British Highschoolers try Thanksgiving Dinner for the First Time!

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It was good seeing Malachi again!!

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

i feel terrible for asking this. is this school considered poor school? it just seems so much better than what i went through.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mouthfuluv 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

I wonder why they served all the savories in leftover sandwich form instead of separate dishes. It made the video a little sweets-heavy. Malachi is still my favorite. He's hilarious.

My family never puts marshmallows on the sweet potatoes. We just roast them and serve with butter, salt, and pepper, which I vastly prefer. We also just have steamed green beans or broccoli instead of the apparently common green bean casserole. Plus green salad for more vegetables. And always apple pie.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EdmundDaunted 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

okay I really enjoyed Jay and Louie lol they're so funny. Also congrats Henry, the new Head Boy!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Galderick_Wolf 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
Hi, I'm Josh. I'm Ollie. And happy Thanksgiving! Today we're in a British high school. Because we're going to give some British highschoolers their first ever taste of a Thanksgiving meal. What do you guys know about Thanksgiving? Uh, not much. You've got to be thankful. Yeah. That's always a good place to start. It's not thanks-taking. No. Huge turkeys. That's it. Do you know when it is? Fourth of July? July the 4th? I don't know. Independance day, I've got no idea. Fourth of July? Completely different, those are completely different holidays. The first thing we've got is the famous Thanksgiving sandwich. Wow. It's huge. This is huge. What? What is this? It's based on a recipe from Friends. After Thanksgiving, with the leftovers, you make a post-Thanksgiving sandwich. So it's like when you have a roast dinner and then you have the turkey or chicken left over, And you have a chicken sandwich the next day. Exactly. Can we try it? How do I even? So many flavours. Yeah, there's a lot. It's got a bit of everything in there, really. It does, doesn't it? I don't know how they all go together, but it works. But I don't know how I'm meant to eat it now. It's really good. It's the best thing I've had all day. Oh, that's a lot. It's a lot. Oh. Too much. Too much. Cranberry sauce. Yeah? Don't like it. Oh, you don't like cranberry sauce? That could be a problem. The way it looks right now, it's full of colours. It's almost as if that's the same feeling being replicated in my mouth. A rainbow of flavours. Very nice. Actually stuffing, turkey. Another piece of bread. Do you notice anything different about that bread in the middle? It's like... Wetter. It is. That's exactly what it is. Ross calls it the moist maker. That sounds like some supervillain or something. Slightly off-putting. This is such a good idea. This is like the greatest thing. It's a perfect sandwich. Everything you want. But I’d still have a chicken or turkey sandwich over that. Really? Yeah. Interesting. That literally is a turkey sandwich. Yeah, but the English don't do flavour, do they? The next thing we're going to try is a Thanksgiving essential. This is a sweet potato casserole. What on earth? It's marshmallow. On a massive mound of sweet potatoes. This looks nice. Wow, that is sweet. Not that I'd look at it and I think it's sweet. I just smell the sweetness. This is so bizarre to me. Marshmallows are meant to be on a stick. You know, put them on a fire. That's where you eat them. So is it like cream and sweet potato? Well, take a look. What do you think? So soft. Is that marshmallow? Yes. Wait, I don't want a whole marshmallow. I'm making a meal of this. I'm making a meal of this. I don't know. Sweet potato. Is this marshmallow? Yeah. Oh, wow. Oh, my gosh. This tastes quite... Is it marshmallow? Yeah. Marshmallow and sweet potato. Yeah. It's nice. I'm not going to lie. Yeah? I'm not the biggest fan of it. No, you're not a fan? I like the marshmallow, but I don’t like the mix. I don't think they’re good together personally. But you know what? This is nice, I think, as a pudding. OK. Is this a pudding? It's actually not a dessert. Really? This is part of the... No. I don't get it. But you know what? I'm not going to complain. This tastes lovely. It does taste lovely. OK. Is it for like after, dessert or something like that? No, this is a... It's a main course. It's a part of the main course. It's well, you have it alongside your turkey. How can you have turkeys and marshmallows? Marshmallows and sweet potatoes. It's crazy. I would never have thought of it. Potato and a marshmallow, no. Typical American thing. Yeah, exactly. Definitely. Adding marshmallows to stuff. What we've got for you now is an actual dessert. Ok, this is exciting. This is exciting. This is probably the most classic Thanksgiving dessert. I think I know what this is. Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie. I'm not a big fan of pumpkins. Oh no. I've never actually had pumpkin pie. It's something I've always heard, but I've never actually had it. Can we cut it? Yeah, go for it. Oh wow. Don't do that much. That's a big slice. No, cut that in half. That’s your plate. And you do that much. All right, you want it? Here's your slice. What on earth? Do you expect me to get through the whole of this? I love the optimism that you're keen that you're going to like this. Or if it's anything like the sweet potato casserole, it should taste pretty good. A bit of whipped cream? Yes please. This is a favourite of mine. This does look quite good. That's good. This is nice. And this is 100% a dessert, not a main course. This is a dessert. This is not coming with your main course. You're not having any turkey beside that. It's beautiful. Yeah, I actually like this one. That's beautiful. This one's very nice. Beautiful. It's exquisite. Fancy words are coming out. That is so nice. No, I've definitely had this before. Oh, you've had it before? Yeah, yeah. That's good. You just didn't realise you were having pumpkin at the time. Yeah, yeah. Very interesting. It's better than I thought it would be. Okay. It tastes like the Starbucks drink. Pumpkin spice latte. Yeah. I think that drink is actually modelled after pumpkin pie. Americans know their stuff. They know their food. It's definitely better than the sweet potato. - I'd rather this. - This is good. Look at Louis, he's almost done. Do they feed you at home? I can't really taste much pumpkin, but it's just good. Is that your favourite so far? Yeah. No, no, the sandwich, the sandwich. I love it. This next one we have is called pecan pie. This next one we have is called pecan pie. What's a pecan? Pecan! You've never had pecan nuts before? No. I've never really had nuts before. You've never had nuts? You've never had nuts? Mate. Have you ever had pecan pie before? No. Have you ever had pecans? No, I don’t think so. I've never heard of any of this. Looks like a forest. A forest. Like a forest floor with all the nuts fallen down to it. It actually does. Like acorns and dry crispy leaves. Oh, great. Best one. Oh my goodness. So usually I'm not a fan of nuts. But it's nice. I like that. It's a bit too nutty. That's hard to... It's too nutty. A nut pie. What did you expect, Malachi? Oh, it smells like chocolate! You know what... Oh my gosh. What was that? My mum told me to swallow everything. Is it that bad? You don't like it? I thought it'd have been softer. OK, it's a bit crunchy. I think that's why it surprises me. People at home are now gonna think we got a horrible pecan pie! I think this is great. Yeah, mi gusta mucho. This is very nice. Mi gusta mucho. There’s some people that will say it's too sweet. Those people are wrong. There's no such thing as too sweet. I'm not sure about that one. Extremely sweet. Yeah, really sweet. Kind of like sickening sweet. I don't know what it is. It feels like you've just got nuts from the local park and just gone. It just got syrup on it. I think it’s just the nuts for me. I don't think I like puking nuts. They're not puking nuts. It's a puking nut. Have you heard of the presidential turkey pardon? No. Sounds a bit scary. Are we meant to know? No. It's a strange tradition. The president is gifted a live turkey from the National Turkey Federation in America. And then he obviously could kill it for his Thanksgiving meal. But he issues an official presidential pardon. On behalf of the nation. What? Pardons the turkey? For what? What did the turkey do? Yeah, what did he do that he needs a pardon? That's a good point. He was too tasty. What I used to do every Thanksgiving at my school, Is you'd go around the table. And say one thing that you're thankful for this last year. Do you guys want to give us what you're thankful for? Oh. Don't make me cry. Go on. Oh, you don’t have to look at each other. I like this. Eye contact. Oh my gosh. Why are you thankful for each other? I am thankful for you playing with me for football in my back line, As I’m centre back and you are right back. Oh, thank you. You did well. Anything I can think of. Definitely my friends I’d say my friends. I think the school this, this family. The opportunity we have. Yeah, I think it’s good. My parents, they always do everything to help out for us, For me and my brother, so yeah, I'm thankful for them. That's sweet. That's good. I'm thankful for a lot of things. I'd have to say Shaun. He's been through with me for quite a lot, so I'm going to go with Sean. Thank you, thank you Chandy. It's awkward now because you kind of have to say it. Yeah, I’m expecting something. You, Gianluca That's really sweet. What are you thankful for then? You guys are the first people that asked us. I'm thankful for Fulham Boys School. Because when you leave school, unless you're a teacher, You don't really meet young people. So having the opportunity to come in and meet some of you guys, it's inspiring for us. Builds us up, and it's really good fun. Yeah, thank you guys. All right, guys. Is there anything you want to say to people watching this who are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving this week? Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving. You’re so lucky to have this food. Yeah, happy Thanksgiving. Obviously, make sure you go out for a run after this. You're going to need it. You’re gonna be a bit fat You're going to need a run. Enjoy your food, your slightly peculiar food that tastes very good. Better than what the Brits have to offer, I'll give you that. -OK. -I think so, yeah. Be with your family, friends, and be thankful for them. And enjoy it with these... This food is... This is amazing. Enjoy it, treasure it. Almost done, there’s one more thing we need to film today. I’m really excited this ones gonna be good. I am nervous. Come in. Mr. Smith. Yes? It's good to see you again. I have no idea what this is. We know the boys all call you Mr. Smith. They do. But we thought it'd be maybe better if they referred to you with a title more befitting of your elite status. I like the way this is going, actually. So we work with a company called Established Titles. We bought you a small plot of land in Scotland that can entitle you to change your title to Lord. For all the students to know we’ve got you a plaque. OK. Here's your certificate proclaiming Lord Dave Smith. Wow. I think this should have probably happened years ago. I think this is fantastic. Thank you so much. I don't know what to say. Wow. And thanks to Established Titles, we were able to buy breakfast for the whole school for the whole year. It's amazing. There's like maybe 150 kids in here getting free breakfast. You guys made this happen. And if anyone else wants to buy a lordship as a gift for a friend. Then head over to to sign up. Then head over to to sign up. I think you get 10 percent off don’t you? There you go, with the code jolly10. Jolly10. We didn’t get 10 percent off, we paid full price.
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 5,378,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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