Building a CASTLE in BED WARS

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hello everyone my name is green and today we are back with hypixel games which I haven't played in a while there's a PvP game out there called bed Wars and I'm sure everyone's heard of it but today we're going to be trying to build in it now everyone knows that I suck at PvP so I've got some of the boys with me gen star Gareth Dom now I don't know how good these guys are at PvP but they're gonna try and protect me while we try and make a castle on our island so let's get straight into it shall we we're the burst oh we're here boys so we're gonna get into the first game now I've actually done a little bit of practicing and I've never played this map that's a good sign two minutes Lydia and I reckon by the time I was pretty guy he's coming to go so you coming guys no come on guys let's just pretend that didn't happen okay okay let's go ready boys I've never been on this man this is cool first thing we need to do is like move over to those diamonds on the right and the left so one person go to one side one go to the other and we'll just create and never ever I don't think we want to link it up to the middle island because if we do that then they can just like come straight to our island like they did last game let me get word and some end stone and first of all I'm going to protect our bed because that's the literally the most important thing to do and then cover it in end stone so that they can't blow it up see I learned some tactics from my practice rounds Oh any more instant Oh dumb dumb dumb died right so we collect okay we got links to the main island now we got diamonds I'm gonna keep defending I'm gonna keep building around the bed for a while before we like even try and make a castle so that we can't just get rekt immediately so what we gonna make this out of wool is obviously the cheapest option to start with so let's cover up the bed so we got this defended first first and foremost and then we'll replace that with obsidian later so then wood it's quite expensive so what we could do is just enough wood to be annoying and then build up an end stone afterwards or will afterwards so I wonder where's that I need more wood I need loads of blocks Oh yellow bed Oh Dom just got yellow team nice give me enough time I'll have a roof on this I'll have towers I'll have the works just it'll have to be made out of wool because I don't have enough resources or time to do it to do everything else but we'll we'll get there in the end hold on Oh Dom I think Dom just is wrecking yellow team Oh yellow team is out so it's just two others left but come on I need to like build as fast as possible to make this happen otherwise we're gonna well there's gonna be no point Don's gonna have killed everyone by the time we get there okay so oh blues lost their bed and they've got all four players left so they might just come for us now so gotta keep a lookout this is starting to like get really high up now so green team is gonna be the tough one to be I'm gonna start building like a Ledge here so it's gonna be like a house oh that's probably a bad idea because like I won't be able to see them but whatever if we get emeralds we can get obsidian round our bed and basically they can't do anything this is getting nuts though look at the size of this thing I mean the around the bed it's just a mess but everywhere else is gonna look pretty cool and we're done okay so now I can decorate this this fourth Fortress of Solitude I wonder what this looks like from the outside ugly yeah Elco come on mister it probably does look really ugly but it's it's the the amount of dedication that's put into it that makes it special is there a way down oh yeah oh this is excellent help Jason help why what's going on where's Jay I'm stuck where where's Jay Jay says he's stuck but I don't know where he is oh oh okay Oh Jay I'll get me some blocks here hold on hey go blue team over there ah they've only got two people left and greener fighting than what a green doing over there they haven't even got their bed defended made look look at this they're not getting in I mean we've got doors to get in but they're not getting in I'm gonna continue building this castle because I feel like it's definitely not tall enough also this tower will be a great lookout for when they eventually try and tackle us the green guys are on the central island see this is why we don't want to connect it up so it's tough I just see a fight Dom's fight in the green guy this is so dumb I don't know why I don't know why I feel the obligation to do this every time there's a PvP game where you can place blocks I'm like yeah let's build stuff build stuff on it final kill is that all blue team's got one left one person left and they're out so the green tea is now down to red this red versus green where are they at green green of like got all geared up so we probably need to do that I haven't even cut a bow or an arrow or anything but I have a tower and that's I think that's what's most important here I need to make a way up so we can get to the top I think this is a good place to have the tower finish there we go Tower is complete honestly I kind of want to see my handiwork from the outside first oh look at that it looks awful but we've made it we made a castle it looks so dumb and it was such a massive waste of time compared to what you can do but it looks so majestic he doesn't have windows or anything but it is it looks so it looks really impressive Green only have two people oh that's true and then they're just chillin at their base and it looks really easy to get in alright let's go and let's just like try and make as many ways to get to that base without compromising our own and then we'll we'll get there better it easily we can storm them Oh what was that someone oh yeah oh fire charges and stuff I've got a link directly to their to their place if I can kill this guy oh I'm blinded oh there's a trap oh no diamond swords where do they go oh okay well that was a bad idea let's go and storm them from all directions so there's only two of them on their team so we can distract them quite easily and then get the bed and then it'll be victory for fort korean storm a storm he's getting hit hold on I got fire charges all right ready oh I use them too quickly oh sorry sorry guys oh you killed one kill one who put these blocks here kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it oh my god it takes so long to get n stone oh my god Beth they're just spawn kill again now is that it is that the bed under here almost oh my god I think you're I think you're one block off thinking oh my god how deep does this go come on and what is so annoying yes okay kill them kill them kill them kill them hey we did it boys dumb rail was the top killer but I think the real winner here was Fort Greene look how impressive that looks it just covered up our entire build I'm gonna do something a bit different and show what the entire round looked like sped up tenfold using the replay mode if you look at the red island you can see me steadily making the castle while everyone else quickly made bridges and went across and back and forth between them the entire game it's actually a lot of fun to see it sped up like this I'm gonna do this at the end of every bed Wars round but you can see that my castle took pretty much the entire game to make but it was totally worth it because it stands out and it was just it was just a lot of fun to do so let's move on to the second round and see what happened there we're going to make it even bigger and better this time so we're gonna have two builders and we're gonna have two skirmishes they're gonna go and collect the stuff that we need and we're gonna defend the base and make it impossible what is like the most annoying thing to break and then ends down afterwards so let's get the wood around it and then go and grab some end stone these guys are gonna get the diamonds to upgrade the forge we've got like a system now we're like a well-oiled machine I'm gonna keep a fire charge on me so that if they decide to come across here oh no oh they're breaking the bridge guys guys guys guys guys they come in here get em up get them off the side rack em break it that's teamwork right there yellow team is obviously what we need to focus on for the time being let's make let's make the wall as quickly as possible where are they oh there's like a stand-up guy don't get him don't get it don't forget it no he's totally gonna be hazed called win Walker won if he plays win this is a really unprotected area so you might as well cover this up so they don't even know where the bed is I think that's quite important actually having somewhere they don't even know where the bed is so they're just guessing and we can reckon I feel like a couple of fire charges will yep speak of the devil fire charges just destroyed it so we need to consider that I mean obviously the whole fort is made out of wool because it's cheap but a couple of fire charged but I don't think you could actually buy enough fire charges depending on how much money you've got to make a proper dent in this but the bed is still protected as long as I get some more in stone I think we'll be fine I'm gonna make this like completely Oh yellow beds are our main threat is this taken care of for the time being so the yellow guys might now just go all out and come for us because we're the easy target for them all right this is I think this might be tall enough so I'm gonna start covering it up but I've already run out of wool again oh oh oh red stone fireballs Red's for the castle no repair see but whatever like he's just spent loads of iron on that and I'm just gonna place these box straight back it's genius I tell you I am the keeper of this castle and I will not be threatened by you red guys who didn't even make a castle it's not it's not an attractive color but it it will do I just place that wrong Red Team Red Team are copying me they're trying to they're trying to outdo me but they're not going to assembler Red Team are still building up theirs and this is better because they've got end stone everywhere right boys have we got any emeralds because I think it's time to cover this in obsidian where the emeralds are on that island there they're always on the center island this is annoying to get so I guess that's right that the the harder is to get to our island the better let's grab these diamonds why we're here Oh emeralds what okay what No ah no how who was in the base oh my god I just see that life fighting that's so annoying okay we've only got two people left Oh is he got a diamond sword no where's he at I hit him I hit him Tommy's in there he's in there okay I know blue blue guys here okay I knocked him off the red guys coming for me we need to do something done we need to me to like to man this and somehow pull through yes Dom all right I reckon how did they get to us how did that red guy sneak onto our base and where did he get in I just went straight through the top how did he manage to sneak in I don't understand where did where did he even get onto the island from he didn't build onto there did I no I honestly don't know how he managed to sneak on do you does anyone know how did he get here that's mad no no I'm gonna die four grand has fallen no ho so let's have a look at this match and find out how the red guy managed to get to our bed and destroy it while I was gone for like two seconds the timing of it was really amazing so let's just go through the match really quickly you can see everyone made their bridges from island to island you can even see DOM and him having a little fight and it was a fairly normal game of bed Wars here nothing too amazing although red team seemed to have actually gone for a proper defense whereas as you can see on the right for green made out of the green wool is being made and of course it wasn't very useful at all so I've got all my walls sorted out here and you'll even see a few fireballs come in and destroy it which of course I repaired but here this is when the red guy makes his way over I even pointed it out in the let's play saying here he comes so he builds over and makes his way on our own bridge now what's important here is the timing look he's just around the corner and I'm there I come over to the ledge and look see no one there and go inside the timing was so significant there right so then he goes up and above over the top of our base and hops down now the worst thing about this is Gareth and Jay are inside the base and didn't notice him and then he went and killed them both so let's go into the last round and pretend that that never happened what do we if we had this island before I have played this map before it's just you jump off what what did you do that so this is the the immediate protection around the bed so that we can't just get rushed into doing this - getting rekt early on Oh someone someone on the other team was just super nice it's like wish you all good luck XD unless he's being sarcastic in which case that's not okay all right we got Diamond link number one got diamond link number two and we don't see this is the mistake people make because they link it up to the middle one which makes it such an easy part oh okay the blue team a link in there's up there so we need to we need to be careful the problem is with Fort Greene right is that it looks nice and it's it's certainly annoying for them but it's actually quite hard to see if you're being attacked or not so that's like a major downside of Fort Greene the great thing is when you're like building on on bed walls is that you don't die as much which is nice because dying is annoying and frustrating and no one really wants to die so it's always it's always nice to just like spend most of the game alive oh what's going on here make it yellow and green I've got like a war of heights going on I feel like we're not gonna have time to finish fort green this this round we upgraded our Forge and everything I haven't even been paying attention so hard there's like so many things to do here obviously I focus mainly on making this very very easily destructible wall but it's enough to hide what we're doing where we are and what our bed looks like which I'm now gonna work on covering up a bit better I may need some fire charges so I can blow up our own if they start approaching I'm just gonna sacrifice our own stuff oh okay so don't do that alright where are they let's see so it's Green Team so they're on the other side they probably have been collecting emeralds a lot there's emeralds spawning at 30 seconds in the middle so yeah Gareth yeah gasps God the idea is going to connect them up a full green it's not as impressive as as some of the other fort grins that have been done this err this video but I still think it's pretty cool right it's gonna get some emeralds therefore tis haven't even got a circular shape come on come on the gun knock him off hey that's right get out of here get out of here go I didn't knock him off get in okay I hit him yeah I got it hmm all right let's get let's get in okay this later Oh No yes dumb yes dog now is just cleanup time cleanup time cleanup time get up I killed one kill one two three oh my god oh baby a triple life there's one guy left where is ya he's over there trying to get that last I spent the whole time building and then I got five kills right at the end okay full green wasn't quite as impressive but like it's still fun to build I guess there's tactical advantages that they can't actually see in there so let's watch the sped up version of this final round now I actually recorded bed walls for over an hour and it wasn't all interesting which is why you may have seen me cut this down as much as I possibly could so hopefully you enjoyed this video and enjoyed the extra bits of seeing it all sped up and commentary after it's all been done and dusted so let me know if you like this and if you'd like me to do it again please please please leave a comment down below Fort Greene was a success overall we won two out of the four games that we played the first one of which we didn't even manage to get it we just lost straightaway so two out of three is not bad although we weren't up against massive pros I would say and my team helped me out a lot so thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to let me know hello everyone and thank you for watching this video if you like the channel and want to support me even further consider buying one of my green head plushies there's only a few hundred left so they are in limited availability there is a link down below to the store if you want to buy one thanks again goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,460,416
Rating: 4.9152226 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, bedwars, bed, wars, minecraft minigame, trolling, kid appropriate, no swearing, no bad words, prank, pranks, how to, house, troll, grian minecraft, buidling, secret, games, traps, comedy, tutorial, castle, gameplay
Id: SnVvNccYrWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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