority down for mining maybe even like forbid him from working on the mines uh so if there's a mining job he really won't prioritize it maybe what we'll go is we'll update the smithing all the things that people actually have passion for will will upvote their particular uh preference for handling that so they will try to do the jobs they're passionate about first we can click on people we can get stat blocks from them including uh their current mood and you will see if they're getting job satisfaction from working things they like for example so chop a few trees if we take a look at the cabbages they are still decaying because of temperature in a rot in five days well last thing we wanted some stinky cabbages so hopefully we'll get our people to eat them uh and that might be done for example let's go ahead and set up a little campfire over here so we can start cooking some food i'll uh i'll put it over here a little further away from where i might want the walls for this building later on we'll do that we'll be able to make some meals we'll want a research table soon too and how about a place for them to sleep so they don't have to sleep outdoors i'm gonna make a little like a little barracks a little shared sleeping area we've got um right now we only have access to hay sleeping spots so we'll have to make um a very simple little barracks maybe something like this in my little test run you could put this adjacent but i just felt like you know what they look a little bit better if they're not right next to one another and i'm just going to set up some walls and again i don't have to leave the extra gap here but i think it might look better if we did that do that and then put in a door it is smart enough if you build a wall and then you place a door it will replace the wall for it so that's going to be okay got a few more tutorials which we're going to ignore over here so we'll get a little communal barracks maybe at some point later on this will get replaced with a bedroom for one i want the walls to go up first once the walls and everything are done and this will be considered sort of indoors i'll slap some floor down there as well so that people will have a nice little house for them oh we do have a sword um do we have people so who's our best hunter i mean it'd be nice ideally i think to hunt with a ranged weapon oh we got spears oh bows over here all right best hunter well the only one with any real hunting skill whatsoever i suppose would be hammond over here so tell you what hammond i'm going to encourage you to carry a ranged weapon and i guess is there any reason we don't want anyone to just use weapons all the time like i can just say listen you're allowed to use any weapons and we'll just try to deal with whatever comes up at that point i wonder i don't know actually if there's any reason where it would be bad for them to carry weapons all the time um but we'll see there's a shield over here tell you what we'll specify isabella is already using a one-handed weapon but we will specify that you use a one-handed weapon because then you can use a shield because we've got someone with a quarter staff over here the spear rather who's doing that interesting he did actually equip the short bow instead of long bow and maybe that's okay i don't know so we'll get them sorted out that's going to be all right i don't know i wonder if you can set up like designated hunting areas you know or automatic hunting or anything like that i think um we've got a hunt command over here and i can box things so we'll see if we can hunt the deer i haven't tried that yet i'm curious to see how it'll go now we've got our little house over here again if i sort of scroll around uh if i zoom in we can get the walls to sort of come up and down this place is still not roofed though so let's take a look at these beds description yeah just some hay on the ground it's not terribly good um we're going to go and slap a roof on this building that's roof and do this you can rotate the roof with i believe are yeah i think this looks a little better but this feels maybe a little bit more practical you know what i like the look of it better so i'm gonna do that and then i'll also go and throw down some wooden flooring in here there you go oh i don't know if i got the the tile under the door although i don't think the door tile is tileable and actually i floored outside but you know what that's going to be fine it's going to look all right i'm okay with this we'll get a little flooring you can see the people gaining xp which is nice if you want you can hide the roofs i mean right now it's construction so that the roof showing and hiding isn't really doing much uh but then the other thing too is of course i can just zoom in and it'll kind of hide the roofs that are being built somewhere in there okay we got that let's go and set up some job for food so over here at our little fireplace i will create a meals job and i'll ask let's do it until we have 10 meals or i'll go ahead and say something like 20. maybe i don't know it defaulted 10. let's use 10 for now because that was the default um i don't know how often the people eat you know is it three times a day i'm guessing it's probably they get hungry once or twice a day just for ease of balance and various things tall grass over here current growth rate ripe plus we can get some hay out of this too if i tell you to harvest does it harvest the hay it does because cut plant will cut all the plants but a harvest i think will just grab things that are ripe and ready to be harvested so let's grab a few things nearby we'll get some hay we'll get some berries that's going to be very nice fine linen gambeson tough quilted doublet favored by injury oh it's armor ah did you go hunt yeah you're hauling to the stockpile can we find out what you're hauling yep no i saw right there he had the the deer carcass well i guess we'd better go and get a butchering table going on i'm just going to put it next to the building over here and on the other side i mean i'm sure we're not going to be keeping these here but on the other hand i'll just put down a little research thing i can achieve it reap what you sow nice then once the research table gets up we can take a look at the research screen so this is entering early access on june the 1st which may or may not be the day that i released this video not exactly sure about the timing for um no idea how long the early access for this will last but they are you know they do have a note when you start up the game hey be careful this game's still under development there could be bugs there could be stuff that's not finished yet i feel like at least right now it seems to have a very good base the user interface which is really important to kind of get right in games like this feels very good feels very comfortable there's a bug report tool and a feedback tool built right in the game which you'd like to see got almanac over here with more information about things we can see the different production that we have available to us historical records do of course love myself some statistics and some history over here so this is an entry for spring the first day of spring in 1352 i'm curious how many more entries of things will show up in there and it's very easy to see what people are doing harvesting resources well that's all everyone is doing currently i did flag a lot of stuff for but that seems like an okay thing although maybe maybe i should go ah it's because the cut plant so isabella we could bring down your cut plants so that you'd start cooking or something instead hmm the problem with hammond is he really doesn't have a lot of really key skills over here maybe what i'll do is i'll bring down your cut plants you can at least default to a few other things just felt weird having everyone do it so probably finish one load of it but there you go isabella's actually starting to prepare food hammond is going to do some hauling for us which sounds great gooeys gooey gooeys uh what was that was it botany that went up to level 15 something just went up i like the on-screen pop-ups over here i'm hoping this is going to have lots of modding support we have some early little walls and traps that are going to be available to us uh we can put up some cool banners graves pyres for consuming bodies because you know there's going to be some fighting a little fencing for crops and livestock that's quite nice okay so research so the way research works in this is kind of different go away tutorial i'm about to explain it we have these chronicles and research happens instantly in this but consumes chronicles so the first thing we have to do is unlock architecture over here which will give us access to wooden beams as no requirements it is going to consume 15 of our chronicles so click unlock on that groovy now we have this immediately there's a little icon this is available wooden beams done done done there it is okay um now to do the next research like agriculture it'd be good to grow some plants we need 15 chronicles we only have 10 left over here you can see it's sort of like allocated in the list what we need to do is we produce research at the research bench so i'm going to say something like do until we have 20 and we might want to set different numbers what do these need 15 20 30 for defensive structures like i might want to want to set so this needs 30 chronicles followed by 20 textbooks over here so let me just set this to a target of 30 for now because it's going to cover a lot of things so what our researchers do is they produce these chronicles they write things down and then we can consume it which i mean from a realistic point of view it's a little weird that these chronicles are wild cards you can apply to any kind of research but functionally works exactly the same as we're used to in lots of other games you're gonna have to spend a certain amount of time and then that will unlock research the thing is you don't have to pick the research ahead of time uh oh butcher's table i want to produce meat from corpses and i'm going to say something like do forever over here if ever we've got a carcass please butcher it as quickly as possible and then isabella's doing some cooking here the simple uh flat polygon looks over here like relatively untextured they're mostly i mean it might be textured or it could just be colored vertices uh which is another way that you can do art like this a little bit of clipping for the clothes over there but again early access and is it a problem no not really but i like the the art style for the characters that's quite cool maybe they're going to go and add more texture detail later or maybe they won't the thing is it's actually quite a strong aesthetic choice you know especially because you're gonna play a lot of the game quite zoomed out so sometimes if something has too many fine details in the texture everything ends up looking sort of the same and muddy and by having the stylized sort of simpler it's not cell shaded but almost gives you that kind of vibe like cartoony hand-painted cel-shaded look it can work really good to make things pop so it'll be interesting to see where the art direction goes uh going forward but i have absolutely zero complaints about this i think this is swell um i mean the roof texture maybe could be a little bit more something something maybe even like less detailed and more sort of flat and stylized this just looks like a little bit of uh just texture noise just because it's the the hay all over but i have like genuinely i think i quite enjoy the the visual style and i think it's going to be pretty spiffy do uh the the hardest thing is going to be getting a handle on like making sure we've got the right z level selected to showcase things um one thing i like is that these rooms they get automatic like tags over here so this is considered a shared bedroom which makes perfect sense maybe we can upgrade them to have separate bedrooms at some point we'll see we are doing our research over here we will get a pop-up over in the top right corner that will let us know when new research is available when you've got enough stuff to make new research and yeah right now the only thing we can do is chronicles so we can't even do textbooks maybe it needs a different kind of research station maybe not that's actually not how i expected them to sleep you know what they're sleeping like they're sleeping like um like v from uh cyberpunk just completely weird and sideways across their beds maybe hold on is that how other people sleep am i the weird one for sleeping sort of like straight up and down on my bed all my life has been a lie i think we could use a bigger stockpile i think this is full i mean i can just drag out more of a stockpile we could even put them inside of a room although uh it doesn't seem like things are temperature sense or sorry like they're they're not roof sensitive and we don't have temperature control and most things aren't rotting from temperature other than food stuff and that's sort of just normal normal we can't freeze things maybe there's different biomes maybe there's uh frozen areas where things will be frozen through the winter you can't grow crops but at least your food won't go bad in those times that could be what about let's try building like a little fence or something where was the oh and actually uh we're right now we're having people eating without tables we can also get down some leisure activities here you know i kind of want to build like almost like a town square kind of thing maybe like an open concept thing centered around the fireplace yeah i'm going to do something like that so it's going to cut plants and harvest them in this area yeah i'm going to have kind of an open area i'm going to have a little dining table so it's going to be out yeah just outdoorsy it would be cool if you could put in i wonder if i can just use the beams the pillars here and then build a little bit of a roof on top of that and get sort of a covered but still outdoorsy area would not have a nice feeling i'll have to experiment with it i'm going to let them finish this job so the harvesting and then the flooring first and then we'll experiment with ways to make things pretty meanwhile isabella's still doing research which sounds great i like how the job is just writing they're just writing their books um no one unfortunately no one has any real passion for research and no one's terribly good at it a four four and a five is actually really bad i could consider having a hammond who has no real passion for much of anything be maybe focused on research so at least the skills will kind of center up on one person that might not be a bad idea maybe i'll just bring isabella and gooey down to the five priority over here and i'll bring him up to a two so he will still i'll tend if someone gets hurt that's fine if there's any smithing he will do the smithing because that's actually something he's got no skill for it but he's at least interested in it but then otherwise he's gonna fill his time with research until we hit the um the document limit but theoretically then you know i'll immediately research something consuming those documents and then he'll go right back to work so he might just be a full-time writer slash researcher right now i wonder if i can give him a bench there seems like the sort of thing that might be the case i don't know where the work spot for this is probably in the center oh i can't oh i can put the stool underneath it actually looks quite cool maybe i'll leave that be [Music] so yeah we'll get this area down i think i really like this idea and then we'll build buildings sort of around it and then a wall outside of that wouldn't that be lovely i think so okay well i said this was gonna be a let's try i think well this is at least going to be the start of maybe a mini let's play because i kind of want to keep playing today i'm always a little bit leery with some of the early access games like to commit to a long let's play play because what if it sort of starts feeling complete but there's definitely going to be multiple episodes of this so stay tuned we're going to wrap it up here if you're new to the channel which sometimes happens when there's new series hey welcome i hope you subscribe and of course with the new first episode of new series i do like to encourage people to like and comment and share it and all those sorts of things because it really does make a big difference on the channel folks i'm going to pause here i'm going to put in a cut and i'm going to see you next time for episode 2 of going medieval bye-bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 182,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods, going medieval, rimworld, colony, builder, village, city
Id: Y_H1lHvbQwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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