Brits try Southern Biscuits and Gravy for the first time!

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Alright Ollie, the time has come. We're in Savannah, Georgia. We've come to try proper southern biscuits and gravy. I'm actually excited. I'm equal parts nervous and excited. Ollie, you've seen the memes about biscuits and gravy. Biscuits are never something you eat with gravy. Blasphemous. We've been recommended this place, Maple Street Biscuit Company. Oh my gosh. Oh, it’s busy! Hello, how are you? Very well, thanks. I think we'll start off with the risky biscuit with sausage gravy? Can we grab a squawking goat, and a cowboy? What is the name of your dream job? Oh my gosh. Astronaut. I panicked. Are they going to call that out? Yes. Okay, so when they shout out astronaut, I have to go and… Okay. I don't think I've ever even thought about being an astronaut. It popped into my head. I don't know why. Pretty offensive. I mean, you and I literally work together and I'm standing right here. Alllrighty. They yelled out astronaut and I had to go up and get it like, yes, that's me. I bet they don't have this on the space station. This is nothing like biscuits and gravy. It looks like a scone. It does look like a scone, but they're using it like it's a burger bun. Also, our gravy is dark brown. That looks like some kind of burger sauce. And of course, with biscuits in England, you have to have tea. So we've got southern biscuits and tea. Oh my gosh. Look at that. That's a big cup of tea. It looks like they're just missing the milk. They just need to add milk. What? Yeah, that's very sweet. That is very sweet. Oh, that's good. It is good though. That is good! It's so syrupy. I can feel the sugar lining my mouth. It tastes like tea syrup. That's what it tastes like. Yeah, tea flavoured syrup. I would have that on waffles. You could pour that on waffles. You literally could. Okay. Where do we start, Josh? Because I am so hungry. Let's start with the classic! So first up, we've got a biscuit and it is literally smothered in gravy. It's sopping. There is SO much flavour. I'm a little bit overwhelmed. Quite bready. It's very buttery. Half of that must just be melted butter. Melted butter mixed in with some spices? Or maybe cheese. Is this sausage meat in here? Yeah, there's some sausage! Spiced sausage. You know what? That is actually incredible. I'm kind of lost for words. I just want to keep eating it. There's certain genres of food, right? Which is: warm, slimy and bready. It's like a hug in food form. This is the ultimate food hug. It's the ultimate food hug! You're right. - I think you're right. - 100%. No, you're right, Ollie. No… You're right. You know what? They're right. Southerners are right. Yeah. Alright, well this is just the beginning. Second up, I believe it was called the cowboy. Fried egg… That looks like candied bacon. Oh, there's chicken! It might be steak, Josh. Country fried steak. What's country fried steak? It's just breaded steak and then they deep fry it. Okay, shall I cut it in half? I'll try. Ah, just... Oh gosh, wait. Oh no! You did that with the precision of an astronaut. Ohhhh! Salty. I almost choked. Wow. Holy moly! It's salty. It's greasy. It's buttery. I mean, it tastes like a heart attack. In the best way. In the best way. The batter on the steak is so perfectly seasoned. I'm at loss for flipping words. I mean, the internet, much like this food, is a glorious, happy, fun-filled place. But also, much like this food, if you go in unprotected, you could die an early death. There's threats out there. With over 5,000 servers worldwide, NordVPN provides fast, reliable security to keep you safe from the hackers, the trolls, the other a-holes, but probably not heart disease. It's worth it. This is worth it, but it's not worth going online without NordVPN. Definitely not. Its threat protection service can protect you from tracking ads and also prevent criminals from accessing your data. And with our code, you can get up to 69% off. 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Yeah, but who actually likes to go commando? OK, so no gravy in this. Now this was apparently featured on the Food Network. So even though it doesn't have gravy, I thought we should try it. What is that? I think this is goat's cheese? Ooh, strange addition. This is some kind of jam? Don't they call jam jelly here? No, they have jam and they have jelly. Is this jam or jelly? That's jelly. This is jelly? Gosh, there's a lot of confusing things as an Englishman here. Southern fried chicken obviously, famous. Chicken and biscuit, is that a thing that they go together often? Yeah. So this is a traditional thing. Wow. Goat's cheese, fried chicken, biscuits, some kind of greens… The thing that stood out to me with the fried steak…very nicely seasoned. Like peppery. Peppery, yeah. Really satisfyingly peppery. Quite unique. Like I've never had fried chicken that’s seasoned like that before. OK, let's do this. OK. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm! Oh, wow. Wow! What the heck, man? That shouldn't be that good. That goat's cheese I was skeptical about. It's incredible. Very good. Very good. The chicken, juicy in the middle, beautifully spiced. This has been an eye-opening experience. People talk about comfort food. English tea and biscuits is a comfort food. Definitely. Warming tea. Dip that chocolate biscuit in until it melts just before it falls off. This is obviously more substantial. This is a thousand times more complex. The biscuits we have, sometimes they're a little bit flaky. The scones we have, sometimes slightly flaky. This is so buttery that it's really flaky. You can literally see just flakes of it peeling off. When we were queueing up, there was a guy mixing the dough. I was struck by how there  was so much butter in it. He was actually struggling  to keep it all together. Yeah, it's crazy. I'm completely won over. I am 100% on board with biscuits and gravy. I think I am too. I think it is actually the better biscuit. I could have that three times a week for breakfast in different forms. Sometimes with bacon, like  maple bacon and maple syrup. Most of the time with that beautiful gravy. I'd be a happy, fat, happy fat man. Yeah. - I would. - In that order. Exactly. I just think they're different things. But I do appreciate how much of a warm hug it is. I didn't actually tell you this. My granny died this morning. Yeah. I got a call. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Did you know she was sick? Yeah, yeah. I went to see her right before we came. Oh, that granny. Yeah. I don't know, I can imagine going with relatives. It's just like comfort food. It's unpretentious. And on a day like today when I'm thinking about my   family and obviously pretty far away from my family, it's really nice. It's really nice. It's nice to go somewhere where you can just relax, right? Yeah. And you just have something that's... So homely. Yeah. Getting a hug from your food. Exactly. Oh, love you, man. Love you too. You can totally imagine generations of people here down south making this. Their grandmas making this for their grandkids. Yeah. Really nice. It's interesting that when southerners talk about biscuits and gravy, it's always personal. Yeah. Like, they're always offended. Like, very offended. You have to do it right. Yeah. A lot of the food we've had down here has just been absolutely incredible. If you haven't been to the south, you need to come and try that because that's incredible. Alright, and to wrap up though, I did get one more biscuit to go. You know I love this kind of thing! A little sweet treat. It’s drizzled with icing, and I believe cinnamon? Give that a smell. Try that. We have something like this. We have iced buns in England. We do. And we have scones, which are dessert items, but this is a mixture of the two. An iced biscuit. Oh, it looks like it's got like little cinnamon butter on it. Does that have cinnamon butter? Crunchy exterior. It's made with cinnamon butter, I think. The dough itself. Mmm. I want to dip it. Oh wow, look, there's cinnamon inside. Yeah. Like a cinnamon roll. I want to dip it in my coffee, but it's probably a bad idea. Go for it. Ohhh! Is this a thing Americans do? - Probably not. - Nope. Ducky just goes, Nope. He interrupted you! Mmm! Is it good? They should. They should. Yeah? That is incredible. Elevates it. You don't like the coffee anyway. All right, guys, that's been British people trying biscuits and gravy for the first time. Very, very pleasant experience. Extremely pleasant. I'm on a major sugar high right now. Everything in life just feels really good. Yeah, that's not going to last. OK. All right. Well, before it ends, we'll see you JOLLY soon!
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 2,442,096
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Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy, georgia, home-cooked, southern, comfort food, biscuits, gravy
Id: Pc6SK2N1jrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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