MAKING OUR OWN ISLAND (Minecraft Bed Wars)

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hello my name is green and i'm back with Danny DOM and Garrett we are going to playing some dog yeah severe neck legs and more build walls today and we've got some more heinous weird tactics to try the plan today is to completely ditch our island and our bed and we're going to make our own Island we're going to found a new place to live I'm going to make a new home we got a boat now so but there well I'm going to Aaron Island without you guys it's going to mean yellow Island but we do actually need to play a little bit for it to be able to do it we need to upgrade the forge and that kind of thing are you seen Titanic why why is that relevant the Titanic sank due to ghost infestations em and then bullies and goblins do you actually know the real reason why the Titanic sunk it's quite interesting yes you'll go over it will start attacking goblins we've got a diamond go through though another Chester givin giving done there where is wearing the chest over there we have to call for it oh well just here justice could go I was actually going to tell you how the Titanic sank it wasn't just because of an iceberg I was cob littleton hey what ya gonna and goblins could killed the captain it was together fine and then he put on the lord captain hat and it was pre pre q yeah it's really brilliant it's very similar those are those gobbler really captain hat oh yeah it's like that and if you like MIT ok right ok for anyone that's actually in I tried it cats are invisible I just found him it's right here oh whoa they are here there are no goblins build them like an unlikely event like a weight but leg of it in England yeah but there might be highly razeq been extinct for a while have may and then on nature suit and England - like like lions so uh wait Africa yeah stop talking nonsense come on help me with the island rare know what you mean oh wait I thought you're ready to cope webs you're right coops not how's Danny Danny you protect the bed go and like put some wood on it or something we need to do some up for building our InDesign can you not can you not can you not know do it stop we need to fill it in with wool we need to make a large like ice-cream cone shape mmm I like ice cream what is your favorite ice cream Gareth tap sad is my favorite I'd like of a sadness room-temperature ice cream mmm I'm eating out you mean melted ice cream no room temp yeah still the same consultancy olive warm ice cream why is it every time we try and play some nonsense thing in bed Wars no one comes to our base what are you talking about nonsense we got the goblins on our side a year ago and magic are you got are you a goblin is that what's happening wait I got an achievement for being a builder being an Goblin King you are our King I just had a a bit of a forth oh and when when people come along with fire charges we are dead I did I'm Karen oh okay red team out Lakes trip god I've made a nice little ball oh wow I got eight there's eight diamonds here how many are on the other side has amazing look we haven't even gone here what is going on I got legitimately got 13 diamonds what should we make on top of our island is starting to look pretty good to be honest a desert I'll make it a big old okay big ice cream now yeah lukewarm ice cream dark Spearin we should just hide a pile of it it's just us in green are they doing excu all scream going to be made out of inside general is that please already what green okay green are coming from that we don't care on I like whatever mmm Emily I've got got fire charge you ready what what that's not where I threw it which bed it will be screams like this is bed okay okay I'm going to go and buy some more fire charges yeah so no I can't get it I can't get out guys anyway Oh Danny oh did you kill it mix them all we need to make sure that they can't do that I'm gonna go over and take care of the green to force them to come to Ireland I say we I'm going to take care of greens bed right and then we can go into our Island and hole up and like try and see how long we can stay them awful watch being hard let there goes me Oh gran I gave them so much stuff bring the lamb oh boy where is he bring me the boy he's dead okay well grab box boys we're going to the island we flew away but we have my boys Rayner there guys let me get my own name I didn't work at all this is wrong one grace I can't see it already I'm coming yeah the island intruder some that was somewhat of a silly move the island might have failed but we can still win my soul back don't blow up the ball got gorgeous so you dead oh no no ha ha ha somehow I don't think the whole island thing works but let's have a quick look of what that looked like after the whole game was finished so this is what a bed Wars round looks like in third person circling round through the replay mod and all of its wonders you can see how many bridges were made but you can also see red never made a bridge to us and green never made a bridge to us either which is really interesting they all sort of focused on blue and I'm not really quite sure why leaving us to make our own island pretty much for the entire game and then green headed over to start trying to have a go at our bed and then of course as you know they succeeded so you can see that our ice cream cone made good progress until this guy came along and decided to end our day with just a couple bits of TNT and then who we actually ended up dying all of us together and that was the end of yellow team as we knew it but the island was pretty cool not very successful Fort Greene is a much much better option so let's get into the next round Shou inking this round we are just going to pile as much stuff on top of the bed as possible alright I'm going to head over to the diamonds you guys head over to the diamonds on the other side we'll upgrade to forge and then we'll start piling on the good blocks Danny Danny take your time see the diamond I've got a plan oh my god this isn't gonna work a bit oh my goodness for you I thought boy witnessing a bunch on the Green Team let's take care of it big our focus to the red base I didn't expect that to go so well where's the other guy they're just they dead yeah the one guys one green donor oh yeah Iyengar afford our Oscar she got it repaired alright well that was um that was a lot easier than I thought it would be this is a sweet dude okay now let's actually take the diamonds and go in the pile on some stuff on the bed I want it to look less ridiculous I want it from a distance to look so so much that you people won't even bother you guys you're going to help pile this type of toilet on any book or well starting off with words because I feel like it's annoying and then I've got some Sam stone and then I was just going to pile a load of wool on it I'm mainly going for height on this thing because I feel like it will look more intimidating although fatness is kind of what we need I don't think we've ever had a serious game of bed was it's completely covered in the spill nice they are good to go huh how easy was it to get to the bed though for all the pins on it this is probably tall enough right wait is there a limit I don't lie can I go oh okay there is a build limit and it's not that far wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can can we because it's like right at the top let's make a bridge all the way over to their base with some TNT all right here we go cristyne the start okay Danny I want you to stick and picking this up sir whoo-hoo oh Lisa huh nothing nothing for you attorney it happens because like but this is so easy haha help okay three but a Korean what would excuse me oh no Danny leave this on me Malone leave him so many no we can't let him get away with it he's gonna kill so no that's it I can't believe that have you seen the best place no I'm gonna have a look now so this was the face that Dom RAL was desperate to show us is a little bit on the derpy side but it's still pretty funny nonetheless so let's take a look at the replay mod of this round as we always do this map is pretty cool it's got like a UFO theme I feel like they've been a smiley face on the sword anyway you can see that all the bridges are getting made but if you look carefully over on the blue island you can see that we are building up on top of our bed just loads and loads of blocks and it gets pretty big but it's not quite as impressive as I thought it would be from a distance that is about as high as it got and then we started making the giant bridge to go all the way over to yellows to secure our win so this round was a bit of a disappointment in terms of your competition we sort of just rocked up and wrecked them really like we did we didn't really have much of a problem we killed green really early on the other guys killed red and then we just killed yelling we didn't even need to cover it up at all but we still got a big clump of blue next round all right what do we want to do you want to just play a normal game and not do any nonsense yeah sure sure that's okay let's see how like quickly we can do this this could be win-win Rosie when we're actually playing the game as it should be but no can you not can you not can you know look for you my man can I only just had enough world wait why didn't you guys I like Danny when Danny is a good player you enter the other one be serious sorry God it turn around green Hey look who it is I'm sorry man oh I don't know why I don't know what I saw like dunno why he always remembers me cuz I'm the favorite no I don't have favorites I'm like a like a mother I don't I don't I don't do favorites me there you do I'm listening on the favorite the best dove is the sea I know I just failed so much me eyes covered over oh we haven't even come to bed that's why they're coming over this time get away from doormouse - lardo okay so helping Joe alright we got it we got to do these the famous old tactic get some world get some TMP drop it on their face what like race in the rain wash the base there just to bake to Ferrari red eye gosh for the country degree guys get it on okay and you're gonna give that a couple beds oh well couldn't hit him what I just saw you like whacking nothing I don't think I have enough socks amazing boy that's really different to you what do you mean Oh but you can make that jump make the job use my job thank you quick come fall screaming today comes after you and died no that wasn't quotes terrible I ever want to play a game again but we are going to watch this round again because I want to show you what it looked like after we all died we were the first team out I believe it didn't take long we really really failed miserably and that's what we get for trying to play the game properly we seem to win a lot more when we're just messing around and creating nonsense on our islands and I just I don't know why I don't get it I don't understand maybe we're just bad at video games so it didn't take long for yellow team that's us to get knocked out by the Green Team and blue and green pretty much how to fight the whole rest of the round ending in greens defeat and then the red and blue sort of hit out and there's only one red guy left he has no bed and eventually he died as well look how much the blue guys surrounded so that's pretty much what a normal round looked like anyway that's it for me thank you very much for watching and a big THANK YOU to Dom Gareth and Danny for joining me and goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,286,167
Rating: 4.9163709 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, bed wars, minecraft minigame, minecraft games, island game
Id: uK6o3v4_OQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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