Boat First Start on Middle of Lake - Vice Grip Garage EP34

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guy needs a break so today we're gonna go fishing and I'm serious as rod knock fellers this Lake looks good it's got an invasive species sign I think that means there's possibility of catching some aliens so we're gonna go ahead and try on that may be catching smallmouth bass maybe some catfish hard to say I was all this tie-in to motor sports I'll see a guy went ahead bought a boat sign on the same weird right I'm not even sure if he floats and positive it doesn't run because she's missed this part so we're gonna do the right thing and just float her out to the middle of the lake out here and then go ahead fix on it and see if we can make it back this is gonna be just the best idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] well here she is she's sharp don't worry about that blends them I don't think that matters some sort of engine things a sword for Bangor that's real and you'll need them I don't know 160 sport whatever that means never been wrecked but those have bearing buddies on it Interiors I mean that show room and then she's got more buttons when you get for that now they're fishfinder I don't need them and use my ears spare tire she's got funny like that that's brand new I put this down last night apparently it helps free build unit wirings good need any of that stuff so this is what we're working with main concern is I said she don't start and well basically the feel pumped missing and wiring screwed so that's right up my alley so let's take it for a rip and see what happens out yonder chris is here from North Dakota he's helping me diagnose this got that look normally we get her out of there [Music] what's good enough oh I bet she was winterized too big he don't want to forget these plugs fellers cuz you'd go straight down oh we're good look at this you knows what he's doing I'm glad I brought out this is jet propulsion pretty sure phase two nope too tight Cobra [Music] good enough all right you got to put them in first that's important this turns I think that means something I know for a fact this is not right supposed to look like that use your water pump unit there's a rubber rotor in here that turns in the aluminum housing and being the plastic covers gone but 98% sure that's shot or been replaced wrong so basically it's gonna immediately heat up and then we're screwed we got all sorts of custom stuff a sealed chain breaks let's go ahead just tie this on there cuz that's gonna stop her from you know ejecting I really like this guy Plus look at this handy where can the old tire holder down it I think I'm gonna go ahead and use that well we're gonna go ahead and just go for it I don't really know what else Jack I guess it'll be fine just just uh basically looking for water pouring him I guess and so far it's not floating at all there's no float egde oh there a little bit okay I hear lots of noise oh yeah there's water coming in already this is gonna be just great [Music] okay yep go ahead and peg er snag it out well so far these the trailers decent so far I'm not sinking we'll take this good rope here you gotta hook her onto the dock like that go back like this bring it around just ease her into the dock know what you want to do is just get your spirit up up here around the windshield like this and pull so I guess the main an immediate problem here is the old fuel make er happen er is gone and we got nothing out of the separator or the tank so I did the right thing just bought a cheap Chinese clicky clacker we'll try to pull some fuel and see what happens and hope that battery's good I just want to get a run out her but you gotta keep them out of the weeds so then you do the one two three one seven on top support get in there to the spindle forward bro look at us needs a motor [Applause] I'm actually working better than I thought oh good so there's the doc over there we've been paddling honor for not even sure but my legs are sweaty oh here we go do we want this one or a loss all seriousness I'm gonna teach you how to find the fish a couple things guys got to know it's the wind we got none and you gotta smell around my guys making do something last thing guy needs go ahead we're on the fish then you just need a good lure like this guy here she's gonna bring in anything and don't worry about your rod reel fellers I'm gonna show you how to catch fish in this bad boy let me tell you what Jesus gonna be Bandon I almost forgot to throw the old anchor over ya gotta get in there oh wow severe rope burn hang on to this end well she ain't that beep that'll be fine and then just put it on that guy that'll keep you situated see fish see that eighty-six beat out there at least just bring it on in so like this that picks him up a little bit these smallmouth bass they don't mess around yeah take this water you can actually physically see it flowing in here we thank goodness your bilge pump works is look at that we gain about Oh two inches every minute that makes for good fishing keeps you on the edge which speaking of I'm I'm pooped i railed in too many catfish is that thing so I'm gonna slip the old Jesus creepers off here and get to work and figure out what we're gonna do with this guy and hopefully we can make it back we're not too far I guess he's on vacation blossom here's the old gauge cluster I don't know what any of this means I was in the old speedo get get the pee honor it says we got battery off taking gas I'm sure that's a varnish the old tackle meter works engine oil Nasim Carson ain't running trim let's see what we got oh she's got biblical trim oh no oh that's noises and yeah let's shop most important thing cold snack holder I brought some sockets we got fire putter otter juice over there I'm not sure what you put in that thing man most importantly I brought this along just in case and just could be wrong but she's had a host of issues related to everything whoa Forks are you getting hungry yeah all right let's see if we can get this thing running not really morsel for getting back but I need to cook some food on it so it's time to get real really simple fuel system on this actually in most votes basically just got your feed line right here vent tube filler tube and your old digital readout that comes into a water separator that comes down to the pump and then that goes up to your carburetor in this particular unit you got a vacuum line on or as well but uh whatever guy had this before I just snipped off the old bottom and left her run that way get some going a little faster there you go that ain't so bad knee board that's my favorite so the plan is I got this here clicking clack pump and I think this is freshwater hose but it'll work and I'm just gonna basically snag this into there we're gonna bypass the old water separator because there ain't really any water around and then we'll snip her in the carb and then I found the speaker wire we just hook that right into the battery you don't need no switches on your fuel pumps and then we'll see if that works crank on her a little bit got around the pump we're flattened we have to run this guy about every 30 40 seconds otherwise we go down when I'm getting nervous about is how long the old battery is gonna hang on before we got a crank on ER so uh you've been aboard this beautiful machine for a while now what's your professional appraisal of a fine little ride well if anybody wants this like this is she's worth about 8 grand she's for sale [Music] nice thing about these health or to AH pumps from the old Amazon's is you just got an in and out don't worry about your clams reach back in here and snag on this one just like that that's good enough I'm gonna take this guy and find the one goes in the carburetor you just jam in milk that's it whoa good enough speaker connections and in this particular application blue actually means rad we found out we thought the pump was bad on box she's not clear that click-clacking and I already build a deal pressure so Chris will run the pump and then I'll go up and yeah I'm the old key and see what happens it looks in good shape actually so I think she'll fire alright so we filled the carburetor ball and I pumped it a few times so now he's gonna hook her back up again I'm look Craig huh we got juice we got gears oh it's got about the acre that's all right engines running though I was too easy bring around wonder how many feet we ran out got her dog into some sand you know she's in there and that big guys talking oh yeah just bring her on in that's good it's fine all right so the next step is I guess we're just gonna give her and see what happens [Music] definitely not running okay I think we just hissing noise oh the old machine shot down pump on a couple times she does have a lucky electronic joke on there come on [Applause] [Laughter] good [Music] yeah she saw severely overheating oh I was afraid of that okay however do that's gonna clean his legs off sometimes so apparently you're not supposed to bring this stuff out in the state but I figured that out later good news is she's so hot now that we're gonna go ahead and cook lunch know that at 6 o'clock it's got easy you never want to go with the one that doesn't have the Franks in it I'm gonna set them up there oh yeah she's nice and hot since you overheat so damn bad we'll just run on her oh no she can't turn into doll come on that starter sounds great well yeah she's just steaming out of these not very happy about running but I'm really hungry so we're just gonna run her intermittently and I'm thinking as long as we keep her under that 240 that should be just fine well that's about all we have for tools but I mean what else does a guy need honestly we're gonna dig the old thermostat out of her and see what happens there when I crack the old pitcock on the block had some green stuff coming out which i think is from being winterized so I'm definitely not gonna build that out into the lake we're gonna hang on to that of course but we'll try to use that stuff and top the thermostat out and see if she's sticking I guess what's happening oh yeah sure enough well back here on the engine side that's already been ripped out and you can see she's still winterized so it either ain't pump on there goes the schedule's dang it she either ain't pumping up here oh she ain't pumping down in the old steering I'm gonna crank on it let's just fly around a little bit yeah this lot smoked name no water moon we're gonna run her anyway there yeah well what do you think good enough well basically now we're just gonna enjoy the old SpaghettiOs overheat 11h out of her and get back to the dock order up see what happens get the old expert field pump running there she goes don't really have a player another to them try to get to the dock before it locks up [Music] we got about 150 yards to go which is act [Music] stay under 240 Scot got oil pressure that's a plus nope she's climbing now maybe I'll bring her down to an idle that doesn't seem to make a difference to stay in it [Music] almost got her pegged now and that's pretty good basically pegged I think we're gonna coast honor for a couple of minutes we're going in the right direction anyway so I'm thinking it's uh well hard to say it could be the impeller but it's also a little POW water pump in this side of it I'm guessing a guy placed out already because the cover is missing in fact it's right here maybe it's even gone I don't know but we're getting closer probably about hmm fourteen cold snacks and then we'll fire her up and make a rest of the way well we're getting a little bit closer this kind of coasting guy's been dumping cold lake water on it trying to crack block it's not going yet but it does cool it down to a bottle you know balmy to thirty or so I think two more blasts we ought to get up there and we got a hurry because we're out bring her all the way in overheat I can't believe it has locked up yeah kind of staring with the old me and then trying to run the vidya [Music] all right don't you go yeah well she's really see him now come on girl just get me back to the dock I'll shut you down give me I'm back here that's enough let's see how a guy's cold snack backup is no I'm pretty good I'm actually rather impressed you got to dig this one all the way I'm [Music] and then you just kind of push off and you aim for it most of the guys on the heat of this basically from all day so go ahead give it a break manually crank her up here it's dragged her out sample to God yeah only about three tablespoons when she's she's fault I think what do they call these keels I think we've got some damage somewhere along there haven't even really been under to be honest with you but that's the way she goes so either this is shot or the pump on the engine something's goofy here I mean someone's clearly been messing with it it runs great though fired right up not down at all I'm just going to take this off out of curiosity guy likes nobody's getting into it right and probably shouldn't be doing this when we folks behind me wait [Music] [Applause] well that's still under together so usually when these are shot these pieces here are just shredded and gone and this just spins in the center but doesn't grab any water so that basically means the engines not really concerned about it be honest I'm just going to run her back into the tree row and forget about it till next summer unless you guys want to buy it runs great doesn't heat up Craigslist that's going to do it for this episode thanks for watching guys appreciate it it was a lot of fun don't forget to subscribe make sure you hit the little metal thing that does something but as always thank you speciation very much [Applause] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 929,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, eric the car guy, junkyard digs, road kill, fishing, fishing boat, drag boat, speed boat, jet boat, sinking boat, how to fish, how to catch fish, boat sink, fishing on a boat, vise grip garage, vice grip garage, first start, first start in, cold start, roadkill, ford, mercruiser, cobra drive, cobra jet drive, onboard boat, fish finder, 2.3L, 4 cyc ford, ford boat engine, vgg, barn find, barn finds, farm find, 160 sport, forester boat, yatch club
Id: WwlKB6Sb02M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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