Starfield Ship Build: This Cargo Fortress Autonomously Destroys Pursuers

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greetings fellow Starfield fans and welcome to my latest ship building tutorial now this ship is a classy cargo ship can haul 7,000 kilos of cargo without any perks and it can haul 10,500 if you have all the perks it also has very powerful rear facing turrets so whatever's not in front of you which you're not to take out with your pilot control gun will be swiftly dealt with with these automated turrets in fact they're so good that a lot of times you can kind of just let the ship take care of itself if you're not really into losing Space Battles all you have to do is point this Beast away from your group of enemies turrets will clear out anyone that's trying to pursue I'm actually here at the key and it looks like my ship cleared out everyone that was chasing me now admittedly I do have a fair amount of pilot skills however this game is set to very hard my ship was still able to clear out every Target without even me having to fire my manual guns of course this ship does have pilot controlled guns because a ship without any pilot controlled weapons just isn't any fun before I get started on the step-by-step build instructions I thought I'd take you on a quick tour of the Interior we're here on the bridge so we have our pilot seat we have a couple jump seats as well we have our cargo hold and our Captain's Locker then we have these nice stairs which let us avoid using ladders for our two main decks here this is the landing Bay and this is the docker so you're always going to enter into this areaa this is the Deo living quarters it has a galley has a nice storage crate behind this we have our Captain's Quarters can peer out the windows into space here check out our scan Jammer look at some asteroids and of course we have a bed we have this navigation console really does the same thing that your menu does so it's not totally necessary but it looks pretty cool on the second floor here we have a computer core I like this one because it has a storage crate behind this we have our Workshop which has a space suit workbench a weapon workbench and an industrial workbench we'll go back a little further we'll find our research lab and our pharmaceutical lab so we have all the workstations including a research lab we're out here in the engine pylon now we have a storage crate we can look out the window this is a tile computer core we're going to have similar layout on the other side we have another storage crate and another window now we can hop on up to the upper decks this is kind of a lookout area we have windows in every single Direction so you can peer out into space or if you're on a planet you can kind of give yourself a 360° view of the landing area before you disembark then we can climb up the rest of this ladder to visit the crew area now we do have a couple computer cores up here as well so we're going to have a little bit more storage you have some windows in this a section you can peer out at the turrets that we have on this ship and we can walk out to the engine pylons to our computer cores again it's like each each engine kind of has its own technical station with a with a bunch of computers and also a storage crate so here's our last engine pylon similar layout got a window if we go into this area we'll see that we have have ah head of course can't have a ship without somewhere to go to the bathroom we got a couple bunk beds even have another Galley here and we can hop on up to the very top deck which is another crew area got a little workout area here punching bag and we enter this back area we'll see that we have another galley we have four more beds also have another bathroom so between the lower section this upper section we end up having eight beds for our crew and of course we have one for oursel so that's the interior of the ship so let's get started with a build now you're not going to be able to get every part that you need at your Outpost ship Builder you're going to have to go to Saturn's moon Titan and visit New Homestead for some you're going to have to go to volley and visit neon for some others now I went to New Homestead already I got this Keo C4 bridge I got four of these Nova cross passages and I got two of these ng20 landing gear now these have different versions we're going to use the wide version but you can actually switch these to the different variants at any location even if they don't sell them so we'll need two of those and then if you're going to build your build exactly like I built mine you can grab two of these 300 CM B cargo hold as well they sell these at new Homestead on Saturn's moon Titan the last part I bought beforehand was this pinch 8z reactor now this requires level 60 to be purchasable there is another reactor that makes 40 power the sf40 that only requires level 57 um it's a little bit lighter and the downside to that one is it offers a little bit less hole strength this one weighs 13 more it offers 35 more hole strength which is a pretty good deal if you look at other parts so the rest of these parts are just parts that came with the ship when I bought it so we're not going to need these and if you happen to share any parts with a final build then that'll just make your build a little bit cheaper now we are going to need to go to Neon to get the engines that we want I didn't buy those yet because there was just nowhere to attach them to the ship I didn't want to buy extra structural components just to find a way to fasten them that'd be a waste of money so I'm going to have to return to Neon to finish up this build neon also sells a couple of the weapons that I'm going to want to use so we'll just make a return trip to Neon once we're done with a ship Builder now whatever end you have on your ship you can use that temporarily to fly back to Neon I'll be using a single engine a puny little Class A and it'll still work temporarily I will point out that this reactor requires rank four of ship design some of the weapons I use require rank four of ship design so you really are going to want rank four of ship design in order to build this if you just like the look and you don't really care about adding the same components you can sort of get away with a lower rank now you won't be able to use these landing gear which is going to reduce your maximum takeoff weight or you can get around that by adding a couple extra gear to the side you can use um a stoud gear in place of this this is really the ideal gear to use so you're going to want rank two now if you really really want to try and push it you can probably maybe build a ship that looks somewhat like this with only rank one of ship design you can get a lower tier version of this bridge but without rank one you're going to be in trouble because we're use these gallon s22 cargo holds and they're the only cargo hold that really Blends in with a look so if you don't have at least rank one I wouldn't even attempt this however really you should be waiting till you have rank four to build this otherwise you're going to be making a lot of compromises on parts and this guide is only going to cover how to build this if you have rank four there's also one more caveat before building this ship I'm going to be using the Sal 6830 engine in order to buy that you're going to have to complete the quest all that money can buy it's part of the main quest line I don't really want to give away any spoilers but I will say that you have to complete it diplomatically in order to be able to purchase this engine so try not to kill anyone you don't have to that's a that's the goal if you can't buy the Sal 6830 engine you could use the 6330 however each of those weighs 10 more and we're going to be using six of them so you're going to have to find a way to free up 60 mass now you can do that just by reducing the cargo capacity by a little bit so that's not a big deal um you could also use the 6220 which has the same exact mass as the 6830 however your Mobility is going to really suffer because it just doesn't have as much thrust so with that out of the way let's start in the build now you can actually delete these parts while you're at your Outpost ship Builder as long as you don't exit the ship Builder you to reselect them from the menu so let's get started from a clean slate here we'll start with a Cabo C4 bridge then let's work on our Habs we're going to use a Taio 2x1 the top a version because it has no snaps and it looks smoother we're going to place that directly behind our Bridge we're going to start off with this computer core then behind that we're going to use a workshop make sure you get the top a version for both of these it'll look better behind the workshop we're going to add an infirmary so you're going to have all your crafting stations here together you'll have three workbenches in your Workshop then you're going to have your research lab and your pharmaceutical lab in your infirmary the only thing you won't have in this immediate area is your Galley now this bridge is going to have stairs so if you build your ship exactly the way I build mine you won't have any ladders in your ship at Le at least not on these first two levels you're only going to have ladders leading to the upper levels which are for crew only we're going to add a deos living quarters directly below this too computer core this deos living quarters is really nice because it has a storage crate that can carry 150 kilos worth of gear it also has two passenger slots a lot of times if you pick up passengers you're just going to kind of hang out in this area too so it's kind of nice aesthetically to have kind of a Lobby for the entrance area to your ship so let's add our Landing Bay you could use this ng6 Landing Bay it has a mass of two however this deos 120 LD Landing Bay is going to look a little bit nicer it only weighs one more so let's attach that to the Front Bottom of the living quarters now let's add our Docker we use this 110 DP Docker from deos it's a top Docker where we're going to flip it so it becomes a bottom Docker we're going to attach this to the back of the living quarters so we're going to have our entrances both pretty much in the same area so whenever you enter your ship you're going to know where you are regardless if you came from space or from the ground let's add the Captain's Quarters now we're going to use this 2x1 bottom B version we want the bottom B version cuz it's rounded on the bottom we don't want it to be round on the top won't look quite as good and it also has these attachment points which we're going to need so I'll point out now that if you build this like this you probably will end up getting a ladder connecting the Captain's Quarters and the workshop and it's going to build a wall between the Captain's Quarters and the living quarters I don't really want ladders in this ship but I found out that if you add Port holes which are in the structural section it'll kind of discourage the game from building ladders so we don't want ladders in our ship so let's attach a p hole this will prevent the ladder from forming now for symmetry going to add one on the other side as well and you actually can get away hypothetically if you don't like those Port holes and you're doing more cargo hold adding a port hole to the top here will also seem to prevent the ladder from forming or you can even attach one to the sides here but this Workshop doesn't have snaps I want for the rounded look so by doing it this way by having Port holes on the sides of our Captains Quarters we should prevent the ladder from connecting these two and that way everything should be connected by stairs so you can just run around your ship and you won't have to climb ladders so let's add our ng20 landing gear these are from Saturn's moon Titan settlement of new Homestead and I already bought two of these which we're going to attach both of them underneath the Captain's Quarters so let's attach our grab Drive I use this Apollo gb300 grab drive because it offers 50 grab jump thrust which is enough to get this ship from Alba to zanzi as long as we keep the mass to 4221 or less now if you have astrodynamics skills you can actually get away with a lighter grab Drive potentially but I made this ship so they can get anywhere even if you don't have any skills you can also increase your grab jump range by having Sarah Morgan on your crew however her as dnamic skill is Bugg for me so I'm actually going to build this ship so that I can get anywhere without any perks for our reactor I chose this pinch 8z it ties the sf40 for power produced however it offers 35 more Hull strength for only 13 more mass which is actually a pretty good deal so we're going to attach this to the back of the grab drive so let's finish up the main level of our ship here I already bought four of these Nova cross passages from new Homestead on Titan I'm going to use two of them here attach the front of the infirmary these will lead us to our engine pylons for the engine pylons we're going to use a too computer core top B on each side we need the top B version because it has the snaps we actually connected this to the back snap of this computer core while it's attached to the front snap with this infirmary so that'll give us our offset for our engines so let's add this hope Tech companion wave we're going to use this to build a ladder to our upper decks you're not going to have to visit the upper decks very much it's mainly a place for your crew to hang out but there will be a few storage crates up there and if you want to talk to your crew you may have to go up there to find them however all the key functionality of this ship is located on the lower two decks here including your Captain's Quarters as well as a little bit of storage you're going to have storage here going to have storage here and have a storage crate here so let's build these crew quarters we're going to use a Tio computer core 2x1 bottom B we want the bottom version cuz it's rounded we want the B version because it has snaps then we're going to attach few more of our cross passages so those are our four Nova cross passages and these cross passages are going to lead us from the computer core to the other computer cores which We'll add in the upper Wing pylons so there will be a storage crate in each of these although you do have to climb a ladder to get to these if you want to store some stuff that you don't need to access very often that you don't want in your cargo hold you'll have a fair bit of storage for that type of thing now let's add the living quarters we're going to use this Taio Allin one birth 2x1 bottom a this version is rounded and it doesn't have any snaps so this will look nice in the center of our ship this Hab actually has four beds potentially but since we're going to have a door connecting to this computer core it's going to remove the back two beds so we're going to have two crew beds in this section next we're going to add too living quarters 2x1 top a we're going to attach that on top of the allinone now this is also going to provide two beds so we're going to have two beds here and two beds here I figured I didn't want to stack two of the same Habs on top of each other it's a little bit boring and repetitive this one's also going to have a little bit of a gym area there going to be a weight bench and your crew members might do push-ups and stuff like that so let's finish out the living quarters we're going to use another Tio Allin one this will be a top a no snaps round it on the top we're going to put that behind the living quarters now this one will actually have four beds because there's going to be nothing behind it besides an engine so this will bring us to four plus two plus two we're going to have eight beds for our eight crew and you're going to have your own bed in the Captain's Quarters so we'll have nine beds on this ship the perfect amount see so let's add some of the structural pieces we're going to use this Stroud cap behind the cockpit we're going to switch it to the AFT version we'll attach that right here we'll duplicate it we'll flip it attach it to the bottom then we're going to do the same thing on the other side just flip them around a few times till they line up there's not really very many pieces that line up nicely with this cockpit so you don't have that many choices these also have a weapon attachment point I'm not going to need these with my particular weapons load out but if you want to use different weapons there are four attachment points there for you each one has one I'm also going to use these Stroud engine bracers so that it doesn't look like our ship would fall apart don't actually need these I just think it looks better with them in place so I added one in line with a cross passage on each of the outer engine pylons then I added one here in the front of the all-in-one birth in the front of the workshop kind of keeps it looking like it wouldn't fall apart so you can use these tile braking engines if you want to round out the look or you can use these Taio nose caps the mass on these is identical so it's completely an aesthetic choice and entirely up to you I want the smooth look for this build so I'm going to use four of these nose caps I will point out that the braking engines will actually do a little visual reverse thrust sometimes so if you think that's cool could go for these let's run out the top I'm going to use this too coling I'm going to attach it in front of this living quarters here now you can actually flip this if you want so you can go for the fully rounded look however I want a place to attach some weapons I think it looks pretty cool with this Nova weapon Mount so I'll be using this for this particular build this has six weapon BS on it although really you kind of only want to use four cuz otherwise it'll look like your guns are going to shoot each other the longer guns won't even fit so this is a good location to mount three or four weapons for this build now there is a cosmetic piece that kind of matches these Collings we're going to use one of them on the bottom on each side the reason we're only going to use one is because we're going to use cargo holds in the rest of the areas if you're trying to build this without any skills maybe you could use more but you really want Starship design or to build this this cargo hold require Starship design rank one we're going to use two on the top on each side their curve matches this nose cap perfectly we're going to use use one on the bottom on each side the only reason I didn't use more is cuz they just weigh a lot so by using this midcap instead of eight cargo holds we can keep our Mass to 4221 and have the ideal jump range or even keep it to 4275 to have 100 Mobility so our ship is looking kind of like a ship here I'm going to add a port hole to the front of this hope Tech companion way I'm going to flip it and add one to the back as well also going to add one to each side so this compa way is going to have a portal on each side if you choose to climb up or jump into this section you're going to be able to get a 360 degree view of everything around your ship which I think is pretty cool if you don't ever intend on visiting the upper decks of your ship you could use this Tio Companion Way one by one top a which is rounded on the top you could attach this H Tech nose to it this is actually a front nose but it can be flipped to a back nose if you get the one that's rounded on both sides it kind of Blends in reasonably well if you paint it a dark color the whole thing sort of disappears as much as possible so I think that looks pretty nice from the outside however I really like having windows in all directions it's kind of a cool feature of this ship that you don't really see very often so I'll definitely be using this now I we'll be painting the window frames dark so they blend in as much as possible to this hope Tech piece paint this whole thing dark I think that looks pretty cool so let's finish up the landing gear on this ship I'm going to be using this hope 6 landing gear offers two Lander thrust you can add one to the side of the docker you can duplicate it and cycle to the middle variant and snap one to the side of these ng20 landing gear we can also add hypothetically we could add up to two more so if you weren't able to buy these landing gear for whatever reason you kind of make up for your lack of ler thrust by adding two however switching to the back version of this is pretty nice gives it a rounded look I don't really like it sticking out the back of the ship so I decid to use two Center gear a front gear and an aft gear we're going to do the same thing on the other side so so now our laning gear is complete we still have a couple airs we need an engine of course we need our fuel tanks so let's add our fuel tanks any of these dogstar helium tanks the h10 the H20 the h30 or the h40 will fit nicely under the wings here however I decided to go with this H20 now I'm going to add two of these that'll give us 600 fuel total that's enough to get from the center of the galaxy to the edge of the known Galaxy without having to stop now if you try to go from so for example which is kind of on the left side all the way to the right side you will have to make a stop but if you have astrodynamics you may get even better fuel efficiency than I do because I don't have any of those perks so I found 600 fuel to be sufficient so that's why I'm using these I also kind of like keeping symmetry where possible let's add some cargo holds I already purchased two of these 300 CM Bas cargo holds I bought these while I was at new Homestead cuz I was already there to buy the bridge and the landing gear and these cross bracers they sell these at a few locations these are going to hold 320 cargo each attach them to the back here we're also going to want some shielded cargo capacity at least make the ship and allaround do everything sort of ship you're going to want that you of course can use a non-shielded version unshielded version of these is actually Four lighter and carries a little bit more cargo but I decided to use two of these shielded cargo holds this is all the cargo capacity I'm going to add to this particular version of this ship we're at 7,000 a little over 7,000 actually and if you have Perks it's going to be about 10,500 a little over 10,500 if you have all the perks so that's pretty good cargo capacity on a ship that's going to have 100 Mobility so now let's add our Shield we're going to use this 28t Defender it's a really good Shield has 1500 Max health and a 7% regen rate there's only one Shield that has higher Max health and it's this SG 1800 however it only has a 5% regen rate 5% of 1600 is 80 whereas 7% of 1500 is 105 which means this Shield will actually heal faster in combat this sg800 also has a mass of 160 compared to 90 for the 28t defender so this is a really good choice we're going to attach it to the infirmary here now the reason I attach this Shield to the starboard side is if you put a window in this location it's going to remove the pharmaceutical lab and we don't want to do that otherwise we won't have all the workbenches however on this side you can add a window if you want now I'm not going to add a window there with this particular weapons load out I will be adding a turret so now let's add some weapons I'm going to be using these deos wings as weapon attachment points for our turrets I snap them to the back snap on these computer cores now they are protruding from the back of the ship however we're going to have engines here so they're going to line up nicely once this is all done each of these has an attachment point on the top and bottom so we're actually going to have eight weapon Mount points here which is a little bit more than we're going to need with this particular build I'm also going to add a horizon weapon Mount I'm going to add it here opposite the shield so now let's add some of our turrets we're going to have to go to Neon to get the 250 me but this pb300 is available at your ship Builder we're going to rotate it until it's facing backward we're going to attach one to this weapon Mount we're going to attach one more to the underside of this deos wing on the port side we'll add one more facing back to the top of this Deo wing on the starboard side this gives our turrets pretty good coverage of our rear section but we're also going to want to cover our sides so I decide to add this one facing towards the port side now you could face everything backward if you're going to just always run from your opponents that might be a little bit better but I wanted this ship to be able to shoot Targets in every direction now shooting targets behind you is probably a little bit more important and of course for the Targets in front of us we're going to have our pilot controlled gun we have two errors now one of them is because our weapon is not assigned I'm going to put this in weapon group one that'll save weapon group zero for our pilot controlled weapon and weapon group two will be for our other turrets now I kind of like putting this in weapon group one just because weapon group one is to the left of weapon group two and we have this gun facing towards the Pilot's left we will add another gun facing towards the pilots right once we get to Neon so let's go to Neon the only problem is we can't get to Neon without our engine so we're just going to reattach whatever engine we had previously had on the ship and this will suffice to get us to Neon now our build is valid and we can save all right so let's go to Neon and finish up this build so here we are in neon in the volley system I talked to the ship Services tech let's get the last few parts we need first let's remove our old engine or engines we won't need those anymore then we're going to add this salal 6830 engine now remember you had to complete the quest all that money can buy diplomatically in order to have access to this engine if you didn't complete it diplomatically you could potentially try to use this engine it has 10 greater mass per engine since we're using six of them you're going to have to free up 60 Mass if you want to have that same jump range that I was going for of course maybe you have astrodynamics maybe you have slight different goals in any case this is an option the 6220 is also an option it has the same exact mass as a 6830 however it has less thrust so your maneuverability really will suffer there's also the 6110 probably don't want to use that you're going to have really bad Mobility but it's it's an option so we're going to need six of these and they're going to be quite pricey I actually have Commerce skills and even still these things are costing me a lot of money and that's actually with a refund from the engine that I sold so these engines are not cheap neon also sells the final two weapons that I wanted to add to this build so let's add those now this obliterator 250 m alpha turret is a really really good turret it actually will function incredibly well even if you only set the power to one it almost seems like a bug how little power this thing uses per shot I was actually trying to compare these two turrets to see which is better and at 12 power setting with maximum number of weapons it seems like the PBO 300 may actually do a little bit better in some cases just because once it lines up it shot it's going to be able to do a burst of damage although in theory this weapon does have a little bit better DPS like 9% better however the real advantage to this weapon is you can actually run it at a very low power setting and it just doesn't use that much per shot I don't really know why but I was testing this out at one power and it really worked just about as well as it did at 12 power so by setting these to full power and setting these to low power we're going to have tons of Firepower coming from our turrets now I installed one of these facing backward on the top on the port side I install another one upside down facing backward on the starboard side we're going to add one more and this will be our starboard turret so we have a port facing turret and a starboard facing turret then we have a whole bunch of rear-facing turrets this will really keep people off of our Tails now we're going to add our pilot controlled weapons these 95 M Auto helium beams are extremely good particle beam weapons since they're an auto weapon they actually store a large number of shots so if you have them running at one power you're still going to get to fire a lot of shots before the recharge even takes place this particular weapon actually stores 11 it actually stores the most damage of any auto particle beam so it's a really good choice when you're trying to split up power between turrets engines shield and you know your pilot controlled weapons so if you decide to run this at three or four power it'll still be really effective it'll even work fine at only one attach two of them the outside of our Nova weapon Mount here you could add one to the inside if you're very careful they will snap there however I want to go for a symmetrical look so I'm going to attach it to the top it won't actually snap here unless we add an equipment plate so I'm going to go to the structural section find an equipment plate now we'll attach the third weapon to that so those are our three pilot controlled weapons so now we have one error it's because our weapons aren't assigned to a group I want to put our pilot controlled weapon in weapon group zero and then weapon group two we'll have our 250 me Alpha turrets doesn't really matter what group you assign the turrets to cuz you can't fire them manually anyways it really only matters for allocating power so now our build is nominal and we're still a little short of our 4221 Mass goal which we needed if we wanted to fly from Alba to zanzi without any perks now if you have astrodynamics or if you're going to bring Sarah Morgan with you and she's not bugged she's bugged for me um you can actually still achieve 100 Mobility with a mass of 4275 or less 4221 4275 those are actually pretty close on the grand scheme of things so this build is still pretty optimized if you don't have any grab jump perks I don't have any so that's why I'm building it like this this ship will get you anywhere if you don't have any perks I do want to add a scan Jammer to this build so we're going to try and save a little bit of mass for that but let's add some Port holes I really like having Port holes here because I don't like how this looks without them it's kind of seems like there's a pointless kind of protrusion from the side of our ship going to add a few more here it brings our Mass up to 4211 these po holes are optional I like being to look out my ship I don't like the square look without them attached to certain places but the largest scan Jammer has a mass of seven so we can still attach three more I'm going to attach one here cuz I'd like being able to look up at my weapons I think that's pretty cool look up at the Nova weapon Mount then I'm going to give our crew a little bit of place to look out of the ship add a skylight over the exercise station here this living quarters will have a weight bench and people will be doing push-ups on the floor maybe I'm going to add another one to this Allin one birth the beds are back here so I figure keep it here and the quarters where the where the people are hanging out rather than where they're sleeping so now we're at a mass of 4214 that leaves us exactly seven Mass free to add a scan Jammer if we want to do that and of course if you're not going to do any piracy you don't need to use these shielded cargo holds you could use the standard version which offers a little more cargo for a little bit less Mass don't need to use a scan Jammer could kind of use that mass how you desire to customize to your tastes now this exterminator 95 M Auto healing beam is a really good weapon however it's not the only good choice it does do the most front loaded damage because it stores the most so if you're going to run it at a low power setting does a lot of frontload of damage this PB 175 is almost as good just doesn't quite keep up with the 95 me in the stats it's very interesting the stats will tell you that this weapon is actually better you calculate the DPS but I actually did some testing I found out this weapon doesn't fire quite as fast as it claims it fires so it's definitely one of the best weapons in the game just not quite as good as it's 95 me the other good choice requires that you join the Vanguard and completed the first mission this Vanguard obliterator Auto projector is a really nice weapon it's going to do similar damage per second the 95 M that we use it just doesn't hold as much of a charge initially and it has less range range so your front load of damage won't be quite as high you won't have quite the same range if you do manage to deplete the charge from your auto particle weapons though this Vanguard obliterator Auto projector does charge faster charges about 60% faster maybe 65 and it stores about 30% less damage in the initial charge so if you really are going to run your weapons dry this weapon does have a little bit more DPS over a very long period of time however during the initial conflict this 95 M has higher DPS because it stores more damage usually you're going to be able to eliminate your targets pretty quickly so that's why I want this exterminator 95 meev but the Vanguard obliterator is a really good weapon it's a lot of people's favorite weapon and I certainly understand why so you can use that if you want you can attach four of them to this weapon Mount here you can attach a couple more here and you can maintain the Symmetry if you want even attach them below so if you want to alter your weapons a little bit you can certainly do that the Vanguard obliterators are actually a little bit lighter so if you're trying to save MK that might be a motivation to use those as well all right let's save this thing then we're going to head to the perim system visit the red mile to add a scan Jammer of course if you're not a Smuggler you don't need to worry about that I don't really smuggle too much but I want the ship to be completely well-rounded so ready for any mission so now we're going to leave neon we're going to head out of the volley system and go to the perim system on the planet perima 3 you will find the Red Mile this is where we're going to buy our scan Jammer so I'm here at the Red Mile I found the ship Services technician you have to go inside the building he's sort of located along the right side I told him I want to view and modify my ships so we're going to find a part here that we're not going to find at most other places and it's a scan Jammer there's three different versions of this we're going to use the multifrequency one cuz it's the best now you can also buy these from the Crimson Fleet if you happen to join them however I did not and there are no special requirements to buy things from the Red Mile you just have to find it so by adding this scan Jammer we're going to increase our ability to evade detection if we have contraband this thing attaches to a weapon Mount so I just snapped it to the landing gear here figured it'd look nice being near the shield of cargo hold so that finishes up our build we have a mass of 4221 which is just light enough that we can jump from aliba to zanzi with this grab drive without any perks all that's left to do to your ship is customize the paint maybe give it a name so the easiest way to paint your ship is to just select Everything at Once then you can maybe deselect a part or two if you want to leave those a stock color maybe I don't want to paint my reactor and my grab Drive I also already painted this middle section dark gray so I can deselect that if I want to doesn't really matter these cargo holds have kind of a metallic appearance so I figure maybe I'll paint them to match my fuel tanks and then these cross passages kind of want them to blend in I kind of want this Watchtower area to sort of blend in so that they don't really stand out I want the holes to be the focus so I'm going to paint these a dark color I think I'll pain the engines dark as well did kind of like having a little bit of blue on the engines though add a little bit back this is better but yeah of course you can paint it however you want I tend to think it looks nice with some of the more mechanical parts Painted dark but of course that's up to your taste so I'm going to paint this landing gear all dark as well I don't really like having blue my port holes I realized so maybe I'll paint them all dark as well got quite a bit of visibility outside of the ship with all these por holes most importantly you have a couple on your Captain's Quarters but you will see a fair bit of your engine pylons we get a little bit of view outside as well paint those dark there we have it she's ready to fly all she needs now is a name you can change the name of your ship by going to the flight check same place you grouped your weapons and checked your messages just hit the rename ship button so that's the end of my build tutorial on this heavy holler that can escape from pretty much any threat thanks to its powerful rear mounted turrets now normally I'm more into Fighters into pilot controlled weapons but I thought this would be a nice change of pace so you want to see some different builds from me hit that subscribe button I'm going to upload more videos as I make more interesting ships thanks for watching
Channel: Allen's Project
Views: 14,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Ship Builder, Turrets
Id: wQre24LT7VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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