Will The Worlds Cheapest Ramp Truck HAUL MY CAR 350 Miles Home?

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previously on vice grip garage a guy tried to drive this mid-engine 1969 amc rebel 800 miles from florida all the way back to tennessee i only made her to about make on georgia and shut her down for safety reasons but a guy still got to get himself and this car back home so i did the right thing and bought the cheapest ramp truck that i could possibly find and my plan is to throw the amc on the back of this and haul it 250 miles back home certainly this is safer and more reliable nope probably should have just started hitchhiking [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh storages and a strap wow of course i bought this site on scene i take that back i saw three photos they were taken in the dark and they were all of this side and i said yep paid the filler met with them this morning no disrespect to that guy i don't think he did a lot of the work on this rig but i'm almost scared to show you fellers this is the most cobbled together how did it get to this point pick up i think i've ever seen or owned in my life and that's saying that's saying a lot you know a lot of you have asked what happens if you don't make it in these revivals what are you doing if you've watched the channel long enough i normally just buy a pickup and go rent a trailer or if i'm close enough to home call up the wife and she hooks books and comes gets me but today's friday and the kids are in school and my kids are the most important thing to me so i'm not going to mess with their schooling so that's out so i started shopping for pickups calling around u-hauls well they're changing their laws faster than anything you can't even pull a rear-wheel drive on a dolly anymore and apparently that car breaks all the rules getting onto a traymore so that was out and i happened to stumble upon this gem and it probably legitimately was the cheapest ramp truck in the us of a so i can maybe flip this right when i get home and basically get home for nothing but fuel or a guy might hang on to it a lot of you watch it and myself be handy to have one of these around the yard we can push stuff pull stuff haul stuff drag it up out of the tree roll drop her off right into the shop there and not have to hook on and unhook the old tray more and do all that stuff so i don't know i guess we'll see how the trip goes and we'll go from there but i guess you know that's let's go walk around this now take it easy okay it runs i drove it here kind of ish so you know keep that in mind 1977 chevy one ton you see the teepee here that means she was a camper special now i guess it's a ramper special what really sold me on it was the transformer hood you know it'll take any shape it wants and then also the sherwin-williams paint job that was just rolled on and or brushed and leave the bristles right in there too you know really pops kind of a white blue black red cab it's a pretty neat thing extension cord lights haven't tried them out yet of course it's got the solid steel bed wheel chocks is welded right in like a hundred dollar travel loller winch that's good i think it worked not sure about today got some pull out ramps that are heavy duties oh brake lights are stuck on i'll show you why in a minute it's got a receiver hitch supposed to be duals but we just got singles on here and that's going to be one of the dumber things you've ever seen on this channel is me putting a car on there i shopped around for duels right away this morning and can't find any in this region i'm going to keep looking as i travel because that is going to be a little sketchy with the rig up on there used to be primered i guess oh this side actually has the camper special what is this nothing i think those are ford mirrors that's okay whoops just broke that ah there we go just fix that ignore it got an antenna that's good got some good hubcaps with some 90s splatter paint on it i'm sure that was intentional piece of the redwood deck for a push board up here and see it's got some walmart hardware oh i don't even think that's bolted on we'll try again over here see it's got some walmart oh that one's loose we'll try over here maybe see it's got this walmart hardware on here and that's how you hang them pictures or your push bumpers see it's got a custom grille in here got some led lights in there see that that little guy can see look how thick this bondo was what and yeah well she's had some expert bodywork pad you know looked pretty good nope put a marble on there probably wouldn't even roll so that's fine let's take a look at the interior first oh yeah just ignore this a little bit of an ankle vent but some tape fix that up if you're wondering why there's a jack handle jammed into the brake pedal on the seat here that's because there's no park see it used to be the most durable four-speed transmission and that was taken out to have the least durable automatic put in so currently it's a 350 small block chubby with a th 350 transmission the best part is this is the shifter now is a piece of square tubing that's hooked to a coat hanger drive is one forward reverse is kind of back but you can't find park so you just do that and then you jam this here piece that used to go to a transmission cross member just throw that on your wheel if she gets a little excited on you you know the nice thing is when you're winching cars you can pull the truck into the car that's pretty neat i don't think any of this works but we got some high performance boss uh temperature gauge here and then oh sure enough the oil pressure seems to run through the floor there that's that seems fine i don't think any of this does anything this here if you follow the cable let's go up to the rotor light there i don't know should we try it let's plug that in nope that's okay you don't need them there we go got a custom deluxe wood grain dash it smells like burning plastic and potatoes right out of the field that dirt smell it's kind of nice actually does this come forward nope oh more extension cord lighting oh this is why those don't work because they never finish the electrical process so we'll just we'll ignore that for now custom door panels here you know this one's black that one's red and that was a factory option i believe they called it his and her could be wrong probably not chevrolet performance steering wheel zero play in the steering so that's really good got both the visors black ice we could probably swap that out for some fresh shave came with some chips i mean pretty solid let's go see what we got going on over there no ankle vent over here what is this air conditioning oh the door is just flapping in there i don't think that's actually even doing anything there we go paperwork's what and the devil okay we've got the we've got the very front of a compact disc no it's not even a compact disc player and some boom booms custom installed in here i don't know if that's enough to bring all the girls to the yard with but you know we could probably still get some white yocum and warren g out of that maybe we'll try it out maybe you gotta leave it you close it and it you know amplifies it or do you bring it down i don't know we'll have to we'll have to find out i guess took an uber up to harbor freight really early this morning and then hoo hot and it's liquor store i don't know i got like 7 800 taxis it's been an expensive trip but i think this is all the strapage we need and i got these here these are actually axle straps but that way a guy can go around this here and you know hook the big concern i got is this is all the boards i got we're gonna have a pretty steep approach here to get up on that and this car is low low low to the ground i mean really low look at that crossmember this is going to be a big challenge to get this thing onto there look at the oil spray all down the side of the car trunk that was a just a miserable drive really cool car guy had a vision followed it through it just needs a little bit of refinement to be a road-worthy vehicle get under the hood here oh yeah look at this all right so we've got a 350 in here we've got one of these filters here burns down more garages and vehicles than anything in fact you can see all the gas that's been leaking in here we got to change that right in a hurry got a clicky clacky hanging onto the manifold down there not bolted to anything that's fine we got uh whatever that whatever that is comes up to this see and then this you have to unplug every time or the batteries they go dead and then this is the auxiliary plugger enter loop bank battery system here see and that helps run the winch and then that's tied in with some wood and some straps over here so this is fine we're gonna leave this anti-theft color combination going on there this guy here if you're wondering well that holds the rad and see you you got to leave this guys you can't take that off if you take this off and she gets into the fan blades wow that's gonna be an issue okay so we're leaving that we had to put this bolt into the motor mount this morning it was hanging out by a thread filler was nice enough to help me pop that in quick looks like we got a horn maybe probably not muffler tape back there we got some performance added on to this with an eagle brock and so deteriorated oh there it is 1406. that's an electric choke 650 so we got a four barrel on there that's good this is this is fine that's how it charges you know and then we had to convert the rad and it's got a stop later also known as a 7 16 lug nut in there so this is already done looks like i've worked on this part already and got the transmission cooler there extra body ground over here hanging off this belt's a little you know but that doesn't matter fellers because this pump is shot you'll hear that in a second it's just it gets squealing is what i'm telling you basically so that's this is good i don't think we're gonna have to worry about any of that i think we got a really good shot at pulling this off you know i think what we're gonna do is get the car loaded up make sure that works first because if that doesn't go on here uh-oh then there's a summit racing a ways down the road here on the way home actually we're gonna swing in there because i gotta get parked in this thing and we'll see if we can find like a really cheap like low car floor shifter or something where we can actually get all the gears because the other thing is the transmission guy that rebuilt the transmission just cut the kick down cable off because you don't need them especially when you're hauling stuff so guys got to be able to grab some gears and right now the coat hanger well i'll just show you so our coat hanger shift mechanism doesn't allow us to grab any more gears this is the custom crossmember there with just one bolt in it we got a new drive shaft though we've got to worry about u-joints and mufflers i really hope that's a sad cable not a positive probably not there's gas leaking right now out of there so we're gonna ignore that for now some more cable stuff you know what i'm just let's not look at any more stuff under here let's just get the low in the car i think yeah okay one more thing there's some more custom exhaust this sounds decent [Music] sounds like every other small block chubby i'm gonna let it run while i get the ramps out because the wind barreled into the other battery i don't want either to go dead because i don't got jumper cables or a jump box so i'm going to let it run here while i get these ramps pulled out [Music] so sure winch is working oh it was really bad on that cable riding on the bed like that man okay now i think i'm gonna stick those boards in here oh maybe i don't need them oh shoot my fence posts are dragging on the ground dang it maybe i will get these boards in there quick there this should give it some immediate lift and also help the approach angle a little bit here because pretty worried about that getting hung up on there and we're dragging yeah that is the bell housing so we got to get the front up maybe this will help nope that's not going to do anything got these gloves on sale for six bucks deerskin my favorite no we need more liftage in the rear you want to talk about sketchy what we're clearing i thought about taking the classic ramps and putting them under here as well the problem is there wasn't enough ground clearance to get those in either now i'm gonna be hung up on the mufflers here in a minute uh if i could move forward just a hair i could reuse that wood that'll help i'm sure there's guys that do this for a living just absolutely cringing right now but you know what sometimes the fellers just got to do what the filler's got to do and that's all a filler can do you know sure that'll do nothing a little bit of turnage should take this cover off put it in the pickup baby here it's pretty good no not really boy we gotta lean on this truck big time yeah definitely on the captain's side i wonder if it's this valera hit to prime well that ain't gonna last great well as you can see through the cold snack recycling window here got her all loaded up and strapalized down i would make a terrible tow truck driver no seriousness though you see one of these fellers or fellats on the side of the road get over what are you what are you doing slow down get the next lane too many good people getting hurt or even killed just trying to make a living okay let's uh see how far we got to go here to summit racing my pocket computer says 55 miles that should be a good first blast tested the blood stick on the shift machine there's some juice in there a bunch of clutch material it's fine it's rebuilt remember and then it's about a quart low on engine earl i haven't decided if i'm gonna change on that yet i guess we'll wait till we get uh summit racing because they're gonna have pretty much everything that we need and we'll just do it right there in the parking lot i just want to start you know going north that would be that would be nice all right we're in neutral um [Music] there's drive it's got fish for it sometimes here we go i guess well i already know what the clutch material is from it's starting off in second gear which obviously hauling cars are on not ideal we get the shifter in that'll fix that we'll just manually shift it but already it's nice sitting up in a vehicle not laying down with your legs like this with oil splashing on the face so this could be way gooder it ever shifts it's hurt if it ever shifts the third well it's either going to blow up or it's going to shift repeat safe shift to third gear well i guess we're running in second that's fine got lots of oil pressure and so far the temperatures staying nice and cool which that's one big big thing is if this starts heating up i'll have to try to figure out a shroud or digital fans or something like that but so far so good we're just cruising along at 55 i really don't want to push it much more than that but just single wheels in the back not only is it not stable but that's a lot of weight for two old singles we do have one brand new steer tire up here so that's fine [Music] well i made it summit racing is right over there but there's a food truck here selling some tacos so got to do that first then we'll head over there it's uh fixing the rain so that's good also i don't know what i was thinking when i said 250 miles we just went 55 and i have 308 from here back home so that's good if you've never been here you gotta make a field trip got her in park let's go see what we can find so if you've never been here you can shop in all the aisles or these fellers will just find the stuff for you oh yeah yeah we'll do that that'll work good go find the parts pop them up on the screen for you then you could just go right over there and pick them up well here's what we ended up with the b m z gate don't really need the gate but i needed the way that the bottom here mounts flush there was a cheaper one it didn't have the gate it was tall kind of just shift through it but it's meant to be sunk through the floor well since this was a man well i got this big old hole in the floor now see so we're gonna have to deal with this and kind of work around it so i'm hoping that i can mount at least three of the bolts just run the cable right through that big hole there and do the usual underneath we should be pretty good there now why it's taken off in second it's probably a contaminated governor because there's seventy five thousand nine hundred twelve point three pounds of clutch material in there in the new transmission and it could be sticking or the gear stripped or the valves are sticking so i'm just gonna pour a jug a rebuild and a can right down the tube let that eat but i'm hoping once we get the shifter in we'll just be able to manually shift it i can't believe this transmission has lasted this long taking off in second gear especially loaded down luckily this unit here should be super light there's basically no interior and all this is like 104 gauge i mean it's like pop can material even the actual floor so there's not a lot to this this is foam board so this should be a pretty light toe thankfully okay time to time to do something i'm gonna grab the harbor freight tools out of the trunk and we'll start putting the bracketry on under there so these are the two brackets we needed to install here put the shifter in this is the stock style bracket goes up here for like the column shift this one comes in here these two bolts is for like turbo 350s and these two would be for uh turbo 400 i believe but basically that cable's gonna come right through here and we're gonna connect it up here we're just gonna have to make the adjustments here to where this goes all the way into first and we can put it all the way back in the park without having to force it or jam it around and this is just what's left of the other performance shifter so i can get up top now and get that taken off found another battery cable just hanging out that's fine this is kinked also fine this is 7000 degrees also fine really similar in design i just don't see the one two shifts being too hot over here so i'm gonna man splain on you how i do this anyway you can take it or just leave it there either way don't matter once the bracketry is in bring your shift lever all the way back to low or first first gear for this particular instance you know make sure that the slider adjust the dew dab nut is in the center of the threads and then go ahead and tighten these up real good like make sure this slides in and out nice and easy and first disconnect it run this all the way to park up there take the shifter up in the truck you know run that all the way to park and then do the same thing you'll be up here and work back and forth split the difference between the two and make sure that it goes in and out of both positions as easily as possible then you can run the cotter key in and just slowly move it through the shift pattern to start out because you can wreak some havoc otherwise but we're all done here that should work just fine as far as cable routing goes just try to make it nice easy bends here nothing tight this floats around up there and then comes back in looks like a new ish oil filled tray so i don't think i'm going to change on the oil although i am going to add to it a new starter too i'll be oh z bars just floating in there just in case you know you don't take them out when you swap these autos horsepower well it drank two quarts of earl found this dirty funnel down there threw some 10 30 summit brand stuff in there they didn't have uh any rotella or anything like that i got to get the fuel fill tree almost forgot but then i saw the gas leaking on a manifold should probably do something there ran a screw into the mirror that's fixed i mean look at that it's even moving the door it's kind of weird to say but the hyper tough wouldn't even put that in had to use the ratchet so i mean it's just everything is getting redid pretty much a restoration at this point we could fire it up really quick check the gears boy that's as close as you can get that should be parked reverse oh yeah there we go neutral drive yeah perfect so this works like at home i'm gonna have to uh make a spacer down here for these two because this hump is a lot more dramatic in the manual pickups but i got it as far forward as i could to get these two in and get a nice swoop there without the shifter hitting the dash i didn't want to come any farther back because this would be really flimsy but i think we're uh almost ready to hit the road but first we're going to look at this 12 valve c10 guy helped me out earlier these guys are great they came out and uh said hi looked at the car in the truck he got me a new going to town hat but i got to looking at this 12 valve i've been kicking the idea around what about you know certainly there's enough room right here put a 12 valve in here maybe just undo that whole situation i'm not sure you guys gotta just start commenting and let me know what you think keep it fix it it's just not very drivable it'd have to be a whole contained firewall unit be pretty tough to work on so i don't know but let's see if we can take a look at this get the jackpot look at this these are the ones you want colors 33003's the three eighths wicks if you want to see your gasoline for whatever reason that's the one to use get these things out of there they leak they always leak if they don't leak from these cheap little fittings in there then these ends vibrate apart and it leaks out of these seals and if it sits too long these seals get rotted and they just start leaking this one leaked like crazy just you can see it dripping on the manifold down the valve cover whatever else or a nice reusable or re-cleanable or whatever you call it edelbrock makes a two-piece aluminium one that's got like a brass thimble looking thing in there you just clean that out put them back together then you don't have to uh keep buying these these are a little bit spendy but i stocked up for all the incoming revivals all right go ahead josh was fixing the hood for us [Music] there we go i mean it ain't gonna hurt the hood any but this windshield is just perfect we don't want to hurt that well you want to show us your 12 valve oh yeah you might as well you strip these down you basically just need 12 votes to run these things or some things ain't so pretty but it runs down the road good that's gracious see the motor mount that's going to be the it's actually the uh the first gen 12 valve cummins mounts i sliced it drop the motor down weld it back up really that's all i did to it boy that is she's snug huh yeah the nice thing i didn't have to cut the firewall or anything but i did do an inch and a half body lift just to keep the low hump floor in it so you just need a throttle cable 12 volts for the starter and 12 volts for the fuel shutoff solenoid you can do it mechanical but i drive it every day so yeah you don't want to reach under the hood every day that's nice man really cool truck he's had this did you say high school yep wow pretty slick unit i think uh the issue with the rebels is going to be the height of the 12 valve because that crossmember is almost on the ground well they do have really tall oil pans and i have seen people cut a few inches off the oil pan but then i guess your next issue would be the transmission but if you do go gm transmission yeah yeah i stick it maybe a terpsky 400 or got to raise the car back up put it on bags or something but i don't know just getting some ideas so i do have first gear manually which is great as far as getting home and moving her around but that would be my assumptions are correct we got something going on with the governor we got a sticky valve in there we'll see if that juice works it up a little bit rebuilds it again you know okay i got 308 miles to go which is normally a five hour drive if you're doing 70 to 80. so it's probably going to be like 10 for us as long as nothing happens it works [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a lot of guys running all the lights and stuff i've slowly been watching the amp gauge come down and it almost touches eight and then comes up just a little bit so i need to undo the safety hood latch holder downer thing get under there and make sure this thing is charging and might also just unhook one of those batteries i think the other one's just for running a winch basically and we don't need that right now i don't want to burn up this charging ruler well maybe we already did you know should probably even look and see if we got tail lips yep yep well this is the plate i ended up with because i guess he needed the other one back oh we got a loose strap here this one says uh it says we're on a test drive that's fine whoa what's going on boy that was a lot of a lot of movement there oh that one's topped okay what was i after i think i got a there it is [Music] oh it says it's charging that one too but [Music] well false alarm something to do with the wiring back to the gauge i'm sure it's all wrong basically but as long as we've got the voltages i think we're just going to keep cooking i am going to go ahead and disconnect this other battery though might help the situation currently also we know that that battery's zipped up on voltages so if something happens we've got a spare right here quick so just dig out the leatherman and get that off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's getting about eight and a half nine miles to the gallon which at 70 loaded that's fine with me we'll take that the look on people's faces is absolutely priceless when a house-painted 44 year old truck with a picnic table seat bumper passes them i'm really liking it this should be my last fuel stop hopefully she's flowing up right now everything seems to be going good gonna check straps stuff like that look for some oil leaks this transmission is getting progressively worse it sounds like someone's doing morris code inside of it except with two big rocks could be a crack flex plate nope probably not i think it's most likely gonna need to come out i might take my foot out of it a little bit just take it a little bit more easier on it engine though i mean it's shaking and rattling and rolling and jiggling and you name it but this thing's running like oj simpson right now the power from the batteries must not be distributized correctly when the headlights are on and all that the wipers barely wipe so i have to shut the headlights off catch up on the wipers pull them back on or just let her go really slow and then i remembered i bought a bunch of rain-x stuff for the rebel back there the other day so i gave her a heavy treatment and i thought you know what let's run this rag on the inside of the windshield yeah this came from the inside so now i can actually kind of see out of this which that'll be pretty neat last rip fingers crossed tire's got a hole in there transmission's got to hold in there i guess i gotta hold it there too [Music] so [Music] hey we made it back to the shop but we're not done yet let me grab a few hours of sleep i'm going to see you bright and early in the morning because we got some work to do it was a little bit rainy this morning so i got in some much needed family time finally dried up a little bit scooted the ramper special over here we got a nice divot to get the rear nice and low and jessica's out here to help this morning what do you think of the ramper special i really like it but when you sent me the picture of it i didn't realize that this wasn't the original paint it looks like they just took like i don't know house paint or something and roll it on looking at the lock no it's definitely like they just didn't even care yeah that's sherman williams you know but why would you do that one coat special just roll it on golly yeah they went over the trim and everything i don't even know what this trim piece is that like autozone extra trim oh it doesn't look like it's supposed to come off it's not factory oh it was a piece of chrome over the chrome i don't know also they've had 39 different flavors of mirrors on here those are ford i think but you want to see if it fires up yeah and then we'll get this car unloaded the job's not done fellers until the car is off yeah that's a picnic table seat i unhook the battery because it seems to be draining pretty quick there's some poltergeists or something with the digitals but what do you that holds the rat in give her one pump all right oh she's a hold on i didn't realize well it's an automatic what is it oh just ignore that it doesn't do anything it isn't automatic now it is yeah i put that in at in the summit park that's what you did yeah hey turn the key is it dead wow will you run and get the jump box thanks buddy guess we might not need a jump box forgot about my plan to unhook this one and hook it up in a case of an emergency go ahead now try it [Music] again we go it worked out pretty good we'll let her run the charge the batteries up for the winch even though we're just going out we might need to pull it again a couple times to get the car lined up got to get one more ramp out here but you can see the angle is much much better back here so i don't think we're gonna even have to play with all that wood and all that stuff [Applause] well it comes and goes she said no power steering i don't understand how you made at home in this i don't like the more i look it's so bad i was like rolling down the window and this just popped off and then this is just hanging here yeah i didn't think that the hood would bend in half when you close it and stuff fence posts got a little low oh [Music] it's so hard to see forward or back in this thing i can move this tire so she can get out okay better down good yeah good fuel pump off what's your carbon monoxide out 68 yeah the alarm's going off any second you should get out of there dang that thing is so weird the rebels made it home and my person that's neat we actually ended up bringing home two classics a truck that's 44 years old went over 350 miles with the car on its back that's pretty impressive if you ask me if you guys aren't subscribed please do that and hit that bell so you know when a new video pops up thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 978,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, ramp truck, flat bed, chevy, chevrolet, cheapest, budget, revival, will it run, will it start, will it drive, haul, car hauling, car towing, ramp trucks
Id: mSMdfu1H8Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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