Budget 307 Small Block Chevy Build & Dyno - Vice Grip Garage EP28

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the pure hate in the stain I've heard on 307 s last month kind of makes a guy want to build one so I'm gonna tear this puppy down and see if it's actually worth fixing on or if we're gonna pass on it all 307 is is a 283 at the 327 crank not a lot of cubes and not a lot of rpm at all they usually fall flat about 45 4,800 but if this thing is worth rebuilding on I got a couple ideas might give us about a hundred horse bolt-on I'm hoping for so let's jump in tear everything down and see what we're looking at here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] overall I had some pretty good feedback on the budget 350 build but one of the most common questions was not cool but can you do it for 500 or 300 or some ridiculously low amount but the truth is you actually can guys they make master rebuild kits for 310 bucks on eBay Pistons stock camshaft bearings rings gaskets even an oil pump but it's stock you're not gonna get any performance out of it there's no way around spending money on a cam and I really wouldn't buy cams use personally you just you really don't know unless you can run a micrometer and figure out all the diagram vocals on measuring that sucker how do you know it's not worn out so but if this is worth repairing I think I could get away for right around $600 all in and see if we can get so no well as I was saying $600 it's kicked out up to about $700 I'm going to show you what not changing your oil does to an engine well you want to go ahead and wait to change your oil to 7,000 miles on conventional yeah go ahead and don't do that guys this is a pretty much what that does yeah and I'm pretty certain we're gonna see a lot of the same once we pull the intake off and the lifter Valley it's not good well a guy could go ahead and grab a cold snack and I'm going to get the rest of this off quick [Music] all right to see what we got in here yep just as expected great grand well here you go as you can see this engine was clearly not taken care of there's just junk everywhere so oh this is pretty much shot so let's pop the heads off and see what we got going on there has a reminder that's number three definitely something going on there all right just pull this head off and get our first look of what we got going on here at first glance not too bad here's what it looks like anything I'm looking at it's a cylinder walls here and not too bad there's some crud that fell and we pulled the heads off but it's not bad at all really so let's go take a look at that head now well here's the other side of the head and you can clearly see we've got issues in this one this is excessive oil and based on the condition of the cylinder walls I can easily assume that this is the Umbrella seal or stem seal on the valve a shot and when I looked closer on the other side but you can't see because they're coil bind the umbrella seal is shredded and clearly shot so long story short these heads need completely rebuilt unfortunately as it's not fun alright the snegoff this side number three is hurt so I'm really interested to see what's going on here well some pretty good news it does have some very light vertical scratches fairly typical I think just some ball honing we'll get out of there but nothing catastrophic I'm thinking just to carbon up or stuck compression ring which is the low compression and of course the heads over here we see definite valve seal failure and major valve seal failure on this side I've got to get this carbon off to see if any of them are actually burned but long story short the heads are junk I think the block and rotating assembly is savable so now it's time to ponder well I think what a guy is gonna do is got my digital pocket machine here we're going to get on the line and see if I can find some other used heads and while I'm doing that you know hopefully waiting for something to show up I'll just rebuild the rotating assembly here it's late Sunday very unlikely hey I'm gonna get those built in time and B I'm gonna find the right stem seals and everything else that I need for it plus if you've ever rebuilt heads and those are 74 CC heads so in the grand scheme of things if I could pick up some junk heads that are maybe 58 or even 64 CC chambers we're on our way to make a little bit better horsepower anyway these are junk heads they're garbage so see what I could find on the interwebs and then we'll tear under this guy here ooh what's this an umbrella I'll be depth if the interwebs didn't come through I've got some heads on the way kids actually driving three hours one way because they're a very specific head that I'm really glad I found I'll show you when they get here in the meantime I spent a couple hours cleaning up the block the Pistons that were the head gasket mated and the lifter Valley was trashed as you guys could see just used a bunch of different wire wheels and brushes from bench mark - pretty much of every size and shape tightly-wound loose found whatever else you need so I'll get you guys in here and get your closer look of what it's looking like now well here's what it's looking like now as you can see drastic change lots of elbow grease but a guy will get there I even took my fancy piston scraper which for me is just a roofing nail and marked on my pistons which is which because these definitely aren't going to be bored to round so I want to keep each piston and the correct cylinder for reassembly so we don't get into any issues there but this is going to work just fine so I'm going to flip her over pop the pistons out and start ringing this puppy this is a part I absolutely despise I just can't stand coolant on my floor but just haven't gotten around to buying that $20 a little pan thing you put underneath here so I just let her go all over the place [Music] [Applause] [Music] guy got the looking at this and I'm really surprised feller Mader all the way around this timing gear is cracked and not like cracked I mean like cracked and then she's got a little bit of play on her yeah anyway strip the bolt out so I got to get my gear puller 300 out and Zhang Zhang it not gonna use this gear anyway or the cam so this way she's gonna come right out on a guy I am about 12.6% curious what this cam looks like get on out of there easy easy hope alright snag out the compression twister and that's it for disassembly there we go alright next step is honing I skipped this on the 350 budget build but I'm going to show you guys how to do it I'm gonna clean it up a little bit first I'm doing Molly rings this time so I'm gonna do it in a two step we're gonna snap on it with the 240 or to 80 grit can't remember and now we'll bring it down to a 400 and most Molly rings like the 400 a little bit better so that's what we're gonna do and I'll show you how to do that and she's dirty I think that God everything here I needs got my 240 honed by 400 hone cuz again I'm using Molly rings and I got some resolute mortar I don't know it's got a flag on it so I bought it basically ten thirty oil or any penetrating oil will work really they also make honing oil but I wouldn't spend the money on it and if you're gonna use a unit with a battery make sure she's full on and you got an extra laying around you want to have consistency in your drill speed and remember the honing is really just for helping your rings seat and cleaning up the cylinders a little bit it's not to repair damage so if you've got deep enough scratches in here where you're going mo sandals those are deep you're gonna have to punch it out there's no way around it this is just a quick little zing zing it gets those rings seated I'm gonna do seven of them and then from my last one I'll show you kind of the process here of how I do that yeah let's do something here yes I guess few minutes later seven are done that's what they look like finished up nice 45 degree crosshatch and then obviously the number two cylinders not done I'm gonna show you how to do that one right now okay again you're not really drilling anything here guys we're more sweeping or cleaning so for me a my drill this cheap little hit catch a it's low speed and I'll show you before I go in here now I'm going to take my American flag oil yeah and try to dam off a little bit here don't eat a lot get her in there just what get her and wipe it around get it on there all the way around the cylinder like that biggest thing with these bingo ball horns is you want them spinning before you enter the cylinder you don't want to jam them in then start spinning they need to be spinning as you enter the home for me it's about like this okay this is moving the correct speed again you don't want this really fast so here's what it looks like I go ten times normally I go twenty but I'm splitting it between two 40 grit and 400 three four [Music] that's it and I pull it all the way out before I stop and then if we take our reg all this gray color that's the material you just brought off right there I've already got a nice 45-degree hatch but I'm gonna change my Dingle ball quick to a 400 and then we're gonna do it one more time that's it cylinder is home almost forgot make sure you use water displacement on the 40th try or PB Blaster or something you're gonna want to coat these cylinders down with oil so they don't start flash rusting on you especially if they're going to be sitting for a while my just whose PB Blaster and I clean him once with it and then I soaked it down one good time and boom gam time this time I went to the guys at Linate called him up explained the project and we spent quite a bit of time actually figuring out exactly what cam would work great with this yeah and it all was based on keeping the stock factory heads which is kind of a bummer because I'm not so this is probably not going to be exactly correct now everyone with a really tight smaller duration with medium to high lift and then a pretty lazy lobe separation angle which we thought would maximize the factory heads but I've got some different heads I'm going to show you now and I could have went quite a bit more camp one of the biggest mistakes on 283 s & 307 is everybody puts these giant cams in them and then they wonder why they don't work for a fellers they're really easy to over cam so I'm gonna stick this in and then we'll get to drop the crank and by the way I just made a phone call to a friend I'm really really curious as probably you guys are as well I booked some Dino time so when this sucker is done stick around and hang in there because we're going to put it on and I know and just feed her give her the feeder of the onions give her the coal and we're going to test on it and see what a guy did to it I guess I think I know what a guy is thinking and don't worry it wasn't if you know me might now this cam and lift her kid because he was only 120 bucks so when comparing it to summit and a couple other options this was more of a design that I wanted and the price was right I looked at roller cams for about two seconds then that quickly passed definitely I wasn't going to put that kind of money in this 307 but I may or may not be gapping the rings wide and if you can figure that one out let me know what do you think I may have in mind for this little guy I don't think I got enough boobs I'm gonna run out hey Lunati put more lubes in your stuff hope almost forgot to grab a cam tool I've never actually bought one I just use a bolt or whatever junk I have laying around it seems to work let me go find one cam tool just be careful with the threads and I'll be alright plus you can always reach in here and guide her through anyway we went back and forth on sound verse performance and being that it's a little 307 a guy went ahead an opt for tire fryer mode instead of that lumpy Idol that I usually go for now the high-dollar professionally polished crank goes in well I guess if it's not obvious for a guy it's it's raining like a racehorse being on a flat rock and I just can't hear a dang thing in here I'm sure I don't even can you hear me now sound test sound anyway I've been dragging my feet all night waiting for the rain to shut down so I can do some digital recording but I don't think it's gonna happen I cleaned up the heads I got us out of the 1401 1416 castings which probably doesn't mean anything to you folks if you're a Ford or a Mopar guy but those are the fabled H Oh 305 heads they have a 180 for 1/5 valve set at 58 CCS so we're gonna pop them on here and pump the compression up quite a bit I got to measure my head gasket still for the thickness of that so I could get a final compression ratio but I think we're gonna be out of nine seven to one which is getting up there for pump gas because we're gonna run lot more fuel on this from the 80s if you watch the 350 budget build just a reminder to clock your drinks correctly make sure you all up your wrist spin in here and be careful when you're dropping them down in there so your bolts don't hit the crank you can put fuel line or something behind your bolt studs if you want but I just dig the old myth under there and then bang them down in here's this side I went ahead and marked on them with the marker because my roofing nail was kind of going away you guys make sure you have a clean workspace when you do this stuff it's important not to get debris and dirt and things like that in your rings or any of that stuff so make sure it's nice and clean but I'll set you guys up over here and I'll drop a couple in and you can watch me fumble around all right got my piston ready coiled up the Rings rhythm most dirt clamped her down sit her in like this oil up the wrist pins and then I take this use lawnmower oil and get her down the hole in here and work it around if you got any big chunks in there you dig them up you want to try to get most set dirt and oil out of there just twist and tell your shoulder pops like that then grab your piston in or 55 and he just bang on it like a cabin screen door and libel right down I mean that's basically it fellers now just flip Iran around and catch the old rod and try it into the old crank and got three more left and then I think I'm gonna shut her down for the night and then that means tomorrow I have full two and a half hours after my day job to do everything else because then Thursday morning I'm still gonna die no this in fact he called me today and great guy awesome shop but he does like thousand horsepower engines and so Derek are you sure that you want to die no this thing that said yeah he said that's a kind of excessive waste of money and I said well I'm gonna do the right thing and I'll see you at nine am one thing a guy forgot to mention when I did the 350 bills is some of these timing change sets come with three different Dell pen settings on the crank sprocket so you want to pay attention to that because you're gonna have zero degrees you're gonna have timing and advance timing so make sure you read the old dear accion's correctly otherwise you're gonna have a world of hurt trying to time it up top thinking you're at zero yeah because I really want to torque the next guy off it's in this sucker I'm gonna put a little bit and never come off do this on here and if it happens to be me well I'm probably going to go ahead and change my seventeen dollar timing set I'm putting a new camera anyway so I don't mind then I lost one of these so I'm just going to take this bolt I found off the floor and jammer in there and that I work and how much torque all of it well I went ahead and destroyed the budget think we might have more into an oil pan gasket than the whole piston ring set these guys haven't dialed down this is a really nice kit comes with all the bolts and washers and everything else and if you guys can make these things work without leakin you're my hero because they just never work for me and then I got this real nice piece the whole way down hardware that's all cleaned up pretty just here with some brake LAN we'll throw that on there and call it good chrome don't get you home fellers it just does it time to snip the heads arm and I'm pretty good with heads and I could tell you just by looking at these and the valves down here that they have precisely between one and three hundred nineteen thousand miles on them and if a guy had half a brain you'd of course replace the valve seal is probably grind on the valves or replace on them get them flux for cracks and working but I'm gonna do the right thing and just bolt them straight on I love this brake clean I actually buy in the box it's a better deal I even use a block man be honest it burns a little bit but you could fight right through that there yep mmhmm yeah okay I'm gonna get these tossed in I got some really el cheapo Melling lifters to store with a counter on Riley's I have the rockers sitting in my cleaning tank which is just amused oil pan on the ground over here filled with some lot more gas and once those soak down a little bit I'll go over and brush them off with the dirty brush that I attempted to clean the oil pan with and then I'll snip them on here just the rockers throw the intake on and then we're in the homestretch I'm always curious what other filters use for intake gaskets throw it in the comment box below I'm I'm genuinely interested do you guys use the rubber ones supply it to get these little nipples that fit in there or those cork ones or you go old school and dry yourself a quarter inch bead I tend to go old school I just feel like I get a better seal on the corners but yeah tell me tell me what you run and why I'm curious bone intakes on I'm gonna look to our TV set up a little bit more back in Torquay John this is my secret weapon you might have actually seen this hanging on the wall and some of the other episodes but this is what's called a winter's intake they're actually really cool and you could tell by this kind of snow flaky looking design stamped on them and some of them are actually pretty rare like this one this particular casting number is a 1969 Camaro z/28 with a 302 built in the fall kind of the last production Performance Intake of that era this is a mid-rise dual playing aluminum intake you can see it's a little bit taller than like an L brock or some of the other ones and it gives it longer straighter runners into the head so I'm hoping that this is going to help kind of jam some more air into these little heads and ultimately make maybe 2.9 more horsepower alright well there feller goes she's all done forgot all the junk stacked up here for tomorrow I'm gonna load it up early in the morning and head over to competition engines throw it on the old machine and hope that I just don't twist it in half put your credit for it actually get you in the morning good morning quick stop on the way to Diane I'll have to snip up the carburetor I keep coming back to Pat the team here at the carburetor shop these guys do unbelievable work and it's super affordable these guys are so dang busy they don't even list is this hour so you just got to give him a call but you phone them up and say this is what I got when I'm working on and and they go yep mmm-hmm got it I tell you what you bolt them on they run my coche Simpson really do I got to do anything to him and I think they got one of the me based doors on the lines too but tell him I sent you down and I'm sure they'll hook you up sort of good deal really good stuff well we made it competition engines filled put the engine in a flat tire and hold it down to strap in the 80s actually worked this place is awesome I wish I could sleep on the floor in here it's really good they averaged like 600 700 horse in this machine so I'm really hoping that deal of 307 does it just rip it out of the ground I'm going to back the truck in get her unloaded and start getting it set up [Music] [Music] forgot the Justin distributor back to the Advanta sitting in the intake runner here so I can't get it over to the 40 degree mark I want to get it to during initial break and second try [Music] [Music] I'm sure a guy could probably hear it but the engines in the booth right now so we got about 20 minutes or so for the break-in period then we're gonna test on it I'll give her a fear of the onions give her some cool you meantime I'm just gonna wander around and this place is good [Music] no leaks I could not believe good job well 90% Greece 33 degrees of timing [Music] put you on the spot make you guess or so I guess first let you not hurt my feelings [Music] Wow 2:45 and climbing hello 5250 ad 4100 yeah through hip and small chamber without eat some seeds will circle track heads or walk around yeah yeah it's a 1416 bouncing thoughts but everyone God well it's uh it's just print this [Music] probably about it I didn't see them voila 75 75 75 2077 I mean you've got a couple more horsepower we can look at these numbers now in this put this window and then two to that you know gotcha so the last poll was 5300 rpm so far we're at 277 horsepower with 275 foot-pounds of torque now we're going to start doing some tuning out here on it we're gonna go a skosh more tiny'mon on the girl and we're going to take her to 5,500 since they like 45 we're gonna get worse we're gonna give it to her we're gonna test on a little harder alright so 5500 will see it with Springs hanging in there did you put a pretty good valve spring on no stop five miles push a limit there [Applause] wellnot Kabang [Music] well I mean I don't really don't see any reason the revenant hired it's done making power at 52 Hillary also do you need some help your mommy tell you tell me what that citizen what is the barometric pressure let's start with that I just got all bunched up and load it again I was a lot of fun for a guy to be honest I got the best run here which is run number six we ended up doing eight or nine playing with timing a little bit 34 degrees is what it likes and it came up to 290 horsepower at 328 foot pounds of torque torque came in a thirty eight hundred power was at 5500 and we don't want to spin it past that stock valvetrain unknown miles or condition I I didn't want to drop the valve in here and make a mess so overall really happy for a few hundred bucks guys this is real sevens are gonna be plenty of fun on the street nice little cruisers so if you got a 305 283 307 327 don't be afraid to throw a couple bucks out on a little bit of fun so if you're not subscribed please do that I'm gonna do something with this 307 I don't know what yet but it's gonna be cool guaranteed the button will be down here somewhere else find us on the face face and instagrams as well and as always thanks for watching guys
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,431,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget engine, first start, dyno run, small block chevy, 283, 307, roadkill, finnegan's garage, small block, budget engine build, budget small block, how to rebuild, how to rebuild a engine, engine rebuild, 305, 350, budget 350 build, vgg, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, dyno pull, dyno tune, first start in, revival, motor trend, 327, 383, stroker, 454, 396ss, cuda, chargers, challenger, mopar, ford, car, truck, budget build, rat rod, hot rod, classic, muscle, hemi, cummins, dyno fail, budget
Id: KTht8Nib4yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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