Brits try New York Pizza for the first time!!

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Paris has wine, Greece has salad, England has things that aren't food, Italy has pizza, and New York also has pizza. I've gotten a recommendation from a chef friend of mine. He said, this is the pizza he eats. The locals go to. It's been around since like the 1920s. But before we go there, I thought we should try out a classic slice of Joe's pizza. Started as one spot, and it's like spread into a big franchise now. Look, it literally says the best of New York on the sign there, so. Oh, this is the pizza from Spiderman. Hello, what pizza is this? Fresh mozzarella, okay, can we have one fresh mozzarella and one classic? So this is the difference between, like if you bought a slice of pizza in New York versus London. If you bought it in London, they just give you the slice, it's just cold. Thank you very much, cheers. Oh, it's nice and warm. Yeah. Let's do it. So you wanted the classic cheese. Yeah. Fresh mozzarella. Oh well, stood right by the bins. That's the true New York experience. That honestly looks great. That's the size of a pizza in some of the fancy restaurants that you and Gabie like to go to. Oh, they're very delicate bites. Is it that hot? Oh, it is hot. This one's really hot. That is good. That is, honestly, that is really good. It's extremely thin. Like quite like that pizza we had in Italy, like famously thin. This is fresh mozzarella. It's good, it is good. That is good. Wow, look at that cheese. Oh my gosh. I would choose that a thousand times over this though. You just want the basic, right? Well, it's like what we've said at McDonald's, right? People don't go to... Mm. Sorry, that's really distracting. No one wants premium at McDonald's and I feel like maybe it's the same at Joe's. Good first taste. Now it's time to try the chef's recommendation. This next place we're going, it's not just fast food. This place, been around since the 1920s. This is the local chef's recommendation. This place looks legit. All righty. -Wow. -Okay. I love it already. It feels like we've just taken a step into history. Just look back there. Literally, there's like every celebrity you can imagine on the walls. Really? So from Joe's to John's. Oh yeah. I didn't really realize how similar those are. Yeah, is there a rule? Only men with names beginning with J. With like old school American names. What else could you have? Jasper, Jabba, Jabba the Pizza Hut. How have you gone for Jabba before Josh? Oh gosh. It is staring you in the face. Literally. Oh, fantastic. Look at that. Thank you very much. So what are you guys thinking? I kind of want to try the sasso and pepperoni. What would you recommend? The chubby vesque. That's a good one. It's a good one. I like the name. Yeah. She used to run the place. Oh really? It's named after a person. Wow. Boom pie and a Bianca pie half and half is really good stuff. Let's do that. That's a really good representation of what we do here. Fantastic. That's what we're looking for. That is exactly what we're looking for. Thanks Michael. You got it guys. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Is this a medium? That's a big medium. Okay. How big is the large? It's huge. It's hot. It's properly hot. It looks it. It's come right out of the oven. And Josh, I think there's another one. Oh wow. Bianca, boom. And this one is the? The pepperoni basil and then the half of a classic cheese. Okay. It's like a double decker bus. It is. It's a double decker pizza bus. Of heart disease. Yeah, okay. Look at that. That is a big slice of pizza. Cheers mate. Cheers. Pizza in New York. That is so good. It's dry and crispy on the bottom. The ratio of cheese to tomato. Perfect. Perfectly in balance. Thanos would be happy with that. Yeah, he would. He would. Next up, we have New York pepperoni. This is what I'm talking about. That's what I want. This is surely like one of the American classics. Pepperoni cheesy pizza. It's the tomato sauce that makes it so good. It's crazy good. I don't even like puree tomatoes. It's not just that though. How is the base not oily? Yeah, it's not oily at all. The bottom of the base is dry. So it's the perfect receptacle for the ingredients on top. The basil with the spiced tomato sauce. That's my favourite. I could definitely get. Chubby. I could eat a whole one of these. Yeah, I could get chubby. I could eat a whole one. That is amazing. On a bad day. Yeah. Do you comfort eat by the way? Oh yeah. Because I've realised when I'm stressed. I stress eat. I don't know if it's comforting. But when I'm stressed, I just want to like keep shovelling things in, Because I guess it's a distraction, like a momentary distraction. There's nothing that's really done that differently, but everything's just, everything's a 10. The thing that stood out to me most was the freshness of the tomato sauce. Yeah. And it spices in it. Talking about tomato sauce, the next one we've got is a white pizza. I just said the best thing about it was tomato sauce. Take it out. Sceptical. Take it out. Get rid of the magic ingredient. I normally love white pizza because I'm never a big fan of tomato sauce, But this tomato sauce is so good that I'm not sure how I'm going to feel. Let's give it a go. White pizza. Wait, what? The cheese is different. Tastes like almost like a pasta sauce, like a cheesy pasta sauce. It's creamy. It's just oozing out. Look at that. The cheese takes a spotlight in this one. Yeah. The cheese is amazing. I don't know what, but they use something different in that cheese. That's incredible. I want the tomato sauce again. It's out of balance. We need Thanos to come over here. Click his fingers. Very rude to do in a restaurant, by the way, but he's Thanos, so. Yeah, he doesn't care. He doesn't care. This, okay, this is the most eclectic, isn't it? The slices. This is the heaviest. It is heavy. It's thick with toppings. Look, this one you have to fold. Let's do it. It's heavy. Oh wow. That is a lot. There's a lot in there. That is the sloppiest so far. Definitely the sloppiest. Oh, the sun-dried tomatoes are really sweet. Really sweet. You know what I want though? Balance out that sweetness a little bit. This one I feel like will really benefit from the chilli flakes. I just remember what this one is. This is the boom. You do feel a bit of the boom from the… What do you mean? Like the amount of toppings kind of booms in your face. So it's like a slow boom. Yeah, it's like a boom. Okay, okay. In there with all the sauce and flavours. A boom of flavours. It's like a wrecking ball of flavour. Again, I know I sound like a broken record, but the crust of that. To deliver that many sloppy ingredients. Yeah, you're right. On a dry crust. It's completely dry. Not soggy. Like it's very similar to a soup on top. Like there's so much. It's sloppy, yeah. It really is, right? Favourite pizza? No competition, it's the pepperoni. Pepperoni. Pepperoni is everything that's good about the margarita, But with some spicy pepperoni on it. I would say all of these are some of the best pizzas I've ever had, ever. Wow. I would say the pepperoni one is twice as good as all the rest. It is really, really good. That has been real American pizza in New York. How did the two compare? Joe's is fast food. Yeah. And this is like proper. They've been doing this since the 1920s. I mean, it ain't broke. They've kept it the same. The thing is, you can't really say you would never eat Joe's. No, I would eat Joe's all the time. I would eat Joe's way more than this. Pop in, boom, slice of pizza, done. But if you want just a happy time. Oh, the best time, the best time. Come to Uncle John. Come to Papa John. I smell a lawsuit. I actually feel bad relating this to Papa John. It's not, you can't, you can't do that. Papa John is the abusive relative. Yeah, this is, wow. If you're thinking of setting up a pizza restaurant in New York, I would say Jabba the Pizza Hut as a name, is a homerun. I don't think you can have Pizza Hut in your name. Surely that would be a problem. Oh man, yeah. There's actually multiple copyright issues there. Yeah, yeah. Because Jabba the Hut. Star Wars, yeah. Yeah, Disney are famously litigious when it comes to their IP. All right, guys. We'll see you jolly soon. See you later guys.
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 1,687,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, meme, tiktok, weird, actually good, michelin, crazy, asmr, mukbang, crumbl, NYC, cookies, pizza, newyork, city, asmrmukbang, gentleman
Id: lhWstFu261U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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