Prigozhin’s attempted coup could have been a plot to ’distract’ from Russian reshuffles | Yuriy Sak

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was it a good weekend for your for Ukraine was that a moment in the in in this war which you'll look back on you think as a as a turning point for Ukraine well for us a turning point is when we liberate another square kilometer of our land when we destroy more Russian tanks when we either destroy or capture as prisoners of War more Russian Invaders now of course we did watch very carefully what was happening in Russia over the weekend and of course what happened there is very very strange bizarre and difficult to explain because you know if this was a mutiny for sure this was a very very unusual and odd Mutiny uh we have no idea what happened exactly we have no idea what will be happening next but we can see that Russia is most likely because of the pressure it is under from the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the battlefield Russia is cracking up Russia is resorting to some weird tactics internally either to distract attention or to conduct some reshuffles it's very very unclear but we will persevere we will continue what we are doing uh you know during the month of June we have inflicted for example in terms of military equipment we have inflicted the record number of losses on the Russians during the last 24 hours we have killed almost 1 000 Russian soldiers in our land and you know of course these internal charades uh in Russia and look I will just have to stress that for us for ukrainians every participant of this uh so-called mutinies uh they're all terrorists and war criminals to us so the weaker they are the stronger it makes us and the closer it brings us to our victory um that Victory is of course what you're you're seeking um you say that it's been a record month in terms of June but there is a Feeling that this counter-offensive is going more slowly than expected there is a feeling that actually the war effort including the support from the West has been too slow overall and therefore you're now caught in a war that is going to go on for a long time to come up a slow painful war of attrition did you do you think that's a worry is that a concern for you we to be honest we have been saying this for a very long time that uh has a coalition of three nations we all have to pull our work and step up our efforts to do everything we can to ensure that this does not become a protracted War this is why we have been vehemently calling for more military assistance we have been calling for the types of weapons that are essential for the liberation of our lands we have been calling for f-16s long-range missiles because look we knew that Russians had sufficient time to dig in and then How Deeply entrenched we knew that they had a long time to prepare for our offensive operations and we knew that this wasn't going to be easy but at the same time we have to remember that Russians for example still have air superiority along the front lines and this means that we don't have sufficient means to counter that air superiorly with uh this is why you know we will continue our military command is very capable they have proven it time and again and of course when you say that the progress is slower than was expected we understand that the success of the Ukrainian Army in the past during the Khaki counter-offensive which was blistering during the uh to an extent even during the Herson counter-offensive that kind of created that expectation internationally but let's not forget that this is not a show and this is what our president said many times but I mean Minister of Defense said many times this is not uh seen from a movie or a TV show this is a very very Pierce War very Dynamic War Russians are throwing everything they have in order to stall our advance in order to stop us from moving forward and nevertheless we continue so we just have to be patient uh you know between us between ukrainians by now we have this very very widespread saying which we tell each other uh in times when we are either in doubt or we need inspiration we tell each other trust in the UA Army and everything will be okay so trust in the UAE Army stand with Ukraine continue sending us weapons and this will not be a projected War because Russians can crumble Russians can fold uh in particular considering that apparently not always good in the Russian evil empire as we have seen uh evidenced by the events of the last weekend
Channel: Times Radio
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Keywords: prigozhin, yevgeny prigozhin, putin, russia coup, russia, vladimir putin, putin coup, russian coup, putin prigozhin, russia ukraine war, wagner coup, coup in russia, wagner group russia, coup, russian army, russia ukraine, prigozhin coup, ukraine russia, prigozhin russia coup, wagner group, russia war, russia vs ukraine war update, putin coup russia moscow, putin wagner group, russia news, russia military coup, russian tanks, president russia coup power putin
Id: iMB79HncDlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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