PRO Minecraft Build Battle!

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hello my name is green and what is that point is that skin in the background is that Justin Bieber is that Bieber on someone's skin I got completely distracted there we are going to be playing some minecraft bill battle because they recently introduced a Pro Mode and I thought I'd give it a cup not sure how I feel about the word Pro in this because I doesn't it doesn't really feel right I feel a bit nervous just going in here maybe I don't know there's gonna be some really professional people well basically what it means is there is two times as long for you to build so you get a full ten minutes instead of five mehdi evil egyptian nyan island and sci-fi oh it looks like island i'm gonna vote for sci-fi i think we could do something cool with that it's definitely island well i think we can do something cool as long as i get myself some water there we go we got we got ourselves a pretty good start now this is where it becomes quite difficult so what i think we could do is because we got quite a decent amount of time we could start off with a fairly big one now one of the key things to build battle is we're giving yourself enough space for people to view what you're making so we want to make sure that we're not too close to any of the edges because people spawn all over the place what I'm actually gonna do is use these new pro tools so I can do a coordinates oh it's a fill region that's what we're going to do you can cut and copy and paste it will take all of those tools they should be fairly useful right I'm not sure how this is going to work out but we're gonna select these coordinates here and then we are going to fill oh nice okay so we can actually do that using this so fights like these two coordinates and then I fill the region in with a that saved me probably not a lot of time cuz I was messing around with all of the tools however we can do that all over again and save ourselves possibly more time and then fill region look at that so there are really quite fiddly these new tools and I would prefer just to have a wand that used commands so that I had my you know I I'm well ad versed in how to use well that it so these new tools feel very clunky and slow to me whereas I just type in boom BAM POW badda-boom back but POW and it works that's not exactly what I type in but you get the idea I I'm very quick on putting in full search process fill copy-paste all that kind of stuff right we got ourselves an island in less than three minutes not very impressive but I'm sure we can make it work now the question is what are we going to put on our island now I was going to have like a big ol rock jutting out of here just for decoration purposes I wasn't gonna make it anything fancy just wanted it to look kind of cool give us something to look at now it would be kind of normal I guess to have just a tree on the island I've got to be able to come up with something better than that surely and it's not like we don't have enough time either the whole point is that you get a bit more time in this one let's have a think about it while we make this rock okay I still haven't got any ideas I've just been fiddling around with this rock for about a minute I've put in some different textures just to try and make this I've just spent way too long on this rock all together I mean I'll tell you what we could do this might this might save us a bit of time and make it look cool alright what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the coordinate selector select that in we are going to copy and then we will paste a few of these what I could have sworn I did that correctly cannot interact outside oh okay there we go let's try this again that's what I mean that's kind of clunky that bit unnecessary right copy region and please work yeah we have ourselves a rock great another rock we haven't really got anything on our island but got ourselves more rocks alright let's place this paste again what why does it paste directly I don't know well anyway what I thought we could do is actually edit some of these rocks so that they don't look exactly the same but they still look nice I've spent pretty much this entire time making rocks don't don't please don't judge me I can build better than this I promise what we're gonna do is just edit this again bring this down I don't know I I don't know see I don't know we got four minutes left right let's actually make some content on our island so let's add a couple of dead bushes this is more about atmosphere than anything else we can actually add ourselves a boat if that works nope we're not allowed to use boats on this server fantastic I'm gonna have to make a tree I'm so uncreate 'iv I have to just make a palm tree I can't think of anything else that's so disappointing I'm disappointed in my own creativity here but when I think of Island this is pretty much it and I'm pretty sure everyone else is going to have one of these as well so what's gonna make mine stand out these rocks I don't think so man I'm seriously disappointed in myself unless I can come up with something in the last three minutes this could end quite badly for me I would be yeah my self oh we could do a little Oh tell you what we could do because we can't have boats as an item what we could do is a actual shipwreck how about that yeah let's do that quickly I'm sure we can manage and we'll quickly kind of texture this in with some more with some sandstone try and give this something we can even make a few patches of grass on here yeah patches of grass kind of bring that in a bit there we go and we only have three minutes left fine by me right now what do we do what do we do what do we do we want ourselves some oak wood we want us up some spruce and we want ourselves some punks all right so this is going to be the front of the ship them that comes up and then we want to bring it round and down very steadily all the way here and we're gonna replicate that did you know we can't flip I wish there was a flip tool because that's pretty much the most useful thing you can do with well did it is make one one side of a building copy it rotate it or flip it or whatever and just paste it back over that is the most useful thing that you can do but since we can't do that I can just you know make more rocks let's make sure that we make this look very broken like it is a shipwreck and then we can have we've got two minutes actually we've got a fair amount of time we're gonna have a mast that's kind of drooping down either side like so so unfortunately I won't be uploading as much as you guys might want me to and actually away in Iceland at the moment as I'm building this ship right now and you're watching it I am in Iceland well as you're watching it I mean Iceland I'm actually at home but by the time you see this I will be enjoying myself in the cold of Iceland so I hope that everyone had a good Christmas holiday and yeah you won't be seeing as many videos at the moment and that's kind of why I'm playing a lot of build battle and other minigames just to kind of well I've only got one day to prepare for this whole trip so it's been massively stressful massively massively stressful ok we are nearly done with our ship I'm just adding a quick mast in if there's any fans from Iceland by the way shouts out to you I'm sure I'm having a great time in your country I know it's very touristy at the moment everyone seems to be going there but kudos there's not many people that live in Iceland so it's kind of a rarity but then having said that apparently according to my YouTube analytics I have one view from Antarctica one view I don't know how it calculated it I don't know where who in the science community has decided that they like my videos but there's someone in the South Pole in my videos and I'm pretty sure it's not a penguin right let's see whack a chest in here maybe quickly that is not half bad I think we did pretty well and now we're going to have to go through oh wait we're all anonymous I'm gonna go with okay I really want to see something special with these islands we had ten whole minutes I want to see something creative I'm imagining everyone will have made something like this and that's okay and that's what you're gonna get and okay I want to see something creative like this unfortunately they didn't actually finish so a very creative idea but they really didn't succeed in finishing it so it's gonna sit with an okay with me right oh here's mine but nobody knows look at that they've got this weird like that's my name now right we got shipwreck we got some rocks come on look at my rocks I think that's pretty cool there's it's different it's definitely got something something to benefit from it oh that bit is floating I didn't mean for that happen what is what is this is this meant to be a spaceship on a square island and there's a there's a cake caveman here it's it's okay I like the creativity but the island itself is just a giant square all right we got another floating island I think this is meant to be odd you know what we could have done Skyblock that would have been really cool I'm gonna go with okay again I'm not sure what's going on with the lapis here normal trees yeah is quite creative yeah definitely creative we should have done the sky block and made like a whole sky block arena that would have been cool whoa look at the size of these trees we got ah no this this person's totally done well I I can't go anything other than good because they've totally done exactly the same as me yeah I really like this I like this a lot actually I might even open up I didn't have time no I think okay I think good was that alright with that one we got something similar here we got a boat we've got a donut I'm gonna have to go okay it's just the standard island it's very very small I have to I have to wonder what they were doing for 10 minutes because that looks like a five-minute bill to me right we got another one again this is kind of what I was expecting everybody to make so okay it's got a waterfall I'm really looking for something special but done well someone had like a spaceship crash but it didn't really resonate couldn't really tell what it was oh volcano that's the past pretty good I've been rumbled boys guys I've been look Korean probably gris-gris oh that kind of recognizing me little do they know they don't actually know if it's me or not I'm just gonna say no right well we go here well I'm gonna just say that this none of this is an island I'm not sure what's going on so I'm gonna have to go poo but that they've got floating islands here but the main bit of their build is over here it's not resonating with me yeah we're not resonating I'm sorry oh no my bad build will be in a green video hey no that's what I'm talking about that is creative why didn't I do that you're gonna get a good that is really good I love this okay we got a standard island but someone's done something creative I am ashamed I didn't like this does this mean I'm a pro does that mean I'm a designated pro oh my goodness nice so we want our first ever round of Pro build battle so that's it everybody thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video I know his very basic one and we we just we made a little island but it was nice it was pleasant it was relaxed and yeah I'm actually pretty happy with how things are going thank you so much for you support over the holidays I'm sure I'm having a relaxing time in Iceland and I will be sure to send you a video of me in Iceland and get all sorts of cool drone shots and I don't know I'll just I'll play around with a little video and see how you guys like it anyway thank you very much for watching as usual guys good goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,865,924
Rating: 4.8591518 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, build battle, pro, pro build battle, build, battle, minecraft minigame, minigame, minecraft build battle
Id: JvWxuBdqVjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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