MINECRAFT DISASTERS! (New Minecraft Minigame)

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quartz block it Martha oh my god hello my name is green and today I'm back with friends and fans to play a new game called it's pretty straightforward actually but I think it's better to show you what this game is then explain it it's a new game on my new so everyone should come along and play as well but let's show it off first okay so we are in the match it's going to start very shortly seek shelter we gotta see it okay so acid rain rise of the old ones whatever that means and thunderstorm alright so we gotta stay indoors should we climb or should we stay at the bottom floor for now because sometimes it's like is it better to stay on the floor or at the top help us all depends how fast you want to die I don't want to die I'm risking it for a power I don't know what was that look oh my god what is happening oh my god yes everything happened look at the outside oh no oh no no no it's melting the blood okay see this is why it was just a heart move to stay down here because if we went up the acid rain would have eventually got a feeling oh my god oh my god this is this is not okay oh my god this is not this is not okay wait what's coming is that the acid rain coming now yeah if their basement is there a basement you know just to stay in the kitchen guys thank you Oh No can we survive and oh my god he's like dying out there in the rain oh no hide hide I found a book where I'm safe oh my goodness something's pulling me out worried what I'm safe under this log everyone huddle for warmth has anyone seen what the old one team's thunderstorm is kind of obvious oh no oh my god help help help how about your help oh my god how do you survive me how do you survive this he's going to video building a say ability no it's gone the tall buildings are gone as well I keeps a dancer Thunder skull until wattage what a hell does go excited it's on I got a power all right let's run okay I get it oh oh oh really good go up follow so now up here let's go to the top of the building probably safe up there if we follow so cool but we have in who did so win the last game anything what's physically around like oh my god I thought I just died where am I oh no I just swapped places with someone that was so confusing oh it swap swap in five seconds this is like okay okay so I want to myself in danger except I don't I'm getting in the bus warnings wattage is unstable aborting one of that what does that mean but I'm safe I'm scared really is but it's all for someone proof five okay I'm going to jump in the fire as soon - what yeah - fire someone tries to jump off the edge below so on oh so smart that's why I drove to do hopefully get this with you good good good let's move me up and do the same thing okay five for Jay come on jump with me / - good what hmm oh good oh my Joey didn't swap us oh that's so unfair okay I thought I was being smart Alice let's do another round I want to know just how insane the finger I mean we started with what two disasters and now we're going for I don't know how many let's find out we always run to the same building guys we should let's find out what the designer love though and we decide where we're going gravity shift indicator looking all serious as all going the big definitely need to get into line so it's under store your Santa drain and gravity shift I don't know what I guess gravity shift means we're gonna go in the air no yeah I understand go ahead it would lay in the kitchen of safety this time everyone what a move you know that it's gonna like like ceiling again didn't it oh we gotta get to a bigger bill is a big ability now you're gonna make where we are where we are yeah we are don't don't do it we're gonna make it a little gonna make it soldered wait how do you get there oh it's like it like revelry let's go it's like in separate there do that's it oh do you see are we gonna go back down soon I think look at that guy outside he's stuck if already wanted I could kill one of you how has a baseball bat know you don't know you will I have power honesty stop selfish person like this may give you good time itself good day okay turn outward look about the Hulk do slippery can hit that guy hit library at it get one of these guys out oh noes suck some of the books also doing Ellen I kind of want to fight up if anyone when I come with me okay wait okay well I'm saying okay it may go you go and I'll follow okay yeah hey no way there's like Lux getting broken ticketless this is like the most ludicrous scenario that I've ever seen we're just like good i oliver serious today no we've been chosen how come I really want to win a game so - is that in your blood that he has a rentability look let you conceal their names up there nice - oh my host API then we'll get like a I know I know it seems and guarantee behind you oh no Chris two more seconds you can do this Oh No okay where do we go oh good we go done here no it's not a space for the both of us oh my god gonna be guys like at the end there oh they're okay hey guys oh oh you go right so a virtual here really care bad white boys get out of here which had a baby at home come on this finger Oh let's go she's honest we did it yeah we do we were well we suppose a surprising amount of people survived that one okay I want can we have crab even more like five or six how many it was the limit on this crazy yes what's the limit as just like the claw from Toy Story testing your SN big okay okay where is everyone wears team at because winter that roll now we're over there really all right let's go me up the top of there so there's going to be as many as possible serie killer firestorm before is love foot what is that miracle and fund I'm gonna go with us let's go up let's go up here I'm going in the bus then again that's definitely not going to survive J no no it's good why is it okay okay the floor is lava here kind of near the floor you know is it kids of death no time course pocket laughing oh my god if you're sitting I'm stuck I'm stuck wait what what wow okay I will join yellow okay only lovely everybody later on okay the game you I said no and in the serial killer dice me and Jameis Erica dad apparently hey alakina can I agree into spawned right at me I can do anything if I go I was a fun one let's shine again right I was stuck in the Galactic same tactics same tactic there's going to be four disasters this time it's going to be nuts hopefully that's something we haven't seen before so the game starts at 10:00 let's all run over to this building here let's see James Lawson three two one assassination assassinate your target floor is lava giant slime and sticky feet you can't jump oh that's gonna fall oh yeah oh wait the floor is lava again okay I'm going to stay on here because I doubt that this block is gonna be lava it's probably gonna blow again Oh looking out on them Sun up here we're gonna be okay light gray carpet is lava okay hey Jake do you go to assassinate it's not me right huh no but it's someone we know okay it isn't one of the boys yeah no wait oh man how do we get out give me the slide I can't go inside I had my Danny oh my god oh my god singing at periodically turning into lava okay uh how do we get out I had been you and I get in those bed oh I have I have some guy I know agreement Jonas Harris don't we get out we can tell oh no Christmas party tip on a lobster look damn it why didn't I they see look with love and all the floor was going wish I saw only one block turn to lava but it just all of them do it our building was definitely the worst hit as well look at our building compared to everywhere else they will do that mostly the highlight of that round was the slime jumping parking window we start down here is that chess where did everyone find like the sticks and stuff all right where will someone is a well tonnage you're too heavy to stand still what blackout stay in the Sun oh no think I'll run to the sides well this doesn't sound good what does that be I don't know son night okay so I guess let's stay near the end and we have to keep moving apparently a tonnage so starting disasters have started right what was that agreeable the rebels is just there in underwear walk wait is this fabulous no no no kill him kill him kill Jay no give me that oh what's going on to the sinkholes bitters stay to the side no no that's carnage that's tonnage don't fall down because you won't be able to jump out tonnage is like breaking the floor beneath you Ike I'm so glad we kill Jay just go through another look oh my god don't stand still or you will get stuck in a hole and fall into the void what what what just got me I just like took damage and I don't know why we're soul as I'll stuck in a hole no you're not it's monsters I'm trying it oh there's another one I'm teasing right wait Jay Jay you you survived I'm still alive oh my god what I thought we killed you commit the in the hole Oh surely I don't take cover oh oh I'm stupid oh no James so good I go all right Jay no don't do it I'm not I'm stuck in the hole oh wait so who's this Wells mmm oh good okay I need to not go undercover that's why I've opened a little on earth as a sinkhole I think oh there's a gigantic hole in the middle of the map right I'm gonna make my wait I'm I don't know I may be awesome if those away okay the 13 players left that's a lot oh no I'm stuck underneath the tree I even not go under the tree oh good wait who is this werewolves they're gonna kill me well I'm pretty sure soldiers trying to kill me did you hear I can do it oh well please let her who amongst you are alive is alive I am okay join me out somewhere yeah I'm running around yeah I'm running around - hopefully we're not running in the same direction because it will never meet I'm 30 seconds lepers to keep rain around the corner I don't see the werewolves maybe behind me let's see that's your own path soul oh oh if you ramp up though you're definitely heading the right direction because I passed her earlier wait no I'm gonna turn around okay okay I think that means we go then that will me keep a stop just good oh nevermind nevermind nevermind nevermind a climber globe nevermind oh no yes luckily I can hope oh my god the box of the box are going too quick for me you saw you good we won we won does that mean the werewolf loses I hope so it's like you look in your lash to rebel okay that's enough of that that was a lot of fun I definitely do you guys think that it's more fun with way more disasters yes yeah I think so too I think like 3 or 4 is the best so can't lose to somewhere - she's like a cockroach okay so thank you to everyone friends and fans that joined this if you want to play it's on MC green net my new server so come along and they'll be turned the people playing and trying to survive and they'll probably be a few more disasters than the ones we played on so thank you very much to the guys for joining me and thank you for watching goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 5,243,674
Rating: 4.9161 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, disasters, minigame
Id: S6CtLvypf5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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