Brittany Dawn Is Scamming People Again??!!!

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moving Yoshi from this because she's acting like my dancing is the worst thing in the world and I'm slightly offended even though I know it's true he's gone did you calm down calm down she's going to be back for the last episode of Mario week when the final boss arrives Bowser so this video on the next video is going to be very short you guys because we are preparing for the final bosses arrival he's very high maintenance requires a lot of attention and he was asked by you guys to talk about bang energy drinks and he actually has a lot to say about that so sorry for a short video but we are going to be preparing for a very long video just for you guys what you guys asked for so I'm gonna be wearing the same cosplay for the next video and I know it's not as intense as I usually do it's just like a hat that's basically all I did because I spent a ton of money on Bowser so I don't want to hear nobody saying in the comment section I need to do this or I need to do that or I should have put more effort into this week or anything unless you're purchasing my cosplays I don't want to hear any complaining alright we're talking about Britney dawn because she's kind of scamming people again kind of yes our girl pretty dawn is back back again and like I said in my last Britney dawn update video she is breaking out into other business opportunities so like I told you guys she's coming out with tanning products she's also coming out with presets for your photos so that your photos can look exactly like hers you know like filters and like make your picture look a little bit more prettier I guess people want that I thought Instagram already had like filters and things like that for free but whatever and then remember when I mentioned in the video that she is always tagging and telling her followers to swipe up to this clothing line Allah and Roe's company and I wasn't too sure if she owned it but I was speculating that she gets some type of profit off of it otherwise why would she be pressing it so hard and our faces literally just shutting it our faces every single story so I was thinking she's obviously profiting off of it in some way and I was right remember the boyfriend who photoshop's himself and unique you know outrageous awesomely beautiful places and then tells people that he's blessed and then people like call them out on it and say what do you mean bless you Photoshop yourself in this image and he's like yeah guys I mean of course it's photoshopped at obviously joking but it turns out that we'll Britney Dawn's boyfriend actually owns the company but I love how she glosses over and doesn't really say the whole story of what's going on people have asked her um do you own this company and she just doesn't say anything she's never tackled that question and people want to know when she hasn't answered and you guys know how nosy I am so I had to just figure it out her Photoshop and man owns it and she most likely profits off it as well so what a lot of people have noticed that Britney and her boyfriend are buying clothes from super cheap websites such as she in romwe and then selling them for a significantly higher bright good person today I'm not a villain yet but soon I'll be in a character more fitting so she's basically getting these super cheap clothes and then marking up the price on her online store significantly so she and her boyfriend and the random other chick is making a huge profit off of these cheap clothes allegedly I'll fit that in there so I don't get into trouble with lawyers wouldn't it be interesting if I got in trouble for making this video but Bernie Don doesn't get in trouble for scamming more than 500 people literally just shanking all their money and then going to Hawaii and having a nice time twiddling her toes in the beach wouldn't that be just hilarious but anyway so is what she is doing illegal no not really but she can get into a little bit of trouble or in this case her boyfriend can get in trouble because he's the one that owns the business I wonder if Brittney Don is so manipulative like is she so good was like talking that she like what it will is just like a really nice sweet guy and then Brittney Dawn's like the person behind the scenes saying yes well else name so that you can own the business and both both for a very high price and make lotsa money money money and then and then you'll get in trouble and I won't sign the good person I'm the cute little Barbie girl with a little baby boys and hi am cute I don't belong in jail will I'm a baby girl little baby Texas girl I'm under if that's what's going on but I know why a grown man who's in the right mind would put his name on this business with Britney diamond I am full Abra Gaston blood is going on through these people's heads I'm not sure but what they're doing is not really illegal but they can get into some trouble so let me tell you what kind of things they can get in trouble with so I got this information off of the website and I will just put that information right here so if you are trying to start an online clothing business you might want to check that out make sure that you do it correctly and maybe Bernie Don might see this I'm not sure she knows who I am because she blocked me on Instagram but maybe you'll see this website and you can change things now before you get into trouble later so if will and Britney run the business not as an official reseller and more of an under-the-table type of thing without communicating and setting up a deal with a manufacturer they risk invalidating the warranties that they provide to the first consumer but not to the consumer to whom you've resold the goods second they can run into some trademark issues if you're using manufacturers logos to advertise the products you're reselling you need their permission without it you run the risk of getting embroiled in a trademark infringement lawsuit especially if your business is doing well or you're very well known on the internet because then you are no longer under the radar people are going to notice that you're reselling clothes just like they noticed right now Brittany so we don't know how exactly they are running their business but I thought I would just make sure to put it out there and update you guys because it just seems like it's shady and also to say that this is why I shop at Ross so sponsoring this video too damn just kidding it's it's not they're not sponsoring me and that's why I love Ross I get sheep cute clothes aren't being sold sixty percent more than they were originally by a random Instagram model who doesn't feel like working hard I hope you guys enjoyed this Britney dawn a little short mini update video and I hope you guys are ready for the final bosses arrival I will see you in another video as this and then the final boss will arrive see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 74,181
Rating: 4.9708414 out of 5
Keywords: brittany dawn, brittany dawn is scamming people again??!!!, brittany dawn apology, brittany dawn good morning america, brittany, dawn, brittany dawn workout, scam, instagram, fitness scam, drama, instagram model, brittany dawn fitness, social media, my thoughts will probbaly offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you brittany dawn, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel
Id: j5UR-HV0zFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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