American Highschoolers try British Tea and Biscuits for the first time!

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What do you guys think of when you think of tea? Yellow teeth. Yellow teeth? Yeah, like don't you get yellow teeth when you're drinking like all the time? That's maybe a British, another British stereotype. I think that's. I'm not trying to be. Give it a taste. You have to do the, how do the British people do it? Like this. Do we do the pinky thing? Yes. The pinky thing? It's not required. That's good. It's not overly sweet. I think a lot of times like, I would overly sweeten my tea, but I like this. I like that. It tastes good. Tyler hates it. It tastes like water, like just like hot water. It's like no flavour. You like it? It's good. Tastes like nothing. It tastes like tea, it tastes like tea. Tastes like nothing. But it's like an enjoyable nothing. It's not like nothing, not good. It's not an unpleasant nothing. No, it's just like, it's a drink. It's a drink. It just tastes like water. It's not sweet, but it has a good flavour though. Literally, it's just hot water. We're like opposites on everything. I've been too Americanized. I need flavour. Maybe what you need then is the natural pairing. A biscuit. A biscuit? English biscuits and tea. Tea and biscuits? I think a biscuit, I think I like KFC. Biscuits. This is a British biscuit. It's the nation's favourite chocolate digestive. Oh, why you call them biscuits. I know these are cookies. Are you dipping in straight away? That’s the way to do it. Oh, that's a long dip. That's a risky dip. Really? It's like it'll crumble? It could do. That was a very risky dip. Really good pair. The chocolate's melting also. That's so good. I like it. Yeah? It's like milk and Oreos. This is British milk and Oreos. Yeah. Exactly. We've been doing it way before. That's good. Yeah. That's where the flavour went. Wow. The biscuit's good. Yeah. Oh no. Oh dear. Oh no. It's gone chocolate side. It's the chocolate side. Wow, this is the doomsday scenario. You've been trying to eat it then. It's going to melt. Oh no. Oh, it's already melted a bit. Oh wow. Oh dear. Tea and biscuits are a lifestyle. Like daily? Daily. This is like a breakfast thing, right? This is any time of day. Any time. Wake up, cup of tea. After breakfast, cup of tea. When you get into work, cup of tea. Midway through the morning, cup of tea. After lunch, cup of tea. Then, tea time, three o'clock. Then you get home, after work, cup of tea. After dinner, cup of tea. That sounds like an addiction. You just tried the classic, maybe the people's favourite biscuit. This is Ollie's favourite biscuit. So like no chocolate on this one. This is called the rich tea. Looks pretty plain. These taste just like animal crackers? Tastes like the animal cracker cookies. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. These are really good because I love animal crackers. Ollie definitely has the tea all the time. I would just go thirsty. That's the thing. They're so dry that it makes you want something to drink with it. So you have it with some tea. I'll find water. I'll be good. I shouldn't have dipped it. Man, that's obvious. I don't like that texture. You just get a weird texture when you dip it. Yeah. It becomes a little bit like wet paper. It melts in your mouth. Yeah, yeah. Like wet paper. Yeah. I don't know. I wouldn't buy this. Would you accept it as a gift? Like a gift when? Like if they give it to me for my birthday, they're not coming back. Yeah, that's true. For Ollie's last birthday, I literally gave him a bunch of packs of rich tea. Because I know he loves it so much. So did Luke. Next one. Chocolate hobnob. Hobnobs? Look at that. The packaging is cute. I would buy this. I wish I could go back in time and have a chocolate hobnob for the first time. Because. This is the God tier biscuit. That's a good dip. I'm running out of tea. Would you accept that as a gift? Yeah. It's the same thing, just with oatmeal and a little thicker. Amazing, right? It's so good. This one you definitely want to dip. This one is a good dipper. It is tailor made for dipping. Amanda, as a risky dipper, you could dip this for days. It's very strong. It's very strong. Look, it's still got some. Yeah. Is that not good? I'm saying. Yes, yes, they know it. Chocolate hobnobs and tea. They're breaking into America. Was it better than the first one? No. I don't think so. Okay. Each to their own. You are wrong. Oh, am I? It's dangerous if I ever open a pack of them with a cup of tea, I can go through. Minimum three. I think I could go through all of them. Three? Back to back. Oh, three packages? Three. Three biscuits. Three biscuits. Oh, is that too little? Is that too easy? See, over here we open a pack and we eat it all. Exactly. Like you open a pack of Oreos, it's gone. Next up, you guys have the LA Dodgers, we have Jammy Dodgers. Yeah. All right. People like these. Let's find out which one's better. Home run. This is adorable. I never dodge this. Oh, no, they're stuck together. Oh, yeah. That's one whole biscuit. Jammy. Yeah. This is good. I don't really like jam. But this. For a second, I felt like I was chewing gum. I don't know. I felt like a little gummy, but it's not bad. I like that flavour. I'm a huge fruit person. This is good. Okay. This is the best one. Really? What do you prefer, the LA Dodgers or Jammy Dodgers? Definitely the LA Dodgers. Okay. The Jammy Dodgers. Final one. Jaffa Cakes. Oh, I've heard of this one. I've heard of this one. Now, we're probably going to get a bit of hate for giving you this as a biscuit because there is an age-old debate in the UK as to whether Jaffa Cakes are cakes or biscuits. Is there flavour to these? I hope so, but it shows the level of what we've been feeding you that you have to ask. Is there a flavour? Is there any flavour? No other cuisine in the world. You have served something and you're like, is there flavour in this? Maybe not. By experience, I'm guessing there's not. Wait, is that orange? I love, oh my gosh. You're a fruit person. Chocolate and orange? I'm a huge chocolate and orange person. I love this. Oh, it's soft. They're soft. Give it a taste. This one is good. Livingston. You don't like it? I've been tricked. This tastes like jam inside. This is my least favourite one. Okay. What the hell? It reminds me of the way it was a metamite. I'm pretty sure the metamites were a bit of somewhere in the Bible. You're not a fan of the orange jam in the middle? No. You don’t have to finish it. Brutal. Not a fan of the Jaffa cakes. I'm not a fan of orange things, but these I don't mind. Okay. I love it. I love the orange. The verdict, it's not a biscuit. Okay. But it's good. It's like a mini cake. I want another one. Okay. All right. Well, a bit of a roller coaster. Yeah. Pinky. I like it. So what do you think? What do you make of tea and biscuits? I don't know how it's a thing, but I mean. I almost finished mine. Mine is good. I feel like it was just water. It did taste watery. It just tasted like water to me. Do you think if we implemented a tea time into your school schedule, do you think that would go down well? Uh-uh. No? No.
Channel: JOLLY
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Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy, asmr, mukbang, nyc, new york, city, american, biscuits, gravy, southern
Id: PcZ8Rh0qemo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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