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hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of bed wars we have heard that there's been an update so we're going to be making fort green again using some of the new stuff so the dream team today is domme Rao I think like dumb rap okay J the star that's what we were supposed to do and Avex so today we've all got our christmas skins and i've got my my cute little Christmas jumper on so J we've got like cut it we got matching matching jumpers and Avex is a reindeer and dum Rao is the the drench the drench which is domme Rao slash Grinch combination are we ready boys let's get into it okay here we go Fort Greene is making its revival we're going to make it out of glass so it's indestructible the only problem is glass is extremely expensive so what we're doing is we're playing this smart we're going straight for diamonds only I'm painfully slow at making these bridges red haven't even started yet so we got a good start on two diamonds oh three mega three and now I'm gonna start buying as much glass as possible hi in forge upgraded level one I think the first Fort Greene we ever made was red and then it was green so it's about time we had a proper yellow one what we're gonna do is make a big glass like box around the outside and then fill this up in good old fashioned green fort ways because the glass is way too expensive to make it purely out of glass which is what I imagined when I came up with this but it's so expensive it's not possible this is gonna get really messy really quickly unless I'm I'm plan this out tight does he do these even do anything no what a waste of time I'm gonna make a tunnel system through the base by the way guys so that you can get through fortunately no one has come into the base yet so we've actually had a pretty cool oh I was scared to make sure that I don't make the same mistake that I seem to always make on dead walls and that's not actually maker way to get up to the higher levels so I need to make sure there's a staircase there at all times this is looking pretty fortified if you ask me oh the final diamond yes so once we've got all the Forge set up it means that will snowball now because we're getting emeralds this is gonna work great as soon as we've built the glass protection up this is the new and improved for green that cannot be destroyed all right we are actually making some pretty good progress here the only person that's lost their bed so far is red team and I don't really know what they're doing that bed is nothing compared to the protection that we've got here Oh someone's here someone's here someone's here who where where what why how where that's dumb around where is where are they oh my god oh please guys you've got to do it where at where are they where are they where are they did you get him Oh No look at this okay he fell into the void look at this mess okay well Fort Greene seems to have worked at least at that attack I got completely blown off the side of the island by a TNT time to start covering it all up again Oh was that someone in our base I can't even tell we've got too much of her we've got too much of a maze in here at the moment let's fill this back up and we can make another way up if we need to in a minute the key here is to have so much so many blocks that they can't even tell where the bed is and then if we mix in glass every now and again they won't be able to blast in at all I just realized there's no glass here how do we get how do we get in from the outside the next question how do we actually get in from the outside we need to at least we need to at least make this look like some kind of fall even if it's only cosmetic we just need we just need those guys to know who's boss well is that someone attacking I think I summon someone attacking whoa what's going on here what's this why is this is this a skull to scare them dumb Rails building your face ah they are attacking us with fireballs I don't know who sent okay that green guy over there so yeah nice try nice try he may break our towers but he can't get in that's exactly the main point of this so previously great fault careered was made out of wool and they could just destroy it with a few well-placed fireballs but now they can't get in at all I just need a lot more glass to protect the roof the main problem is once once someone is in here once someone is in the base it's so difficult to find them because there's a limited pathways so we might want to make sure we have a good pathway system these presents are really annoying I can't even get there's one in my inventory that I can't get rid of okay we can start we well I say start we can finish covering this in glass so that the entire fortress is safe we're so close to B we're so close to being finished on this fault green is nearly complete is everyone just what are they doing everyone's just kind of just sitting on their base being boring while we're actually making a proper base I got a little tower here it's completely useless but I've got a tower what have you made I can't even see what you've made from this angle green bed oh there's that's it all the beds are gone so now all there is left is to really kill everyone oh that's unfortunate I was hoping that we'd get at least one offensive from someone that is pretty rad that is pretty cool I've gotta admit the red team have not been challenged at all well yeah I just saw that Alex just literally went in look how high is jumping average just went in and wrecked the red team Alex all these wait for me like wait for me can we get the blue ow I got hit Oh him okay let's go for it I'm coming I'm coming over come on this bolero bow arrow bow fight move out the way I'm charging him I'm charging him I'm charging him ow let's go some heavy knock back ow no who's top okay okay okay I'm backing up and back it up he's run out he's run out of no he hasn't oh he's on 9hp ow ow ow ow ow is anyone behind him I'm just peeking over the top Oh Oh what no way ah that was a beautiful face Oh No why I just what Oh sudden death that's what they were waiting for so Fort Greene was completely useless well Fort Greene you served us well it looks kind of pretty with all like the wood interlaced into it all right I'm ready I'd I'm not really ready though I haven't got much on me oh I see yeah see you on the right all right I got the jump potion they're gonna knock us back I'm just flailing my sword everywhere and I'm gonna die Oh No who won what just happened I'm so did they win so this was pretty interesting now normally in all of my bed Wars videos we go over a very brief time lapse but as you can see this round was pretty boring really look at the red team they didn't really build much at all they lost that bed and then stayed there blue team I guess did quite a lot and the footage for this is a little bit glitchy just ignore that Green Team kind of gave us a little bit of a fight but for the most part everyone was very stagnated compare that to next round and you'll really see a difference but for Creon which is why we made this video stands tall and proud and protected in class and that's the main thing and I would do it over again now if you want to see our fights a bit better this is exactly what happened and we just got rekt absolutely destroyed dude I think I think Fort Greene was a waste of time I'm not gonna lie I think it was a massive waste of time those iron golems completely destroyed us those golems were just wrecking me we wasted our money on blocks when they spent it wisely on golems it's just in my nature I can't help it whenever wherever play bed Wars I've just I've got to build it's like a compulsion really I mean I had to be fair I do play offensively and don't don't typically build every single time but whenever I'm recording I just I got to it's just in my nature I don't see the yellow team doing anything in particular oh they just out my render distance I see an invisible bridge being built they are heading over to the diamond island on our right they are definite RJ's Jays about to meet them there he is he's come into he's come into a few go and J mess him up mess him up dude yeah yeah hit him hit him hit him harder gone Jay no Jay the diamonds oh there's diamonds here we've got our first we got our first iron boy yeah oh he's on a timer [Music] East oh this is blue guide this blue guy there's a Pikachu at the base go get him go get him yeah that's what I thought he ran away no no no no no come on don't do that don't do that yes yes go get him go get it oh I will avenge you I will avenge you ha ha ha I just I just lost all of our diamonds guys I don't think the iron golem thing works until sudden-death if I'm honest I say we go on the offensive I say we go in old-school style well maybe maybe we play the game how it's supposed to be played all right well Green bed we're still alive get out of here get out of here nice he's dead dudes these chests have so much gold in them oh no he's back for more this is different I died oh I had stuff on me okay I've got TNT and I want to try and sneak in old-school style and get their bed alright it's best I can do oh there's a bit of standoff here oh I'm going for him get him dog getting on yes I said that's how we roll in red team I'm just gonna build really high up I'm gonna go really high up and we're gonna just make a massive line straight over to them as high as I can go hopefully I've got enough blocks for this and then I'm just gonna drop down well I won't be able to drop down but next time I die Oh someone's here someone's here someone's here okay if I if I drop now I'm gonna die you got him guys I'm up here hello team I mean they see me coming they completely see me coming it's okay I'll just continue where I left off that's fine it's part of it that's part of it it's fine nice I'm above them directly above them nice I'm on I'm on the wings I'm on the sail now how do I get down Shh I need to be sneaky I'm around the back oh my goodness I'm around the back they definitely don't know I'm here if I can kill this guy where is he where is he get out yes yes yes easy just one one get out of here [Music] nice oh they're back again guys help I'm so low killing all of them help me oh okay making my third run hopefully I don't see me look at the mess has been going on here blue team's just been doing nothing they have no idea guys can you keep them busy are you able to launch an assault if you keep them busy I am right I am right on top of them they're coming for me they're coming for me TNT's launching teams he's going down I'm going in I'm going for it I'm going for it I'm glad for it come on quickly yes I got it it doesn't even matter if I die I got it I got the med nice oh what a what a campaign oh wow look at the mess that's been created that is that is proper warfare right there what if blue team been doing I feel like I could probably sneak into blues base fairly easily I hope I don't have to make another long oh there you go okay we're the only ones with our beds so if we play it safe there's one yellow guy left and he's just over there I'm going for him these yellows have been a thorn in my side for too long okay I'm keeping him busy go behind him yes oh my god what a kill nice okay now we have to just go and find the last guy this is so this is such a messy oh wait what happened well half I didn't even see what happened did Dom get him DOM is save the day nice yo what why does Alex get to ride a dragon this round was way better there was loads more action and I think it was also a better map as well so we were against more competent enemies I think this round but we decided not to go for the whole fortress thing after finding out that the iron golems was not feasible either but just look at how mad the attrition was between yellow team and red team our team look at the length we had to go to just to get in there and you can see my drastic attempt to get to the yellow base but you can see that's what a proper bed Wars round looks like with just wool towers absolutely everywhere unfortunately no for Creon that round thank you to Jay Avex and Dom rau we're going to leave it there we had a couple of good rounds of bed Wars even though they did take an awful long time we found out that fort greene doesn't really work I don't know why it worked the first couple of times and we found out that playing normally does equal a win huh well there we go the experiment is concluded thank you to Jay Avex and Don again goodbye [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 5,447,565
Rating: 4.902894 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, bed wars, bed wars building, fort, fortress, minecraft bedwars, bedwars, minigame, minecraft minigame, building in bedwars, trolling, prank, minecraft prank
Id: FjUTc4sYYc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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